psusi | that's the thing... of course it is... I can play h264 videos with totem, and chrome | 01:29 |
psusi | it's just firefox that has the problem | 01:29 |
bandit-awake | t | 02:19 |
Bluefoxicy | I hate column writers | 02:41 |
Bluefoxicy | the 5 biggest changes in Ubuntu 15.04 | 02:42 |
Bluefoxicy | 4) Still using Unity 7 for the desktop | 02:42 |
Bluefoxicy | THAT'S NOT A CHANGE, DUMBASS | 02:42 |
Bluefoxicy | and Kernel update isn't a big update | 02:42 |
Bluefoxicy | it's a big update when it's Linux 4.0 with no-reboot patching | 02:43 |
Bluefoxicy | also one of these is "updated applications" | 02:43 |
Bluefoxicy | your new software comes with new software, one of the biggest changes you'll notice | 02:43 |
Bluefoxicy | I should buy a friggin' lwn subscription | 02:43 |
Daekdroom | There probably aren't 5 big changes in Ubuntu 15.04 | 02:43 |
Bluefoxicy | Daekdroom: yes but what the hell? | 02:47 |
Bluefoxicy | ZDNet lists "using the same desktop as the last version" as a change | 02:48 |
Daekdroom | I'm not excusing lazy journalism. | 02:48 |
Daekdroom | Besides, that is such a change the exact same thing happened in 14.10 :P | 02:48 |
Bluefoxicy | heh yeah | 02:51 |
Bluefoxicy | i found the 14.10 upgrade lackluster: the only thing I really noticed was my graphics driver became shit. | 02:51 |
Bluefoxicy | it's still shit. | 02:51 |
Bluefoxicy | It was fantastic and snappy and stable in 14.04. When I moved to 14.10, it would actively crash. It doesn't crash anymore, but Chrome does crash; it sticks and lags when in use, which is why I no longer use Rhythmbox (which causes such lag as to softlock my workstation and require a power cycle) | 02:52 |
Bluefoxicy | I filed a bug, and they told me my bios obviously needed updating. I did that (it wasn't easy! Somehow you have to boot DOS, without floppy drives; the original bios utility would fail if you used memdisk), and it's still broken; but Atlas shrugged, and nobody gives a shit if Intel HD2000 graphics don't work. | 02:53 |
Bluefoxicy | I'm hoping the new 15.04 kernel actually works, because otherwise I'll still have a buggy, broken OS to deal with, and I'm sure filing a bug is useless. | 02:53 |
* Bluefoxicy vent. | 02:54 | |
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lordievader | Good morning. | 09:06 |
MoonUnit` | lordievader: did that blokes audio get sorted out last night? | 10:05 |
lordievader | He removed PA, lost interest after that. | 10:29 |
elfy | people do that a lot ... I read something from 6 years ago that said PA was bad, so ... | 10:31 |
elfy | I'm sure that people did have issues with it - must have been lucky here ;) | 10:32 |
lordievader | PA can be annoying. People's reaction to just remove it is, in my opinion, way too blunt and not a whole lot of fun. | 10:32 |
lordievader | PA was very annoying in the beginning. But lately I've began to enjoy it. | 10:33 |
elfy | as I said - must have been lucky here, never had any problems with it | 10:34 |
MoonUnit` | i remove it for my htpc but had no problem on the desktop. | 10:41 |
BluesKaj | Howdy all | 11:58 |
vitimiti | Fine | 11:59 |
lotuspsychje | MonkeyDust: hello | 13:37 |
MonkeyDust | lotuspsychje | 13:57 |
lotuspsychje | MonkeyDust: add discuss to your favs mate :p | 13:57 |
lotuspsychje | MonkeyDust: #ubuntu-discuss that is | 14:15 |
MoPac | Hello. I've experienced a reversion sometime during the 15.04 development that has affected how signals from my laptop's hardware sensors are interpreted. Nobody has taken official interest in the bug report (, so I'm hoping that someone here might be able to point me to where to look for sensor / hardware switch config | 17:12 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1438422 in urfkill (Ubuntu) "Hybrid laptop's accelerometer tilt interpreted as WiFi hardware switch" [Undecided,New] | 17:13 |
MoPac | (so I might try to make a more detailed diagnosis myself) | 17:13 |
penguin42 | oh that's quite a funny bug | 17:29 |
* penguin42 added a question | 17:32 | |
MoPac | penguin42: That's a good point; I'll try booting with the other kernel | 18:13 |
MoPac | ##kernel hadn't been interested in the question, so I had been thinking that maybe it wasn't that after all, but I should have tested | 18:14 |
MoPac | penguin42: Tested 3.16.0-29 . Bug stayed the same. Posted info in Launchpad | 18:26 |
penguin42 | MoPac: Do you have an /etc/urfkill - and if so what is it's contents? | 18:37 |
MoPac | hardware.conf profile urfkill.conf -- should I make pastes of them? | 18:38 |
penguin42 | MoPac: Well, I don't know much about urfkill, but is there anything in there that looks like it could be relevant to saying what buttons it does etc? | 18:39 |
MoPac | penguin42: not necessarily to my untrained eye. Here's everything in that folder . It has general information about key control, but it's hard for me to tell (a) whether I need to set something different or (b) why, even given that I don't have a hardware switch and it's looking for one, it would mistake the accelerometer | 18:45 |
MoPac | I've also noticed that I have an airplane mode key that no longer seems to do anything on this device, whereas I think used to get an "airplane mode" notification when I toggled it | 18:51 |
penguin42 | MoPac: Yeh, I suspect the airplane thing is the same problem - that's the thing that's supposed to trigger the rfkill | 18:56 |
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