
=== e is now known as Guest29650
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noaXessgood morning...03:31
noaXessif i'm on y website where any file can be uploaded, normaly only images, in chrome i see a "unknown" file type: http://i.imgur.com/UMEUTr3.png, with firefox on kubuntu it's fine..  any hint?03:32
noaXessthe upload does accept only image/* mime type..03:32
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lordievaderGood morning.07:14
bogdanguys i have a little problem with my sound can anybodypls help me?07:49
bogdanmy lenovo g50-70 laptop has a dolby sound system and on windows with properly driver it is very loud and a perfect sound. but with kubuntu the volume level is very low07:50
lordievaderbogdan: Are the soundlevels maxed out?07:51
bogdanlordievader, yes07:51
lordievaderbogdan: Hmm, in alsamixer too?07:51
bogdankubuntu has alsamixer pre-installed or i need to install it?07:52
lordievaderThought it was pre-installed.07:52
bogdani guess is not.07:52
hateballbogdan: it is a cli tool07:53
bogdanhateball, can you pls be more specific? im new in linux and i just installed kubuntu last night07:53
hateballbogdan: if you're using the GUI (kmixer) icon in the tray, you can rightclick it and pick "main channel" or maybe "primary channel"07:53
hateballI dont run on English so07:53
hateballto make sure you are actually adjusting volume for the right thing07:54
hateballbogdan: by CLI tool I mean a tool that runs in a terminal07:54
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:54
hateballI've had some machines where kmix would by default try and adjust volume for the wrong output07:55
bogdani guess is all ok07:57
bogdanbut still low sound level07:57
hateballbogdan: what audio chipset do you have?07:58
hateballbogdan: If you open Konsole and paste into it "lspci|grep Audio" what does that return?07:59
bogdando i need to use sudo?08:00
bogdan00:03.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT HD Audio Controller (rev 0b)08:00
bogdan00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 8 Series HD Audio Controller (rev 04)08:00
hateballbogdan: You could try overriding the volume by installing and using pavucontrol08:02
hateballbogdan: "sudo apt-get install pavucontrol && pavucontrol &"08:03
hateballJust... be careful it doesnt blow your speakers08:03
bogdanbogdan@bogdan-Lenovo-G50-70:~$ sudo apt-get install pavucontrol && pavucontrol &[1] 502108:03
hateballbogdan: It should open a GUI for you to edit volume in08:04
bogdanpulse audio is not install i think i need to install it first08:04
hateballIf it's a default install it should already by08:05
bogdanwell that means is not default08:07
lordievaderbogdan: Did you remove it?08:07
bogdando i didn't08:07
bogdani think it just didnt pre-installed it08:07
lordievaderbogdan: If you didn't remove it, then it is installed. In your terminal is there a command 'pulseaudio'?08:08
bogdanbogdan@bogdan-Lenovo-G50-70:~$ pulseaudio08:09
bogdanE: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Daemon already running.08:09
bogdanE: [pulseaudio] main.c: pa_pid_file_create() failed.08:09
lordievaderbogdan: Pulseaudio is installed, and running ;)08:09
lordievaderbogdan: So do as hateball says, install pavucontrol ;)08:10
bogdanlordievader, i just did. all ok. everything is maxed08:14
hateballbogdan: it has an option to allow overriding max volume08:20
bogdanyes to 150% i think but i think 100% is better i dont want to broke it08:22
anoopUpgraded from 14.10 to 15.04 But have a slight problem with decorations09:11
anoopQt 4 applications are getting rendered in old Oxygen theme09:12
anoopWhen checked Qt4 Settings, "Breeze" is not listed in "Select GUI Style" combo09:12
kaza123./configure --with-mysql09:32
kaza123configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-mysql09:32
bogdan__guys i have a little problem. i did sudo apt-get update and it started. but i see there many lines ignored i dunno why10:22
yossarianukhi - will there be a PPA for Plasma 5.3 when 15.04 is out ?10:33
yossarianukthe powersaving features sound good for laptops... - i.e http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/04/beta-plasma-5-3-features10:33
lordievader15.04 had 5.3 I thought.10:36
lordievaderDon't think that Plasma5 will be backported to <15.0410:36
Riddelllordievader: Kubuntu 15.04 has Plasma 5.2, I'm currently packagnig 5.3 beta for backports http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/plasma-status/build_status_5.2.95_vivid.html10:37
lordievaderI stand corrected.10:37
yossarianuklordievader: Riddell: thanks10:39
hateballbogdan__: that's nothing to worry about10:39
bogdan__hateball, are you sure?10:39
yossarianukReally liking 5.2.x also - been using it for a few weeks @ home + work - no major issues for me.10:39
BluesKajHI folks10:40
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yossarianukwhat remote desktop software works with Plasma 5.x ?11:18
yossarianukI normally use X2go (its great) but that doesn't work with Plasma 5.x (or gnome 3.x)11:19
yossarianukwhat are others using ?11:19
yossarianuk(and not VNC as that is by far the absolute worse way of doing remote desktoping..)11:19
* lordievader doesn't remember if he tested xrdp with Plasma5.11:19
yossarianukits xrdp  windows based@?11:20
yossarianuk*isn't xrdp  windows based*11:20
yossarianuki'm connecting from Linux desktop.11:21
yossarianuk(there is an x2go update soon for plasma5.x BTW - its really is good - the speed is like being local (minus desktop effects)11:22
lordievaderIt's rdp yes.11:25
lordievaderLinux can do rdp just fine.11:25
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bogdan__guys can i install steam on kubuntu?11:58
BluesKajbogdan__, yes11:59
bogdan__BluesKaj, can you plz tell me how?12:00
soeedownload installer from steam site12:00
soeeand run it, it will download and install all required files12:01
BluesKajsteam is also in the repos/muon12:02
BluesKaj32 bit only I beleive12:04
BluesKajerr believe12:05
bogdan__well i have 64 tho12:05
BluesKajit will still run fine12:07
bogdan__i installed steam and now it tells me press return to continue12:07
bogdan__which is return?12:07
lordievaderbogdan__: 64bit is multilib ;)12:29
bogdan__lordievader, i am not sure i understand12:35
lordievaderbogdan__: You have both the 32bit and the 64bit version of most, if not all, libraries. Thus you can run 32bit application without problems.12:35
Hairocan i update to the 15.04 release from the beta2?12:53
Hairoor it's better to clean install 15.04?12:55
lordievaderHairo: You can ;)12:56
BluesKajHairo, upgrading is fine12:56
ubottuIf you install a development version of Ubuntu Vivid and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 15.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.12:56
Hairooh nice, thanks12:57
lordievaderAh, a factoid, handy :)12:58
Hairoplasma5 is pretty cool13:01
anoopkde-style-breeze-qt4 package is broken in my system. Any idea why?13:32
anoopThe package is installed but Qt4 appliactions are getting rendered in Oxygen Theme13:33
jubo2New question14:01
lordievaderQuestions are questions ;)14:01
jubo2running ./studio.sh ( Android Studio ) on Kubuntu14 gives error message14:02
jubo2'tools.jar' seems to be not in Android Studio classpath.14:02
jubo2Please ensure JAVA_HOME points to JDK rather than JRE.14:02
jubo2I never learn these environment settings because there are so many competing styles14:03
jubo2or that's what I keep on telling me14:03
jubo2I have the 1.8 Java JDK installed I just need to know hot to tell the system that JAVA_HOME = ~/Java/jdk1.8.0_4514:04
lordievaderBlegh Java.14:05
jubo2lordievader: Android app devel course coming up14:05
lordievaderDoesn't make Java any better ;)14:05
jubo2I thought there would be graphical way to build apps14:06
jubo2then again it will not do bad to remind my brain cells of their awareness of using programming langs me I got 3/3 in course Java programming in 2000 or 200114:07
jubo2lordievader: yeah, yeah, I hears the field that Java is rubbish and python is kewl and haskell and ruby is nice on programmer, not nice on electricity and time14:08
jubo2We gonna use Eclipse on the course14:10
jubo2that's.. good for us?14:10
lordievaderEclipse is kind of the defacto standard when it comes to Java.14:10
jubo2I want to work in language interpreting and translation but also do some billing of clients14:11
jubo2Last week I subscribed to a billing cooperative subscription. No cost of joining 4% of VAT zero billing + some costs from paying you salary and all the legally required payments14:12
jubo2I'm just really rubbish at programming yet I have lot of nouns about that field14:14
jubo2also lot of nouns in business administration study areas14:14
jubo2Salut Kaj de Blues14:15
jubo2lordievader: I gather the main Android simulator is in the Android Studio.. I mean no point in making many crappy implementations14:16
jubo2I installed some plugin thing for Eclipse that does some integration with the Android Studio14:16
lordievaderjubo2: I must mention I know nothing of Android development.14:16
jubo2lordievader: how does one set environment variables?14:16
lordievaderFor the next command: SOME_VARIABLE=<something> <command>; for the (terminal) session: export SOME_VARIABLE=<something>; command14:18
jubo2JAVA_HOME needs to be set to '/home/username/Java/jdk1.8.0_45'14:18
aterneIs there a complete list somewhere of special things the main uid=1000 account the Kubuntu 15.04 installer creates has? Group membership's an obvious one, etc.14:20
jubo2lordievader: I need to put $ there right?14:21
aterneI have a situation where a clean install of 15.04 beta 2 (+current updates) can load KDE 5's plasma shell fine in the account it creates, but no other (e.g., an adduser(1) account with uid=1001)14:21
lordievaderjubo2: No, not for assigning variables.14:21
aternealso, not root account, though I guess some GUI software checks for that specifically14:21
aterneSo far, I've both rsync -a'd the default-created account's dir+chowned it to uid=1001 user with no improvement. Also verified that if I completely delete (all files/dirs, including .* files/dirs) from uid=1000 and uid=1001 account home directories in /home, the uid=1000 account loads KDE 5 fine and the uid=1001 account does not14:23
jubo2'export JAVA_HOME=/home/juboxi/Java/jdk1.8.0_45' was the correct command14:24
jubo2with spaces around the equals sign it didn't work14:24
lordievaderjubo2: No, it's bash ;)14:24
jubo2Now the emulator says it would like KVM so it runs faster14:25
aterneadding the uid=1001 account to every group the uid=1000 account was in (just via vim's search/replace in /etc/group etc) doesn't seem to help, thus asking about what else changes14:25
jubo2so apparently the 125kB download sized dpkg for Android Studio was valid14:27
jubo2this studio 1st asked me a few questions and now it is downloading the latest studio14:27
jubo2Soon I make cardboard sign "Not homeless but will develop Android apps for money."14:27
jubo2should all go well14:28
jubo2get a hat as well14:29
lordievaderaterne: What are you trying to do?14:31
aternelordievader: fix KDE 5. But, I've learned that IRC is often not really great for messy things. So I'm trying to get the clean simple stuff instead that can guide a messier debug process. But if you have ideas about why the uid=1000 default kubuntu installer-created user can load the KDE shell but no other users I've created (including root user) can, regardless of home directory contents14:33
aterne(matching/empty/etc), I'd be happy to go that route too14:33
lordievaderHow do you create those other users?14:34
aterneso basically, what I'm looking for is, what is the list of differences between default-created-user and any-other-user so I can fiddle them back and forth until I can replicate the issue and narrow it down14:34
aternesee above, I've copied group membership back and forth too14:34
lordievaderAllright and then logging in fails?14:35
aterneYes. Just kind of hangs. Switch to e.g. terminal session with ctrl-alt-f1 and login (which works fine) and watch htop and nothing obvious happening14:35
lordievaderaterne: What do you get when you run startx from the new user?14:36
aterne(hang, to be precise: mouse moves, system works, etc, but the GUI virtual terminal gets stuck in KDE 5's aborted attempt to begin a session)14:36
aterne(it's not systemwide or anything)14:36
aterneah, good question, hadn't tried that. And I'm not at that computer right now, so I can't. Separately, I tried setting up this in a vbox VM, but that seems to hang on install for some other reason. Not debugging that since I don't care except secondarily.14:38
aterneBut I will try it next time I'm there14:38
aterne(maybe qemu will work...)14:38
BluesKajqemu-kvm works well14:39
aternewill definitely to get things running. still, and I get that one of the basic troubleshooting things/frustrations from the other side is 'look, just tell us/me/etc your end goal, not the misguided subgoal you have now', but, well, an alternative main goal is to be able to debug any of this.14:41
aternevs being kind of this black box that just fails, with no obvious logging I can find (yeah, I've looked through every file in the uid=1000 and uid=1001 users after clear them and trying login)14:41
aternebut absent that, well. I need a methodogy to poke at things systematically14:42
lordievaderaterne: Logs files ;)14:42
lordievaderLogs files are allways the first step.14:42
aterneSure, and I looked for them. Does KDE log by default?14:43
lordievaderErr sometimes errors go to ~/.xsession-errors.14:43
aterneor is there some .profile or .bashrc or something environmental variable one needs to set per user, or is there a 'all KDE sessions everywhere on this machine log verbosely' variable? etc14:43
aterneNot in this case14:44
lordievaderWouldn't be surprised if you can let KDE log to the syslogger.14:44
aterneI checked for .xsession-errors. Conveniently, I had previously cleared every single file in those dirs14:44
aterneall .files and .dirs too, so easy to spot anything there at all14:44
aterneokay, so that's three approaches thus far, trying to enable logging, seeing what startx does (which might keep console output more visible, too), and getting qemu-kvm running14:45
lordievaderApart from kvm I'd say it is still one approach.14:47
lordievaderlogging -> running things manually -> strace. Something like that.14:47
aterneAh, and strace is easier through startx too, can trace process tree14:47
aterneBluesKaj: http://wiki.qemu.org/KVM says KVM is part of plain upstream qemu now?14:53
aterneeven though there is the qemu-kvm package, which I installed...14:54
lordievaderKVM is the hypervisor, Qemu is the emulator.14:55
aterneAh, well qemu is running the installer CD ISO apparently fine, but pretty slowly. Not sure if it's taking advantage of kvm14:57
aterneis qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom kubuntu-15.04-beta2-desktop-amd64.iso -hda kubuntu.qcow -boot d -net nic -net user -m 3000 after installing the qemu-kvm package a reasonable way to invoke it?14:57
lordievader^ is the reason I use virsh ;)14:58
stack3457can anyone tell me the right package name for flash player in kubuntu 14.04 as sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin doesnt work out14:59
darthanubisinstall kubuntu-restricted15:00
darthanubisstack3457: which browser are you using/15:00
darthanubisthats why15:01
aterneDoesn't support NPAPI15:01
darthanubischromium does not use flash15:01
stack3457then? :/15:01
darthanubisinstall perpperflash15:01
ubottuYou can get testing builds for Chromium at https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa15:02
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash15:02
stack3457thanks ! :)15:02
darthanubisi love Google15:04
aterne"The design of the Debian package for installing Pepper Flash Player is similar to flashplugin-nonfree. The difference is that flashplugin-nonfree downloads just the Adobe Flash Player, while for Pepper Flash Player the Debian package downloads Google Chrome, and then unpacks it to make the included Pepper Flash Player available for use with Chromium." is quite kludgy15:05
aterneI mean, not Debian's fault, but...15:05
darthanubisthankfully it does not work that way in Kubuntu15:05
bogdan__can anybody tell me how do i uninstall steam? and wipe any folder or file in it?15:06
bogdan__sudo apt-get purge steam is not working thou15:06
aternebogdan__: that won't remove the games Steam has downloaded in one's home directory, etc15:06
aterneSo it depends what exactly you want to by removing steam15:06
bogdan__how can i wipe everything that belongs to steam?15:07
bogdan__i want to remove all the steam files and folders and cs game15:07
aterneIt spreads around a bit. Look for a ~/.steam or ~/.Steam directory IIRC15:07
bogdan__that i downloaded from steam15:07
bogdan__bash: /home/bogdan/.steam: Is a directory15:08
aterneIt also adds some menu items, *.desktop files, etc. It's a sort of messy/involved process to track down everything, but the bulk of it's pretty easy15:08
aterneyeah, so removing that. I'd check first to make sure that it's really Steam, and not something else important, though.15:08
aternedarthanubis: how does it work in Kubuntu?15:11
darthanubispepperflash is not married to chrome15:12
darthanubisas chrome is not in the repos15:12
aterneDoes the pepperflash maintainer do that step themselves, or?15:12
darthanubisshouldn't be in debians either15:12
cup`ocoffeebogdan__: the linux steam client and steamOS are still under development15:12
darthanubisyou might have menat chromium15:12
cup`ocoffeeit sometimes does not work well to remove it15:12
aternedarthanubis: I was just copy/pasting from one of your links15:13
aterneSo that's what some editor of the Debian wiki wrote15:13
aterneThe other major artifact of steam is that Kubuntu seems reticent to remove the entire i386 set of packages that steam adds, so I usually go back and remove gcc-foo-base:i386 (e.g., gcc-4.9-base:i386) to get rid of them. Slightly risky though, if one also uses Skype, etc. I'm deliberately not providing easily copy/pastable commands here...15:14
stack3457I am still getting adobe flash player is required in chromium , I did sudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree15:20
farshidhi , im now use kubuntu how understand my graphic install secuessfully?15:27
mewshiGood morning!15:27
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farshidwho can help me?15:29
mewshifarshid, I'm afraid I don't quite understand your problem, could you try rewording for me? :)15:29
farshidhow undrestand my graphic install in kubuntu ?15:30
mewshifarshid, I'm getting the sense english isn't your native tongue, would you mind asking in your primary language? :)15:31
farshidfirst language is Persian :D15:32
farshidsorry english not good :(15:33
mewshiGo right ahead and ask in that, then :)15:33
farshidim have problem with wireless and graphic who can help me?15:45
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mewshifarshid, you're having an issue with the wireless adapter and the graphics system?15:46
FarshiD_im have problem with graphic and wireless in kubuntu who can help me?15:48
mewshiFarshiD_, what's the issue you're having with the wireless?15:49
FarshiD_disconnet and qus passowrd again15:50
mewshiSo it won't stay connected?15:51
FarshiD_sometimes qus again password!15:51
mewshiOk, do you happen to know what wireless card is in there?15:52
FarshiD_low signal and auth password again15:53
mewshiFarshiD_, could you run this in a command line for me without the quotes?  "lspci | grep Network"15:55
mewshiand tell me what it tells you?15:55
FarshiD_04:00.0 Network controller: Ralink corp. RT3290 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe15:56
FarshiD_04:00.0 Network controller: Ralink corp. RT3290 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe15:57
mewshiAlright, thanks :)15:57
FarshiD_so how can fix this problem?15:58
mewshiFarshiD_, take a look at this link: http://www.dailylinuxnews.com/blog/2014/09/install-ralink-rt3290-wifi-driver-in-ubuntu-linuxmint-elementaryos/16:02
FarshiD_ok thanx;)16:03
aterneah, for the record, --enable-kvm is necessary to pass to (raw) qemu to get reasonable performance16:24
aterneit apparently took a full hour+ to install kubuntu otherwise (I have an SSD)16:24
aterne... and I thought I had told qemu-img to make an 8G drive, not 5GB. hey at least I know how to run the installer quickly this time.16:26
aterneoh. I did. cute, 3GB VM guest RAM + 8GB VM guest HDD image ==> 8-3=5GB VM guest root FS.16:32
aterneremaking it, with 20GB VM16:34
hyperchhi there, just testing kubuntu 15.04 daily in a vm and I noticed that I can't partition to a raid117:18
hyperchactually, there's no raid option available at all in the installer17:18
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geniihyperch: The only *buntu install I'm aware of which can install to raid is the server version ( and there might still be a port which uses the alternate install image as well, like lubuntu )17:22
hyperchI tried now the "expert" mode in the kubuntu installer but there's still no raid option17:22
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:22
hyperchUnit193: is that for 15.04?17:22
Unit193hyperch: Of course there's one for 15.04.17:22
hyperchI see only 14.10 listed there17:23
hyperchha, just copy the utopic link and replace it to vivid :)17:28
hyperchUnit193: hmmm, installer won't allow to make raid1 with 1 device17:31
hyperchUnit193: ok, I could circumvent that by saying there should be 2 devices in the raid1 but still only provide one... :) another question is, what's the difference between kubuntu full, kubuntu desktop and kubuntu active?17:40
Unit193hyperch: Mmm, all I know is I believe the Debian installer (like on alternates and mini.iso) do raid better than Ubiquity.  As to those?  I have no clue. :P17:41
hyperchUnit193: no worries, thx for the mini though17:46
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wldcordeiro_Is there a way to whitelist applications for KDE wallet?18:38
wldcordeiro_I use Sublime Text for development and it's obnoxious to enter my password every time I push to repos.18:39
BluesKajwldcordeiro_, I just disable kwallet, perio, never use it since it's such pita for me.19:04
bpromptI don't use it either19:04
EvilRoeyis Vivid+1 going to have Linux kernel 3.1?19:07
BluesKajdunno , EvilRoey, I haven't checked19:08
Unit193EvilRoey: Likely later versions, actually.19:09
Unit193BluesKaj: That's not even started development yet, how do you plan to check? :P19:09
BluesKajUnit193, i guess I won't then ;-)19:10
EvilRoeyUnit193:  ok, got it19:15
EvilRoeyBluesKaj:  I understand that it typically skips 2 or 3 kernel revisions between *ubuntu releases19:15
EvilRoeyUnit193:  ^19:15
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engineeri need a guide towards customizing my Kubuntu 14.04 desktop20:00
engineeram totally new to the linux world20:01
engineercan somebody help?20:01
bpromptcustomizing is ambiguous soooo20:02
* bprompt runs 12.0420:02
engineerespecially when you are new to a different OS20:03
engineeram running Kubuntu 14.0420:03
engineerbut facing difficulties in desktop customization20:04
bpromptbeing specific helps, as in what "customizing" means in this context20:04
engineerplease guide me as to what should i do first20:05
bpromptclarify to yourself what is it you'd like to do, that should be first methinks, then you could concise it to us, so we can see what you mean20:05
engineeri mean USING KWIN 3D20:05
engineerseems not available for this Distro20:06
bpromptkwin 3d?    not sure I know what that is myself20:06
engineerokay then is there any cool alternative?20:07
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hyper_chwhat's the difference between Kubuntu Desktop, Kubuntu Full and Kubuntu Active in the 15.04 installer?20:16
engineerhola Ever20:16
bprompthyper_ch:    beats me, first time I've seen that20:21
bprompthyper_ch:    http://askubuntu.com/questions/455178/full-description-of-different-tasksel-kubuntu-options20:22
hyper_chbprompt: thx20:23
hyper_chbut what's kubuntu active20:23
soeehyper_ch: its for tablets etc20:25
hyper_chI see20:26
soeeit probably uses http://plasma-active.org/20:26
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Guest89608has anyone here used Kubuntu as an ESXi guest with multiple monitors? I was using this before, and suddenly all of my monitors (but primary) are no longer recongnised in the system settings.21:16
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DustinNKUsing V14.04 with lightdm21:17
DustinNKMy research has thus far come up with anything concrete.21:19
evrardoremove yumi help21:27
evrardohow can remove yumi21:29
genii!info yumi21:51
ubottuPackage yumi does not exist in utopic21:51
genii!search yum21:52
ubottuFound: botsnack-#ubuntu-offtopic*, yum, botsnack21:52
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=== administrator is now known as Guest67409
typhoon_2099Hi, I'm having trouble sharing network connections. I've connected to my network via Wifi and want to share it to another box via my ethernet port. I've set up the ethernet as a shared connection but when I click on connect then nothing happens.22:39
typhoon_2099In Windows this is a case of highlighting 2 connections, right clicking and selecting "Bridge Connections". Shouldn't it be this easy in Kubuntu?22:43
Finetundrahello folks, is it safe to use PPA's originally meant for another *buntu distro?22:57
valoriethat depends on the PPA22:59
Unit193Finetundra: Another flavor perhaps?22:59
valorieif say, is says xubuntu-ppa/something23:00
valorieit is probably fine23:00
valorieupdates, or backports etc.23:00
valoriebut some random crap -- at your own rist23:00
Finetundravalorie, so if I wanted an icon pack but I'd need to add a PPA. would that be ok?23:00
FinetundraUnit193, Why?23:01
valorieah, distro does not equal flavor23:02
valorieubuntu is the distro, which comes in lots of flavors, like icecream23:02
Finetundraoh, I'm stupid. sorry23:02
valorieunity, kubuntu, xubuntu etc.23:02
Unit193Only ice cream is much more fun to eat.  More so the coffee flavored ice cream!23:02
valorienp, lots of people think we are separate23:02
valoriebut we're all one distro23:03
valorieUnit193: kubuntu is no calories though!23:03
Finetundraalso, if I were to attempt to install a DE, but it needed a PPA from another flavor, would that break anything?23:03
valorieand still delicious23:03
valorieyou can use any flavor and any application  you want23:04
Unit193Finetundra: It all just depends, PPAs are "Personal package archives", so anything can be put in them at any quality.23:04
Finetundraso basically if it's from an offical flavor then It's probably ok?23:05
valorieyes, although there are still occasional problems if combinations haven't been tested together23:06
valoriebut install ppa-purge package and you can always back out pretty gracefully23:06
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html23:06
valorieI would only use edgers or similar if you are very sure that's what you need though23:07
valorieonce you start messing with kernels and drivers etc. you can mess up your box23:08
valorieif you don't know, just don't mess with it23:08
Finetundraoh, I'm not about to touch anything too important23:08
valoriethen you'll be fine23:11
Finetundraout of curiosity, is there a kubuntu offtopic channel?23:12
geniiThere certainly is23:13
geniiFinetundra: It varies in there from extremely quiet to moderately active :)23:14
Finetundragenii, sounds nice23:14
FinetundraI'm curious, what does the button at the top left of a window(using default window button shceme)23:36
Finetundraalso, is this still the channel to go to if one changes Desktop Enviroments?23:40

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