
ahoneybunyou do sgclark00:06
=== aaron is now known as ahoneybun
ahoneybunthe text is soooooo tiny01:10
=== aaron is now known as ahoneybun
* ahoneybun downloads vivid final03:20
* ahoneybun tried03:28
valorieRiddell: ping06:58
valorieoops, I hate contentless pings - PM06:59
Riddellhi valorie 07:48
valoriehi, replied08:04
ovidiu-florinhello world08:13
ovidiu-florinI need pictures for: http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/the-kubuntu-team/08:13
ovidiu-florinplease attach them to https://trello.com/c/tRz6Z0l7/22-create-a-team-page or send them to me directly08:13
kubotu[Kubuntu Promotion :: Doing :: Create a Team page ++ AH, OB]08:13
ovidiu-florinif someone else needs to be on that page, speak NOW!08:14
valorieovidiu-florin: can you crop larger photos?08:14
valoriecan you see this one?08:16
valorieso good of yofel08:17
ovidiu-florinit's a good picture08:31
ovidiu-florinbut not for this purpose08:31
valorieI don't have very many good ones, unfortunately08:32
valorieI swear I took some, but I'm not finding them on my HD08:32
valorieor in flickr, or G+08:54
ovidiu-florinwe have pictures: http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/the-kubuntu-team/09:03
valorieI found one if you can crop just my head and shoulders09:08
ovidiu-florinsend it to me09:09
* ovidiu-florin takes the dog out to pee :P09:10
valoriesent to your email09:10
valoriefacebook is good for something!09:10
valoriescarlett's blog: http://scarlettgatelyclark.com/09:20
valorierohan's blog: https://kshadeslayer.wordpress.com/09:20
valorieharald: https://apachelog.wordpress.com/09:21
valorienaughty yofel doesn't seem to blog09:22
valoriescott kitterman's blog09:23
Riddellyofel, shadeslayer: anyone want to be backup mentor to my students09:24
valoriecan't mention which student(s)09:26
Riddellof course09:26
valorieaaron only has a blog about trips, but there is https://plus.google.com/+AaronHoneycutt/posts09:26
lordievaderGodo morning.09:27
ovidiu-florinvalorie: I'd rather not link to social profiles09:39
ovidiu-florinjust the blog09:40
ovidiu-florinif from the blog they want to link to social stuff, that's their decision09:40
ovidiu-florinmornin' lordievader09:40
lordievaderHey ovidiu-florin, how are you doing?09:44
ovidiu-florinnot good09:44
ovidiu-florinmy dog is sick09:44
ovidiu-florinand he now hates my wife because she took him to the vet09:44
ovidiu-florinhe only plays with me now09:45
lordievaderThat is not good to hear :(09:45
valorieawwww, sick pup09:50
valorienot good09:50
lordievaderHe/she is still a puppy?09:53
valoriea sick dog IS a pup09:56
valoriepoor thing09:56
yofelRiddell: sorry no, I won't have much time until summer10:00
yofelvalorie: well, I do have a blog, just haven't posted anything in almost 3 years :/ https://kyofel.wordpress.com/10:01
* yofel is not a talkative person..10:01
lordievaderKubuntu Raring... And I thought I updated my blog too little :P10:02
valoriegoogle didn't find that, sorry10:02
yofelI'm not surprised :P10:02
valorieI didn't go to page 2 of the suggestions10:03
valoriegah, why is it 3am10:03
valorieI keep trying to get to sleep earlier and failing10:04
valoriebetter late than never!10:04
yofelhehe, gn :)10:04
lordievaderSleep well.10:05
ovidiu-florinfeedback please: http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/the-kubuntu-team/10:37
lordievaderFancy, fancy :)10:38
lordievaderScott's blog title is a bit too long ;)10:38
ovidiu-florinlordievader: it's his title10:42
ovidiu-florinvalorie: how's this: https://plus.google.com/+ValorieZimmerman/photos/photo/5864233600062448274?pid=5864233600062448274&oid=11005948807847045661210:53
ovidiu-florinvalorie: I've added that picture of you cropped, check it out: http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/the-kubuntu-team/10:58
ovidiu-florinI got your pictures from Google+ Riddell sitter yofel shadeslayer  ^11:17
ovidiu-florinsgclark ScottK ovidiu-florin pictures please11:18
* ovidiu-florin just realised he pinged himself....11:18
BluesKajHiyas all12:49
Blizzzis there a way to find out what is overwriting $LANG? Went to 15.04 and get a mostly german localized ui. drives me crazy.13:14
Riddellisn't that your setting? you are german :)13:15
BlizzzRiddell: I am, but my settings are always to (british) english 13:19
Blizzzi may assume it's systemd? also have loooong boot time, need to investigate this too13:20
Blizzzboot time probably caused by NetworkManager-wait-online.service (i am on wifi). disabled and will check13:25
shadeslayerovidiu-florin: that's quite a young me13:28
debfxBlizzz: "locale" will tell you13:32
debfxlikely $LANGUAGE or $LC_MESSAGES13:32
Blizzzdebfx: LANG is set to german, despite that i have no single configuration where i chose german13:33
Blizzzhm, LC_ stuff also. the regional stuff is ok, message is odd13:34
debfxoh ok. you have set english as the preferred language in the kcm?13:35
Blizzzdebfx: yes13:36
Blizzzi change regional settings to UK and change everything to DE. let's see, brb13:37
Blizzzthis was helpful13:38
Blizzzmuch better now :)13:38
soee_someone https://plus.google.com/109127217626053080154/posts/YzM7CEGQ4kj ?14:12
DarkwingGreetings peeps14:36
BluesKajhey Darkwing14:47
ovidiu-florinI need your help: https://trello.com/c/e8M4Ycd3/33-front-page-text Can someone please settle this?15:34
kubotu[Kubuntu Promotion :: Feedback :: Front page - Text ++ ]15:34
* ahoneybun thought he changed that15:59
soee_ovidiu-florin: some suggestion to member page styles: http://wstaw.org/m/2015/04/19/snapshot7.png16:12
ahoneybunawesome soee_16:16
ovidiu-florinsoee_: I'm not a web developer16:32
sgclarkovidiu-florin: hmm what size?16:33
sgclarkovidiu-florin: can you steal my profile pic? https://plus.google.com/u/0/+ScarlettClark/posts16:38
sgclarkovidiu-florin: other than that crop me out of some akademy pictures, I am really not a photographic person :(16:39
ovidiu-florinsoee_: done16:42
ovidiu-florinsgclark: wil do that when I come back16:42
ovidiu-florinin a couple of hours16:42
sgclarkcool thx16:42
soee_ovidiu-florin: remove this space between each data line, make the font a bit smaller, move header (with persone name) ~ 20px down, do not make IRC or Blog text bold - the item name is not important to be bold the item value is more important16:44
soee_ovidiu-florin: give ~ 30px space between image right side and texts16:48
darthanubisthis still persists16:54
BluesKajis KF5 needed for kdesrc-build ?18:59
ovidiu-florinBluesKaj: what do you mean?19:11
ovidiu-florinRiddell: ping19:15
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: do you have a blog?19:18
ovidiu-florinof Kubuntu/Open source related content?19:18
ovidiu-florinsgclark: your picture is up19:18
ovidiu-florinsoee_: fixed on the team page19:19
BluesKajovidiu-florin, never mind, I misunderstood a question in #kde19:21
soee_ovidiu-florin: make teh font a bit smaller wher ethe role, blog etc. are listed. ale make teh space between them smaller19:22
ovidiu-florinsoee_: how's this?19:25
soee_ovidiu-florin: font ok but make the space smaller bewee lines19:26
ovidiu-florinsoee_: like this?19:26
soee_ovidiu-florin: and i suggets to make small  font color change: make the IRC and Blog words with teh color that the text heave atm (this gray one) and the texts next to IRC and Blog words make the dark liek the IRC word has  now19:27
ovidiu-florinsoee_: why?19:28
soee_ovidiu-florin: because not the IRC or Blog text is important here but the value next to thme19:28
soee_darker text = more important stuff19:29
ovidiu-florinjose: ping19:30
soee_ovidiu-florin: give .km_name margin top 15px not 10px 19:30
soee_ovidiu-florin: and i woudl add ":" after each Blog or IRC text19:31
ovidiu-florinI don't like the :19:31
soee_so: IRC: foo and Blog: bar19:31
ovidiu-florinit seems extra to me19:31
ovidiu-florinthat's why i removed them19:31
soee_they would be useless if after each label you would have some input or bacgroud color for text19:32
soee_but here i think they should exist19:32
soee_ovidiu-florin: small change to what i said before: for .km_name i woudl do margin top and margin bottom 15px19:33
soee_and that woudl be all 19:34
ovidiu-florinsoee_: pm 19:34
ovidiu-florinyou can login and add the :19:34
ovidiu-florinI'll add the CSS19:34
ovidiu-florinsoee_: have you logged in?19:36
soee_ovidiu-florin: yes19:36
soee_ovidiu-florin: ok we stay without :19:37
soee_with them text is less readable 19:37
ovidiu-florinI told you :P19:37
soee_i think this page is fine now19:37
soee_ask others if its fine for them and  you can mark it as done i think19:39
ovidiu-florinI asked19:40
ovidiu-florinmany times19:40
yofellooks great IMO19:41
Riddellovidiu-florin: you pung?19:42
Riddell(I'm mostly busy)19:42
ovidiu-florinjose: whenever you can, let's migrate the site19:52
ovidiu-florinjose: for the moment in a temporary subdomain, to make sure everything is ok, at first19:53
ovidiu-florinjose: can you take care of this?19:53
ovidiu-florinjose: if I don't respond on IRC, please let me know on hangouts19:53
ahoneybunnope ovidiu-florin19:54
yofelovidiu-florin: actually, can you label me Develop like the rest?19:59
ovidiu-florinyofel: http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/the-kubuntu-team/20:02
yofelthanks :)20:03
ovidiu-florinyofel: yw20:05
ovidiu-florinRiddell: when ever you can, let me know if this is ok: http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/contact-us/20:05
ovidiu-florinI asked Riddell if I can have the tile of oficial Kubuntu Romania representative. He said he'd ask the council, what do you guys think?20:08
ahoneybunsweet ovidiu-florin20:11
ovidiu-florinI'm off to bed20:49
ovidiu-florinjose: get the latest backup form my Backups folder on the server20:49
* ovidiu-florin ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...20:49
darthanubisyou can't open anything with okteta22:34
darthanubisThe open dialog comes up, but then you can navigate22:34

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