
dholbachgood morning06:55
Kiloshi dholbach  how are you today?06:55
dholbachhi Kilos06:57
dholbachgood good, still a bit sleepy, but all right :)06:57
dholbachhow about you?06:57
Kilosvery good ty. i need a door into canonical06:58
Kiloswe have launched a site for ubuntu-africa and i would like someone from canonical to see if there is anything that needs canonical approval and approve it please06:59
Kilosi mailed for approval 2 weeks ago i think but have heard nothing07:00
Kilosnot sure if anything needs approval but would like approval anyway if possible07:02
dholbachwho did you send the mail?07:11
dholbachdid you contact the loco council as well?07:11
Kiloslet me check where i sent it07:15
Kiloseish i still getting use to a switch to thunderbird from evolution 07:19
Kilosi dont see then sent addy but the return mail gave this link in it07:19
KilosWe have received your query and will respond in due course. If your enquiry is urgent, please email: legal@canonical.com07:19
Kilosi think i ticked trademark approval07:21
Kilosfrom canonical trademark team07:23
MooDoohello all07:24
Kiloshi MooDoo  07:24
Kilosat last, contact made with drc ubuntu peeps09:35
KilosSalutation, C'est une belle idée, nous sommes là pour la soutenir. → Greetings, it's a good idea, we are here to support it09:36
=== aaron is now known as ahoneybun
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
=== wickedpuppy2 is now known as wickedpuppy
Kilosafternoon everyone14:31
Kiloshi PabloRubianes  15:12
PabloRubianeshi Kilos how are you?15:12
Kilosgood ty and you?15:12
dpmhey nhaines, around?17:44
Kiloshi dpm  18:12
dpmhey Kilos18:12
Kilosi need him too i  think18:13
Kilosi need to chat to a council member18:14
Kilostoo much work for old peeps going the email route18:14
Kiloshi toddc  19:10
Kilosai! toddy  19:10
toddyhi Kilos 19:11
toddcgood afternoon :)19:17

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