
chuI *have* (begrudgingly - i.e. it was at a "special event") eaten shark's fin soup (and some other fancy Chinese "cuisine" I don't remember), bear and (forest) rat before. But not something I would do by choice.00:00
chuwould not*00:00
elkychu: so no lambchop00:21
chuNah, can't stand lamb.00:21
chuThat's one meat I actually don't like - not just some crazy irrational/emotional attachment.00:22
elkylamb will stink up your entire house for days, so understandable00:22
elkywhich is fine if it's a stink that is nice to you00:22
chuAnd you get the "layer" of lamb fat in your mouth. Even if you cook the heck out of it and turn it to rubber,00:22
elkylamb shank soup cooked overnight in a slow cooker? you won't get rid of that smell for like a week00:22
elkyyeah lamb you have to eat hot, or in a soup/braise where the fat renders off into the gravy00:23
elkyshank and loin tend to not have so much of the fat, but the cheaper cuts do00:24
chuYep, and I am *very* cheap :p00:24
elkyyeah, once upon a time, lamb shanks were cheap and you got them from the butcher direct because they're "offal". now they're like $5 a piece00:25
chuYep, same as lamb's neck - I think "Masterchef" did an episode making "Osso bucko"(sp? Slow cooked etc) and they sky-rocketed in price.\00:27
elkyosso bucco is shin00:27
chuOh I see. Excuse my ignorance.00:28
elkyyes. it's usually beef but i'm guessing there's a lamb cut similar?00:28
elkyit's grossly underrated because it's a slow cook cut, and nobody has the patience for slow cooking00:29
chuMy brother a slow-cooked stew-like dish, except lamb and I've always known it as "osso buco", I don't know what the "real" recipe is.00:29
chumakes a*00:29
elkychu: in my experience necks are normally really fatty. they're usually for soup afaik00:34
valoriefat to protect all those nerves and vertebrae00:35
elkyyeah, marrow fat is different to muscle fat though00:36
elkymarrow fat is divine00:36
elkythere's lots of both00:36
elkyi honestly don't miss cooking meat.00:37
elkyit's so finicky00:37
elkyalso smelly00:40
bazhangraw is so much better00:42
chuNot sure if I ever eaten raw red meat.00:42
bazhangsteak tartare00:43
pleia2beef carpaccio :d00:43
valorieI think that would stick in my craw00:43
bazhangthe sauce is usually fairly unique00:44
chuI've definitely had raw sashimi (idk is all sashimi raw?) and if I have ever eaten raw red meat it would have been in Japan I think, but I don't know.00:44
valoriesashimi \o/00:45
bazhangyep sashimi is by definition raw00:45
bazhangsalmon is a better slice of that00:46
chuSashimi is amazing, and with a big green salad <300:46
geniiI'm starting to get hungry now00:46
valoriewith all this talk of eating, I should make some dinner00:46
geniivalorie: Hehe00:46
valorie'tis almost 6pm here00:46
bazhang@random sashimi HURD00:46
valoriei hurd sashimi was yummi00:47
ubottuUh, don't you mean !apt ?00:47
chubazhang: ubottu is a True believer.00:48
bazhangvery tru chu00:48
elkyi've not eaten raw, but blue-rare steak is odd01:09
elkyi still haven't managed to convince myself to eat raw fish01:09
bazhangblack and blue is what customers often called it01:10
elkyi prefer medium rare but will eat rare01:10
bazhangwith sashimi, it's so lathered up with soy, hot shredded radish and wasabi you really dont notice01:11
elkyi'm bad with spicy because of dry mouth, so that doesn't exactly help01:12
chuI actually pick the radish off, I don't enjoy it. But then again, I also can't stand miso(I think? The uber salty soup).01:12
bazhangseaweed, bits of tofu in it as well01:13
bazhangfor insanely nasal clearing spicy, there's nothing quite as bracing as kimchi fried bacon01:14
chuI don't mind the slightly "fried" (I think) tofu, with like a crusty outside (I assume fried) but soft inner core. I actually think that's amazing.01:14
elkybaked tofu i think is what you'd ask for to get that01:14
bazhangthats called dou-gan, meaning dried dou fu01:15
elkyi miss japanese food. outside japan (i'd assume is the important factor here) it is amazingly difficult to get sushi that's not glutened.01:16
elkyand that problem starts with the vinegar01:17
chuYep, but the problem is.... There's this Japanese restaurant in Canberra my family used to go to heaps (like, once every week), but then when we actually went to Japan, I couldn't eat there anymore.01:17
elkyand of course finding somewhere that uses pure soy sauce is difficult because it's usually thai or tamari and thus too expensive for most shops if you're not paying top dollar for the product01:18
elkythai pure soy sauce is a rather light sauce01:19
elkyime anyway01:19
bazhanggood point01:19
bazhangsome soy can be unbearably heavy and cloying, like instant BP raising01:20
elkythere's a place in sydney at the west ryde station that has _awesome_ don. it's not dry, it's actually saucy, and there's actually vegetables and a soft egg. if you ever end up there, highly recommended01:20
chuThais generally have their little 4-piece rack with like dried chilli, wet chilli (in fish sauce), sugar and salt. They kind of go on the idea "You can have it however you wan, we give you *this* dish, and you add to it as you need to".01:20
bazhangsounds great01:21
bazhangand that thai mini dish is fun to add from01:21
chuYeah dude, it's awesome. You can actually do so much with the flavours here. Although, I tend to think Thais generally use too much sugar.01:22
elkyassuming they're still run by the same people of course. they also give you a plate piled high with shredded cabbage and carrot that's been drizzled with a ginger dressing. and their agedashi tofu is nice too01:22
chuIs it like that purple cabbage?01:23
elkya mix of green and purple if i recall01:23
chuI love purple cabbage.01:23
elkysydney is weird with good eats. some of the best are right next to train stations. at parramatta station there is/was a really good thai place01:24
chuYeah, Canberra has "Amazing, flashy French(insert other fancy country) cuisine" but it's ridiculously expensive, or "Terrible, cheap take-away(insert other fast food chain)" and really, very few in between.01:25
chuFrom what I understand, there's interest in making a section of the CBD sort of the "food capital" of Canberra, but there are always new proposals and very little action, so I don't know what will happen.01:27
bazhangyikes insanely huge earthquake just now01:44
valoriewhere, bazhang?01:45
bazhangtaiwan valorie01:45
valoriedamn old ring of fire01:46
bazhangunusual for taipei to have such a huge one01:46
bazhangthe computer nearly came clean off the desk01:46
elkygeonerding commencing in 3... 2...02:23
elkynot quite 30km down, probably shallow enough to wipe out slums and stuff :-/02:29
elkywait how did this turn into an offtopic channel?02:31
ubottulotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (spawn`)09:05
Ben64101 lines of off topic isn't enough?09:19
Tm_Tit's enough, which is why I quieted them now09:20
Tm_Twhat bothers me is the behaviour of other people in the channel09:20
Ben64no you haven't09:20
Tm_Tha you're right, fixed that09:20
Ben64i just don't see the point in letting people like that continue09:22
Tm_TI would have stopped them long time ago if other wouldn't have been too hostile from the begin with09:22
Ben64well that makes no sense09:23
Tm_Twhen there's several people slapping around it's less easy to tackle the case with a clear cut09:24
Tm_Toh boy, I'm getting more annoyed by people behaving badly because there's troll than the troll themselves ):09:26
Myrtti_it took me a while to realise I did it too, some years back. now its painful to watch when others do it.10:07
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti
bynariehello is anyone available? i would like to inquire about getting my ban lifted from #ubuntu please17:47
Picibynarie: I'm afraid that we're not willing to do that at this time.18:38
bynarieok no problem18:41
bynariethanks for atleast replying18:41
bynariehave a good day18:42
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang

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