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* genii makes more coffee00:05
valoriesounds like a good idea, genii00:07
* valorie makes puppy eyes over the empty mug00:07
* genii slides valorie a fresh mug00:07
* bprompt notices valorie thinks she has an empty mug, when in fact, the mug is filled to the top with oxygen and nitrogen00:08
valorieI got my lungs full of that out in the yard mowing the lawn00:09
valorieunfortunately with a side-helping of pollen00:10
bpromptI mean, at few decades ago, folks used to think the galaxy space was empty, well obviously not00:11
valoriebprompt: did you see the dark matter map?00:12
bpromptvalorie:   nope....I guess I could... lots of astronomy is very theoretical though, very good educated guesses00:12
valoriepretty fascinating00:13
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EtriaphMy kingdom to be able to save places in Dolphin again.01:40
valorieEtriaph: is there a bug filed for that yet?01:44
EtriaphYup, low priority01:44
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soeegood morning06:07
lordievaderGood morning.07:58
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PhiSYSHello. Is this the right place to ask for "support"? I just upgraded Kubuntu Vivid Beta 2 and rendered it unusable upon reboot09:21
Avihay_workPhiSYS: I think there's supposed to be a channel for kubuntu-next, if thats what you are asking09:24
PhiSYSok ty09:25
jubo2How do I check how many bits my GNU/Linux has ?09:35
jubo2command --switch | grep "something" ?09:36
jubo2I have this same installed in a VirtualBox09:36
jubo2maybe is 32 bit with 32+4 addressing09:37
jubo2uname -m09:38
lordievaderAvihay_work: #ubuntu+1 is for Vivid ;)09:44
Avihay_workuhh, thanks, forgot (more like never committed to memory even though I've seen it)09:46
lordievaderjubo2: What does uname -m output?09:46
jubo2it's 32-bit09:47
jubo2i686 it prints09:47
Avihay_workok, this is nice09:48
jubo2Installing Eclipse09:48
Avihay_workjubo2: run kinfocenter, go to the about system "information module"09:48
jubo2Now I need to start eclipse.. where was that wiki tab now..09:49
BluesKajHiyas all09:53
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human_blip /msg NickServ identify woMbatT11:21
lordievaderhuman_blip: Time to change your irc password.11:22
jubo2I get error11:43
jubo2'tools.jar' seems to be not in Android Studio classpath.11:43
jubo2Please ensure JAVA_HOME points to JDK rather than JRE.11:43
jubo2How do I check if I have JDK11:44
jubo2which I prlly don't11:44
BluesKajjubo2, I just look in muon, and I donm't have it installed either11:48
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kdEFanboyHello! Do you know how to pin google desktop apps into the taskbar? All i get with "Show a launcher when it's closed" is that the given app is in the same launcher as my google chrome launcher14:05
revatorJust installed Kubuntu 15.04 beta 2, updated to current package versions, and can't find how to use greeter-show-manual-login=true in /etc/lightdm/* type tricks to allow arbitrary username entry. so how does one do this these days?14:28
revator(also set greeter-hide-users at same time, etc, found the /usr/* versions of those lightdm config files, etc, but none of them seem to work)14:30
BluesKajrevator, so you chose lightdm as your default login greeter, normally it's sddm in the image/iso files14:30
revatoroh, it's not lightdm anymore?14:30
geniiNot by default14:30
revatorsddm is fine, I just didn't realize.14:31
BluesKajrevator,  I chose sddm since it's what I used in the previous 15.0414:32
revatorah, http://blog.davidedmundson.co.uk/blog/display_managers_finale14:32
BluesKajI don't recall any other option in the daily iso14:33
revatorokay, so, I'll be Googling this too, but, how does one tell sddm to just present a username/password prompt and not try to infer available users (it's LDAP-based)?14:34
revatorhttps://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/SDDM doesn't show anything obvious14:34
BluesKajbut this isnstall is upgraded via do-release-upgrade -d, and that's why the lightdm option showed up I reckon14:34
revator(and I'm not at that computer at the moment, but there was some /usr/local/share or /usr/share/local lightdm config, which would be kind of strange, if using sddm)14:35
revatorhttps://www.mankier.com/5/sddm.conf doesn't seem to have any obvious settings to just show username and password prompt either. is this, in fact, easily possible with sddm or is it easier to reinstall lightdm?14:37
revator(as you apparently by other means have kept installed)14:38
geniiIf you need arbitrary name entry probably better to make lightdm-kde-greeter default14:38
revatorGood to know. Just found https://github.com/sddm/sddm/issues/406 about "A simple username field entry" from a few days ago too. I get minimalistic, 'light', etc, but there's a reason why older software has tended to accrete code. It's not all pointless14:40
revatorThey blame the breeze greeter, in any case, rather than sddm per se, and suggest choosing aother greeter. Such as lightdm I suppose.14:41
revator(but I can't tell if the sddm people replying are tacitly claiming that it /shouldn't/ be part of sddm, and if one wants that, just switch greeter, or that sddm /can/ support it, but that kubuntu somehow doesn't. flyingDavid isn't real clear on this point)14:42
geniiYes, I've been finding that overall the sddm documentation is sorely lacking.14:43
revatorI guess lots of cargo-culting from Google results which will spawn soon after 15.04's official release, then14:44
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bogdanhi. is it possible to create a live kubuntu usb on ubuntu unity? can i use startup disk? or i need something else?16:41
geniiYou can make any *buntu livecd/liveusb from any other *buntu. Just download the iso file for the one you want, then use dd to put it on the disc or stick16:44
geniiWell, dd for usb stick, burn the iso file otherwise to appropriate media16:44
MoonUnit`use usb-creator-gtk if you need persistence.16:45
BluesKajbogdan, Kubuntu is ubuntu with the KDE desktop, so adding KDE/Kubuntu-Desktop to ubuntu should be done in the installed ubuntu OS16:46
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jubo2I get message17:12
jubo2'tools.jar' seems to be not in Android Studio classpath.17:12
jubo2Please ensure JAVA_HOME points to JDK rather than JRE.17:12
jubo2I know this is really newb question but how do I set JAVA_HOME17:13
=== bill is now known as Guest40667
bogdanpff any linux i am installing i get some errors at the beggining of the installation....and i cannot see what cuz is very fast18:08
bogdani think i have some problems with my laptop18:08
gazalamLike what?18:08
lordievaderbogdan: Any scrap of error you did see?18:11
bogdanlike i said, i cannot see the error cuz is fast and i cannot read it18:11
lordievaderHmm, where in the boot process do you get these errors?18:11
bogdanyes just before i get the installation screen18:12
bogdanand another prob. i just finished to install kubuntu and it asked for restart. i restarted and now is just a black screen is not starting. only if i press space. it should start without pressing anything right?18:14
bogdanany suggestions of which are the first things i need to do after installing kubuntu?18:16
lordievaderbogdan: Do you get the grub menu when you hold shift after the bios screen?18:19
bogdani did not tried that. i am logged in already18:19
lordievaderSo it works?18:21
bogdanyes it does. but i am worried about that error from the begining18:21
bogdanis there any site where i can find all the terminal commands i need for kubuntu?18:22
lordievaderIf you don't have any problems I wouldn't worry.18:22
gazalamif you are curious check out the boot log at: /var/log/boot.log18:23
MoonUnit`15.04 displays a systemd  "starting version 219" message and if you have internal card reader it will spit out an error about them at startup.18:26
BluesKajand old 1.1 and 2.0 usb ports18:28
bogdancan i use pacman for kubuntu or thats only for arch?18:43
MoonUnit`no, debian based distros use dpkg/apt.18:50
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bogdandamn kubuntu is awesome. is there any website where i can see all the konsole commands?19:29
DragnslcrKonsole doesn't have its own commands. It just uses a normal shell (probably bash)19:30
bogdankubuntu 14.10is the latest one?19:31
MoonUnit`google for linux command line cheat sheet19:31
bogdankubuntu is very similar with openSUSE at least at design19:33
BluesKajbogdan, KDE looks very similar on many distros as does untty and gnome19:35
BluesKajerr unity :)19:35
bpromptbogdan:   kde is kde, either debian, or mandriva or suse19:40
SonikkuAmericaIt's all the same KDE; what did you expect? :)19:40
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bogdancan anybody tell me why i get this mes19:59
bogdanmessage when one torrent it finished download? http://i.imgur.com/qRzanA0.png?119:59
amarihttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/ Is this the most current ISO for kubuntu right now?19:59
bogdani see there torrent stoped by error and some corrupted file and all those stuff20:00
amariBtw, is it possible to install languages in Kubuntu 15.04?20:00
MoonUnit`amari: yes to both20:02
amariMoonUnit`: Is it in the system settings like the previous releases?20:02
amarithanks :) . Is KDE5 ready for daily use? I guess some rough edges but most things work correctly am I right?20:03
MoonUnit`i've been using it daily but some features are missing20:04
EtriaphDoes anyone know which package in 15.04 is responsible for IM account storage?20:05
bogdancan anybody tell me pls why i get this message after a torrent is done downloading? http://i.imgur.com/qRzanA0.png?120:05
amariMoonUnit`: like what for example...tnx20:05
MoonUnit`i used to be able to script my screen to turn off when locking, others miss being able to have seperate desktop images in virtual desktops.20:06
amariThose things will come back as the development continues...20:07
bogdanhello...is anybody able to answer me ?20:08
Dragnslcrbogdan: that isn't an error message, it's the configuration for notifications20:09
Etriaphbogdan: ^20:09
bogdanaaa that means all of those things from that list are just the things about ill get notification in case of need?20:10
EtriaphYes, you can configure notifications to spawn when ktorrent reaches specific states.20:16
bogdandamn i love kubuntu20:20
bogdansudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade is still working on kubuntu or is only for ubuntu?#20:20
MoonUnit`it's the same20:21
bogdanhow about pacman? or pacman is only fr arch?20:21
amaribogdan: It doesn't matter, wors the same20:21
amaripacman is for arch20:21
bogdanhow can i enable repository? i see that is not like on ubuntu20:22
MoonUnit`you can get to it though Muon or run software-properties-kde from command line20:24
bogdani enabled canonical how about cdrom do i need that?20:25
bogdani see here source code is not checked. do i need to check the box? http://i.imgur.com/vSpkRqe.png?120:29
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electragicianHi folks, I'm sort of new to Kubuntu, though I have been a user of other desktops and distributions for a while. A question: Is there any word if the developers plan to setup a PPA to get Plasma 5.3 or newly ported KDE apps using Framework 5 into the upcoming 15.04 release? Hopefully I'm phrasing that question properly.22:27
darthanubisThat info is on the kubuntu website22:31
electragicianThanks. Looking now, but I'm not seeing anything.22:35
mparilloThe short answer is yes, via backports after the release.22:35
electragicianAh, thank you!  I just discovered the backports PPA for Kubuntu 15.04 (I've been using it for a couple of weeks now). Looks like there's already an updated Digikam package in there. Awesome22:37
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