lzkill | my brand new sandisk extreme pen drive makes the network freezes whenever it's inserted... it's NTFS formatted and contains a folder encrypted with EFS... what could be the relationship here? http://paste.ubuntu.com/10841703/ | 01:15 |
lzkill | i'm on 14.04 LTS, by the way | 01:16 |
holstein | lzkill: could be anything hardware related.. do other "pen drives" do the same? does the same stick do the same thing formatted differently? or unencrypted? | 02:06 |
lzkill | holstein: other sticks don't do it. this sandisk comes FAT32 from factory and at first it was just fine, what makes me think it's sth with the NTFS... | 02:12 |
holstein | sure.. since, i would want/need the data backed up to a different location, regardless, i would backup, make sure i have the data in a few locations, and, try isolating the variables, and testing | 02:13 |
holstein | format another "known good" stick with the same format you have, and format the "bad" stick with something else.. and, mount that stick on a live iso, and as another user.. and with other live iso's as well.. to isolate my installed system, my user config, and my current system's kernel, etc | 02:14 |
holstein | you can also ask in #ubuntu for a larger audience, and better chance of support, since, its not related to xfce or xubuntu directly | 02:15 |
lzkill | holstein: I'll try that and return to let you know what I've found... thanks! | 02:19 |
xubuntu398 | Hi? | 08:28 |
cfhowlett | ho? | 08:29 |
xubuntu398 | I need to ask a question about xubuntu | 08:29 |
cfhowlett | !ask | 08:29 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 08:29 |
xubuntu398 | ok, are there software simulator of electronic circuit for xubuntu? | 08:30 |
cfhowlett | xubuntu398, there is ... don't remember the name. let me look | 08:30 |
xubuntu398 | I'd like to use "LTspice" or something like this | 08:31 |
cfhowlett | xubuntu398, no idea what that is but see tkgate | 08:32 |
xubuntu398 | if I have a 64bit processor, may I use xubuntu? | 08:35 |
cfhowlett | xubuntu398, of course | 08:35 |
=== parnstermia|2 is now known as parnstermia_ | ||
xubuntu398 | which are advantage and problems to use xubuntu endeed of ubuntu | 08:37 |
cfhowlett | !flavors | ubuntu398, xubuntu is optimized for low spec and legacy hardware | 08:38 |
ubottu | ubuntu398, xubuntu is optimized for low spec and legacy hardware: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu. | 08:38 |
xubuntu398 | Thanks, but I mean, what is better? May I prefer xubuntu for a 64bit, and why? | 08:40 |
bekks | There is no reason for not choosing 64bit when the hardware is 64bit capable. | 08:40 |
cfhowlett | xubuntu398, "better" is up to the user. Choose the one you like best = "better" "best" | 08:41 |
xubuntu398 | sorry, I mean. If xubuntu is optimized for low spec pc; there are good reasons to use xubuntu on pc with high spec? | 08:42 |
cfhowlett | xubuntu398, see no reason to. no reason not to. Decide for yourself. | 08:43 |
bekks | If something runs good on a low spec hardware, it runs good on a high spec hardware, too. I second cfhowlett,it is your decision. | 08:44 |
xubuntu398 | xubuntu use low space of RAMs, so I image to have more RAMs for my applications. Is it correct? | 08:45 |
knome | xubuntu398, xubuntu isn't specifically designed for low spec computers, but sure, if the system uses less RAM, then your applications will have more in use | 08:49 |
gnumbknuts | xubuntu396: Unfortunately LTspice only works in Linux under WINE. Many years ago I used it exclusively, it worked almost as good as it did under MS-Windows. That was with a AMD-K7 CPU, around 2004 vintage. | 08:59 |
xubuntu667 | hello | 09:21 |
cfhowlett | xubuntu667, ask your ubuntu questions | 09:22 |
xubuntu667 | im just installing xubuntu on my old pc, 2.4GHz, 1GB ram, will it run smoothly? | 09:22 |
xubuntu667 | i tried ubuntu before but it lagged really hard | 09:23 |
cfhowlett | xubuntu667, yeah, xubuntu would have no problem with that. | 09:23 |
cfhowlett | download the .iso and do a live boot test. | 09:23 |
xubuntu667 | ok thanks a lot | 09:23 |
giandi | c'è qualche italiano che mi può aiutare? | 10:38 |
giandi | Io scrivo lo stesso il mio problema: Fino a due giorni fa riuscivo a collegare il mio iPad con il mio pc xubuntu,solo che ieri ho aggiornato l'iPad e stamattina ogni volta che attacco l'iPad al computer mi da errore dicendo che è impossibile montare l'iPad,dove sta il problema secondo voi? | 10:41 |
bekks | !it | giandi | 10:42 |
ubottu | giandi: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 10:42 |
giandi | Until two days ago I could connect my iPad with my pc xubuntu , just yesterday I updated the iPad this morning and whenever you attack the iPad to the computer gives me error saying that it is impossible to mount the iPad , where is the problem in your opinion? | 10:43 |
bekks | So it doesnt work after updating the ipad - so the ipad update is the problem. | 10:44 |
giandi | so I have to wait for the next update of Ubuntu or downgrade iPad? | 10:46 |
Luyin | or check whether you can enable some debugging option or so to connect to ubuntu agai | 10:47 |
Luyin | n | 10:47 |
giandi | How can i check? | 10:49 |
Luyin | you'd have to google for that | 10:52 |
lzkill | !patience | 11:14 |
ubottu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 11:14 |
htqp | Xubuntu 14.04. After a chromium update, after switching workspaces it fails to display the browser. it will reappear element by element by hovering with the mouse. The browser reappears if I minimize then maximize another window in the same target workspace. | 11:55 |
htqp | any idea? | 11:55 |
htqp | for those interested, here's the bug report https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=293128&q=workspace&sort=-modified&colspec=ID%20Pri%20M%20Week%20ReleaseBlock%20Cr%20Status%20Owner%20Summary%20OS%20Modified | 12:19 |
meultaine | Hello, I got some issues with my Lenovo x240 under Xubuntu 14.10. My touchpad sometimes detected (but stops working after using the physical clic) and most fo the time, it's not detected by xubuntu (not present in pointing devices). Is there any driver I can use to fix this problem ? | 12:24 |
cfhowlett | meultaine, ask #ubuntu | 12:24 |
cq-aux | `heya | 12:49 |
cq-aux | I'd like to remove tumbler [without] removing xubuntu-desktop, could you pls tell me how to? | 12:49 |
cfhowlett | cq-aux, terminal: sudo apt-get purge tumbler && sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 12:51 |
littlebit | hi people, I changed the skin of my midnight-commander and when i start mc I get the message that it cannot change to a 256 color skin on a non-256 colors terminal. How do I make the change to the xfce terminal systemwide permanent? | 12:53 |
cq-aux | cfhowlett: ahh... tumbler is a dependency of xubuntu-desktop and will then be installed again | 12:53 |
cfhowlett | cq-aux, correctomundo | 12:54 |
cq-aux | ok lol | 12:54 |
cq-aux | that really fuxed my problemundo | 12:55 |
cfhowlett | cq-aux, why remove tumbler?? | 12:55 |
cq-aux | it's getting fatter and fatter | 12:55 |
cfhowlett | cq-aux, thumbnails don't take THAT much space, do they?? | 12:56 |
cq-aux | and my computer is quite slow so I don't need thumbnails | 12:56 |
cq-aux | it's actually a fat tumblerD | 12:56 |
cq-aux | my daemons won't quit hogging the limelight you see | 12:57 |
cq-aux | http://askubuntu.com/questions/543494/can-i-safely-remove-tumbler-in-xubuntu-14-04 | 13:13 |
cq-aux | solved | 13:14 |
cq-aux | ty | 13:14 |
cq-aux | I love ubuntu! | 13:14 |
xubuntu90w | I am trying to fit a linux distro to an old 486 box. There are many Live distros, but I need install. 20 Mb HDD, 512 Mb memory. | 13:55 |
cfhowlett | xubuntu90w, lubuntu | 13:55 |
xubuntu90w | Should I be using xubuntu or something else? | 13:55 |
xubuntu90w | lubuntu is better for this? | 13:55 |
cfhowlett | !lubuntu | xubuntu90w | 13:55 |
ubottu | xubuntu90w: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support. | 13:55 |
mrkramps | i do not think ubuntu kernel will work on 486 | 13:57 |
cfhowlett | lubuntu is optimized for low spec and legacy hardware. | 13:58 |
mrkramps | but a 486 is antique | 13:58 |
Luyin | xubuntu90w: I don't know enough about architectures, but you might want to try a really small distro, like DSL or puppy | 13:58 |
mrkramps | ubuntu somewhen dropped support for i486 afaik | 14:00 |
mrkramps | debian should still work | 14:00 |
mrkramps | maybe also slitaz and tinycore | 14:00 |
mrkramps | damn small linux (DSL) is not recommended anymore | 14:00 |
Luyin | you could also try gentoo, but I'm not sure if that's not too much computing for such old hardware | 14:01 |
xubuntu90w | The problem with DSL and puppy is that they seem hard to install. They run easily as live | 14:13 |
Luyin | xubuntu90w: puppy is quite easy to install on hard drive | 14:15 |
Luyin | but yes, you can (and perhaps even should) run them live | 14:15 |
xubuntu90w | I want to create a box for somebody who is non-technical. | 14:16 |
xubuntu90w | The idea of running a Live is scary for them | 14:16 |
cfhowlett | xubuntu90w, virtualbox | 14:16 |
mrkramps | 486 is a bad choice then … the system should at least provide some basic performance to deal with everyday tasks like internet | 14:17 |
xubuntu90w | What's wrong with DSL? | 14:18 |
mrkramps | DSL is outdated, last stable 2008 and last beta 2012 | 14:18 |
xubuntu90w | So is the hardware I'm using | 14:18 |
Luyin | but it's never good to use unsupported software, xubuntu90w | 14:19 |
Luyin | you could setup an XFCE in kiosk mode for these guests | 14:19 |
mrkramps | i admit, DSL should still be ok on a system not connected to the internet | 14:19 |
Luyin | or simply use guest accounts | 14:19 |
xubuntu90w | There are a lot of old boxes out there. Many use things like XP. Surely Linux can improve on that? | 14:20 |
Luyin | anything is better than using XP :) | 14:20 |
Luyin | still, I'd suggest Lubuntu | 14:20 |
xubuntu90w | Agreed! So pls suggest some anythings! | 14:20 |
cfhowlett | xubuntu90w, LOTS of us have already suggested lubuntu. | 14:21 |
xubuntu90w | I can give it a try. Just hope I am not wasting a CD :) | 14:21 |
mrkramps | lubuntu will not work on a 486 | 14:22 |
cfhowlett | mrkramps, false. I'm in China and I've booted many with lubuntu/485. | 14:22 |
cfhowlett | *486* | 14:23 |
Luyin | cfhowlett: how does your being in China relate to that? :D | 14:23 |
cfhowlett | Luyin, no shortage of legacy equipment to test things on ... | 14:24 |
Luyin | ah okay, didn't think of that | 14:24 |
xubuntu90w | Why not on a 486? Shall I move to china for this attempt :-P | 14:24 |
xubuntu44w | Xubutnu can't see my wireless card. ASUS laptop. noob here what do I do? | 14:34 |
cfhowlett | xubuntu44w, has it ever seen it? new install? | 14:35 |
Luyin | what do you mean, can't see? you can't connect to a wireless network? | 14:35 |
xubuntu44w | yes it cant connect | 14:35 |
xubuntu44w | i think i need a driver | 14:36 |
mrkramps | chipset? | 14:38 |
xubuntu44w | i'm new, what commands do i need to run | 14:40 |
mrkramps | xubuntu44w, pastebin the output of terminal command :$ lspci | 14:41 |
xubuntu90w | bye-bye | 14:41 |
mrkramps | xubuntu90w, or just:$ lscpi | grep Network | 14:41 |
mrkramps | bargh | 14:41 |
xubuntu44w | http://pastebin.com/vcJ9D3PR | 14:46 |
mrkramps | xubuntu44w, there is a tool in the menu/settings called "additional drivers" | 14:48 |
mrkramps | you'll most prolly need the madwifi drivers | 14:49 |
xubuntu44w | no additional drivers available | 14:49 |
mrkramps | xubuntu44w, can you pastebin the following output as well:$ lsmod | 14:52 |
xubuntu44w | http://pastebin.com/usx49yMK | 14:54 |
mrkramps | xubuntu44w, and now please a:$ rfkill list | 14:57 |
xubuntu44w | http://pastebin.com/zZVhjU2D | 14:58 |
mrkramps | xubuntu44w, you wifi device is hard blocked … is there any hardware switch or Fn - combination on your laptop? | 15:00 |
stuart4558 | mrkramps i'm back. I'm the guy wtith the asus wireless problem. | 15:04 |
stuart4558 | no physical switch | 15:04 |
stuart4558 | FN key doesnt do anyting when I press it | 15:04 |
mrkramps | stuart4558, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2221294 linked with solution http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2181558 | 15:06 |
mrkramps | you'll need to check is option wapf=4 or wapf=1 works for you | 15:06 |
mrkramps | *if | 15:06 |
stuart4558 | thanks so much for the help. rebooting now to verify | 15:11 |
stuart4558 | thanks for the help. asus wireless problem is fixed | 15:19 |
mrkramps | stuart4558, i guess Fn + F2 still not working? | 15:19 |
stuart4558 | mrkamps, thanks for all the help | 15:20 |
stuart4558 | no fn-f2 does nothing | 15:20 |
mrkramps | if you want to disable wifi you may still use the rfkill command | 15:20 |
stuart4558 | ok | 15:20 |
mrkramps | i guess you know what a manpage is ;) | 15:20 |
stuart4558 | ??? | 15:21 |
mrkramps | stuart4558, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/man | 15:21 |
mrkramps | in short terminal manuals for a specific command … just in case you want to know how rfkill works in detail | 15:22 |
stuart4558 | thanks | 15:22 |
mrkramps | you're welcome | 15:22 |
stuart4558 | happy saturday everyone | 15:38 |
Cizelia | How do I install themes on xubuntu? | 16:09 |
shp | hi there... pls help if u can...my pc wakes up from suspend at 05:55am every morning ...what to do to stop it happen again ? Thanks in advance | 18:45 |
shp | last night I shut it down butagain this morning.. | 18:46 |
shp | 14.04 here | 18:46 |
mrkramps | wakeonlan? | 18:46 |
shp | i use wifi | 18:46 |
mrkramps | and you tried with poweroff last night? | 18:47 |
shp | yes | 18:47 |
shp | and again 05:55am..fans dtarted | 18:47 |
shp | the wifi adapter was disconnected | 18:47 |
mrkramps | interesting | 18:48 |
shp | i use 3m usb cable with an wifi adapter on the end to get better reception outside my room | 18:48 |
shp | beffore i use an app to wake me up at 05:55 but its removed | 18:49 |
shp | i removed it | 18:49 |
shp | it doesnt starts i think...cuz it was with mp3 play to wake me up | 18:49 |
shp | now just my pc starts... | 18:49 |
shp | at 05:55 | 18:50 |
mrkramps | which app? | 18:50 |
shp | some kinda alarm clock | 18:50 |
shp | ..with mp3 playin abil;ities | 18:50 |
shp | abilities* | 18:50 |
mrkramps | maybe still an entry in /etc/crontab? | 18:50 |
shp | i dont know thats whu i am asking...i have terminal open what to do? | 18:51 |
mrkramps | cat /etc/crontab | 18:51 |
shp | ..the aPP has been uninstaled from the soft center | 18:52 |
mrkramps | shp, removed or purged? | 18:52 |
shp | removed i guess...cuz now my pc starts...to login screen xfce...without playin the mp3 i have chosen for @alarm@ | 18:54 |
shp | what output i should have with cat | 18:54 |
shp | cat /etc/crontab =? | 18:54 |
mrkramps | but w/o purge there still may be some configuration files | 18:54 |
mrkramps | it would be really helpful if you remember the name of this application | 18:55 |
shp | uhh | 18:55 |
shp | how can i view the history of inst apps? | 18:55 |
shp | ubuntu soft centr? | 18:56 |
drc | History Icon in top menu | 18:57 |
drc | er...not menu :) | 18:57 |
drc | whatever the icon bar is called | 18:58 |
mrkramps | tool bar, i guess | 18:58 |
shp | wow theres plenty of stuff there | 18:58 |
drc | look at removals | 18:58 |
shp | alarm-clock applet | 18:59 |
shp | thats it | 18:59 |
shp | !!! | 18:59 |
shp | ->removals | 19:00 |
shp | drc thanks man for the help! | 19:00 |
drc | np | 19:00 |
shp | what i should do | 19:00 |
shp | i already googled My-pc-wakes up-by-itself-suspend | 19:01 |
drc | mrkramps you're up I use synaptic :) | 19:01 |
drc | And there's a config for complete removal vs leave the configs | 19:02 |
shp | can u guys give me a hand somehow? | 19:02 |
mrkramps | does not look as if the package has any files connected with cron | 19:03 |
shp | last night i shut it down..and again today at 05:55am | 19:03 |
shp | ....i needed to be up at this time...but not by my pc | 19:03 |
mrkramps | shp, have you checked your bios settings? | 19:04 |
shp | i havent touched my bios settings at all | 19:04 |
xubuntu21w | is it possible to get a wireless adapter to work if you dont have access to the internet on that pc | 19:04 |
mrkramps | that's weird … if you poweroff the system there should be no way then to physically start your machine | 19:05 |
shp | ....before installing THAT app all was perfect | 19:05 |
mrkramps | xubuntu21w, sure | 19:05 |
drc | and have you checked crontab as mrk suggested (just in case) ? | 19:05 |
xubuntu21w | how | 19:05 |
mrkramps | shp, try: sudo apt-get autoremove --purge alarm-clock* | 19:05 |
shp | drc what output should i have | 19:05 |
mrkramps | drc, could be possible somewhere in /etc/crond.*/ as well … but the package content does not list anything suspicious | 19:06 |
mrkramps | xubuntu21w, depends on your wireless device | 19:06 |
shp | The following packages will be REMOVED | 19:06 |
shp | alarm-clock-applet* gstreamer0.10-gconf* libappindicator1* libindicator7* | 19:06 |
shp | linux-headers-3.13.0-24* linux-headers-3.13.0-24-generic* | 19:06 |
shp | linux-image-3.13.0-24-generic* linux-image-extra-3.13.0-24-generic* | 19:06 |
shp | 0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 8 to remove and 7 not to upgrade. | 19:06 |
shp | After this operation, 222 MB disk space will be freed. | 19:06 |
shp | should i YES? | 19:07 |
drc | mrkramps: I read that, but it's best to eliminate the easy stuff first. :) | 19:07 |
shp | ..this linux images ...? | 19:07 |
mrkramps | shp, old kernel-versions which should be save to remove | 19:07 |
xubuntu21w | . | 19:08 |
mrkramps | xubuntu21w, one more and you're on my ignore list! | 19:08 |
mrkramps | told you so | 19:08 |
shp | right | 19:09 |
shp | there is no error msgs | 19:09 |
shp | t 05:55am | 19:09 |
shp | i will find out | 19:09 |
shp | mrkramps, what u think was the issue | 19:10 |
shp | leftover app | 19:10 |
shp | things? | 19:10 |
mrkramps | honestly, i have no idea | 19:10 |
mrkramps | the app was still installed | 19:10 |
mrkramps | but this should not power on a machine | 19:11 |
shp | how something can wake the whole system in xubuntu regime ( Ihave windows just in case..) from shutdown | 19:12 |
mrkramps | and in windows you did not use such an alarm? | 19:12 |
xubuntu21w | what | 19:12 |
shp | no | 19:12 |
shp | i dont use windows | 19:12 |
shp | just for emergency linux drv | 19:12 |
shp | i have dual boot | 19:13 |
shp | *choose ur destiny* type | 19:13 |
mrkramps | shp, you may still check the entries in /etc/crontab and the files in /etc/cron.daily/ | 19:13 |
drc | shp: did you check the BIOS as mrkramps also suggested? | 19:13 |
shp | drc, wakeuponlan is not ON in my exp | 19:14 |
shp | mrkramps, how to do it? | 19:14 |
mrkramps | shp, all text files | 19:14 |
shp | shp@shp:~/Desktop$ /etc/crontab | 19:15 |
shp | bash: /etc/crontab: Permission denied | 19:15 |
mrkramps | you may use any file manager and text editor you like | 19:15 |
drc | sudo | 19:15 |
mrkramps | and you do NOT need a terminal to do so! | 19:15 |
debbiecute | . | 19:16 |
mrkramps | in terminal you can use cat or even better the pager less (close with q) | 19:16 |
debbiecute | hello!! i need a command on terminal for close my session | 19:16 |
mrkramps | drc, you're ok? | 19:17 |
shp | this is the file: | 19:18 |
shp | # m h dom mon dow usercommand | 19:18 |
shp | 17 ** * *root cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly | 19:18 |
shp | 25 6* * *roottest -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily ) | 19:18 |
shp | 47 6* * 7roottest -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.weekly ) | 19:18 |
shp | 52 61 * *roottest -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.monthly ) | 19:18 |
shp | # | 19:18 |
drc | mrkramps: yeah, just re-installed 15.04 and still config'ing :) Thanks | 19:19 |
mrkramps | shp, for longer text output pls use http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | 19:19 |
mrkramps | but this file is fine … | 19:19 |
shp | I guess you recommend will work properly | 19:20 |
shp | your* | 19:20 |
shp | i think im safe for now..if something happens..ill be back...if not...Thanls for the help! really appreciated | 19:21 |
mrkramps | shp, you're welcome | 19:21 |
DReynolds | Hi. hoping someone can help. trying to stick Xubuntu on an old Intel Macbook (make it usefull again :P) .. when I boot from the DVD im just getting "Select CD_ROM Boot Type" with options 1 and 2, both empty and no input being registered. .. tried making a bootable USB install using the iso and "Linux Live USB Creator" but that didn't even show up in the boot menu | 21:20 |
xangua | DReynolds: that's only for "pc's" | 21:21 |
DReynolds | xangua hmmm, are you able to poit towards something that'd work for a macbook? | 21:21 |
xangua | http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx | 21:22 |
mrkramps | DReynolds, what kind of macbook? | 21:23 |
DReynolds | okay, so thats formatting th usb from the mac, i see. Ive downloaded the ISO on a windows box so was trying to format it from that | 21:23 |
DReynolds | mrkramps cant remember exactly the model, a 2006 one i think. got an Intel Core 2 Duo 64-bit | 21:24 |
DReynolds | xangua: did all that. USB drive is still not showing up in the boot menu :( | 21:44 |
mrkramps | DReynolds, did you check if your iso downloads is not corrupted? | 21:46 |
DReynolds | how do i do that again? Xubuntu download page has nothing on it | 21:48 |
mrkramps | DReynolds, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes | 21:50 |
mrkramps | and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM | 21:51 |
DReynolds | right. its late. im gonna have another shot tomorrow. thanks guys :) | 21:56 |
whatever | hi | 22:09 |
whatever | anybody there ? | 22:09 |
=== whatever is now known as Guest65514 | ||
Guest65514 | hi | 22:10 |
GridCube | hi | 22:11 |
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