
lchlnWould anyone not busy be so kind as to help me with some partitioning and mounting via the CLI?07:20
blahdeblahlchln: Only us busy folks in here. :-)07:20
blahdeblahlchln: Just ask your questions and we'll do our best07:21
blahdeblahOr if it's not au-specific, you might find #ubuntu a bit more active...07:21
lchlnit's not AU specific, but no one has spoken in there since I entered. :P07:21
lchlnI have 1 TB drive put into a bay of my server. I'd like to make it contain one partition and then mount it.07:22
lchlnI'm trying to work in Parted but am getting a bit confused. It's okay to start from scratch as there is no data on it.07:23
lchlnNot really sure where to begin.07:23
blahdeblahlchln: do you know which device name your drive is?07:48
blahdeblahe.g. /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc, etc.07:48
lchlnHey blahdeblah, I have it all partitioned and mounted now. Just had to find the right drive.07:49
lchlnHowever now when i boot up, I get a red 'FAIL' next to "Starting Read required files in advance (for other mountpoints)"07:50
blahdeblahlchln: My favourite command for locating that stuff is "lsblk -o NAME,MAJ:MIN,RM,SIZE,TYPE,FSTYPE,MOUNTPOINT,UUID,MODEL,SERIAL" - makes it really easy to find the relevant device07:50

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