
Neo31inetpro, thanks :)00:08
Neo31hhh I still have one more week of intense work to go00:09
Neo31then I'm gonna get back to the usual workload ^_^00:09
barrydkMorning everyone04:43
Jacques_StryMorning all05:57
pieter2627morning all06:05
* Jacques_Stry waves06:06
* pieter2627 waves back o/06:07
pieter2627morning ThatGraemeGuy06:15
Kiloshi pieter2627  inetpro  barrydk  and all others06:22
Kilospieter2627  did you read your trello06:22
pieter2627Kilos: no, am checking it now06:23
Kilosthe site is live yoooo hoooo06:26
Kilosnow you clever peeps can decide on final tuning06:27
pieter2627it looks great06:33
Kilosi love it06:34
stickyboyKilos: Going to Addis tonight.06:35
Kilosgood sticky you must go safe and work hard my man06:35
Kiloshave you see the africa site06:35
Kiloslook in the topic on the afrika channel06:36
Kiloswhew head not thinking properly today06:36
stickyboyKilos: Is there something new there?06:38
Kilosyes man the site link06:39
Kiloshi Squirm  07:15
Kiloshi Padroni  07:20
Padronihow are you07:20
Kilosvery good ty just running07:20
Kilosmy site is live07:20
Kiloswell my site others built07:20
Padronioh right?07:22
PadroniI just used a spammer's spam script to send a shitload of messages TO him telling hiim he is a spammer.07:23
Padronioh it is nice07:23
Padroninot sure the menu bar is the correct orange though?07:23
Padronior don't they care?07:23
Kiloshit refresh a few times on the first page07:24
Padroniit is pretty07:24
Kiloslovely i think07:24
Kilosthe guys did a great job07:24
SDCDevmorning Kilos07:28
Kiloshi SDCDev  07:29
Kilosgood ty and you?07:30
Kilosjust running with chats in other channels and emails07:30
Kilosi hate hunting for mails ive mistakenly deleted07:30
KilosSDCDev  go see http://ubuntu-africa.info07:31
Kiloshit refresh a few times on first page07:32
* Kilos looks around to see where the pro is hiding07:43
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  07:43
Kilosoh pieter2627  you mailed me about drc, i have lost it, can you resend please07:45
Kilosor just give me the links here is good too especially their event07:45
Kiloshi psyatw  08:00
psyatwhi Kilos 08:03
PadroniI started watching Supernatural again08:14
Padronifrom season 108:14
Kilosnot sure which one i watch now when im not busy08:14
Kilosfirst episode was good08:14
Kilosfirst season08:15
PadroniI have the first 808:15
Padronineed to get two more then I am up to date08:15
Kiloshey Padroni  hows the python studies going?08:15
Padronii have laid off for about a week08:15
Padroniwas too busy08:15
Kilosno place in head for tv stuffs now08:15
Padroniwanna start again today08:15
Kiloshow do you greet a frenchman in a long french greeting then tell him you only understand english08:17
Kiloshi nlsthzn  08:56
nlsthznhey uncle ko08:57
nlsthznhey uncle Kilos 08:57
Kiloshi plustwo  09:24
Padronihi +209:37
Kiloshi Kerbero  09:50
stickyboylin: izhw09:55
Kilosoh Jacques_Stry  i have a link you might be interested in09:57
Kilosthe person that gave it to me said its for teachers and so on09:58
Kilosand someone with time and no cap can look at http://antix.mepis.org/index.php?title=Main_Page09:59
Kilossupposed to be light09:59
Kilosoh pieter2627  just look at http://antix.mepis.org/index.php?title=Main_Page might be light enough to run well by you10:10
Kilosek bang om vreemde goed te try10:11
pieter2627Kilos: it reminds me of puppy10:16
pieter2627does anyone have issues with Konversation randomly disconnecting?10:17
Kilosnope my konversation stay online10:24
linall good, stickyboy 11:27
linupdating my arch box11:27
Jacques_StryKilos: The systems look interesting and light weight but I would rather go for something like edubuntu if you can, would want something that is extremely stable if running it on a bunch of computers in classrooms.12:20
Kilosyeah 12:21
Jacques_Stryand with edubuntu you have to option of running a thin client system. Not that I would recommend it12:23
Kilosi actually point them to the wrong person, it was moppie that needed s sytem for a lappy with 1g ram12:25
Kilossorry must have been the school stuff that pulled you into it12:30
Jacques_StryI would have gone with Xubuntu12:34
Jacques_StryShould be light weight enough without effecting usability 12:34
Jacques_StryLubuntu have too much stuff removed for me12:35
Kilosand i dont like xubuntu much12:36
Kilosai! how does one explain that12:38
Kiloswhy dont some peeps like almonds12:38
Kilosor olives12:39
Jacques_Stryhaha, to me it's not as nice to use as kubuntu but I think it's as good as you will get when going light weight12:39
Kilosthere you said it, not as nice to use12:40
Kilosslim man12:40
Jacques_Strybut if you don't have to specs then you will have to secrifice something12:40
Kiloswhats happening with the book thing on vm12:41
Jacques_Strydidn't have a lot of time to test yet - got some errors to sort that i'm getting with Booktype12:42
Jacques_Strybut should be easy enough to sort out12:42
Jacques_Stryelse i'll ask the pro after struggling :)12:42
Kilosi think wwk will be happy if you can12:42
Kilosya just tell him fixit12:43
Jacques_Stryhaha but let me try first12:43
Kiloshi superfly  ty everyone likes it12:54
Kilospieter2627  is it just your konversation that disconnects or other things too?13:13
pieter2627currently just seems like konversation (i now might have an idea)13:14
Kiloswb nlsthzn  13:15
Kilos-hmm... looks like i disconnected as well13:34
magespawngood afternoon13:59
Kilos-hi kulelu88  14:01
Kilos-ohi magespawn  14:01
Kilos-magespawn  its done, now just fine tuning, but looks good to me14:02
kulelu88how much are .info domains?14:02
Kilos-very beautiful14:02
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
magespawncool Kilos 14:07
magespawnkulelu88: i think they are tld, they also vary depending on the provider etc, but i think about R180 a year14:08
Kilosand the irc thing pulled in the first country too14:08
magespawnthat is looking really nice Kilos 14:09
Kilosnow i just need to find someone that is fluent in french to hang on the irc channel14:09
Kilosbeautiful hey14:09
magespawnwhere did you get the pictures from?14:10
Kilosask fly14:10
kulelu88shit, it's also over $10 dollars for .info14:10
Kilosi have the greatest site building team around14:11
* Kilos lucky14:11
kulelu88mehh i'm bored of my job :-/14:12
magespawnkulelu88: and that would be?14:12
kulelu88analyst work14:13
magespawnfrom what i have seen the pay is fairly good?14:14
kulelu88the grass is way greener here compared to anything I could find in SA14:14
Kilosthats good green grass fattens sheep and cows14:15
magespawnKilos: i have refreshing the site just to see the photos14:15
kulelu88so i'll stick it out while I try building my own company14:15
Kiloslol lovely hey14:15
magespawneven here in sa the pay looks quite good14:15
magespawnwaht do you analyze? i have no idea what it entails14:15
Kiloswb danfowler  14:30
Kiloshi Kerbero  14:30
magespawnasterisk courses are not cheap14:30
Kiloswhat is magespawn  14:31
magespawnyes R25500 for 5 days is a tad steep14:33
Kilosa tad?14:33
Kilosmuch more than a tad imo14:33
Kilosis that for a certificate at the end?14:34
magespawnnope you have to write the digium exam for that at R3500.0014:35
magespawnso an even R2900014:36
Kiloscant you find the course material online14:36
magespawnthere is a basic online course for R350014:36
magespawnyes the asterisk manual is open source as far as i know14:37
magespawnmaybe i can get somebody else to pay for it14:37
Kilosthen thats the way to go , then only exam to pay for14:37
magespawnyou do also get some nice hardware when you do the course14:38
Kilosid want an i7 for that amount of cash14:38
magespawndeposit on a new car14:38
Kilosthat too14:39
Kilosdoes the laptop back pack come with a lappy in it14:40
KilosPadroni  you so quiet14:45
Padronija sorry14:45
magespawnno i do not think so14:46
Padronibeen busy with work stuff14:46
Padronihi mage14:46
Kilosbusy is busy14:46
magespawnwould be nice14:46
magespawnhi Padroni 14:46
Padronihoe gaan dit?14:46
Kiloshe needs money14:47
magespawngood and you Padroni?14:49
magespawnthat last powerball would have just about covered it Kilos 14:49
magespawnfound this http://asterisk-service.com/downloads/Asterisk-%20The%20Definitive%20Guide,%204th%20Edition.pdf14:50
PadroniI am good thanx14:53
Padronion my way out again14:53
PadroniI am so done with this Monday14:53
Padronihave a good one, guys.14:53
PadroniSee tomorrow14:53
magespawnyou too14:53
Kilosyou too Padroni  14:53
magespawnKilos: just update my ec2 ubuntu, downloaded 2 gig in 3 seconds14:55
Kilosthats like fibre speeds14:56
magespawnnice hey, going to install asterisk and quassel if i can 14:56
magespawnthat is internet backbone speeds14:56
Kilosyeah wonderful, how did you manage that14:57
magespawni signed up for an amazon server, that is free for one year14:57
Kilosoh that ya pro did too14:58
magespawnnice to play with14:58
SDCDevubuntu africa site is nice!14:59
SDCDevwho made it?14:59
Kilosi would like to look but too much happening atm14:59
Kilosfly and pieter and mopkop and pro14:59
Kilosmy team14:59
Kilosi sit and answer the fone14:59
magespawnSDCDev: if you refresh the picture changes15:00
SDCDevamazon server free for a year? what?15:00
SDCDevbaie mooi magespawn15:00
magespawnyes ec2 instince15:00
magespawnyou can get one too, there are limitations of course15:01
Kilosmagespawn  work out how to make money with it then ill get one too15:02
Kilosit must be able to pay for itself when the year is up15:03
Kiloshi drussell  15:04
* drussell waves to Kilos 15:04
Kilosgo see http://ubuntu-africa.info15:04
magespawnKilos: you would need income of about R2000.00 per month to pay for it, at current exchange rates, depending on what resouces you use15:05
Kilosrefresh a few times and watch the picture change15:05
Kilosbig jump from free to 2k a month15:06
drusselllooks good! though I have spotted a typo ;)15:06
drussell;o) even15:06
drussellKubuntu is Ubuntu using the KDE interface which is a more tradition User Interface.15:06
drusselltradition should be traditional15:06
Kilosyes you right15:06
drussellbut yeah, looks nice, very clean 15:07
Kiloswere simply the best15:07
Kilosdo you get the buntu weekly news letter15:08
Kilossoon well have an article in there as soon as someone works it out for me15:09
stickyboyKilos: Before you were an Ubuntu cheerleader (accurate? possibly phrasing?), what were you?15:13
Kilosgreeter bot only15:13
Kilosi was a diesel mechanic15:14
stickyboyDoes diesel need mechanics?15:14
Kilosyeah man trucks and tractors15:15
stickyboyKilos: Ah, so you weren't fixing the diesel itself.15:16
Kilosno man the vehicles that use diesel15:16
stickyboy(I'm being intentionally thick)15:17
Kilosall i taught you , you still know nothing15:17
stickyboyI only know how to be pull your leg. :P15:18
Kilosyeah hehe15:18
Kiloswb pieter2627  15:25
pieter2627ty Kilos15:26
magespawnKilos: just going install asterisk now, needs 12.8 mb of updates, see how long this takes15:28
magespawnokay done and installed15:29
Kilostakes longer to find the site than to update15:29
magespawni could really get used to this working on servers15:44
Kiloshaha magespawn  i just woke up16:21
Kilosyou are installing to the server16:22
Kilosit was bugging me how you got that speed on za internet16:22
magespawnit peaked at 5 mb/s16:33
magespawnsorry 5gb/s16:34
magespawnyup like i said i could get used to working like that16:35
Kilosyeah iamgine running everything at that speed16:36
magespawnwhat takes hours would take minutes, and if you make a mistake you find out very quickly, so you can correct it quickly16:37
Kiloscan you actually run from there as if you were on your pc?16:38
magespawnit runs on the server but controlled from my pc16:39
Kiloswhat i mean is can you run everything from there like irc and pidgin and all16:40
Kilosand googling16:40
Kilosdo you ssh to it or what16:40
magespawnit is a server so no gui16:40
Kilosbut how do you then see pidgin and an irc client with no gui16:41
magespawnuse something like quassel or irssi16:41
Kilosand for pidgin contacts16:42
magespawnno idea16:43
MaNI"Finch, a command line alternative to Pidgin"16:52
magespawnMaNI: kilos does not really like cli stuff16:52
Kilosonly sudo commands16:53
magespawnalmost everything is a sudo command on the cli16:53
MaNIdon't like console irc myself :p16:53
magespawni like almost everything on the cli these days16:54
magespawnthe wonder of choice16:55
magespawnthe power of linux16:56
kulelu88you can install a GUI on a remote server. may run slow as hell though17:07
magespawnnot much point really17:14
magespawnoff to room time,just later all17:51
Kiloshi georgelappies  18:12
georgelappieshi Kilos, how are you?18:14
Kilosi just woke up georgelappies  dunno what happened or when i crashed18:15
Kilosi think i missed news too18:15
georgelappiessjoe, not good :) you at least feel rested?18:15
Kilosya that helped some hehe18:17
Kiloshey go see man18:18
Kilosinetpro  ping18:19
Kiloshi clr18:19
clr_hi Kilos18:21
clr_congrats on your recent accomplishment18:21
kulelu88Kilos: how is ballito weather this time of year?18:22
Kiloswhich one18:22
Kilosballito is like durban18:22
clr_haha do you rack them up so fast you have to ask?18:22
clr_I thought you were appointed to some ubuntu board or something18:23
Kilosya thats the second one this year ty very much18:23
clr_Ballito is nice this time of year.  Just don't go January and February kulelu88 18:23
kulelu88too hot? clr_ 18:24
Kilosi think i must go for council member too because its hard work getting stuff done via email18:24
clr_Yes that is the hottest time of year there18:24
clr_Kilos, how would that reduce your email?18:24
kulelu88Kilos: compared to Pretoria, how would Ballito weather rank? I'm looking for a warmer climate for the next 6 months18:24
Kilosevery time time i do or say something peeps say ask the council18:25
Kilosballito is lekker through winter18:25
clr_Will definitely be nicer that PTA.18:25
Kilosif im on the council i can ask me18:26
kulelu88can I catch a surf at this time of the year? :D18:26
kulelu88where are you? clr_ 18:26
clr_kulelu88, do you have the luxury to decide where you are going to work from?18:26
clr_I am in PTA, but lived a year in Ballito once before it was so built up18:26
Kilosyou guys must get the weekly magazine18:26
kulelu88clr_: fortunately I do and I realized it's not my work that is messing me up but literally this kak cold weather18:27
Kilosya getting cold now, and worse coming18:27
kulelu88I must be the only guy in the world who smaaks hot weather, cause everyone else seems to say cold is better.18:28
kulelu88Kilos: I want to escape before June comes 18:28
Kilosthen go18:28
Kilosin durbs area anything below 10°c is freezing18:29
kulelu88haai Durban is terrible, Ballito looks nice18:29
kulelu88Like Cape Town, but always warm18:29
Kilosya ballito is better18:29
pieter2627kulelu88: must be a choice of friends - most of mine prefer hot while i like cold18:29
Kilosits just north of durbs man18:29
Kiloshot is lekker18:30
Kilosim a toti boy18:30
kulelu88pieter2627: I proposed a theory that you won't find people who like hot weather on the interwebz coz they're always doing something else :D18:30
Kiloscold is for penguins and those things18:31
kulelu88rentals are a bit high in Ballito for the size of the flats. is 40m^2 for 5000 expensive?18:31
Kilosgo more north18:32
kulelu88any more north and I'll end up in the bush18:34
Kilosno man18:35
Kilosmagespawn is in empangeni18:35
kulelu88how north is that?18:35
Kiloscheck prices there18:35
Kilosabout 100ks north of durbs i think18:36
kulelu88yoh that's so far 18:36
Kilosmaybe more18:36
Kilosbut pangeni is warmer than durbs even18:37
kulelu88if mage comes back ill ask him how the internet speeds are18:38
Kilosballito is a holiday resort so you will pay18:39
kulelu88they say it's evolving into a residential place, but you are right. It's in the same definition as umhlanga and durban18:39
Kilosask nuvolari  he was there for years till a while ago18:56
kulelu88yoh, they get 30 degrees in April :O18:57
Kilosya but no every day18:58
Kilossometimes 3318:58
Kilosby mage it goes to 40 even18:59
kulelu88even I couldn't tolerate 40 :-/ 28 year-round would be ideal 18:59
Kilosno such place in za19:00
Kilosnatal south coast is a bit cooler19:00
Kilosport shepsatone margate area19:01
Kilosbut margate also holiday area19:01
kulelu88I'd like to give this place a try. living whole life in dry veld land is getting tiresome19:01
kulelu88meet some lekker cherries also :D19:01
Kilosenquire in port edwrd police camp if they have internet19:02
Kilosthey used to be cheap19:02
kulelu88why did you leave? Kilos 19:03
Kiloswent northern natal inland after farming19:04
Kilosyou cant be a lifesaver all your life19:04
Kilosand stay married19:04
kulelu88you can be a farmer your whole life19:04
Kilosoh i first went into business in pmb19:05
inetproKilos: poing19:15
inetprogood evening19:15
Kiloshi inetpro  how are you19:16
inetproall good ty19:16
inetproKilos: and you?19:16
Kilosbouncing wall to wall19:17
Kiloshave you tried communicating in french19:17
inetproKilos: I'll rather talk zulu with them19:18
Kilosi dont have a choice19:18
Kiloshaha got 2 more countries19:18
Kilosbut they kinda french19:18
kulelu881 of you should apply as community manager for ubuntu in africa19:20
kulelu88hows this: http://www.privateproperty.co.za/manor-estates-ballito-rr494359.htm19:21
Kilosya inetpro  19:21
* inetpro hides in the corner19:22
kulelu88this 1 is kwaai: http://www.privateproperty.co.za/ballito-rr872268.htm19:22
kulelu88but it looks like its for 2 people :D19:22
kulelu881 to fund the costs and 1 to nag the other 19:22
kulelu88at 6K, its paying someone elses bond19:24
=== MaNI2 is now known as MaNI
kulelu88MaNI: Where do you stay?19:27
MaNIGordons bay19:27
kulelu88Western Cape!19:28
kulelu88do you go for these: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cGwBhgJecc @ MaNI 19:31
MaNIlol, no19:33
kulelu88too old? MaNI 19:35
kulelu88Kilos: I found you a gf19:35
MaNIhehe, not my thing, more into punk :p19:36
kulelu88I found her when searching for fibre in Ballito: https://www.facebook.com/michele.baker.771?fref=photo :D19:37
kulelu88looks right for you Kilos :D19:37
Kilosnono im too busy19:37
kulelu88ja ja :P19:38
SquirmGood evening19:40
Kiloshi Squirm  19:41
kulelu88superfly: did you see Kilos new gf?19:44
Squirmkulelu88: she looks good19:45
SquirmKilos: well played19:45
Kilosohi my fly , dont listen to this guy19:45
smileHi :)20:10
Kiloshi smile20:11
Kiloshi Squirm  20:32
Kilosnight all . sleep tight20:46
smileSlaapwel :)21:01

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