
=== aaron is now known as ahoneybun
meteorheadhello! I'm getting this error a lot http://pastebin.com/xDjBES1E01:27
meteorheadcould you please be kind enough to tell me how to resolve this matter?01:28
meteorheaddpkg is IN the PATH btw01:28
meteorheadresolved with this http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/160019/dpkg-cannot-find-ldconfig-start-stop-daemon-in-the-path-variable01:34
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mccHi, i have a kubuntu install cd here, it has the dpkg files I need to install my wireless, is there a way to install just a specific dpkg and its dependencies from the CD instead of having to run the whole installer?03:21
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abdvacЗдорова пасаны04:49
abdvacРусскоговорящие есть ?04:50
abdvacвопрос есть поможет ето ?04:51
excalibrabdvac, english please04:52
excalibrmcc, it's probably easier to fetch the package files from mirror server04:54
abdvacoh sorry no English aim Russian04:54
darthanubis? Ru05:08
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:13
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.05:13
mccexcalibr: yeah, the problem i was having was i had no internet... so i couldn't download anything05:22
mccexcalibr: i figured it out, turns out I can tether from my phone >_>05:22
mcchey uh05:23
mcci'm on the 15.04 beta05:23
mcci wanna shut down05:23
mccthe gui way isn't working rn05:23
mccit says "shutdown" and "halt" are programs in the *upstart* package?05:23
mcci don't want to install upstart, do i?05:23
mccthat's, like… a whole thing.05:24
sysop2hi.  I have an x86 machine with a touch screen, how can I login and unlock it just using the touch screen?05:25
=== David1977 is now known as Guest94746
mccIs there a planned release date for Kubuntu 15.04? I see the Ubuntu 15.04 release is next week.06:13
EtriaphI would imagine it'll be ready when it's ready.  I know that's not great to hear, but it's pretty stable now.06:26
mccok. i installed the beta... now it is booting to a black screen06:28
EtriaphI've heard that, not quite sure what the solution is though.  I know that a fully up to date Beta 2 install is quite stable.06:28
EtriaphI've been running it for a few weeks.06:29
valorieKubuntu will be released on release day, just like all the flavors06:30
valoriewe are all Ubuntu06:30
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases06:30
valorie!vivid maybe06:30
ubottuUbuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at  http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/142506:31
mccUbuntu release is the 23rd or something06:31
mccEtriaph: i imagine that crashing on startup when yor'e running a beta OS isn't something to fix. just… install a working OS :)06:31
EtriaphI think it's the 26th06:31
mccEtriaph: Although I *AM* curious how to trick GRUB into showing me the text startup, just once.06:31
valorieit is the 22nd, as the factoid says06:31
Etriaphmcc: I stuck with it and got past any issues I was running into.06:31
mccI booted in recovery mode and got a kernel panic but i think that might be because it couldn't find whatever the file is to start in recovery mode.06:31
valoriemcc: use nosplash06:31
Etriaphmcc: Use the recovery console and manually update the box06:31
mccetriaph: the grub recovery console?06:32
mccvalorie: does that require editing grub.cfg?06:32
Etriaphvalorie: Actually, val's suggestion is the better route.06:32
valoriegosh it's been a long time since I did that06:32
mcc"e to edit the commands before booting"06:32
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub206:32
EtriaphYou can provide options to the kernel via grub.06:33
valoriethe second link will have the info06:33
mcci think i see what to do. i'm supposed to remove "quiet" and "splash"06:33
EtriaphEven if it's booting to a blank screen, you should still have tty's available.06:33
EtriaphCTRL-ALT F106:33
EtriaphIt's sddm crapping out I would imagine.06:34
valorieor f2, if 1 doesn't work06:34
* Etriaph nods06:34
valoriesome people have trouble with 1 for some reason06:34
valorieI think it is `systemctl enable sddm`06:34
valoriebut darn it, that should be fixed by now06:35
mccwell, i think the blank screen might have been a kernel panic06:35
mccbut i'm not sure06:35
EtriaphYou won't know until you see dmesg06:35
mccok, when i boot without "quiet splash" it prints this and then nothing happens http://imgur.com/LqteRK906:36
EtriaphAnd it halts there?06:37
mcci tried to find a vterm... i couldn't remember what the buttons were06:37
mccone had the message about couldn't find /sbin/init06:37
EtriaphCTRL-ALT F2 should be sure fire06:38
mccCTRL-ALT F2 currently shows a blinking underscore in the upper left of the screen.06:38
mccCTRL-ALT F1 now shows... a slightly longer crawl06:38
valoriebut, no init -- you should have systemd06:39
mccit is hatled after printing all usb devivces06:39
mccand the left side says [ 2.71728] and such06:39
mccis that dmesg?06:39
valoriethis is the beta, right?06:39
mccyes, i think it might be the first one, i don't remember06:39
EtriaphBeta 2, I would try the daily image06:39
mcci put it on right arond the time beta 2 was released06:39
EtriaphBeta 2 is where I started in the 15.04 stream and after a bit of a rocky start it's pretty stable.06:39
mccwell, whatever i had worked, then i did a apt-get update/upgrade and everything broke :)06:40
EtriaphOh, so it wasn't the clean install that went haywire.06:40
valorietry `sudo apt install -f`06:40
mcci think... if it is likely we actually are less than a week from the normal release06:40
mccvalorie: "try" it where?06:41
valorieperhaps something was only partially installed06:41
valoriein a virt. console06:41
mccvalorie: I don't appear to have any virtual consoles. I have a scroll of what look like kernel messages with apparent [ timestamps ] on ALT-CTRL-F1. I have a blinking underscore in ALT-CTRL-F2.06:41
valoriecont.+alt+usually f6 will get you back to gui06:42
EtriaphThe tty's didn't spawn06:42
EtriaphHe's seeing the output of dmesg06:42
mccetriaph: she06:42
EtriaphOh, sorry :)06:42
mccso i'm on ALT-CTRL-F6 or so06:42
EtriaphIf you had an image for the latest daily build, you could recover the install from the disk.06:43
valorieso some of the ttys work?06:43
EtriaphThat's what I'd do next.06:43
mcclookit this06:44
mccalt-ctrl-F6 on up display this06:44
mccAt first i just saw the #06:44
mcci banged some keys and got the "l not found"06:44
EtriaphYup, that install is fubar imo06:44
valorieright, no /sbin/init06:44
mccif i keep banging keys i can get more messages of the "l: not found" sytle06:44
mcci *do* have systemd, though?06:44
valorieyou should, yes06:45
mcci checked. i booted into the key and /lib/systemd/systemd or whatever it is is there06:45
Etriaphmcc, if you want a head start on the release day, download a daily build ISO and repair the installation.  It'll have updated packages.06:45
mccI'm pretty comfortable with waiting for release-- honestly, I spent all the time I had allocated for this laptop today. I'm gonna be out of town tomorrow and the start of the week will be busy.06:45
* valorie has some work to do and needs to disappear06:45
valoriebest of luck, mcc06:46
mccvalorie etriaph thank you very much fo rth ehelp06:46
EtriaphTake it easy val06:46
Etriaphnp mcc06:46
EtriaphTime for tea for me.  :)06:46
mccAnyway, I will boot back into Windows and this machine will quietly become a video game system for a few more days :P06:46
EtriaphRelease is close anyway.06:46
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lordievaderGodo morning.09:27
lordievaderHey MoonUnit`09:29
mastrobuon giorno09:42
mastrosono nuovissimo di ubuntu09:43
mastromi serve una mano per installare un'alternativa a silverlight09:43
valorie!it | mastro09:43
ubottumastro: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:43
mastroi need help to install moon light or pipelight09:44
mastroi try to install this pack but dont work09:45
mastrothere are someone to help me?09:46
mastro(i'm sorry for my orrible english)09:47
lordievaderWasn't that whole silverlight thing abandoned to oblivion?09:47
zztoplessHi... Just switched from a windows host with a couple of ubuntu guests to a Mint guest with the same kubuntu guests and for whatever reason all TOR traffic on the guests is very slow (fine on the host and fine on the guests if I boot the host back in to mywindows7 installation).  By slow I mean ~30-40k/s tops (~20k/s average) compated to > 1 MB/s on either host or the guests when running off windows host.09:47
zztoplessAny help would be much appreciated :)09:47
valorie!info pipelight09:50
ubottuPackage pipelight does not exist in utopic09:50
valorie!info moonlight09:50
ubottuPackage moonlight does not exist in utopic09:50
lordievader!info silverlight09:51
ubottuPackage silverlight does not exist in utopic09:51
ubottuFor Microsoft Silverlight support, install Moonlight with the following command: « sudo apt-get install moonlight-plugin-mozilla » in a terminal.09:51
lordievaderHa, bruteforce!09:51
valorielordievader uber alles09:51
mastroterminal write "impossible find moonlight-plugin-mozzilla pakage"09:54
valorie!info moonlight-plugin-mozilla09:55
ubottuPackage moonlight-plugin-mozilla does not exist in utopic09:55
valoriebecause it no longer exists, I'm guessing09:55
mastroi try whit only moonlight09:55
lordievader!info moonlight-plugin-mozilla trusty09:55
ubottuPackage moonlight-plugin-mozilla does not exist in trusty09:56
valorieunsure if mint can use our repos anyway09:56
valoriewe don't support mint09:56
MoonUnit`moonlight ppa's haven't been updated since 200909:56
lordievadermastro: What version of Kubuntu do you run?09:57
lordievaderLucid was the latest with the moonlight-plugin-mozilla...10:00
lordievadermastro: Guess you are out of luck.10:01
mastroi'm sorry10:02
mastroi've kubuntu 14.1310:02
=== hacker is now known as Guest91735
toriI've got a major problem - today on Kubuntu 15.04 after boot I ger a black screen, my cursor and nothing else.11:28
toriI get get to tty2, and tried apt-get update and upgrade, but that didn't work11:29
torialso, removed nvidia drivers and removed the whole .kde directory, but no luck11:29
toriany ideas?11:29
MoonUnit`tried removing the .cache folder?11:36
toriMoonUnit, trying sudo chown <username>:<username> ksycoca5 in .cache right now as suggested in the forums11:43
toriand it works!11:43
lschuetzeHi. I am using Kubuntu 15.04 latest and I want to change/add accounts to IM Contacts but cannot find where to do that. Can anyone please point me to the right direction?12:02
MoonUnit`lschuetze: i had that trouble when i tried IM  contacts, bad ui, make the app wider and a spanner icon should appear.12:05
lschuetzeOh, wow. Saved my day! Thank you.12:06
lschuetzeNow I know what the not clickable > meant.12:06
lschuetzeI thought there is some kind of drop down behind but it was never clickable :D12:07
MoonUnit`yeah took me a while to figure it out.12:08
DragnslcrI reported that bug in the KDE Telepathy contact list. They aren't sure how to fix it.12:20
DragnslcrI've gone back to using Kopete12:22
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BluesKajHiyas all12:49
BluesKajHi MoonUnit`12:51
sysop2hi.  I have an x86 machine with a touch screen, how can I login and unlock it just using the touch screen?13:02
sysop2I have tried putting the plasma keyboard on the unlock screen and that did not work.13:08
sysop2any ideas? running kubuntu 14.0413:09
lordievadersysop2: You could set lightdm to autologin.13:10
MoonUnit`last post claims you can edit a lightdm file to enable the keyboard13:13
sysop2is that really an answer? so the only way is to leave my computer open, or are you saying do autologin and then auto lock the screen?13:14
lordievaderNo. I am saying that is one way.13:15
sysop2but how do I unlock the screen without using the hardware keyboard?13:16
sysop2MoonUnit`, just read you post thank!13:17
sysop2I had googled around and missed that some how. thanks!13:17
sysop2that helps with logging in but how do I unlock my screen without using the physical keyboard?13:23
darthanubisYou can unlock via Bluetooth14:22
darthanubisI used to do that, it was cool14:22
sysop2I have done that before too, it is cool, hmm, since I am trying to replace my phone with this tablet that means I will need to have my bluetooth headset with me at all times so I could use that to unlock. THANKS!!!!14:26
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darthanubisIt will unlock with just the phone no need for the headset. Either or14:46
koftesMy work laptop with Kubuntu 12.04 has become unusable the last few days. After logging in and loading the desktop, it freezes within several seconds, even if you don't touch anything. Last time I rebooted, I managed to start the System Monitor before it froze, and noticed that various akonadi_* processes were collectively taking up most of the RAM (about 0.5 GB each).14:49
koftesAny ideas on what I could do to prevent this? It all started completely out of the blue.14:50
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is a currently-supported !LTS release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120414:50
BluesKajok,  koftes can you get to a VT/TTY  to upgrade ?14:51
koftesBluesKaj: you mean upgrade the distro to 14.04 or something like that?14:52
BluesKajno , just upgrade your packages14:52
koftesYes, I did manage to do that from a terminal a couple of days ago, although it's extremely difficult to use that too; mostly, it doesn't work either (freezes).14:55
koftesI was hoping that the problem would go away if I managed to bring the packages up to date, but it didn't.14:55
BluesKajkoftes, do you suspect it could be a graphics driver problem ?14:57
koftesNot sure. It looks like it's related to Akonadi from the processes I see in System Monitor.14:58
koftesBluesKaj: I'm not even sure I use anything that needs Akonadi. I never use any of the standard software listed in https://userbase.kde.org/Akonadi, though I am using the Digital Clock.15:02
koftesin the System Tray, I mean.15:03
BluesKajkoftes, does killing it in system monitor fix the problem? You can also disable akonadi and akonadi15:03
BluesKajand baloo15:03
koftesBluesKaj: I don't get the chance; it freezes too quickly.15:04
BluesKajtype akonadi in the kicker search , then disable it there , and baloo in system settings search15:05
koftesI suppose I could try with a lot of effort to get to a tty and kill processes from there, but I can't really do that every time I boot. I need to disable it permanently. By the way, I can boot into safe mode.15:06
BluesKajthen disable them in safe mode, that should carry over to default15:07
koftesBluesKaj: the KDE interface is not usable at all, so I can't really do any of that. Do you know how to disable it from safe mode (e.g., edit some configuration files to boot with Akonadi disabled)?15:08
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BluesKajkoftes, hang on, let me check something'15:09
koftesOK, thanks.15:09
BluesKajkoftes,` killall akonadi-server15:10
koftesThat kills it permanently? I mean, if I do that in recovery mode and reboot, will it not start again?15:12
koftesI just booted into recovery mode and dropped into a root shell prompt.15:13
BluesKajno, but it should be enough for you to do the disabling15:13
BluesKajtry to get to the desktop of course15:14
koftesActually, no. In recovery mode, it looks like Akonadi is not running ("akonadi-server: no process found"), which makes sense.15:14
koftesOK, I'll boot normally and I'll try to do that from tty before logging in to the desktop.15:15
BluesKajkoftes, you can find it by typing akonadi in the kickstart menu search then you can permanently disable it15:15
koftesI'll give that a go. Brb15:16
BluesKajko you don't use kmail do you?15:16
BluesKajok good15:17
koftesOK, I got to a tty before logging in to the desktop (in normal mode), but it still says "akonadi-server: no process found", so I guess I'd have to log in first, but then it will freeze within seconds.15:18
koftesI'll try to be very quick15:18
koftesBluesKaj: found the solution! From terminal, before logging in to KDE, I opened ~/.config/akonadi/akonadiserverrc and changed StartServer from true to false.15:55
koftesNone of those processes start now and it doesn't freeze.15:56
koftesThanks for the help15:56
BluesKajkolp, cool , thanks for the tip , I'll keep that in mind16:01
BluesKajoops he left16:01
abdvacЗдорова пасане16:09
abdvacРусскоговорилы есть ?16:10
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:10
abdvac /join #ubuntu-ru16:12
abdvacа здесь в чате нет Русских ?16:12
darthanubisудалить пробел перед/16:14
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abdvacкак создать свой Русский чат ?16:17
abdvacи я удалял пробел ничего16:18
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:18
abdvacвсе разобрался, спасибо16:20
darthanubisabdvac: Нажмите, что.16:20
=== Yukkii is now known as Dhs92
Voyage_ need a video editing tool that can cut some parts of a .mov file, delete audio, put a watermark on top of video.17:29
soee_Voyage_: try kdenlive17:30
Voyage_its difficult for me to understand.17:30
Voyage_I opened file. I can only play it. what next?17:30
soee_other one: http://www.openshotvideo.com/17:30
Voyage_I have both. openshot and kdenlive17:31
Voyage_I opened file. I can only play it. what next?17:31
Voyage_well. I think i dont know how to use the tool17:31
soee_yuo shoudl see audio and video streams on timelines17:32
soee_and than you can manipulate them, cut etc17:32
Voyage_soee_,  do you have teamviewer?17:32
=== derloewe is now known as thelion
lyzeHello :) I have installed the Kubuntu 15.4 beta 2 and I have now a problem after using it for quite a bit :\ The System Tray won't show Skype / Steam / Spotify and so on and the theme won't apply at to all windows. for example if I would revert back to  the default theme kmail and some other software is still (for example) black18:24
BluesKajlyze, it's the nature of the devel OS , some things work fine and others don't, it's a problem with plasma 4 apps integration with plasma 518:27
lyzeBluesKaj: Yeah thats true but i just thought perhapse you guys have a solution to my problem. yesterday everything was ok18:27
sysop2I have had the same  problem when I use the system tray as a widget on the desktop and not in 15.04, in many versions of kubuntu.18:28
BluesKajlyze, userrs have differnt problems and thgey aren't easy to pinpoint18:28
sysop2in fact I gave up using it on the desktop and just setup a panel.18:28
lyzeyeah :\18:29
lyzeso I guess i should revert back to a stable version and wait till its releast :)18:29
lyzethanks cya ^^18:29
* BluesKaj hasn't used desktop icons for yrs, quicklaunch and launchers in the panel do the job for me18:36
=== kde is now known as Guest53583
MoonUnit`i like having desktop icons, screen looks bare without them.18:45
BluesKajI install a familar scene as a background wallpaper which keeps it from being boring18:46
soee_i second what BluesKaj said :)18:46
soee_i do not use them liek 1-1,5 years now18:46
soee_krunner + kicker is enough18:47
Mufleyhi everyone18:59
BluesKajhi Mufley18:59
Mufleyi was wondering if someone could give me some advice how to upgrade kubuntu 12.10 to 14.10.19:00
Mufleyi have looked over the web, and i can find anything useful.19:00
BluesKajMufley, do you have /and /home partitions, if not then a clean install with data backup first tis the best route19:01
lordievaderMufley: You can't do that in one go. You need to go 12.10 -> 13.04 -> 13.10 -> 14.04 -> 14.10. Probably easier to do a reinstall.19:01
Mufleynope, just a single / partition.19:01
Mufleyi was kind of getting that conclusion.19:02
kdEFanboyhello, I'm having a weird issue i don't find anything about on google: i've installed some google for desktop apps but when I open them they stay in the same launcher at the taskbar with a google icon but not its own icon, do you know how to deal with it? (I'm rooning kde)19:56
cup`ocoffeekdEFanboy: I can not really help you - but this will be specific to the special app I think20:10
cup`ocoffeeso idk where you got it from - but probably you can find in on kde-apps.org?20:10
cup`ocoffeeor where?20:11
cup`ocoffeeif you can't find help here - you could try to comment under the specific app you use…20:11
=== xchat_ecki is now known as ecki
SouL_|_Does anyone if it's possible to use a fingerprint reader in Kubuntu for login?20:59
personalHow do i get the entire repo  on to my harddrive . I just want the debs and i get sources when the 200 years download has completed. I searched and tried all kinds of things. I can't supposrt linux with communty distrution where internet is a high end luxery. It's more like a cloud service . I brought the 12.04 repo from OS disk and the debs are endcryed and one tiny scratch an d days worth of effecrt go down the drain. I have never being able to21:01
personalcolete it it , well since ubuntu 12.04 first came out. Can somebody please help me. I'v searched the internet and help forum and just come old stuff that dont work. Maybe i'm doing something wronf i don't know. But i would i thought sudo apt-get * . Would do the trick , i'm having a bitch but why does everything have to be so dam hard and time consumming .21:01
geniiSouL_|_: I have used before fingerprint-gui with kdm, but have not used it with lightdm yet21:02
geniipersonal: The usual way would be to install and set up apt-mirror21:04
SouL_|_genii: it's the first time I want to try it and I don't know where to start :S21:06
personalHow do i use apt-mirror and set it to to my local fastest one. Ubuntu main is way to slow and this server only uses FTP .21:06
personalI thin it does anyway21:07
geniipersonal: The repository beginning with your local country-code is usually the fastest ( but not always) . So if USA repo beginning name is us.archive.ubuntu.com, if Germany then de.archive.ubuntu.com   and so on21:09
personalI think this one maybe - http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/ubuntu/21:10
geniiSouL_|_: Might want to check out https://launchpad.net/~fingerprint/+archive/ubuntu/fingerprint-gui21:12
SouL_|_I will try that genii, a huge hug for you, thanks21:13
=== bduncan_ is now known as bduncan
personalLook like google is being kind on me for the first time in 10 years and i actually found a dead simple page on github , that makes it so simple.21:24
personalThank you21:24
* genii makes more coffee21:37
personalDont drink coiffee , it will kill you. All you really doing is giving your self cortison. The bodies most powerful anti inflammatory .21:40
geniipersonal: It helps fend off the dementia21:40
personalIt gives you dementia21:41
geniiWell, it is a discussion for another channel which is not for support :)21:41
personalAcetylcholine, major neurotransmitter of the nervious system , target of the neonic pesicides. Cells can't communicate. Choline is a smart drug these days. Its an essential vitamine21:44
personalYeah your right. anouther channnel21:44
personalI'm running kubuntu 15.04. Do you know of any decent voices for jovie ?21:46
personalAnd why is the long term release not the final 4 series of KDE ? . Don't make sence , it only only has short term support and the long term one is not the last KDE 4 ?21:48
RobertJDohnertpersonal I think just because it hasnt been built yet.  You may want to file a bug22:02
personal127.4 GiB will be downloaded into archive. I guess its downloading the entire  the internet.22:03
geniiJust the *buntu parts22:05
geniiHopefully you don't get charged for overages on your internet use by your ISP22:06
personalI dont have that much room. Its massive . Do you know know if i can get it one to anouther internal drive . I'v got anouther drive installed.22:09
personalRegular cron jobs for the apt-mirror package . 0 4* * *apt-mirror/usr/bin/apt-mirror > /var/spool/apt-mirror/var/cron.log      # what is this. How do i configre what it does ?22:14
geniipersonal: Simplest way would be edit /etc/apt/mirror.list and change the value of mirror_path to the mountpoint of another place with more room22:22
bprompt127.4 gbs?    what the dickens is that?22:27
bpromptfor the size, it better cook breakfast and dinner, whatever that is22:28
geniibprompt: They are downloading entire repositories22:28
bpromptohhh... a mirroring site... I see22:28
geniiSo I'd guess about 4 or 5 because I found before a single repo was around 30G22:29
personal67.1 GiB22:41
darthanubishas anyone used okteta in plasma5? I can't open a file, kubuntu 15.0422:41
personalI dont know what its doing but its not goign it to the folder i want it too22:42
geniipersonal: The config file for apt-mirror is /etc/apt/mirror.list  as I've said above. Besides just listing in there what repos you want to mirror, it has also other settings like where to put the mirror.22:43
personalGenii: I done that. And just make sure i put it as the first entry too.22:45
personalset base_path22:45
geniipersonal: Changing the config file if it was already in the middle of running will not of course take effect until the next time you run it22:48
personali will do a restart and see what happens.22:54
personalsudo apt-mirror > /media/personal/Storage_1/repo_ubuntu/        # dont work23:13
personalI'm just going to try the long term release and reorganise the drives. Thanks for the help . I'v learned a few new things today.23:15

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