
ryclikAnyone ever heard of the hdparm command hanging? It won't respond to SIGTERM or SIGKILL01:15
ryclikWith any options. I most recently tried hdparm -I01:15
likemindeadI'm trying to install Xubuntu on an HP Mini 1000 netbook. I've never done so via USB, always installed from CD/DVD-ROM.02:28
likemindeadI tried both the Startup Disk Creator & UNETbootIN.02:29
likemindeadUsing a 4GB jump drive in FAT32.02:29
likemindeadThe netbook begins to boot from USB each time, then just goes to a black screen. Nothing.02:29
mrkrampslikemindead, tried dd already?03:07
mrkrampsyou can write iso with dd to usb stick03:14
mrkrampswhich architecture you have downloaded? 32 or 64?03:15
likemindeadThe 14.04.02 LTS image.03:15
mrkrampsok, should be fine then03:16
EvanCarrollanyone else having a problem with headers?04:54
EvanCarrollPackage linux-headers-3.16.0-33-generic is not available, but is referred to by another package.04:54
EvanCarrollthis is on 15.0504:54
EvanCarrollthis is on 15.0404:54
EvanCarrollfinding the linux headers not in the repo04:54
nashantHey, is it possible to increase the effective screen resolution? I want to make everything smaller so I can fit more on the screen07:52
knomedepends on your GPU and monitor07:56
nashantknome: It's a remote xen VM viewing using ThinLinc07:58
nashantI can essentially do what I want using vnc but it's really slow07:59
knomethen your connection might be the bottleneck08:00
knomethere is some optimization stuff you can do with vnc (please read the manuals), and that might help some08:00
nashantknome: I'm testing that today. Wiring through to the bedroom08:01
knomebumping up the resolution regardless of the way you connect is going to mean a lot more to transfer thus slower08:01
=== Rayner is now known as Rayne
shpHello all I have problem with my pc turning itself ON/get out of suspend by itself every morning at 05:55 which is quite disturbing...what can i do to stop this? please help10:46
shpI have completely uninstalled the alarm clock app i used before and wake up on lan is not on10:47
shpi disconnect the wifi adapter10:47
shpany help is appreciated10:48
bekksCheck your BIOS settings, and disable autotmatic power-on.10:51
shpthis never happened before i used that alarm clock app, which i already purged last night10:52
nashantHey, how can I add an application to startup from the terminal?11:17
elfynashant: you could try writing the .desktop file and dropping it into your .config/autostart11:39
elfymight do the trick11:39
=== yazdmich is now known as BytesAndCoffee
DReynoldsHi all. I have a new Xubuntu install. I would like to have it by default boot into console, not GUI until i do startx ... any ideas how i do that?13:46
=== samo is now known as Guest16742
Guest16742Buongiorno a tutti :) avrei bisogno di un'informazione riguardante i requisiti minimi per xubuntu13:59
cfhowlett!it | Guest1674213:59
ubottuGuest16742: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:59
Guest16742oh, excuse me! many thanks :)14:00
=== xangua_ is now known as xangua
kj4hello all!15:05
kj4what is the date of 15.04 release for xubu?15:05
ubottuUbuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at  http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/142515:06
kj4ty brainwash15:08
TimeVirusI installed ktouch a few days ago and there is no menu entry for it.  I can start it from terminal np.  What do I need to do to have a menu entry for it?15:14
TimeVirustimevirus@timevirus-Latitude-D420:~$ locate ktouch.desktop15:15
TimeVirus /usr/share/app-install/desktop/ktouch:kde4__ktouch.desktop15:16
TimeVirusI installed ktouch a few days ago and there is no menu entry for it.  I can start it from terminal np.  What do I need to do to have a menu entry for it?  /usr/share/app-install/desktop/ktouch:kde4__ktouch.desktop - I'm running Xfce DE15:52
krytarikTimeVirus: Don't you have a "/usr/share/applications/kde4/ktouch.desktop" too?15:52
TimeVirusnot sure15:54
krytarikTimeVirus: Either way, the thing is, you'd need to symlink/copy that to one level above there.15:56
TimeVirusmaybe i just skip it and hope i dont forget i have the program...run it from the term...lol ... dont yet know what you mean by 'one level above'15:59
krytarikTimeVirus: The "/usr/share/applications" directory.15:59
TimeVirussymlink isnt completely an unknown though16:00
TimeVirusah ok16:00
TimeVirusI'll try harder thanks for the hints krytarik16:01
TimeViruskrytarik, when I try to copy/paste that file one level up, as you say, I get a permission denied error/response16:39
krytarik!sudo | TimeVirus16:39
ubottuTimeVirus: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo16:39
TimeVirusdidnt know sudo would work on paste16:39
TimeVirusright click option16:40
TimeVirushere goes16:40
krytarikTimeVirus: I'd do it on the command line anyway.16:40
TimeVirusI'm in the terminal..sec16:41
TimeViruskrytarik, *.desktop != .desktop?16:45
TimeVirustimevirus@timevirus-Latitude-D420:/usr/share/applications$ sudo /usr/share/applications/kde4/ktouch.desktop16:47
TimeVirus[sudo] password for timevirus:16:47
TimeVirussudo: /usr/share/applications/kde4/ktouch.desktop: command not found :: btw16:47
TimeVirustried it by sudo right click paste = no go16:48
krytarikTimeVirus: "sudo ln -s /usr/share/applications/kde4/ktouch.desktop /usr/share/applications/"16:48
TimeVirusok ln -s then thanks16:49
krytarikThat's for the symlink, btw.16:49
TimeVirusthat got it done thanks again krytarik16:50
EvanCarrollanyone on 15.04?19:13
EvanCarrollthere is a pretty large problem in that the kernel headers are not in the repository19:14
mrkrampsdunno, you may need to activate the source code repositories?19:20
EvanCarrollmrkramps: they're active.19:56
EvanCarrollmrkramps: the headers for the new kernel didn't make it up there.19:56
mrkrampsthen you should wait for the synch19:56
mrkramps15.04 is not stable yet19:57
EvanCarrollsure.. but someone pushing up a new kernel without headers is a blooper it has nothing (afaik) to do with stability. I've never seen this, and I've been following beta releases for quite some time.20:30
knomeEvanCarroll, anything can happen before a release20:31
EvanCarrollI can fix this problem. It's not going to kill me. But, it's super annoying and I wanted to be sure the release manager knew of it. I can just recompile the kernel.20:31
knomeEvanCarroll, i'm completely sure the people who are working on this are aware of the situation.20:32
cognitiosHey, I just did a fresh install of xubuntu and for some reason after downloading adblock on firefox adblock isn't working. I've had this issue before but i can't remember how i fixed it. Does anyone else know how to fix this?23:15
holsteincognitios: id say, its not particularly tied to xfce or xubuntu.. maybe try #ubuntu or the mozilla support venues, and elaborate.. more information than "it isnt working".. you can see that you have the most up to date FF,and make sure adblock supports your version23:16

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