
mapppsMy names mappps i would like to be unbanned from ubuntu-offtopic05:40
mapppsit makes me sad being banned;/05:40
k1l<ntz> one my customer have this (weird) os and he's reporting,.....14:52
k1llast time it was "his friend" and after that he made a lot of drama even on the mailinglist14:52
genii@comment 67335 Connectivity issue, forwarded to ##fix_your_connection16:32
ubottuComment added.16:32
mapppsMy names mappps i would like to be unbanned from ubuntu-offtopic17:21
IdleOnewhy were you banned?17:21
mapppsphunyguy got annoyed17:24
IdleOneyeah blaming others for your actions is not going to get you unbanned. Want to try again?17:24
IdleOneand it wasn't phunyguy who banned you anyway17:25
phunyguyI was just going to say.... I quited, Flannel kicked, and I removed quiet17:25
phunyguygood grief.17:25
* phunyguy bashes keyboard17:26
IdleOneSo mappps, why were you banned?17:26
mapppsi dont know17:30
mapppsmouse said phunyguy banned me17:30
mapppssaid because of my moaning17:30
phunyguyyeah that's not accurate.  I quieted because of the lengthy paste directly in the channel.17:33
phunyguythen removed it shirtly after.17:33
phunyguyshortly too.17:33
IdleOneAlright so the problem we have with you is that you like to get drunk and then come on irc and act like a fool. We can't have that in Ubuntu channels. I will remove the ban this time but if this happens again I can assure you that the ban will last a lot longer.17:33
IdleOnemappps: Do you understand?17:34
mapppsdont come on irc when ive been out17:34
IdleOneban is removed, rejoin -offtopic and part this channel. Thank you for flying AirOne.17:35
IdleOne@comment #ubuntu-ops mappps warned about his drunken irc'ing and that we will not tolerate his silliness.17:36
ubottuComment added.17:36
IdleOne@comment #ubuntu-ooftopic mappps warned about his drunken irc'ing and that we will not tolerate his silliness.17:37
ubottuComment added.17:37
IdleOne@comment #ubuntu-offtopic mappps warned about his drunken irc'ing and that we will not tolerate his silliness.17:37
ubottuComment added.17:37
IdleOnelol -ooftopic17:37
geniiNow I want an #ubuntu-ooftopic18:00

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