
larsudesrt: stop screaming, please08:14
* ogra_ rasies his ear trumpet 08:15
ogra_what did he say ?08:15
* davmor2 shakes walking stick and shout "Get Off My LAWN!"08:18
* ogra_ rasies his ear trumpet again08:18
ogra_what did he say ?08:18
davmor2ogra_: peskie kids muttering to themselves all the time08:20
pittiGood morning08:26
pittiyay, back to a mostly sane TZ :)08:26
larsupitti: hi! How's London?08:26
seb128hey pitti, had a good trip back to Europe?08:28
pittiseb128: yeah, I did; all went well08:29
pittiseb128: how was your's? you took the Eurostar, I figurE?08:29
pittilarsu: you aren't here? for the desktop sprint?08:29
larsupitti: trolling isn't what it used to be in here ;)08:29
seb128pitti, mine was fine, yeah, eurostar, easy and uneventful ;-)08:29
larsupitti: I am. It's nice and sunny!08:29
pittilarsu: sorry, too distracted/jetlagged for subtle jokes still08:30
larsupitti: no worries. Enjoy your day! Hope to see you some time this week08:31
pittilarsu: yeah, I was too tired last night for getting to your hotel again, sorry08:31
pittibut definitively let's meet for some dinner/beer this week!08:31
seb128pitti, we are going to be in the office on thursday08:36
pittiseb128: oh, nice! for the release party?08:36
seb128+ beer event in the evening for vivid08:36
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willcookerobert_ancell, ^^10:36
MacSlowfor more than an hour I'm watching systemd hanging at "A start job is running for Enable s...y formats" during boot... anyone with an idea how to fix/workaround that... or what's causing this?10:44
MacSlowoh... and "Login Service" and "Network Manager" failed to start too10:44
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seb128willcooke, inspiron 11 3000 series 313811:55
seb128reg model P19T11:55
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rbasakDoes someone in the desktop team want to take bug 1445358? Looks like it should be considered release critical to me.13:15
ubot5bug 1445358 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Pulseaudio fails to run when system's language is in certain non-English locales" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144535813:15
ogra_heh, so shiny13:15
seb128rbasak, can you mention it to diwic on #ubuntu-devel?13:21
seb128rbasak, TheMuso is off this week and we don't have anybody else in desktop working on pulseaudio13:21
didrocksmterry: hey, we are on a sprint, and we were wondering if you got Unity8 running with a snappy image. In that case, what device and procedure have we used? We tried an usb stick, but of course, most of the time, no wifi drivers on the image…13:26
mterrydidrocks, no, I didn't get as far as the entirety of unity813:27
didrocksmterry: did you get at least a working machine, which isn't a qemu device?13:27
didrockslike a laptop, with ssh, and such…13:28
mterrydidrocks, yeah, I had a snappy laptop that I ssh'd into13:28
mterrydidrocks, did you see my email about deb2snap?  I got mir and xmir clients working13:28
mterrydidrocks, but didn't try something as complicated as unity813:28
mterryI bet there are some gaps (dbus?  gsettings caches?)13:28
didrocksmterry: that's exactly why I'm pinging you :) But to get mir, we need to use some intel based laptop13:28
didrocksand we still have to find one with a running ubuntu core image :p13:29
didrocks(where we have network)13:29
mterrydidrocks, I had an nvidia laptop13:29
didrocksoh, mir supports it?13:29
mterrydidrocks, it seems to...  using nouveau13:29
didrocksdo you know about qemu? Maybe that can help iterating13:29
didrocks(well kvm)13:29
mterrydidrocks, yeah well I tried kvm13:31
mterrydidrocks, but mir needs real hardware (/dev/dri/card0 access)13:31
didrocksmterry: ok, thanks for confirming. We'll try harder to find a way to at least have ubuntu core running on real hardware first :)13:31
ogra_mterry, doesnt the new HW access framework now make that available ?13:31
mterryogra_, I don't know...  It didn't last time I tested on vivid13:32
ogra_yeah, that was still in development back then ... i think it is there now13:32
* didrocks tries in a vm13:35
didrocksmterry: ogra_: doesn't work FYI13:48
didrocks(with kvm)13:48
seb128kenvandine, hey, are you going somewhere with those flacky tests? I see you had a bunch of (re)tries, do you understand what's going on?15:35
kenvandinei'm trying to beat on it :)15:36
kenvandineignore the noise for now15:36
kenvandinei have it reliably passing the specific tests we had failing before15:36
kenvandinebut i introduced another problem...15:36
seb128kenvandine, what was the issue?15:39
seb128I'm curious, your mp doesn't explain much15:40
* larsu waves to seb128 15:40
* seb128 waves back15:40
kenvandineseb128, we think it was because we had a test calling another test15:42
kenvandineso i refactored it to not need to call that test to setup15:43
kenvandinebut i also added more wait_selects, etc15:43
kenvandinebut that wasn't the real issue15:43
seb128kenvandine, it doesn't make sense, for me the failing test was clearly a tap from autopilot not resulting as a tap/generated as an onClicked15:49
kenvandineseb128, elopio says that's because it wasn't ready when the click was sent15:49
kenvandineso it didn't get it15:49
kenvandinethe qml side wasn't ready15:49
seb128kenvandine, what does that mean?15:50
seb128the UI is on screen15:50
seb128and built15:50
seb128and the listitem is stable/displayed and get something happening to it15:50
kenvandinethat's what he said :)15:50
seb128e.g you get the selected bg color changed15:50
kenvandinebut was it ready before autopilot called the click15:50
seb128like if it was dnd-ed rather than clicked15:50
seb128define ready15:51
seb128it was on screen stable displayed without changing for some seconds15:51
seb128and the click made the line bg change15:51
seb128the text just doesn't turn red and the onClicked handler doesn't trigger15:51
seb128to me it looks like the tap is doing a dnd15:51
seb128or something which is not seen as a proper click15:51
kenvandineso removing the call to the other test, did seem to fix that15:52
kenvandinei got a couple passes in a row in CI15:52
seb128doesn't make sense to me15:52
kenvandinenot sure how that caused it though15:52
kenvandinebut he said we should never call a test from a test15:53
seb128why not?15:53
kenvandinethat code as been there for 15 months15:53
kenvandineand it wasn't a problem before15:53
kenvandinebut it is the only place we do that15:53
kenvandinehe didn't really say why15:53
kenvandinehe also said we shouldn't have more than one assertion15:53
kenvandinewhich i don't really agree with15:54
kenvandinehe said each test should only have one assert15:54
seb128k, weird15:55
kenvandinebut for a UI test, i think it makes sense to assert on multiple things15:55
seb128I think people just suggest workarounds there15:55
kenvandinewhat i'm still puzzled by is why this just started happening15:55
seb128but let's see if that's enough to make things stable, I somewhat doubt it15:55
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