
=== JoshStrobl is now known as JoshStrobl|AFK
jamdimitern: are you back today, or taking a swap day ?06:58
jammorning, btw06:58
dimiternjam, morning :) I'm back today and I'm taking off the thu and fri this week06:59
jamI'll be in the hangout in just a sec, grabbing water07:01
TheMuemorning o/07:37
=== JoshStrobl|AFK is now known as JoshStrobl
mupBug #1446159 was opened: actions required params list can specify undefined parameters <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1446159>10:26
mupBug #1446168 was opened: juju status --format=short has stray newline <landscape> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1446168>10:56
=== tvansteenburgh1 is now known as tvansteenburgh
MmikeHello, lads! Who can tell me how juju is creating lxc containers for maas provider? I'm interesed in the config file(s) provided, and how templates and containers are created?13:13
Mmikeespecially in relating to juju-br0 interface13:13
mupBug #1446264 was opened: joyent machines get stuck in provisioning <bootstrap> <joyent-provider> <reliability> <repeatability> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1446264>14:50
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
xwwtsinzui: Note I canceled release standup today19:52
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
sinzuiOk, I didn't see that19:56
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
thumperalexisb: are you wanting to catch up today?21:13
alexisbthumper, yes21:13
thumperalexisb: also, we need to move our weekly call an hour21:13
alexisband you missed our 1x21:13
alexisbthumper, that is fine21:13
alexisbcan you meet now21:13
thumperalexisb: it was too early21:13
alexisbsee you there21:13
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54

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