
=== xangua1 is now known as xangua
* zcm is installing Xubuntu on a Chromebook00:31
bobbishopdoes anyone know how i can create a bootable usb on xubuntu besides unetbootin?01:56
bobbishopI say besides unetbootin because arch linux doesn't really work well with arch based distros01:56
Unit193You can use dd.01:57
bobbishopwhat is dd?01:59
xubuntu27whi guys07:55
xubuntu27wi need a small help07:55
xubuntu27wcan you upload /usr/share/themes/Greybird/ greybird theme to a site for me ?07:55
xubuntu27wi changed my icons so i need it07:56
ochosixubuntu27w: sry i don't understand, why do you need that?07:57
ochosiin case you deleted that folder, you can just do a "sudo apt-get install shimmer-themes --reinstall" and it'll be restored07:58
ochosiif you just want the theme and are not using xubuntu, you can grab the theme from github07:58
xubuntu27wthank you ochosi08:17
xubuntu27wgood bye all08:18
xubuntu74wi did what did you want08:21
xubuntu74wand now08:21
xubuntu74wup windowframe of thunar color is blue08:22
xubuntu74wi want it to be gray08:22
xubuntu74whow can ı change08:22
ochosiyou likely have to change your window manager theme08:23
ochosisettings > window manager > set the theme to greybird08:23
xubuntu74wi thank you08:26
xubuntu74wthere is a problem :(08:27
xubuntu74wtitlebar is too close to menus08:28
ochosii'm sorry, i don't really understand what you're saying there08:28
Hundxubuntu74w: I believe if you change the window title size the titlebar gets bigger08:30
HundIt's been a while since I used Xfwm.08:30
xubuntu74wi thank you08:32
xubuntu74wi fixed big issue08:32
xubuntu74wmay be updates can change this08:32
xubuntu74wgood bye all08:32
knomewell no, the theme is designed to be like that08:33
xubuntu23whello xubuntu room,what is a simple command to locate a specific file please08:57
ochositry "find" or "locate"08:57
tgaI'm trying to upgrade a 14.04 to xfce 4.12 and not having much luck with the ppa09:32
tgaa bunch of packages are getting updated, but as far as I can tell I'm not getting any new 4.12 features09:33
tgaany tricks for upgrading properly?09:33
knometga, the ppa is the best you can get.09:34
knometga, if you want anything better than that, you have to build it all yourself09:34
tgathing is, I don't notice any change at all09:34
tgaas far as I can tell I'm still running 4.1009:34
xubuntu40whow to change name?09:37
knomexubuntu40w, what name?09:37
xubuntu40wxubuntu40w ---> kiaph09:37
knome/nick newnick09:38
=== xubuntu40w is now known as kiaph
tgaknome:  is there any easy way of telling which version of xfwm I'm running?09:38
kiaphglad newnick was in use09:38
tgadoes it show up in an about dialog somewhere?09:38
knometga, 'apt-cache policy xfwm4' tells you the package version09:39
tgahmm maybe I should just restart, I just did a logoff after upgrade09:40
kiaphI have to clean install , I have an alienware m14x , 5 year old laptop (optimus) , xubuntu 14 , what is best order of commands following reinstall to get nvidia card working?09:43
tgaknome: are window previews on alt tab enabled by default in 4.12?09:44
brainwashtga: 14.04 already installs many components of Xfce 4.11 (the development release), so you may not notice many changes09:46
kiaphshould i just get beta 2?09:47
kiaphit seems pretty stable09:47
kiaphwill beta 2 update to finish product for me?09:47
tgawell I'm looking at the new features of 4.12 and I can't see any of them09:47
brainwashkiaph: it's worth a try, and yes, it will update to the final version09:47
brainwashtga: window previews can be enabled in settings manager > window manager tweaks > last tab09:48
tgahmm you may be right that I've been using 4.11 the new features09:49
tga+ no compositor here09:49
kiaphyou think 15 will be able to use bumblebeeed /nvidia prime09:50
tgaa-ha, that was it, no display compositing = no pretty features09:50
kiaphmy gtx555m prettymuch needs it09:50
tgathen I only have to enable xfdashboard09:50
brainwashkiaph: well, you have to try and see if it works fine for you09:50
kiaphi know was trying to find a postinstall guild to optimze getting nividiaprime / hybrid settings working09:51
kiaphbut it doesn't seem to exsist09:51
tgammkay, xfdashboard is kinda wonky and just crashed09:53
tgaI think I'll stick with the applauncher09:53
brainwashkiaph: if you have a specific question about hardware/drivers, maybe you should ask in #ubuntu09:54
* tga grumbles at no package for faenza09:55
wolfdogHi all, this is probably a silly tiny question. .. In the settings for xfce4-terminal theres a list  of color palette presets. Where are these stored and can I add more files to it?10:40
knomewolfdog, /usr/share/xfce4/terminal/colorschemes/10:44
wolfdogknome: brilliant, found them. thankyou very much :) after some googling i was hunting through the terminal.rc, found the default declaration but none of the options10:46
guest-nfDzwrhim I need Help, how can I switch to azerty keyboard?12:25
=== DReynolds is now known as drunkendwarf
xubuntu44whi all14:59
xubuntu44wcan I ask a question_14:59
holsteinxubuntu44w: no one will stop you.. just ask, and a volunteer may assist..14:59
xubuntu44whow can I install new fonts in xubuntu?15:01
xubuntu44wI mean windows fonts15:01
xubuntu44wI tried but I have some issue becouse everytime I open a file created with microsoft word, for example, I have text changed15:02
DrunkenDwarfif you have the .ttf file this post goes through it quite simply http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79717315:02
holsteinxubuntu44w: i wouldnt assume your inconsistency is a font issue..15:02
DrunkenDwarfWhat holstein linked to is much better than what I said .....15:03
holsteinif you are opening a .doc in libreoffic, for example.. you may want to try saving it differently in word, or ask for a more open option, if installing the fonts doesnt address the issue15:03
xubuntu44wcan I do this istruction on xubuntu too?15:03
xubuntu44wnot just ubuntu?15:03
holsteinxubuntu44w: xubuntu *is* ubuntu15:03
xubuntu44wok thank you15:04
xubuntu44wI'm learing!15:04
xubuntu44wor at least trying to15:04
DrunkenDwarfaye. Ubuntu with a nicer skin :)15:04
holsteinthe restricted extras meta-package will contain those fonts, as well as a lot of other things15:04
xubuntu44wyes couse my pc isn't so fast15:04
holstein!info ubuntu-restricted-extras15:05
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used media codecs and fonts for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 61 (utopic), package size 2 kB, installed size 30 kB15:05
xubuntu44wI can't remember if I already did this15:05
xubuntu44wanyway I'll try15:05
holstein!info ttf-mscorefonts-installer15:05
ubottuttf-mscorefonts-installer (source: msttcorefonts): Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.4+nmu1ubuntu2 (utopic), package size 28 kB, installed size 131 kB15:05
xubuntu44wand I have another issue15:06
holsteinxubuntu44w: you can use the package manager of your choice to see if you have that package installed..15:06
xubuntu44wwhen I use libreoffice for opening exel files I have like visual issues15:06
xubuntu44wI can see lines where they are not present15:06
holsteinxubuntu44w: sure.. when you create a file in a completely different application, you can have issues15:06
xubuntu44wand when I resize the windows those lines go away15:07
holsteinsounds like a work-around15:07
DrunkenDwarflibre office is good and comes with xubuntu, but there are always others you can try too... I've found open office good when working with windows docs15:07
xubuntu44wI think it's more like a graphic card issue15:08
holsteini would create a file similar to the one you are having issues with in libreoffice, and test15:08
xubuntu44wok I understand15:08
holsteinxubuntu44w: sure, then test that, and isolate.. take a live iso to another machine with a different GPU and take the file.. open it, and see15:08
xubuntu44wok I have to try15:08
xubuntu44wI have a lot of files created under windows15:09
xubuntu44wso often I need to check them and read them15:09
holsteinsure.. but, you will really be setting yourself up for failure to expect all of that to just automatically translate to another os with different software15:10
holsteinall of linux and ubuntu/xubuntu are open. if someone like microsoft wanted to make sure that all the products they create were compatible with it, they can..15:10
holsteingenerally, libreoffice does a great job with opening docs.. there are online options as well.. google docs, and office online15:11
xubuntu44wI understand15:13
xubuntu44wI'll try for first the fonts thing15:13
holsteinalso, saving on the other end, compatible with older versions of word15:14
xubuntu44wand see if I can solve the problem15:14
holsteinor, just wait til you have to deal with the document, and format it, in libreoffice, if needed, and save it in open format15:14
holsteinget all of your docs to the open format15:14
xubuntu44wopen is a format?15:14
xubuntu44wand then can I open *open with excel?15:15
holsteinthe format default to libreoffice is open15:15
GridCubethe open format, can be odt etc15:15
holsteinyou can run libreoffice on windows15:15
xubuntu44woh ok15:15
xubuntu44wthat's true15:15
xubuntu44wand if I want to reinstall xubuntu15:16
xubuntu44wcause I have an old version15:16
xubuntu44wit's better xubuntu or lubuntu?15:16
GridCubeyou asking in the xubuntu channel15:16
holstein"better" is a matter of opinion15:16
GridCubewhat answer you expect?15:16
xubuntu44wthat is a pc with a pentium 4 3 Ghz15:17
holsteinthats basically lxde vs xfce.. and thats up to yoyu15:17
xubuntu44wand 1 gb of ram15:17
holsteinxubuntu44w: no software makes your hardware faster or better.. it can make "better" use of resources15:17
xubuntu44wyes from the resources view15:17
holsteinyou can try lubuntu and xubuntu live, and see what meets your needs.. i think most find lxde lighter, but, maybe too light out of the box for what they need15:18
holsteinthey are *all* ubuntu flavors..15:18
xubuntu44wfirst of all I need to know if I have graphics card issue15:18
holsteinyou can install lxde into xubuntu and have them both, and choose between lxde or xfce15:18
xubuntu44wcause xubuntu was asking me like for proprietary driver15:18
holsteinxubuntu44w: you can try the proprietary driver15:19
xubuntu44wand it keeps loading I don't know what15:19
holsteinxubuntu44w: xubuntu was offering to install one15:19
xubuntu44wyes I installed it15:19
holsteinok.. so, you can *not* do that next time, and see if the performance is "better"15:19
xubuntu44wbut I have the same issue when opening sheets15:19
holsteinsee if the open driver meets your needs, and has less artifacts15:19
xubuntu44wok I'll do this15:20
holsteinyou can test this with a live iso15:20
xubuntu44wty holstein you helped me a lot15:20
holsteinwhat i typically do when migrating a new (new to me) machine to linux is, i'll just run a lot of different live iso's, and see what supports what.. see what versions are running15:20
holsteinkernel versions.. drivers.. etc15:21
xubuntu44wcause I am an all doing on pc but not an axpert one with linux generally15:21
holsteinat this point, i would be trying the 15.04 live version as well.. since it would be a newer kernel.. though, on an older machine, and older kernel may be "better"...15:21
xubuntu44wyes it could be15:22
xubuntu44wok I'm going to do some tests15:22
xubuntu44wand I'll let you know15:22
holsteinxubuntu44w: o/15:22
xubuntu44wty for now guys ;)15:22
xubuntu44whave a good day15:23
DrunkenDwarfhas anyone noticed that when you snap xfce4-terminal to half the screen, it doesn't actually fill it, leaves an annoying border round it.15:33
jarnosI have several guest sessions running in 14.04. How can I log then out? It seem like I always create a new session when I log into a guest session.15:50
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang

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