
ali1234the heat sink just fell off my CPU :(00:40
daftykinshow on earth...00:46
ali1234yes i was just sitting here and i heard a CLUNK noise inside the computer then the fan started getting louder and louder00:47
ali1234well, the plastic bracket which the heat sink clips on to... the tab has sheared right through00:47
daftykinswe talking retail/OEM intel/AMD here?00:47
ali1234AMD Phenom 2 with retail heatsink00:47
ali1234broken part is on the Asus motherboard00:48
daftykinsthat sort?00:48
ali1234see the orange thing that the metal is hooked on to?00:48
daftykinswow that's going to be a real pain to whip out00:48
ali1234that has just snapped clean off00:49
daftykinsmobo bracket :/00:49
ali1234i've already replaced it00:49
daftykinsoh you had a handy spare :D00:49
ali1234my other computer has an asus motherboard too... bracket is almost identical00:49
knightwisemorning peeps06:35
MooDoomorning all07:23
diploMorning all07:59
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:00
TwistedLucidityMonday has slithered into existence once more08:09
zmoylan-piand tightens it's coils around you happiness08:10
TwistedLucidityI had my happiness surgically removed, makes it easier to cope with life.08:12
zmoylan-pithe beatings will continue till morale improves-anonymous08:12
TwistedLucidityAh, but this is the Age of Austerity, you now how to pay for your own beatings08:13
popeypip pip08:13
* zmoylan-pi directs TwistedLucidity to a dublin bar and tells him to buy a shirley temple for everyone in the bar...08:14
davmor2Morning all08:18
MooDoohowdy davmor208:20
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
foobarrywhy do tesco delivery always bring stuff that is so close to sell by date?08:42
foobarryi thought they had massive warehouses shipping stuff out all day long08:43
foobarrydelivery driver "what's this film frozen?" lucky guy!08:43
zmoylan-pigood staff will make sure the close to stuff is shipped first.08:43
foobarryyeah but they also promise to give stuff within good range , not for 21st and 20th april08:44
zmoylan-piit used to be a bugger after a day or two off sorting the fridge to get the close to date milk all the front to shift it08:44
foobarryon a pack of 8 youghurts08:44
zmoylan-piah, well, promise...08:44
foobarrywell they wasted them now as the guy had to take it back08:45
TwistedLucidityfoobarry: We tried hope shopping from a couple of supermarkets at Chrimbo, all the same "Eat within 2 days or discard"08:46
TwistedLucidityWe're actually now actively avoiding the supermarkets when we can. Better and cheaper produce at the local buther's etc08:46
TwistedLucidityAnd the local butcher's doesn't evade tax (AFAIK)08:47
foobarrywhat's a local butcher? they all closed years ago08:47
TwistedLucidityTwo on our high street08:47
popeywe have one08:48
popeybest in the area08:48
zmoylan-pinot here.  most people still use local butchers and fish shops08:48
* awilkins still has a local butcher08:48
awilkinsAt least one08:48
awilkinsSeveral, actually08:48
foobarryalso, got 50 paving slabs delivered for the patio. one pack of 25 had only 8 salvageable. all cracked/broken in half08:48
TwistedLucidityThere's an award winning butcher about 15 mins by push bike too.08:48
foobarrybroken britain08:48
TwistedLucidityProbably many more08:48
bashrc_I remember there being a local butcher when I was a kid. The only thing approximating that now would be in some larger supermarkets08:49
awilkinsRemember the sawdust on the floor?08:49
foobarryi know a trained butcher who is out of work as no local butchers08:49
diploWe have butchers as well, the local market is even better08:49
TwistedLucidityI asked the fishmonger in the local tax-evasion emporium how to cook some fish. He looked at me blankly and handed me a free ready-made sauce. Never went back for fish.08:50
foobarryexcept for the "halal" ones08:50
TwistedLucidityfoobarry: Suggest to him that he go to a local enterprise scheme and start one08:50
zmoylan-pilots of empty shop spaces around these days08:51
bashrc_"tax-evasion emporium". heh. Sad, but true08:51
TwistedLucidityOur two seem to be rammed every day.08:51
foobarrycould be a lot of places? starbucks? amazon? vodafone?08:51
TwistedLucidityzmoylan-pi: Indeed. But if our council is anything to go by, they want big-name "beacon brands" to move in so we become just like any other town in the UK08:52
TwistedLucidityPerish the thought that a local enterprise might start up and provide something unique!08:52
TwistedLucidityNot enough back-hand deals in that.08:52
bashrc_competition is out of fashion08:52
foobarryis it soap box day today?08:53
foobarrytat reminds me, need to post my vote08:53
awilkinsWanting big brands to move in is mental08:53
awilkins(unless you are receiving a substantial bribe of some kind)08:54
TwistedLuciditybashrc_: It cracks me up when I do go into other of them that you see signs like "<Big Name> caring for our community" and then some tripe about how they are teaching children that burgers come from boxes (or whatever).08:54
awilkinsThey siphon as much money as they can away from your area08:54
TwistedLucidityKeep thinking that I whould go in with so pre-printed choice words on stickers08:54
awilkinsAs an engineer, I like efficiency. But efficient at what?08:55
awilkinsBiology is a better example than engineering for living communities - life extracts everything it can from every drop of sunshine, doesn't just try and ship as much of it as possible to Lichtenstein08:56
TwistedLuciditypopey: Butcher's top-tumps? http://www.jtbeedham.com/08:56
zmoylan-pihttp://www.dun-laoghaire.com/profile/hicks/ so small they don't even bother with their own web site :-)08:57
TwistedLucidityawilkins: And councils fall over themselves to invite the cancerous parasites in, often despite local opposition. Just a shame they get footfall; if more people refused, they'd go out of business.08:58
TwistedLucidityThing is, they tend to kill the local shops as quick as they can so residents have no choice.08:58
foobarryhaven't heard about novacut project in a long time09:06
popeydont think he has much time to work on that09:07
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy Chinese Language Day! :-D09:07
awilkins欢乐中国语言一天 !09:08
zmoylan-pifree soup? where? :-P09:08
foobarryi remember when there was a lot of noise about it09:09
foobarry(mainly on OMG i guess)09:09
davmor2JamesTait: I'll have some "Flied Lice" with that :D09:09
foobarrythere is still room for a decent ubuntu blog reporting on various projects since omg seems to have dialled down on that area09:10
foobarryis there a way to remove dupes from g+09:10
foobarrypeople like verge and boingboing seem to dupe post an awful lot and makes me unsubscribe them for noise reasons09:11
foobarryi remember when everyone saved up on OMG to buy a laptop for bilal to work on novacut..09:14
davmor2awilkins: You plick09:15
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
DJonesStupid Dell, please use decent keyboards on Lattitude 3540's, having to hit the numeric keypad buttons with enough force to hammer nails in isn't a good selling point09:37
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
zmoylan-pibut it will give accountants backup training as chiropractors...09:42
davmor2DJones: you mean you are not thor?09:47
zmoylan-pii think he needs to type on model m for a few months to build up finger strength...09:48
DJonesI'll just keep hitting the buttons hard, maybe they'll ease off after a bit of use09:52
awilkinsNaah, model M doesn't need finger strength10:00
awilkinsModel M lets you be very efficient by providing tactile feedback10:00
awilkinsLess effort, less rsi10:00
* zmoylan-pi seems to remember one with lots of resistance...10:01
bashrc_I think hitting buttons hard is especially a problem on laptops where the keys don't have much travel10:02
zmoylan-piand yet my psion 3a with audible feedback allowed me to type 40wpm no problems in mid 90s and almost no travel on the keys10:04
awilkinsLaptop keyboards are often better than el-cheapo membrane keyboards10:05
awilkinsThey're still membrane keyboards, but those individual rubber cups they use on each key seem to provide better feedback10:05
zmoylan-pii got a €15 blue tooth keyboard.  rubber membrane that feels like zx spectrum keyboard10:05
zmoylan-pibut €15 :-D10:06
awilkinsAnd WIRELESS10:06
awilkinsSo you can wave it around while using it10:06
awilkinsTyping isn't something you have to do while staying still anymore!10:06
zmoylan-pitook me an hour to decode the engrish instructions.10:06
zmoylan-piprinted in a booklet that opened fully was smaller than a postcard10:07
foobarryi got an great BT keyboard for aorund 20£10:08
bashrc_the better laptop keyboards use scissor switches10:10
foobarrydon't use it as much as i thought10:10
zmoylan-pii had a stowaway keyboard for palm iiix in 90s and almost never used it.  but it was so so cool :-)10:12
awilkinsscissor switches are the ones with the wee rubber cup under them10:13
awilkinsThe scissor just stops them being all flobby10:14
zmoylan-piah the stowaway.  made the palm look super high tech... :-) http://danbricklin.com/log/stowaway.htm10:16
bashrc_I used some later generation winCE PDAs. But the PDA concept was later replaced by smartphones10:17
zmoylan-pismartphones haven't to my mind caught up with pda functionality yet10:18
zmoylan-pipdas like psion and later palm were independent computers with as much funtionality crammed in whereas smart phones are merely terminals to the cloud which is not always around10:19
bashrc_I think I can do everything on a smartphone now that I could on a PDA 15 years ago, and more besides10:19
zmoylan-pigo for a week between recharges? :-P10:20
bashrc_depends how much I use it, but battery life on the winCE PDAs was also not especially good10:20
zmoylan-piwell wince were a bit of a joke. i never saw one in use for more than a few weeks10:21
zmoylan-piwhereas i saw psions everywhere. and palm10:21
bashrc_I used one between about 2000 and 200510:21
bashrc_the psions were good, but more expensive10:22
zmoylan-pii averaged about 40 hours a week on the psions. used at work and at home10:22
zmoylan-pii used it instead of pc at home as it did everything i wanted10:22
directhex_yay, i have a cable!10:29
davmor2popey, MooDoo: you guys will appreciate this.  I woke up this morning with this song stuck in my head https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14b-BASNVdI10:32
MooDoodavmor2: oh how I loved kim10:36
davmor2MooDoo: :)10:37
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
davmor2is popey on holiday irc is always quiet when he is :D12:41
zmoylan-picould be mondayitis?12:41
Myrtti_I have post-Finnish General Election mental hangover.12:52
popeydavmor2: sprint in london12:53
Myrtti_hubby entertained himself last night while I was watching the Finnish election results rolling in by coding in Ruby a calculation on how 2010 British General Election had gone if the same votes were counted in the method used in Finland.12:53
Myrtti_(and on European Parliament election)12:53
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti
davmor2popey: hence the silence12:53
popeyjust had a nice walk around the park at lunchtime12:53
davmor2popey: I had a nice walk down stairs mind you that's about as far as I wanted to go too :)12:55
bashrc_the weather is sunny out12:56
Myrttiyeah, laundry day12:56
zmoylan-piit's a trap!!12:56
zmoylan-piit's luring you out into the open...12:57
MyrttiUV hat and new sunscreen lotion to the rescue!12:57
davmor2zmoylan-pi: I've heard of this mythical outside before I don't put much faith in it's existence12:58
foobarryi felt dizzy and photosensitive outside today12:58
zmoylan-piif the outside was so great why have humans developed all this technology to enclose and make it nice inside?12:59
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
davmor2zmoylan-pi: more import if the outside is so great why do complain about it all the time and invent things like clothes and sunblock to protect against it13:14
directhex_there are bears outside13:15
zmoylan-pior transport system to get away from local outside?13:15
directhex_i don't want to risk being mauled13:15
zmoylan-piall the bears in ireland left long ago to become polar bears.  to get away from the cold i suspect13:16
zmoylan-pi:-) http://www.theguardian.com/science/2011/jul/07/polar-bear-ancestors-ireland13:17
foobarrysomeone do me a favour. any gmail users with chrome hit shift-esc and tell me how much RAM gmail is using pls14:00
foobarrymine was using 1gb14:02
foobarryclosed the tab and reopened, now using 300-500mb14:03
zmoylan-pidon't you hate when the os/client and service are coming from 3 separate companies? :-P14:04
davmor2MooDoo, popey, knightwise: http://open.spotify.com/user/1142386698/playlist/1PW4VnQ5j1IEXO8DGVIQFQ is a fantastic album :)14:10
davmor2bigcalm: ^ you might like it too14:11
foobarrygah, keep typing last when i mean tail14:11
davmor2foobarry: alias last to tail :D14:12
zmoylan-piand the first shall be last and the last shall be mucked up...14:12
davmor2zmoylan-pi: no you change First to head obviously durrrr14:13
MooDoodavmor2: listening now14:20
MooDooyay synth pop14:20
davmor2MooDoo: new album that I saw during lunch break and thought I might have a listen to that14:21
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
MooDoodavmor2: it's pretty good :D14:51
davmor2MooDoo: That's why I recommended it :D14:52
davmor2Will you rock me Amadeus14:53
MooDootainted love ;)14:53
diddledanarta noon15:52
daftykinsah greetings dan of the diddle15:52
diddledanoo arr15:52
diddledanI think that's about the extent of my hampshire accent15:53
diddledanspeaking of which, what's the difference between a city fire engine and a country fire engine?15:54
daftykinsthe mechanism making the siren?15:55
diddledanclose. the city engine goes NEENAH NEENAH NEENAH whereas the country one goes oo arr. ooh arr. ooh arr.15:55
daftykinsneeds a few *neigh* *winny winny* in there to indicate horse-drawn15:56
diddledanclickity clack?15:56
diddledanor is that a train?15:56
daftykinsi'm not sure one fights fires in heels ;)15:56
diddledanwell he would be fabulous if he did15:57
diddledangood ol' susan15:57
diddledanref: https://youtu.be/fsQCrWMQ8_Q?t=585215:59
diddledancan't actually find just that bit in a legal copy15:59
daftykinswhat on earth was that O_O16:01
diddledanit's "meet dave"16:01
diddledanyou never seen it?16:01
diddledantis fun if you don't overthink it16:05
diddledanheh, just read the phrase "securit impact of wifi on a plane" and it reminded me of another film that you really mustn't think at all when watching: snakes on a plane16:10
davmor2diddledan: could be worse could be tribbles on a plane16:11
bashrc_hippos on a plane16:12
davmor2bashrc: I'd rather hippos than tribbles16:13
zmoylan-pisharks on a plane16:14
davmor2zmoylan-pi: you just being daft now.....unless it's flying fog sharks16:15
zmoylan-pinah, mutant sharks with lasers obviously16:16
diddledanthey don't need to be mutant to have lasers on their heads16:17
zmoylan-pibut they need lungs to be able to breath on the plane16:17
zmoylan-pithe lasers are just to distract any cats that might also be on the plane16:18
zmoylan-pikinda writes itself... :-P16:18
* awilkins has had it with these melon-farming cats on this melon-farming plane16:29
awilkins(we're going to the Florida Melon Growers Association Convention)16:29
daftykinsmy cat cares not for lasers16:38
daftykinsshe doesn't even need accessories for fun: https://www.dropbox.com/s/68t62blrc55f1it/VID_20150420_015606.mp4?dl=016:38
diddledanlol - I love that cats just can't grok that the tail is their own at times16:40
diddledanI also like when they cuddle it16:40
diddledanlike a teddy16:40
diddledanI'd totally cuddle my tail if I had one16:41
daftykinsnow the sun has returned i can see just how disgusting my laptop keyboard looks :(16:41
daftykinssometimes i think she does know it's hers... just it refuses to come along quietly and be bathed16:42
daftykinsso she opens a can of cat-like administration upon it16:42
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)16:53
bigcalmpopey: FYI, I'm bigcuthy16:53
popeybigcalm: on what?16:54
bigcalmOn things that I am not bigcalm16:55
bigcalmgta v16:55
popeycan't play that tonightr16:55
* popey is in that London16:55
bigcalmBoo, pfft16:55
davmor2bigcalm: you got it working in the end then16:55
bigcalmdavmor2: it updated and started working16:55
bigcalmQuite pleased that I had today booked off work16:56
davmor2bigcalm: \o/16:56
bigcalmThough it reminded me how pants I am at such games16:56
davmor2bigcalm: hahahahahaha17:02
=== graingert_ is now known as doko
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
diddledanthis is a fun quote from a sky rep: "very few people in the UK actually need 152mb, unless you have over a dozen computers in your house all downloading illegally, streaming and online gaming on multiple devices all at the same time."17:23
diddledanI like that they have to be downloading illegally17:24
diddledanref: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/furious-sky-customer-spends-96-555421917:24
daftykinsit's like the Comcast thing in the US only longer-winded17:27
DJonesdiddledan: That sounds like the Virgin broadband reps that come to our house, we can offer you 150Mb broadband, my reply is always, OK when are you going to dig the roads/pavements up to install cable in this area..........They disappear quicker than the road runnner chased by wyle-e-cayotee17:35
davmor2hahahahahahaha 152mb hahahahahahahahahahaha17:37
diddledanI have no idea why virgin were diggin my road last weds17:40
diddledanit seems they've put a new fibre to the cab17:40
diddledanmaybe they're having issues with contention17:40
diddledanalthough there is this rumour: http://www.thinkbroadband.com/news/6929-virgin-media-300-mbps-ultrafast-cable-service-spotted.html17:45
daftykinsDJones: :D17:45
daftykinsthat's like the Sky or BT reps that phone channel islanders17:45
daftykins"we can offer you broadband!"17:45
daftykins"no you can't, you do not operate here..."17:45
directhex_i get 76 meg down and it's fine. more would be nice, but i don't feel speed is a major issue17:48
diddledanI really want symmetric17:48
diddledanI hate slow upload17:49
directhex_i get 76 up17:49
directhex_er, 1617:49
daftykinsthat'd be sweet17:49
daftykinswhoa my friend that lives in Jersey tells me he told TV licensing he doesn't need one, but he's still getting a court summons17:58
davmor2daftykins: that's okay as long as he can prove that he doesn't need one there isn't a problem18:01
DJonesdaftykins: So, they're over 75 or don't have a tv? That seems tobe the only exemptions18:01
daftykinsyeah, just amazed they're that desperate over there.18:02
daftykinsDJones: nah, policy has come a long way over the years... you now only have to be someone that actively uses broadcast live TV18:02
daftykinsor records live TV18:02
DJonesHeh, we've got things like dumb-enders etc to be paid for18:03
daftykinsyou can even use iPlayer without paying for a license18:03
diddledandaftykins: iplayer only non-live18:08
diddledanif you're watching live streams on iplayer you need a license18:08
diddledanseems silly to me to differentiate like that18:08
daftykinstough one to prove really, mmm18:08
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== webpigeon_ is now known as webpigeon
ali1234so ipv621:22
ali1234i need to enter the ipv6 address of my server into the google developer console21:22
ali1234but it says my address is invalid21:23
ali1234ifconfig says my address ends with ::2/64 and google will not accept this21:23
diddledanali1234: without the /6421:23
ali1234what does it mean?21:23
diddledanit's the netmask21:24
ali1234i know what it means in ipv421:24
ali1234what does the ::2 mean though?21:24
ali1234google will accept it without the ::221:24
diddledan::2 is a load of zeroes ending in 221:24
diddledanit's a shorthand way of reducing the length of address for typing21:24
ali1234so :: means "pad this bit with zeros to the required length?"21:25
diddledani.e. fe80::1 is fe80:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0002 (I think that's the right number of breaks)21:25
ali1234google says these are valid ip addresses: One IP address or subnet per line. Example:,, 2001:db8::1 or 2001:db8::/6421:25
ali1234but 2001:db8::1/64 is not valid21:26
diddledana subnet doens't end in 121:26
diddledana subnet ends in 0 so you knock off the 1 and leave it ending in ::21:26
ali1234so what is ifconfig telling me?21:27
diddledanifconfig is telling you the actual address of your machine and netmask21:27
ali1234it's saying "your ip is blah::2 and you netmask is blah::/64"21:28
diddledanno the netmask is just the /6421:28
ali1234right, or course21:28
diddledanand the ip is blah::221:28
ali1234blah::/64 would be the network address?21:29
ali1234that should be what i need then21:30
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
ali1234i think this server has a whole subnet assigned to it, because ipv6 space is cheap21:30
diddledanif it was aaaa:bbbb:cccc:dddd:eeee:ffff/64 however, the network address would be just aaaa:bbbb:cccc::21:30
ali1234yes but that would not be a valid network address21:30
diddledansimilar to how in ip4 land's network is
ali1234yeah this form won;t accept either for exactly the same reason21:31
diddledanyes so you either want or
ali1234gah, google developer console is just broken anyway21:36
ali1234server isn't using ipv6 at all, the key just stopped working for no reason21:36
ali1234making a new one with the exact same settings works fine21:36
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
diddledanerr.. http://gizmodo.com/this-craigslister-made-the-most-ridiculous-used-car-ad-169805339523:39
daftykinsdiddledan: you pretty good with mysql and apache2 tweaking on the memory footprint front?23:52
daftykinsmy clean install of 14.04 server is so much more bloated than 10.04 with the same config :<23:52
ali1234really? how so?23:53
daftykinswell, hardly comes as a surprise given times change i guess23:53
ali1234not so much in server land23:54
daftykinsthe little VM has 256MB RAM and runs a simple wordpress site23:54
ali1234oh jeez23:54
daftykinstends to get next to no visits per month :)23:54
ali1234yeah that's not going to end well23:54
daftykinsworked fine with lucid :D23:54
daftykinsnever used to dip into swap for example23:54
daftykinsseemed mysql was the main offender, not sure if i can reduce that via its' config23:55
daftykinsquery_cache_limit = 1M, query_cache_size = 16M23:55
ali1234"swap" is pretty much meaningless on a 256mb VM23:55
ali1234well assuming you bought it from a hosting company23:56
daftykinsnah it's at home 100% under my control, this thing is just a muckabout23:56
ali1234that's different then23:56
ali1234hosting companies always over provision their cheap VMs23:56
ali1234it's likely that you only really have 32MB of real memory on a 256MB VM23:56
ali1234the kernel needs X amount of true unswappable memory, the rest is fake23:57
ali12341and1 are particularly bad for this, they give you like 8MB and the kernel will crash if you open too many files even if you have hundreds of "MB" free23:57
daftykinslol oh dear23:57
ali1234(note, file size doesn't matter, you run out of space for file handles in the kernel)23:58
diddledana lot of cheap VMs are also openvz23:58
ali1234yes, 1and1 is openvz23:58
ali1234it's totally awful23:58
daftykinsok fresh boot sits at 240MB used right away, 7MB free - swap untouched23:59

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