
tim`in vivid I have to boot an older 3.16 kernel instead of 3.19 for keyboard to work on ecryptfs prompt (macbook pro 11,3) -- anyone know if there is a fix for this? Seems like some people have had similar issues in 3.19 because some HID modules were shuffled around and maybe not in the initrd ?02:49
tim`works fine in grub, X and 3.16 ecryptfs prompt :{02:53
tim`adding modules to my initramfs doesnt seem to help03:11
nightfurihello guys has anyone got nvidia working with the kernel4.0 ?03:14
lotuspsychje!info gedit05:20
ubottugedit (source: gedit): official text editor of the GNOME desktop environment. In component main, is optional. Version 3.10.4-0ubuntu10 (vivid), package size 505 kB, installed size 2756 kB05:20
lordievaderGood morning.07:58
lordievaderHey tijnix08:02
tijnixMust say 15.04 runs pretty smooth on my macbook pro, even dualboot :)08:03
tijnixReading up how i could contribute to the new stuff and in this case mac specific08:17
tijnixWill rollout a few servers also in our test environment, call me crazy but i like systemd08:21
lordievaderMy server only runs LTS's.08:28
* lordievader wonders if 15.10 will get Dracut.08:29
tijnixAll our production servers run LTS's also, but its fun to have a test env so we can play :)08:29
lordievaderThat is very true ;)08:29
tijnixNot only Ubuntu, we run a wide variety of distro's08:30
lordievaderSame here.08:30
tijnixAnyways traffic should be gone now, to the batmobile! and the office :)08:30
lordievadertijnix: Good luck!08:33
Milos_SDDid anyone here made pulseaudio to have RT priority with systemd, with "User=myuser" paramater in pulseaudio.service file, and didn't have problems with apps accessing pulseaudio?08:40
Milos_SDI have managed to run it as a system service ( in system.slice ), with my user and with RT priority, but no app can access it. Here is the .service file: http://pastebin.com/aqe9AhDu08:40
Milos_SDmaybe the problem is that when I start it like this, there is no dbus-launch and dbus-daemon in it's tree ( it isn't there in systemctl status pulseaudio.service )...08:40
Milos_SDbut it is there when I start that service in systemd --user mode. But with that, I can't have RT priority08:40
lotuspsychje!info xfce409:29
ubottuxfce4 (source: xfce4): Meta-package for the Xfce Lightweight Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.10.1ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 4 kB, installed size 31 kB09:29
Blizzz i went pre-release up to 15.04 and found slapd (instance for developing) not restarting. apparently, there is no systemd service therefore?09:33
lotuspsychje!info slapd09:35
ubottuslapd (source: openldap): OpenLDAP server (slapd). In component main, is optional. Version 2.4.31-1+nmu2ubuntu12 (vivid), package size 1369 kB, installed size 4425 kB09:35
lotuspsychjeBlizzz: can this help maybe: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/openldap-server.html09:37
Blizzzlotuspsychje: nope ;)09:41
Blizzzlotuspsychje: i filed a bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/144612509:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1446125 in systemd (Ubuntu) "slapd.service missing" [Undecided,New]09:41
lotuspsychjeBlizzz: does pstree show it running?09:45
Blizzzlotuspsychje: it was not running. there is no systemd service for this, so it cannot be enabled or started using systemctl  either. old way with  "service"  worked however.09:47
BluesKajHiyas all09:53
Blizzzand on a KDE note: is the window bar context menu intentionally that ugly? http://imagebin.ca/v/1yyAHi7GNHTm10:00
BluesKajBlizzz, that's a matter of taste, ugly to you is cool to others10:13
BlizzzBluesKaj: no, it is totally out of place and you cannot read the selected text (white on light grey)10:24
BluesKajBlizzz, then choose a different window decor in system settings>application style10:31
BlizzzBluesKaj: did you have a look at the screenshot?10:42
BlizzzBluesKaj: can you see "Move To Desktop"?10:44
BluesKajBlizzz, get over it , just change the decor10:45
BlizzzBluesKaj: it's not the decor. The decor is fine.10:47
BlizzzBluesKaj: it's the context menu, wherever it takes the style from. Something KDE4ish10:48
Blizzzchanging the decor has no effect there10:48
BluesKajupdate and upgrade then change the colours, the plasma 4 dependent apps etc should integrate with the plasma 510:50
BlizzzBluesKaj: tried this already10:51
BluesKajthen ask in #kubuntu-devel , Blizzz10:52
Blizzzk,, thx10:52
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kj4hello all12:24
kj4when is xubuntu +1 released, same day?12:25
lordievaderShould be, yes.12:29
k1l_i think so.12:29
tijnixBlizzz: i made a quick and dirty slapd.service : http://pastebin.com/cNu2nsvE12:44
tijnixJust put that in /lib/systemd/system and systemctl enable slapd, might break stuff after an update but works fine here12:45
Blizzztijnix: awesome, i try it12:49
Blizzztijnix: works, but  ignores my non-standard port12:51
PromilleHey guys. I recently installed the daily build on lenovo thinkad. My issue is that the keyboard is acting strangely. Certain normal characterbuttons does abnormal things. E.g. a certain characterbutton doesnt show the desired character, but turn the volume down.12:53
PromilleIs this a known bug[1;6H[3;6~#ubuntu+112:53
Blizzztijnix: works,  when I replace SLAPD_URLS with SLAPD_SERVICES in your file12:59
Blizzztijnix: mind, if I add it to the bug report?13:00
tijnixofcourse not13:06
tijnixgo ahead13:06
tijnixI altered mine also a bit13:07
Blizzztijnix: what did you change?13:07
tijnixSLAPD_SERVICES and the docu link13:09
tijnixi run my own build openldap on top of the ubuntu one13:09
tijnixwhy? because i can ;)13:09
Blizzzfair :)13:10
tijnixTime for a break, and coffee and a smoke13:13
tijnixsystemctl is called by the initscript btw, via /lib/lss/init-funtions and /lib/lsb/init-functions.d/40-systemd13:35
tim`does 15.04 remove support for keyboards?13:59
k1li am quite sure i do use a keyboard right now :)14:01
tim`ahh but can you use it at the ecryptfs prompt from your initrd?14:01
k1lah, that sounds more specific :)   i dont use ecryptfs14:02
tim`they shuffled a bunch of modules around in 3.19 kernel i think ---14:02
tim`not being able to load keyboard modules until root is mounted is a problem14:02
tim`not sure which to add to initramfs -- im assuming anyone running 15.04 default kernel will encounter this14:04
tim`works fine going back to 3.16 kernel14:04
alteregoa15.04 is that thing ok if i have mate installed. and how keep the actual PPA during upgrade?14:06
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vltHello. Ubuntu 14.04 introduced several regression bugs in the libav-tools package. Mostly related to blocky artefacts while decoding h.264 IPB material or encoding to DNxHD. How is this handled in (the) following Ubuntu release(s)? Will 15.04 still include these bugs or will an older version be used until these issues are fixed upstream?15:14
k1lhttp://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/universe/liba/libav/libav_11.2-1/changelog  see there if the changelog mentions the bugs or see on launchpad.net15:16
k1land ffmpeg is back in the repos with 15.0415:16
vltk1l: Thank you.15:18
alteregoacompile ffmpeg from git source, its hassle free15:44
BluesKajno need to compile from source, ffmpeg is in the 15.04 repos16:04
SCHAAP137after upgrading from 14.10 to 15.04 (using update-manager -d), my MATE session somehow magically starts AbiWord after logging in17:26
SCHAAP137with a new empty document17:27
SCHAAP137but i did not add it to my startup applications, that's for sure17:27
SCHAAP137anyone else have this?17:27
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