=== thomas_ is now known as Guest83535 | ||
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mcc | Hi... I don't know whether to ask about this in here or in #ubuntu... but... I installed ubuntu on my spare partition a few weeks back... I tried it out, it sorta worked... i rebooted into Windows... and now i can't boot back into ubuntu | 03:14 |
mcc | I had a grub, now it's gone | 03:14 |
mcc | or well it doesn't seem to boot anymore | 03:15 |
mcc | i am running a windows 8 software called Visual BCD and i think i am in over my head | 03:15 |
valorie | !grub | mcc | 03:52 |
ubottu | mcc: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 | 03:52 |
valorie | just running grub-repair in the command line might fix it | 03:52 |
mcc | cool | 03:55 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 09:06 |
MoonUnit` | morning | 09:22 |
lordievader | Hey MoonUnit` | 09:22 |
MoonUnit` | think i've sorted my logoff/shutdown problem. | 09:23 |
MoonUnit` | ksmserver: Client "/usr/bin/hotot-qt" ( 10d9e9d775000142934056900000244580013 ) canceled shutdown. | 09:23 |
MoonUnit` | changed to the gtk version now | 09:23 |
chat | hi, supporting for Kubuntu 15.04? | 10:13 |
lordievader | chat: Support for 15.04 is in #ubuntu+1 | 10:31 |
chat | thnx | 10:34 |
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MoonUnit` | hmm thought something was broke after yesterdays reinstall, might be wrong. | 11:58 |
MoonUnit` | https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=346316 | 11:58 |
ubottu | KDE bug 346316 in general "Browse icon button in edit application no listed add icons" [Normal,Unconfirmed] | 11:58 |
BluesKaj | Howdy all | 11:58 |
MoonUnit` | hi BluesKaj | 11:58 |
BluesKaj | Hi MoonUnit` | 11:58 |
MoonUnit` | BluesKaj: found out it was a program stopping logout and shutdown, didn't need to reinstall yesterday :-/ | 12:01 |
MoonUnit` | ksmserver: Client "/usr/bin/hotot-qt" ( 10d9e9d775000142934056900000244580013 ) canceled shutdown. | 12:01 |
lordievader | Hehe, how fun. | 12:01 |
lordievader | qt-mpc is another who cancels logout/shutdown... | 12:01 |
BluesKaj | MoonUnit`, cool , glad you found it :) | 12:02 |
MoonUnit` | changed to the gtk version :) | 12:02 |
BluesKaj | still can't figure out why some Qt4 apps like dolphin don't use the plasma 5 colour settings in system settings/systemsettings5, According to the devs the plasma 4 apps should integrate their settings with plasma 5, but dolphin doesn't here. it's still that default plasma 4 off brown colour when it should be marble (blue) | 12:09 |
=== dziekanatTutaj is now known as thegrymek_ | ||
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darthanubis | Thank goodness my dolphin is not broken like that | 14:05 |
excalibr | https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-27106 | 15:17 |
excalibr | which version of libqt 15.04 has? | 15:17 |
excalibr | libqt5* | 15:18 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest90399 | ||
ubuntu_ | когда все приложения переведут на новые кеды, а то дельфин то новый то старый и так все приложения | 16:01 |
MoonUnit` | http://developer.kde.org/~cfeck/portingstatus.html | 16:04 |
ubuntu_ | спасибо | 16:04 |
Aristide | Hello :) | 16:40 |
Aristide | I want to install all possible KF5 application (Eg : Konqueror5, Dolphin5 ...) | 16:40 |
jp_hranice | Hallo. I miss persistence test in LiveSesion TestCase on Testing Tracker. What is wrong? | 16:40 |
Aristide | I'm under Kubuntu vivid, do you have a repository for that ? | 16:40 |
jp_hranice | Aristide: no experience | 16:41 |
Aristide | Ok :) | 16:41 |
Aristide | No problems :D | 16:41 |
Aristide | i'm googling again for try to find a solution on Internet | 16:42 |
MoonUnit` | many apps are still using kde 4 libs http://developer.kde.org/~cfeck/portingstatus.html | 16:46 |
NeuhNeuh | Hello (again ^^) | 17:21 |
NeuhNeuh | I repeat my problem : | 17:21 |
NeuhNeuh | I want to install all possible KF5 application (Eg : Konqueror5, Dolphin5 ...) I use Kubuntu vivid, but lot of app are stay in 4.x | 17:21 |
excalibr | MoonUnit`, not so familiar with KDE, are those listing also include 3party apps or only apps officially made/maintained by KDE? | 17:51 |
MoonUnit` | includes 3rd party i believe. | 17:52 |
=== aaron__ is now known as ahoneybun | ||
arulmagi | hi Everyone | 18:57 |
mcc | Hello, my Kubuntu I installed no longer boots, my grub has somehow disappeared, I am trying to follow instructions someone in here passed me last night, I am hitting this barrier: http://i.imgur.com/6wSAQDS.jpg | 20:04 |
mcc | It seems to be saying I cannot install grub because I do not have a /boot partition, but I am confused, the original installer did not make a /boot partition. if /boot is needed why didn't the original installer make one? | 20:04 |
=== aaron is now known as ahoneybun | ||
lordievader | mcc: You need to point the --boot-directory options to your boot directory. | 22:01 |
lordievader | I suppose you are not chrooted in? | 22:01 |
mcc | i am not chrooted in. | 22:03 |
mcc | okay. let me start over. | 22:03 |
mcc | i do not have a boot partition. rather, i am using UEFI, and I am booting off of something called shimx64.efi/grubx64.efi on my EFI partition. | 22:03 |
mcc | However, my EFI partition ran into some kind of problem where it was partially corrupted? I ran a program called dosfsck on it and it deleted the "ubuntu" directory. | 22:04 |
mcc | So now I need to somehow install Grub/shimx64.efi onto my efi partition. I am on a kubuntu liveCD. The instructions I am finding on the Ubuntu website are specific to pre-UEFI systems and contain ereferences to things like the "separate boot partition", which I don't have. | 22:04 |
lordievader | I have no experience with uefi I'm afraid. | 22:06 |
mcc | *nods* thanks. | 22:10 |
holounix | hello | 22:21 |
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manots | ? | 23:33 |
dougl | manots, | 23:35 |
manots | yea? | 23:35 |
dougl | ? | 23:35 |
dougl | manots> ? | 23:41 |
dougl | thot I missed a question | 23:42 |
manots | its fine | 23:42 |
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