
krytarikslickymaster: Just put "test: get-translations" in the first one too - I seem to have overlooked that, even though I checked then.00:08
ochosijboul: hi! you were the one sending an email about testing to the ML?06:42
jboulyes actually that was me. Hi!06:43
ochosiwelcome then :)06:43
jboulThank you very much. glad to be here..06:43
ochosiif you wanna help out with testing, you'd ideally get in touch with elfy (he's the testing lead)06:44
ochosibut ofc oftentimes others in here will also be able to help you06:44
ochosiright now we're running ISO tests for the release candidate of 15.0406:44
ochosiif you wanna help with that, that would be 1) a good starting point, since it's not rocket science and 2) most welcome!06:45
jboulYa I really wanted to get involved in the testing I have read and learned how to go about doing the testing06:45
ochosithis email summarizes things nicely: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2015-April/010712.html06:46
jboulya i would love to help ;)06:46
jboulalright ill read it now06:46
ochosireporting your results on the tracker is quite important btw, otherwise we have no way of knowing how your tests went06:46
jboulthank you so much for hthe help06:47
ochosiand as i said, if you have questions, always feel free to ask06:47
ochosihowever, you might also have to be patient at times06:47
ochosippl aren't always around ;)06:47
ochosi(but your messages are read and get replied to later in that case)06:47
jboulAlright sounds awesome. It's really helpful to have actual people to ask for help instead of searching through guides for hours lol06:48
jboulOne thing i was wondering was if went it came to testing for example a package and you see that someone already has tested it should i still test it again?06:51
jboulActually now that i think about that it would make sense to test it on multiple systems06:52
ochosithat's one aspect06:55
ochosibut generally speaking we rarely focus on single packages06:55
ochosibest way to test individual programmes is by using them, i.e. by installing the development version of xubuntu and using it on a daily basis. (but that's just my approach)06:56
ochosianyway, gotta go, bbl06:57
jboulalright thanks ttyl06:57
elfyochosi: thanks - that guy was someone who mailed me yesterday :)07:42
knomei guess a quick reply on the mailing list pointing to the general contribution urls (probably with a note that we already met this person so we wouldn't go into the details) would be good PR07:58
knomei can do that later when i actually sit down on a computer07:59
knomeelfy, just checking that i've understood when watching it from afar so far -08:00
elfyknome: if you're able later - I just mailed list with details for Vivid Final - a bump on social stuff would be \o/ 08:00
knomeis the reboot/shutdown issue existent only after the first occurrence after installing, or does it affect the installed system too?08:00
knomethat i can do now08:01
knomewell twitter, that is08:01
elfyta :)08:01
knomewant me to specifically link to the latest mail?08:01
elfythe reboot/shutdown issue is only about 'remove the install media and press Enter' 08:01
elfyafter it works 08:02
elfyyep - 2 secs08:02
knomei have the link08:02
elfylol - ok :)08:02
knomethanks anyway ;)08:02
elfyI'll kncok up a general mail to the lists when I'm drinking the next cuppa :)08:03
knomei'll be off most of the day once i am off08:03
knomewhich is in the next 60 mins08:03
elfyI'm just chilling all day - not moving much further than up or downstairs :D08:03
knomethere we go08:05
elfythanks :)08:05
elfyI'll ping pleia2 to bump the others - which is what I just did :D08:06
knomeno problemo08:06
=== parnstermia|2 is now known as parnstermia_
ochosielfy: np, he sent the email to all admins of -testing, so i received it as well ;)08:52
elfyoh right - didn't know that :)08:55
elfystill - thanks :D08:55
elfybug 144562210:22
ubottubug 1445622 in thunar (Ubuntu) "[Xubuntu vivid daily] Trash directory unable to be found" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144562210:22
elfygvfs or something ?10:22
elfyobviously not just Thunar 10:22
elfyochosi: other than the remove media bug and the above misplaced bug, looking good at the moment 10:36
brainwashelfy: anything about gvfs in the logs?10:45
brainwashsomehow ~/.local/share/Trash cannot be created10:46
elfybrainwash: not looked tbh 10:46
brainwashor the gvfs trash process has crashed10:46
elfyI'll see if I can find something 10:46
elfyjust obviously NOT thunar if lubuntu and ubuntu have issues too 10:47
brainwash~/.cache/upstart/startxfce4.log I think10:47
brainwashand the dbus.log one too10:47
elfyk - ta 10:47
PaulW2Uelfy: but not a problem in kubuntu. strange10:48
brainwashgvfs is a gnome thingy10:48
brainwashmost likely not used in KDE/Kubuntu10:48
PaulW2Ubrainwash: right10:48
elfynothing showing in those 2 logs10:49
ochosielfy: great! that's good to hear10:53
brainwashtest with http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/utopic/en/man1/gvfs-trash.1.html10:53
brainwashmaybe it gives some helpful error message10:54
elfyoops 10:54
elfynot that for sure :D10:54
elfyError trashing file: Unable to find or create trash directory10:55
brainwashso, blame the one who upgraded the gvfs package! :)10:56
elfyif I sudo gvfs-trash file - it works 10:57
elfymostly this is about it not being a Thunar bug :D10:58
brainwashI cannot test it right now, would have to dl the ubuntu iso10:58
elfyI've got Ubuntu and Lubuntu images up to date10:58
elfyI'll check them both now10:59
elfyif I get the same - I'll change it to gvfs 10:59
elfylol so Lubuntu does not have gvfs-trash installed11:01
elfybrainwash: thanks for changing package, added another comment - including that deleting a folder works as expected 11:07
bluesabregood morning everyone12:09
bluesabreelfy: on the tracker, why do the upgrade tests use 20150416 and not 20150417.1?12:12
elfybluesabre: not a clue - but spoke out in -release12:45
elfythat said, no downloads are available from the upgrade tests - so you'd need to grab a copy elsewhere, which would be 20150417.1 12:46
GridCubeoh... well then P: i still need to upgrade to utopic to try so maybe on monday it will be available ?12:55
bluesabrethanks elfy :)12:56
elfyGridCube: hope so 13:06
elfybbl 13:06
elfybluesabre: yep?13:06
bluesabrejust messing with you, go on, bbl :P13:06
elfyhatez you 13:06
elfystill think you broke the remove media button somehow :p13:07
bluesabreprobably did13:09
elfyha ha ha 13:09
elfywell - really off now - have a good day :)13:10
bluesabreyou too, seeya13:15
slickymasterhey everybody14:21
Luyinhi slickymaster 14:24
Luyinslickymaster: I cannot but think of hitler when you write this :D14:26
slickymasterblaarrrgh for sending the wrong message then Luyin :P14:27
* drc is wondering which is more nerve wracking, release "when it's ready" and ready keeps slipping (debian, slackware) or "you WILL release on schedule" and then don't (cough, cough). :)14:40
OvenWerksInteresting bug in xfce as installed 14.04 (so it may be fixed by now) with regards to a second pannel on a two monitor setup.16:13
OvenWerksthe second pannel is on the second (nonmaster) monitor.16:13
OvenWerkswhen choosing full screen for a window on the master screen, space is left for the pannel (that is not there) but on the second screen, part of it ends up under the pannel.16:14

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