
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:49
lordievaderGood mornign.09:27
lotuspsychjeafternoon to all10:54
lotuspsychjelordievader: hello mate11:00
lordievaderHow are you doing this sunday?11:04
lotuspsychjefine, sunny what about you?11:05
lordievaderDoing okay, messing with thinclients while part of X/KDE is compiling.11:05
lordievaderSo what are you up to today?11:10
lotuspsychjechillin on sundays :p11:10
lotuspsychjeand little irc support11:10
lotuspsychjeand reading ubuntu news11:11
lordievaderNice, nice.11:12
lotuspsychjei like the softpedia website11:12
lotuspsychjelordievader: http://www.deviantart.com/browse/all/customization/screenshots/nix/?q=gentoo11:15
lotuspsychjewhats your desktop look like :p11:15
lotuspsychjelordievader: http://i.imgur.com/47iXQaS.jpg11:21
lordievaderPretty standard KDE desktop here.11:23
lotuspsychjeokay :p a workers desktop11:23
lotuspsychjei like eyecandy on ubuntu11:23
lordievaderBlegh, unity :P11:24
lotuspsychjei kinda got used to unity now11:24
lotuspsychjethe only thing i was angry about is my bottom dock on gnome...11:24
lotuspsychjewished unity left the user the choice when to put sidebar11:25
MonkeyDustit's because of the ubuntu mobile phone, that the dock is on the left11:26
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: yeah on the phone its nicely11:27
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: but i would love it at bottom on my desktop11:27
lotuspsychjei loved it for years on gnome11:27
MonkeyDustin time, the desktop and the phone will be one, so the say, with a dock to place the phone in11:28
MonkeyDustso to say*11:28
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: yeah like that first phone they wanted to crowdfund once11:28
lotuspsychjedesktop and mobile everywhere11:28
lotuspsychjei always forget its name :p11:28
BluesKajHiyas all12:50
BluesKajHey lordievader12:50
lordievaderHow are you doing?12:51
BluesKajfine thanks, and you?12:53
lordievaderDoing good here ;)12:53
BluesKajhey E13:02
BluesKajhey EriC^^ :)13:03
EriC^^hi BluesKaj :)13:08
BluesKajjust did a successful release-upgrade from 14.10 to 15.04 , went quite smoothly and so far so good, no crashes13:10
BluesKajon Kubuntu13:10
MonkeyDusti'm upgrading 15.04 in vmware, as we speak13:22
BluesKajvmware, hmm , was 14.10 working ok MonkeyDust?13:25
MonkeyDustnever tried it, my host is 14.04, skipped 14.10, even in vmware13:40
MonkeyDustand i have windows xp, vista and 7 in virtualbox... don't need or use it, just fun to have it ;)13:41
BluesKajusing 2 hdds here, one for stable and the other for dev OSs13:42
MonkeyDustlike: "why? because I can"13:42
BluesKajran Wt7 as guest on qemu-kvm and it ran fine except for the virt bridge which worked fine the internet connection , but failed to see the other windows pcs on the LAN13:44
MonkeyDustyour setup is much more elaborate than mine, apparentally13:45
BluesKajthen realized I didn't need a windows installl at all, the linux OSs see and share files just fine with the other windows pcs13:46
BluesKajmigt even dump windows on the laptop13:47
BluesKajnot elaborate, just 3 computers on the LAN13:48
MonkeyDusti have one frankenstein-laptop, with external screen and keyboard... after i spilled coffee over it13:55
BluesKajI've seen a method to clean sticky beverages including coffee on laptop KBs, but it's rather labour intensive14:18
MonkeyDustit's comforting that i'm not the only one...15:02

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