
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
lazyPowerrick_h_: ping13:41
rick_h_lazyPower: pong13:42
lazyPowerGreetings, are we doing some post processing on bundle ingests? I see a big diff between whats in repo vs whats in the store:  https://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore/v4/~kubernetes/bundle/kubernetes-cluster-2/archive/bundle.yaml http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubernetes/charms/bundles/kubernetes-cluster/bundle/view/head:/bundles.yaml   13:42
lazyPowernamely the num_units on subordinates which will cause a failed deployment :(13:43
rick_h_lazyPower: looking13:43
rick_h_lazyPower: how's the deployment being done? 13:46
lazyPowerrick_h_: clicking "add to canvas" on the demo site13:46
rick_h_lazyPower: right...ok. filing bugs. when the bundle is transposed to the new format that's getting added and it shouldn't. 13:46
rick_h_rogpeppe: urulama ^13:47
lazyPowerack. I figured it was something new - thanks for taking a look13:47
rick_h_urulama: that came up during the roadshow with sabdfl, breaking the demos. 13:47
rick_h_urulama: It appears to be that transpose of .orig to bundle.yaml13:47
urulamarick_h_: great!13:47
rick_h_urulama: filing a bug on the charmstore atm, will be high priority since all the tools were updated to use the bundle.yaml vs the orig so it's broken by default for everyone13:48
rick_h_lazyPower: https://github.com/juju/charmstore/issues/358 will track there13:49
lazyPowerThanks rick! Appreciate the hustle 13:50
rick_h_lazyPower: sorry we broke that on you. We'll try to get it right asap but will probably be a bit. 13:53
rick_h_lazyPower: for now, the work around is to get the yaml file https://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore/v4/~kubernetes/bundle/kubernetes-cluster-2/archive/bundles.yaml.orig13:53
rick_h_lazyPower: and use that directly as it's the correct format/file13:53
lazyPoweri dont think we have a mechanism to do that on the demo site 13:53
rick_h_lazyPower: not sure if we can go the old drag/drop route or somethin to twist the demo to work asap13:54
rick_h_lazyPower: right, I mean download the yaml file and go the drag/drop route vs the search/add to demo button. 13:54
urulama_lazyPower: so, the num_units = 1 is not supposed to be there, right13:55
lazyPowerurulama_: correct13:55
lazyPowernum_units should be blank, as teh charm is a subordinate. Subordinate charms do not allocate machines13:55
rick_h_urulama: correct, subordinates can't have a num_units as the number is determined by the service they're related to13:55
=== urulama_ is now known as urulama
urulamalazyPower: do we have a list of bundles that are demoed and need to be fixed?13:58
lazyPowerurulama: i dont, but let me follow up and try to get a list for you13:59
urulamalazyPower: ty!13:59
rogpepperick_h_: interesting bug, thanks14:39
rogpepperick_h_: i'll just check, but i'm not entirely sure whether the bundle translation code is in a position to know if the charms are subordinates or not14:40
rogpepperick_h_: actually, the better solution is just to not add num_units if it's 114:41
rick_h_rogpeppe: true, but we have to find a way. 14:41
rick_h_rogpeppe: +114:41
rogpepperick_h_: i think this means we'll need to move to charm.v614:44
rogpeppeurulama, mhilton: ^14:45
rick_h_rogpeppe: wheeeeee14:45
rick_h_rogpeppe: but why charm if it's doing it in bundle ingestion?14:45
rogpepperick_h_: the charm package does bundles too14:45
rick_h_rogpeppe: I guess I had hoped it was something in the ingestion/translation code that could be adjusted14:45
rick_h_rogpeppe: ah, gotcha14:45
rogpepperick_h_: the problem is that the current bundle code treats a missing num_units field as meaning 014:45
rick_h_rogpeppe: k14:46
rogpepperick_h_: we *could* interpret 0 as meaning 1, but there's no way to do that and still allow a service with 0 units14:46
rick_h_rogpeppe: right, and that's a good thing to have 14:47
rogpepperick_h_: yup14:47
rogpepperick_h_: i think this probably also means we need to reingest all bundles14:48
rick_h_rogpeppe: we'll need some form of migration. Now the migration could check is_subordiante over the api though14:48
rick_h_rogpeppe: to self-heal vs reingest, but we can see if reingestion has any side effects we don't like14:48
rick_h_have to think it through14:48
rogpepperick_h_: the migration has to happen inside the charm store.14:48
rick_h_rogpeppe: it could be an external function? api to just update the bundle.yaml once the charm page upgrade is through.14:49
rick_h_I don't see why the migration has to happen in the CS?14:49
rogpepperick_h_: i guess if we're happy with it updating the latest revision of the bundle only14:49
urulamarick_h_: was thinking the same thing ... but then sha is not correct14:49
urulamarick_h_, rogpeppe: we bump bundle revision14:50
urulamawhich should be ok14:50
rick_h_since the bundle.yaml is not in the source tree we can just bump it14:50
rick_h_without caring it's not in sync with the original bzr tree14:50
rogpepperick_h_: as a temporary fix, could we just change the deployer to ignore num_units on subordinates?14:50
rick_h_rogpeppe: deployer, gui, quickstart...14:50
rick_h_update all the tools vs 114:50
rick_h_rogpeppe: we have a work around atm, but the bug remains/needs to be corrected longer term14:51
mupBug #1446789: Exporting an un-committed bundle results in broken bundle <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1446789>18:16
mupBug #1446788: Build-a-bundle appears broken in firefox on jujucharms.com <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1446788>18:16
lazyPowerfound a couple corner cases18:16
rick_h_lazyPower: they both seemed to be related to exporting uncomitted?18:21
rick_h_lazyPower: ok if I combine them?18:21
lazyPoweri dont think one is related to the other though - beleive the behavior of exporting an uncommitted bundle = that format18:22
lazyPowerand the commit button is a side-effect of some recent change according to the console18:22
lazyPowerbut i'll follow along in any case and offer re-testing for validation :)18:23
rick_h_lazyPower: oic, one is pressing the export button and one is hitting the commit button?18:23
mbruzekrick_h_: correct18:23
lazyPoweri probably worded them poorly - sorry18:23
rick_h_lazyPower: what's the subordinate?18:24
lazyPowerrick_h_: kubernetes in this case18:24
rick_h_and the other one is the -master one?18:24
mbruzekkubernetes-master is a regular one18:25
rick_h_lazyPower: mbruzek is there a relatoin on the subordinate?18:25
mbruzekrick_h_: yes18:25
rick_h_mbruzek: ah ok, had to zoom in ty18:26
rick_h_mbruzek: lazyPower can you guys add which relations are made so we can dupe/test it out please? I see a couple of options18:32
lazyPowerrick_h_: on 144678818:33
rick_h_lazyPower: yes please. something is broken as the changes roll out, and trying to dupe it I see a few diff relations options as I link across18:33
lazyPowerack, i'm goign to paste a reference bundle that has everything we were attempting in the gui18:35
rick_h_lazyPower: rgr that'll work ty18:35
rick_h_<3 ty lazyPower 18:36
mbruzekHey rick_h_ we just were able to import that bundle in the GUI demo18:36
mbruzekBut we were not able to "build" that bundle from the GUI demo 18:37
mbruzekcharm by charm18:37
mbruzekin firefox18:37
rick_h_mbruzek: right, so when you build a bundle we have to turn things from temp names 'new machine 1' into a real juju name/reference 'machine 13'18:37
rick_h_and so my guess is that something raced or didn't update properly as the list of changes rolled out18:37
rick_h_so duping to find out where the service reference got lost18:38
rick_h_mbruzek: while deploying the bundle bypasses that uncomitted/list of changes work 18:38
mbruzekrick_h_: When I imported a bundle with series == trusty, when I exported it, all is as expected, EXCEPT the series got converted to precise.18:38
mbruzekrick_h_: bug or no?18:38
rick_h_mbruzek: because the demo defaults to being precise for the purpose of the demo18:38
mbruzekrick_h_: OK18:39
mbruzekno bug it is, just seems fishy, like the GUI knows better than I do!18:39
rick_h_it's the fun of riding the fine line of a tool that lives in an environment and one that can be run without18:39
rick_h_if it was deployed into a real env it would look at what your juju env default is18:40
mbruzekrick_h_: I was just kidding, understand it is just a demo18:41
rick_h_mbruzek: all good18:41
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away

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