
rdunn19dOk, cool. The other users are unchanged; all icons and menu items are the same as they were. So, I can remove/rename/delete the config and start again? Is that in that link you gave me?00:00
holsteinthe link i gave was for editing the xfce menu items00:00
rdunn19dIf I can just start her over again from scratch, I will; she hasn't had time to accumulate any stuff. It's been a week since I put Ubuntu Studio on there.00:01
holsteinyou can always just rename all of ~/.config and test00:02
holsteinyou may want to fresh install xubuntu or ubuntu mate.. something more 'desktop' oriented00:04
rdunn19dOk. I will try that.  I thank you for your time, good sir.00:04
holsteinthey are all ubuntu, and may provide a larger community of support with these particular issues00:04
rdunn19dThis is a temporary installation. I needed the "studio" part because I'm volunteering at my daughter's school for their theater production, and I wanted to see what packages Ubuntu users use to do sound production. I'm very new to that.00:08
rdunn19dI have very limited experience with Audacity. I don't have a clue what other people even use to make audio clips for theater production.00:10
holsteinyou can "see" those from the live iso00:10
holsteinand you dont need the studio disto for any of the packages.. you can install any or all of the parts, such as audacity00:10
rdunn19dAfter the production, I'll install Mint (she likes to watch videos).00:11
holsteinthey are all ubuntu, with access to the same software in the same sources..00:11
holsteinyou can watch "videos" in ubuntustudio00:11
holsteinthere are no videos mint can provide support for that you cant do in any/all of the ubuntu's if you want00:11
holsteinalso, *all* of the same software from studio is available to mint, since mint is built on the ubuntu sources00:12
rdunn19dYes, I know that, and I know I could just look up what packages are included in Ubuntu Studio. I tried the live version, and everything was super slow. This is an old laptop; very slow.00:12
holsteinits more than that, though.. jack audio server is the backbone of the audio work flow00:13
holsteinits likely overkill for any of your needs.. but, you wont know til you start using it00:13
rdunn19dI know all of the same software is available for Mint as well, but I don't even know what to install. I'm somewhat familiar with Linux, and I'm a noob at audio production.00:14
rdunn19dExactly, lol. I don't know from Jack.00:15
holsteinsure.. so, why take it all on at once?00:16
holsteinmy only point is, choose a "desktop" oriented desktop, and use it as the desktop.. one with a larger user base00:16
holsteinubuntustudio is great, and works well and as advertised, but, the tools are very specialized, and require a lot of setup00:17
holsteinif you need them, you need them ,but you likely dont00:17
holsteinubuntustudio is quite capable, and can be used as a desktop operating system00:18
rdunn19dOk, well, lesson learned. Let me ask another question. If it's beyond the scope, I'll understand...00:19
holsteinrdunn19d: you dont even have to ask if you can ask.. you just ask, and if a volunteer can assist, they will00:20
rdunn19dI tried to record actors' voices and a musician, and I might not have connected things correctly. I got a horrible background noise. I was able to minimize the noise and then use an Audacity effect to get rid of it, but it was annoying. There is a chance that the sound board they use at the school is just old and that was the cause, but there is a greater chance that my incompetentcy is the cause.00:25
holsteinregardless of hardware or os, you dont want to "fix it in post"00:25
holsteinthe rule is, "gold in, gold out"00:25
rdunn19dI'm sorry. It's been a long time since I've IRC'd. I'm not used to everyone being "polite" and "helpful", :P00:25
rdunn19dSure, I can see that.00:26
holsteinrdunn19d: no need to be sorry.. glad you are here :)00:26
rdunn19dThank you.00:26
holsteinbut, if i may continue, you have a lot of variables there to week through00:26
holsteinsome of which likely have nothing to do with the operating system00:26
holsteinone thing i will do is set these situations up at hoome00:27
holsteini *never* just go to the job/gig and expect magic00:27
holsteini drag it all out, and make sure its all working.. i record, and listen back.. see if there are noises.. test the cables.. make sure i have all i need00:27
holsteinrdunn19d: you can introduce noise into the recording in many places.. what audio recording device are you using?00:28
holsteinyou may be trying to use the internal audio device, which, from the manufacturer, is not intended for audio production00:28
holsteinits a great way to learn the system, and get audio in and out for skype calls, and music, etc00:29
rdunn19dI have zero recording equipment here at the house.00:29
holsteinbut, a simple/cheap usb audio device with a nice mic preamp can really help get clean audio into the computer00:29
holsteinrdunn19d: you can likely discuss borrowing some of the equipment, since, you are likley volunteering your time00:30
holsteinor, go in and set up scenarios there00:30
holsteinits just not the kind of thing you can show up and expect to setup in a few minutes and have no issues00:31
holsteinthere are folks with 10's of thousands of dollars of equipment who charge 100's of dollars an hour who do what you are trying to do00:31
rdunn19dOk, but if I plug a mic into the mic port and record to Audacity, the only background noise I've ever heard is whatever risidual noise is around. This is an awful, loud hum. It sounds like something mechanical magnetic or something.00:31
holsteinrdunn19d: nothing in that scenario is made for audio produciton00:32
holsteinthe creators of that hardware never said "just plug a mic in the side of the laptop and enjoy studio quality recordings"00:32
holsteinseriously, for under $200 US you can have a *very* decent, clean sound into the machine00:32
rdunn19dOk, sure. I understand that. But, what I have been doing (up until now) is servicable for a high school production.00:33
holsteinthen, enjoy!00:34
holsteinif you want to clean it up, and get it emulating the work flow of a professional, we can have a discussion00:34
rdunn19dOk, but even with the equipent at the school (professional? I dunno), I have no way to know if it's "set up" in a professional manner. I would like to set it up in a "professional" manner, but most of what you see online already assumes that you have done that.00:38
holsteinyou can easily search around, and ask questions00:38
holsteintour studios.. read articles00:38
holsteinbecome obsessed, and research, and emulate.. or go to school, or take a lesson..00:39
holsteinwhat you are saying now is, you are trying to record audio, pro audio into the machine with the internal audio device00:39
holsteinthats a no-go00:39
rdunn19dTour studios? I'm not exactly in a progressive, artistic part of the world, lol.00:40
holsteinyou will *never* see a studio using the internal audio device.. and, there is *nothing* wrong with the internal audio devices.. they are just not made for that00:40
rdunn19dOk, I see what you are saying.00:40
holsteinvirtual tour00:40
holsteinanyways, there are lots of ways to get where you are trying to get00:41
holsteinmost importantly is to stay moving, and emulate the professionals you want to sound like00:41
rdunn19dSo, if I take a cable from an Aux output from an old Peavy board and plug it into the internal audio, I can expect background noise I haven't experienced with anything else.00:43
holsteinrdunn19d: correct, as i, and the actual creators of that hardware have stated, its *not* for that task00:44
holsteinits for skype calls, etc00:44
holsteinyou'll want a proper recording device.. an interface00:44
holsteinor, you will waste a lot of time trying to clean that signal up..00:44
holsteinand, its still going to have limitations..00:45
rdunn19dOk. "Limitations" because the rest of the intercafe (USB, et. al.) was not built specifically for audio production?00:46
holsteinyou can take the aux out from "the old peavy board" into something like a http://www.behringer.com/EN/Products/UCA202.aspx00:46
holsteinthey are usually $3000:46
holsteinrdunn19d: correct. they never promised you clean audio recording00:46
holsteinrdunn19d: the device is not for that.. its for skype, friend.. its not an audio recording interface.. it will *always* have limiataions00:47
holsteinrdunn19d: *no* studio uses those.. they are not for that.. they ship on the device00:47
holsteinrdunn19d: this is google searchable, and you can, and should research it.. i assure you, im not trying to sell you anything00:47
holstein*anyone* will tell you  that getting the audio outside the box is a good idea for removing the sounds you are talking about wanting to remove00:48
rdunn19dNot to worry; last thing I was worried about. :)00:48
holsteinrdunn19d: you will not "fix' that in software00:48
holsteinyou cannot, for example, install something that makes the internal audio device record 'better'00:48
holsteinits not meant for it00:49
holsteinthe device i linked, http://www.behringer.com/EN/Products/UCA202.aspx is like 30 bucks, and  works with linux and any other OS afaik. you can line into it from your existing board00:49
Boscopi want to install ubuntu studio over my existing ubuntu installation without screwing up grub. should i just select NO at the end when it asks "install grub?" will grub find the new OS?00:52
rdunn19dShould I be able to find something like that at a "modern" music shop? Say, http://www.guitarcenter.com/ maybe?00:52
holsteinBoscop: depends on what you have,and what you want to end up with.. but, you can always easily reinstall grub from a live iso with boot repair00:52
Boscopholstein: last time it wasn't so easy. windows didn't boot anymore00:53
Boscopi have ubuntu and windows on my ssd but the bootloader is on the other hdd00:53
holsteinBoscop: if you have, say, 3 ubuntu's, or linux's.. and blow one out, and go into one of the others, and and run "sudo update-grub" it'll "see" the other intalls00:53
Boscopholstein: i want to overwrite it00:53
holsteinBoscop: sure, thats the special cases you'll want to research00:53
holsteinBoscop: what would i do? ask in #ubuntu, since its not related to studio at all, and see if someone else has that scenario..00:54
Boscopholstein: will ubuntu studio 15.04 also be released on april 23rd?00:54
holsteinBoscop: *all* the ubuntu's release relatively at the same time00:54
Boscopis it possible to control jack plugin parameters using D-Bus?00:54
holsteinBoscop: what jack plugin?00:55
Boscoplike calf plugins00:55
holsteini would probably ask that in #ardour00:55
Boscopdo i have to use ardour for that?00:56
holsteinand/or #opensourcemusicians00:56
holsteinBoscop: i didnt say, or imply that.. im just suggesting, the folks in #aroudor would likely have that information00:56
Boscopah thanks. i didn't know that channel00:56
holsteinBoscop: no one here will know that, and upstream wont.. so, you can email the calf plugin team directly, or poke around a bit00:57
holsteinrdunn19d: you can find many audio recording interfaces as guitar center..00:57
rdunn19dOk, so I should go ask them if they have that or something like it. I can do that. I do have to re-record some of what the musician did. It would be nice to do it and not have that aweful noise.00:59
holsteinrdunn19d: personally, i dont ask them at guitarcenter much00:59
holsteinrdunn19d: i research, obsessively, on my own, prior to going, and i know what i want00:59
holsteini would get a cheap-o usb interface with a mic preamp.. something maudio, etc..01:00
holsteindepends on what you have, and what you want, and your budget01:00
rdunn19dAh. I should treat what I'm doing with audio the same way I would if I was, say building a new PC.01:01
holsteinwith anything, really01:01
holsteinbuying a car01:01
holsteinan instrument01:01
holsteinselecting a school.. a job01:01
holsteinits the same... 'whats the best car i can get?', for example.. its met with additional questions01:02
holsteinthere is no "best" car..01:02
rdunn19dOh, don't get me started on that. If it has 4 wheels and runs, it's my kind of car.01:02
holsteinsure.. but, this analogy would carry on, if you were trying to race a car like that01:03
holsteinits not a race car ;)01:03
holsteinanyways.. i suggest you decide how many mic preamps you need/want, and if you want to use the peavey mixer, or not.. and how many mics/lines you need at once01:03
holsteinthen, you can make sure it supports linux, and make the purchase01:03
rdunn19dYes, I see that.01:04
rdunn19dOk, I have a lot to think about, and most thinking might have to wait for later; production is this coming weekend. I'll just have to make due the best I can with what I have, and do more research for future productions. I have to do the same with the lighting equipment they have. Nobody there knows how to use any of the equipment "well"; they know just enough to make it work for some stuff.01:09
holsteinand, you  dont have to spend a lot of money to get good results01:09
holsteini have aquired free hardware that would do what you need01:09
holsteinusb audio devices..01:10
holsteinput the word out, and ask for something01:10
rdunn19dTo whom am I putting out the word?01:10
holsteinfriend, i dont know where you are,but, im sure there are other parents involved?01:11
holsteingroups around that could donate? etc..01:11
holsteinput the word out to whomever will get you what you need..01:12
rdunn19dOh, sorry. I just realized that you were serious, lol. There are no other parents willing to do anything for the theater program. They all think it's a complete waste of time. And this is the most censervative, "family values" oriented, and unfriendly place I've ever lived.01:14
rdunn19dPeople around here believe in god, and pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps. Asling for "help" is weakness.01:14
rdunn19dI can't count the number of times I've heard the phrase, "If you can't do it yourself, maybe you shouldn't be doing it."  And "art" in school? They consider it a complete waste of time. I'm not even in "The South".01:17
rdunn19dBut, truly, I am very grateful that you took the time to help me out. I can't thank you enough. :)01:19
holsteinyou just need to keep moving01:20
holsteinim *sure* you can get someone to give you an interface, or money for one.. you'll just have to look around01:21
holsteinor, use what you have, and not worry about it01:21
holsteinjust dont expect magic when using improper tools01:21
rdunn19dUnderstood, and thank you, again.01:22
holsteincheers and good luck!01:22
Boscopwhy do you think he wrote this? "Ubuntu Studio:A studio to reach a wide audience but lacks in current packages and doesn't provide much with it. In my opinion it's obsolete. A few years ago it was a blessing, but with the work on AV Linux, KXStudio, and the like I wouldn't waste your time." http://linuxmusicians.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=7776#p2443601:22
Boscopthat was in 201201:22
holsteinBoscop: its an opinion piece.. anyone can say anything01:24
Boscopholstein: but did something change since 2012?01:24
holsteinif they find it obsolete for their needs, then, thats why they would write that01:24
holsteinBoscop: sure01:24
Boscopi mean regarding his criticisms01:24
holsteinbut,, it wasnt "obsolete" in 2012.. so, you'll have to ask the writer01:24
holstein"current packages".. *all* of ubuntu doesnt provide current packages01:25
holsteinits not a rolling release01:25
holsteinthats by design..01:25
holsteinfalk, the creator of kxstudio, would roll his own versions in ppa's for ubuntu/kxstudio to get more recent versions01:26
holsteinavlinux is intended as an appliance, and actually has older versions01:26
holsteinnot that that matters..01:26
holsteinyou dont need the latest and greatest packages to do audio production.. if there is something one needs, for example, in ardour, then, one can get that package, no problem01:27
holsteinnothing about ubuntu is preventing that.. but, its not a rolling release01:27
Boscopi have to choose between staying with normal ubuntu, ubuntu studio, kxstudio and avlinux. my use case is, i want to make music in real-time (using jack and carla plugin host and the lowlatency kernel)01:33
Boscopwhy what?01:33
holsteinwell, let me break down all of those, quickly01:33
holsteinubuntu *is* ubuntustudio.. so that'll help there01:34
holsteinyou dont have to choose between them.. if you want ubuntu, and need the studio packages, they are there.. in the main repos.. its all ubuntu01:34
holsteinkxstudio provides a ppa..01:34
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge01:34
holsteinyou can add ppa's to ubuntu, and end up with falks kxstudio packages.. and as long as you understand where the burden of support is, you dont have to decide betweent hem01:35
Boscopholstein: but will it be as fast?01:35
holsteinyou can use them together01:35
holsteinBoscop: as fast? as fast as what?01:35
holsteinsoftware wont make your machine any "faster".. it can make better use of resources, and make it run "better".. arguably..01:35
Boscopshould i compile the kernel by myself?01:36
holsteindo you need a custom kernel?01:36
holsteini know, i dont01:36
holsteini trust the ones that come in better than what i can make01:36
Boscopmaybe it'll be faster?01:36
holsteinBoscop: try it and see01:36
holsteinBoscop: im quite confident, you can waste/spend a lot of time getting a seemingly faster experience.. but at what cost? and does it make your art better?01:37
holsteinthats what ubuntustudio and kxstudio, and avlinux are about01:37
holsteinout of the box audio production01:37
holsteinno configuring.. less hassle..01:37
holsteinyou really shouldnt need  a custom kernel, for anything.. but, you are free and able to try it01:37
holsteinif one wants, they can install lubuntu..01:38
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.01:38
Boscopholstein: will lubuntu be faster?01:38
holsteinnice and light lxde, and add the studio packages01:38
holsteinBoscop: again, *nothing* in software makes your hardware "faster"01:38
holsteinBoscop: lxde can, arguably, make better use of resources, thats all01:38
holsteinanyways.. that gets back to avlinux..01:39
holsteinthe reason i use avlinux on my production rig is because it fits my needs best01:39
holsteinits an appliance.. i dont update it.. its not online.. i dont expect it to be patched, or updated01:39
holsteini dont want that01:39
holsteinits an isolated audio production work station01:39
Boscopfor me i'm using my laptop which is also my main work computer for programming etc01:40
holsteinwhen i want a more "cross-over" environment, like on a laptop that i want to do audio production and other normal web browsing, ect, i use ubuntustudio and/or kxstudio01:40
holsteinif i want the latest and greatest, i try one of the arch derivitives.. since, it *is* a rolling release01:41
holsteintypyically, simply identifying needs will help with the desicion01:41
Boscopbut right now on my ubuntu install, jack doesn't start and my headphone jack is not recognized01:42
holsteinask a question if you'd like01:42
holstein"jack doest start" is a statement.. not much to do about that01:42
holsteinwhat do i do? i use the live iso, and i seee that my hardware isnt broken01:42
holsteini'll test the hardware in, a known good live iso, or officially supported os01:43
BoscopCould not connect to JACK server as client.- Overall operation failed.- Unable to connect to server.01:43
holsteini'll use qjackctl01:43
Boscopi'm using that01:43
holsteini'll open it, even as root temporarily01:43
holsteinif it starts as root, then, i know its permissions01:43
holsteinif i cant get the headphone jack to work, i'll check other settings in alsamixer01:44
Boscopit doesn't show up in alsamixer01:44
holsteinBoscop: you cant trust any labels01:44
holsteinBoscop: you are not promise linux/alsa support, so you dont trust any labels01:44
Boscopwhat do you mean?01:45
Boscopi tried editing my alsa conf file, it still doesn't work01:45
holsteinBoscop: i mean, the creators of the hardware didnt say "have a great time with this hardware in linux/alsa with full support of labels for sockets"..01:45
holsteinBoscop: you'll want to undo that alsa.conf edit01:45
holsteinthat can break things01:45
holsteinBoscop: what would i do? again, i would use a live iso01:46
Boscopholstein: my headphone jack was working fine on this ubuntu install before01:46
holsteinBoscop: before what?01:46
Boscopso it's not the hardware01:46
holsteinBoscop: all i do is encourage you to test the hardware..01:46
Boscopmonths ago, i don't remember what changed01:46
holsteinBoscop: i didnt say its the hardware.. im saying, you should isolate and make sure it snot the hardware01:46
Boscopit also works on windows. so it's not the hardware01:47
holsteinBoscop: please, load a live iso, and see that jack starts.. then, you can either work back and undo what you have broken, or fresh install01:47
Boscopi tried this fix: https://askubuntu.com/questions/132440/headphone-jack-not-working01:47
holsteinBoscop: i understand that, friend.. but, unless its the *same* hardware you have, its not likely going to work01:48
holsteinBoscop: please try starting jack as root01:48
holsteingksudo qjackctl01:48
holsteinsee that the device is set to default.. and try starting01:48
holsteinif it starts as root, then you have a permissions error01:48
Boscopright now the lowlatency kernel is installing, so i have to wait until i can install gksu. but after that i will try that01:50
Boscopholstein: a lot of people seem to have problems with the hda intel driver for ubuntu, headphone jacks not working etc. If i undo the change, what else should i do?01:51
holsteinBoscop: you'll seperate this out01:51
holsteinBoscop: you are dealing with 2 things at once, and thats not contructive01:52
holsteinget jack working, *then* move on to the headphone issue01:52
holsteinwhat do i suggest? get a cheap/small usb interface that is appropriate for audio production01:52
holsteindont use the internal audio device for audio production01:52
Boscopwhy not?01:52
holsteinits not intended for it, for one thing01:53
holsteinthe above mentioned issue you are having with jack and the headphone jack, for 201:53
holsteinits is *so* cheap to get one of these usb devices, and it improves the quality of the path into the machine.. so, why not?01:53
Boscopi have this one, is it ok? http://us.creative.com/p/sound-blaster/sound-blaster-x-fi-go-pro01:54
holsteinlike i said earlier, im not selling these.. i literally dont care.. but, it'll do you good to stop using internal audio devices created for listening to music, and doing skype calls for audio production01:54
holsteinBoscop: did that one say, its intended for audio production? the creative sound blaster i used to have didnt promise that01:55
Boscopbut what is the difference really?01:55
holsteinBoscop: its not in the box, for one thing01:55
Boscopthey just convert it to analog01:55
holsteinBoscop: sure01:55
holsteinBoscop: they convert analog to digital, and digital to analog01:55
holsteinBoscop: its the analog connectors, and the clock.. etc01:56
holsteinBoscop: again, i literally dont care, friend.. use what you wanht01:56
holsteinBoscop: this is a google search able fact.. internal audio devices are not intended for audio production01:56
Boscopyeah for now i will use the onboard, later maybe buy a better one01:56
holsteina simple $60 usb device would make your life so much easier.. and work with jack01:56
Boscopholstein: not intended? but doesn't mean they can't be used01:57
holsteinBoscop: its not a "better" one.. its a more appropriate one01:57
holsteinBoscop: sure. thats just like saying, you can use a desktop machine for a server01:57
holsteinBoscop: you can stack them right on a shelf, and power them on.. no problem.. but, its not what they are intended for01:57
Boscopyeah, but i want to have a minimal setup for traveling etc01:58
holsteinBoscop: again, do what you want, friend. im not selling you a sound card.. just inviting you to a place where you have better audio into your machine, and your headphone jack works.. etc01:58
holsteinBoscop: i travel01:58
holsteinits always a compromise01:58
holsteinif the internal was working and meeting your needs, you wouldnt be here..01:58
holsteinyoud be using jack, and making music..01:58
Boscopholstein: i think it's just a configuration problem01:59
holsteinBoscop: sure01:59
Boscoppulseaudio getting in the way or something01:59
holsteinnot in the way here..01:59
Boscopholstein: do you run jack and pulseaudio in parallel?01:59
holsteinBoscop: if i want/need them both, i do02:00
Boscopwith dbus disabled?02:00
Boscopholstein: btw, how can i find out the native samplerate of my sound card so that i can set it in jack config?02:04
holsteinBoscop: i refer to the documentation02:05
holsteinbut, when troubleshooting, i'll run qjackctl as root, and tick boxes and set settings til i get jack working.. then, i'll address permissions issues to get it running as normal user02:05
Boscopholstein: if i use the usb soundcard and get the headphone jack working, i will have a total of 3 audio output jacks and 2 input jacks. i can use all of them at the same time with jack, right?02:07
holsteinBoscop: nothing about jack/linux will limit/prevent the manufacturer from providing that functionality to you02:07
holsteinsince they didnt promise they would, you may have compromises02:08
holsteinlike, all outputs working through one "buss".. and its only a stereo card, so, you'll only have 2 channels in.. one stereo input02:08
holsteinnot sure how it will present its self to alsa or jack.. you'll just have to experiment, and see what happens02:09
Boscopholstein: i mean i have two audio output jacks on the laptop already (speaker and headphone) and a mic input, and with the usb sound card i get one more output and input jack. so can i use jack to route audio from/to all of them?02:12
holsteinyou could.. but its not a good idea02:13
Boscopwhy not?02:13
holsteinyou'd want to just get one nice device that has all the capabilities you want02:13
holsteinall the ins and outs you need, in one stand alone deal02:13
Boscopyes, i will buy an external audio interface later02:14
Boscopwhen i earned some money with my music02:14
jarnosHow do you make switch user work. I have selected Switch User in Action buttons for panel, but is grayed out anyway. I even installed xfswitch-plugin plugin, and added it to panel, but I get error: Failed to execute child process "gdmflexiserver" (No such file or directory)14:05
holsteinjarnos: in ubuntustudio 14.10?14:46
holsteinanyways, this is likely relevant, regardless of version http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221840114:47
jarnosholstein, 14.0415:00
* jarnos having 4 guest sessions running and don't know how to log them out.15:47
holsteinjarnos: you can always just reboot, and dont start them, and leave them logged in16:29
holsteinjarnos: should be a way to sudo log them out..16:30
jarnosholstein, yes, I tried to switch to an already running guest session by `dm-tool switch-to-guest [SESSION]`16:49
holsteini wouldnt expect to switch to them16:49
holsteinthey are supposed to be one-time use..16:49
holsteinif you want to switch to them, you'll want a standard user account16:49
jarnosholstein, but the command looks like it should do it.16:50
holsteinthe session isnt intended to be re-joined16:50
holsteinthe command will likely allow you to switch to an already running normal account16:51
holsteinbut, the guest account is not a normal user account16:51
jarnosholstein, there is another command for that : dm-tool switch-to-user USERNAME [SESSION]16:51
holsteinsure.. i just dont exapxct you can switch into the guest session16:52
holsteinyou should just kill them, and dont leave them running16:52
holsteinif you want to leave the session running, you'll want a normal user account16:52
jarnosholstein, well, it depends.16:54
holsteinnot really16:55
holsteinthe guest account is meant for guest use.. you run it, and when its terminated, it doent save anything16:55
holsteinits not meant to be used as a normal user account16:55
jarnosholstein, yes, it does not save anything after you log out of it.16:57
holsteincorrect.. its not meant to be left running as you are trying to do16:57
holsteinits not meant to be used from the command-line, either.. its more about letting someone borrow your machine, and not leavning a foot print on it16:58
holsteinwhat i read makes me think you would be more comfortable with a normal user account setup as you need, with permissions you prefer16:58
jarnosholstein, well, I was not trying to leave it running in background.17:00
holsteinif you switch away from it, for any reason, i say, its not the intended reason to use it17:01
jarnosholstein, the `dm-tool switch-to-guest [SESSION]` works, if the session was started, when no light-locker was in use. I wanted to use the command to properly log out the session.18:26
holsteinjarnos: should be able to use #ubuntu for that19:00
ubuntu-studiozequence, It seems my mouse does work, but the pointer is invisible.21:11
=== ubuntu-studio is now known as Len-1504
Len-150432bit will not even give me a boot screen so I am on 64bit ISO (live session)21:13
Len-1504Good thing this is not an LTS.21:14
Len-1504zequence, anyway, I tried changing the mouse theme in settings and that did not help either.21:15
Len-1504The default theme shows no preview at all. The rest do but the mouse cursor does not appear.21:18
Len-1504I have tried using a stock PS2 mouse, a USB mouse, and the USB mouse through a USB to PS2 adaptor. I can see various things highlight when I move the mouse and clicking works fine.21:20
Len-1504bug 144638821:36
ubottubug 1446388 in xfwm4 (Ubuntu) "Mouse poiner does not display" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144638821:36
=== gordon is now known as Guest66841

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