
legalhelp my - command patch - auto YES?12:29
iseonWhen building the ubuntu kernel (generic target) from mainline ubuntu repositorie on a Debian box I get the following error at the end of the build:12:53
iseondpkg-shlibdeps: error: syntax error in debian/control at line 13: first block lacks a source field12:53
iseonis it because I am building on a debian box?12:54
iseonFollowed the step here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile under Build the Kernel(s)12:55
iseonit seems so --- debian/control files for debian packages all seem to have a Source: field13:00
iseonI am wondering how I can avoid this error and build the ubuntu kernel on debian..13:01
iseonperhaps simply adding the field will fix it :) i'll give it a shot.13:13
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