
stickyboyet.archive.ubuntu.com sux05:46
philipballewKilos, saw your email about Ubuntu Africa. Figured I should join here.06:24
Kiloshaha hi there philipballew06:24
philipballewKilos, yeah! Seems like cool stuff here.06:25
Kiloswe have the top and bottom ends of africa connected with some in between06:25
Kiloshave you had a look at the site?06:26
Kilosphilipballew  are you part of the news team?06:30
philipballewKilos, I am on the email list for the news team.06:31
philipballewKilos, whats up with the nation in between?06:31
Kilosoh cool. i hope it gets into the news letter06:31
philipballewKilos, only news articles are usually added06:32
Kilosmany have faded away or been sucked into lugs06:32
philipballewbut we can do that06:32
philipballewKilos, does Africa have any large Linux events?06:32
Kilosyes please i think this is news06:32
Kilosi have found some stuff about an event in drc in february and last night i got some peeps to translate my greeting i use to contact countries with into french to mail them06:34
Kilosi havent had much luck with english to some of the countries06:34
Kilosstickyboy  look in the topic here06:37
stickyboyKilos: Ahhhhhh06:38
stickyboyLemme look.06:38
Jacques_StrySite looks awesome06:38
stickyboyKilos: Just emailed tsega to warn him of my impending arrival in Addis. ;)06:39
stickyboyTrying to see if we can meet up with some Linux people on Saturday.06:40
stickyboyKilos: Awesome site, br0. Looks great.06:40
Kiloslovely hey Jacques_Stry06:40
Kilosthe guys did a wonderful job06:41
Kilosstickyboy  please impress in tsegas head the importance of getting contacts for us all along that west coast06:43
Kilosand tell him to tell them facebook isnt the only way one can communicate06:43
stickyboyI tweet with teh hashtags of #Africa, #Linux, and #Ethiopia. :D06:44
stickyboyNobody responded...06:44
Kilosbunch of slackers06:44
Kilosoh stickyboy  on the site just refresh the first page a few times and watch06:45
philipballewKilos, link to the event in the drc?06:46
Kilosim looking for the email i got the info on philipballew06:46
stickyboyKilos: Ok, just tweeted from Nairobi LUG to Ubuntu ZA, Uganda LUG, and JoziLUG...06:47
philipballewKilos, where are you based out of?06:47
stickyboyHopefully get some retweets... and some people to meetup with in Addis.06:48
Kilossouth africa06:48
stickyboySud Afriq06:48
philipballewKilos, nice.06:49
Kilosphilipballew  for some reason when i need to find a mail it will hide away06:49
Kilosill ping you as soon as i locate it06:50
philipballewKilos, my problem as well.06:50
Kilosit was actually from someone on the board i think06:51
philipballewStarting an Ubucon is a cool thing to do as well06:51
Kiloswell as soon as we have taught peeps that irc is a cool tool we can go further06:52
Kilosatm im still hunting connections to the missing locos06:52
philipballewKilos, how long have you been an Ubuntu member06:53
Kilossince february\06:53
Kilosnewbie me06:53
philipballewKilos, welcome!06:55
Kilosoh philipballew  i just remembered the mail was from toddy07:04
Kiloshe is still offline07:04
philipballewKilos, ah  see07:05
Kilosoh no his was about mali07:08
* Kilos goes digging some more07:10
KilosPadroni  site link in topic07:21
Kilosspotty  tell philipballew  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-cd/3026-ubuntu-global-jam-at-dr-congo/08:05
spottyKilos: Okay, I'll tell philipballew on freenode08:05
stickyboyKilos: http://www.iceaddis.com/08:42
stickyboyGonna maybe meet up there...08:42
stickyboyWho knew they had a hipster startup hub.08:42
stickyboyAlready got some dude on Twitter saying he might come.08:42
stickyboyAnd tsega is super excited too.08:43
Kilosthey are active just not on irc08:43
Kilosi just mailed the drc ubuntu group so if you know french and they cant speak english please help stickyboy08:46
Kiloshard work trying to find groups and point them here08:47
Kiloseven tsega forgets to come here so give him a kick as well08:48
Kiloshe was going to find all the west coast groups and point them here but seems to have forgotten as well08:49
Kilosdrc just replied in french, i have no idea what they said08:57
stickyboyI will kick tsega.08:57
stickyboyKilos: I need to add links to the Ubuntu sites on our blog.08:57
stickyboyAnd you need to add on your sites.08:57
stickyboyWe need to build a real network.08:57
stickyboypieter2627: Sup08:59
Kiloswell pieter2627  is one of my dev team08:59
Kiloshe knows how to add links08:59
Kilosbut our site is already linked to here with the embedded irc client09:00
stickyboyKilos: #winning09:01
stickyboyI'll work to push FLOSS in Africa, and you focus on Ubuntu. ;)09:01
Kilosyip stickyboy  together we can move mountains09:02
* pieter2627 seems to have connection issues, now wonders if he was called upon or just mentioned (sup)09:03
Kilosmentioned and sticky greeted you some where too i think09:04
pieter2627oh hi stickyboy o/09:05
Kilosstickyboy  you guys can do the twitter thing and facebook09:05
Kilosi dont enjoy either09:05
Kilosim an irc person09:05
Kilosstickyboy  tweet the site link too09:06
Kilosif that doesnt bring peeps here i dont know what will09:06
stickyboyI don't use Facebook. :D09:07
stickyboyKilos: I'm all about mailing lists too.09:08
Kilosi lose mails09:09
stickyboyKilos: When you use gmail it just files them away under a label "Nairobi LUG" :D09:09
stickyboyPretty simple.09:09
stickyboyBut yeah.09:09
Kiloswell there is a link to the mailing list on the sir=te as well09:09
stickyboyWe need all of these methods.09:09
stickyboyAnd we will move mountains together.09:09
stickyboyI have 28 people idling in #nairobilug.09:09
Kilosim to old to keep up man09:10
stickyboyDamn idlers... need to have people chat.09:10
elachecheHey boys!09:10
Kiloshi elacheche09:10
stickyboyelacheche: Hey now, we have ladies too. :D09:10
Kiloselacheche  i need help09:11
elachechestickyboy, sorry :D hey GUYS :D09:13
elachecheKilos, how can I help?09:13
Kilosi goti contacted the drc with a greeting i had translated into french and they replied in french and the only word i know is merde09:14
Kilosill forward to you09:15
elachecheGo ahead :) I'll translate that for you :)09:15
stickyboyMan, you know the Ethiopian government are some tricky bastards.09:15
stickyboyHacking activists in the diaspora...09:16
stickyboyGotta encrypt all teh things here...09:18
Kilosai! i always forget to delete the mail to : bit09:19
Kiloswhat a twit09:19
Kiloselacheche  you cant take over the contact with them too if you like, it will save all this translating09:20
Kilosor fint one that can do english and point him here09:21
elachecheKilos, that was what LoCo Team?09:22
* elacheche never seen that word before.. He googled it.. Now he feels more intelligent :D thanks Kilos 09:23
Kiloswhat word09:23
elachechedrc :D09:23
elachecheReally I never seen it before :D Now I know what that means :)09:24
Kilosthey seem to be going strong, now to get them here09:25
Kilosyou guys can chat in french09:25
elachecheOK.. :)09:25
elachecheKilos, check inbox :)09:33
elachechewanna me to translate or no need?09:33
Kilosyou will find i sometimes use ai! that is equal to eish09:33
stickyboyelacheche: Where are you from?09:33
elachechestickyboy, Tunisia09:33
Kiloselacheche  please take over that whole contact09:33
elachecheOK :) I'll try to get him in here..09:33
Kilosty very much09:34
stickyboyelacheche: Ooh, cool. :D09:36
stickyboyelacheche: How is Tunisia? Cheap? Good food? I want to come somewhere... :D09:36
* stickyboy is in Nairobi, Kenya.09:36
elachechestickyboy, good food yeah that sure but can't really help on the other thing.. :)  you need ask someone else.. There is many Students here from Africa, for sure there is many from Kenya too.. they can tell you if ti's cheap or not.. :/09:45
* elacheche need to dive in an important job task.. See you later guys :) 09:46
stickyboyelacheche: Adios09:46
Kiloshi lin09:51
Padronihi lin09:52
linhey guys09:52
Kiloshi waraba12:43
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-africa12:43
Kiloswhere are you waraba  ?12:44
warabathank i come fro12:44
waraba mali12:44
Kiloswelcome here12:44
warabathank you12:45
Kiloswaraba   see http://ubuntu-africa.info12:45
warabaso i am francophone12:46
warabai come after the mail of miles12:46
Kilosyes i was worried when i sent the greeting no one would understand12:46
Kilosi am miles12:46
Kiloswe have guys from tunisia that also speak french12:47
warabai am the admin of mali loco team12:47
Kilosplease invite your members here12:48
Kilosand if you know guys in the surroung countries invite them for me please12:52
Kilosthis is a massive project but we are getting there12:53
warabaok i undertsand the project12:54
Kiloselacheche  you here?12:55
elachechefor minutes Kilos :)12:55
Kilossay hi in french to waraba12:55
elachechehey waraba12:55
elachecheSalut waraba :) :)12:56
elachecheKilos, already got a domain name?12:56
elachecheI think that if you ask the LoCo Team they can give us http://ubuntu-africa.org :)12:57
Kilosi did before we atrted and they said we must find out own host12:57
Kilosbut you are welcome to try again12:58
elachecheYou know what I like in it:12:58
elachecheit's simple.. and have all the infos.. Since 2007 my people tried to make a website.. many tried and failed.. 3 months ago I knew why.. They all did the same mistake, they tried to make it the perfect website with all the features in the world.. So I started my own project based on 1 page website.. hope that I'll make it public during may :)13:00
Jacques_Stry:) Rather add features as you go yes13:01
Kilosthis one is bzr and nikola13:01
Kilosall you guys use github things13:02
elachecheAnd it's based on Nikola :D13:02
elachecheawesome :)13:02
elachecheKilos, I use bzr too :)13:03
Kilosour superfly  is very clever13:03
elachecheTime to go back to work :)13:04
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
Kiloshi philipballew14:42
Kilosdid you get the bots message14:42
Kilosoh you need to say something first maybe14:43
philipballewKilos, I see it now14:46
philipballewI opened it and I'll look at it today.14:46
* philipballew rides off to work on his bike14:46
Kiloscool, i need to get a french backup here14:46
Kilosgo safe14:47
stickyboyKilos: In airport.15:09
stickyboySo excite. Going to preach Arch Linux and GitHub to the Ethiopians :D15:09
Kilosfly safe stickyboy15:09
Kilosyou should have a buntu shirt on15:10
stickyboyWhile I'm preaching? :D15:10
Kiloslol well you are stepping up in the world so why not15:10
stickyboyI have two GitHub t-shirts I got in the USA last week. I'll give them out at the meetup. :D15:10
* elacheche back to tell that I have Ubuntu SWAG → http://ubuntiste-msakni.legtux.org/node/27 and going back to work :D15:13
stickyboyelacheche: Don't go back to work!15:14
stickyboyI want to hear about delicious Tunisian food.15:14
Kiloswhat doies this mean15:15
KilosDonc il ya un rendez-vous prévu sur le canal IRC?15:15
KilosSinon, c'est mieux qu'on échange en anglais alors ;)15:15
elachechestickyboy, so sorry dude.. But am already late.. I was supposed to deliver this project since last month :-s15:15
Kiloseish hurry15:16
elachecheDonc il ya un rendez-vous prévu sur le canal IRC? → So there is a planned meeting on IRC?15:16
elachecheSinon, c'est mieux qu'on échange en anglais alors ;) → Otherwise, it's better to communicate in English15:16
Kilosyay they can do english15:17
elachechePas de RDV, on est toujours sur irc.. → There is no meeting, we are always on IRC15:17
stickyboyelacheche: Go work, then take pictures of what you eat for dinner. k?15:17
Kilosall you think about is food stickyboy  , dont you nairobi peeps eat15:18
elachecheLes gars veulent que tout les LoCo de l'Afrique seront là bas pour faire connaissance et peut être Kilos a un planning pour quelque chose ensemble prochainement :) → The guys wants that all Adricain LoCo teams be there to know each others, maybe kilos have other plans soon15:18
* stickyboy is eating mexican beans and rice with guacamole at the airport.15:19
stickyboyWith a cappucino, of course.15:19
elachechePour l'instant il essaie de réunir tlm là bas..→ For now he tries to group everybody right there15:19
elachecheOui ça sera cool si  on discute en Anglais.. Sinon je pourrai être le traducteur :D → It'll be cool if you can speak English, otherwise I'll be a translator :D15:19
stickyboySweet, I want to register linux.africa and then put the page up on GitHub.15:19
elachechestickyboy, I already ate.. Next time i'll get photos for you :) I didn't take food photos since last summer maybe, you can take a look here https://instagram.com/elacheche/ maybe you find something you like15:21
* elacheche BRB15:21
stickyboyelacheche: I was in Lebanon a few months ago. Ate the best shawarma of my lifeeeeee.15:22
stickyboyWhen the guy gave it to me he said, "Welcome to Syria!" in this thick accent... but he was smiling. LOL.15:23
Kilosnow you talking15:23
stickyboyelacheche: All I see are pictures of some cat. :D15:25
Kilosshhhh now he has to go work15:25
stickyboyWell you're not talking to me!15:26
Kilosno the noisy person15:26
Kilosstickyboy  here is one of my site building team15:27
Kilospieter2627  meet stickyboy15:27
Kiloshe makes a lot of noise but actually not a bad guy15:28
pieter2627great to meet you stickyboy15:28
Kilosnow he is sulking15:28
* pieter2627 made one change and is on the site building team :P15:29
Kiloswell did you or didnt you15:29
stickyboyKilos: :P15:31
stickyboyI am only on the site critiquing team. :P15:31
Kiloswhy you all stick tongue out at me15:31
* pieter2627 learned it from his happy dog :P15:32
pieter2627ah, a critique. that is always valuable15:33
Kilosoh pieter2627  there is a wrong word used there15:35
KilosKubuntu is Ubuntu using the KDE interface which is a more tradition User Interface.15:35
stickyboypieter2627: Actually, I'm heavily involved in the Nairobi GNU/Linux Users Group.15:35
Kilosshould be traditional15:36
Kilosif you can fix it and propose im sure pro will merge15:36
pieter2627Kilos: which one?15:38
Kilos Kubuntu is Ubuntu using the KDE interface which is a more tradition User Interface.15:39
Kilostradition should be traditional15:39
Kiloson the africa site15:39
pieter2627yeah traditional sounds better15:40
stickyboyTime to get on a plane.15:44
Kilosget on man15:44
Kilosand fly safe15:44
stickyboyPeace out15:44
Kilosh elacheche_anis19:22
Kiloshi too19:22
Kiloshave you answered those mails19:23
elacheche_aniswhat mails?19:27
Kilosfrom the drc guys19:27
Kilosor was i looking wrong again19:28
elacheche_anisYep.. I already sent you the translation :) check my last discussion here.. → BTW we need an irc bot here..19:28
inetprospotty: hi19:29
inetproelacheche_anis: talk to spotty19:29
Kilosspotty coffee on19:30
* spotty flips the salt-timer19:30
elacheche_anisHey inetpro spotty..19:30
elacheche_anisAbout what inetpro19:30
inetprospotty: who are you?19:30
spottyinetpro: Erk, dunno19:30
elacheche_anisHold on guys :)19:31
inetprospotty: what can you do?19:31
spottyinetpro: I can help you with: administrative functions, bot accounts and permissions, debugging me, looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff.19:31
spottyAsk me "help me with ..." for more details.19:31
elacheche_anisOh! a bot :D19:31
inetproelacheche_anis: yep, she's a bot19:31
elacheche_anisDid it log? Where the logs are?19:31
elacheche_anissorry, my bad, I should use she not it :D19:32
elacheche_anisCan she log?19:32
elacheche_anisWhere are the logs? I was about to ask canonical's sysadmin team to add ubuntulog to our channel19:32
inetproelacheche_anis: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2015/04/20/%23ubuntu-africa.html19:33
Kilosubuntulog is here19:33
Kilosyou think i sleep all day elacheche_anis19:33
elacheche_anisI need a coffee :'( didn't seen him19:33
elacheche_anisSorry Kilos.. I was sleeping x( not you19:34
spottyCoffee's ready for Kilos!19:34
Kilosspotty  ty19:34
spottyMy pleasure Kilos19:34
elacheche_anisKilos, here is my answer about the email → http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2015/04/20/%23ubuntu-africa.html#t15:1719:35
* elacheche_anis is very happy to know you guys.. There is a good africain spirit in here :D19:37
Kilosohi belkinsa19:37
elacheche_anisHey belkinsa, welcome to AFRICA :D19:37
belkinsao/ all, thank you.19:37
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-africa to: Greetings and welcome to #ubuntu-africa | Website: http://ubuntu-africa.info | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AfricanTeams | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | This channel is to link up Ubuntu LoCo teams and other linux users all over Africa. Please read this http://slexy.org/view/s2aEqtz90N
Kiloswhew what happened now19:38
inetproKilos: chanserv added logs19:38
Kilosinetpro  link for africa list plse19:39
Kilosbelkinsa  has some ideas for us but im swamped atm19:39
inetproKilos: hmm...19:40
inetproguess we need to add that on the site now as well19:40
Kilosi even forgot why i pinged you19:40
Kilosoh isnt it there yet19:41
Kilosoh my19:41
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-africa to: Greetings and welcome to #ubuntu-africa | Website: http://ubuntu-africa.info | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-africa | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AfricanTeams | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | This channel is to link up Ubuntu LoCo teams and other linux users all over Africa. Please read this http://slexy.org/view/s2aEqtz90N
inetprowe'll flood the topic line for now and prune it later again19:42
Kilosyeah good idea19:43
Kilosi asked pieter to fix one prob on site but dont know if he got that far19:43
Kilos Kubuntu is Ubuntu using the KDE interface which is a more tradition User Interface.19:44
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-africa to: Greetings and welcome to #ubuntu-africa | Website: http://ubuntu-africa.info | https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-africa | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AfricanTeams | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | This channel is to link up Ubuntu LoCo teams and other linux users all over Africa. Please read this http://slexy.org/view/s2aEqtz90N
Kilosshould be traditional19:44
inetproI got it wrong19:44
Kilosgood man19:45
Kilosso elacheche_anis  why havent they arrived here yet19:46
belkinsaSo anyways...19:46
Kiloswb belkinsa19:46
inetproKilos: sometimes it's a good thing to have a few mistakes on the website19:47
inetprogets people to talk to you :-)19:47
Kilosso far everyone likes it19:48
belkinsaI'm a Community track lead for the UOS (http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1505/) and I wanted to offer you all a session where you can plan what you will be doing for the next cycle.  You can have this session all in IRC if you want or you can have Hangouts On Air also.19:48
Kilosonly drussel pointed out the error19:48
Kilosinetpro  in your court sir19:49
Kilosbelkinsa  if its on irc ill join np19:50
inetprosounds interesting19:51
belkinsahttp://uds.ubuntu.com/getinvolved/propose-a-session/ for more info19:51
Kiloselacheche_anis  are you paying attention19:52
inetprobelkinsa: when is the deadline?19:52
belkinsaI also sent that message to your mailing-list19:52
belkinsaMay 5th before the start of the UOS, but it can be flexable.  You can have a last minute one.19:53
inetprowill have to think about it and talk to others19:53
belkinsaAlright, I'm just here to throw the idea to you guys.19:54
Kilosty for thinking of us19:54
inetprogood idea, thanks belkinsa19:54
* elacheche_anis is back.. Let him read all that19:54
belkinsaNot  a problem.19:54
Kiloswe could also go for the next session right?19:55
* inetpro thinking we should also consider this at #ubuntu-za19:55
Kilosbelkinsa  throw it to #ubuntu-za as well19:56
Kilosthere is more life there andmany are involved here too19:57
belkinsaKilos, the event starts on May 5th 14 UTC and ends at May 7th at 20 UTC.  The days are only 14 UTC to 20 UTC for three days.19:57
elacheche_anisGreat idea.. For my self I'll try to attend that session if there is any.. My TZ is UTC+1 and I work during UOS.. So I can't manage a thing (sorry) just I'll try to attend..19:58
belkinsaOne of the track leads was at work during the last one and I was in class during one of the days from the last one.19:58
* elacheche_anis will brb.. Have a meeting on our IRC..19:59
inetproright now I have no idea what we would talk about but maybe someone has a few ideas already19:59
belkinsaThe sessions can be 5 minutes to 55 minutes long20:00
superflyheh, I'm going to be away from the 4th to the 6th20:00
Kilosbelkinsa  meet superfly  the main dev man behind our site20:11
Kilosand inetpro  his main helper20:11
belkinsaNice to meet you, superfly.  I think I have seen you in another Ubuntu channel here.20:11
belkinsaAnd nice to meet you, inetpro.20:11
Kiloshe is on locoteams too20:11
superflybelkinsa: I'm the second contact for ubuntu-za, so I'm in #ubuntu-locoteams too20:12
Kilosthe two of them took me from a mechanic to an ubuntu member20:12
Kilosthey just dont have time to chat like i do20:13
belkinsapleia2 is the one who mentored me in the beginning before I jumped on board in other teams.20:13
Kilosyes but she had an easy job20:14
Kilosthese 2 battled with me20:14
inetprobelkinsa: thanks, nice to meet you as well20:17
* inetpro never sleeps but is mostly active here in the evening on weekdays or otherwise on weekends when free20:17
Kilosthe diffs in timezones makes things difficult20:18
belkinsaIt does.20:18
stickyboyNo difference in timezones when you go UPPPPP.20:19
Kiloshaha you there stickyboy  ?20:19
stickyboyKilos: Yep, landed and in the hostel already.20:20
stickyboyNow drinking wine and rooting.20:20
Kilosdid you find tsega20:20
stickyboyKilos: No, but I won't sleep until I do.20:21
Kilosgood man20:21
inetprobelkinsa: do you perhaps have examples from previous sessions to give us a hint or two?20:21
belkinsaOne hint is that having a IRC-only session is okay.20:22
Kiloswhat is the show and tell about and who will be there20:24
belkinsaHere is the page from last one http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/20:24
Kiloseveryone that is here knows what has been done20:24
belkinsaKilos, it's when you talk about something that you are showing and I don't know who will be there yet.20:25
belkinsaHere is a good example of one from two UOSs back: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22245/maximizing-your-productivity-with-unity/20:26
belkinsaI don't have a LoCo one20:27
belkinsaI guess this one could be a LoCo one: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/meeting/22372/community-1411-ubuntu-us-oregon/20:28
inetproKilos: remember to add this to our Agenda for our meeting on Tuesday next week20:30
belkinsaWhen is your meeting?20:30
inetprobelkinsa: Tue, 28 April 20:30, Agenda: http://bit.ly/1OxvO8K20:30
inetpro20:30 SAST20:31
Kilos@ 20.30 utc +220:31
inetprobelkinsa: maybe a good idea if you can attend that20:31
Kilosyou are welcome to join us20:31
belkinsaI can't, I have exam at that time.20:31
belkinsaBut I can follow up by e-mail.20:32
belkinsaI joined the LP team and the mailing-list.  So I will be in the loop of things20:33
Kilosbelkinsa  he is talking about our ubuntu-za meeting hey20:35
belkinsaI figured.20:35
Kilosyou young peeps are quick on the uptake20:36
Kilosand clever on top of it20:36
inetprobelkinsa: thanks for the suggestions20:43
* inetpro has to call it a day20:43
inetprogood night20:44
Kilosnight inetpro  sleep tight20:44
belkinsaNot a problem.  Night.20:44
Kilosill see you tomorrow belkinsa  its 2246 here20:45
Kiloshave a good evening20:45

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