
mparilloTesting with the first RC Live ISO. After the I click on Try Kubuntu but before the live session starts, I see the login page for the live session user. I can simply login without a password, but I believe this is new, and unwelcome behaviour. Also Firefox seems to start with UK English.00:25
mparilloreported here: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/338/builds/92264/testcases/1303/results00:26
mparilloBefore the jokes, Systems Settings  > Regional Settings gives me US English.  Funny that konversation's auto spell check seems to allow both UK and US spellings.00:28
frecelahoneybun: what's the best place to file a plasma5 bug?00:33
valoriesuch as what, frecel?00:38
valorieI would say pretty much always in bko00:38
valoriesometimes in launchpad00:38
frecelvalorie: I found another notification bug00:38
valoriealthough of course lunchpad is easier using the cli ubuntu-bug packagename00:39
valorieexactly what happens?00:39
frecelvalorie: http://i.imgur.com/WSiW6DI.png00:39
frecelyou can see that the image overlaps the border of the notification00:40
freceland it looks odd00:40
valorieI guess just file against plasma00:40
valoriethey'll figure out where exactly it should go00:41
valorieour packaging is not causing that, I don't think, so just bko00:41
frecelvalorie: I'm trying to figure out which project to file against01:11
frecelI'm trying to decide between frameworks-knotifications and kwrited01:12
ubottuKDE bug 346419 in general "Images in the notifications appear over the grey border" [Normal,Unconfirmed]01:27
ahoneybunfrecel: I would think it should just say "Image" and not try to show it03:52
frecelahoneybun: probably the best solution04:32
valoriethanks for your contribution, frecel05:02
frecelglad I could help05:02
ovidiu-florinahoneybun, valorie what event is this about?05:34
ovidiu-florinUbuntu OS?05:35
valorie[14:15] <balloons> Hello all! I'm looking for someone who might be willing to volunteer in giving a demo of the Plasma 5 desktop and show off the general KDE5 newness at UOS 15.05. It's happening May 5th - May 7th.05:35
valorie[14:15] <balloons> or demo anything else you might find interesting and cool and worthy of sharing. There's lots of neat stuff happening in the KDE world, and we have a 'show and tell' track that is perfect for 5-10 minute demos05:35
valorieUbuntu Online S....?05:35
valorieit's the replacement for UDS where we all used to meet05:36
valorienow it's all in hangouts05:36
ovidiu-florinok then05:36
valorieI thought of you because you are getting expert at that05:36
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: we'll have to set up a script05:36
ovidiu-florinthis is supposed to be pretty and organized05:37
ovidiu-florinnot like my show05:37
valoriebut you are getting good at it, and this is a few weeks off05:37
ovidiu-florinI'm in holydays between 29 and 405:38
valoriewell, balloons wrote to the list05:42
valoriesurely we can come up with someone05:42
ovidiu-florinhe said 5-7th may05:51
ovidiu-florinI'll be here in the 5th05:51
lordievaderGood morning.07:14
sitterkde-dev-scripts repo has unstable and stable despite not being kf507:39
sitteroh it is kf507:41
sitterah, no one enabled it for CI -.-07:42
Blizzzon current 15.04: kwin is crashing when waking up with a monitor attached which was not attached when putting it to sleep. This also makes the lock screen go away for a while and reveals the desktop. If the monitor is attached after waking up, however, all is fine.08:16
ovidiu-florinOpen an image in gwenview (on Vivid) and drag that image into another window(dolphin, firefox, chrome, anything)08:27
sitterRiddell: baloo continues to be red08:34
Riddellhola chicos09:40
Riddellhi vip 09:40
Riddell!testers | vivid final candidates!09:41
ubottuvivid final candidates!: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket, SourBlues, sgclark, neo31  for information09:41
RiddellTm_T: can you add vip to that?09:41
viphi Riddell09:51
Riddellyofel: did you think bug 1445383 was a general problem?10:01
ubottubug 1445383 in akonadi (Ubuntu) "Akonadi server is broken after mysql update" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144538310:01
Tm_TRiddell: sure, one moment10:05
Riddellamusing support e-mail du jour https://paste.kde.org/10:06
yofelRiddell: that error is useless without the output in mysql.err10:08
yofelFWIW, I'll drop a question in #akonadi if they heard of general issues with mysql 5.6. The amount of reports we get is worrying :/10:08
Tm_Tubottu: no !testers-#kubuntu-devel is <sed> /neo31/neo31, vip/10:09
ubottuI know nothing about !testers-#kubuntu-devel yet, Tm_T10:09
Tm_Tubottu: no !testers is <sed> /neo31/neo31, vip/10:09
ubottuI know nothing about !testers yet, Tm_T10:09
Tm_Toh my10:09
yofelRiddell: hm, there's new info on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/akonadi/+bug/1437846 too10:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1437846 in mysql-5.6 (Ubuntu) "akonadi mysql 5.6 crash with signal 11" [Undecided,Incomplete]10:14
lordievaderRiddell: I hope to be able to test this afternoon or somewhere tomorrow.10:19
Riddell"The vote entitled "Scarlett Clark e.V. Membership" will close at 2015-04-21 13:30:26 +0000"  quick vote e.v. members!10:20
BluesKajHI folks10:40
Blizzzhey BluesKaj10:42
BluesKajhi Blizzz10:43
BlizzzBluesKaj: if you're interested: the ugly menu on titlebar click was kind of fixed by setting the GTK 2 Theme(!!!!!) from Clearlooks to oxygen-gtk. It makes other Qt/KDE 4 apps look far better.10:44
BluesKajgood :)10:44
lordievaderWhoo, iso downloaded. Time to fire up a vm :)10:45
Riddelllordievader: could you check for bug 1445383 and bug 144366710:45
ubottubug 1445383 in akonadi (Ubuntu) "Akonadi server is broken after mysql update" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144538310:45
ubottubug 1443667 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Installer crashes installing libreoffice" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144366710:45
BluesKajfire up ? heh 10:45
Riddellthey're the ones that are on my radar today10:45
ahoneybunare testcases closed?10:46
Riddellahoneybun: what does that mean?10:48
ahoneybunRiddell: I can't file anymore10:48
lordievaderRiddell: Sure thing.10:49
ahoneybunnow its back10:50
ahoneybunoh new images10:50
ahoneybunthat's why is was off for a bit10:52
lordievaderRiddell: Can bug 1445383 be tested in a live environment?10:52
ubottubug 1445383 in akonadi (Ubuntu) "Akonadi server is broken after mysql update" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144538310:52
Riddelllordievader: dunno probably10:59
lordievaderIs the live-session broken in Qemu? It freezes at this screen: http://corellian.student.utwente.nl/files/vivid.png (that is after pressing the live session button).11:00
Riddellnot that I know of11:01
mparilloI got a blank screen after selecting Try Kubuntu on today's 32-bit ISO (good checksum) copied to a usb using unetbootin. Is there an existing bug I should link to. I will try in a VM to see if it is my HW.11:01
Riddellmparillo: not that I know of11:04
* lordievader wonders how he should report this bug11:04
mparilloOK, I will try in a VM and if it passes, I will assume it is my HW / unetbootin (but it has never failed that way before).11:05
Riddelllordievader: tricky one it could be anywhere, you probably need to start up X and plasma manually and see what breaks11:06
Riddellmparillo: did we already put thise on wire? http://www.ocsmag.com/2015/03/13/plasma-is-my-new-favorite-desktop/11:06
lordievaderRiddell: I'll investigate tommorow if that is okay, I don't have a lot of time today.11:06
ovidiu-florinare we not using baloo in Vivid?11:07
ovidiu-florinwhy is it not installed by default?11:07
Riddellovidiu-florin: it is, what makes you say it's not?11:08
ovidiu-florin$ aptitude search baloo                          11:09
ovidiu-florinp   baloo                                                      - transitional package for baloo11:09
ovidiu-florinRiddell: ^11:09
ovidiu-florinI see that baloo-kf5 is installed11:10
ovidiu-florinI can't get the advanced baloo menu11:10
ovidiu-florinhow do I get it?11:10
ovidiu-florinI have i   kde-config-baloo-advanced 11:10
ovidiu-florinit's installed, but I get no KCM11:10
Riddellsitter: I have a parse error, where can I see the problem at http://kci.pangea.pub/job/vivid_stable_baloo/lastFailedBuild/console ?11:12
Riddellovidiu-florin: kcmshell4 kcm_baloofileadv  should run it11:13
Riddellit needs ported to kf511:13
Riddelllooks like it will die soon anyway https://gitorious.org/baloo-kcmadv11:14
=== aaron__ is now known as ahoneybun
lordievaderRiddell: As for bug 1443667 the installer finished correctly. Rebooting now.11:17
ubottubug 1443667 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Installer crashes installing libreoffice" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144366711:17
sitterRiddell: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/vivid_stable_baloo/lastFailedBuild/parsed_console/11:18
Riddelllordievader: it's a weird one because ubiquity doesn't work by installing individual packages11:18
lordievaderRiddell: It uses tasksel?11:18
ovidiu-florinRiddell: it shouldn't 11:18
Riddelllordievader: it just copies the live filesytem to the hard disk11:18
* lordievader never looked into how ubiquity works.11:18
lordievaderAh... that makes it a very odd bug...11:19
sitterRiddell: post-installl-update/language-pack-install11:19
mparilloRiddell: Yes: http://wire.kubuntu.org/?p=24111:20
sitteralso the assertion on its own isn't quite correct ... ubiquity does install packages (e.g. grub-*), it just doesn't install most of them :P11:20
lordievaderAh, I haven't ticket the updates checkbox.11:20
lordievaderPerhaps that triggers the bug?11:20
mparilloAll: I have replicated my blank screen on the 32-bit ISO on a VMware Player VM now as well as my HW. I get to the Try Kubuntu, click on it, and it goes blank.11:20
lordievaderThe oem-config is missing from the desktop11:21
Riddelllordievader: that one is known, bug 144498011:23
ubottubug 1444980 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "kubuntu: oem-config-kde not installed on new oem systems" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144498011:23
RiddellI think we need to accept oem isn't going to happen on this release11:23
lordievaderRunning oem-config seems to work though.11:23
Riddellsitter: if I update kubuntu_vivid_backports I should do a manual merge into kubuntu_stable right ?11:32
sitterRiddell: nope, backports gets automerged11:45
sitteryou might want to see if you should merge stable into backports though11:45
Riddellsitter: ah I didn't realise that11:47
Riddellsitter: so how can I see what's up with baloo?11:58
sitterRiddell: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/vivid_stable_baloo/lastFailedBuild/parsed_console/12:00
=== greyback__ is now known as greyback
lordievadermparillo: Did you also get a black screen after installation?12:35
mparilloYes with last night's build (reported in the test results without a bug filed) and also with this morning's build., but it seems typical for me to have strange things happening at the end of installation. I think last time I got strange squashfs errors. I generally force down my VM, and it comes up normally. I am testing that now with the latest build.12:38
mparilloI also opened a launch bug 1446622 for my blank screen in the live session and attached it to this morning's test result.12:38
ubottubug 1446622 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Live USB boots to blank screen on Try Kubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144662212:39
mparillolordievader: But after forcing down my VM, it came up nicely as usual. Only thing I noticed is that Firefox defaulted to UK spellings, despite my System Settings all pointing the USA. Now I know that FF does not play nicely with KDE, and I generally install rekonq and Chrome and seldom use it, but it was the first time I noticed this.12:51
lordievaderHmm, I'll poke some more at it later today or tommorow.12:51
Riddellsitter: what's your secret way of doing a git --copy or something for moving to a new git repository (for plasma-mediacenter)13:01
sitterRiddell: clone --bare && push --mirror -> https://help.github.com/articles/duplicating-a-repository/13:03
sitterso in case of pmc for example: git clone --bare debian:kde-extras/plasma-mediacenter && cd plasma-mediacenter && git push --mirror debian:plasma/plasma-mediacenter13:04
Riddellhttp://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/plasma-status/build_status_5.2.95_vivid.html plasma 5.3 beta ready for testing13:09
Riddell!testers | ↑13:09
ubottu↑: testers is Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket, SourBlues, sgclark, neo31, vip for information13:09
soeeRiddell: sure, later at home :) im a bit scared to test it here at work 13:10
Riddelllive life on the edge!13:10
soeeyes, tell it to my boss later when i break my PC :D13:11
yofelyou're running vivid, what could happen :P13:11
Blizzzkonversation crashing after wakeup, qtcreator too. not that great upgrade experience :(13:19
darthanubisBlizzz: do you have the vlc-phonon backend installed13:20
Sho_Blizzz: do you have a backtrace for konversation?13:20
Blizzzdarthanubis: yes, it is installed. gstreamer is activated though (and vlc oes not show up there). shall i remove?13:22
BlizzzSho_: not this time unfortunately13:22
darthanubisBlizzz: yes remove and see if konversation still crashes13:23
Blizzzdarthanubis: i will try, thank you for the hint13:24
darthanubislet us know how it goes?13:24
Blizzzdarthanubis: you recommend re-login (or even restart)?13:25
darthanubismighnot have to do any of that13:25
darthanubisbe re-login at most13:25
* darthanubis ugh coffee not working yet13:26
Blizzzwell, i will try later than. have a call now in 2 min and need to go out afterwards. and i will keep you posted :)13:27
soeecoffin ?13:27
darthanubiscool  beans13:27
darthanubisand try quassel you'll love it!13:27
darthanubisI'm a konversation convert13:28
Blizzzdid not like quassel back then, but it is some time ago when i tried it last time13:28
Sho_darthanubis: What do you prefer about it?13:28
darthanubisthe best part about it is it's core13:28
BluesKajRiddell, is this the correct ppa ? https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/staging13:29
darthanubisI have the core running on another computer so that when I have to reboot this machine, running the client, I can reconnect and with the core still logged on I don't miss anything. the core is a bouncer like znc.13:29
RiddellBluesKaj: kubuntu-ppa/next-staging  for plasma 5.3 beta13:29
Riddellsitter: is there a place I can look to quickly remind myself when I get confused between what kubuntu_stable and kubuntu_unstable means?13:30
darthanubisI have znc as well, which is more versatile for using any irc client. But I like quassels ease of use and layout13:30
sitterRiddell: https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/CI#Branches13:30
Riddellsitter: thanks :)13:31
Blizzzdarthanubis: i am ok with misssing stuff. i am not a fan of reading backlogs. theres still plain old email in this case ;)13:32
darthanubisI'm just nosey :)13:32
darthanubisalso like to test different things out13:32
mparillosudo apt-add-repository kubuntu-ppa/next-staging && sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt dist-upgrade -y ?13:33
darthanubisI run quasseldroid on the nexus 7 to follow irc in bed13:33
Riddellmparillo: last two -> sudo apt full-upgrade13:33
darthanubisI know, too much13:33
Blizzzi use it just when i need it, mostly, but not solely for work.13:36
Blizzzor any IT stuff13:37
BluesKajI presume 5.2.95 aka 5.3 ?13:47
lordievader5.3 beta, yes.13:48
BluesKajand once the 5.3 beta packages are installed then comment out the ubuntu-next ppa ?13:51
BluesKajerr staging13:51
BluesKajok thqnks 13:53
yofelanyone else seing this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/10861534/13:59
yofelhow did monitor hotplugging get this broken o.O?14:12
Riddellwhat's broken?14:14
yofelI plugged in my monitor, what I got was a black monitor, and the whole whole new screen space squashed into the notebook display14:14
yofellike if you resize a 3000x1080 image into 1600x90014:15
mparilloWhen I try sudo apt-add-repository kubuntu-ppa/next-staging after I enter my sudo password, I get: Error: 'kubuntu-ppa/next-staging' invalid14:16
yofelthis happened with both plasma 5.2.2 and 5.2.95, so I'll blame the kf5screen 5.9 update14:16
lordievader"Oeeeh, a new screen lets squash that in the old one!"14:16
yofelah, it's 3520 x 1080 resized to 1600 x 90014:17
yofelalthough xrandr looks fine...14:17
sitterRiddell: quite the dangerous city14:18
BluesKajmparillo, try adding the ppa by copy and paste to the sources.list then this: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 8AC93F7A then update and upgrade 14:19
Riddellsitter: holy guacamole, and there was me innocently it was a paradise for anarchist vegans14:19
yofelmparillo: ppa:kubuntu-ppa/next-staging, not just kubuntu-ppa/next-staging14:20
BluesKajRiddell, interesting where does an anarchist guy his/her veggies ? :)14:24
BluesKajerr buy14:25
mparilloThanks BluesKaj, but yofel's way seemed easier. Jellyfish are in danger.14:26
BluesKajmparillo, yeah , it is easier :)14:27
RiddellBluesKaj: barcelona has a vegan supermaket, but mostly we just occupy abandoned buildings and have thrash concerts14:28
sittersounds like heaven I have to admit14:29
BluesKajRiddell, I'm kind of out of the loop ...wth is a thrash concert ?14:30
Riddellnot too sure, but it was loud whatever it was, good thing it was 3 floors underground https://twitter.com/jriddell/status/58956759222808576014:31
Riddellguess we'll be having oversized images for vivid14:33
BluesKajok .looks pretty ordinary to me ...anyway the 5.3 beta upgrade here seems fine14:33
RiddellBluesKaj: lovely14:41
RiddellBluesKaj: new wallpaper all good?14:42
BluesKajRiddell, yes, i use my own wallpaper fromthe photos file, all is fine14:51
Riddellthen you're missing one of plasma's best features, the slowly increasinably trippy wallpapers :)14:52
BluesKajoh really, then I'll have toicheck them out 14:52
darthanubisI'm wondering when the changing weather wallpaper will be added from KDE4x. Probably when marble gets fixed in KDE 5x?14:54
mparilloI got new wallpaper and kinfocenter reports 5.2.95, and I will report anything unusual here.15:00
Riddellmparillo: meh I do see your problem on i38615:05
BluesKajRiddell, here's one of my nature photos/wallpaper taken at a park nearby http://pasteboard.co/2Jx22CJ3.png15:20
ovidiu-florinI'm searching for some ssl headers package can someone help me?15:21
ovidiu-florinI don't know in which one I can find the class x50915:21
ovidiu-florinit's required by kdelibs4support when compiling15:22
ovidiu-florinhow do you guys build it?15:26
ovidiu-florinfound it15:27
ovidiu-florinfixed 15:27
Riddellmparillo: seems there's a fix to the breakage you reported, respinning to try it15:41
QuintasanRiddell: The images are still rebuilding?15:51
RiddellQuintasan: yep (you can try current but Try Kubuntu won't work)15:52
Riddellyofel: did you install plasma 5.3 beta?16:27
mparilloRiddell: Thank you for respinning just for me ;-) I will re-test. Separately the 5.3 beta seems like an improvement on my home laptop real hardware, but completely useless in a VMware VM on my work laptop. The SDDM login shows zero battery (even though the host is plugged in) but after I login, the screen is unreadable and unresponsive.16:36
=== prth__ is now known as prth
mparilloThe queuebot says they are updated, but they are not here: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/338/builds17:46
yofelRiddell: yes, seems to at least not work any worse than 5.2 :)17:50
darthanubiscan something be done about this? I don't even have the package installed anymore18:06
darthanubisis it update-notifier thats broken?18:07
Blizzzdarthanubis: no konversation crash this time (without re-login)18:24
soeeBluesKaj: ping18:39
soeeRiddell: kubuntu-desktop will be removed when upgrading to 5.3beta ?18:43
soeepackages marked to be removed: about-distro ksysguard kubuntu-desktop libkf5sysguard5 libksgrd5 libksignalplotter5 libprocesscore5 libprocessui5 18:43
soeeyofel: ^18:44
yofelsoee: got the same thing, but nobody else but us seems to have hit that so far18:51
yofelI'll try to take a look later18:51
soeeksysguard also ?18:51
yofelsoee: yep, what I have here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10861534/18:51
soeeinterestign that others dont have it\18:52
yofelwell, lets say that you're the 2nd person to complain ;)18:52
soeeso now im the bad person who complains ;D18:54
BluesKajsorry soee, I didn't notice during the install, but my desktop is still working fine afterwards19:02
Riddellyofel: lovely, I'll move it to beta ppa then20:03
yofelRiddell: could you take a look at the kubuntu-desktop issue me an soee had?20:04
soeethat would be cool to have it fixed:)20:04
Riddellprobably needs a transitional for about-data20:15
yofelmaybe, but ksysguard is worse20:16
SputRiddell, ScottK: I just pushed 0.12.1 to http://quassel-irc.org/pub/quassel-0.12.1.tar.bz220:55
RiddellSput: what's new?20:56
SputRiddell, ScottK: Qt5 had a behavior change in timezone handling with postgres, which leads to the wrong timezone being written in some databases20:56
Sputunfortunately that was discovered only after the 0.12.0 release :/20:56
Sputthe fix for that issue is the only change20:56
Sput(so you could also just apply the patch if that's easier for you)20:57
Riddellok thanks20:57
Riddellkubotu: newversion quassel 0.12.120:57
Sputthe effect on the enduser is that messages from backlog can be offset by some hours depending on the timezones set on server and client (fixing this retroactively would require touching the database manually)20:58
Sputsorry for the inconvenience.21:00
mparilloOn all the images I am installing today, Baloo File seems to crash. Is this a known problem?21:16
Riddellmparillo: nope21:20
mparilloOK, then I will file a bug on my next time. Also, now on the live USB, I seem to be presented with a login panel for the live session user. Is that working as designed? I seem to recall going straight from Try Kubuntu to the live session.21:30
Riddellmparillo: it's a known bug21:54
Riddellbug 136259921:55
ubottubug 1362599 in Kubuntu PPA "ubiquity-dm does not transition to sddm to plasma5 desktop" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136259921:55
mparilloTY. Should I add it to the test results, or does that not help?22:07
Riddellit might help yes22:10
mparilloTY. Added to http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/338/builds/92383/testcases/1303/results/22:14
mparilloPlasma 5.3 beta does not seem to fix the problem where I need to enter my password before wireless connects.22:26
Riddellthat'll be kwallet not working for you22:30
Riddellit works for me fine22:30
mparilloTY. Is that a configuration on kwallet I need? I never needed it on Plasma 4.22:36
* ahoneybun really needs to test a daily before the next one is put out...23:54

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