lzkill | just a minute Jordan_U | 00:00 |
=== odranoel is now known as gfodranoel | ||
lzkill | [10760.940811] usb 3-2: new SuperSpeed USB device number 2 using xhci_hcd | 00:02 |
lzkill | [10760.957151] usb 3-2: New USB device found, idVendor=0781, idProduct=5580 | 00:02 |
lzkill | [10760.957155] usb 3-2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 | 00:02 |
lzkill | [10760.957157] usb 3-2: Product: Extreme | 00:02 |
lzkill | [10760.957159] usb 3-2: Manufacturer: SanDisk | 00:02 |
lzkill | [10760.957161] usb 3-2: SerialNumber: AA011202140957272407 | 00:02 |
Jordan_U | !pastebin | lzkill | 00:03 |
ubottu | lzkill: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 00:03 |
lzkill | !pastebin | lzkill | 00:05 |
ubottu | lzkill, please see my private message | 00:05 |
demonspork | Hey, I have a question about LVM volumes. I know you can have parity in an LVM volume group, but can you make an LVM volume group without parity, then add it later? | 00:05 |
Jordan_U | lzkill: Go to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com , copy and paste the complete output of "dmesg" into that page, submit it, then copy the URL of that submission and post just the URL here. | 00:06 |
rich_ | yo | 00:07 |
bekks | demonspork: you are referring to mirroring a LVM volume? | 00:07 |
rich_ | anyone running sparky linux? | 00:07 |
Jordan_U | rich_: This is #ubuntu, a channel for Ubuntu support only. | 00:07 |
demonspork | bekks: is there not a way to have parity (similar to RAID 5) in an LVM volume? Forgive me if I am mis-remembering, I have been out of the linux world for a few years now | 00:07 |
rich_ | ahh so would that be under debian then? | 00:08 |
wxl | rich_: i think there's a #ubuntu-offtopic or you could try ##linux | 00:08 |
rich_ | on the join line? | 00:08 |
lzkill | http://paste.ubuntu.com/10841554/ | 00:08 |
Jordan_U | rich_: No, it would be in whatever channel exists (if any) for "sparky linux". | 00:08 |
wxl | rich_: yeppers | 00:08 |
bekks | demonspork: No, there is no RAID5-comparable functionality in LVM. What you could do is this: you can create a LVM volume and specify the number of copies (for a data block) to be available. | 00:08 |
rich_ | alright thanks am new to this chat thing wasnt sure if anyone used it | 00:08 |
Jordan_U | rich_: You can also ask in ##linux, which supports any distribution. | 00:09 |
demonspork | bekks: but that doesn't protect against drive failures? | 00:09 |
bekks | demonspork: Thats handy when having a disk spanning LV, for having more than one copy of the data block. | 00:09 |
bekks | demonspork: LVM isnt designed for protecting you against drive failures, RAID is. | 00:10 |
demonspork | ok | 00:10 |
demonspork | What is the route to go for this scenario: Currently have 2 drives, and I don't care about parity. Later on I will add more drives and I want the ability to add parity to the array at that point. Is there any technology in the linux world that allows for that to happen? | 00:11 |
bekks | Use a software RAID. | 00:11 |
bekks | And convert the RAID1 into a RAID5 later on. | 00:11 |
demonspork | what software raid options are there in Linux? | 00:12 |
bekks | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID | 00:13 |
glendha | oi | 00:13 |
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob | ||
Pinkamena_D | I have been using viber desktop and seemingly everytime I do a suspend/resume the client vanishes. I can see pop ups if I get messages but otherwise it seems impossible to bring the main window back. I have to send out a SIGKILL and restart it to get it back. | 00:26 |
Pinkamena_D | Any idea what I can do about this? Google is not helping. | 00:27 |
=== PeinigerAlt is now known as Peiniger | ||
=== sleepypc is now known as `hypermist` | ||
jayjo | What would * */4 * * * convert to as a time in a cron job? | 00:51 |
jester_0 | I installed my graphics driver by using a sh script from NVIDIA's website, how can I uninstall it? | 00:53 |
lzkill | my brand new sandisk extreme pen drive makes the network access goes down whenever it's inserted... it's NTFS formatted and contains a folder encrypted with EFS... any clues? http://paste.ubuntu.com/10841703/ | 00:53 |
jester_0 | Sorry, I installed by graphics driver using a .run file, how can I uninstall it? I'm trying to upgrade my graphics card | 00:55 |
Bashing-om | jester_0: Try: Find the .run file for the uninstall operation: -> sudo find / -name "NVIDIA-Linux-*" <- ; you have to run the .run file again with --uninstall: -> ./Nvidiawhatever.run --uninstall (must be cd'd to the directory/location) ; as in -> sudo NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-331.38.run --uninstall <- . | 00:57 |
Bashing-om | jester_0: IF it is an upgrade, the Nvidia installed used to have an upgrader as part of the package .. maybe still does ? | 00:58 |
jester_0 | Bashing-om, thanks I still have the .run file, I used it once to install the drivers for the 1st time so I assume it isn't an upgrade | 01:01 |
=== andrex|off is now known as andrex | ||
Bashing-om | jester_0: From my notes : -> instructions for upgrading aree buried in it's readme file . -> nvidia-installer --upgrade <- . But may be real old info .. check it out to be sure . | 01:05 |
jayjo | n a crontab line I have * */4 * * * ... what does that come out to be? | 01:06 |
jayjo | Every minute, what is hour, every of the rest of them? | 01:06 |
=== DoweedhY_ is now known as DoweedhYaa3qob | ||
jester_0 | Bashing-om, thanks I would use --upgrade only if I am trying to upgrade the driver, correct? Right now I want to remove the driver, because I bought a new graphics card, so I should use --uninstall? | 01:08 |
=== blubberbop is now known as phoenixz | ||
sko | asl | 01:22 |
Bashing-om | jester_0: Yes, if changing the card, remove the driver prior to booting up with a diffrent card, Sorry for the slow response; I was elsewhere for a bit . | 01:30 |
mjollnerd1 | can someone explain why if I have two files (filea.txt and fileb.txt) and I run the following command it doesn't list either file?: ls -l | grep {filea,fileb}* | 01:40 |
umarzuki | mjollnerd1: "|"? | 01:41 |
mjollnerd1 | pipe | 01:41 |
EriC^^ | mjollnerd1: are you trying to list both? | 01:41 |
mjollnerd1 | yes. I'm trying to understand why grep doesn't use the { } symbols like I would expect it to | 01:42 |
jason__ | that's not a proper regular expression (at least not to my knowledge) | 01:43 |
EriC^^ | mjollnerd1: you could use ls -l | grep "filea\|fileb" | 01:43 |
mjollnerd1 | so grep uses regular expressions (I'll look into that). What would be the name given when using symbols such as [ ] and { }? | 01:44 |
EriC^^ | bash expansions? dunno | 01:45 |
jason__ | nah those are regular expression things completely separate from bash stuff | 01:45 |
jester_0 | Bashing-om, thanks a lot man! | 01:46 |
jason__ | man grep has a section on regular expression syntax | 01:48 |
mjollnerd1 | thanks. reading into it now | 01:49 |
=== logic is now known as Guest78626 | ||
lampini | hi | 02:03 |
lampini | hihi | 02:03 |
cfhowlett | lampini, ask your ubuntu question | 02:03 |
[n0mad] | if i cannot start nautilus from a command prompt and there is no error and i've tried different options i've found on the net, is there any other way to find out what's happening? | 02:10 |
[n0mad] | i can only start it as root or from /usr/share/applications | 02:11 |
[n0mad] | and other applications can start it | 02:11 |
ford_ | anyone been able to try the Unreal 4 Engine demo? | 02:11 |
ford_ | under LINUX? | 02:12 |
ford_ | i've tried a few times and given up. | 02:12 |
ford_ | Now I wonder if there is anything to see anyway or just the editor with blank nothing...? | 02:12 |
=== norm is now known as Guest56318 | ||
JinjaNinja | Hello, I'm having problems with HDMI sound output via Ubuntu sound drop down menu. | 02:26 |
JinjaNinja | ive used it before, and it was an available option to choose from and it worked fine. Now it's gone from the options. | 02:26 |
JinjaNinja | can anyone help me out? HDMI isn't an option, it seems, for the sound drop down menu on Ubuntu settings. | 02:29 |
=== ruben is now known as Guest9792 | ||
pc-moon | hello , i wanna make hostname for my laptop | 03:06 |
=== ruben is now known as Guest12494 | ||
bulka | I am trying to login on a ubuntu server it asks me password , after supplying password it shows Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 2.6.32-042stab104.1 i686) | 03:23 |
bulka | * Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/ | 03:23 |
bulka | Last login: Fri Apr 17 23:22:20 2015 from | 03:23 |
bulka | Connection to closed. | 03:23 |
l4l13n | sooo what is the problem? | 03:25 |
rypervenche | bulka: Check your /etc/ssh/sshd_config > Do you have AllowUsers set? | 03:25 |
bulka | rypervenche: it is case for user A, but user B can login with and his connection is not closed | 03:27 |
rypervenche | bulka: Also check to see what the default shell is for that user. It seems the user is able to log in, but something is kicking him/her out. It could also be your pam modules. | 03:28 |
bulka | rypervenche: how to check default shell? | 03:28 |
rypervenche | bulka: grep username /etc/passwd | 03:29 |
bulka | rypervenche: sorry, it is /bin/false, it means it is a system user without login | 03:30 |
bulka | rypervenche: thanks | 03:30 |
=== zz_mbainrot is now known as mbainrot | ||
bulka | rypervenche: so I did set password for this user , will it make any difference? | 03:31 |
=== mbainrot is now known as zz_mbainrot | ||
zzxc | Hey, I have a situation where I have userA and userB both belong to the same group. I have an issue where they are both share a directory that is owned but a group. If userA creates a directory or file then userB can't write in it and viceVersa because the premissions for the new directory are 755. Anyone know a way to fix this? | 03:40 |
rypervenche | zzxc: You need to set the umask. | 03:42 |
Fugs | hi | 03:42 |
rypervenche | zzxc: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/understanding-linux-unix-umask-value-usage.html | 03:42 |
=== Errorless is now known as Unidentified | ||
zzxc | rypervenche: Alright I'll try that both users a deamons though | 03:46 |
lotuspsychje | good morning to all | 03:59 |
max_ | Hey | 04:02 |
=== max_ is now known as Guest53976 | ||
Guest53976 | Anyone here have experience with sys76 machines? | 04:03 |
Guest53976 | hello | 04:03 |
Guest53976 | dont know if my msgs went thru before, cuz nickserv didnt like my id, but was wondering if anyone had experience with system76 machines | 04:03 |
lotuspsychje | !ask | Guest53976 | 04:04 |
ubottu | Guest53976: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 04:04 |
Guest53976 | I put the HDDs from my windows pc into my wild dog performance sytem76 machine running ubuntu, simply dc-ing the drives w/ ubuntu on em, but now windows has system errors that sytem repair cant fix. How can I fix this? | 04:07 |
Guest53976 | the error code i got was 0x570 | 04:07 |
lotuspsychje | Guest53976: are you trying to dualboot windows/ubuntu on your system76 machine? | 04:08 |
umarzuki | Guest53976: connecting it back to ubuntu? | 04:09 |
umarzuki | did ou have any problem? | 04:09 |
Guest53976 | well atm i was just testing out my gfx card and stuff with the hardware on this. it was a dev's computer who used to work for my dad | 04:09 |
Guest53976 | but eventually yea, ill dual-boot | 04:09 |
lotuspsychje | Guest53976: you cant just drag n drop a hd into a machine to make it work, youll have to reinstall windows and dualboot with ubuntu | 04:10 |
lotuspsychje | Guest53976: and why do you need windows on such beast machine as system76? | 04:11 |
Guest53976 | *sigh* i was worried about that. hoped i could avoid it tho | 04:11 |
Guest53976 | lol to play games tbh | 04:11 |
lotuspsychje | Guest53976: steam on ubuntu, playonlinux and wine | 04:11 |
Guest53976 | I am absolutely loving ubuntu on my sys76 laptop tho | 04:11 |
lotuspsychje | !info playonlinux | Guest53976 | 04:12 |
ubottu | Guest53976: playonlinux (source: playonlinux): front-end for Wine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.2.3-1 (utopic), package size 1103 kB, installed size 4227 kB | 04:12 |
Guest53976 | i wanna run gta v lol | 04:12 |
Guest53976 | could i do that | 04:12 |
Guest53976 | with wine i mean | 04:12 |
lotuspsychje | Guest53976: no gta is too heavy for that | 04:12 |
Guest53976 | yea figured | 04:12 |
Guest53976 | well ill grab another hdd and install windows on that | 04:12 |
Guest53976 | so i dont have to write over my current installation | 04:13 |
lotuspsychje | Guest53976: what you can do is, put the win hd in your sys76 and get data back with photorec, then use it as an ubuntu hd | 04:13 |
Guest53976 | cause the files and stuff are still readable | 04:13 |
Guest53976 | okay | 04:13 |
Guest53976 | ill look into that | 04:13 |
lotuspsychje | !info photorec | Guest53976 | 04:13 |
ubottu | Guest53976: Package photorec does not exist in utopic | 04:13 |
lotuspsychje | !info testdisk | Guest53976 | 04:14 |
ubottu | Guest53976: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool, and PhotoRec file recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.14-3 (utopic), package size 314 kB, installed size 1269 kB | 04:14 |
Guest53976 | i do actually have a usb bootdisk for 14.10 or something right here tho | 04:14 |
Guest53976 | so that's convenient i guess | 04:14 |
lotuspsychje | Guest53976: i would install 14.04 or wait for 15.04 (next week) | 04:14 |
Guest53976 | i have 14.04 on my laptop that im using right now | 04:15 |
lotuspsychje | cool | 04:15 |
Guest53976 | for some reason my dad spoiled the shit outta his devs and bought em all the sys76 machines they wanted | 04:15 |
Guest53976 | but now i got em, so im happy with that lol | 04:15 |
lotuspsychje | Guest53976: you should be, such a monster :p | 04:16 |
lotuspsychje | i would never dualboot on those myself :p | 04:16 |
Guest53976 | yea, disappointed the dev didnt hold out for a titan as well tho | 04:16 |
lotuspsychje | Guest53976: does it have an ssd inside? | 04:16 |
Guest53976 | yea lol | 04:16 |
Guest53976 | actually | 04:17 |
lotuspsychje | Guest53976: wich brand? | 04:17 |
Guest53976 | all the ubuntu os drives are just dc-ed | 04:17 |
Guest53976 | uh | 04:17 |
Guest53976 | intel | 04:17 |
lotuspsychje | ok | 04:17 |
Guest53976 | there | 04:17 |
Guest53976 | there's another ubuntu desktop sitting behind me | 04:17 |
Guest53976 | lot more powerful than the wild dog performance tho lol | 04:18 |
Guest53976 | not a system76 tho | 04:18 |
lotuspsychje | !discuss | Guest53976 lets talk there | 04:18 |
ubottu | Guest53976 lets talk there: Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you. | 04:18 |
ijpirela | hi. | 04:18 |
Guest53976 | okay, be right there. ill probs change my nick | 04:18 |
lotuspsychje | okay | 04:19 |
lotuspsychje | ijpirela: welcome what can we do for you? | 04:19 |
ijpirela | nothing just happened to greet :). | 04:22 |
ijpirela | nothing just happened to greet :) | 04:22 |
ijpirela | Greetings from Venezuela. | 04:23 |
rakeshGunderi | what is the use of refresh in windows? | 04:24 |
rakeshGunderi | why it is not in ubuntu? will it use full? | 04:24 |
dasexec | Hi, I'm using VirtualBox VM on a mac to run Ubuntu. It;s working fine, however, the screen real estate is distorted. I've installed a additional pack recommended, switched to both scaled and fullscreen. Scaled is still shrunk, full scale just expands the background and not the actual OS screen. Any suggestions? | 04:25 |
=== justinS is now known as jhsimpson | ||
daftykins | dasexec: are you changing the resolution from within system settings? | 04:29 |
AndChat|312500 | dasexec, Its not scaled that you should select from list. Another one gives full screen can't remember off hand which. | 04:31 |
rakeshGunderi | i think u have to change resolution from system settings. | 04:32 |
rakeshGunderi | have to change ubuntu interface font, help me | 04:36 |
maziar | why this pgp script dont work on my UBUNTU : http://www.ebrueggeman.com/blog/php_site_access_log | 04:45 |
=== Dio is now known as Guest37167 | ||
maziar | why this pgp script dont work on my UBUNTU : http://www.ebrueggeman.com/blog/php_site_access_log | 04:47 |
[n0mad] | can someone help with a DE issue? | 04:47 |
[n0mad] | i'm so done screwing with different DEs after this | 04:47 |
[n0mad] | i installed xubuntu-desktop and xfce4-goodies from the software center | 04:47 |
[n0mad] | i have now uninstalled them and they're still there! | 04:47 |
backbox | salut | 04:50 |
luaboy | apt-get package management has encounted problem | 04:50 |
luaboy | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 04:50 |
luaboy | samba : Depends: python-dnspython but it is not going to be installed | 04:50 |
luaboy | Depends: python-ntdb but it is not going to be installed | 04:50 |
luaboy | how to fix this? | 04:50 |
backbox | i can install cs go on linux ? | 04:51 |
backbox | or steam software | 04:52 |
backbox | join #ubuntu | 04:53 |
backbox | j #ubuntu | 04:53 |
dasexec | backbox, you can download steam and install cs go | 04:54 |
dasexec | Steams website will autodetect you are on linux and give you the correct download | 04:55 |
ACE | hi all | 04:56 |
=== michael__ is now known as Guest15804 | ||
=== pwner is now known as Guest11313 | ||
=== Elimin8r is now known as Elimin8er | ||
athan | Hi everyone. I'm having some trouble finding 32-bit graphics libraries on 14.10 (gamez through wine). Any tips? I'm running Intel gfx hardware :\ | 05:07 |
lotuspsychje | !info playonlinux | athan | 05:07 |
ubottu | athan: playonlinux (source: playonlinux): front-end for Wine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.2.3-1 (utopic), package size 1103 kB, installed size 4227 kB | 05:07 |
=== adriano is now known as Guest70847 | ||
athan | lotuspsychje: It always breaks during install for me :\ | 05:08 |
Guest70847 | list /curitiba | 05:09 |
Guest70847 | #brasil | 05:10 |
=== iBurley_ is now known as iBurley | ||
pc-moon_ | hello , i wanna easy way to change ip to text or domain , my target is open is computer by domain no ip | 05:13 |
daftykins | pc-moon_: sorry that doesn't make sense | 05:16 |
daftykins | pc-moon_: you want to use a domain to connect to a PC on your home network? | 05:17 |
pc-moon_ | yes | 05:17 |
daftykins | pc-moon_: so edit /etc/hosts to add an IP and a domain - but bear in mind if you use a *real* domain, the internet-based one won't work anymore | 05:17 |
pc-moon_ | ok | 05:18 |
pc-moon_ | can you give me an code example | 05:18 |
daftykins | pc-moon_: it'll be pretty obvious, you're adding two things... an IP, and a domain | 05:19 |
pc-moon_ | like is : victor-laptop.org ? | 05:20 |
daftykins | yep, although technically | 05:20 |
pc-moon_ | ok | 05:20 |
pc-moon_ | ill try | 05:20 |
pc-moon_ | Server not found | 05:22 |
daftykins | when trying to do what? | 05:23 |
pc-moon_ | computer can replay pings but another computer cant found | 05:23 |
daftykins | yes these changes only work on *your* computer | 05:23 |
daftykins | because /etc/hosts is only a local file | 05:23 |
pc-moon_ | ok i wanna make it work in my inter net | 05:24 |
daftykins | your home network, you mean | 05:24 |
pc-moon_ | yes | 05:24 |
daftykins | then you'd have to set it on all the PCs | 05:24 |
pc-moon_ | how | 05:24 |
daftykins | like you just did, but per computer | 05:24 |
pc-moon_ | you mean like : server | 05:25 |
pc-moon_ | in hosts file | 05:25 |
daftykins | well i don't think that's your home LAN IP but yes | 05:26 |
daftykins | more likely 192.168.x.x | 05:26 |
pc-moon_ | yes i know its just example | 05:26 |
daftykins | just checking | 05:26 |
pc-moon_ | its imposable to make domain name in my home | 05:27 |
pc-moon_ | or in router | 05:27 |
daftykins | what is the general objective here? you want to play with hosting a website internally only? | 05:27 |
pc-moon_ | im web developer | 05:28 |
daftykins | so this is for an office? | 05:29 |
axighi | hi | 05:29 |
daftykins | pc-moon_: the proper way to do this is to learn how to run your own in-house DNS server, but that is beyond the scope of this support channel | 05:29 |
maziar | why this pgp script dont work on my UBUNTU : http://www.ebrueggeman.com/blog/php_site_access_log | 05:29 |
maziar | i get this error PHP Warning: fopen(log.txt): failed to open stream: Permission denied in | 05:30 |
pc-moon_ | ok then ill go to learn dns | 05:30 |
pc-moon_ | its ok | 05:30 |
pc-moon_ | thank you | 05:30 |
daftykins | pc-moon_: BIND9 might be the ticket | 05:30 |
pc-moon_ | bind9 is DNS | 05:30 |
daftykins | sure is | 05:30 |
pc-moon_ | ok well job | 05:31 |
pc-moon_ | thank you in advance | 05:31 |
ACE | who to upgrade adobe flsh player help | 05:41 |
daftykins | firefox? you can't | 05:41 |
ACE | i have fairefox | 05:42 |
daftykins | if you are wanting to use a website which offers a flash player for say, video, only... your best option is to install chrome with pepperflash and use that | 05:42 |
daftykins | but as it goes for firefox right now, flash is game over | 05:42 |
ACE | fiarefox say: this plugin is vulnerable and should be updated | 05:43 |
daftykins | ACE: yes there are no updates, it is dead - and the truth is as i have described it above | 05:44 |
luaboy | what is py3clean? | 05:45 |
luaboy | and py3compile | 05:45 |
sammy_ | adobe isn't officially supporting linux for flash anymore, only providing security backports, you will need to move to a browser such as chrome which has it by default | 05:46 |
luaboy | I have broken python and now can not do anything | 05:46 |
daftykins | !info py3clean | 05:46 |
ubottu | Package py3clean does not exist in utopic | 05:46 |
daftykins | luaboy: best ask a python channel i'd expect | 05:46 |
ghost_ | hiii guys., ? | 05:54 |
daftykins | hi | 05:55 |
ghost_ | daftykins : where a U from ? | 05:56 |
daftykins | that's not really relevant here, do you have an ubuntu support question for us? | 05:56 |
daftykins | if not, chat is over in #ubuntu-offtopic :) | 05:57 |
ghost_ | daftykins : where are you from ? | 05:57 |
ACE | root@backbox:/tmp# apt-get install google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb | 05:57 |
ACE | E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 05:57 |
ACE | root@backbox:/tmp# sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb | 05:57 |
ACE | E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 05:57 |
ACE | root@backbox:/tmp# | 05:57 |
ACE | ?? | 05:57 |
daftykins | like i said. not relevant here, please read the topic. | 05:57 |
daftykins | ACE: that's not how you install a .deb, "dpkg -i file.deb" | 05:57 |
ACE | chrome installed but who to start? | 06:02 |
daftykins | ACE: type "chrom" into the dash top left? | 06:04 |
ACE | root@backbox:/tmp# sudo chrom | 06:05 |
ACE | sudo: chrom: command not found | 06:05 |
daftykins | ACE: you do not run things with sudo when you are root, and you do not run browsers as root | 06:07 |
daftykins | i'm saying click the 'dash' icon on the launcher top left, if this is unity on standard ubuntu | 06:07 |
theuser | you should use root only when neccessary | 06:07 |
daftykins | !paste | ACE | 06:08 |
ubottu | ACE: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 06:08 |
ACE | ok sorry | 06:08 |
daftykins | np | 06:09 |
daftykins | ACE: so if you read your paste, it didn't successfully install because it ran out of space. are you in a live session right now? | 06:09 |
ACE | yes | 06:10 |
ACE | stik usb 8gb | 06:10 |
daftykins | ACE: yeah you need to make a full install to start playing with some programs, they're just not usable from a live session | 06:11 |
daftykins | chrome for one is too big | 06:11 |
ACE | understand | 06:12 |
ACE | I could get the game on steam cs go on ubuntu? | 06:14 |
daftykins | if you browse the steam store, there is a little icon to show whether a game is available on Linux | 06:15 |
ACE | fps is better or worse (fps : frame per second) | 06:17 |
theuser | i think csgo is on ubuntu | 06:18 |
daftykins | if the game is native to Ubuntu, hard to say - but if it only works under Wine, it'd be worse for sure | 06:18 |
daftykins | *native to Linux i should say | 06:18 |
theuser | its native | 06:18 |
shafa | hiii | 06:19 |
daftykins | http://store.steampowered.com/app/730/ | 06:19 |
daftykins | sure is, penguin icon indeed | 06:19 |
ACE | yes i see thx | 06:20 |
boogie | Anyone awake that could help me with what I believe is a simple issue? | 06:23 |
daftykins | once you ask it, possibly :) | 06:24 |
boogie | Had Dropbox hang while installing, found a terminal command that could fix the dpkg issue I was having, where it was locked, but the command yields "dpkg: error: dpkg status database is locked by another process" | 06:24 |
daftykins | !aptlock | 06:25 |
ubottu | If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 06:25 |
daftykins | try that | 06:25 |
boogie | sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a USER PID ACCESS COMMAND /var/lib/dpkg/lock: root 2803 F.... dpkg Kill process 2803 ? (y/N) y dpkg: error: dpkg status database is locked by another process | 06:26 |
daftykins | reboot first, you could sit and try to find and kill software manager processes but this would be easiest i think | 06:26 |
boogie | I was trying to install from the ubuntu software center,if that makes a difference | 06:26 |
boogie | I tried a reboot | 06:26 |
boogie | That's what causes the issue. | 06:27 |
boogie | I couldn't do the previous method untill I rebooted. | 06:27 |
daftykins | hrmm | 06:27 |
boogie | I've been googling my fingers off lol | 06:27 |
daftykins | ok hang on | 06:27 |
daftykins | i sense there might be a PID file somewhere that needs nuking | 06:27 |
boogie | It was running very quick beofre the db hang | 06:28 |
daftykins | can you use http://paste.ubuntu.com to share to me the terminal output of "ps -ef | grep dpkg" ? | 06:29 |
daftykins | ah... | 06:29 |
daftykins | boogie: how about "sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock" then "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a" ? | 06:29 |
boogie | So I should copy/paste ps -ef | grep dpkg in terminal | 06:29 |
boogie | ? | 06:29 |
daftykins | you can ignore and skip straight to the above | 06:30 |
boogie | ok | 06:30 |
boogie | did nothing after first command. Second didnt do anything but is acting as if it is | 06:31 |
boogie | Now I think terminal froze. Sheesh | 06:31 |
daftykins | yeah first should've completed fine | 06:32 |
boogie | I can try again. | 06:32 |
daftykins | nah hit space if it's sat on a new line with nothing | 06:32 |
daftykins | it'll move if it's busy but still alive | 06:32 |
boogie | it moved | 06:32 |
boogie | so its busy? | 06:32 |
boogie | I really need to get fluent in ubuntu's language. I love tinkering with it. | 06:33 |
daftykins | :D | 06:33 |
boogie | \What language is it? PPython? | 06:33 |
daftykins | might be yeah, i'd let it run if i were you | 06:33 |
boogie | ok | 06:33 |
daftykins | well these are command line commands at the BASH shell | 06:33 |
boogie | ok | 06:33 |
boogie | I've been learning HTML and CSS, but this is totally different. | 06:34 |
daftykins | yeah, web languages are more markup than programming - and shell commands are more, commands than programming :D | 06:34 |
boogie | Is there cool commands in this chat like\ | 06:35 |
boogie | !ping | 06:35 |
ubottu | pong! | 06:35 |
boogie | \lol | 06:35 |
boogie | !rekt | 06:35 |
boogie | :/ | 06:35 |
daftykins | yeah, although we tend to be pretty strict on keeping things about the support, so you can feel free to abuse ubottu in PM | 06:35 |
boogie | I was just wondering. | 06:35 |
boogie | Terminal is still sitting. | 06:36 |
daftykins | should be some clues like the system hard disk LED as to whether it's working away much | 06:36 |
daftykins | or you could run the system monitor app, which is kinda like the task manager if you've used Windows before | 06:37 |
boogie | Yep, it's flashing away. | 06:37 |
boogie | I have. | 06:37 |
boogie | I have this installed on an external, but that shouldn't matter. | 06:37 |
boogie | Ok, it finished | 06:37 |
boogie | Did nothing tho. | 06:37 |
daftykins | may very well be slowing it down if that's over USB then | 06:37 |
daftykins | typically in Linux land, no output means "yep that was fine, all is well" | 06:37 |
daftykins | so remind me what you were installing again? | 06:38 |
boogie | Good lol | 06:38 |
boogie | Dropbox | 06:38 |
daftykins | ah yes | 06:38 |
boogie | Thousands of people have had this problem. | 06:38 |
daftykins | what does this do? "dpkg -l | grep dropbox" | 06:38 |
boogie | but all were fixed by my initial fix attempt | 06:38 |
boogie | iF nautilus-dropbox 0.7.1-2 Dropbox integration for Nautilus | 06:39 |
daftykins | hrmm | 06:39 |
daftykins | one sec | 06:39 |
boogie | I originally tried sudo dpkg -r nautilus-dropbox | 06:39 |
daftykins | ah right | 06:39 |
boogie | Can we not just purge dropbox? | 06:40 |
daftykins | i was just checking if that was the only package needed | 06:40 |
boogie | Or will it fail because the dpkg is locked? | 06:40 |
daftykins | "sudo apt-get install --reinstall nautilus-dropbox" | 06:40 |
boogie | ok | 06:40 |
boogie | E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 06:41 |
boogie | If you fix this, you, at the least, deserve gold. | 06:41 |
daftykins | ah looks like i had a very similar but not quite right version of that command, above | 06:42 |
daftykins | so yeah just run what it suggests there | 06:42 |
daftykins | gold at the ubuntu olympics \o/ | 06:42 |
boogie | So I should run | 06:43 |
boogie | sudo dpkg --configure -a | 06:43 |
boogie | ? | 06:43 |
boogie | Just want to be sure. | 06:44 |
daftykins | yip | 06:44 |
boogie | I believe it is redownloading it. | 06:44 |
boogie | Yep. | 06:45 |
boogie | Almost finished | 06:45 |
boogie | It bhit 100% and is stalled. I assume it is installing it. | 06:46 |
boogie | My bottle of brandy is almost finished too. :( | 06:47 |
daftykins | that's no good! | 06:48 |
daftykins | although it's 8am here so perhaps that's a good bed time if you're stateside :D | 06:48 |
boogie | Yeah, it's still hung up. | 06:51 |
boogie | I didn't notice you replied, sorry. My browser didn't auto scroll. lol | 06:52 |
daftykins | :D | 06:52 |
daftykins | ah the perils of webchat | 06:52 |
boogie | I am in the states too. 2am here. | 06:52 |
boogie | Damn dropbox. I only needed it for a moment. I could have just used the browser version. lol | 06:53 |
daftykins | oh i'm not, near England and France here | 06:54 |
daftykins | XD | 06:54 |
daftykins | but this'll be easier past-boogie said! | 06:54 |
boogie | Ah, I would love to visit the place. | 06:54 |
boogie | My gf would not leave, I'm sure of it. | 06:54 |
daftykins | she must like rain | 06:55 |
boogie | Ha. | 06:55 |
boogie | She does, actually. | 06:55 |
JohnnyL | I'm getting 'There was a problem connecting to the CUPS server'. It prints fine, i just can't get to printer properties from the GUI anymore?! | 06:56 |
boogie | I would need to brush up on my French. I took 3 years of French in High School. | 06:56 |
=== leonardo is now known as Guest10227 | ||
daftykins | JohnnyL: tried opening http://localhost:631 in your browser? | 06:58 |
daftykins | boogie: they kinda forced it upon us, but i switched to German 'cause i found it way easier :P | 06:59 |
boogie | Wonder why I'm still hung up? Same problem I originally had except that I'm in terminal and not the software center. | 06:59 |
boogie | German does sound easy to learn | 06:59 |
JohnnyL | daftykins: looks good, but what is the acct/pw for cups? | 07:00 |
boogie | French isn't bad, I just can't get the masculine and feminine differences locked down. | 07:00 |
daftykins | JohnnyL: your username + pass i think | 07:00 |
daftykins | boogie: disk light still going? | 07:01 |
Meerkat | will ubuntu still use unity in 15.04? | 07:01 |
boogie | Yep, but my cpu isn't being dragged down any longer. Everything is fast again. | 07:02 |
cfhowlett | Meerkat, yes | 07:02 |
boogie | That was my main problem. lol I don't really need to download anything else on this external. I just like using Ubuntu. lol | 07:02 |
cfhowlett | Meerkat, unity is going to be with us for some time. deal with it. | 07:02 |
cfhowlett | :) | 07:03 |
JohnnyL | daftykins: nope, no acct/pws work. | 07:03 |
boogie | but if I close the terminal, it may return. sigh | 07:03 |
ki7mt | I like Unity .. once I got used to it. | 07:03 |
boogie | I'lll just leave it open all night. ha | 07:03 |
daftykins | JohnnyL: hrmm i'd only be googling then i'm afraid | 07:04 |
daftykins | ki7mt: stockholm syndrome :) | 07:04 |
ki7mt | daftykins, indeed :-) | 07:04 |
boogie | Think I should just close the termina? | 07:06 |
daftykins | nah, see if it'll play out | 07:06 |
boogie | LED is still flashing tho. | 07:06 |
boogie | k | 07:06 |
boogie | Will do. If in the morning it is the same, I'll stop in again. Night for you. lol | 07:07 |
=== ubik is now known as Guest35060 | ||
boogie | Goodnight/day guys. Thank you for the help. | 07:07 |
daftykins | np, cya :) | 07:08 |
JohnnyL | wow this really sucks dick. | 07:09 |
daftykins | language, please | 07:09 |
cfhowlett | JohnnyL, stop now. | 07:11 |
cfhowlett | !guidelines | JohnnyL | 07:12 |
ubottu | JohnnyL: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines | 07:12 |
ki7mt | I don't see allot of activity in #ubuntu-motu, is there a more active channel they hang out in ? | 07:14 |
daftykins | i think official types are more caught via other means, ki7mt | 07:14 |
oranjuice | hey. I'm trying to connect to a VPN on Ubuntu 14.04. After a create a new connection and click on the network (or Wifi) button on top (next to time, volume, etc.), and hover over "VPN connections", I see my new VPN connection, but I can't click on it because it's disabled. | 07:15 |
oranjuice | any idea why this might be happening? | 07:15 |
JohnnyL | hours of guessing because some open source programmer decided to do a politcal move. | 07:15 |
JohnnyL | sorry about the lanugage. | 07:15 |
ki7mt | daftykins, Yeah, they must be, there's 130+ in there but hardly ever any traffic. | 07:15 |
JohnnyL | but i am pissed. | 07:15 |
oranjuice | None of the guides I used addressed this. The same steps work for anyone else. | 07:16 |
`hypermist` | Hmm i need to install mono but its not installing :s | 07:16 |
JohnnyL | ft | 07:20 |
`hypermist` | Someone able to help me | 07:20 |
Ben64 | `hypermist`: you've been here enough to know how this works. give details | 07:20 |
`hypermist` | I follow steps and nothing i get no log thats it ben | 07:21 |
Ben64 | "steps" ? | 07:21 |
daftykins | must be that pop band from the early 2000s | 07:21 |
`hypermist` | The steps on their website at http://www.mono-project.com/docs/getting-started/install/linux | 07:22 |
Ben64 | why not "sudo apt-get install mono-runtime" | 07:22 |
`hypermist` | Did i know i could to that ? Nope, Cause i was just following what things tell me to do | 07:22 |
Ben64 | stop following random webpages | 07:23 |
Ben64 | look in the software center first | 07:23 |
`hypermist` | How do i look at that | 07:23 |
`hypermist` | with only a terminal | 07:23 |
daftykins | apt-cache search <thing to search for> | 07:24 |
daftykins | after a friendly "apt-get update" | 07:24 |
Ben64 | you should undo whatever you did following those steps though | 07:24 |
Nothing_Much | Uhhhh | 07:24 |
Nothing_Much | I saw a cool thing on G+ and it involved .debs being converted to snappy packages | 07:24 |
Nothing_Much | .... Can there exist a .deb to a ... .click package? | 07:25 |
Ben64 | you should ask #snappy | 07:25 |
=== noteness is now known as Neexia | ||
`hypermist` | I need to install mozroots and xbuild can i have which is apart of Mono may i have some help (Yes i ask to many god damn questions that you guys probably want to slap me but i need help) | 07:32 |
cfhowlett | !details | `hypermist`, ask questions ... AFTER providing details! no detailz = no helpz | 07:33 |
daftykins | have you even tried the advice you've just received? | 07:33 |
ubottu | `hypermist`, ask questions ... AFTER providing details! no detailz = no helpz: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 07:33 |
`hypermist` | i did provide as much detial as i know cfhowlett i said it comes with mono but idk what else | 07:34 |
ANJ7 | !ping | 07:34 |
ubottu | pong! | 07:34 |
`hypermist` | i need to know the package for the xbuild and mozroots | 07:36 |
daftykins | `hypermist`: i told you the command of how to search for packages, use it. | 07:37 |
`hypermist` | daftykins, yep i did that but that still doesnt help im mostly a noob with this stuff | 07:38 |
`hypermist` | cause i do mozroots but it returns nothing | 07:38 |
afshin | hey | 07:39 |
cfhowlett | `hypermist`, "do" mozroots? what exactly is "do"??? | 07:39 |
cfhowlett | afshin, ask your ubuntu question | 07:39 |
afshin | hey guys. you are awesome | 07:40 |
`hypermist` | cfhowlett, i do apt-cache search mozroots and nothing is returned i will try one more step and see if it works but if not i will come back | 07:40 |
`hypermist` | !pastebin | 07:41 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 07:41 |
`hypermist` | http://paste.ubuntu.com/10842934/ i get this when i do the command for the software im trying to install yes i know it says missing dll at the bottom but i need those other two to be fixed haha xD but idk what to do | 07:42 |
Ben64 | `hypermist`: you'll have to contact the developer for help building whatever that is | 07:43 |
`hypermist` | Its apart of mono | 07:43 |
Ben64 | have you tried typing 'mozroots' on the terminal | 07:44 |
guideX | ubuntu phone in the us soon? | 07:44 |
daftykins | `hypermist`: well sadly it's quite apparent you want things handed to you, some thought is required on your part i'm afraid :) | 07:44 |
daftykins | !touch | guideX | 07:44 |
ubottu | guideX: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch | 07:44 |
cfhowlett | !phone guideX | 07:44 |
cfhowlett | http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/intrepid/man1/mozroots.1.html | 07:45 |
`hypermist` | oh Ben64 i didnt know, that | 07:45 |
guideX | thanks for the site, but does anyone know when I can get ubuntu phone in the us soon? | 07:46 |
guideX | or like target dates etc | 07:46 |
cfhowlett | guideX, info is on θe site | 07:46 |
`hypermist` | well that cleared up the issue thanks Ben64 | 07:47 |
guideX | well there's a lot on the site... I was hopeing to get the answer in here, I don't exactly see it on the root of the site | 07:47 |
daftykins | guideX: please visit the appropriate channel | 07:47 |
cfhowlett | guideX, exactly. when announced it will ʃow θe info | 07:47 |
guideX | daftykins: oh, is there a ubuntu touch channel | 07:48 |
daftykins | guideX: see above | 07:51 |
=== circ-user-gOjCK is now known as danopia | ||
=== Neexia is now known as noteness | ||
JohnnyL | Why am I getting Forrbidden in cups browser interface? | 07:57 |
cfhowlett | JohnnyL, permissions | 07:57 |
JohnnyL | cfhowlett: thanks | 08:01 |
cfhowlett | happy2help! johnnyL | 08:02 |
Notimik | hi all, any one more than me that got problems with the screensaver dont kicking in in unity? | 08:03 |
cfhowlett | Notimik, unity HAS no screensaver. what are you doing? | 08:04 |
Notimik | well call it screen turn off then same thing for me | 08:04 |
Notimik | it dont lock screen either | 08:05 |
=== Thelks is now known as zz_Thelks | ||
[Saint] | is the "lock screen after: N" setting non-zero perhaps?? | 08:27 |
[Saint] | Settings - Brightness & Lock - Turn screen off when inactive for: N | 08:28 |
[Saint] | and | 08:28 |
[Saint] | Settings - Brightness & Lock - Lock screen after: N | 08:29 |
daftykins | sadly the user did not hang around long enough to see those | 08:29 |
[Saint] | Argh - bums. I scanned the joins and parts since he spoke but I missed it. | 08:30 |
[Saint] | meh, such is life. | 08:30 |
daftykins | i tend to like to go with nickname tab completes to confirm | 08:31 |
daftykins | also has the benefit of attracting their attention | 08:31 |
[Saint] | yeah, good point. I should have done so. | 08:31 |
=== pwner is now known as Guest81071 | ||
* [Saint] goes back to watching leaked game of thrones and ruining it for himself because he'll watch them all in one night and then have to wait until the 12th or March for the next episode | 08:32 | |
[Saint] | *12th of | 08:32 |
=== parnstermia|2 is now known as parnstermia_ | ||
=== leonardo is now known as gfodranoel | ||
toshiba_ | hi, I can essporre my problem , I would like smartphones acquarius 4.5 ubuntu ontouh sincronizarlo with nautilus , how should I do ? thanks | 08:49 |
cfhowlett | !it | toshiba_ | 08:50 |
ubottu | toshiba_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 08:50 |
=== TheNumb is now known as e^x | ||
toshiba_ | copy files from notebook to nautilis 4.5E | 08:53 |
toshiba_ | help me | 08:53 |
=== e^x is now known as TheNumb | ||
bryan | hello | 08:56 |
ND | Hello all. Sorry, english isn't my native. Can someone help me with LXC? I got var/lib/cache files from SLES 11 SP3, so what steps should I do for creation container using sles rootfs files? Or it's not possible? I am using 14.04 LTS | 09:01 |
=== zz_Thelks is now known as Thelks | ||
bekks | ND: It isnt possible with that files only. Download an installation CD. | 09:02 |
ND | Yes, I have SLES iso file | 09:03 |
ND | What steps should i do? Or maybe some documentation exists in internet? I tried find something, but any luck | 09:03 |
bekks | https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/lxc.html :) | 09:04 |
ND | But Ubuntu doesn't have SLES template | 09:04 |
bekks | Create your own container, install whatever OS in it. | 09:05 |
ND | Hmmm | 09:05 |
ND | You mean "empty" container ? | 09:05 |
bekks | Sure. | 09:05 |
ND | hmm, thanks, I will try :) | 09:05 |
=== Thelks is now known as zz_Thelks | ||
ivan_ | hi | 09:35 |
daftykins | hello | 09:36 |
=== ivan_ is now known as Guest59017 | ||
daftykins | !pm | Guest59017 | 09:38 |
ubottu | Guest59017: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. | 09:38 |
=== Kevin is now known as Guest30116 | ||
ND | According documentation I should use something like "lxc-create -n empty -t none", but perhaps some bug exists - lxc_create.c: main: 274 error creating container empty | 09:46 |
=== gary is now known as Guest92014 | ||
wade_ | hi | 10:04 |
daftykins | hi | 10:04 |
Luyin | good morning, I'm having trouble reaching a network printer from my Xubuntu 14.04. I tried setting it up via the printer config, then via the CUPS web interface. every time I send a test page job, I get an "could not locate printer". what could I do? | 10:07 |
daftykins | are you entering the correct IP address? | 10:09 |
Luyin | daftykins: I haven't seen any IP addresses so far. the printer was automatically discovered both by the web interface and by the printerconfig | 10:12 |
daftykins | try ditching that adding manually perhaps | 10:12 |
daftykins | or look up in the printer documentation whether it requires a non-standard LPR queue name or RAW port number | 10:12 |
phraktle | Hi! I have created a PPA and uploaded a package a few hours ago (using backportpackage), but it's still not showing up... How long is this supposed to take? | 10:15 |
daftykins | created a PPA where? | 10:15 |
phraktle | https://launchpad.net/~phraktle/+archive/ubuntu/backports | 10:15 |
daftykins | launchpad might have a channel, i don't think it's directly related to ubuntu | 10:16 |
daftykins | oh ok maybe it is - big fat copyright Canonical XD | 10:16 |
wizard_A | i am having sound issues in ubuntu.. :( | 10:16 |
dtcs | Hi, how do I store a 50-digit number in C++? | 10:17 |
wizard_A | i tried pulseaudio, but in vain | 10:17 |
daftykins | dtcs: step 1, is go to a C++ channel - and ask them. | 10:17 |
phraktle | daftykins: yes, and the package was uploaded via backportpackage tool from the ubuntu-dev-tools package, so I would say it's ubuntu related ;) | 10:18 |
daftykins | meh, still a web service. | 10:18 |
phraktle | daftykins: but i'll check if there's a launchpad channel... | 10:18 |
daftykins | and you still might be able to find a more relevant channel :) | 10:18 |
daftykins | good stuff! | 10:18 |
daftykins | !alis | phraktle this might be useful | 10:18 |
ubottu | phraktle this might be useful: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* | 10:18 |
daftykins | dtcs: you too ^ | 10:19 |
dtcs | daftykins: tried joining the ##c++ and posted, got response from my IRC client that I can not post in that channel. | 10:19 |
Luyin | daftykins: is it possible that the IP address looks like ""? I have only seen something like "192.168.[1 digit].[up to 3 digits]" | 10:19 |
daftykins | dtcs: you probably have to be registered and recognised, #freenode can help you with that. | 10:19 |
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob | ||
froyo | Hello | 10:37 |
daftykins | hi | 10:37 |
froyo | How can I view qmlscene version? | 10:38 |
froyo | I don't find any manpage for qmlscene | 10:38 |
daftykins | installed from a package? | 10:39 |
froyo | repos | 10:39 |
daftykins | apt-cache showpkg <package> ? | 10:40 |
froyo | it just showing dependencies | 10:40 |
daftykins | er "apt-cache policy <package>" ? | 10:42 |
daftykins | i always forget which of those two does what :> | 10:42 |
Trigo | Hello, just wanna ask...can I develop ubuntu touch app without the device? | 10:43 |
daftykins | !touch | 10:43 |
ubottu | Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch | 10:43 |
Trigo | owh...thanks | 10:43 |
Trigo | tanks for that | 10:46 |
Trigo | thanks* | 10:46 |
daftykins | np (: | 10:46 |
Luyin | ok fixed it by choosing AppSocket/HP JetDirect and entering the IP address manually. thanks for your help | 10:46 |
=== dinet_ is now known as dinet | ||
=== ramon is now known as Guest46178 | ||
lluisos | hola | 11:06 |
lluisos | hola | 11:07 |
lluisos | hola | 11:07 |
lluisos | ???????¿?¿¿ | 11:07 |
cfhowlett | lluisos, ask your ubuntu question | 11:07 |
vitimiti | !es | lluisos | 11:07 |
ubottu | lluisos: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 11:07 |
=== BOHverkill_ is now known as BOHverkill | ||
afshinme1 | ? | 11:13 |
=== Guest30116 is now known as Kevin-leo | ||
saurabhdare | Hi, I'm using 14.04.2 on a x86_64 bit system. I want to install ubuntu-sdk. | 11:18 |
saurabhdare | However, http://askubuntu.com/questions/592614/cant-install-ubuntu-sdk-after-installing-ubuntu-14-04-2 | 11:18 |
saurabhdare | This does not fix my installation | 11:18 |
saurabhdare | I have qtcreator installed already not the sdk. | 11:18 |
Trigo | saura....why you can't? | 11:19 |
saurabhdare | Trigo, it installs but I cannot launch it. Only qtcreator starts. | 11:20 |
saurabhdare | I've all the upgrades and updates done. | 11:20 |
Trigo | Actually, Ubuntu-SDK is based of Qt creator. | 11:20 |
saurabhdare | I don't have any PPA installed. | 11:20 |
vitimiti | saurabhdare, have you tried launching ubuntu-sdk from the terminal and see what happens? | 11:21 |
saurabhdare | vitimiti, lemme see. | 11:21 |
vitimiti | saurabhdare, from my experience some times the programs won't appear in the dash until you do that (it always happens to me with latexila) | 11:21 |
vitimiti | idk why | 11:22 |
saurabhdare | vitimiti, the icon appears; however, only qtcreator starts. Not the modified Ubuntu-sdk with its plugins and all. | 11:22 |
vitimiti | hm | 11:22 |
Trigo | saura..you install it from repos? | 11:22 |
Metaqueer | salut | 11:22 |
Metaqueer | je suis pede | 11:23 |
saurabhdare | yeah from repo not PPA | 11:23 |
cfhowlett | !fr | Metacity | 11:23 |
ubottu | Metacity: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 11:23 |
kevinde | How is it possible after the kernel upgrade i'm stuck on the login screen? If I use a older kernel to login it works fine. The login screen pretty much goes into a loop if I use the newest kernel after filling in my password it flashes and brings me to the login screen again | 11:23 |
cfhowlett | !fr | Metaqueer sorry metacity | 11:23 |
ubottu | Metaqueer sorry metacity: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 11:23 |
Trigo | Last time, I installed it from PPA, and worked. | 11:23 |
MonkeyDust | cfhowlett he was scolding | 11:23 |
cfhowlett | MonkeyDust, mon dieu! | 11:23 |
saurabhdare | Trigo, hmm. I am too afraid to have any PPA | 11:23 |
Metaqueer | haha way to go | 11:23 |
Metaqueer | you pinged the wrong guy | 11:23 |
Metaqueer | twice | 11:23 |
vitimiti | saurabhdare, I can't try to reproduce the bug, I'm on 15.04 | 11:23 |
cfhowlett | Metaqueer, torette's. sorry. | 11:24 |
saurabhdare | maybe It has dependency on any new libs or mesa | 11:24 |
saurabhdare | I want to stay on 14.04 | 11:24 |
vitimiti | saurabhdare, you can just follow this guide and use the ppa: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-sdk/installing-the-sdk/ | 11:25 |
Trigo | https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-sdk/installing-the-sdk/ | 11:25 |
Metaqueer | oh you want tourrette's? | 11:25 |
Metaqueer | ill show you tourettes | 11:25 |
Metaqueer | TROLOLOLOLOLO | 11:26 |
Metaqueer | IM GAY EVERYONE | 11:26 |
saurabhdare | vitimiti, Trigo : okay | 11:26 |
Metaqueer | I have no clue how to catalyse a channel | 11:26 |
Trigo | the official webpage encourage us to download from ppa | 11:26 |
saurabhdare | Metaqueer, congratulations | 11:26 |
Metaqueer | I set g+ | 11:26 |
cfhowlett | Metaqueer, knock it off. | 11:26 |
Trigo | it's easy as install from repos. | 11:26 |
Metaqueer | cfhowlett YOU FUCK | 11:26 |
Metaqueer | TROLOLOLOLOLO | 11:26 |
Metaqueer | mmmmmmmmmm | 11:26 |
* Metaqueer cums all over channel | 11:26 | |
kevinde | if I'm logged in on kernel .48, Can I remove kernel .49 safely, | 11:26 |
cfhowlett | !ops | Metaqueer | 11:26 |
ubottu | Metaqueer: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang | 11:26 |
bekks | kevinde: Why dont you reboot to kernel .49 and remove .48? :) | 11:26 |
kevinde | bekks: if you scroll abit up, I explained my problem there. Maybe reinstalling the newest kernel would help, | 11:27 |
bekks | kevinde: With the new kernel, can you login into a terminal? | 11:28 |
kevinde | I haven't tried that yet, but I suppose that should be no problem | 11:29 |
kevinde | was that alt + F2 or something, | 11:29 |
vitimiti | CTRL + ALT + F1 | 11:29 |
vitimiti | For example | 11:29 |
kevinde | I will attempt to login trough terminal and come back | 11:30 |
kevinde | brb | 11:30 |
kevinde | bekks: I can login into the terminal with no problems | 11:37 |
saurabhdare | vitimiti, | 11:37 |
saurabhdare | works :) | 11:37 |
saurabhdare | brb | 11:37 |
vitimiti | saurabhdare, nice | 11:37 |
htqp | Hello, since the latest chromium-browser update, if I switch workspaces, it fails to display the browser. It gets redrawn element by element after hovering with the mouse | 11:49 |
htqp | any idea? | 11:49 |
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htqp | (xubutnu 14.04) | 11:54 |
BluesKaj | Howdy all | 11:58 |
gr33n7007h | Howdy BluesKaj :) | 11:59 |
BluesKaj | hi gr33n7007h | 12:03 |
Ramona | /msg NickServ confirm JcQCknIML | 12:06 |
Ramona | lel | 12:06 |
MonkeyDust | change your password! | 12:07 |
Aamit | hi <Ramona, how r u? | 12:07 |
gr33n7007h | I've come to the conclusion, of all the nicks on #ubuntu this take first prize [0__0] :) sorry for otopic | 12:09 |
Ramona | MonkeyDust: i did lel | 12:11 |
Ramona | Aamit: good other than freenode unregistered my nick somehow | 12:12 |
Aamit | :( just look the reasons on google... It will help you. | 12:13 |
gr33n7007h | Ramona: ask in #freenode for possible reasons | 12:14 |
Aamit | gr33n7007h, yes correct | 12:14 |
htqp | ok for those interested, here's the bug report https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=293128&q=workspace&sort=-modified&colspec=ID%20Pri%20M%20Week%20ReleaseBlock%20Cr%20Status%20Owner%20Summary%20OS%20Modified | 12:19 |
hidden | i did rm -rf bitcoin-abe but it didn't free up diskspace | 12:27 |
syrako | hi | 12:28 |
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audreeliss | how to delete the remaining files in KDE? The main kde-full've deleted, but the program remained, how to remove them all at once? | 12:33 |
MrElendig | audreeliss: how did you delete them? | 12:36 |
* MrElendig smell a xyproblem | 12:36 | |
MrElendig | hidden: if it is still running or kept open by some process then it won't be freed until those processes terminates or frees the handle | 12:36 |
audreeliss | apt-get autoremove | 12:37 |
* afshinmeh | 12:37 | |
audreeliss | but remained to kde | 12:37 |
EriC^^ | audreeliss: apt doesn't remove the programs, you have to manually remove them | 12:38 |
EriC^^ | there's a website with a list of the stuff for each de, psychocats.com or something | 12:38 |
audreeliss | EriC^^: thx :) | 12:39 |
EriC^^ | http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu | 12:39 |
EriC^^ | make sure you have the same ubuntu version | 12:39 |
OerHeks | I think after removal, logout and login again ? | 12:39 |
EriC^^ | somebody should write a program that checks if everything that gets pulled in by the metapackage is a dependency of the de a person wants to keep and if not remove it | 12:41 |
Luyin | EriC^^: feel free to do so? :D | 12:43 |
OerHeks | EriC^^, a DE is such a huge collection, i wonder if that could be done. | 12:43 |
Darryl | o/ | 12:43 |
EriC^^ | Luyin: i wrote a part of it, somebody once needed all the dependencies of a package recursively, feel free to continue it? :D | 12:44 |
EriC^^ | OerHeks: i think it would work, i don't know how pacman in arch does it, but it has a recursive removal feature which removes everything that de brought in | 12:47 |
OerHeks | EriC^^, if there is a launchpad team, i'd like to join it. | 12:49 |
Luyin | EriC^^: github? ;) | 12:49 |
EriC^^ | i dont have a launchpad account even or github.. | 12:50 |
lotuspsychje | EriC^^: set discuss to your favs :p | 12:51 |
EriC^^ | lotuspsychje: hehe | 12:51 |
Luyin | EriC^^: some other way to share code, then? | 12:53 |
EriC^^ | Luyin: ok, i'll make a github account i guess | 12:56 |
Luyin | EriC^^: good idea ;) | 12:57 |
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oleg_ | Hi | 13:07 |
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oleg_ | Do you spek rusian? | 13:07 |
lotuspsychje | !ru | oleg_ | 13:07 |
ubottu | oleg_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 13:07 |
cfhowlett | !ru | oleg_ | 13:07 |
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lotuspsychje | cfhowlett: come in discuss mate :p | 13:08 |
oleg_ | !ru | 13:08 |
waxasky | hi | 13:10 |
oleg_ | Fankyou | 13:11 |
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hkrrsx | morning | 13:24 |
lotuspsychje | hkrrsx: hello mate | 13:24 |
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sheer | hi. how do I make a partition without root access? for safe day to day use? | 13:32 |
Luyin | sheer: what do you mean, without root access? | 13:33 |
Luyin | you cannot create a partition as non-root. full stop. | 13:33 |
MonkehParade | Hey.. | 13:33 |
lotuspsychje | MonkehParade: welcome | 13:33 |
MonkehParade | May I ask a question? | 13:33 |
lotuspsychje | MonkehParade: shoot | 13:34 |
sheer | someone suggested that I do that, I guess I misunderstood | 13:34 |
MonkehParade | Well, it's not technically ubuntu related, but more or less debian. | 13:34 |
lotuspsychje | !debian | MonkehParade | 13:34 |
ubottu | MonkehParade: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu! | 13:34 |
Luyin | !meta | MonkehParade | 13:34 |
Luyin | oh again | 13:34 |
Luyin | can someone give ubottu a meta command, please? :D | 13:34 |
Luyin | sheer: I guess so too ;) | 13:35 |
lotuspsychje | Luyin: for what purpose? | 13:35 |
Luyin | to stop people from asking meta questions | 13:35 |
MonkehParade | I need to get a few package for my raspi, but it doesn't have an internet connection, so I thought of getting them from my laptop, which runs (a heavilu modified xubuntu). | 13:35 |
MonkehParade | .. but the packages on my laptop are 64bit. | 13:36 |
lotuspsychje | Luyin: you will have to join #ubuntu-ops for such sugestions | 13:36 |
MonkehParade | .. how can I get the same packages for the arm architecture? :/ | 13:36 |
pixel6692 | MonkehParade: is it impossible to give connection to raspi? | 13:36 |
MonkehParade | I don't have a router, only a direct connection, and the raspi has a static ip. | 13:37 |
pixel6692 | direct connection as you are connected by ethernet? | 13:37 |
MonkehParade | Yes, pixel6692 | 13:37 |
MonkehParade | I hope my question isn't off-topic, stupid or noobish :/ | 13:38 |
Luyin | thx lotuspsychje | 13:38 |
lotuspsychje | Luyin: np, there is also a trigger add command if you like | 13:38 |
pixel6692 | MonkehParade: maybe someone else can respond how to download packaged for other architecture but to gain connection to your raspberry you may consider buying WifiDongle for Raspi, USB->Ethernet for laptop and then you can easily tether connection form laptop to raspi | 13:39 |
DazPetty | I decided to return to ubuntu, from arch linux | 13:40 |
lotuspsychje | DazPetty: good choice mate | 13:40 |
DazPetty | because I know that I can download allmost anything from the official repositories without it breaking my comp | 13:40 |
shafa_ | i dont knw anything | 13:40 |
shafa_ | plzz help me | 13:40 |
shafa_ | eloooo | 13:40 |
MonkehParade | DazPetty, what version of ubuntu do you use? | 13:40 |
DazPetty | 14.04 | 13:41 |
MonkehParade | Has anyone here tried the new 15 something Ubuntu? | 13:41 |
lotuspsychje | shafa_: please ask a real question | 13:41 |
lotuspsychje | MonkehParade: vivid releases next week | 13:41 |
MonkehParade | I thought they already released it .__> | 13:42 |
shafa | i didt get u | 13:42 |
lotuspsychje | !15.04 | MonkehParade | 13:42 |
ubottu | MonkehParade: Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1425 | 13:42 |
MonkehParade | I saw so many posts about it on OMG UBUNTU | 13:42 |
pixel6692 | is there spin with pure Gnome Ubuntu? | 13:42 |
Luyin | MonkehParade: alpha/bta status images are available, if you're interested | 13:42 |
lotuspsychje | MonkehParade: its in alpha stage | 13:42 |
Luyin | pixel6692: you mean Ubuntu Gnome? | 13:42 |
kokut | Hello, anyone knows how to add applications to cairo-dock without having to log out or to create a custom desktop entry or some other complicated/time consuming task? | 13:42 |
cfhowlett | !ask |shafa, | 13:42 |
ubottu | shafa,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 13:43 |
shafa | k | 13:43 |
lotuspsychje | kokut: you use docky as alternative if you like | 13:43 |
kokut | also, what's the easiest way to add applications to cairo-dock? | 13:43 |
shafa | got it...what type of question ? | 13:43 |
MonkehParade | I still run Ubuntu 12.04. | 13:43 |
MonkehParade | I still run Ubuntu 12.04. | 13:43 |
MonkehParade | Double post. Sorry. | 13:43 |
pixel6692 | Luyin yes, it is not that i hate unity but i prefer gnome, is there official spin? | 13:44 |
cfhowlett | shafa, this is ubuntu support. what do you want to know | 13:44 |
lotuspsychje | kokut: normally if you start a program, you can right mouse click the icon on cairo to pin it | 13:44 |
Luyin | pixel6692: did you read my reply? there is Ubuntu Gnome | 13:44 |
kokut | lotuspsychje: but i want to add guake | 13:44 |
MonkehParade | I prefer Gala, but it's still beta :/ | 13:44 |
pixel6692 | Luyin my bad, i thought you were just repairing my word order. Thanks | 13:44 |
kokut | i should be able to right click on the applications menu entry and "Add to cairo-dock bottom-dock" or something but its not like that | 13:45 |
MonkehParade | Gala is gorgeous. Gala on Xubunu runs faster than Ubuntu or eOS. | 13:45 |
shafa | i want to become an hacker | 13:45 |
lotuspsychje | kokut: if you start guake it shows on cairo right? | 13:45 |
Luyin | pixel6692: np | 13:45 |
kokut | lotuspsychje: no | 13:45 |
lotuspsychje | hmm | 13:45 |
cfhowlett | shafa, wrong channel. we don't hack here. look elsewhere. | 13:45 |
kokut | lotuspsychje: it would upset me if it did because the whole point is that it's invisible | 13:46 |
kokut | tmux | 13:46 |
kokut | too | 13:46 |
pixel6692 | this shafa is just trolling with you obviously, someone have too much free time on weekend rather than polishing his distro :) | 13:46 |
cfhowlett | pixel6692, possibly, but still: let's not feed them. | 13:47 |
MonkehParade | shafa, try Kali Linux. | 13:47 |
lotuspsychje | kokut: you could add guake as autostart service | 13:48 |
MonkehParade | I feel like most people who claim to use Kali Linux don't really know much about Linux. | 13:48 |
kokut | lotuspsychje: yea i should | 13:48 |
MonkehParade | Does anybody know of a web interface where I could download packages from? :/ | 13:49 |
kokut | lotuspsychje: but what if i have to add another application in the futuer? | 13:49 |
hkrrsx | MonkehParade: http://packages.ubuntu.com | 13:50 |
shafa | then what i get from here? | 13:50 |
shafa | am first time in this app? | 13:50 |
shafa | so how change the channel | 13:50 |
lotuspsychje | kokut: normally adding icons to cairo dock must be easy mate | 13:50 |
lotuspsychje | MonkehParade: you can also use apt-get download packagename | 13:51 |
MonkehParade | No, i mean something similar to apt-web. but yeah, i'll try that too. | 13:51 |
Luyin | shafa: perhaps you'd start with some online research about IRC, and if you want to learn hacking, learn a programming language. this channel is for ubuntu support. if you haven't got a support question, I suggest you hang around in #ubuntu-offtopic | 13:51 |
kokut | lotuspsychje: well i added all my applications logging out and logging in with unity so i can use the dash to search for the application and drag-and-drop it in my cairo dock instance | 13:51 |
kokut | then i log out and log back in with cairo-dock and without unity | 13:52 |
kokut | that takes time and its just wrong | 13:52 |
lotuspsychje | kokut: try docky, much easier | 13:53 |
lotuspsychje | !info docky | kokut | 13:53 |
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ubottu | kokut: docky (source: docky): Elegant, powerful, clean dock. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.0-2 (utopic), package size 591 kB, installed size 3594 kB | 13:53 |
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kokut | lotuspsychje: k let me give it a try, i dont want to waste much time configuring it tho | 13:54 |
kokut | lotuspsychje: i have all the cairo-dock set up as i want | 13:54 |
lotuspsychje | kokut: maybe the #cairo-dock guys might know also | 13:56 |
kokut | lotuspsychje: i know how it's done its just time consuming man, i have to look for the application file myself | 13:56 |
howlymowly | hi everyone... short question: I want to use backintime to backup my files on a ssh server is this possible using only a password and no ssh-key? | 14:00 |
Luyin | howlymowly: is it ever advisable to use ssh without an ssh-key? ;) | 14:02 |
Luyin | howlymowly: and yes, backintime is just a gui backend for rsync. so everything you can do with rsync you can also do with backintime | 14:02 |
MonkeyDust | howlymowly short questions rarely have short answers | 14:02 |
OerHeks | howlymowly, that could be done, configure that ssh-service by reversing disable password .. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Configuring#Disable_Password_Authentication | 14:02 |
OerHeks | and make an user i guess. | 14:03 |
marianne | hello, just installed 14.10 on my laptop and the software center took a dump, is it possible to reinstall without doing a complete reinstall (install over the top) | 14:03 |
prima | haiii | 14:03 |
lotuspsychje | marianne: if you wait one week, you could update to 15.04 | 14:04 |
marianne | lotuspsychje: kinda need it now... is it possible? and is 15.04 an LTS version? | 14:05 |
lotuspsychje | marianne: no 14.10 and 15.04 are no LTS | 14:05 |
cfhowlett | marianne, LTS? no. 14.04 is LTS | 14:05 |
lotuspsychje | marianne: you could install your needed package with sudo apt-get install packagename | 14:06 |
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OerHeks | marianne, so what is your issue with softwarecenter? | 14:06 |
marianne | OerHeks: I click on it and it maybe shows for a second and then goes away...known issue I guess | 14:07 |
Rudde | Hello | 14:07 |
lotuspsychje | marianne: goes away as in window gone? | 14:07 |
DukeDrake | hi | 14:07 |
marianne | lotuspsychje: yes, and I can't even get it to come up using terminal | 14:08 |
Rudde | So I have a fresh instal of ubuntu server | 14:08 |
Rudde | and when I boot I get two "Starting SMB/CIFS File and Active Directory Server" where one of them fail. | 14:08 |
lotuspsychje | marianne: any errors when you start from terminal? | 14:08 |
marianne | lotuspsychje: when I open terminal, it just sits at the prompt | 14:09 |
Farmacevta | hi all | 14:09 |
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MonkeyDust | marianne i had that too, with other sudo apps too... make sure "policy kit" is checked in the startup programs (dash > startup) | 14:09 |
Farmacevta | I know here is not the right place to ask. I want to remove my Windows, and install some Linux distribution like Ubuntu. But I want to be more same like Windows. Ubuntu isn't so good for me. I like something which will be like copy of windows but using Linux. Can you suggest any linux distribution which is like windows ? | 14:10 |
hkrrsx | Farmacevta: Try Lubuntu ? | 14:10 |
BluesKaj | Farmacevta, try Kubuntu, the KDE desktop looks very familiar to windows users | 14:11 |
marianne | MonkeyDust: policy kit isn't listed | 14:11 |
DukeDrake | how can I change the user to login at startup? | 14:11 |
MonkeyDust | marianne there's atrick for that, moment... | 14:12 |
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DukeDrake | somehow it's using my screen name and not my login name in X | 14:12 |
Farmacevta | hkeide i saw screenshots of it. Thanx I will try it now | 14:12 |
OerHeks | Farmacevta, if linux is like windows, we would get lawsuits. | 14:12 |
cfhowlett | OerHeks, unless you were north korea | 14:12 |
BluesKaj | there's a windows 7 imitator linux distro called Zorin , Farmacevta | 14:13 |
lotuspsychje | Farmacevta: you can also setup a theme on ubuntu, so it looks like windows | 14:13 |
OerHeks | I cannot find their irc channel, cfhowlett | 14:13 |
DukeDrake | i.e.: I can't login , as it's trying to login my screenname instead of my login | 14:14 |
Farmacevta | okay and one more question: Which linux distribution is the best for playing games for windows ? | 14:14 |
cfhowlett | OerHeks, red star OS? not sure they even have an IRC | 14:14 |
Luyin | Farmacevta: ubuntu-based, any; gentoo works well, too | 14:14 |
OerHeks | !wine | 14:15 |
ubottu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 14:15 |
hkrrsx | cfhowlett: OerHeks: http://irc.netsplit.de/channels/?net=freenode&chat=zorin | 14:15 |
MonkeyDust | marianne this command makes all startup modules visible (doesnt chan them) sudo sed -i 's/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/g' /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop | 14:16 |
MonkeyDust | (doesnt change them)* | 14:16 |
hkrrsx | cfhowlett: OerHeks: Disregard my link, I thought you couldn't find ZorinOS ..... reading comprehension fail | 14:17 |
cortex | hi | 14:18 |
OerHeks | hkrrsx :-) | 14:18 |
cortex | i using weechat | 14:19 |
cortex | its so nice | 14:19 |
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cortex | sorry for my poor english | 14:19 |
marianne | MonkeyDust: no such file or directory | 14:20 |
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MonkeyDust | marianne when what? after entering that command, or after invoking startup programs? | 14:21 |
DukeDrake | hm ... Ican login via terminal, but not on the graphical login | 14:23 |
DukeDrake | is that possible at all? | 14:23 |
marianne | MonkeyDust: entered the command (had a typo the first time) and I'm just back at the prompt | 14:23 |
ioria | DukeDrake, ls -l ~/.Xautority ? | 14:24 |
lotuspsychje | DukeDrake: ubuntu version? | 14:24 |
marianne | MonkeyDust: ok opened up start up apps and there is a ton of stuff now | 14:24 |
ioria | DukeDrake, ls -l ~/.Xauthority ? , sorry | 14:25 |
geoffmcc | ls | 14:25 |
DukeDrake | 14.02 | 14:25 |
marianne | MonkeyDust: PolicyKit does have a check in the box | 14:25 |
DukeDrake | just updgraded --> can't login | 14:25 |
MonkeyDust | marianne yes, look for Policy Kit, make sure it's checked | 14:25 |
MonkeyDust | ok | 14:25 |
DukeDrake | .Xauthority is present .... so ? | 14:26 |
marianne | MonkeyDust: it is... what next? | 14:26 |
DukeDrake | (14.04, sorry) | 14:26 |
ioria | DukeDrake, sorry again hidden file ... ls -la ~/.Xauthority | 14:26 |
DukeDrake | yes, it's present | 14:26 |
DukeDrake | so? | 14:26 |
MonkeyDust | marianne not sure | 14:26 |
=== Dio is now known as Guest95208 | ||
DukeDrake | it's there | 14:26 |
ioria | DukeDrake, type ls -la ~/.Xauthority to check permissions | 14:27 |
marianne | MonkeyDust: going to restart and see what happens | 14:27 |
DukeDrake | permissions are owner: rw | 14:27 |
ioria | DukeDrake, it shoden't be root:root but user:user | 14:27 |
MonkeyDust | marianne that's "the Windows trick" | 14:27 |
DukeDrake | it is user:user | 14:27 |
marianne | MonkeyDust: hey you never know unless you try, but if that doesnt work, can i just install the same version over the top? | 14:28 |
Farmacevta | fuckers | 14:28 |
Farmacevta | Lubuntu rocks 1 | 14:28 |
lotuspsychje | !language | Farmacevta | 14:28 |
ubottu | Farmacevta: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList | 14:28 |
Farmacevta | okay sorry | 14:28 |
DukeDrake | ioria: next? ^ | 14:28 |
MonkeyDust | marianne my advice: use 15.04 (it's stable enough by now) and create a separate /home partition during install | 14:29 |
DukeDrake | (should startx work at all from Terminal?) | 14:29 |
marianne | MonkeyDust: brand new laptop, nothing installed on it yet, so redoing it isn't a big deal | 14:29 |
lotuspsychje | marianne: also check your syslog and dmesg for errors on software-centre | 14:29 |
Luyin | you could even replace software-center by something more performative... ;) | 14:30 |
ioria | DukeDrake, and the home directory ls -l /home/user ? | 14:30 |
DukeDrake | ioria: yes | 14:30 |
marianne | lotuspsychje: package manager isn't there either... no way to update or install except terminal... error is unmet dependencies | 14:30 |
OerHeks | DukeDrake, startx is old, use sudo service lightdm start | 14:31 |
lotuspsychje | !aptlock | marianne try this maybe | 14:31 |
ubottu | marianne try this maybe: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 14:31 |
DukeDrake | OerHeks: says "start: Rejected send message .... " | 14:32 |
kokut | anyone knows a free and ad-free alternative to spotify? | 14:33 |
MonkeyDust | kokut #ububntu-offtopic | 14:33 |
MonkeyDust | kokut #ubuntu-offtopic | 14:33 |
kokut | MonkeyDust: its kind of on-topic bro | 14:33 |
cfhowlett | kokut, nope. please ask in the other channel. | 14:34 |
Luyin | kokut: no it's not. this is a support channel. looking for an alternative package is not a "problem". | 14:34 |
kokut | right | 14:35 |
OerHeks | alternative spotify: make your own music. | 14:35 |
DukeDrake | oh, sudo %) | 14:35 |
OerHeks | * all songs you can play are included | 14:36 |
marianne | lotuspsychje: not an event was the response | 14:36 |
lotuspsychje | marianne: thats really weird, did you have same issue on 14.04? | 14:36 |
marianne | lotuspsychje: nope 14 .04 was slick and easy... | 14:37 |
MonkeyDust | marianne I agree, that's why i stick to it | 14:38 |
lotuspsychje | marianne: maybe you should stick to LTS if you want a stable software centre :p | 14:38 |
kokut | OerHeks: what u mean make my own music | 14:38 |
lotuspsychje | marianne: wich package are you trying to install actually? | 14:39 |
marianne | lotuspsychje: think my best bet at the moment is to reinstall... thinking of trying the 14.10 reinstalll and if not just see if 14.04 works... worse case is I do the install over a few times | 14:39 |
marianne | lotuspsychje: flash | 14:39 |
lotuspsychje | marianne: wich flash? | 14:39 |
lotuspsychje | marianne: did you try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras ? | 14:39 |
marianne | lotuspsychje: let me see if that does anything | 14:40 |
marianne | lotuspsychje: ok thats installing | 14:41 |
lotuspsychje | marianne: that should fix your flash | 14:41 |
marianne | lotuspsychje: any way to reinstall software center? and package manager? | 14:42 |
lotuspsychje | !info synaptic | marianne try this one | 14:43 |
ubottu | marianne try this one: synaptic (source: synaptic): Graphical package manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.81.2 (utopic), package size 1328 kB, installed size 7650 kB | 14:43 |
lotuspsychje | marianne: sudo apt-get install synaptic | 14:43 |
saurabhdare | hi, I am trying to write my first Ubuntu app from the tutorial. I selected QML app with qmake. | 14:43 |
lotuspsychje | saurabhdare: on ubuntu touch? | 14:44 |
saurabhdare | However, I see error parsing line -- "import Ubuntu.Components 1.1 | 14:44 |
saurabhdare | " | 14:44 |
saurabhdare | lotuspsychje, *for* ubuntu touch | 14:44 |
lotuspsychje | !touch | saurabhdare please join here | 14:44 |
ubottu | saurabhdare please join here: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch | 14:44 |
francisco | , | 14:45 |
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marianne | lotuspsychje: ok, installed synaptic... error occured -- malformed line 57 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (URI parse) the list could not be read | 14:46 |
Guest66581 | hi everyone. i need a command on terminal for logoff my session in ubuntu | 14:47 |
lotuspsychje | marianne: did you add a ppa recently? | 14:47 |
vlt | Hello. I’m using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. When encoding video to codec dnxhd with avconv version 9.18-6:9.18-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 I get blocky artefacts, especially in areas of high contrast. What can I do to prevent this? | 14:47 |
marianne | lotuspsychje: yes... <hanging head in shame> | 14:47 |
lotuspsychje | marianne: maybe the ppa add causes your issue? | 14:48 |
lotuspsychje | !ppapurge | marianne | 14:48 |
ubottu | marianne: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html | 14:48 |
cfhowlett | vlt, gotta ask the avconv or ffmpeg channels about that | 14:48 |
lotuspsychje | marianne: a sudo apt-get update might also do magic after removing ppa | 14:49 |
vlt | cfhowlett: Ok, thanks. | 14:49 |
marianne | lotuspsychje: can you provide me with the exact command... nothing I'm typing works | 14:52 |
lotuspsychje | marianne: try removing your ppa manually from software sources | 14:53 |
Farmacevta | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtTys2xFzNU | 14:53 |
lotuspsychje | Farmacevta: please no links here | 14:53 |
Farmacevta | ok | 14:54 |
lotuspsychje | Farmacevta: you can chitchat in #ubuntu-offtopic | 14:54 |
Farmacevta | thanks | 14:54 |
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cortex | exit | 14:56 |
marianne | lotuspsychje: still getting the error | 14:58 |
marianne | lotuspsychje: i love ubuntu once i get it settled... but ugh this can be painful | 14:59 |
lotuspsychje | marianne: go for the ubuntu 14.04.2 | 15:00 |
MonkeyDust | marianne should have stuck to 14.04 | 15:01 |
monty_hall | is there a way I can install 15 over 14? | 15:01 |
SchrodingersScat | !15.04 | 15:01 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1425 | 15:01 |
monty_hall | I can't wait\ | 15:02 |
MonkeyDust | monty_hall how do you mean "over"? | 15:02 |
monty_hall | I have kallithea scm and somehow I can't write a functioning init script | 15:02 |
monty_hall | systemd is so much easier. | 15:02 |
ioria | marianne do you have .list file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d ? | 15:02 |
monty_hall | april... well, I guess I can wait a few more days. | 15:03 |
marianne | ioria: yes | 15:04 |
ioria | marianne try to mv or delete if you wanna to get rid of it | 15:05 |
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marianne | ioria: no go, it won't let me delete it ... no idea why, I'm superuser | 15:09 |
boabsta | hi folks, i'm running Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS but uname -r reports the kernel version as 3.8.0-29-generic? Is that correct? I was expecting 3.13+ | 15:09 |
compdoc | boabsta, youre right, thats the wrong kernel | 15:09 |
boabsta | dist-upgrade says there's nothing to uograde? :( how could that have gone wrong, this is on a feshly installed VPS | 15:10 |
ioria | marianne remember me... did you want flash player for firefox ? | 15:10 |
marianne | ioria: yes | 15:10 |
ki7mt | It's not technically wrong, he's just not upgraded .. should be about 3.13.0-49 or so now. | 15:10 |
boabsta | is there a way to forcefully install the correct kernel? | 15:10 |
OerHeks | boabsta, oh, you have upgraded your vps, ask your hosting for a fresh image. | 15:10 |
compdoc | boabsta, did you use some program to create a bootable image? | 15:11 |
ioria | marianne go to the web site and download the .tar file, unzip, and put libflashplayer.so in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins... | 15:11 |
boabsta | boot, grub, etc all seem to have vmlinuz-3.13.0-49-generic | 15:11 |
boabsta | compdoc: no, nothing fancy with the install | 15:12 |
ioria | marianne https://get2.adobe.com/flashplayer/?no_redirect | 15:12 |
ioria | marianne .tar.gz | 15:12 |
ki7mt | boabsta, the first thing I would try, before performing surgery is updating grub2 .. but 3.8 rings a beel from a PAE standpoint, is the box older hardware ? | 15:14 |
ki7mt | .. rings a bell | 15:14 |
boabsta | ki7mt: eeem not sure, just got it. cpu is Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 | 15:15 |
asky | Please help , when I click in the icon to connect to xifi it gives me a message says networking disabled , and when i type ifconfig in terminal , doesnt show me my devices , only shows " lo " , I have two devices internal eth0 and external , wlan0 , No one is detected , but first why does it says networking disabled , please how to fix that ????? | 15:16 |
asky | ????? | 15:17 |
rgb-one | asky: on my machine f12 is the key to enable and disable network connections. | 15:17 |
rgb-one | asky: click f12 | 15:17 |
asky | <rgb-one> am not in my ubuntu machine right now any other solutions I can try ??? | 15:17 |
ki7mt | boabsta, Well its not a PAE issue then,, try updating Grub first | 15:18 |
OerHeks | ioria, do not suggest to install flash that way, see the !flash factoid | 15:18 |
ioria | i know... | 15:18 |
marianne | ioria: thank you for your help. but it won't go... going to reinstall | 15:19 |
ioria | sorry, but i think was temporary | 15:19 |
rgb-one | asky: When you get to your machine we can troubleshoot. | 15:19 |
OerHeks | the user comes back and wants us to fix that. | 15:20 |
boabsta | ki7mt: do you mean to do update-grub2? | 15:21 |
OerHeks | pepperflash is the latest flash, not sure if firefox is able to use that. | 15:21 |
ki7mt | boabsta, sudo update-grub watch as it runs see if it picks up the newer kernels | 15:21 |
ioria | OerHeks, i suggested that because i did it ... but i'm sure you're right | 15:22 |
boabsta | ki7mt: yeah it got it, but same thing - old kernel version | 15:22 |
boabsta | ki7mt: there's only 2 entries in menu.lst - Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS, kernel 3.13.0-49-generic (and the recovery mode) | 15:22 |
Korhonen | Is there any accepted practice to how to store a daemon in your home directory? | 15:22 |
OerHeks | boabsta, ask you provider of that VPS for a fresh image, they tweak their images so this upgrade is useless, or see their docs howto upgrade. | 15:22 |
boabsta | OerHeks: okay, cheers | 15:22 |
Korhonen | Like, can something like "service <name> start" run something from your home directory? | 15:22 |
ki7mt | boabsta, so are you selecting the 3,13 kernel to boot from? | 15:23 |
iufdsfu | !search cbt nuggets | 15:24 |
ubottu | Found: | 15:24 |
boabsta | it doesn't give me a chance to select anything because the crappy web console takes too long to load :) lsb_release reports 14.04 but uname has the old kernel | 15:24 |
boabsta | i'm going to go bug the support guys | 15:24 |
ali_ | hi all | 15:25 |
mp_se | hi. how can I change privileges for my usb flash? I have wdlxtv and I think that usb is not visible on the device only because of access privileges? | 15:25 |
ki7mt | boabsta, first off .. There is no menu.lst any more with grub2, as of 12.04 I think, the config is in /boot/grub/grub.cfg .. but you should *not* edit that manually | 15:25 |
mp_se | I've listed all mounted discs: sudo fdisk -l | 15:26 |
ki7mt | boabsta, is your want to customize your entries, then go in custom entries or 40_custom | 15:27 |
mp_se | and change permission on the right disc with: sudo chmod 666 /dev/sdb | 15:27 |
boabsta | ki7mt: aah okay, it's been a while :) | 15:27 |
ki7mt | boabsta, See info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/CustomMenus | 15:27 |
OerHeks | ki7mt, its a VPS | 15:28 |
ki7mt | OerHeks, errr .. ok | 15:29 |
ki7mt | What version of UB is the server running ? | 15:29 |
boabsta | ki7mt: OerHeks I can only see 3.13 kernel images in /boot too | 15:29 |
OerHeks | So he was going to do the right thing: contact support. | 15:30 |
ki7mt | Is he the VPS Admin? he can mange the VPS if yes | 15:31 |
boabsta | ki7mt: OerHeks aaaah ffs, just found a "Toggle bootloader" type option in the VPS providers control panel (which has just caused a HTTP 500 trying to change it to the VPS bootloader lol) | 15:32 |
ki7mt | boabsta, I wsa just about to say, normally on Hosted servers they have a Control Panel for this. | 15:33 |
boabsta | ki7mt: woohoo uname reports 3.13.0-49-generic | 15:34 |
boabsta | ki7mt: everyday's a school day - thanks for the help mate | 15:34 |
boabsta | and thanks OerHeks | 15:34 |
ki7mt | I did not do anything .. you figured it out ,, nice one :-) | 15:34 |
PSF | hi, I cannot boot my ubuntu after fresh install and installing updates. I'm sure i did not break anything. I'm using LVM on Dell xps 13. Any ideas? | 15:34 |
PSF | Ubuntu is 14.04 LTS | 15:36 |
rgb-one | PSF: maybe the update broke something with grub2 | 15:37 |
PSF | rgb-one: how do I fix it? | 15:37 |
rgb-one | PSF: What happens when you try to boot? | 15:37 |
mavek | #libgdx | 15:37 |
PSF | I get a message: No bootable devices found | 15:38 |
PSF | I know it installed new kernel and initrd stuff | 15:38 |
PSF | I have root fs encrypted during install, could that be the problem | 15:39 |
PSF | ? | 15:39 |
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_guest_ | is there a good driver for the amd radeon 5400? | 15:43 |
OerHeks | !ATI | 15:44 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto | 15:44 |
OerHeks | _guest_, look in 'additional drivers' | 15:44 |
PSF | Does anyone have experiences with installing Ubuntu on Dell XPS 13, I can't get sound to work | 15:50 |
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rgb-one | PSF: it boots now? | 15:53 |
kokut | How come i can't rename/delete files when i'm selecting a file download location/file save location? is there a plugin or something i can install to add this functionality? It works in windows... :p | 15:53 |
PSF | rgb-one: no, i had the sound issue before i restarted | 15:54 |
rgb-one | kokut: you could always rename it after it is finished downloading | 15:54 |
OerHeks | kokut, in windows you cannot either. | 15:54 |
kokut | rgb-one: that's exactly the opposite of answering my question. | 15:54 |
ki7mt | kokut, renaming should be automatic if you download 2x of the same file, it should stick a -(x) on the suffix. | 15:55 |
kokut | OerHeks: yes you can, i do it all the time | 15:55 |
OerHeks | you can alter the name that will be used to write, but not delete files and such. | 15:55 |
kokut | ki7mt: it doesnt matter its not what i need (or everyone for that matter) its extremely useful to be able to rename files from the "select file download location" etc | 15:55 |
boogie | Dropbox got hung up while installing. Now I'm getting dpkg errors when trying to do any updates, I can't install anything, and it is taking up 100% of my cpu. It says the dpkg is locked. Anyone know how to unlock it or kill the task? | 15:56 |
kokut | OerHeks: yes you can delete files too | 15:56 |
kokut | in windows 7 at least | 15:56 |
ki7mt | kokut, the dl location is set in browser settings. what are you using to download these files | 15:56 |
rgb-one | boogie: !lock | 15:56 |
kokut | ki7mt: are u kidding m8 i'm not asking wheres the freaking download location | 15:57 |
rgb-one | !lock | 15:57 |
ki7mt | kokut, ok, good luck. | 15:57 |
OerHeks | boogie, use alt+tab to see if dropbox is giving a message window | 15:57 |
boogie | No, it is not. | 15:57 |
kokut | ki7mt: i need to be able to delete/rename files when i'm selecting the download location or selecting the save location when using gimp, inkscape or any other software, understand? | 15:58 |
boogie | I tried sudo dpkg --configure -a like it says to do, but it just reinstalls dropbox and hangs again. | 15:58 |
rgb-one | boogie: http://askubuntu.com/questions/498102/how-do-i-unlock-var-lib-dpkg-lock | 15:58 |
kokut | the file explorer that lets you choose the file name/extension doesn't allow you to rename/delete files | 15:58 |
boogie | rgb which command do you think I should use first? | 15:59 |
kokut | i don't know if i'm explaining myself correctly :\ | 15:59 |
boogie | In that list | 15:59 |
boogie | sudo killall dpkg says no process found | 16:00 |
rgb-one | use rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock | 16:00 |
boogie | Just did, it did nothing. | 16:00 |
rgb-one | boogie: it did do something | 16:01 |
rgb-one | boogie: try to install dropbox again | 16:01 |
boogie | I tried | 16:01 |
boogie | ps afx|grep dpkg | 16:01 |
boogie | It says this | 16:01 |
boogie | 14779 ? S 0:00 /bin/sh /var/lib/dpkg/info/nautilus-dropbox.postinst configure 16386 pts/1 S+ 0:00 \_ grep --color=auto dpkg | 16:01 |
boogie | I don't even want dropbox anymore. lol I just want to remove it. | 16:02 |
rgb-one | boogie: sudo dpkg --force-remove-reinstreq --remove nautilus-dropbox | 16:02 |
boogie | ty | 16:03 |
boogie | rgb this is the outcome. | 16:04 |
boogie | http://paste.ubuntu.com/10845401/ | 16:04 |
rgb-one | boogie: it is removed. | 16:05 |
boogie | Pc is still running slow. hmmm | 16:06 |
boogie | I'll close all open programs and see. Ty | 16:06 |
rgb-one | boogie: I was incorrect it reinstalled it | 16:07 |
rgb-one | rgb-one: just use dpkg -r to remove it completely I think. how did you install it? was it from the official repositories or was it the .deb file from dropbox.com? | 16:09 |
ki7mt | kokut, I would say not, your talking about downloading ( which is normally associated with browsers ), renaming of files ( normally associated with File Managers ), comparing behaviors to Windows without stating which application, then referring to specific functions in gimp and inscape, so yes, Id' say a bit of clarity is in order. | 16:10 |
kokut | ki7mt: okay let me try again, its really simple | 16:11 |
kokut | ki7mt: u know when you edit any file while on the ubuntu operating system? imagine you click "save as", a window comes up, and you want to rename a file that was saved before or a folder or delete a file, well, you can't but you can in windows. clear enough? | 16:12 |
OerHeks | in windows7 i can't either. | 16:13 |
kokut | OerHeks: yes, probably since windows 95 m8 | 16:13 |
rgb-one | kokut: so what application are you trying to "save as" with? | 16:14 |
boogie | I'm back and my problem is fixed!!!! | 16:14 |
OerHeks | kokut, it is not an option nor a plugin available, that is how linux works. | 16:14 |
kokut | rgb-one: any application while using the ubuntu operating system man, its the same dialog | 16:15 |
rgb-one | boogie: hey boogie im not sure it is removed completely. | 16:15 |
boogie | oh, ok | 16:15 |
kokut | i dont know the name of the freaking window but i used to call it from C# with openFileDialog(); | 16:15 |
rgb-one | boogie: I think it reinstalled the package | 16:15 |
boogie | My cpu is fine now and it is running a lot faster. | 16:15 |
boogie | Oh, ok. | 16:15 |
ki7mt | kokut, first off, that behavior would be application specific, insofaras, "Files" for the Untiy destop, or Gedit or Gimp or whatever app, they may not all use the same functionality or configure it the behavior the same way. | 16:16 |
rgb-one | you should be able to remove it with sudo apt-get purge nautilus-dropbox | 16:16 |
boogie | k one sec | 16:16 |
=== rika is now known as notrika | ||
boogie | Purged | 16:17 |
boogie | Thank you | 16:17 |
gioankminh | hello | 16:17 |
rgb-one | kokut: Ctrl-Shift-S for save as functionality. | 16:17 |
gioankminh | i am a new ubuntu | 16:17 |
kokut | ki7mt: no man i can guarantee its not application specific, its the same dialog, the "Save as" dialog that lets you browse to the save location and input a file name | 16:17 |
rgb-one | kokut: or look in the file menu. | 16:17 |
boogie | So when I want to uninstall a program, I should use the purge command? | 16:17 |
kokut | rgb-one: you didnt even read the question bro | 16:17 |
rgb-one | boogie: yea purge completely removes all files associated with the package from what I understand. | 16:18 |
ioria | kokut: i think it's a security measure... if you want to save you don't want to delete | 16:18 |
rgb-one | kokut: I did but it seems I do not understand. | 16:18 |
kokut | ioria: well i can in windows | 16:18 |
ki7mt | kokut, I can guarantee you it is not. But that's and for "files" the FM for Untiy, it does not carry this functionality as a user configurable item. | 16:18 |
ioria | kokut: indeed :-P | 16:19 |
kokut | ioria: its extremely useful for me, i use that functionality all the time | 16:19 |
rgb-one | kokut: I see what you are saying. | 16:19 |
ioria | kokut: you can do two actions in one move, i understand... but | 16:19 |
kokut | used to use it when i was on windows, not anymore | 16:20 |
OerHeks | kokut, open an extra filemanager for that purpose. | 16:20 |
rgb-one | kokut: well most Ubuntu applications depend on the Gtk applications | 16:20 |
rgb-one | kokut: so it is dependent on this that this functionality is not available. | 16:20 |
xotelon | aesb | 16:21 |
xotelon | aebbeabeadfbabdrtb | 16:21 |
ki7mt | kokut, If you want to command line it, there are probably more that a dozen ways, if not more, to do what your asking, aside from that, those actions would be features to each application being used. | 16:21 |
kokut | i just think ubuntu or any other linux distro for that matter should add this functionality | 16:21 |
kokut | i used to use it all the freaking time man just cant do it and it drives me nuts | 16:22 |
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ki7mt | kokut, My recommendation this, is to file a bug as a feature request, but I would more pleasant in asking if you want them to consider it. | 16:22 |
kokut | like, why do i have to open a new nautilus windows and navigate to who knows how many nested folders just to change a file name if i'm right there trying to save another file and i can see the file and click on it? | 16:22 |
kokut | in windows i would even press F2 and rename it right there | 16:23 |
kokut | or press del | 16:23 |
rgb-one | kokut: I think qt or kde applications offer this functionality | 16:23 |
kokut | rgb-one: i dont like the idea of having to switch to KDE just for this | 16:24 |
seth-666 | hello i want to replace the default sound applications installed. what is the best one? can you give me a tip ? somebody ? | 16:24 |
ki7mt | kokut, the sooner you come to terms with, Linux is not Windows, the better off you'll be. It is not, and never will be Windows. | 16:24 |
ioria | kokut: try some alternative file manager... | 16:24 |
rgb-one | kokut: Im not certain it does but I think I have some memory of doing this before. | 16:25 |
jParkton | or terminal | 16:25 |
kokut | ki7mt: i know m8 i havent used windows for years now | 16:25 |
jParkton | simple to rename in there | 16:25 |
seth-666 | any ideas ? | 16:25 |
rgb-one | seth-666: there are numerous audio applications. | 16:26 |
kokut | ioria: i like nautilus its just that thing, might try another one tho | 16:26 |
ioria | kokut: dolphin, maybe, i don't really know | 16:26 |
kokut | i just think its really silly that it doesnt provide this functionality | 16:26 |
xotelon | hi | 16:26 |
seth-666 | tell me one | 16:26 |
seth-666 | that you think is good | 16:26 |
=== xmetal is now known as xmetal_ | ||
seth-666 | pls | 16:26 |
=== notrika is now known as rika | ||
ki7mt | kokut, The best I could suggest here is, research the available file managers for the functionality you looking for. I do not know, of one off the top of my head, any FM's that behave the way your describing, not to say it does not exist. | 16:27 |
olegb | kokut: I bet that the GTK folks would be happy to look at a patch ... if you made one .. | 16:27 |
rgb-one | kokut: it has nothing to do with nautilus I dont think. all gnome applictions use the default gnome2 dialog or the gtk3 dialog. | 16:27 |
jParkton | desiring a feature attribute != ability to program and implement | 16:28 |
kokut | olegb: k, might take a look into it if i have time | 16:28 |
OerHeks | !media | seth-666 | 16:28 |
ubottu | seth-666: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 16:28 |
OerHeks | i use clementine | 16:28 |
olegb | kokut: cool ! | 16:28 |
jParkton | there needs to be a feature suggestion on package sites in my opinion | 16:28 |
ki7mt | kokut, here's four to start off with: https://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/773120-4-excellent-alternative-graphical-linux-file-managers | 16:28 |
jParkton | OerHeks: I <3 clementine | 16:29 |
seth-666 | no no | 16:29 |
ki7mt | kokut, and a few more: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/06/daily-5-5-alternative-file-managers | 16:29 |
seth-666 | gnome app | 16:29 |
seth-666 | not codec | 16:29 |
jParkton | seth-666: what? Like replace the default sound apps? | 16:30 |
OerHeks | seth-666, yes yes it is there | 16:30 |
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kokut | ty guys i might try one o those or make a patch for GTK, i'm back to work | 16:30 |
seth-666 | yes | 16:31 |
seth-666 | replace | 16:31 |
OerHeks | seth-666, after install, go to systemsettings > details > default applications and set it there | 16:31 |
FrameFever | can I ask here about ubuntu smartphone? | 16:32 |
OerHeks | FrameFever, better ask in #ubuntu-touch | 16:32 |
TMavica | excuse me. i got a problem when install ubuntu, it said dont detect any operating system | 16:33 |
TMavica | when installing | 16:34 |
TMavica | I got windows 7 | 16:34 |
jParkton | ok? | 16:34 |
jParkton | not anymore? | 16:34 |
ki7mt | kokut, fare warning, even if you find a file manager that has the behavior your after, does not mean it will transcend to a particular application. | 16:34 |
kokut | ki7mt: man stop it with that i already told you its the same dialog | 16:34 |
kokut | in windows .NET C# is OpenFIleDIalog(); | 16:35 |
ki7mt | kokut, If that's what you believe, so be it, but it's not. | 16:35 |
kokut | ki7mt: just prove it | 16:35 |
kokut | its the "Save As" dialog i'm talking about | 16:35 |
ki7mt | kokut, I've tried to be nice here, but I'm not going down the rat hole with you on this. We'll just have to agree to disagree .. ok .. | 16:36 |
OerHeks | kokut, maybe it looks like the same filedialog, but it is not an ( i guess will not be) an option during save-file. i cannot do that it under windows 7 either. | 16:37 |
kokut | OerHeks: holy **** man are u kidding me | 16:37 |
kokut | http://goo.gl/ImcDp5 | 16:37 |
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kokut | its not that one but its the same interface | 16:38 |
kokut | this one http://goo.gl/fgSauv | 16:38 |
TMavica | any help of this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/10845592/ | 16:39 |
allstarsnorks2 | Hi. How do I upgrade my Linux kernel in Ubuntu 12.04.4 to 4.0? | 16:39 |
deadmund | allstarsnorks2: Read this whole thing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds | 16:40 |
ki7mt | Or wait for 15.04 and upgrade :-) | 16:40 |
OerHeks | allstarsnorks2, not, there is no version for 12.04 http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ | 16:40 |
ioria | kokut : konqueror is also for win... so it "should" behave like explorer ... so you can try with it .. but it needs some kde libs... be warned | 16:41 |
allstarsnorks2 | then what is the latest kernel for 12.04 | 16:41 |
deadmund | allstarsnorks2: OerHeks: I'm sure you can compile your own kernel (or get a binary of the newer kernel) and try it out manually. | 16:41 |
deadmund | allstarsnorks2: Maybe read the documentation in the link I sent you. | 16:41 |
jp_hranice | Hallo. I miss persistence test in LiveSesion TestCase on Testing Tracker. What is wrong? | 16:42 |
kokut | ioria: ty, i might try it but i'm a lil bit short on time atm so i will have to put it on hold for a while | 16:42 |
OerHeks | TMavica, let windows make the freespace to install ubuntu. | 16:42 |
OerHeks | !install | 16:43 |
ubottu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 16:43 |
ki7mt | allstarsnorks2, a simple check for your distro: apt-cache search linux-headers- |tail -1 | 16:43 |
TMavica | OerHeks: you mean shrink a partition? | 16:43 |
OerHeks | TMavica, yes | 16:43 |
ki7mt | allstarsnorks2, That would list what's in the repo of course. | 16:43 |
kristofers | Hi | 16:44 |
ki7mt | allstarsnorks2, or better yet, use image rather than the headers: apt-cache search linux-image- |tail -1 | 16:44 |
TMavica | OerHeks: how much size i need mostly? | 16:45 |
grill | hey. you need a key to perform an RSYNC between two computrons, right? | 16:45 |
OerHeks | TMavica, 50 Gb would do, 100 is better when you want enough space for data and such | 16:46 |
kristofers | Can anyone explain this | 16:46 |
OerHeks | instgall takes +- 8 gb or so | 16:46 |
ki7mt | grill, depends, but over SSH you'll need a UN/PW or use keys | 16:46 |
OerHeks | *install | 16:46 |
michcio | hi there! | 16:46 |
TMavica | ok | 16:46 |
grill | yeah. i thought so | 16:47 |
ki7mt | grill, If it's an anonymous open server on the Inet or something, then no. | 16:47 |
TMess_ | hey guys... I needed some ideas for a CS(Computer Science) based project ... was tthinking of doing something in Ubuntu.... any ideas? | 16:47 |
kristofers | http://oi58.tinypic.com/2pys0b7.jpg | 16:48 |
grill | ki7mt what would my rsync syntax need to look like to upload some data over rsync then? | 16:48 |
OerHeks | TMess_, open softwarecenter and look in the science section | 16:48 |
kristofers | This happens when installing some packages.. | 16:48 |
michcio | I have a bit of a problem with my Xorg+nvidia combination. | 16:48 |
OerHeks | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuScience | 16:49 |
kristofers | :( | 16:49 |
ki7mt | grill, see man rsync .. but rsync -avr .. .. .. from Man: rsync [OPTION...] SRC... [DEST] | 16:49 |
grill | no matching hostkey found | 16:49 |
grill | ssh_keysign: no reply | 16:49 |
grill | key_sign failed | 16:50 |
grill | what gives | 16:50 |
TMess_ | aren't those implemented projects? | 16:50 |
michcio | The problem is that *sometimes* my X goes to 100% (for some applications)... it's really frustrating | 16:50 |
TMess_ | something new would be better | 16:50 |
michcio | anyways... I decided to give up on it and instead ask you this: | 16:50 |
daly | hi! | 16:50 |
TMess_ | hi | 16:50 |
grill | ki7mt permissions issue? | 16:51 |
michcio | What graphics card do you have? I'll gladly buy a new one if someone can tell me that he got it working with no glitches under linux. | 16:51 |
ki7mt | grill, Look into using ssh-keyscan | 16:51 |
ki7mt | grill, something like: ssh-keyscan -t rsa client machine >> /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts | 16:52 |
michcio | anyone? | 16:52 |
michcio | I have 'NVIDIA Corporation NV43 [Quadro NVS 440] (rev a2)' | 16:52 |
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rgb-one | TMess_: look for a problem in your university that Ubuntu could help solve | 16:54 |
grill | ki7mt no dice | 16:54 |
ki7mt | michcio, Quaddro is a bit overkill for most needs. I wont recommend a brand, but, something that is a year or two older is, IMHO, better as the driver support is more robust. | 16:54 |
jParkton | my graphics card works perfectly | 16:55 |
michcio | ki7mt: it is, indeed... I don't need quaddro... I just bought the whole box with it inside... | 16:55 |
rgb-one | TMess_: I am looking to find some University projects myself for a final project. | 16:55 |
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ki7mt | grill, Here is a basic how too , have a read see what, if anything you've omitted: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-copy-files-with-rsync-over-ssh | 16:56 |
michcio | ki7mt: that's why I thought of buying a different one... it's not expensive... but on the other hand, I'd rather not throw away money on something which will not solve my problem | 16:56 |
michcio | jParkton: what do you have? | 16:56 |
rgb-one | TMess_: I have Identified one but it is not ubuntu specific | 16:56 |
jParkton | Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller | 16:56 |
grill | ki7mt I know how to rsync when a key is in place. however, I don't have a key on this specific machine | 16:56 |
jParkton | long name for "Who knows" | 16:56 |
michcio | Don't get me wrong... it usually works OK. I'm not even sure it's graphics card that causes the problem. Although... I have no idea what else could make X go crazy | 16:57 |
ki7mt | grill, well the key needs to be on the target box as well. | 16:57 |
TMess_ | @rgb-one.... I'm out of ideas.... actually i'm looking bith ways towards android and ubuntu.... but can't seem to find project possible enough for summer yet cool enough to be approved | 16:57 |
grill | ki7mt I thought you said it was possible to rsync files anonymously? | 16:57 |
ki7mt | michcio, I would would go with last year or before model, and check the various supported hardware lists, there's lots of them. | 16:57 |
rgb-one | TMess_: No worries with the right conditions the idea will arise :) | 16:57 |
jParkton | I have been running this laptop for 3 years almost and never an issue | 16:57 |
jParkton | although I run Kubuntu | 16:58 |
ki7mt | grill, It is, if the server is setup to accept it, but most are not. | 16:58 |
michcio | ki7mt: yeah... they all seem to indicate that there is no card which is fully supported ;) | 16:58 |
grill | ki7mt and the output I'm receiving suggest this server is *NOT* set up to receive it, correcT? | 16:58 |
ki7mt | grill, "If" being the operative term, they server admins need to allow / configure for it. | 16:58 |
TMess_ | @rgb-one only it has to in the next 2 weeks | 16:58 |
jParkton | operative/conditional | 16:58 |
misfit1 | where would I go to ask questions about clementine music player? | 16:59 |
jParkton | depends on the q | 16:59 |
rgb-one | TMess_: Anything lacking at your university? | 16:59 |
ki7mt | michcio, "Fully" is an absolute term and very subjective to the tests used, but for say Desktop use, or general gaming etc, many are "well" supported, but maybe not "fully" :-) | 16:59 |
misfit1 | jParkton, a question about the internet services it uses | 17:00 |
allstarsnorks2 | The newest Linux 4.0 is a tar.xz and the tutorials on the internet are for .tar.bz2 and .tar.gz. Need a little help here. | 17:00 |
jParkton | ok | 17:00 |
jParkton | go for it | 17:00 |
ki7mt | grill, jsut a guess, but I would say not. | 17:00 |
rgb-one | TMess_: anything that can be improved? Anything is the keyword here. | 17:00 |
jParkton | allstarsnorks2: same thing really | 17:00 |
jason__ | TMess_ if possible, I would say try to find an existing project and add a cool (significant) feature to it rather than start from scratch. | 17:00 |
OerHeks | allstarsnorks2, not supported for your version of ubuntu. | 17:00 |
jParkton | same command tar -xvf someFile.tar.xxx | 17:00 |
michcio | ki7mt: I'd go with: 'better supported than the one I have'... I mostly need a text editor ;) | 17:00 |
rgb-one | jason__: good suggestion | 17:01 |
misfit1 | jParkton, is there way to add a service not included by default? | 17:01 |
grill | ki7mt is there any way for me to verify this from my side of the fence? | 17:01 |
michcio | I'm not doing any gaming or anything fancy | 17:01 |
ki7mt | allstarsnorks2, UBuntu has a specific method of implementing Kernels, you may want to ask in #ubuntu-kernel, but here's the Linky: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile | 17:02 |
TMess_ | jason__ , rgb-one Have you ever worked on something... Maybe a reference would help | 17:02 |
jParkton | misfit1: like what? Just a broadvcast stream or a login /password site | 17:02 |
misfit1 | jParkton, a broadcast stream | 17:02 |
ki7mt | grill, It appears you just did. If your syntax is correct and it failed, most likely not. | 17:02 |
ki7mt | michcio, Like I said, go with one of the Big-Box store brands, a year or two old, should be fairly stable. | 17:03 |
jParkton | misfit1: mine says "Ctrl + O" | 17:03 |
grill | ki7mt thanks mang | 17:03 |
michcio | ki7mt: ok, thanks... will try :) | 17:03 |
jParkton | open a stream | 17:03 |
jason__ | TMess_, I haven't really committed to any Ubuntu projects. But if you've used Ubuntu, maybe you've seen a feature that is lacking in a certain piece of software? | 17:04 |
TMess_ | hmm... true | 17:05 |
OerHeks | !contribute | 17:05 |
ubottu | To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu | 17:05 |
OerHeks | TMess_, start with a launchpad account to join teams and mailinglists. | 17:07 |
misfit1 | jParkton, well that suficed for adding the stream however attempting to use the stream generates quite a long list of "Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in." | 17:07 |
misfit1 | jParkton, and only that | 17:07 |
knojoko | How can some like me who only has A+, N+ and a passion for ubuntu be involved in Ubuntu projects and perhaps learn? | 17:07 |
OerHeks | misfit1, known issue, WMA > http://askubuntu.com/questions/456072/clementine-wont-play-wma-with-your-gstreamer-installation-is-missing-a-plugi | 17:08 |
jParkton | misfit1: you need codecs | 17:08 |
Dragonkeeper | hey guys, having a little trouble settign up nvidia drivers with cuda support | 17:08 |
kristofers | Can anyone explain why the characters are changed in to so non sense ? | 17:08 |
kristofers | http://oi58.tinypic.com/2pys0b7.jpg | 17:08 |
ki7mt | grill, here's quicky example of how the anon rsync would go: http://books.gigatux.nl/mirror/linuxcookbook/0596006403/linuxckbk-CHP-16-SECT-6.html | 17:08 |
kristofers | it happens when runnning apt-get | 17:09 |
grill | thanks! | 17:09 |
misfit1 | jParkton, well that's an issue. | 17:09 |
jParkton | kristofers: because you are attempting to read a compiled program? | 17:09 |
OerHeks | kristofers, odd font for normale use | 17:09 |
jParkton | misfit1: did you 'apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras' | 17:09 |
ki7mt | grill, note, the web-server and www/public | 17:09 |
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misfit1 | jParkton, yep | 17:10 |
kristofers | -.- | 17:10 |
kristofers | not sure what to say lol | 17:10 |
grill | ki7mt this seems to only mention anon downloads + password protected uploads | 17:10 |
jParkton | misfit1: the only time that should happen is when trying to play wma | 17:11 |
OerHeks | misfit1, jParkton wma is not included in restricted-extras | 17:11 |
jParkton | is this a wma link? | 17:11 |
jParkton | OerHeks: I am aware | 17:11 |
ki7mt | grill, but the meaning is, the server msut be configured for Anon access, I'll find you a better example. | 17:11 |
grill | ki7mt sure. i got you | 17:11 |
misfit1 | OerHeks, so how do I add wma support? | 17:13 |
OerHeks | misfit1, scroll back please | 17:13 |
grill | ki7mt don't worry about it for now. i'm just going to have the system admin give me ssh acces | 17:13 |
ki7mt | grill, http://everythinglinux.org/rsync/ .. however, think about what your asking, anyone could rysnc anything .. that's a huge security risk, if the server is not jailed or the files isolated. | 17:13 |
jParkton | misfit1: clementine will not play wmas, there are other players that will | 17:13 |
misfit1 | jParkton, oh ok. thanks | 17:14 |
ki7mt | grill, SSH access is the best route, particularly for security | 17:14 |
grill | ki7mt yeah i know. we're being lazy / are only doing this on a local network | 17:14 |
ki7mt | grill, If its a local "isolated" LAN and you trust everyone on it, that's a bit different. | 17:15 |
OerHeks | jParkton, wrong. | 17:15 |
OerHeks | only vlc might do that, with its own codecs | 17:15 |
jParkton | Thank you for that insight, might I require about what I was wrong or do you want to leave it there | 17:15 |
ki7mt | grill, ALl you'd need to do is configure the server properly at that point, and give everyone the server url | 17:16 |
ioria | with w32codecs you can't do that ? | 17:16 |
grill | ye | 17:16 |
Dragonkeeper | trying to build the nvidia cuda samples but i get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/10845810/ | 17:16 |
jParkton | I guess not | 17:16 |
ioria | pity | 17:16 |
jParkton | well thank you anyway for that bit of uselessness | 17:17 |
jParkton | actually misfit1 run this and clementine should handle them "sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly gstreamer1.0-libav" | 17:18 |
ki7mt | Dragonkeeper, I would as the NV gurus, but .. recipe for target 'cudaDecodeGL' failed .. could be coused by any number of things, libs, configuration, compilers, their code etc. | 17:19 |
ki7mt | .. ask .. | 17:19 |
OerHeks | Dragonkeeper, last answer i think >> https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/769578/cuda-6-5-cannot-find-lnvcuvid/ | 17:19 |
Dragonkeeper | hmm ill try | 17:20 |
ki7mt | OerHeks, Yes, but, that -lnvcuvid may be a lib that was supposed to be built with the package .. doesn't mean is a build-dep package | 17:21 |
Dragonkeeper | OerHeks: ki7mt: that last answer didnt work , but the /usr/lib/nvidia-349 has the lib there . :S | 17:23 |
ki7mt | Dragonkeeper, also note: ldconfig deals only with runtime libraries, whereas ld deals with build-time libraries .. so | 17:23 |
Dragonkeeper | just running make , its there code | 17:24 |
openhatch_0464 | hi.. | 17:24 |
ki7mt | So -L option to gcc or ld in order to tell it where the build-time symlink is. this is why I say it may be a build script issue, but only guessing ehre. | 17:24 |
misfit1 | jParkton, doesn't do anything | 17:26 |
ki7mt | Dragonkeeper, I'm assuming you have the CUDA SDK installed ? if not, may be a good place to start. | 17:26 |
Dragonkeeper | ki7mt: i have the toolkit | 17:26 |
ki7mt | Dragonkeeper, Have you went through this, starting at section (2): http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-getting-started-guide-for-linux/index.html#axzz3XgOttPPA | 17:28 |
jParkton | misfit1: try http://askubuntu.com/questions/456072/clementine-wont-play-wma-with-your-gstreamer-installation-is-missing-a-plugi | 17:30 |
jParkton | first link on google search "clementine play wma" | 17:31 |
Dragonkeeper | ki7mt: looking | 17:31 |
ki7mt | Dragonkeeper, It's a fare bit of configuration, and it's OS/ARCH specific, so, how-to's found elsewhere may yield unexpected results on varying machines. | 17:32 |
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OerHeks | sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mc3man/trusty-media && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg # and restart your mediaplayer | 17:34 |
Dragonkeeper | ki7mt: yh pretty much , im basically at 6.2.1 | 17:34 |
misfit1 | jParkton, installed but doesn't anything | 17:34 |
ki7mt | YeeHaa .. Ubunty Snappy is Happy on my Pi2 .. just thought Is share that. | 17:35 |
* Dragonkeeper wants ubuntu snappy on his rpi2 lol | 17:35 | |
jParkton | misfit1: what is the link you are trying to add? | 17:35 |
ki7mt | Dragonkeeper, I would go through it fully, as your clearly missing a lib link wiht the setup your using, why could be any number of reasons. | 17:36 |
misfit1 | jParkton, the solution provided in the first answer | 17:37 |
fu_metaleer | in reference to metaleer: | 17:37 |
fu_metaleer | <sujeet> he takes stuff on irc pretty personally, so he will actually feel legit upset over being targeted | 17:38 |
fu_metaleer | hahahahahhah | 17:38 |
jParkton | misfit1: I mean the stream link you are trying to add to clementine | 17:38 |
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Ricky_Rat5005 | Trying to load Ubuntu on PC and getting ?????? when I try to install it (at the section where it's going to partition and format the drive. Any suggestions? | 17:44 |
misfit1 | jParkton, http://www.iheart.com/live/radio-1045-3401/ | 17:45 |
Dragonkeeper | ki7mt: i might have fixed it ... | 17:45 |
Dragonkeeper | ki7mt: i kept the lib path as /usr/local/cuda-7.0/ but in there i added a symlink to the /usr/lib/nvidia-349 dir for the lib i needed | 17:46 |
jParkton | misfit1: that is not a wma file that is a radio station on iheart | 17:49 |
q1aa | Is there a way I can change the double-click frequency of each mouse button separately? My middle-button keeps doing multiple clicks for each push, but my left and right mouse buttons are fine. Is there a way to keep the left and right mouse buttons exactly the same, while putting the middle-button double-click frequency down to 1ms so it'll never double click? Is there a command line trick? | 17:51 |
Dragonkeeper | http://media-ice.musicradio.com/GoldMP3 best internet radio :) | 17:52 |
jParkton | clementine even better | 17:52 |
ki7mt | Dragonkeeper, Ok, that's good, somewhere there is a mis stp though, shouldnt' have to do. Maybe, it just dawned on me, there is an update-alternates step missing you you have two locations for libs | 17:52 |
alteregoa | hello ubuntuanians | 17:53 |
* Dragonkeeper nods | 17:53 | |
alteregoa | cq ubuntu | 17:53 |
ki7mt | .-. .-. | 17:53 |
alteregoa | .- ... .-. | 17:54 |
ki7mt | - -, -,,- | 17:54 |
alteregoa | .... . .-.. .-.. --- / ..- -... ..- -. - ..- | 17:54 |
ki7mt | Ok, we better stop, or we'll get nailed for OT :-) | 17:54 |
alteregoa | i need to know something about everything and everything about something | 17:55 |
Dragonkeeper | ki7mt: there must be something wrong , it all compiled fine but i fails | 17:55 |
alteregoa | someone tried to compile the kernel using -o3 with GCC 5? | 17:55 |
misfit1 | jParkton, which makes this issue all the weirder | 17:56 |
alteregoa | well i want to run the flying spaghetti monster on my machine, i need a fast kernel | 17:56 |
ki7mt | Dragonkeeper, we're probably OT on this one also, but what's the failure/ | 17:57 |
Dragonkeeper | cudaGetDeviceCount returned 38 | 17:57 |
Dragonkeeper | -> no CUDA-capable device is detected | 17:57 |
Dragonkeeper | Result = FAIL | 17:57 |
Dragonkeeper | ki7mt: NVRM version: NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module 349.16 and lspci says Kernel driver in use: nvidia | 18:00 |
CRPL | Hello. I have installed Ubuntu 14.04 (mate). I deleted the entire drive with Windows and replaced it with Ubuntu installation. The problem is that my other 2 hdds that are in hardware raid0, appear in Ubuntu as two separate drives, and Ubuntu gives the error of unable to mount them. | 18:01 |
CRPL | Any ideas on how to fix the Raid0 drives ? | 18:02 |
CRPL | (mounts) | 18:02 |
nadrosima | hello friends! | 18:02 |
alteregoa | yes | 18:04 |
Ricky_Rat5005 | Hi, what does it mean when I get an error with a buch of ? marks when trying to install Ubuntu? | 18:04 |
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alteregoa | CRPL do you use those two drives as raid0 under windows with proprietary drivers? | 18:04 |
CRPL | I dont have windows anymore on the PC, but the drivers were the default ones ... | 18:05 |
nadrosima | Ricky_Rat5005: which error | 18:05 |
CRPL | It is a hardware raid, not a software one | 18:05 |
alteregoa | you use the bios raid0 function? | 18:05 |
CRPL | yes | 18:06 |
alteregoa | CRPL, so do you use NTFS as filesystem in windows? | 18:06 |
CRPL | And the raid interface of the mainboard tells me that the raid is up and ready | 18:06 |
CRPL | alteregoa: I think that they were NTFS | 18:07 |
CRPL | but the problem is that there are now two separate drives .. so Ubuntu does not even see the raid0 | 18:07 |
CRPL | http://imgur.com/zunJkCI - ss | 18:07 |
alteregoa | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g | 18:07 |
alteregoa | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g | 18:07 |
alteregoa | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g | 18:07 |
alteregoa | do you have ntfs3g installed? | 18:07 |
alteregoa | damn xchat sorry | 18:07 |
CRPL | Ill check that out now | 18:08 |
alteregoa | then you need to do: fdisk -l | 18:08 |
nadrosima | or df -h | 18:08 |
CRPL | I have ntfs-3g installed, I'm checking disks now | 18:09 |
james71 | ciao | 18:09 |
CRPL | http://pastebin.com/AZB8wDhj | 18:09 |
james71 | "!list" | 18:09 |
Ricky_Rat5005 | nadrosima - That's all I get is ? marks when it's time to partition and format. No other error, just ? marks. | 18:10 |
alteregoa | CRPL, is there any drive in /dev/mapper | 18:11 |
CRPL | just "control" | 18:11 |
nadrosima | yor hard drive(s) is blank or not ? | 18:11 |
nadrosima | yor = your | 18:12 |
CRPL | No, they have some data | 18:12 |
nadrosima | if not equal cant mount and use | 18:12 |
Ricky_Rat5005 | nadrosima - it was a Windows box prior but I put the drives into a raid 1 which should have erased everything. | 18:12 |
james71 | ciao | 18:12 |
james71 | !list | 18:12 |
ubottu | james71: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 18:12 |
alteregoa | dmraid -ay -vvv -d | 18:13 |
CRPL | nadrosima: the drives were made raid0 on windows | 18:13 |
CRPL | and they worked as raid0 | 18:13 |
CRPL | so the raid0 is ok | 18:13 |
CRPL | But a little info I forgot to tell you is that I installed Ubuntu with both drives removed | 18:14 |
alteregoa | CRPL that doesnt' matter | 18:14 |
nadrosima | Raid mode on first installation ! None if you want use raid mode change raid x for installation | 18:14 |
nadrosima | otherwise cant read and write | 18:14 |
nadrosima | some index and block bridged via motherbord | 18:15 |
alteregoa | the raid0 is not the root partition nadrosima | 18:15 |
CRPL | nadrosima: I don't understand what you are saying. The raid was raid0 on windows and worked, and now I plugged in the drivers after Ubuntu install | 18:15 |
CRPL | I don't want to change anything on the drives. | 18:15 |
ki7mt | Dragonkeeper, I dont a bunch of reading, but Im not seeing where this issue may be. | 18:15 |
alteregoa | CRPL what chipset do you hav? | 18:15 |
CRPL | oh .. | 18:15 |
alteregoa | motherboard | 18:16 |
CRPL | let me check that | 18:16 |
nadrosima | CPL clear now undorstood | 18:16 |
ki7mt | Dragonkeeper, done a bunch .. | 18:16 |
nadrosima | can you see drivers on linux ? | 18:16 |
CRPL | Intel® H97 Express Chipset | 18:16 |
CRPL | Yes, the both drives appear as separate drives | 18:17 |
CRPL | not as raid0 | 18:17 |
Dragonkeeper | ki7mt: starting again | 18:17 |
CRPL | And when I double click on them I get > ~Unable to mount location. Can't mount file~ | 18:17 |
nadrosima | sfdisk -l | 18:17 |
nadrosima | try | 18:18 |
CRPL | nothing happend | 18:18 |
nadrosima | se is disks alive on system | 18:18 |
EriC^^ | CRPL: type fdisk -l | 18:18 |
CRPL | nothing echoed from terminal | 18:18 |
nadrosima | sfdisk -l | 18:18 |
Trindaz | What app can I use to check all directories on a volume to find out which ones are the biggest? | 18:19 |
alteregoa | sudo fdisk -l | 18:19 |
nadrosima | sfdisk -l show un munted | 18:19 |
nadrosima | mounted | 18:19 |
CRPL | Wait to pastebin it | 18:19 |
Ricky_Rat5005 | nadrosima - Did you see my response? | 18:19 |
EriC^^ | Trindaz: du -x /path/to/dir/* | sort -n | 18:19 |
EriC^^ | Trindaz: du -sx /path/to/dir/* | sort -n | 18:19 |
Trindaz | thanks EriC^^ | 18:19 |
CRPL | nadrosima: http://pastebin.com/Enfiij6J | 18:20 |
alteregoa | install dmraid package | 18:21 |
andy__ | Hola | 18:21 |
andy__ | Hola | 18:21 |
alteregoa | sudo apt-get install dmraid | 18:22 |
CRPL | Installed it | 18:22 |
andy__ | como añadir fondos de escritorio en xfce¿? | 18:22 |
k1l | !es | andy__ | 18:22 |
ubottu | andy__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 18:22 |
alteregoa | sudo dmraid -s | 18:22 |
Ricky_Rat5005 | Hi, I am getting an error consisting of ONLY ? marks when I try to install Ubuntu. Any suggestions on what I can do to fix this please? | 18:23 |
andy__ | sorry.. | 18:23 |
CRPL | alteregoa: http://pastebin.com/yXGq0icC | 18:23 |
andy__ | :D | 18:23 |
alteregoa | ok now mount that | 18:23 |
CRPL | ... :)) .. how ? (sorry for being a noob) | 18:24 |
nadrosima | CRPL: you want use raid mode ? | 18:24 |
CRPL | It is allready configured as hardware raid0 | 18:25 |
alteregoa | sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/mapper/isw_bffdifadf_Volume1 /media/yourmountdir | 18:25 |
nadrosima | if not : remove pair make dir and use fstab for manual mounting | 18:25 |
CRPL | ntfs-3g: Failed to access volume '/dev/mapper/isw_bffdifadf_Volume1': No such file or directory | 18:25 |
nadrosima | mount first | 18:25 |
CRPL | on ls /dev/mapper, is it still just ”control” directory | 18:26 |
CRPL | That error is on mounting | 18:26 |
nadrosima | you got 2 disk with raid mode | 18:26 |
alteregoa | sudo dmraid -ay | 18:26 |
nadrosima | some system files and sector types not equal Win to Linux | 18:27 |
nadrosima | remove pair (so use only one) and mount manualy | 18:27 |
CRPL | Volume dosent seem to be NTFS | 18:27 |
CRPL | ( The device '/dev/mapper/isw_bffdifadf_Volume1' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS. ) | 18:28 |
alteregoa | its ZFS? microsoft aquired oracle? | 18:28 |
sharksforarms | Hey, so I changed my gnome-terminal background and now the output from grep with the --color=auto flag is unreadable... Is there a way to change this? http://i.imgur.com/9S0MKkJ.png | 18:28 |
CRPL | alteregoa: no ... just hardware raid0 | 18:28 |
CRPL | on the motherboard's chipset | 18:28 |
neldogz | Is there a way to enable file snapshots on Ubuntu 14 like on Windows 7 desktop and server platforms? | 18:29 |
alteregoa | normally dmraid -ay starts dmraid, and the drives appear in /dev/mapper | 18:29 |
CRPL | alteregoa: oh | 18:29 |
CRPL | Now I see that ~New Volume~ is mounted | 18:29 |
CRPL | And is my raid0 | 18:29 |
CRPL | It auto-mounted it | 18:29 |
alteregoa | fascinating | 18:29 |
q1aa | does anyone know how to change the double-click frequency of each button separately in ubuntu? I want to set my middle-button so low that it can never double click. | 18:30 |
CRPL | alteregoa: thank you | 18:30 |
CRPL | Now is there a way to hide the drives from ~Computer~ ? | 18:30 |
CRPL | (the drives that are in raid0) | 18:30 |
alteregoa | well CRPL i have the same problem with 18HDD running as BTRFS array in ubuntu, can't make them disappearing | 18:32 |
CRPL | Oh, just deal with it >D | 18:32 |
CRPL | :D | 18:32 |
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CRPL | Now the raid0 will auto-mount at each startup, right ? | 18:33 |
alteregoa | no | 18:33 |
alteregoa | not at all | 18:33 |
alteregoa | but you can add it into the fstab | 18:33 |
CRPL | And is there a way to make it auto-mount ? | 18:33 |
nadrosima | ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ learn id create dir mount with fstab | 18:33 |
EriC^^ | CRPL: add the option auto | 18:34 |
CRPL | I'm thinking that it auto-mounted it after ~sudo dmraid -ay~ | 18:34 |
EriC^^ | at the end of the options | 18:34 |
CRPL | I have a feeling that I will be coming back for mounting info, but untill than, thank you all for helping me. | 18:35 |
CRPL | Wonderful community. | 18:36 |
sharksforarms | nvm about my question, just modified the gnome-terminal profile | 18:36 |
CRPL | *ultill then | 18:36 |
CRPL | Oh, and a side question. Is there any way that the download on Ubuntu is a little bit slower than on Windows ? | 18:38 |
ki7mt | neldogz, there are many ways to "snapshot" images, files folder, a simple, scriptable method is to use rsync. see: man rsync | 18:39 |
OerHeks | CRPL, depends on the host i guess, i find ubuntu faster due to the lack of anoying antivirus | 18:39 |
CRPL | I'm testing now on http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.10/ubuntu-14.10-desktop-amd64.iso | 18:40 |
neldogz | ki7mt, I am familiar with rsync but I guess I am more interested in some kind of versioning control system where I could right click on a file and select revert or restore previous file | 18:40 |
OerHeks | use torrents if you can | 18:40 |
nadrosima | dont jum release use stable | 18:40 |
CRPL | And the speed is bouncing a little bit (from 10 mb/s to 50 mb/s .. back down .. etc.) | 18:40 |
nadrosima | jum = jump | 18:40 |
CRPL | No, I'm testing the download on that .iso | 18:41 |
CRPL | I am no running that distro | 18:41 |
ki7mt | neldogz, I was going to say, there is also a GUI for is, Grsync. VCS a fare bit different in nature, it works well for many things. | 18:41 |
neldogz | So nothing really that uses a shadow copy style of storing versions of files equivalent for linux? | 18:47 |
rypervenche | neldogz: http://serverfault.com/questions/231073/linux-equivalent-for-windows-shadow-copies | 18:47 |
rypervenche | neldogz: I would recommend taking differential backups. | 18:48 |
rypervenche | neldogz: I take a backup every night, then using rsync and hard links, I create a new backup the next night that creates hard links between each backup directory. | 18:48 |
=== norm is now known as Guest54894 | ||
neldogz | rypervenche, I am currently doing the same. Followed this article: http://revelify.com/?p=132 | 18:49 |
neldogz | Was hoping there was something I could right-click on a file and restore.. i guess rsync and hardlinks will work for now | 18:50 |
xrosnight | hello | 18:51 |
ki7mt | neldogz, I guess it depends on what your looking for, true VCS with eh ability to revert / restore easily, or a true volume level snapshot tool. | 18:52 |
specing | Hi, how can I get an ssh server running on an ubuntu live/install CD? | 18:52 |
neldogz | ki7mt, yes, In the end what matters is that i can revert back to a specific version of a file | 18:52 |
neldogz | matters most * | 18:52 |
rypervenche | neldogz: That one is doesn't use hard links, so you're copying all of the data each time. | 18:52 |
SchrodingersScat | !info openssh-server | specing, sudo apt-get install openssh-server | 18:53 |
rypervenche | neldogz: Also, LVM snapshots may be the way you want to go. It will restore EVERYTHING. | 18:53 |
ubottu | specing, sudo apt-get install openssh-server: openssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines. In component main, is optional. Version 1:6.6p1-8 (utopic), package size 356 kB, installed size 1099 kB | 18:53 |
Headknot | spacing: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/openssh-server.html | 18:53 |
Headknot | specing: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/openssh-server.html | 18:53 |
Jakey2 | does anyone have any ideas for this problem | 18:53 |
Jakey2 | http://pastie.org/10100299 | 18:53 |
ki7mt | neldogz, Well, maybe a VCS is a better route then, there are several VCS GUI based tools that could do the work, here is a brief overview of a few: http://guides.beanstalkapp.com/version-control/clients.html | 18:53 |
neldogz | rypervenche, doens't the cp -al create a hardlink or am I mistaken? | 18:54 |
athan | Hey folks, System Monitor is telling me that Firefox's CPU usage is set to "disk sleep" - how do I wake it up? (it's currently frozen( | 18:54 |
athan | )* | 18:54 |
MonkeyDust | !details | Jakey2 | 18:54 |
ubottu | Jakey2: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 18:54 |
xrosnight | hello i can not install ia32-libs in ubuntu 12.04 x64. here's the error log. http://pastebin.ca/2976242 many thanks! I want to install ia32-libs | 18:54 |
neldogz | ki7mt, thanks for that! | 18:54 |
rypervenche | neldogz: Oh, my apologies. I hadn't seen the cp command there. | 18:54 |
athan | I would google it, but... you know? | 18:55 |
athan | it's asleep ._. | 18:55 |
neldogz | rypervenche, I have to agree with you this does work pretty well.. I think Ill just stick with it. | 18:55 |
rypervenche | neldogz: Use what works best for you :) | 18:55 |
ki7mt | neldogz, and yes, cp -rla should recursively cp hard-links | 18:55 |
OerHeks | xrosnight, that is the old way, ubuntu is multiarch, just add <package.deb>:i386 | 18:56 |
xrosnight | OerHeks: I am still using ubuntu12.04 now. and i need ia32-libs. I added a PPA of gcc 4.9 but that make the ia32-libs on ubuntu 12.04 x64 be removed. I want 'ia32-libs' back. | 18:58 |
TheNumb | xrosnight: ia32-libs are gone. | 18:58 |
ki7mt | neldogz, Also, BZR Explorer for bzr based VCS http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/explorer/en/ | 18:59 |
xrosnight | TheNumb: yeah but I am using ubuntu 12.04 x64 for now. there should be ia32-libs on 12.04 | 18:59 |
xrosnight | TheNumb: http://pastebin.ca/2976242 this is the error log | 19:00 |
OerHeks | xrosnight, there isn't anymore, http://askubuntu.com/questions/359156/how-do-you-run-a-32-bit-program-on-a-64-bit-version-of-ubuntu/359184#359184 | 19:00 |
ki7mt | xrosnight, No quite, that changed in 12.04, it's now: sudo apt-get install package-name:i386 and multi-lib is enabled by default I believe. | 19:00 |
readwrite | how do i run a script at start up? i want to start an application on startup | 19:01 |
ki7mt | readwrite, with upstart jobs or using the rc.local file | 19:01 |
nadrosima | OerHeks: if install a 32 bit app already will be installed requred libs | 19:01 |
readwrite | which rc.local fine | 19:01 |
readwrite | file | 19:01 |
readwrite | there are a few | 19:01 |
bekks | !autostart | readwrite | 19:01 |
ubottu | readwrite: If you want to edit your Autostart programs, open the Unity dash and search for Startup Programs. If you're on XFCE, use menu -> Settings -> Settings Manager -> Session and Startup, if you're on KDE, use Kickoff -> Computer -> System Settings -> Autostart. For more details see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup. For LXDE see http://ubottu.com/y/4 | 19:01 |
bekks | The is only one /etc/rc.local file | 19:02 |
OerHeks | nadrosima, i know | 19:02 |
ki7mt | +1 was just typing that about AutoStart .. | 19:02 |
neldogz | ki7mt, that looks like a good one! | 19:02 |
nadrosima | update rc d "your app" defaults | 19:03 |
nadrosima | so mean your app with parameters | 19:03 |
ki7mt | neldogz, I like bzr as I dont have to swap things around for Launchpad work. But I use Git and SVN as well. | 19:03 |
rypervenche | ki7mt: The -r is redundant in your "cp -rla" command. | 19:03 |
ki7mt | Ok | 19:03 |
xrosnight | nadrosima: i was trying to install a x86_something.deb on ubuntu12.04 but failed. because lack of i386 dependency | 19:03 |
=== ochorocho1 is now known as ochorocho | ||
nadrosima | if use system cant install | 19:04 |
ki7mt | rypervenche, it was just an example, not ment to be a replacement for reading the man page. | 19:04 |
nadrosima | way : instaling 32bit a program you collected 32 bit emulators | 19:04 |
OerHeks | x86_something.deb:i386 should work | 19:05 |
neldogz | rypervenche, the biggest problem I face with the hard linking is handling virtual machine files. | 19:05 |
rypervenche | neldogz: Different with each backup I'm guessing? | 19:06 |
neldogz | rypervenche, correct | 19:06 |
rypervenche | neldogz: You're going to have that problem with any backup solution you choose. | 19:06 |
ki7mt | neldogz, create shares (Samba, SSHFS, etc), somewhere you can access from your main dev box. | 19:07 |
neldogz | rypervenche, i was thinking of leaving the VM's out of the backups and backing up only the snapshots | 19:07 |
bekks | neldogz: Which gives you nothing. You cannot restore the vms without having them backed up first. | 19:07 |
bekks | neldogz: You need to backups your vms too for restoring them. | 19:08 |
bekks | -s | 19:08 |
neldogz | rypervenche, back them up once.. then only snapshots going forward.. making sure to store all the data on the network which is being backed up using hardlinks | 19:08 |
nadrosima | good nigth friends! | 19:08 |
bekks | rypervenche: Are you talking about virtualbox snapshots? | 19:09 |
neldogz | bekks, yes | 19:09 |
bekks | I've implemented a backup solution for my vms, just a few days ago. | 19:10 |
neldogz | bekks, what did you use? | 19:10 |
bekks | bash, VBoxManage, rsync, rm :) | 19:10 |
ki7mt | Originally, the question was about easy revision of / revovery of specific files, not so much complete disk images or VM's | 19:11 |
xrosnight | OerHeks: even though when i was trying to install wine , it showed broken packages.. http://pastebin.ca/2976258 ki7mt I did upgrade GCC from PPA before but I removed the latest GCC/PPA ,cleaned the apt cache. | 19:11 |
bekks | I'm snapshotting my vms regurlarly, and then running rsync to back them up. Once a week, I merge all snapshots older than 14 days. | 19:11 |
xrosnight | i mean later | 19:12 |
neldogz | bekks, you merge everything older than 14 days back into the original VM correct? | 19:12 |
bekks | Correct. So once a week I am syncing a new base vdi. | 19:12 |
specing | Apparently half the maverick repos are 404ing | 19:13 |
specing | no ssh server for me. | 19:13 |
neldogz | bekks, nice.. you just gave me something to do | 19:13 |
bekks | !maverick | specing | 19:13 |
ubottu | specing: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details. | 19:13 |
ki7mt | xrosnight, one method may be: sudo apt-get autoremove ; sudo apt-get remove wine ; sudo dpkg -p Wine ;sudo apt-get install wine | 19:13 |
OerHeks | xrosnight, "Depends: wine1.4" seems like an old exe | 19:13 |
OerHeks | :-D | 19:13 |
bekks | !eolupgrade | specing | 19:13 |
ubottu | specing: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades | 19:13 |
specing | bekks: well... I found this liveCD burried in my drawer | 19:14 |
specing | it is amazing, it has rsync but no openssh-server | 19:14 |
specing | also apt-cdrom add -d /cdrom | 19:14 |
bekks | neldogz: The most interesting part is implementing the creation of snapshots for all vms of all users. | 19:14 |
xrosnight | ki7mt: doesnt work :( | 19:14 |
ki7mt | xrosnight, can you be more specific, what doesn't work | 19:15 |
xrosnight | OerHeks: Yeah. It's old on ubuntu 12.04 | 19:15 |
BlackHorn | Hey everyone. I was wondering if anyone knows of a way I can create a keyboard shortcut for CTRL+CapsLock to make it trigger enter? | 19:15 |
xrosnight | ki7mt: it shows wine : Depends: wine1.4 but it is not going to be installed | 19:15 |
xrosnight | ki7mt: and E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. | 19:15 |
ki7mt | xrosnight, the the install after removal .. ok .. | 19:15 |
OerHeks | xrosnight, why did you leave out the line what you are trying to install? | 19:16 |
xrosnight | ki7mt: i did remove wine many times | 19:16 |
ki7mt | xrosnight, well what's being held would be a good place to start: dpkg --get-selections | grep hold | 19:17 |
neldogz | bekks, those snapshots must take a long time to merge back in | 19:17 |
bekks | neldogz: No, why? | 19:17 |
xrosnight | ki7mt: it shows nothing here | 19:18 |
xrosnight | ki7mt: but i saw some 'deinstall' there | 19:18 |
neldogz | bekks, they took a while for me when I was playing with them. 30 minutes for 1 snapshot | 19:19 |
bekks | neldogz: I just started my script, hold on :) | 19:19 |
ki7mt | xrosnight, well, I not a wine expert, at least the emulation type :-) .. so was looking at the package a bit at the moment. | 19:20 |
neldogz | bekks, cool | 19:20 |
xrosnight | ki7mt: thank you anyway! the same problem with 'ia32-libs' here on ubuntu 12.04 | 19:21 |
ki7mt | xrosnight, only other thign I coauls suggest, before gettign int the /var/lib stuff is to do ; sudo apt-get autoclean $$ apt-get clear cache | 19:22 |
ki7mt | xrosnight, I already responded to your issue about ia32-libs on 12.04 | 19:23 |
OerHeks | maybe 'sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386' causes that wine error | 19:23 |
xrosnight | OerHeks: dpkg --version shows (amd64). and that dpkg does not have the option '--add-architecture'.... | 19:24 |
ki7mt | ia21-libs-multiarch is in 12.04 .. but I suspect there's arch / lib conflicts between them and Wine somewhere, or busted source / cache files | 19:25 |
bekks | nobrak: Done. Merged snapshots older than 21 days for 6 vms, took 7 minutes. | 19:26 |
neldogz | bekks, nice :) | 19:26 |
ki7mt | he could try clean ; autoclean ; update ; upgrade then try and get ride of Wine and --reinstall | 19:26 |
xrosnight | ki7mt: i think so. there would be some broken packages. i am following this http://askubuntu.com/questions/165951/dpkg-get-selections-shows-packages-marked-deinstall | 19:27 |
xrosnight | ki7mt: i did that. but that did not work. | 19:27 |
vagelis | προβλημα με το λεξικο ελληνικων στο libre | 19:27 |
bekks | !gr | vagelis | 19:27 |
ubottu | vagelis: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes | 19:27 |
ki7mt | xrosnight, Yes, you need to use some pinning as well, but I dont want to fubar you box so wont go there. | 19:27 |
xrosnight | ki7mt: damn .. i tried this command... sudo dpkg --purge `dpkg --get-selections | grep deinstall | cut -f1` | 19:28 |
xrosnight | my PC nearly got screwed... | 19:28 |
ki7mt | xrosnight, be careful using --puge especially if you dont know what it's gonna purge beforehand | 19:30 |
ki7mt | .. --purge .. | 19:30 |
xrosnight | ki7mt: i believe my computer gonna crash soon... i used --purge a moment ago | 19:32 |
ki7mt | xrosnight, well, I'd recommend you make sure your backup is current :-) | 19:34 |
xrosnight | ki7mt: data will not be lost. probably i need to upgrade my PC to ubuntu 14.04 or your suggestions | 19:35 |
ki7mt | xrosnight, I like to run the latest LTS, but I still have a 12.04 image for regression testing. | 19:36 |
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xrosnight | ki7mt: that's nice | 19:38 |
xrosnight | ki7mt: the reason why i stay with the 12.04 is that i've compiled so many software which ubuntu did not ship. | 19:39 |
ki7mt | xrosnight, yeah, but not helping much though .. I really don't have another suggest at the moment. | 19:39 |
ki7mt | .. suggestion .. | 19:39 |
=== atlas1 is now known as otirc | ||
seth-666 | who is playing steam cs 1.6 on ubuntu ? | 19:40 |
xrosnight | ki7mt: it's alright. is the 14.04 working well there? I mean stable? the ubuntu 12.04 is more like the stable debian 7. | 19:40 |
ki7mt | xrosnight, works great for me. | 19:41 |
xrosnight | but recently i tried docker.com and found that only a server with kernel upper than 3.10 is compatible with 'docker' | 19:41 |
xrosnight | so i was using the kernel from 14.04 on 12.04 which is little odd. | 19:42 |
stacks88 | just curious - what makes you guys want to run ubuntu instead of debian? im using ubuntu myself so im just getting opinions is all | 19:43 |
xrosnight | stacks88: for desktop . ubuntu's good. for server debian and ubuntu. for new feature, ubutnu. | 19:44 |
xrosnight | for stablity i would say debian | 19:44 |
stacks88 | ah | 19:45 |
ki7mt | stacks88, that's like asking why folks by Ferrari v s Lamborghini .. everyone has their on preference .. that's the goodness of Linux | 19:45 |
ki7mt | .. own .. | 19:45 |
bekks | xrosnight: You mean age, not stability, do you? :) | 19:45 |
xrosnight | bekks: debian's releasing patches are very fast | 19:47 |
=== eblip is now known as eb0t | ||
ki7mt | It's well know, Debian is focused on stability and security, but with that comes a price, very slow releases for those that always want the latest and greatest of x,y,z | 19:47 |
bekks | xrosnight: As fast as Ubuntu, since Ubuntu uses thedebian upstream. | 19:47 |
xrosnight | ki7mt: i agree. one of my project needs postgresql. and we need some extension of it. but the postgresql debian provides is too out of date. we had to compile from source. then we gave that up. it's because the libc of debian wheezy is born out of date. if you replace the libc of debian, you are not taking the advantage of debian. in the end, we chose ubuntu 12.04 for instead. and we are going to migrate to ubuntu 14.04 soon for all | 19:51 |
rypervenche | xrosnight: You can get the latest version of postgres from their website. They have repos: http://www.postgresql.org/download/linux/debian/ | 19:52 |
alteregoa | darmok and jalad at tanagra | 19:53 |
rypervenche | I haven't heard that in a while... | 19:53 |
IdleOne | alteregoa: Please control your randomness | 19:53 |
alteregoa | /dev/urandom | 19:54 |
=== Guest35016 is now known as Carlgo11 | ||
xrosnight | rypervenche: but if you need some postgresql extensions as well, those extensions must be compiled and sticked with a certain verion of postgresql. even the latest postgresql is not supported. extensions usually be late | 19:56 |
IdleOne | Do we really have to go through this every time you join here? Being helpful does not grant you points for being off topic/disruptive. | 19:56 |
rypervenche | xrosnight: What version of postgres do you need? | 19:57 |
xrosnight | rypervenche: at least 9.1+ | 19:57 |
xrosnight | but we need the postgis | 19:58 |
rypervenche | xrosnight: Ok, so what is the problem then? | 19:58 |
xrosnight | rypervenche: http://postgis.net/install | 19:59 |
rypervenche | xrosnight: I still don't see what your problem is. Could you please explain? | 20:00 |
xrosnight | rypervenche: we tried to deploy on debian but the postgis on debian is out of date. so we took ubuntu for instead. | 20:01 |
rypervenche | xrosnight: You can compile it from source, as shown on that page you linked. | 20:02 |
xrosnight | rypervenche: we did. but the libc of debian is bit out of date for compiling postgis | 20:03 |
rypervenche | xrosnight: I won't argue with that. I know it works with version 2.0, but yeah. | 20:05 |
TheBigDeal | Hi | 20:08 |
TheBigDeal | Where can i find the 'cernlib' documentation? | 20:09 |
IdleOne | http://linux.die.net/man/1/cernlib | 20:09 |
Seveas | TheBigDeal: packages usually install their documentation in /usr/share/doc/<packagename> and as manpages in /usr/share/man | 20:11 |
ki7mt | It's in the Cern sources tar.gz also | 20:11 |
TheBigDeal | hmm | 20:11 |
=== islandmonkey is now known as islandmonkeee | ||
hexafraction | Hi, I am looking for a software recommendation. I am trying to transition to using CAD on Linux, and am looking for something similar to Autodesk Inventor, that supports constraint-based parametric modeling. Could someone recommend a libre application that is similar? | 20:25 |
hexafraction | I am already using Blender, but it isn't really ideal for precise mechanical design due to the lack of constraint based modeling as it is designed more for artists | 20:26 |
EriC^^ | isn't inventor not that good cause it was based on autocad 2d? | 20:26 |
bazhang | !equivalents | 20:27 |
ubottu | A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant | 20:27 |
EriC^^ | a coworker used to rant about it all the time | 20:27 |
hexafraction | EriC^^: Unfortunately due to the choice and content of classes at my school, Inventor is what I am adept with. I would be glad to learn, if it is not too dissimilar and supports common formats like STL. I'll look at the links right now | 20:28 |
ray_ | hello everyone | 20:28 |
ray_ | is this the official mint chanel? | 20:28 |
EriC^^ | !mint | ray | 20:28 |
ubottu | ray: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org | 20:28 |
ray_ | I changed channel in xchat and I can't remember what was the default one | 20:29 |
EriC^^ | ray_: you have to change the server to spotchat and then /join #linuxmint-help | 20:30 |
hexafraction | EriC^^: I found Creo, but it's not libre so it's not ideal. There *is* a student discount, however. | 20:30 |
ray_ | ah ok thanks ric | 20:30 |
EriC^^ | hexafraction: i see | 20:30 |
hexafraction | Um, never mind. They discontinued Linux support forever ago | 20:31 |
EriC^^ | hexafraction: why don't you dual boot? | 20:31 |
hexafraction | EriC^^: My goal is to stop using Windows. It has been vexingly unreliable on my machine after only a few months after a reinstall | 20:32 |
EriC^^ | which windows? | 20:32 |
hexafraction | 7 Home Premium x64 | 20:32 |
EriC^^ | that's pretty good i guess | 20:33 |
EriC^^ | do you have anti-malware programs? | 20:33 |
hexafraction | First few reinstalls included them. | 20:34 |
hexafraction | I ended up stopping, and just being vigilant (and relying on router-level firewall+built in windows firewall) | 20:34 |
ray_ | Sorry but I don't see #Spotchat in the list | 20:34 |
EriC^^ | ray_: type /server irc.spotchat.org | 20:35 |
ray_ | will try thanks | 20:35 |
EriC^^ | hexafraction: check here might be worth a try http://alternativeto.net/software/solidworks/?platform=linux | 20:39 |
ray_ | Thanks EriC got it | 20:39 |
EriC^^ | ray_: cool, no problem | 20:39 |
ray_ | :) | 20:40 |
dave_ | gggggggg | 20:46 |
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harris | hi | 20:51 |
narf84 | hi all | 20:53 |
fcn | ATI Radeon driver problem here. during boot the screen turns off. what would be the problem? after X starts everything is fine. the resolution, compiz etc everything is fine. | 20:54 |
=== norm is now known as Guest92241 | ||
narf84 | what version are you using fcn ? | 21:00 |
OerHeks | fcn so you see login? | 21:00 |
fcn | OerHeks: yeah I can login and all VTs have correct res. | 21:00 |
fcn | 12,04 LTS | 21:01 |
jasabella | hi :) | 21:05 |
OerHeks | fcn, well, nothing to worrie about, it isn't beautifull, nor harmfull. | 21:05 |
jasabella | how complete is the hardware support for the raspberry pi2 if i install the lts release of ubuntu on it? | 21:06 |
jester_0 | How can you know if a ppa is trustable? | 21:07 |
TheNumb | jester_0: only when you check the build scripts. | 21:07 |
bekks | jester_0: You cant. | 21:07 |
TheNumb | Or you know the maintainer is also the developer. | 21:07 |
TheNumb | ;p | 21:08 |
bekks | TheNumb: Which codesnt make it more trustable. | 21:08 |
bekks | *doesnt | 21:08 |
TheNumb | jester_0: but the thing is, you can never be sure | 21:08 |
TheNumb | unless you build the software yourself | 21:08 |
jester_0 | bekks, TheNumb, thanks, I was thinking of using mamarley ppa to install an nvidia driver, I think I'll just manually install | 21:09 |
Giora | Is there any way to restore systray for ubuntu 14.04? | 21:09 |
bekks | jester_0: Just use the xorg-edgers ppa instead. | 21:09 |
OerHeks | *if* you really need newer nvidia drivers, use xorg edgers | 21:10 |
lasindi | Hi all, I know Super + W does "expose" for all windows, but is there a shortcut to do it for just windows from the same app? I specifically mean the same action as when I click on, say, the Firefox icon in the launcher (shows all Firefox windows). | 21:10 |
jester_0 | bekks, OerHeks, so how can I know if xorg edgers is trustable ;) | 21:10 |
OerHeks | jester_0, no 1000% guarantee, but that ppa is well known, at least by 2 of the volunteers. | 21:11 |
OerHeks | lasindi, hold the windows key for a shortlist | 21:12 |
jester_0 | OerHeks, thanks I'll have to take a look into it | 21:12 |
lasindi | OerHeks, yeah, I saw that but don't see a keyboard shortcut for it. | 21:13 |
OerHeks | lasindi, in ubuntu 14.10 i can alt+tab .. and wait 3 sec to show all windows | 21:15 |
OerHeks | not instant | 21:15 |
lasindi | OerHeks, right, yeah, I was just hoping there was an instant thing. | 21:16 |
lasindi | Alt + ` is the closest I've found, but not quite the same. | 21:16 |
harris | hey OerHeks | 21:18 |
axgb | Hi | 21:19 |
r3m11 | I'm trying to set up a simple NFS on my desktop computer (ubuntu 14.04) to access files from laptops (same distrib). I thought I did everything required but still, I cant mount the NFS directory from my laptop | 21:20 |
bekks | So what did you do? | 21:21 |
axgb | I am trying to transfer some files onto a memory stick, but when I do, it says that the memory stick is read only. What should I do? | 21:22 |
mcc | Hello, I have a kubuntu I recently installed (I have had difficulty finding anyone who is responsive in #kubuntu). The kubuntu shows up in the boot menu but windows runs instead when i run it. | 21:22 |
mcc | I have this theory that shimx64.efi / grub64.efi have been accidentally deleted from my EFI partition. I do not know how to test this theory, and I do not know how to fix it if this is true. | 21:22 |
bekks | axgb: mount it writable. | 21:22 |
mcc | I have a working copy of Windows 8.1 and also a USB stick with a Kubuntu 15.04 beta liveCD on it. | 21:23 |
bekks | axgb: Which filesystem is it? | 21:23 |
axgb | fat32 I need to transfer files to a windows computer so i cant do ext | 21:23 |
bekks | axgb: And how did you mount it? | 21:23 |
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r3m11 | bekks: here is a summary of what I did | 21:26 |
r3m11 | I had different options in /etc/export but I end but with *(ro) assuming it is the simplest | 21:27 |
r3m11 | bekks: www.hastebin.com/raxeqodaba.hs | 21:28 |
bekks | r3m11: your /etc/hosts.deny effectively denies everything. Delete those entries. And delte the entries in your /etc/hosts.allow as well. Restart the server. | 21:32 |
axgb | bekks, how do I mount it so that it will work? | 21:33 |
r3m11 | bekks: nope | 21:35 |
axgb | How do I mount the memory stick so it can be written to? | 21:35 |
bekks | Nope what? | 21:35 |
axgb | SOrry I am not very familliar with IRC | 21:35 |
EriC^^ | axgb: sudo mount -o remount,rw /mountpoint | 21:35 |
EriC^^ | type lsblk to get the mountpoint | 21:35 |
r3m11 | bekks: doesnt work if I delete the entry from hosts.deny and hosts.allow... even tried nothing in hosts.deny, and ALL: in hosts.allow | 21:36 |
axgb | eric, what do you mean by the mountpoint, I think the memory stick is SDA2 | 21:36 |
bekks | "doesnt work" actually means nothing. What exactly are you trying (which command, etc.) and whats the full output you get? | 21:36 |
EriC^^ | axgb: type sudo mount -o rw /dev/sda2 /mnt | 21:36 |
PSF | Hi, can you please recommend how to setup full disk encryption manually? Because during install it works only if entire disk is deleted and in that case it wont boot because of EFI | 21:37 |
axgb | what does /mnt mean? I thought it was /media where removable media is mounted? | 21:37 |
PSF | axgb: means mount | 21:37 |
EriC^^ | axgb: it's a default mountpoint | 21:37 |
axgb | Hi, Eric, it says that I must specify a filesystem type | 21:38 |
EriC^^ | axgb: type sudo blkid | grep /dev/sda2 | 21:39 |
EriC^^ | or just sudo blkid /dev/sda2 | 21:39 |
axgb | it still says the same thing "Error, you must specify the filesystem type" | 21:40 |
EriC^^ | axgb: did you type sudo blkid? | 21:40 |
EriC^^ | it should show something else | 21:40 |
EriC^^ | paste what it says | 21:40 |
r3m11 | bekks: I meant mount -t nfs does not work, with exactly the same output as in the paste I gave yout | 21:42 |
r3m11 | -t | 21:42 |
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob | ||
bekks | r3m11: Your path contains whitespaces. Dont do that. | 21:43 |
axgb | Eric, sorry, I said SDa2, when I meant SDA1. I have done what you said again but with the correct one | 21:44 |
EriC^^ | axgb: the mount command? | 21:44 |
bekks | r3m11:O Or did I misread the mount command? | 21:44 |
axgb | I think so | 21:44 |
bekks | r3m11: Can you please give use the full command you are using? | 21:44 |
r3m11 | bekks: it doesnt, it's actually the mount point (read ./Images) | 21:45 |
axgb | Eric, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10847369/ | 21:45 |
r3m11 | the full command is the one I pasted. What more ? | 21:45 |
bekks | r3m11: You are trying to mount it as NFSv4, while the server provides a share for NFSv3 only. | 21:46 |
axgb | Eric, Thank you so much for your help, I fiddled a bit and entered the command in again and I have got it to work now. Thank you so much for your help | 21:49 |
arrrghhh | hello. I used the disk-to-disk option to replace a small disk with a larger disk on my ubuntu box... however I can't boot now with the new disk, and it seems clonezilla did not do this properly. what is the 'best' way to do this? dd I suppose would work, but is really slow | 21:49 |
EriC^^ | axgb: ok, i think it's /dev/sdb1 right? | 21:49 |
axgb | I have got it to work now, but it seemed to have changed to /dev/sdc1 for some reason | 21:50 |
bekks | arrrghhh: disk-to-disk option clonezilla? | 21:50 |
axgb | So if I have any problems in the future, can I type that command you gave me in to the terminal, with the correct /dev/(whatever) in and it should work? | 21:51 |
bvemu | #django-floppyforms | 21:51 |
EriC^^ | axgb: oh ok, sometimes it happens to me too when i put another usb and then remove it | 21:51 |
arrrghhh | bekks, yes. | 21:51 |
EriC^^ | axgb: yeah, you can see a better view of the disks with the name and size with sudo parted -l | 21:51 |
bekks | arrrghhh: Did you try booting a livecd and repair grub? | 21:52 |
EriC^^ | or lsblk if you need it quickly | 21:52 |
Bashing-om | arrrghhh: Did you verify/change the UUIDs in /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/grub.cfg in accordance to what -> sudo blkid <- reveals ? | 21:52 |
axgb | Ok thank you for your help eric | 21:52 |
EriC^^ | axgb: no problem | 21:52 |
wowa_s_ | hi | 21:53 |
arrrghhh | bekks, I was going to try that but the partitions show 'unknown' in gparted for some reason... | 21:53 |
arrrghhh | bekks, I have ext4 with LVM... does LVM cause issues with clonezilla? | 21:53 |
crosse | hi | 21:53 |
bekks | arrrghhh: No. | 21:54 |
wowa_s | Finally got irc working on my iPhone! | 21:54 |
crosse | pcsx2 in ubuntu | 21:55 |
=== julian is now known as Guest95844 | ||
hexafraction | crosse: What is your question? Do you need help installing it? Configuring it? Running it? | 21:55 |
arrrghhh | bekks, so I'm booted with a liveusb and the 'new' drive installed... gparted shows the filesystem as unknown for some reason... | 21:55 |
crosse | yes | 21:56 |
crosse | install | 21:56 |
bvemu__ | #django | 21:57 |
crosse | how to install pcsx2 in ubuntu | 21:58 |
wowa_s | Gdc by | 21:58 |
wowa_s_ | hi | 21:58 |
wowa_s | Hi there | 21:58 |
crosse | hi | 21:59 |
arrrghhh | Bashing-om, maybe I'm missing some steps. I was hoping to just clone from one disk to the other as I have to use an 'interim' disk... there's only 1 s-ata and 1 p-ata port on this thing | 22:01 |
zerowaitstate | crosse: they tend to not discuss game box emulators in here. patent and copyright litigation and all that. | 22:02 |
r3m11 | thanks bekks that was indeed nfs v3 | 22:02 |
Guest95844 | hi guys is here a league of legends channel_ | 22:02 |
r3m11 | how comes client tries to mount nfs v4 be default while server is nfsv3 using the same distrib ? | 22:03 |
bazhang | !alis | Guest95844 | 22:03 |
ubottu | Guest95844: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* | 22:03 |
crosse | ok i will go to hell thnx | 22:03 |
zerowaitstate | crosse: not asking you to go there specifically, just letting you know the limitations of the venue. | 22:05 |
Guest95844 | isnt it easier to google that rather than asking here | 22:05 |
zerowaitstate | Guest95844: frequently | 22:06 |
OerHeks | zerowaitstate, pcsx2 is not offtopic, the games are. crosse see https://launchpad.net/~gregory-hainaut/+archive/ubuntu/pcsx2.official.ppa | 22:07 |
Guest95844 | i am trying to get league of legends working properly on my system, but there's noone at #playonlinux to help me out :( | 22:07 |
bekks | Guest95844: So you have to wait then. | 22:07 |
crosse | zerowaitstate : thnx thnx | 22:08 |
Guest95844 | okay | 22:08 |
crosse | oerhek: thnx | 22:09 |
r3m11 | bye now | 22:11 |
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest71399 | ||
Guest71399 | nic? | 22:12 |
Guest71399 | hello all | 22:12 |
Guest71399 | cls | 22:12 |
Guest71399 | Is there a Xubuntu chat room ? | 22:13 |
SchrodingersScat | !xubuntu | Guest71399 | 22:13 |
ubottu | Guest71399: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels | 22:13 |
Guest71399 | thanks | 22:13 |
ahmad | hoi | 22:14 |
crosse | ahmad what is your question | 22:16 |
wowa_s | hi | 22:23 |
wowa_s | oioij | 22:23 |
Blue1 | !ask | wowa_s | 22:25 |
ubottu | wowa_s: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 22:25 |
Blue1 | !ask | blue1 | 22:26 |
ubottu | Blue1, please see my private message | 22:26 |
vitimiti | wowa_s_ is spamming somebody else? | 22:27 |
=== Hexeon|2 is now known as Hexeon | ||
=== andrex|off is now known as andrex | ||
arrrghhh | ddrescue seemed to work... oh well | 22:38 |
mcc | Hello. I've reinstalled grub. It put me at a shell. I have *literally no idea* how to use this. I am trying to run this guide: https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/GRUB-only-offers-a-rescue-shell.html#GRUB-only-offers-a-rescue-shell | 22:41 |
mcc | However when I type "normal" nothing happens, nothing at all, not even an error message. | 22:41 |
EriC^^ | mcc: type ls -l | 22:41 |
mcc | How do I proceed? | 22:43 |
mcc | eric, "invalid file name -l". to be clear i am not in bash. i am in grub. | 22:43 |
EriC^^ | yeah i know | 22:43 |
EriC^^ | i think you have uefi huh? | 22:43 |
mcc | i have UEFI. | 22:43 |
EriC^^ | yeah, do you have a live usb? | 22:43 |
mcc | oh wait | 22:43 |
mcc | you said ls -1? | 22:43 |
EriC^^ | no -l | 22:44 |
scuba323|afk | l | 22:44 |
EriC^^ | it won't work | 22:44 |
mcc | neither -1 or -l work | 22:44 |
mcc | is there a way to tell the grub prompt to boot the menu? | 22:44 |
EriC^^ | mcc: try guessing the partitions, type ls '(hd1,gpt1)' | 22:44 |
mcc | which partition am i looking for? | 22:44 |
mcc | the EFI partition is (hd1, gpt2). the linux partition is (hd1, gpt6). | 22:45 |
EriC^^ | you need the one with /boot | 22:45 |
mcc | that will be (hd1, gpt6). what do i do with it? | 22:45 |
EriC^^ | ok type ls '(hd1,gpt6)'/boot/grub | 22:45 |
ray_ | Hi EriC | 22:45 |
EriC^^ | hi ray_ :) | 22:45 |
mcc | ./ ../ x86_64-efi/ unicode.pf2 locale/ fonts/ i386-pc/ grubenv grub.fg | 22:46 |
mcc | i mean grub.cfg | 22:46 |
ray_ | need help again :) | 22:46 |
EriC^^ | ray_: with what? | 22:46 |
EriC^^ | mcc: type configfile '(hd1,gpt6)'/boot/grub/grub.cfg | 22:46 |
ray_ | I thought I found the default server irc but I didn't :( | 22:47 |
ray_ | is it in Freenode server? | 22:47 |
EriC^^ | nope, it's on spotnet.org | 22:47 |
mcc | huh | 22:47 |
mcc | eric, that worked, thank you so much! :O | 22:47 |
ray_ | where do I have to insert that? | 22:47 |
ray_ | sorry I'm new | 22:47 |
EriC^^ | mcc: great, no problem | 22:48 |
mcc | Eric, will I need to do that every time I boot up? | 22:48 |
EriC^^ | mcc: no, run sudo grub-install --recheck /dev/sdX when you boot into ubuntu and then sudo update-grub | 22:48 |
mcc | cool | 22:48 |
EriC^^ | get your disk with sudo parted -l and replace the sdX part | 22:48 |
EriC^^ | ray_: type /server irc.spotchat.org then type /join #linuxmint-help | 22:49 |
mcc | it was sda in the installer. will it still be sda or can i not assume that | 22:49 |
EriC^^ | !mint | 22:49 |
ubottu | Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org | 22:49 |
EriC^^ | yeah it's spotchat , not spotnet | 22:50 |
ray_ | in this box EriC or do I have to add a new server? | 22:50 |
EriC^^ | mcc: yeah, if you didn't put any hdd's in it most likely is, really easy to check though | 22:50 |
BZWingZero | I'm having trouble with a samba share. I can create files in the share via another (windows) computer, but they're being created with the wrong permissions. They're being created as 0770 but need to be 0774 | 22:50 |
BZWingZero | I have set the correct masks in my samba config, but they seem to be ignored | 22:50 |
EriC^^ | ray_: as you wish, you can type it here or press ctrl+t and open a new server | 22:51 |
ray_ | will try that thanks :) | 22:51 |
EriC^^ | no problem :) | 22:51 |
wowa_s | Hi | 22:52 |
wowa_s | Can you see this? | 22:52 |
EriC^^ | BZWingZero: i don't know much about samba, but do you mount it in linux in fstab or so? | 22:52 |
EriC^^ | BZWingZero: maybe it's mounted with noexec or something? | 22:52 |
BZWingZero | the share is on my linux server, I'm mapping it from my windows desktop, EriC^^ | 22:52 |
EriC^^ | BZWingZero: nevermind | 22:52 |
EriC^^ | i somehow thought the last 4 was for exec :D | 22:53 |
BZWingZero | read :) | 22:53 |
EriC^^ | yeah also for others | 22:53 |
wowa_s | Can anyone see what I'm saying? | 22:53 |
EriC^^ | i missed it by a football field :D | 22:53 |
BZWingZero | wowa_s, good comm | 22:53 |
mcc | Eric: I guess --recheck is what I didn't do before. The help said that did "delete device map if it already exists"-- is that a good thing then? What does it mean? :O | 22:54 |
EriC^^ | BZWingZero: maybe it has to do with the umask? | 22:54 |
sssazzz | I am in Terminal and have accessed ~/.local/share/Trash/files. I would like to know if there is a shorthand for this long file path within terminal. Like nautilus &. | 22:56 |
sssazzz | Where & = ~/.local/share/Trash/files. | 22:56 |
bubbletea | hi | 22:56 |
mah454 | Hello | 22:57 |
EriC^^ | mcc: i think the device map was something used before, but it's not that common anymore | 22:57 |
mah454 | I have a laptop lenovo Z510 , and installed ubuntu 14.10 on it , but can not detect Geforce 740M Graphic card !!! please view this : http://pastebin.com/YLPgAnHS | 22:58 |
EriC^^ | mcc: if it's a fresh install, sometimes people have to reinstall grub, it happens occasionally | 22:58 |
mah454 | How can fix this problem ? | 22:58 |
EriC^^ | i don't know why | 22:58 |
edition | how can I boot from a USB from the grub command line? | 22:59 |
EriC^^ | edition: boot another installation that's on a usb? or a live usb? | 22:59 |
edition | it contains windows 7, copied across using 'dd'. | 23:00 |
bubbletea | so I'm trying to bootcamp ubuntu on my old mbc http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/macbook_pro/specs/macbook_pro_2.16_17.html | 23:00 |
bubbletea | if it's possible what version should I be getting? if it's too weak, is there an alternate ubuntu that is updated and can run on older machines? or like.. what? (linux noob) | 23:01 |
EriC^^ | edition: http://askubuntu.com/questions/135272/how-to-boot-into-windows-7-when-grub-is-installed-in-the-windows-partition go to the possible workaround to boot windows 7 part | 23:01 |
edition | thanks | 23:02 |
EriC^^ | edition: type ls -l in grub to get the partitions and then replace hd0,msdos1 with the windows one | 23:02 |
EriC^^ | edition: also try without the search line cause you need the uuid | 23:03 |
bubbletea | should I use Lubuntu | 23:04 |
SchrodingersScat | sssazzz: I wouldn't try to use &, that's already used to background processes. you can set variables though, var="~/foo/bar/" ; echo "$var" | 23:04 |
guardian99 | hello.... i am trying to get vsftpd running in ubuntu.... ive followed these instructions ** https://www.liquidweb.com/kb/how-to-install-and-configure-vsftpd-on-ubuntu-14-04-lts/ ** and made sure port 21 was unblocked, but i keep getting "Access denied" using both root and my user "admin" with WINSCP.... Filezilla says "Critical error: Could not connect to server" | 23:08 |
BZWingZero | EriC^^, I tried adjusting the create mask to 777 as a sanity check, it then creates the file with rwxrwx-wx permissions. | 23:09 |
BZWingZero | I'm not very confused | 23:09 |
EriC^^ | hehe | 23:09 |
BZWingZero | err am very confused | 23:09 |
hkrrsx | guardian99: Stupid question, is vsftpd running on the box? sudo netstat -ntlp | grep : 21 | 23:09 |
guardian99 | grep: 21: No such file or directory | 23:11 |
hkrrsx | Sorry .... sudo netstat -ntlp | grep :21 | 23:12 |
hkrrsx | There was an extra space between the : and 21 | 23:12 |
EriC^^ | BZWingZero: it's pretty odd | 23:12 |
guardian99 | tcp 0 0* LISTEN 4342/vsftpd | 23:12 |
hkrrsx | Can you FTP locally? | 23:12 |
hkrrsx | As in, ftp localhost ? | 23:13 |
EriC^^ | then again, i don't know much about samba, there's a guide thought i think | 23:13 |
EriC^^ | !samba | 23:13 |
ubottu | Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/windows-networking.html | 23:13 |
EriC^^ | *though | 23:13 |
sssazzz | SchrodingersScat: But if I'm already inside a directory, isn't there a way for me to extract the path to said directory without copy + paste? | 23:13 |
sssazzz | Or having to type it out? | 23:13 |
SchrodingersScat | sssazzz: pwd? echo "$(pwd)" #for example | 23:14 |
guardian99 | hkrrsx: Name (localhost:admin): admin | 23:14 |
guardian99 | 331 Please specify the password. | 23:14 |
guardian99 | Password: | 23:14 |
guardian99 | 530 Login incorrect. | 23:14 |
guardian99 | Login failed. | 23:14 |
guardian99 | crap sorry | 23:14 |
=== sleepypc is now known as `hypermist` | ||
sssazzz | SchrodingersScat: Thank you | 23:15 |
EriC^^ | sssazzz: if you're in the dir all you have to do is type nautilus . | 23:15 |
EriC^^ | and it will open the current dir in nautilus | 23:15 |
sssazzz | Thank you | 23:16 |
hkrrsx | guardian99: Try resetting the password of the user ? | 23:16 |
SchrodingersScat | sssazzz: welcome, there's also the bash wiki, http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide and then #bash | 23:16 |
hkrrsx | guardian99: Also, what about the permissions of the landing folder? Does it have read and execute permissions? | 23:16 |
guardian99 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/10847848/ | 23:17 |
hkrrsx | guardian99: Perhaps add your admin user to the 'ftp' group ? | 23:18 |
idenkov | Do you have local_enable=YES accounts in /etc/vsftp.conf? | 23:19 |
hkrrsx | idenkov: +1 | 23:19 |
=== tristan_ is now known as Guest8736 | ||
guardian99 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/10847859/ | 23:20 |
idenkov | What is it output from id admin | 23:20 |
guardian99 | - http://paste.ubuntu.com/10847860/ | 23:21 |
guardian99 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/10847862/ | 23:21 |
hkrrsx | guardian99: Do you have a log file in /var/log/vsftpd.log that gives more details ? | 23:22 |
Guest8736 | que programa puedo utilizar para bajar videos de youtube | 23:22 |
hkrrsx | guardian99: Can you log in to vsftpd with the account you're currently logged into Ubuntu with ? | 23:23 |
idenkov | sudo usermod -a -G groupName userName | 23:24 |
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guardian99 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/10847872/ - log file | 23:24 |
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hkrrsx | Looks like it was just recently working .... Sat Apr 18 18:25:54 2015 [pid 2192] [admin] OK LOGIN: Client "user.ip.address" | 23:25 |
guardian99 | ive never gotten in... | 23:25 |
hkrrsx | Your log file says you did | 23:25 |
hkrrsx | Did you not get the directory listing or something? | 23:26 |
guardian99 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/10847876/ | 23:26 |
guardian99 | it wont auth, WINSCP still says "Access Denied" and filezilla says "Critical error: Could not connect to server" | 23:26 |
hkrrsx | Access denied is usually a username/password issue | 23:26 |
guardian99 | i just rebooted and logged in with the same user / pass that vsftpd wont let me use | 23:29 |
hkrrsx | Ok, so the account you're logging into Ubuntu with ....... you can not log into vsftpd with that same account credentials ? | 23:30 |
guardian99 | right | 23:30 |
hkrrsx | Pastebin your /etc/vsftpd.conf file, please | 23:30 |
guardian99 | any easy way to copy an entire file to the clipboard? | 23:31 |
hkrrsx | cat /etc/vsftpd.conf | pastebinit | 23:31 |
Nikke__ | /leave | 23:31 |
guardian99 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/10847895/ | 23:31 |
hkrrsx | Try uncommenting the #local_umask=022 part | 23:33 |
hkrrsx | And then ' sudo service vsftpd restart ' | 23:33 |
hkrrsx | It wouldn't be a the end of the world to also un-comment the #xferlog_file=/var/log/vsftpd.log line | 23:34 |
guardian99 | ok done, restarted, cant login | 23:35 |
guardian99 | /var/log/vsftpd.log says im logging in, believe me im not | 23:36 |
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hkrrsx | Question, what made you choose vsftpd over proftpd ? | 23:36 |
guardian99 | Sat Apr 18 18:23:07 2015 [pid 24778] CONNECT: Client | 23:36 |
guardian99 | vsftpd was higher on the google hit list? :) | 23:36 |
hkrrsx | lol ... I find proftpd MUCH easier to deal with, care to remove vsftpd and give proftpd a shot ? | 23:37 |
idenkov | I don't even know why do people still use ftp software like this when you can use sshd for sftp | 23:37 |
svetlana | why are we running an ftp daemon? sftp is more secure and easier to use | 23:37 |
svetlana | haha the timing :) | 23:37 |
idenkov | :D | 23:37 |
guardian99 | well for me im trying to install plugins for wordpress | 23:38 |
idenkov | can't you do it from the wordpress backend? | 23:39 |
hkrrsx | idenkov: svetlana: I can SFTP to proftpd without error or latency | 23:39 |
idenkov | <hkrrsx> Yeah I just don't see the point another service running when I can use existing one | 23:40 |
idenkov | *running | 23:40 |
idenkov | lol can't type | 23:40 |
hkrrsx | idenkov: The idea is not to run 2 FTP services (would fail to bind to port 21 anyways), I'm trying to replace one for another | 23:41 |
blargg | I did a package update for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS yesterday and yet again it's enabled a 5-minute screensaver, even though Brightness and Lock shows Never for screensaver, xset s off has been executed by me, and gnome-screensaver-command --exit has been executed. How do I disable the screensaver? It puts my monitor to sleep after 5 minutes. | 23:41 |
Trinity | hi i'm working with a 3rd party HTTPServer and i'm able to get consistent responses if I run the httpserver manually, if I run it with Java ProcessBuilder even if I append nohup and & (i'm using linux) it will stop responding after 465 requests everytime | 23:43 |
guardian99 | hkrrsx: and that works instantly | 23:43 |
guardian99 | sigh | 23:43 |
Trinity | from this i know that it must be an implementation issue, is there a specific linux command I can run to have the process run with all of it's resources? | 23:43 |
guardian99 | tyvm, amazing how much easier that was | 23:43 |
hkrrsx | guardian99: I'm sorry and congratulations :) | 23:43 |
banchu | ls | 23:51 |
banchu | list | 23:51 |
banchu | hi | 23:51 |
dongerino | hi there | 23:51 |
banchu | hi dongerino | 23:52 |
kostkon | !list | 23:52 |
ubottu | kostkon: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 23:52 |
banchu | hi qsaq | 23:52 |
banchu | hi Iap | 23:53 |
banchu | exit | 23:53 |
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