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mukamy document viewer has no icon. is it known bug or this is only my phone?02:55
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lotuspsychjemariogrip: http://linux.softpedia.com/blog/OnePlus-One-Ubuntu-Touch-to-Get-MultiROM-Manager-Support-478772.shtml04:44
dholbachgood morning06:55
cylonmathgood morning !07:10
luxpiro/ hi all. anyone about? quick question about Dekko - my Imap setup won't 'take' for one account, but will for the other on the same host. suspect it's the folder structure.08:21
DanChapmanhi luxpir, what do you mean by won't 'take'?08:23
Se7morning ppl08:36
cylonmathguys I use a BQ E4.5 Ubuntu phone, and I want to upgrade my system, I am scared to do it though. Did anyone perform a succesful update?09:03
popeycylonmath: how do you plan to upgrade?09:05
dadexix86cylonmath, I have the r21 that went out few days ago and it works like a charme! :)09:06
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy Chinese Language Day! :-D09:08
lotuspsychjeche che09:08
cylonmathpopey, update manager?09:15
popeycylonmath: in system settings -> updates, right?09:16
cylonmathpopey, yes!09:29
ogra_why woudl you be scared using that ?09:30
ogra_did you tinker with the rootfs on the device ?09:31
ogra_if you didnt make it writable or alter the readonly part it will all be fine09:31
cylonmathim scared coz 2 days ago i tried updating and my system gone into a contuinious loop of reboot, i used factory settings to recover.09:33
ogra_yes, that shouldnt happen (we are still trying to find what causes it, no developer could reproduce it yet)09:34
Sleep_Walkeris working support for WPA Enterprise WiFi authentication?09:42
cylonmathwell, i cant use eduroam yet...09:43
Sleep_Walkerand where can I find OTA updates URL?09:43
lotuspsychjeSleep_Walker: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Latest-Ubuntu-Touch-Update-Improves-Battery-Life-Up-to-50-Users-Report-478812.shtml09:44
Sleep_Walkerlotuspsychje: thank you for your try but I mean the file Ubuntu phone is downloading09:46
lotuspsychjeSleep_Walker: wich channel are you on?09:46
ogra_Sleep_Walker, the files come from http://system-image.ubuntu.com/09:47
Sleep_Walkerlotuspsychje: I'm afraid that I don't know what you mean09:48
Sleep_Walkerogra_: thanks!09:48
lotuspsychjeSleep_Walker: i mean wich device are you using and wich ubuntu touch channel running on it09:50
ogra_Sleep_Walker, Enterprise wifi isnt there yet ...09:51
Sleep_Walkeraquaris e4.5, I haven't modified default configuration09:51
Sleep_Walkerogra_: do you plan connman integration?09:51
cylonmathGuys, you know its really nice to have a such ubuntu-touch channel, the community yo!09:54
Mirvwhat could be causes that Developer Mode setting is greyed out?09:58
ogra_Mirv, no password/PIN09:58
Mirvdelete that09:58
Mirvyes, me stupid09:58
Mirvit even reads there :)09:58
ogra_i'll make it red and let it blink in the next iteration ;)09:59
* ogra_ is sure the design team would love such subtile hints in the UI :)09:59
Mirv+1 :)09:59
popeyogra_: needs cats running across the screen10:01
Sleep_Walkeruse blue instead of red - red is everywhere, blue is alien color there ;b10:03
Sleep_Walkerhm, I tried to run wpa_supplicant manually but it's interfering with the other control :(10:16
ogra_i guess just a network manager config would help ... you surely dont want to touch wpa_supplicant, let NM do that ;)10:18
Sleep_Walkeroh, it's just another client to NM?10:20
ogra_Sleep_Walker, somenthing like that might work (not sure) https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=15589310:21
luxpirDanChapman: Hi Dan, thanks for your answer. I filed a bug report earlier, better explained there.10:50
luxpirDanChapman: https://bugs.launchpad.net/dekko/+bug/144612910:50
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1446129 in Dekko "Failed to login in to the IMAP server - Dovecot error/panic" [Undecided,New]10:50
DanChapmanluxpir: excellent thanks for filing it. I'll take a look at now10:52
luxpirDanChapman: (hope it's relevant and not my config - could quite easily be)10:52
luxpirAnyone else aware of how best to install non-Touch software such as Syncthing, Mosh, Newsbeuter, Mutt etc.?10:53
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luxpir(Do I just grab the .deb of whatever I'm after?)10:54
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studio_will the bq e.4.5 become the new kernel 3.10.54 on ut 15.04?11:28
studio_no port for it?11:29
studio_i have seen they use that kernel for lollipop on the e4.511:30
ogra_the ubuntu device tree is based on 4.411:30
studio_4.0 is brand new, isn't it?11:31
ogra_android 4.411:31
ogra_we will surely have to move to 5.0 at some point ... but thats far in the future i guess11:32
studio_ogra_, yesterday i tried "again" to update from 14.10 r22 to vivid-proposed, same boot loop. i found your how to with the fastboot and recovery.img. but still no luck with that. i had to use again the mtk-tools.11:35
ogra_well, there are a few people that see this issue ... but inside canonical we only have one person who could reproduce it yet ... we have a sprint next week and will have that device there to research it11:37
ogra_usually a factory reset from the recovery menu should help though ... you shouldnt need to use any mtk tools11:39
studio_has it maybe something to to with the missing icons after and update on 14.10 and then going direct to vivid-proposed?11:39
ogra_icons ?11:39
studio_missing icons on the scope11:39
ogra_thats a network problem with the scopes11:40
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studio_no, two times amazon links, one with and one without icon, is not a networkproblem11:41
studio_two times amazon on one scope is also not normal i think11:42
ogra_no, thats something different, but also unrekated11:42
Mirvas a first thing on my brand new Bq, I get to test all the PIN + PUK support :D11:47
MirvI'm unaware thouh why it was asking for "old PIN code" for a SIM that had PIN code asking disabled. other phones AFAIK don't need to ask for any old PIN code, just ask the new one with which it will be locked.11:48
ogra_Mirv, uuh11:48
popeyi have seen that11:48
popeyi think it's because of the webapps names changing11:48
popeystudio_: do you still have the system setup with broken icons?11:48
ogra_popey, i think it is because of two different custom tarballs when you jump channels back and forth11:48
popeyyes, that would make sense11:49
popeytwo desktop files with differently named apps11:49
popeyyou end up keeping both .desktop files11:49
popeygiving you one working, one not11:49
ogra_yeah, and the old custom thingie not wiped when switching11:49
popeyok, good, glad we agree :)11:49
ogra_i'll talk with cwayne at the sprint about this11:49
Mirvwell, that PUK experience was weird, but in the end I have the new PIN set and SIM locked11:50
ogra_phoedations has its sprint next week11:50
cwayneogra_, i think it's more of a system-image issue to be honest, we don't really handle any of the removal of old customs11:51
ogra_cwayne, we should :)11:51
ogra_but i agree that parts of that need to come from system-image11:51
cwayneogra_, right, we absolutely should :)11:51
cwaynei thought custom was wiped on upgrades11:52
cwaynemaybe it's just not when switching11:52
ogra_probably switching channels should just imply --wipe11:52
ogra_it isnt a typical user feature anyway11:52
studio_popey, no, but is looking nearly same as the screen shot a guy here posted11:55
studio_was looking11:55
popeyi have seen it too, i cleared it up by removing the incorrect .desktop files in ~/local/share/applications11:57
popeyi think11:57
ogra_what i said, we should simply wipe all userdata if someone switches channels11:58
popeyno wai11:59
ogra_thats really an advanced task no enduser will do11:59
cwayneit should really be the click hooks doing that, shouldn't it?11:59
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ogra_cwayne, how ? the package is never removed11:59
ogra_they would only kick in if you removed the click12:00
cwayneogra_, is it really the package never being removed, or i thought it was just that symlink not being removed12:00
cwaynei'll have to take a look, but anyway, something's obviously going wrong somewhere :)12:00
popeywe already have a bug for click where it doesn't clean up12:01
ogra_right, but we dont remove clicks in this case12:01
ogra_(which might be the actual bug indeed)12:01
popey\o/ lunch12:02
ogra_if you switch channels that like a fresh flash over an old image ... just without having the existing bits removed12:02
ogra_(of the custom tarball)12:02
* ogra_ wishes we could somehow tell the system to not mute on incoming notifications ... dpm talking on telegram makes it hard to listen to my streamed music :P12:04
* dpm starts spamming on Telegram12:04
ogra_you already do !12:04
Mirvhmm, keyboard got stuck on my Bq, is there a bug about such thing?12:04
* dpm hugs ogra_ :)12:04
* ogra_ hugs dpm 12:04
ogra_Mirv, stuck in what way ? ... must be a Qt bug :P12:04
Mirvogra_: it didn't work anymore, elsewhere on the touch screen it was possible to browse. I was trying to enter instagram details. now the keyboard disappeared and doesn't re-appear.12:05
ogra_havent heard of that one in about a year ... we used to have such a bug12:05
ElleoMirv: were you entering a password?12:06
Mirvnow it reappeared and works, although I needed to switch apps and restart the instagram12:06
MirvElleo: yes, exactly12:06
ElleoMirv: yeah, there's a bug in the new oxide that triggers a crash in the keyboard; we've got a branch that fixes the keyboard crash, I'm trying to track down the oxide problems now12:07
MirvElleo: thanks, just checking since this is my actual first out-of-the-box experience here12:07
Mirvgood that it's being tracked, and now I also remembed the oxide woes were there also on rtm12:08
ogra_we should just switch to geck ... that oxide stuff has bugs all over :P12:08
Mirvkhtml \o/12:08
ogra_is that still alive ?12:08
Elleojust embed a terminal widget running lynx in the browser and all our problems would be solved12:09
ogra_well, rather w3m then, it can do frames :)12:09
Elleopah, you and your fancy web 1.112:09
ogra_wget -O- -q $url | html2text -> pipe into QML textview12:10
ogra_that "pictures on the internet" thing will never gain acceptance anyway12:11
Mirvfinds bug #1252899 the most glaring problem so far12:11
ubot5bug 1252899 in Ubuntu Start Page "Ubuntu Start Page is not mobile friendly" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125289912:11
ogra_yeah, thats actually very ebarassing12:12
Mirvjgdx: what needs doing / who needs pinging to get https://code.launchpad.net/~jonas-drange/ubuntu-start-page/1252899-mobile-friendly/+merge/197038 merged regarding that bug ^ ?12:12
Mirvbeuno: same to you ^ what needs to be done to get that branch tested and into production?12:15
MirvI'd like the possibility to lock screen without locking device with the code until some time has elapsed12:19
ogra_Mirv, we all would like that :P12:20
Mirvand another thing from Jolla I'd like double power press to skip home screen ie directly go to scopes or ask the security code. double power press to skip any possible time elapse option to immediately lock the phone.12:20
Mirvogra_: :) is there a design bug about that?12:20
* ogra_ remembers jdstrand asking for it over a year ago 12:20
ogra_not sure if he filed one12:20
Mirvlet's hear from jdstrand, I believe there should be a bug. about that first, then the extra convenience features once that's possible first.12:21
ogra_iirc that came up when we were still experimenting with the split greeter idea ...12:22
ogra_which made it likely fall off the table sicne we couldnt implement what we initially planned12:22
ogra_(lock delay is a greeter thing)12:23
jgdxMirv, not sure. When I talked to beuno about it last time, it seemed like it was ready to go12:24
jgdxlast time was couple of weeks ago12:24
ogra_wow, thats quite a change for such a small feature12:25
richi_Since cryptsetup is apt-get installable from the touch repository, did somebody have success in setting up an encrypted partition?12:27
ogra_i think someone talked about setting up an encrypted directory ... on the mailing list12:27
ogra_partition wont work12:27
ogra_(well, it will, but you need massive modifications first)12:28
richi_ogra_, why is that? When trying luks format, I got error messages about some missing key store.12:29
ogra_what did you try to format exactly ?12:29
ogra_encrypting the readonly rootfs is pointless ... encrypting the rw partition wont work due to the bind-mount-farm we use for the writable bits12:30
richi_ogra_:  sudo cryptsetup -c aes-xts-plain -s 512 luksFormat /dev/mmcblk1p1 /dev/shm/luks-key.txt12:31
ogra_the latter will get implemented at some point though ... but doing it today without doing a lost of changes to the system core wont work12:31
Sleep_Walkeroh, external card...12:31
ogra_ah, Sd card should indeed work12:31
ogra_(you need to mount it manually etc indeed, udisks wont automount it)12:32
richi_yes, I figured that out. It's also strange that ext partitions are not auto mounted...12:32
ogra_on purpose12:33
ogra_we have no way to deal with file permissions12:33
richi_maybe related: during apt-get install cryptsetup I got a load of warnings.12:33
ogra_and the typical enduser wont use ext4 to store their music/photos12:33
ogra_yeah, its not designed for a system where it cant regenerate the initrd12:34
ogra_iirc the package tries that during install12:34
richi_The above command gives me the following errors :12:40
richi_device-mapper: reload ioctl on  failed: No such file or directory12:40
richi_Failed to open temporary keystore device.12:40
richi_device-mapper: remove ioctl on temporary-cryptsetup-31532 failed: No such device or address12:40
ogra_ah, yeah, likely also no devicemapper support in the kernel12:41
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richi_Too bad. Ok, I'll loo into directories then...12:42
ogra_john-mcaleely, whats the bug location for users to request kernel config changes ... studio_ also wants cifs and nfs support (and i think we could at least enable cifs as a module since the filemanager will want to use it alter too)12:43
john-mcaleelyogra_, https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image12:45
john-mcaleelyit can migrated as needed from there12:45
ogra_ah, just generic then ... k12:45
aSheepieHi, silly question but how do I paste text into an HTML textbox control.  For example in the Twitter app, when composing a new tweet.  Long pressing just seems to select the input object itself, rather than the text within it? Thx12:45
jgdxaSheepie, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webbrowser-app/+bug/126449312:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1264493 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "No Paste option in web page entries" [High,Triaged]12:57
aSheepiejgdx, ah, cheers, glad it wasn't me being stupid - I'll add that it affects me and details to that log, then.13:05
jgdxaSheepie, thank you. It affects me as well, with my long, stupid passwords13:06
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* ogra_ just uses "password" everwhere... so much easier to remember :) 13:07
ogra_(and i heard many other people do that too ... the masses cant be wrong !)13:08
jgdxnot hunter2?13:09
ogra_nah, i'm an advanced user ... i use hunter3 if i use it13:09
richi_speaking of passwords are there plans to support U2FA?13:10
ogra_thats a question for dobey i guess :)13:10
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ogra_jdstrand, do yu remember if you filed a bug for "i dont want my screen to immediately lock when i turn off the screen" ? i know we talked about ages ago13:13
dobeyogra_: what is?13:21
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ogra_dobey, richi_'s question about auth providers13:23
dobey2fa is supported for the u1 account plug-in on the phone13:23
dobeyand by pay-ui as well for when the password must be entered there13:24
kenvandinedednick, did you see that QA found a regression in your settings branch for bug 139013613:24
ubot5bug 1390136 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu Vivid) "need a transition state for indicators reflecting laggy backends" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139013613:24
richi_dobey:  I mean  Fido U2FA. Something like YubiKey or http://buysecuritykey.com/13:26
beunoMirv, jgdx, I'll take care of that this week13:26
dednickkenvandine: no, i havent13:27
ogra_richi_, there is the authenticaor app in the store for 2FA token generation ...13:27
ogra_i assume you dont expect to be able to plug a yubikey into your phone13:27
ogra_(with OTA cable or some such)13:27
richi_ogra_: I generally avoid software solutions for 2FA.13:27
richi_ogra_  : I already use my YubiKEy for ssh auth with my phone.13:28
ogra_you meanyou have the yubikey attached to the phone for ssh client stuff ?13:28
dobeywell, if the device where you enter your password, and generate the 2fa key, are the same, then it's not really 2fa13:28
richi_ogra_: yes The neo has an OpenGPG applet that gpg-agent speaks to for ssh auth.13:30
ogra_yeah, i was more wondering about the Hw setup13:30
dednickkenvandine: thanks, i'll take a look into it13:30
Mirvbeuno: jgdx thanks!13:31
ogra_are there microUSB yubikeys ?13:31
richi_dobey:  U2FA seems to be a really good compromise : https://fidoalliance.org/13:31
kenvandinedednick, thx13:31
Mirvso my Bq is stuck in non-spinning Ubuntu logo after spontaniously rebooting while writing Telegram message13:31
richi_ogra_ : yes with a smapp OTG adaptor.13:31
MirvI guess I'll try forcefully powering off13:31
ogra_richi_, ah, right, so not actual microUSB keys then13:31
richi_ogra_ : We might suggest that to Yubico ...13:32
dobeyrichi_: i don't have a yubikey or a fido thing. or an otg adapter.13:32
dobeyogra_: i guess they could make one that was an SD card too13:33
ogra_yeah, i wouldnt want to lose my SD slot to it13:33
ogra_i just wonder in general why so few HW manufacturers build actual microUSB HW13:34
richi_dobey: I was just asking if there are plans to support FIDO U2FA in the ubuntu touch browser. ATM it's only supported by Chrome/Chromium, with Firefox support planned.13:34
dobeyogra_: probably because they build things for computers, and building a thing that plugs into the microusb on a phone is ass backward :)13:34
ogra_richi_, you didnt say browser anywhere above (or i missed it) :)13:35
dobeyrichi_: oh, well i don't work on the browser, but it's based on the blink engine, so it might have some support already13:35
jdstrandogra_: I don't think I ever did because I was told that the feature was coming where we could adjust the timeout (and that did land)13:36
ogra_dobey, well, i guess they would fine one or the other customer that would be happy to not have 15cm OTG cable dangling off the device13:36
richi_Oh I will try then...13:36
ogra_jdstrand, right, i'll file one then ... since even with the timeout i'd like to be able to quickly switc on the device again without having to unlock13:37
dobeyogra_: probably no profit in it though. iphones don't have micro-usb. and apparently the android phone market can't get the orientation of the socket on the phone correct13:38
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Elleojhodapp: is it a known bug that video doesn't seem to work when streamed over http via MediaPlayer and VideoOutput elements? (audio from the video still plays though) I couldn't see anything obvious logged against media-hub, but maybe I'm looking in the wrong place?14:34
jhodappElleo, no it should work although it's been a while since I've tried it...there may be specific issues with the codec that you're trying to use or something else14:35
jhodappElleo, have you verified that the video plays locally if you download it to the phone?14:35
Elleojhodapp: yeah, it plays locally in the same test app; it's only when streamed over http that it fails to show the video14:36
jhodappElleo, got a link to it? I can try playing it14:36
Elleojhodapp: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10856399/ <-- here's the test app with the video stream in14:37
Elleowget'ing the file and switching to the local source works fine14:37
jhodappElleo, I'm going to try it from mediaplayer-app first14:37
Elleojhodapp: doesn't work in mediaplayer-app here (except for the sound)14:39
jhodappElleo, yeah same here14:39
jhodappElleo, can you file a bug, it's a valid bug14:39
Elleosure thing14:39
jhodappElleo, against media-hub14:39
jhodappElleo, thanks!14:39
Elleojhodapp: filed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/media-hub/+bug/1446260 :)14:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1446260 in Media Hub "Video blank when streamed over HTTP" [Undecided,New]14:42
jhodappElleo, thanks, that looks good14:43
Elleojhodapp: yeah, stumbled on it when trying to add video support to podbird :)14:43
jhodappElleo, nice, I was just playing with podbird...nicely done14:43
jhodappElleo, I've wanted a really good podcast client for UT, so if I get some time I may help hack on it14:44
Elleojhodapp: its about to get a whole lot better, nik90 has done a tonne of awesome work along with some new design work from Kevin Feyder :)14:44
jhodappoh very nice!14:44
Elleojhodapp: there's a beta for the new version here: http://nik90.com/podbird-v0-6-call-for-testing/14:44
jhodappElleo, awesome, I'll give that a spin!14:46
Elleogreat, let us know if you hit any problems :)14:46
popeyit works nicely!14:46
jhodappwill do14:46
jhodappnik90, you rock man14:46
Elleopopey: glad to hear it :)14:46
popeycan you make a deb please for my desktop :)14:46
Elleopopey: done: https://launchpad.net/~podbird-devs/+archive/ubuntu/ppa ;)14:47
davmor2and an exe for popey gameos :D14:47
Elleopopey: holding off on making the desktop ppa especially public until we fix one last issue we spotted last night though14:47
Elleopopey: the next step in the master plan will be push notifications, recommendations and syncing between desktop and phone (or multiple phones) via (the complete unfinished) podbird.org14:49
Kekambasim trying to install ubuntu touch on nexus 4, does it still a preview or is it fully running?14:49
Elleosomehow a podcast client I hacked together over christmas has taken over a big chunk of my life :P14:50
ElleoKekambas: it's a fully usable system (depending on what your needs are); you can install basically the same stuff that's running on the shipping ubuntu phones on the nexus 414:50
Kekambasso it is stable?14:51
lotuspsychje!devices | Kekambas14:51
ubot5Kekambas: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices14:51
ElleoKekambas: the stable branch is pretty stable14:51
ElleoKekambas: the devel/devel-proposed branches are less stable (but more cutting edge)14:51
Elleofor general use you're probably best going with the stable branch14:51
Kekambasis it possible to install ubuntu touch via windows?14:52
Elleono idea on that front I'm afraid14:53
Elleonot sure if its possible with any of the normal android flashing tools14:53
lotuspsychjeeven if we could simulate a terminal on windows, it wouldnt apt-get right?14:53
Elleobut the recommended way is to use ubuntu-device-flash on a linux system14:53
popeyElleo: \o/ this is nice :)14:54
Elleopopey: good :)14:54
Kekambasi have no experience using linux14:54
ElleoKekambas: I believe its also possible to install via the multiboot tool inside android (to create a dualboot system), I don't have any experience of that myself though14:55
Elleoor is that multirom?14:55
Elleosomething like that14:55
Kekambascheck that out14:55
Kekambasbut thats not updated14:56
ElleoKekambas: yeah, I wouldn't recommend following something from 2013, a lot has changed since then14:56
amu_poimaybe MultiRom Manager is good14:56
Kekambasdo you guys know any guide about multirom14:57
lotuspsychjeKekambas: check its FOSS website, alot of nice guides there14:57
Kekambasi used to do that but with my droid razr, didnt know it was possible on n4 till now14:58
Kekambasguides about multirom14:58
amu_poi<Kekambas> maybe you need this  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tassadar.multirommgr&hl=en15:02
Kekambasi just installed it15:05
Kekambaswhere i can download the ubuntu touch image15:06
lotuspsychjeKekambas: see the wiki install link in topic15:06
TassadarKekambas: it's downloaded through the app, it's not really feasible to download the images by hand15:08
Kekambaswhich app?15:08
Kekambasim not using ubuntu ATM15:08
dednickkenvandine: fixed the issue with my ubuntu-system-settings branch.15:10
TassadarKekambas: sorry, didn't read the whole conversation - do you want to dual-boot ubuntu touch, or just install it on your device?15:10
Kekambasits better to have  dual boot?15:11
Kekambasor just to install it15:11
Kekambasi think the best for me is dual boot, cause i use a few apps that are not available on ubuntu15:12
amu_poiin the MultiRom Manager you can download the img15:12
nik90jhodapp: thnx :) Just doing my part to help build a great podcast app which has a legitimate use case on the phone.15:12
jhodappnik90, indeed, it's one of my most used apps on my other phone (which shall remain unnamed) ;)15:12
Kekambasill take a look and ill be back in a few15:13
nik90jhodapp: haha :D15:13
Kekambaswill multirom replace my recovery?15:13
matv1Kekambas have you read http://2buntu.com/articles/1510/installing-ubuntu-touch-with-multirom/15:17
kenvandinedednick, thx15:26
lotuspsychje_Kekambas: have you found it15:29
Kekambasusing it with multirom will allow me to use it for daily basis?15:29
Kekambasmultirom its downloading it15:29
Kekambasbut i want to use it for my main rom15:30
Kekambasim tired of android and i have IOS15:30
kenvandineElleo, are you sure you don't want to the autopilot package to depend on the specific version of ubuntu-keyboard-tests ?15:30
kenvandineto match the others15:30
Elleokenvandine: ah, yeah, that might be best; I'll update that15:31
kenvandineElleo, cool15:31
Kekambascan i use the one in multirom as my main rom15:32
popeyhard to say, not sure many people test that15:32
Tassadarno, but you can set it up to boot as default15:32
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Kekambasis there any list of supported apps?15:33
Elleokenvandine: pushed a fix :)15:33
popeyogra_: that icon disappearing thing is more widespread.15:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1445979 in Canonical System Image "app icons disappeared " [Undecided,New]15:43
popeynot just people flip-flopping between releases15:43
ogra_popey, double idcons for apps from the custom tarball is custom tarrball and channel hopping related15:44
ogra_we have another bug where scopes dont show icons due to QtNetwork issues15:44
ogra_and this one above looks like something new, not related to the two others15:44
ogra_popey, so i'd say we have at least three different bugs here15:45
pmcgowanthats a new one and very odd15:45
ogra_we never had the launcher affected before15:45
* ogra_ wonders if the icon cache gopt corrupted ... by i.e. installing a deb with icons :)15:46
ogra_all icon packs on desktop try to re-generate the cache from the postinst15:47
ogra_iof that fails you might be left with a corrupt cache ...15:47
mukaDocument viewer has in icon. is this normal or this is a bug?15:53
mukasorry has no icon...15:53
ogra_muka, if you installed it from the store regulary on an unmodified OS this is definitely a bug15:55
mukawell, i installed it from ppa:ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/daily15:56
ogra_so you made your system writable and all15:58
ogra_well, then it can be anything15:58
ogra_only file a bug if you actually see it on a untainted device with a click package from the store ...15:59
ogra_but if you followed some call for testing, let the person know that asked you to use it from a ppa15:59
ogra_(though i cant imagine anyone would ask you to test a click package from a PPA build)16:00
mukaogra_, yes16:23
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faenilogra_: I think it's a known bugs that some icons disappeared16:48
ogra_faenil, up to now we have identified at least three different ones16:48
faenilones -> i.e.? three bugs, or icons?16:49
ogra_there is one where you end up with duplicated entries for preinstalled apps if you switch channels ... (one icon being empty as i understand)16:50
ogra_then there is one where the scope icons are all gone due to (seemingly) network issues16:50
ogra_and the new one above wher even the launcher misses icons (which looks like a broken icon cache to me)16:51
studio_i am back on vivid without a boot-loop :)17:01
studio_i "think" the problem was the "r22" ...17:02
studio_after i switched back to stable (r21) i was able to upgrade to devel-proposed without a boot loop17:04
studio_ok, some icons are missing, but i am happy that i don't not have these damn loop :)17:05
studio_https://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/rc/bq-aquaris.en/krillin/ was the "r22" i used17:07
dobeythe r22 in the rc channel is the exact same image as the r21 in the stable channel17:15
studio_i just told what i made, and now i have no boot loop17:15
ogra_dobey, he doesnt use the standard tools for flashing ... might be related ...17:16
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studio_ogra_, after/on the loop, i needed to flash with the mkt-tool the "default" image. i was not able with the recovery.img and fastboot to fix the problem.17:18
Kekambasany idea how to install whatsapp on ubuntu touch17:18
ogra_Kekambas, there is no whatsapp for ubuntu touch17:19
dobeyogra_: i know.17:19
ogra_there is telegram though ...17:19
Kekambasnot everybody uses that17:19
dobeynot everybody uses whatsapp either17:19
Kekambasalmost everybody17:20
* cwayne doesn't17:20
Kekambaswhos that17:20
studio_ogra_, i was able to flash the recovery.img in fastboot mode as you wrote in the mailing-list, but that did not fixed the problem.17:20
dobeyunfortunately, whatsapp is a closed proprietary system. if you want whatsapp you'll have to get them to write an app for ubuntu phone17:20
* dobey doesn't use whatsapp either17:20
* ogra_ never heard of whatsapp before people asked here about it (and before facebook bought them)17:20
Kekambasfirst of all17:21
Kekambaswhos ogra_17:21
Kekambasor dobey?17:21
dobeyogra_ is ogra_17:21
dobeyand i am me17:21
Kekambasand you guys are?17:21
ogra_sometimes im not ogra_ but just ogra17:21
dobeya small subset of the vast number of people not using whatsapp :)17:22
Kekambaswell.. actually whatsapp have 800,000,000 monthly active users17:22
ogra_that doesnt make the app more open sadly :)17:22
cwayneso then there's 6,200,000,000 that don't use it :)17:22
ogra_and the whatsapp people regulary shut down all clones17:23
cwaynebut anyway, whatsapp actively discourages porting to new platforms17:23
ogra_so there is no point in even trying to reverse engineer it17:23
dobeyand i'm pretty sure that 800M number is well over inflated17:23
cwayneit's not so much a technical problem as a political one17:23
cwayneunfortunately :/17:23
Kekambaswhich one is better?17:23
ogra_well, not even that17:23
ogra_its a money problem ...17:24
dobeywell, telegram is more open and more secure17:24
ogra_if you pay them enough they will give you permission to write your own client17:24
dobeywhatsapp is totally proprietary and insecure17:24
tedgTo be fair, Whatsapp seems to be integrating TextSecure17:25
tedgWhich would make it very secure once that's complete.17:25
dobeywell, assuming they do it in a way such that they don't cheat17:26
dobeyi suspect they might cheat though17:26
Kekambasme too17:27
Kekambasill try telegram17:27
Kekambaswhich apps you guys recomend for ubuntu17:27
dobeyuse the ones you need to use17:28
Kekambasthis is my first time using UT17:29
* ogra_ uses his G+ app a lot :)17:29
ogra_<shameless ad mode>17:29
Kekambasso... im a newbie17:29
ElleoKekambas: all the cool kids are using podbird :)17:29
Kekambasim not a kid17:30
nik90Elleo: all of kinds of tactics we use to raise the popularity of podbird :P17:32
Kekambasbesides podbird17:35
nik90ogra_: dude I miss the g+ red color..bring that back :P17:35
Kekambasany app?17:35
nik90Kekambas: dekko email client17:35
nik90Kekambas: quick memo (google keep alternative)17:36
ogra_nik90, careful, i might make it neon green with a user check for "nik90" :)17:36
Kekambaswhy sometimes ppls names appear in red17:36
dobeyKekambas: whichever ones exist that satisfy a particular need you have, should be the ones you use. because you won't use the others anyway :)17:36
nik90Kekambas: I would recommend going to uappexplorer.com and sort apps there using the rating to find the one you like17:36
dobeyKekambas: probably because they mentioned you17:36
Kekambashow u mention?17:36
Kekambasusing @?17:37
dobeyKekambas: <- like this17:37
ElleoKekambas: yeah, this sorts by ratings https://uappexplorer.com/apps?sort=-points so the top apps there are all popular with people17:37
dobeyor a comma17:37
nik90ogra_: hey I am coming after you then...trust me there are apps that I work on which you also use :P17:37
Kekambasdobey, ?17:37
Kekambashow i mention?17:38
dobeyyou just did17:38
Kekambasit is not red17:38
dobeybecasue you aren't me17:38
nik90it will be red for the person you type17:38
ogra_nik90, hmm ... you know which other parts of the system i touch ... you will lose that battle ;)17:38
Kekambasi c17:38
nik90ogra_: rofl...not fair..I thought we were sticking to the app level :P17:39
dobeyit's the client you are using highlighting the line where your nickname was mentioned17:39
KekambasElleo, thank you for the web17:40
ElleoKekambas: no problem :)17:40
KekambasVery useful17:40
* ogra_ hugs nik90 17:40
KekambasElleo, where i can see the features of ubuntu touch17:40
* nik90 signs a peace treaty with a return hug17:41
cwaynepsh cmon guys17:43
cwaynewe all know its all about scopes17:43
cwaynenot apps :P17:43
KekambasElleo, particularly recommend for daily basis17:43
Kekambascwayne, hows that? scopes?17:44
nik90cwayne: my frnd, you are surrounded by way too many app devs to say that out loud :P17:45
cwayneKekambas, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/01/ubuntu-phone-bq-photo-scopes-details17:45
cwaynenik90, :P17:46
* ogra_ sits down and writes a scopes app !17:46
ogra_bridging the gap !17:47
nik90cwayne: btw ur ubuntu news scope is awesome..and going to be even more awesome with the new keywords features in vivid17:47
cwaynenik90, hey thanks17:48
cwaynei forgot about that one17:48
* cwayne has written too many scopes17:48
nik90I think we need a search scopes functionality in the unity8 bottom edge page...too many scopes in the bq device and takes times to search for the one you are looking for17:49
Kekambascwayne, detailed explanation about scopes? newbie here!17:50
karniKekambas: detailed explanation of scopes - https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/scopes/17:52
Kekambaskarni thank you17:52
karniyou're welcome17:52
Kekambascwayne, which scope u dev?17:52
davmor2ogra_: If we are play what parts of the system do you touch then QA win :P17:53
ogra_davmor2, but you cant break them ... ;)17:53
ogra_slangasek, have you ever seen this page (just stumbled over it on the weekend) https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/image-channels/17:54
ogra_i assume that needs updating with your new naming scheme17:54
davmor2ogra_: no, no you said  "you know which other parts of the system i touch" there was no mention of breaking or not :P17:54
slangasekogra_: yes, I've been discussing it just today with dholbach because of some differences needed in the content for ubuntu core17:55
ogra_cool ...17:56
ogra_just wanted to make sure it is on your radar17:56
ogra_since it mentiones <series> all over the place17:56
dobeyogra_: you're too late. we already wrote an apps scope, so the gap is bridged! :)18:00
ogra_dobey, wrong way round :P18:01
mcphailCongratulations, everyone, on RTMv21. Much more stable and huuuuuge battery life. Cheers!18:04
* mcphail needs to dwonload a version of "snake" because this battery is lasting as long as a Nokia brick18:07
ogra_i thought there was a version of snake in the store18:07
ogra_iirc it was the first winner of the first app contest :)18:07
mcphailhah! - checking...18:08
ogra_would be a shame if it was gone18:08
mcphailIt's there!!!18:08
elopiomzanetti: I have some questions about QML tests. Can you ping me when you have some free time, please?18:13
Kekambasogra, so.... why you guys dont dev a scope for whatsapp?18:19
Kekambasgora, :P18:20
Kekambasogra, :P18:20
ogra_Kekambas, because we couldnt connect ...18:20
ogra_i guess the whatsapp protocol is even enough reverse engineered that you could actually easily write a scope ... but whatsapp would shut it down on their next cleanup cycle and sue us18:21
Sleep_Walkerit's second time I heard about whatsapp today18:24
dobeywell i don't know if they'd sue, but they'd ban anyone using it18:24
Sleep_Walkerwhat is so special about that?18:24
ogra_some people seem to use it18:24
Sleep_Walkerwe have XMPP, IRC, TOX, mail (!)18:24
mcphailAm I right in thinking Bluetooth is going to change with the next rtm release? I'm struggling to connect with my car but won't bother investigating further if it is changing anyway18:24
dobeyi use carrier pigeons myself. much more reliable18:25
ogra_mcphail, next or the one after ... we are still looking into getting bluez5 to work18:25
mcphailogra_: ok, thanks18:25
Sleep_Walkerdobey: you'd better fix your routing - I'm shooting pigeons around (with airsoft only though)18:25
dobeySleep_Walker: i only use stealth ninja pigeons.18:26
dobeyspeaking of shooting birds, i'm looking out the window and feeling pretty tempted to go do exactly that, right now18:27
Sleep_Walkerdobey: that should be OK, I hate that beeping, copulating and defecating ones only, stealth ninjas are OK18:27
Kekambasogra_, is it so hard?18:28
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ogra_Kekambas, hard ? what ?18:29
Kekambasogra_, to get a scope for whatsapp?18:30
dobeySleep_Walker: if they didn't crap all over my cars, i wouldn't care. but there are way too many in my yard now, and ruining my paint18:30
ogra_Kekambas, it would be a waste of tim because whatsapp would shut it down and lock you out18:31
ogra_*time too18:31
dobeyKekambas: it's not hard. it's plenty easy if you are fine with having it blocked by whatsapp, and getting anyone using banned from whatsapp18:31
Kekambasdobey, why dont you guys get a permission from whatsapp18:32
mzanettielopio, hey, what up?18:32
Sleep_WalkerKekambas: why don't you try yourself?18:32
cwayneKekambas, because they won't give permissions to new platforms until they reach some absurd level of users18:33
KekambasSleep_walker, im not a dev.18:33
ogra_Kekambas, because they want you to pay $$$ to grant you permission to do that18:33
KekambasSleep_walker, im learning but its hard to learn by myself18:33
ogra_if you dont, you get locked out18:33
cwaynehonestly, it all comes down to whatsapp being kinda evil really18:33
cwaynereally the opposite of open source18:34
ogra_Kekambas, the only one who can build a whatsapp app for ubuntu is whatsapp ...18:34
ogra_Kekambas, or you ... if you have ... whatver they ask for ... $50 mio ?18:34
Kekambasogra_, just the fact of using it generates revenue isnt it?18:34
Kekambasogra_, it cant be that muhc18:35
ogra_Kekambas, no need to discuss with me ... you need to convince them, not me :)18:35
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Kekambasogra_, and how you get in touch with em?18:36
ogra_no idea18:36
dobeywell, i presume they have a web site18:36
dobeyfacebook.com or something like that18:36
ogra_i guess youcan find a mailto link on their website somewhere18:36
ogra_or your business unit contacts their business unit18:36
Sleep_WalkerKekambas: you'd better not invest time in vendor-lock-in yourself18:37
ogra_mzanetti, is the imgur uploader broken ? all attempts to upload someting time out for me today18:37
elopiomzanetti: I'm not even sure what to ask :) I'm trying to open a single qml file from system settings, but the file depends on the plugin.18:37
elopiohow can I import a library without installing it?18:37
KekambasSleep_walker, why not? at the end of the day they will get the money.18:38
mzanettiogra_, was working last time I used it (some few days ago), will test it18:38
KekambasSleep_walker, maybe in time they will do it... when UT have more users18:38
mzanettielopio, -I path/to/plugin18:38
ogra_i just got the "Error uploading" red cross thing again here18:38
mzanettiogra_, ack. will see what's wrong. thanks for reporting18:39
mzanettielopio, does it work?18:39
elopiomzanetti: no, it doesn't18:39
mzanettielopio, same error?18:40
Kekambasogra_, any cool scope to get?18:40
ogra_Kekambas, ask cwayne, he's the scopes guy18:41
elopiomzanetti: yes. Not installed.18:41
* ogra_ only has online games, news apps and a music player in the store ... 18:41
mzanettielopio, can you paste the command line?18:41
ogra_well ... and G+18:41
Kekambascwayne, any cool scope to get?18:41
Sleep_WalkerKekambas: maybe, but that is not the solution, only workaround. I can have my jabber, IRC or any standard protocol on UT quickly and it will be able to do everything you expect from whatsapp, when the client will miss some feature, I can try another one or write myself one18:41
Kekambasogra_, thank you18:41
mzanettiogra_, speaking of G+ :D18:41
ogra_mzanetti, tell me :)18:42
mzanettiogra_, any chance to include ubuntu signon to the url patterns?18:42
dobeythe store scope is the best scope18:42
elopiomzanetti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10857562/18:43
mzanettiogra_, or well... I assume that's the issue. not that I've tried it18:43
ogra_mzanetti, sure, but how would that help without the ap havin any auth integration18:43
ogra_*the app18:43
mzanettielopio, what's the contents of plugins/date-time ?18:43
ogra_mzanetti, thats not a webapp-container ... its an actual webview in a qml app, to make any use of accounts i would have to integrate theapp itself with the auth mechnaism ... just adding the patterns wont help18:44
KekambasSleep_walker, where u learned to bulild?18:44
elopiomzanetti: cpp and qml sources, and the qmldir where Ubuntu.SystemSettings.TimeDate is defined.18:44
mzanettiogra_, while I agree using OA would be the preferred way, I'm pretty sure you could make it work in app quite easily18:44
elopioI tried also with builddir/plugins/date-time, which will have the .so18:45
mzanettielopio, ok... that's the issue18:45
Sleep_WalkerKekambas: build? you mean where I learnt programming?18:45
mzanettielopio, you'd need to move them to subdirs matching the import statement18:45
mzanettielopio, example:18:45
KekambasSleep_walker, yes18:45
cwayneKekambas, there's all sorts of news scopes, a fitbit scope, etsy, yelp, really whatever you want18:45
mzanettielopio, you import Foo.Bar 1.018:45
mzanettielopio, -I needs to point to a folder containing "Foo/Bar/qmldir"18:46
Sleep_WalkerKekambas: self-study, school, work18:46
KekambasSleep_walker, im trying to learn but theres so much stuff and i dont know where to start18:46
mzanettielopio, usually one would set up the project in a way that the build dir produces such a folder layout18:46
ogra_mzanetti, i'm still trying to understand what OAuth actually gains me18:46
ogra_apart from not having the user to type in his credentials on first use18:47
mzanettiogra_, that's something, isn't it? :)18:47
Kekambascwayne, thank you, what about battery performance in UT?18:48
mzanettiogra_, also, for me webapps without OA integration expire the credentials regularly which is annoying18:48
Sleep_WalkerKekambas: I started because I missed some feature and tried to implement it by myself18:48
Sleep_Walkerthat is good way :)18:48
dobeymzanetti: i get that for ones that do use OA integration too though18:48
dobeywell, at least, i've consistently had that issue with untappd18:48
KekambasSleep_walker, i just want to create new stuff. like a browser18:49
mzanettidobey, oh really... that seems to work quite well for me18:49
dobeywhich is the only app i much care about18:49
Sleep_WalkerKekambas: so, you miss whatsapp scope? create one18:49
dobeyi don't have that issue with twitter though of course18:49
KekambasSleep_walker, how i start?18:49
dobeyKekambas: you don't want to write a browser. trust me.18:49
elopiomzanetti: ok, progress!18:49
Kekambasdobey, why?18:49
mzanettielopio, great :)18:50
elopiomzanetti: is that like a QML best practice, to use directories for the namespace ?18:50
dobeyKekambas: because it's like building a house on a minefield.18:50
elopiomzanetti: or is it just to workaround a limitation on the testtool?18:50
Kekambasdobey, if you point the right direction  can start18:51
mzanettielopio, that's how it works. not just for the testtool18:51
Sleep_WalkerKekambas: no browser - browser make your head bigger, more painful and you'll hate yourself18:51
dobeyKekambas: i'm pointing you in the right direction. that direction is "don't write a web brwoser" :)18:51
Kekambasdobey, http://i.imgur.com/WA9TwtG.png18:51
Sleep_WalkerKekambas: start reading here and experimenting https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/apps/sdk/tutorials/18:51
Sleep_Walker(not that I have read it though :)18:51
dobeyhaving actually written a brwoser, i can confidently say you should not write a browser.18:52
Sleep_WalkerI knew one guy who wrote his own browser - he was no longer able to have social life :)18:52
Sleep_Walker(and the browser is links! :)18:53
KekambasSleep_walker, lol. t cant be that hard18:53
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KekambasSleep_walker, i will start with scopes, but i guess it cant be done using windows, right?18:55
Sleep_WalkerKekambas: I'm not dev here (yet)18:56
Sleep_WalkerI have to bring ubuntu sdk to my distros first18:57
KekambasSleep_walker, well, but at least you know your thing18:57
SturmFlutIt is just unbelievable how broken Android 5.x is on Nexus devices.18:57
KekambasSleep_walker, which one is harder to dev, apks or scopes?18:59
Sleep_WalkerKekambas: I have zero experience with Ubuntu Touch interface and programming for that18:59
KekambasSleep_walker, so what exactly you know?19:02
Sleep_WalkerKekambas: what should I answer you here?19:02
ogra_everything !19:03
KekambasSleep_walker, what do you know to build?19:03
Sleep_WalkerI don't know, I have patches spread around in some project19:03
elopiomzanetti: any clues about where to put the plugin?19:07
mzanettielopio, same dir as the qmldir file19:07
ogra_Kekambas, what do you want to build ?19:09
mariogriphow to generate blacklist keyring? (on a system-image server)19:17
mariogripstgraber: ^19:17
ogra_you take a whitelist keyring and black paint ;)19:18
mariogripogra_: lol :P19:20
elopioyay, it runs on qmlscene!19:24
elopiokenvandine: so, to get the system settings QML tests working, we need to change the folder hierarchy of the plugins.19:24
mariogripTassadar: btw, do multirom require blacklist keyring?19:25
kenvandineelopio, what ever it takes :)19:25
kenvandinewell... without breaking stuff :)19:25
TassadarI think it downloads it19:25
Tassadarbut doesn't checkit19:25
kenvandineelopio, we have qml tests that work already though19:25
Tassadarbut the system-image-upgrader in recovery does19:25
mariogripdo you know if  system-image-upgrader fails without it?19:26
elopiokenvandine: but they all go behind the UI, right?19:26
Tassadarno, it doesn't, I think19:27
kenvandineelopio, i don't think so, but they don't run in qmlscene19:27
Kekambasogra_, a very weird browser19:27
elopiokenvandine: can you show me an example?19:27
dobeywhy would any qmltests run in qmlscene?19:27
dobeyi thought that's what qmltestrunner is for19:28
elopiothe ones I found were like for the models, not the UI widgets.19:28
kenvandineelopio, look at tests/plugins/system-update19:28
kenvandineoh... maybe they don't do UI19:28
elopiodobey: yes, qmltestrunner. Just using qmlscene here to find out how to isolate the qml file.19:28
kenvandineoh, and network isn't qml19:28
ogra_Kekambas, so go ahead ... thats pretty easy :)19:29
mariogripTassadar: okay, i think i got everything to ready for ubuntu touch work with multirom on my oneplus one now. i will give it test now.19:29
kenvandinei guess all we have are unit tests there19:29
kenvandinei thought there was something....19:29
Kekambasogra_ i really dont think it will be that simple19:29
Kekambasits kinda complicated19:29
kenvandineelopio, well i'm open for it, as long as it doesn't make the plugin public19:29
dobeyyes, browsers are very complicated19:29
elopiokenvandine: which are great. We also need more of those unit tests :)19:29
dobeywell, web browsers are. a grocery list browser maybe not so much19:30
mariogripTassadar: btw, if multiromgr has downloaded ubuntu touch and failed to install, do it need to download it again?19:30
Tassadaryou can check the box in settings19:30
Tassadarto not download it again19:30
ogra_Kekambas, https://ograblog.wordpress.com/2015/03/22/an-alternate-approach-to-ubuntu-phone-web-app-containers/ ... feel free to grab my code as a starting point (or to learn)19:30
elopiokenvandine: I don't know anything about private modules. Would it be a problem moving plugin/time-date/* to pluign/test-date/Ubuntu/SystemSettings/TimeDate, for example?19:31
mariogripTassadar: ok, thanks19:31
Tassadarit deletes it by default, because it takes a lot of space19:31
elopiosorry, s/test-date/time-date19:31
Kekambasogra_ thank you, will do19:31
kenvandineelopio, we could do that and still be private19:32
kenvandinebut i'd need to think about it19:32
kenvandinei have to step out for a few, bbl19:32
zzarrhello fellow ubuntu users, I'm trying to find out how to install ubuntu on my phone, a Motorola Droid 4, I have downloaded the latest cyanogenmod and phablet debootstrap19:33
zzarrbut, I feel lost, I don't have any idea how to proceed19:34
ogra_there is a porting guide ... see the topic19:35
zzarrI know, I try to follow it19:36
ogra_i guess you rather want the AOSP source btw ...19:37
ogra_i think thats available forthe droid, no ?19:37
zzarrI tried to find it, but I don't think it is19:37
Kekambasogra_, does all scopes and apps are together?19:39
zzarris there a step by step porting guide for ubuntu using cm?19:40
ogra_Kekambas, can you re-phrase that ?19:40
Kekambasogra_ ok, i thought that apps and scopes where in different menus19:41
ogra_apps and scopeds appear differently on the phone19:42
Kekambasogra_ i cant find any scope menu19:42
ogra_on your phone you mean ?19:42
ogra_swipe from the bottom up ...19:42
ogra_if there is no app open19:42
ogra_there you get the scope manager19:43
Kekambasi have to swipe like to open the task manager19:43
Kekambasfrom right to left?19:44
Kekambasi got u19:44
Sleep_Walkerso in general, click packages are like deb packages with different prefix directory19:47
Sleep_Walkeram I wrong?19:47
ogra_click packages are internally like debs, thats about right ... but clicks have no postinst scripts that could alter anything, and have no dependencies ... and they are integrated with apparmor19:48
ogra_so their execution environment is extremely limited19:48
=== keithzg__ is now known as keithzg
Sleep_Walkerapparmor - I feel safe already :19:49
dobeyclick packages don't have a "prefix" either really. everything has to work within it's own arbitrary sub-directory that it is installed to, without having paths hardcoded in the build19:51
Sleep_Walkerbut yes, it makes sense, but also it removes all the benefits of package management and shared libraries - there will be no dependencies...19:51
zzarrif I use cm as base for the android lxc, what files would I need?19:52
ogra_it adds the benefits of being able to ship only the libs you need at the version you need inside the click ... at the cost of diskspace though19:52
zzarrwill I need*19:52
dobeySleep_Walker: well, not all. the SDK is the set of dependencies an app has. anything outside the scope of the SDK should be included in the app package itself19:52
ogra_zzarr, you need a completely cut down build of the HAL without java and everything, with the ubuntu bits (hybris) added19:53
zzarryes, I know, no dalvik... only drivers19:54
ogra_and the services the drivers need to be able to function19:54
zzarrbut where are the drivers located?19:54
dobeyand a kernel build with the ubuntu features/patches enabled19:55
zzarryes, them too19:55
dobeyie, apparmor and such19:55
dobeyyou have to get the drivers from Motorola I presume (or they should already be in an AOSP tree soewhere)19:55
ogra_for the binary drivers there is likely some info in CM that you can find about where to get them19:55
ogra_for the kernel drivers ... well, you build a kernel with your build19:56
zzarrI have built kernels for debian, is it the same?19:57
ogra_have you ever built android before ?19:57
ogra_(and no, it is not the same )19:58
ogra_it definitely helps if oyu have some experience with android building ... if you dont, be prepared that you need to learn more :)19:58
zzarrI think /system/vendor looks interesting19:59
zzarrdo I need the hole /system/vendor folder?20:04
zzarrI get this message:  both HOST_OUT and PRODUCT_OUT should be set at this point  but what values should I set them to?20:17
brunch875damn! My brother just stomped my ubuntu installation by installing a newer windows20:18
brunch875windows sure is partition-friendly20:18
zzarrwindows is headache friendly20:19
zzarryou should be able to boot from a usb-stick or cd and mount your system (mount it as it was mounted when running)20:21
brunch875I believe the entire partition was wiped20:21
brunch875because I couldn't find it with grub rescue20:22
brunch875oh well20:22
zzarrohh... :(20:22
brunch875it doesn't matter, git rocks <320:22
zzarryes, but installing all the packages and everything take some time20:23
BOHverkillbrunch875: yes it does ;)20:23
zzarrdepending on hardware and internet20:23
brunch875right now i'm on the live USB I always have with me20:23
brunch875but it takes awful long to boot20:23
brunch875makes me wonder if ubuntu-touch will give us a faster liveUSB :)20:24
brunch875I'm very excited about the whole project20:24
zzarrme too20:24
mzanettiogra_, hmm... imgur-share seems to work fine here20:28
zzarrdang, I hate websites that throw messages in my face, especially when I'm about to click on a link and hit another... sorry I just got a bit frustrated20:29
ogra_mzanetti, weird, must be some network issue on my side then :/20:29
zzarranyone how know what HOST_OUT and PRODUCT_OUT are for?20:30
zzarrwell I have to sleep, it's getting late20:32
brunch875good night zzarr20:33
studio_one question, is i deleted too much missing icons/links for the desktop (.desktop) will they be "re-newed" on the next update?20:41
mcphailstudio_: icons are renewed if you reinstall the app20:46
dobeyif the app is installed and you just rmed the file from ~/.local/share/applications/ they will be recreated on reboot20:48
studio_hmm. not sure what app is missing now on vivid, but i have seen some scopes do not have an icon. for exp. 7digital, Amazon, eBay, etc. where to delete these scopes?20:48
dobeydeleting the scopes probably won't fix the missing icons20:52
dobeyThe ones that are remote scopes, you also can't really delete; you just unfavorite them20:52
studio_dobey, when i am on applications and i wipe up there are scopes with a missing icons20:54
dobeyso file a bug20:54
studio_the bug is to change from 14.10 to vivid20:55
studio_that bug is known20:55
dobeythen wait for an update that fixes it20:55
studio_is still someone here?21:18
studio_what about an voice memo app? is there one?21:19
mukastudio_, I do not know but go to terminal and enter arecord <file-name>21:36
mukaarecord ~/Music/record_001.wav21:38
mukathis should work21:39
mibofrahi guys, a question. The ubuntu touch images for x86 generic platforms are based on aosp (flipped-mode, kernel and hardware control, into lxc) as the arm based images?21:43
* mibofra has not had the time to test them really, so that's why he's asking :) . 21:44

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