
=== jamesh__ is now known as jamesh
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sysop2SturmFlut thanks for asking,  no after I installed touch I get usb 1-1.2.2:device descripter read/64, error -32.00:39
sysop2that was a red herring, unplugged extra usb I just a black screen. tried fail safe x and it just quits back to the menu.. is there a minimum res requirement or something?01:17
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sysop2should 1280x800 be enough to run touch?02:48
froyoI installed ubuntu-sdk03:42
froyoand I don't which architure and framework should I use and target.03:43
froyoThere 14.04 and 15.04 framework, and intel, armfh architure03:43
froyoHi, anyone online?03:48
bzoltan_froyo:  the bq phone is armhf and the emulator is i386. The bq phone is running on 14.10 and on nexus4 you can insall 15.04 already. So it is up to what do you target.03:48
froyobut I'm using 14.04 development platform.03:49
lotuspsychjegood morning03:49
froyocan I use 14.04 still?03:49
froyoHi, good morning.03:49
froyobzoltan, also...I don't want to use an emulator...because my pc is 32 bit and slow...Do I need to run every QML app in the emulator?03:51
sysop2has anyone got this to work on a atom based laptop with touch screen?  I cant find mention of anyone doing it successfully and its starting to worry me.03:55
froyothe sdk?03:56
sysop2I installed ubuntu and it came up fine, I install ubuntu touch and rebooted and now it hangs on a black screen. I can get to a root prompt and I am installing the newest intel video drivers and updating all the packages, any other suggestions?03:56
lotuspsychjesysop2: you want to ask this in #ubuntu03:56
froyoCan I run QML app without using the emulator?03:58
lotuspsychje!devices | sysop203:59
ubot5sysop2: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices03:59
lotuspsychjehow can i see the new touch apps like here: https://uappexplorer.com/apps04:19
lotuspsychjeseems like new apps, just comes into the categories and never show as 'new'?04:21
lotuspsychjespace * gives me most recent apps, but not all04:22
froyoIt's not supported by Canonical, it's better to discuss this with the maintainer.04:22
lotuspsychjefroyo: whats not supported?04:23
froyooh sorry...it's to my friend04:23
froyolotus...are you developing or packaging?04:26
SturmFlutRegarding the e-mail by Matthias Apitz to the ubuntu-phone mailing list: is it possible to launch the mediaplayer-app from the shell? I tried "ubuntu-app-launch mediaplayer-app file://${PATH}", and the app actually starts and seems to try to play the file, but the result is an error message claiming that "the connection to the background service failed."08:51
SturmFlutOh, this particular video also fails when I start playback through the Video scope. Strange. It was indexed correctly by the mediascanner, but now it won't play.08:54
popeyi just launched a video from the video scope then looked at the process list09:00
popeyphablet   6237 55.3  3.8 253380 37844 ?        Ssl  09:59   0:01 mediaplayer-app video:///media/phablet/2541-1C26/Videos/Arctic%20Monkeys%20-%20Do%20I%20Wanna%20Know%20(Official%20Video)-bpOSxM0rNPM.mp409:00
popeyso you need video:// then the path09:00
popeySturmFlut: ^09:00
SturmFlutpopey: Ah, thanks a lot, I couldn't get any video to play so I couldn't look it up myself09:00
SturmFlutpopey: I suppose the full command line to launch the media player is "ubuntu-app-launch mediaplayer-app video://${PATH}" then?09:02
mptogra_, renaming the item wouldn’t solve brunch875’s problem09:02
popeySturmFlut: i guess09:03
NIN101what's the path of the sms database on the filesystem?09:06
SturmFlutjamesh: Ping09:08
SturmFlutpopey: Okay, seems like I'm hitting some kind of bug here. If the phone is freshly rebooted and I launch a video via the Video scope, it plays. If I start playback from the command line, the media player starts, but doesn't play the file, and after that the media player just keeps complaining about not being able to communicate with the background service.09:11
popeylemme try09:11
SturmFlutpopey: I am running into bug 1295062 though, maybe my media database is corrupted09:12
ubot5bug 1295062 in mediascanner2 "Full length movie does not show up in Video lens" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129506209:12
popeyyeah, it doesn't launch here using that method either09:14
popeyoh, it does!09:15
popeyif mediaplayer was closed09:15
popeyworks fine09:15
SturmFlutpopey: Okay, was probably because of the other bug then09:16
SturmFlutAzby: Hi09:20
AzbyThis a my first time intención a ir chanelar, Id iike todo report a bug in ubuntu touch09:22
Azbysi this the right place?09:22
AzbySorry for the autocorrect09:23
SturmFlutAzby: You can write to the ubuntu-phone mailing list or open a bug report on Launchpad.net. This way everyone can see the bug report, not all developers read the messages on this channel.09:24
AzbyOK thank you09:25
popeyAzby: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Avengers is a good place to find out where to file bugs09:27
ogra_mpt, no, but a lot of confusion around it :)09:28
ogra_mpt, if it said "quieten notifications" or some such, i would know what to expect ... "silent mode" kind of turns into "mute" in peoples brains (in mine at least :) )09:29
mptogra_, it doesn’t (or shouldn’t) just quieten notifications.09:43
nik90popey, ogra_: Hey, Unity8 completely froze on my BQ yesterday nite after charging it. I couldn't adb or phablet-shell into it to restart unity8. I had to resort to using the power button to restarting it. Is there another way I can access the phone and get the unity8 logs to help debug issues like this?09:45
mibofrahi guys, Does anyone remember images like this one http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/daily-preinstalled/current/saucy-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip installable from recovery? Is there any tool to obtain the flashable zips from for example the latest rootfs of vivid?09:46
popeynik90: mine froze just now.09:46
popeybut I left it alone and it recovered, I imagine apport ate the cpu09:47
popey-rw-r-----  1 phablet whoopsie 140K Apr 19 09:32 _usr_bin_unity8.32011.crash09:47
popeyyup, apport writing a crash file09:47
SturmFlutnik90: This has happened to me a couple of times, and like popey says, it recovered after waiting for a bit09:47
popeyI would let it sit there, so the crash file is written out fully, and then uploaded09:47
popeythat way the unity8 devs can debug it via errors.ubuntu.com09:48
SturmFlutmibofra: Well, I don't know much about this stuff, but there are files like http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current/09:48
nik90ah ok09:49
mibofraok but the rootfs into the tarball is not flashable in recovery.09:50
SturmFlutmibofra: Sorry, no idea.09:54
NIN101are there any plans to add "disk" encryption to ubuntu touch?10:12
cylonmathis there an easy way to import phone contacts from an android phone (samsung 5360?)10:19
ogra_NIN101, indeed10:20
ogra_cylonmath, via google contacts ...10:20
NIN101ogra_: do you know whether there is some kind of status page or so?10:26
ogra_NIN101, no, sorry ... but encryption is on the list ... we need greeter multiuser support first for the decryption though ...10:27
ogra_generally the term "convergence" actually means the whole system though ... not just running apps that adapt to the UI ... the phone will have an identical feature set to the desktop one day ... even on the plumbinng layer...10:29
BOHverkillyes i managed to change the time format from 12h to 24h :)10:54
BOHverkillogra_: thx :)10:55
lotuspsychjeogra_: you know a trick to display latest apps on touch?10:56
lotuspsychjei tryed space * but not all aps show10:56
ogra_lotuspsychje, i use the web appstore for tha, it shows them in the order they land in the store11:16
ogra_search for "appstore" ...11:16
lotuspsychjeogra_: yeah i got that in my favs, tought there might be a trick to display them 'most recent' on touch11:17
lotuspsychjewould love that in the future, seeing all newest apps in front ubuntu store11:17
nik90Who decides on the "highlight of the week" in the ubuntu touch stores? Excellent choice for this week :P11:18
Elleonik90: couldn't agree more ;)11:50
* ogra_ notes he has only 4 out of 6 essantial apps installed ... 11:51
ogra_they cant be *that* essential then :P11:51
nik90Elleo: hey btw, listitem.empty clicked signal allows onlinkactivated to also work..so now we can press on episode links :D11:52
Elleonik90: great :)11:53
nik90Elleo: But I cant figure out why it still shows 00:00 for undefined durations :P..that thing is bugging me quite a bit11:53
Elleonik90: yeah, I'll take a look at that after lunch see if I can spot anything11:54
nik90Elleo: I will just keep testing the branch to see if there are any other issues I can spot and fix meanwhile11:55
Elleonik90: okay, cool11:56
* ogra_ wonders if it would make sense to have some framwork similar to the alternate-webapp container for webradio apps ... 11:58
ogra_(with standardized controls ... playlist parsing etc)11:59
lotuspsychjeyou know what would be nice, an almost ready webapp so users can drag n drop something and make an app themselfs12:03
ogra_i'd prefer if the browser had an "bookmark to app" function :)12:04
ogra_in the burger menu on the top right ...12:05
lotuspsychjewould also be nice12:05
ogra_essentially the same thing, just inntegrated by default into the browser12:05
ogra_that would save us from the not-actually-webapps webapps :)12:05
nik90ogra_: the browser in vivid is so much better..the url bar now acts behaves like a page header where if you scroll up it scrolls as well instead of with a delay like in rtm12:06
nik90but yeah a bookmark to app would be nice12:06
ogra_nik90, i still find it awful and jiggly12:06
ogra_it shouldnt move the webview around when it slides in/out12:06
nik90ogra_: is it still jiggly for you? It doesn't move the webview around for me anymore in vivid12:07
ogra_oh, you are right, i'm sure it did the last time i checked :)12:07
lotuspsychjeim happy with devel-proposed webbrowser-app too12:07
ogra_(that shows how often i use the browser itself i guess :P )12:07
nik90yeah the browser moving the webview in RTM bugged me quite a bit..happy now though12:08
lotuspsychjenik90: wich device are you on?12:08
nik90lotuspsychje: BQ (RTM) and N4 (Vivid)12:08
lotuspsychjenik90: nexus7 on devel-proposed here12:09
nik90ah N7..pretty cool12:09
nik90its like a small notebook and feels good12:10
lotuspsychjenexus7 is a tablet12:10
lotuspsychjefeels very good12:11
nik90hmm bug 1445527 is strange..lets see if I can reproduce it12:12
ubot5bug 1445527 in podbird "Speaker remains on after podcast finishes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144552712:12
popeyhmm http://imgur.com/XCce0Xq14:12
popey23394 phablet   20   0  363596  43472  22008 S  99.4  4.4 341:15.66 telegram14:12
* popey files a bug14:12
faenilpopey: ouch14:15
* ogra_ LOLs14:22
ogra_so i just aded audible feedback (a click sound) to the alternate webapp container if you click website links14:22
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1445928 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Unity 8 crash, significant battery drain" [Undecided,New]14:23
ogra_using an app with that enabled on vivid nearly makes impossible to read the conten because you always have  the volume popup in yur face14:23
popeyogra_: can you do me a favour and take a screenshot with vol+and vol-?14:23
popeytell me what the file name is that it makes?14:23
popey-rw-rw-r-- 1 phablet phablet 423K Apr 19 15:10 screenshot20151019_151011494.png14:23
popeythat's mine14:23
popey(the YYYYMMDD makes _no_ sense)14:23
popeyi have loads yesterday that are -rw-rw-r-- 2 phablet phablet 393K Apr 18 09:58 screenshot20155818_095843963.png14:24
popeylike that14:24
popeyI'm on the retail phone here.14:25
ogra_that month seems a slight bit in the future :)14:25
popeyin fact loking back over the month, none of them are right14:25
popeyhaha i see what it is14:25
popeysomeone has mixed %m and %M14:26
popeythe minute is where the month should be14:26
ogra_well, seems fixed in vivid14:26
ogra_geez ... tha volume popupp is annoying14:27
* ogra_ checks where that MP was with the fix ... 14:27
popeyirritating that on the phone, screenshots have a sane format, yet on the desktop our default screenshot app has colons and spaces in the file name14:27
popey"Screenshot from 2015-04-19 15:27:52" is a stupid filename14:28
ogra_comes from gnome i think14:28
popeyonly 3 years ago... bug 1054808 was filed14:28
ubot5bug 1054808 in gnome-screenshot (Ubuntu) "Default filename for screenshots is problematic" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105480814:28
ogra_we use the default app iirc14:28
ogra_well, unity8 will fix that ;)14:28
popeyholy cow they finally fixed it upstream14:28
* popey falls over14:28
mariogrippopey: status on http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?14:42
popeyogasawara_: ^ do you know?14:43
popeymariogrip: ogasawara_ is probably a better person to ask as she is (I think) the biggest consumer of that service.14:43
ogasawara_popey: we were told Mon14:43
popeyok, thanks.14:43
popeysorry it's not sooner mariogrip14:44
mariogrippopey: it's fine, i have have other stuff while i wait. (like ril)14:46
* mariogrip sees that the grammar is way off after he presses the "enter" key14:48
ogra_file a bug against the keyboard then :)14:50
mariogripogra_: :P14:51
faeniltook some pictures with flash last evening...auto white balancing of close subjects is completely nuts :D is the white balancing done in qtmultimedia plugins? or is it at a lower level?15:09
faenil(BQ -> devel-proposed)15:09
ogra_faenil, you should ask Kaleo during the week ...15:11
faenilok, thanks ;)15:11
faenilwoah, vibrator got stuck while receiving a notification, I read about this in this chat already, iirc15:20
ogra_yeah, fix is ready, needs to land15:23
faenilogra_: ok thanks16:03
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faenilouch, hard reboot at the end of a phonecall16:45
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Sleep_Walker1] How can I set up tethering?17:07
Sleep_Walker2] I still haven't connected to Aquaris through adb shell, device is not visible in `adb devices' - what can be wrong?17:07
Sleep_Walkerandroid devices are visible...17:08
Sleep_Walkeryes, I enabled developer access17:08
SturmFlutSleep_Walker: ADB shell will only work if the device is unlocked17:14
Sleep_Walkerwhat is unlocking in this context?17:15
ogra_screen unlockin17:15
Sleep_WalkerOK, I unplugged and plugged again with unlocked screen - no change...17:16
ogra_where doesthe adb on your PC come from ?17:17
Sleep_Walkerit's a bit complicated :)17:17
Sleep_WalkeropenSUSE package android-tools run through altered LD_LIBRARY_PATH from different root filesystem17:18
ogra_well, if it isnt from the phablet-tools PPA or from a recent ubuntu archive package (utopic and vivid should work out of the box) then you might need to restart the adb server on the PC with sudo17:18
ogra_the package ships udev rules that you might miss ...17:19
Sleep_Walkergood point17:19
ogra_adb kill-server; sudo adb devices17:19
Sleep_Walkernope, I wrote the rule myself17:19
ogra_... and then try adb shell again17:19
Sleep_Walkerit doesn't seem to be the problem either17:20
ogra_(just to rule out any issues with the rule)17:20
ogra_are you sure that setup you run there has full access to /dev ?17:21
ogra_developer mode works definitely fine with an ubuntu host ... (teh daily device test run through that, it woould ring a lot of alarm bells if that broke)17:22
ogra_tethering: androoid-gadget-service enable rndis17:23
ogra_you can run that in the terminal-app17:23
ogra_(only tested on ubuntu, not sure if/how suses network manager gets along with that)17:24
ogra_oh, "android-gadget-service" (one o )17:24
Sleep_Walkerrndis is cable protocol - is there some wifi way?17:24
ogra_not yet, no17:24
ogra_(being worked on, but there are some driver issues with AP mode that need solving first)17:25
Sleep_Walkeryeah, I can imagine17:25
ogra_the wonderful world of binary drivers :)17:25
Sleep_Walkerif you say 'being worked on' - where is the VCS to follow?17:34
BOHverkillSleep_Walker: i had the same problem with arch18:31
BOHverkillSleep_Walker: that worked for me: https://askubuntu.com/questions/601324/bq-e4-5-adb-fails18:33
Sleep_WalkerBOHverkill: thanks, I'll try18:33
Sleep_WalkerBOHverkill: oh yeah! thanks!18:35
Sleep_Walkerwhitelist of vendors, that makes sense :b18:35
BOHverkillSturmFlut: np ;)18:35
Sleep_Walkerand, do you know the reasons why I shouldn't install SW using apt?18:36
Sleep_WalkerI noticed the warning but forgot to ask why...18:37
popeySleep_Walker: http://askubuntu.com/questions/599488/how-to-install-a-deb-file-in-ubuntu-touch/599489#59948918:39
Sleep_Walkerpopey: thanks :)18:40
Sleep_Walkernot that I understand the answer...18:41
popeyyou can really only have one package manager in use18:41
popeythe OTA updates is one way, apt is the other18:41
popeyif you use apt, and then OTA update, you may lose your changes18:41
Sleep_Walkerif you mean installed software - it is worth of risk18:42
Sleep_Walkerif you mean user data, it's not nice18:42
sjakie902today some of my apps lost their icons, does any else had this problem?18:42
popeyi have seen this18:43
popeywhen I switched to vivid.18:43
Sleep_WalkerOTA update is just another snapshot of file system, right?18:43
popeysjakie902: is this a retail bq phone?18:43
popeySleep_Walker: delivered as a diff18:43
sjakie902retail BQ18:43
popeyyou're the third person I have seen mention this, we need to capture this in a bug report18:44
popeysjakie902: https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+filebug can you file a bug and give some detail and attach the screenshot please?18:44
popeyi have a feeling I know what it is.18:45
sjakie902oke i will file a bug18:45
popeycan you let me have the bug number when you do. thanks18:45
Sleep_Walkerhas anyone experimented with overlayfs?18:48
Sleep_Walkerhm, no, that wouldn't be nice solution either :|18:48
sjakie902bug filed #144597918:56
Sleep_Walkerthe solution for packaging duality would be distribute OTA update as full image - I would only loose newly installed packages (I can keep some list in home partition)18:57
Hen_Hey guys19:01
=== Guest17693 is now known as mibofra
Hen_not sure if this is the right place for asking questions about the ubuntu-sdk19:01
Hen_but I'm having some problems with my device not being detected19:02
Hen_It's the Aquaris E419:02
Hen_and a fresh install of ubuntu 14.0419:03
AzbyUsing my new ubuntu bq 😊19:51
ulrichardSince only few packages are installable with apt-get on ubuntu touch, I would assume they work. But using cryptsetup I always get : "device-mapper: reload ioctl on  failed: No such file or directory"20:11
SebsebsebbPurple screen on ubuntu bq phone after turning it off and trying to turn on again or after trying to turn it off20:14
nik90hmm if only the ubuntu touch store could allow developers to reply to their app reviews21:48
geniiThat seems like a large oversight on their part.22:01
nik90well its in the pipeline..just not yet implemented22:06
Sleep_Walkerit seems that android version of aquaris has three "buttons" at the bottom of front side22:15
Sleep_Walkeris the HW still there or was removed for ubuntu version?22:16
k1lthe ubuntu version doesnt have a buton on the front22:17
brunch875they were removed22:22

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