
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
isleofmandanInfo: Isle of Man release party for Ubuntu 15.04 - http://iom.lug.org.uk09:17
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:17
awilkinsAnyone know why I can't import python packages I've definitely just installed (via the package manager?)12:00
penguin42a 2 vs 3 thing?12:01
awilkinsHmm, maybe, tried both 2 and 3 though12:02
awilkinsOk... i) the apt package isn't the package I was looking for so it's root namespace is different12:06
awilkinsii) Once you find that out it works in 2 but not 312:06
awilkinsI do think the friction between the Python / Ruby and Debian package management is annoying12:07
penguin42yeh it always happens when you have two different package management systems12:07
directhex_It's Complicated12:12
directhex_as is everything i seem to ever comment on12:12
penguin42well you wouldn't want to comment on anything so simple that it was below you12:14
directhex_true :p12:24
directhex_but your summary was reasonable12:25
mapppsleaving now;D holiday time16:47
foobarryanyone tried the fitness tracker bands?20:14
foobarryto monitor sleep and walkies20:14
daftykinschap i know got given a fitbit a bit ago20:14
daftykinsseems to use a web based stat tracker on the PC20:15
daftykinsso must run a local server20:15
foobarrythe xiaomi one is v cheap and you use an android/apple app20:15
diddledanI've got an ms band (as of wednesday)20:15
diddledandoubles as a watch20:15
foobarrymultiple sclerosis?20:16
diddledanapparently my heart-rate goes down to about 55 when I'm asleep20:16
diddledanerr. no. microsoft20:16
foobarrythese are v cheap20:16
foobarryi dont think it measures heart rate though20:16
foobarryjust sleep and walking20:16
foobarryand notification vibrate20:17
popeyfoobarry: i have a fitbit20:18
popeyblimety that xiaomi thing is cheap20:20
foobarryonly does 2 things20:20
foobarrymy bro in law has one20:21
popeythe fitbit only does two things20:21
popey(the one I have)20:21
popeybut mine is an older version, the first band20:21
foobarrypopey: fitbit is a gimmick or useful?20:22
foobarrymaybe i just like the idea of collecting data20:22
popeyits good for setting  targets20:23
popeyand can wake you gently20:23
popeyand monitor your sleep pattern20:23
popeyso has valid uses20:23
foobarryi haz no  targets20:23
popeyif any of those are important to you.20:23
popey10k steps a day is a good target20:23
foobarrybut is fun for comparing steps vs wife20:23
popeya good starter anyway20:23
foobarrydo u stil use it?20:25
popeynot often20:31
popeyyet another thing to keep charged20:31
daftykinsi reckon that's their main issue, all this fitness lark20:32
popeyi did use a phone based one on the iphone a while back20:33
popeywhich was really rather well done.20:33
popeycounted steps as you'd expect but also provided little maps of where you did the steps20:34
popeyso was dead handy for doing things like looking back over a week and seeing where you ate when you come to do your expenses20:34
daftykinsanother average day on the main roads of Guernsey - https://www.dropbox.com/s/5y8ngn723zc8ba3/IMG_20150419_181747.jpg?dl=020:34
foobarrythe xiaomi one lasts 30 days or so allegedly20:36
foobarrydon't quote me on that tho20:36
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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