
astraljavablech... finally able to start testing. Yesterday and Friday didn't exactly go as planned. ;)10:21
* pleia2 g+ && fb the RC upgrade test info16:54
astraljavaRight, this is going to be the first and the last time I'm testing an ISO on this POS laptop. It's been 2+ hours, and it's still not done. I guess I'll stick to developing. It's much less resource-hungry. :p17:00
ochosiastraljava: depends on what you're compiling though17:04
astraljavaochosi: I know. :) Still, it's ridiculous that the installation takes almost three hours, as it has done now. I'm not about to build gimp or anything like that at first.17:06
ochosistrange though, my laptop is 6yrs old and an average install takes "only" 30-40min17:06
astraljavaThis is old enough that upgrading it (with an SSD, for example) makes no sense, either.17:06
astraljavaochosi: In vbox?17:07
ochosireal installs are a bit faster17:07
astraljavaWell, that is strange.17:07
ochosii have an ssd though17:07
astraljavaAhh... well that could explain some of it.17:08
ochosiso that surely helps, but still, the laptop itself is 6yrs old17:08
astraljavaSo is mine.17:09
astraljava          product: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU       T4200  @ 2.00GHz17:10
astraljava4GB RAM17:10
astraljavaSo either there's something busted, or it's the HDD that's the culprit here.17:11
ochosiIntel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T8300  @ 2.40GHz17:14
ochosiso yeah, a few GHz faster than yours17:15
ochosi(and 4gb ram too)17:16
knomekrytarik, 17:19
knomeAutomatic synchronization17:19
knomeTranslations are imported with every update from branch lp:xubuntu-docs, and exported daily to branch lp:xubuntu-docs. 17:19
astraljavaFortunately not few GHz, but a few point-GHz. :D Otherwise I wouldn't even play this game. :p But yeah, that doesn't explain the whole difference, not by a long shot.17:19
knomedo we want to set that off for some reason?17:19
krytarikknome: Generally not, no - just have that loop stopped somehow.17:20
knomei guess there is no way to set that off17:20
knomewell except turn those off..17:20
astraljavaYeah, so the machine never rebooted after the installation. I'm not going to file these results, it's obvious this hardware isn't suitable for that line of work.18:21
elfyastraljava: didn't reboot at all? or didn't reboot when you press enter to remove ?18:38
astraljavaelfy: It got stuck once I pressed the button that's there once the installer finishes, I forget what it says.18:40
elfyastraljava: ok as long as it comes up from a hard reboot - that's a known issue18:40
elfythank you for perservering :)18:41
elfybug 144559218:41
ubottubug 1445592 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "vivid fails to shutdown or reboot at end of installation when "reboot now" button is pressed" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144559218:41
astraljavaOh ok, good to know. :)18:42
elfyalways useful for people to look at the tracker for those things18:43
astraljavaYeah, you're right. I'm still a little rusty when it comes to the process. :) But then again, this machine is not suitable for that line of work, so I'll refresh myself on the matter once I get ahold of a computer that's usable.18:44
elfyI do stuff on an old laptop18:45
astraljavaYeah, me too. But as where ochosi gets an installation done in 30-40 minutes in vbox, mine spent three and a half hours on the same task.18:46
elfyyea - well this machine has a win partition for little one and the rest I actually hard install - so no vm in the mix18:48
astraljavaRight, that might be the way to go. But I need the whole HDD dedicated for the actual installation. Oh well, I'll see what I can do with the desktop, just need to find a monitor for it.18:50
elfymaybe try kvm instead18:51
elfyI manage to get away with less memory in that than vbox18:51
astraljavaAlright, will try that the next time. Thanks!18:52
elfycan but try :)18:52
astraljavaExactly. :)18:54
bluesabreI keep getting pinged in the wrong channel and not paying attention23:42
knomeno money to pay attention23:42
knomesad :|23:42
bluesabreprobably an easy solution would be to hop off of -ot23:42
bluesabrebut yeah, it's probably not a critical bug that breaks any functionality, so not sure the docs update is enough to get an exception for final freeze23:47
knomeotoh, the release team has always been pretty loose on flavor-only stuff23:49
knomethis literally only affects us23:49
bluesabrealso true23:49
bluesabreslickymaster, krytarik: is there a bug report associated with the missing language.  We'll need to tack that onto the debian changelog and get an ack on that to apply for an exception23:52
krytarikbluesabre: No, not that I know of - would have to do one then.23:58

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