
robrualex-abreu: https://code.launchpad.net/~abreu-alexandre/unity-webapps-qml/improve-embedded-ui-params-passing/+merge/250329 need this top-approved01:11
rsalvetiMirv: https://code.launchpad.net/~rsalveti/kubuntu-packaging/qgstreamercapturesession_avoid_race_eos/+merge/25688105:24
Mirvrsalveti: thanks!05:24
bzoltan_robru: ohh, what a begginer mistake :) thanks... now the MRs are approved05:32
bzoltan_Mirv: ^05:32
Mirvbzoltan_: nice!05:41
bzoltan_Mirv:  I am sorry ... I simple forget about approving the MRs ..05:42
Mirvbah, now we'd need packaging ack05:43
Mirvrobru: the diffs fixing is still underway, right?05:44
robruMirv: should be fixed...05:44
Mirvrobru: it's saying the source is a new package https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-004-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/ubuntu-ui-toolkit_packaging_changes.diff05:44
Mirvbzoltan is probably pretty sure he has landed ui toolkit before05:45
bzoltan_few times05:45
robruMirv: go back to the old build job for now. Will investigate that tomorrow05:46
Mirvrobru: thanks!05:47
robruMirv: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-004-1-build/129/ this one I think05:47
robruYou're welcome05:47
Mirvrobru: yes, found it05:48
Mirvasking for packaging ack on #ubuntu-devel05:52
=== ara is now known as Guest22932
Mirvgot ack06:37
popeysil2100: cwayne bug 1446499 after updating today from store - it's gone.07:40
ubot5bug 1446499 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Updating today scope from store kills scope, doesn't restart" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144649907:40
ogra_popey, does it come back after reboot ?07:45
popeynot rebooted yet07:46
* ogra_ stays away from updating07:46
MirvI can confirm07:54
Mirvand does not come back after reboot07:55
popeyvictorp: ^08:03
sil2100bzoltan_: we'll have to poke the release team about this one08:07
sil2100bzoltan_: i.e. about qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu - it's critical, so should be good to get approved08:08
bzoltan_sil2100:  thanks. it is silly to catch a critical bug at that late phase and even sillier to shoot twice on the same bug.08:09
ogra_popey, can we pull it from the store worst case ?08:12
popeynot sure, last time I did that, I kinda got chided by beuno08:13
Saviqcihelp, the provision script's been aborting for me with this error http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10860323/ for a few days now, that expected?08:13
popeyah no, I can "unpublish" okayt08:13
ogra_popey, well, or block it ... we should make sure not more people upgrade to it08:13
popey(it was revert to previous version he didn't like)08:14
ogra_ah, yeah08:14
popey~380 people have updated so far08:14
popeyshall I unpublish do you think?08:14
ogra_if it is reproducable we should prevent more damage08:15
ogra_and i see you pinged victorp already ... i guess we need a quick fix to unscrew the users08:15
* popey adds a comment to the bug to say I unpublished08:15
popeywell, they can reboot and then re-fave the scope08:15
popeybut that's not very pleasant, and no discoverable08:16
ogra_i thought it is gone ?08:16
sil2100popey: cwayne should be around in a few hours to help out if anything08:16
* Saviq thinks it was renamed to "dashboard" wasn't it?08:16
sil2100In the meantime let's unpublish08:16
ogra_already happened :)08:16
Saviqlikely why it disappeared from the favorite list08:16
* popey wonders how this was tested :(08:17
ogra_yeah, we have no support for that08:17
sil2100I wonder if it was signed off by QA at all08:17
popeyok, well we have a bug and they can look when they wake08:17
sil2100This might be another hole in our process08:17
sil2100Normally testing of the today scope happens on new custom tarballs08:18
Mirvthanks popey08:18
Saviqpopey, just to confirm, can you see in "gsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Dash favorite-scopes"08:19
popeySaviq: i have already rebooted and re-added..08:19
Saviqpopey, sure, that's fine, still interesting to know what the scope id is08:19
popey['scope://com.canonical.scopes.dashboard_dashboard', 'scope://unity-scope-nearby', 'scope://clickscope', 'scope://com.canonical.scopes.news_unity-scope-news', 'scope://musicaggregator', 'scope://videoaggregator', 'scope://com.canonical.scopes.photos_photos']08:19
Saviqpopey, if you don't care for your favourites list, could you `gsettings reset` it?08:19
popeyI'd rather not.08:20
* Saviq wonders if they updated the default08:20
Mirvoh, it can be readded. but how do I get it to be the first on again instead of last one?08:20
popeyoh go on then08:20
* sil2100 will upgrade the package08:20
sil2100Mirv: you can re-order08:20
Mirvlong press08:20
Mirvsil2100: found08:20
SaviqMirv, long-press, drag by handle08:20
sil2100Mirv: just long-press it on the manage screen08:20
sil2100Yeah ;)08:20
* popey mails the phone list to let people know how to undo this.08:20
Mirvalmost discoverable08:20
SaviqMirv, good news: manage dash is likely going away08:21
popeySaviq: resetting has done this:-08:21
popeyphablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ gsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Dash favorite-scopes08:21
popey['scope://clickscope', 'scope://musicaggregator', 'scope://videoaggregator']08:21
Saviqpopey, weird, that's mako/rtm?08:21
popeyretail bq08:22
Mirvyeah, I got my retail bq yesterday08:22
Saviqpopey, fwiw, you can `gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Dash favorite-scopes "['scope://com.canonical.scopes.dashboard_dashboard', 'scope://unity-scope-nearby', 'scope://clickscope', 'scope://com.canonical.scopes.news_unity-scope-news', 'scope://musicaggregator', 'scope://videoaggregator', 'scope://com.canonical.scopes.photos_photos']"` to get back your list08:22
Saviqbut the reset is scary, /me flashes krillin to see in a moment08:23
Saviqthis would mean that the custom tarball doesn't override the default08:24
Saviqbut that'd be *really* weird08:24
ogra_Saviq, why would it08:24
sil2100Strange, I don't see the today scope update on my krillin, huh08:24
ogra_the custom tarball installs what is in it as upgrade time, thats it ... if there is a newer version of something it ships in teh store this will always override08:25
ogra_sil2100, because it was unpublished already :)08:25
Saviqogra_, I meant the gsettings key08:25
Saviqogra_, the default list of favourite scopes is just apps, music, video unless it's overridden by custom tarball08:26
ogra_the default is likely schipped as system wide schema ...08:26
sil2100Ah, it was already, ok ;)08:26
ogra_so if the user has the key set, it will override the system one08:26
Saviqogra_, which is why going `gsettings reset ...` should get it back08:26
ogra_it doesnt ?08:27
Saviqogra_, and popey did the reset, and was presented with just the 3 scopes08:27
popeyhttp://people.canonical.com/~alan/clicks/com.canonical.scopes.dashboard_1.7.15_armhf.click is the offending click if you really want it sil2100 :)08:27
Saviqthis is what makes me wonder08:27
sil2100popey: thanks ;)08:27
SaviqMirv, confirmed silo 15 makes CPU settle08:27
MirvSaviq: thanks! I tested both that use case and the one I found.08:28
sil2100jibel: ping08:33
Saviqogra_, oh, they're not using gsettings overrides but a dconf one...08:42
Saviqogra_, popey, sil2100, IMO a bug in unity-scopes-shell, letting pete-woods know08:51
Saviqpete-woods, https://bugs.launchpad.net/today-scope/+bug/1446499/comments/1208:51
Saviqpstolowski, ↑08:51
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1446499 in unity-scopes-shell (Ubuntu) "Updating today scope from store kills scope, doesn't restart" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:51
victorpogra ping08:52
ogra_victorp, hey08:52
victorpjust saw the pings from you and popey, whats up?08:52
ogra_victorp, today scope in the store is broken08:53
ogra_victorp, we unpublished it, but it went out to ~350 users08:53
victorpwhat are you installing it on? arale or krillin?08:53
Mirvkrillin stable08:53
sil2100victorp: on krillin08:53
ogra_retail devices08:53
Saviqogra_, victorp, I wouldn't say "the scope is broken" any more08:53
ogra_well, the user exüperience is broken once you install the update :)08:54
Saviqit's the update process that's broken08:54
ogra_("the scope is broken is shorter :P )08:54
Saviqyeah ok, details on the bug08:54
sil2100Saviq: ok, might indeed be the case here08:54
ogra_Saviq, well, it also didnt get any QA it seems08:54
sil2100Although I think that updating the scope without QA is a bad thing in overall08:54
Saviqogra_, sure, FWIW I'd say the problem is race-y, too08:55
Saviqso not everyone will hit it08:55
sil2100Some people said it was fine for them08:55
Mirvsil2100: where? at least on the bug report the reply was "fine if you readd it" if I understood it correctly.08:56
sil2100Mirv: on the mailing list08:56
Mirvsil2100: oh, ok. good if it doesn't hit everyone.08:56
victorpogra_, sil2100 first of all , dont make things up08:57
sil2100Mirv: one person said that he upgraded and today scope remained on the favorite list08:57
Mirvsil2100: so it seems08:57
pstolowskiSaviq, commented, it's as you described08:57
victorpif you have a scope favourited and you  updated it to a new version it *always* removes it from the fav list08:57
victorpSaviq, ^^08:57
victorpbut should still appear in your bottom edge list08:58
ogra_victorp, ugh08:58
sil2100victorp: so that's by design?08:58
victorpi thought that had been reported, it happens to me with the child scopes we favourited08:58
Saviqvictorp, yeah, that's correct, but shouldn't be the case should it08:58
victorpwell seems like bad desing :)08:58
ogra_that sounds pretty broken ... like if an update would remove the icons i added from the launcher08:58
victorpright, I thought it was a bug that had been reported , my bad for not checking08:58
victorpogra_, agreed08:59
victorpso the more concerning part would be why is not appearing in the bottom edge with respect today scope08:59
ogra_victorp, good that we catched it then ... better if a QA test had catched it before it went to the store though :)08:59
Mirvdo we have phased store updates in plans similar to image updates?09:00
victorpogra_, it wouldnt, because this only happens if you update from the scope, if you update custom is doesnt09:00
pstolowskivictorp, so it's not appearing on the bottom edge list under 'Also installed' ?09:00
ogra_victorp, well, a new music app doesnt go into the store without QA run ... this scope apparently did according to QA09:00
ogra_also i thought it is in the manage scopes tool, but under new name ?09:01
victorpogra_, what are you talking about?09:01
sil2100This is one of the holes in the process, every new click that's by default on the image and gets upgraded needs QA sign-off09:01
sil2100Even the today scope09:02
ogra_victorp, with what exactly ?09:02
ogra_victorp, that the scope didnt get QA before oing to the store ?09:02
victorpI am telling you the scope is not broken, is the "update a scope from the store" process that is doing this , you just have notice it now09:02
ogra_ah !09:02
ogra_right, i didnt get that ...09:02
victorppstolowski, so reading the bug from popey it appears after reboot09:02
popeyvictorp: only if you re-add it.09:03
ogra_popey, in the manage... list09:03
victorppopey, what do you mean by re-add it?09:03
Mirvvictorp: from user point of view it's gone for good and doesn't come back. I didn't find it in the management either untils someone told it that it's in there.09:03
popeysorry, re-favourite it09:03
victorppopey, ack09:03
victorpok, first of all - this has nothing to do with the today scope09:04
ogra_popey, well, this was about: is it in the manage scopes area only after a reboot or is it there right after upgrade09:04
victorpthat is the behaviour of all scopes you update from the sore09:04
pstolowskiso it's two problems actually; manage list didn't refresh until reboot, and the scope needed to be favorited again09:04
victorpif it wasnt in the bottom edge after update and then shows after a reboot, that still has nothing to do with the scope09:04
popeyBut the fact that it's the default first scope, it uncovers a bug09:04
victorppstolowski,  +!09:05
victorppopey, exactly09:05
victorpas far as I can tell the team is just publishing to the store scopes that where added to custom-proposed , which is tested ogra_09:06
victorpI didnt get an update notice09:06
ogra_because we unpublished it09:06
popeyi pulled it from the store around 40 mins ago09:06
victorpbut if they had to change the version for whatever reason, it would have trigger it09:06
ogra_and you dont get noticxes for apps/scopes09:06
victorpi.e. change on mantainer name in manifest09:06
victorpso I dont think qaing this more would have helped, what we need is the beta/alpha channel in the store so we can test upgrades09:07
victorpI believe beuno's team is already working on that09:07
popeywell if someone had installed the click on a retail bq device they would have noticed the scope disappear09:07
victorpso, can we open 2 bugs to track the issues that pstolowski has highlighted09:07
popeyand hopefully file the right bug?09:07
ogra_right, we would at least have catched one of the issues here09:08
popeybut I suspect nobody QA'd it on a _retail_ bq image.09:08
popeybecause that's the only one shipping it by default09:08
victorppopey, I understand that this issues are new to you, but we have know about them for a while, I just thought they were being addressed09:08
popeyor they did, and ignored the fact that the scope disappeared09:08
victorppopey, more probably that09:08
popeyvictorp: new to me and thousands of bq retail handset owners09:08
victorppopey, ok and? I am not sure what you are asking me?09:09
popeyok. where is the bug tracking the fact that scopes disappear, and need a reboot?09:09
victorpI think we need two bugs for that09:09
popeythe assumption that things are being fixed because "we read:I already know about them" is a broken process.09:09
victorpcan you please open them popey?09:10
popeyi opened one, I don't know what the second one is.09:10
victorppopey, sure - if you expect me to find all the bugs that is also broken :)09:10
popeyI didn't say you. I implied QA09:11
popeyIf someone is QAing something and they spot something is broken, I'd expect a bug.09:11
popeymy point being nobody filed a bug for these issues because "we know about it"09:11
ogra_victorp, if you found that bug before (knew about it), someone must have seen it but not filed it ... thats the broken part09:11
popeybut yeah, I'll file the bugs for you.09:11
victorpanyway, this is going in circles, there are two bugs in unity8 Saviq.. favouriting does not survive an update from the store , and the bottom edge/manage dash does not seem to always register updates.09:12
ogra_victorp, when interacting with the users it helps if we can point to a bug09:12
victorplet me know if you need anything else09:12
victorpogra_, 100% agreed09:12
ogra_i.e. popey could have pointed it out in the warning mail he sent09:12
Saviqvictorp, both are unity-scopes-shell bugs09:13
victorpSaviq, ack09:15
victorpSaviq, are you happy just tracking the issues on 144649909:17
popeyi added a second09:18
popeybug 144653609:18
ubot5bug 1446536 in unity-scopes-shell (Ubuntu) "Scope disappears from bottom edge on update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144653609:18
Saviqvictorp, popey, thanks09:19
victorpta! popey09:19
Saviqpstolowski, one more related, not sure if that's -scopes-shell exactly or the scope backing Manage Dash ↑09:20
popeyso do we re-publish today in the store?09:20
popeybecause this is a "known" bug?09:20
MirvI think it's really bad from user pov09:21
Saviqyeah, but then otherwise we'd block any core scope updates until we release the next OTA...09:21
ogra_we dont have a system update planned09:21
Mirvwell right, true09:22
ogra_so the fix wont land before next OTA09:22
Mirvpeople will learn to use scopes at least..09:22
ogra_i wonder if there is a way to hack around it from the scopeside09:22
Saviqogra_, not likely09:22
pstolowskiSaviq, ok, so this is the second problem from the 1st bug09:22
ogra_yeah, i was fearing that09:22
Saviqogra_, it's basically a case of "oh, the scope went away, let's drop it from favourites"09:23
ogra_so either we live with the bug (very bad imho) and re-publish ... or we hold back all scope changes til it is fixed09:23
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1446499 in unity-scopes-shell (Ubuntu) "Updating scope from store removes it from favorites" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:24
ogra_victorp, any opinion ?09:25
pstolowskiSaviq, yeah, that would be simple to do, but would mean we never get rid of uninstalled scopes. unless we purge at startup09:25
Saviqpstolowski, hook on uninstall won't do, as it's based off of the .ini file already?09:26
pstolowskiSaviq, sorry, i can't parse what you're saying ;). i'm just talking about the plugin which purges favorites whenever registry is updated (and scope disappears)09:27
Saviqpstolowski, sure, I'm saying that a hook on uninstall could trigger the removal from favourites, unless this is basically what happens already?09:28
* Saviq wonders how relevant this discussion is in light of "scopes as apps"...09:29
pstolowskiSaviq, ah, no. it's handled completly by the shell09:29
pstolowski* shell plugin09:29
pstolowskiSaviq, yeah, becomes irrelevant then ;)09:29
Saviqwell, kinda09:29
Saviqit just moves from Manage Dash to $wherever_we_store_favourites (like in click scope or something, to display at the top)09:30
dbarthjibel: o/ i'm trying to get an idea whether silo 6 is considered for testing, or if there is something blocking landings in the overlay ppa09:47
dbarthi may have another silo next, with branches targeted for desktop (w updates and potential srus); let me know09:48
jibeldbarth, it is in the triaged queue, it should be verified soon-ish09:56
dbarthok, nw09:57
bregmatrainguards, point of procedure: do I need to get an ACK from the Ubuntu release team first to land silo ubuntu/landing-020 (#1446256) or does it just land and go into the UNAPPROVED queue and get ACKed from there?09:57
dbarthjibel: thanks09:57
sil2100bregma: we could publish it without an ACK, but it's best to coordinate beforehand especially if the bug that's being fixed is not set to critical09:58
sil2100bregma: without the ACK it would en up in UNAPPROVED, but might get rejected due to lack of infromation etc.09:59
bregmasil2100, thanks09:59
Mirvsil2100: bregma: since it's seeded I think it's even required to go via release team https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FinalFreeze10:01
Mirvfor example qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu was unseeded universe package but unity is a different beast10:01
Mirvanyway, it's still >1.5 days so it's ok to go to vivid normal instead of proposed10:02
Mirvdavmor2: Bq now passes my official seal of approval requirements when I'm now writing this from Bq after using a menu shortcut to login + screen -dr and I've added Ctrl-D, Ctrl-P and Ctrl-N to the ctrl menu10:04
jibelsil2100, Mirv bregma if it is ready publish it, we need it on the image10:04
sil2100jibel: ok10:04
sil2100Mirv: let me publish the unity silo then10:05
Mirvsil2100: ok10:05
sil2100The release team will deal with it ;)10:05
bregmathat's right, pass the buck10:06
davmor2Mirv: it did anyway, I told you you were just using it wrong ;)10:07
Mirvdavmor2: that too :)10:07
davmor2Mirv: did you like the osm touch app by the way?10:08
davmor2Mirv: and don't play uu or we'll lose you forever :D10:08
Mirvdavmor2: the osmtouch is a familiar one to me, I've used it mako quite a bit. even though I didn't use mako "really really" (so this Bq is what I really give my "normal use case" for), I did use it for browsing and location10:10
Mirvdavmor2: it's ok but I need something closer to Osmand~ - offline vector maps, voice navigation10:11
Mirvand if I would have click chroot creation not broken on my vivid I'd give a Navit or Marble a try to get something built10:11
Mirvbut alas I've not found the reason why click is totally busted on my machine10:11
davmor2Mirv: here does turn by turn it you switch down to walking rather than driving :)10:11
Mirvdavmor2: here is closed source, I want OSM maps too :)10:12
MirvI prefer OSM in general even without closed/open over google maps and here maps10:12
davmor2Mirv: whine whine whine ;)10:12
Mirvjust so much more "love" into details in there, like stairs, tree locations or cow locations when people go crazy in details :)10:13
Mirvwell maybe not cow unless there's real time tracking objects feature in OSM10:13
Mirvdavmor2: no I just want to make it win win win for me :)10:13
davmor2Mirv: it's not working because it hates you, hate it back it works for me ;)  It might be all the dev stuff you have in place for other stuff is interfering maybe?10:13
Mirvdavmor2: :) I won't install any dev stuff on the Bq (except for stuff like customizating terminal settings etc). but no apt etc hacking.10:14
davmor2Mirv: what you really need is a new dell laptop and a fresh install of vivid that will fix it and your broken screen too :D10:15
Mirvoh right the chroot, yes10:15
Mirvdavmor2: I'd like to understand the actual bug in there, I've already gone through two difficult ones but it still now fails at the end of it (used to be: in the beginning)10:15
Mirvbut it's annoying since at the end of click chroot creation it wants to unmount my encrypted home after which my desktop is busted10:16
davmor2Mirv: blame pitti or ogra that normally gets things fixed ;)10:16
Mirvdavmor2: I don't blame anyone, I file bugs!10:16
davmor2Mirv: you do it all wrong don't you :D10:17
Mirvbut true, I'll get a fresh machine soon (~month?). but I hate it when there's some bug that might really affect other people too.10:17
MirvI'm sure other people are running into that previously filed bug #1436835 too10:18
ubot5bug 1436835 in click (Ubuntu) "click chroot build fails on vivid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143683510:18
davmor2Mirv: you could try throwing a kvm install or an lxc install and try running it in there and then figure out the difference between the base install and the version on your desktop to figure out why it hates you10:20
davmor2Mirv: I wonder if it is the QT versions you are building playing havoc with the system maybe?10:20
Mirvdavmor2: true, although I can also just run 14.04 LTS from my server and do stuff there10:20
Mirvdavmor2: no, I10:20
Mirvdavmor2: 'm not building Qt on this machine, but in a chroot on my server machine10:21
Mirvdavmor2: similar to that filed bug ^ I've messed around with schroot before and configuration files a lot, and ideally click would detect the most common misconfigurations instead of blowing up10:22
davmor2Mirv: are you testing the QT packages on that machine though?  Ie is it expecting to install qt 5.3.1 and getting qt5.3.4 that you've installed or something crazy like that?10:22
Mirvdavmor2: one problem is that I've already checked everything I can regarding click & schroot against a clean install and I fail to find anything relevant. that way I found that missing fstab in that previous report.10:22
Mirvdavmor2: no, and since Click creates a fresh chroot it does not care what's on the host system10:23
Mirvoh well yes, I do occasionally have Qt PPA:s here and test them, but I also purge them afterwards10:23
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
pstolowskipopey, hey, any idea how can i test a potential fix for the problem of today scope update, without you actually publishing it?10:53
pstolowski(i need any scope update to test it)10:56
popeypstolowski: good question10:57
popeypstolowski: maybe someone on the team has a scope of some kind that we can push to the store under a new test name?10:58
davmor2popey: pstolowski: surely you can just install it locally?10:58
popeythat could work too, but does the problem trigger with pkcon?10:58
davmor2popey: I'm assuming pkcon is doing the installing from the update10:59
popeyworth testing in both ways11:00
pstolowskidavmor2, popey that sounds like a good suggestion; isn't it 'click install --local...' that i need?11:01
popeyI tend to "pkcon install-local --allow-untrusted foo.click"11:02
davmor2pstolowski: ^ what he said11:03
pstolowskiyeah, thanks11:03
pstolowskipopey, the fix goes only into vivid i presume?11:03
popeywell as I understand it there will be no more rtm-1409 / utopic based OTAs so vivid makes sense, but check with sil210011:04
pstolowskisil2100, popey ack11:05
pstolowskivictorp, who can provide me with an updated version of today scope .click?11:05
victorpcwayne or kylen11:05
ogra_victorp, so whats our plan forward, do we hold back scope landings until after next OTA ?11:12
victorpogra_, landings to?11:12
ogra_since the fix can only come from a OTA11:12
ogra_scope landings to the store11:12
victorpyes, at least for the agregators11:13
victorpthat are currently favourites11:13
cwaynepstolowski, whats up?11:13
victorpwe can still update them via OTA11:13
victorpthat seems to work fine11:13
ogra_in general that shows a problem though ...11:14
ogra_being stuck with store landings because we need an OTA for the underlying fix11:14
ogra_i wonder if there is a way around11:14
davmor2ogra_: include the fix in a store package but then that would get messy11:16
ogra_davmor2, well, in this case we couldnt11:17
pstolowskicwayne, sent you an email. bbiab11:17
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
ogra_davmor2, a click cant ship system bits ... and the rootfs would even have to be writable to replace the broken parts11:17
ogra_in snappy, where the system bits will be framewworks, this will be fixable via the store11:18
davmor2ogra_: unless it is in core11:18
ogra_well, core is small enough that it shouldnt affect us11:19
ogra_but yeah11:19
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popeysil2100: moving back over here. i see pstolowski|lunch is going to talk to cwayne when he wakes.12:06
popeysil2100: lets wait for that conversation to happen.12:06
cwaynesil2100, i've been here :) got him a click12:06
cwayneoops popey ^12:06
popeythere we go :)12:06
popeythanks cwayne (sorry for all the pings)12:07
cwayne7:30AM meetings ftw12:07
cwayneor ftl i guess :P12:07
cwaynewake up and the whole worlds on fire12:07
sil2100cwayne: ;p12:08
sil2100Ok, let me wait for pstolowski|lunch to give some input and then we decide12:08
sil2100I want to know how hard this will be to fix12:08
sil2100Well, hm, actually, since this happens in stable there's no way to fix it proper I suppose12:09
sil2100So I'm sure we'll just re-publish it in a few moments12:10
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
pstolowskisil2100, i'm working on a fix for first part of the issue (https://bugs.launchpad.net/today-scope/+bug/1446499), should have a fix for vivid today12:33
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1446499 in unity-scopes-shell (Ubuntu) "Updating scope from store removes it from favorites" [Undecided,In progress]12:33
davmor2cwayne: I know giving you that petrol can for christmas was a bad idea12:33
davmor2knew even12:33
pstolowskisil2100, and there is a slight chance https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scopes-shell/+bug/1446536 is not affecting vivid, but i haven't checked yet12:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1446536 in unity-scopes-shell (Ubuntu) "Scope disappears from bottom edge on update" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:34
sil2100pstolowski: I suppose all of those issues require changes on the scopes infra, right?12:34
sil2100In this case I guess we can re-publish the scope to the store, nothing we can do short term to fix this12:35
pstolowskisil2100, only unity shell plugin12:35
sil2100pstolowski: then I think there's no use holding up the today scope13:01
sil2100pmcgowan: ^ I'll ask popey to re-publish the today scope to the store13:01
pmcgowansil2100, I thought there is an issue replacing favorite scopes, or did I miss something13:03
sil2100pmcgowan: there is an issue, but to fix it we would need to promote an image with a quick-fix which is still in progress, not sure if we want that13:03
pmcgowansil2100, we shouldn't put it back until that issue is fixed13:03
sil2100pmcgowan: indeed13:04
sil2100pmcgowan: ok, so we agree that we want to re-publish today scope then13:04
sil2100(it's not even a real update)13:04
pmcgowansil2100, I was saying not to republish it13:04
sil2100Ah, ok, in this sense you mean13:05
pmcgowanmy understanding is folks get an update and it "disappeares"13:05
sil2100From what I know it can be re-added through the favorites, right?13:05
popeyalso correct, after a reboot13:05
sil2100Ah, after a reboot13:05
pmcgowanwe can talk during rtm call, but I think we keep it back13:05
popeywithout a reboot it's just gone, from a user perspective.13:05
sil2100popey: so it's gone from the list without rebooting? Then indeed it's a bit more serious, I got the wrong impression from what victor was saying then13:07
sil2100We could re-spin a new image once the fix is ready13:07
ogra_sil2100, well, se my conversation with victorp above ... there was agreement to hold back all favorite scopes13:08
ogra_until after next OTA13:08
ogra_they need to come with custom tarball updates for the moment13:08
sil2100Yeah, missed this conclusion it seems13:08
pstolowskisil2100, but the fix needs to target vivid only, correct?13:09
sil2100pstolowski: I suppose right now that's the plan, next OTA is planned to be vivid-based so no need to do a backport for RTM13:09
rvrrsalveti: Silo 2 approved13:10
pstolowskisil2100, great13:10
victorpsil2100, once it is fixed please let me know13:10
sil2100I don't think pushing the scopes to the store is enough high-priority for OTA-3.513:10
sil2100victorp: ACK13:10
ogra_sil2100, no, we always have the custom tarball as fallback ...13:11
ogra_and there it works13:11
sil2100Just as before13:11
sil2100rsalveti: silo 002 is for touch specifically, right?13:11
sil2100Ok, I suppose so, let me publish then13:12
ogra_sil2100, mind if i kick a vivid image to check the space the hud frees up ?13:18
sil2100ogra_: oh, you pushed the hud removal? :)13:18
sil2100ogra_: sure, go on ahead13:18
* sil2100 is still a bit detatched from the world13:21
imgbot=== IMAGE 180 building (started: 20150421-13:25) ===13:25
ogra_oh, even a round image number :)13:27
Mirvthostr_: what's the status of line 13 scopes bg test silo, is it cancelled or do you want a test silo for it?13:29
Mirvbfiller: what's the status of the syncevolution calendar fix landings, need silos?13:30
thostr_Mirv: line 13 can be removed13:30
Mirvthostr_: ok, thanks!13:30
bfillerMirv: already in silos, testing now13:31
Mirvbfiller: oh.. so lines 27 and 33 are old ones for the same thing and can be removed?13:31
* Mirv the cleaner13:32
fgintherSaviq, the phone provisioning script relies on phablet-click-test-setup to install the test sources as directed by the click packages, but this doesn't work for some apps now. I've created an MP to address this: https://code.launchpad.net/~fginther/phablet-tools/skip-missing-click-tests/+merge/25693113:52
Saviqfginther, cool, I wasn't sure whether this was a critical error, it looked dangerous (it removed all the tests it just downloaded?)13:54
fgintherSaviq, yeah, the error would cause the cleanup to be triggered before copying anything to the phone13:54
Saviqfginther, right, so it only worked for me because I ran unity8 tests, not anything else13:55
Saviq(I mean running the actual tests)13:55
fgintherSaviq, that makes sense, calculator app is what it currently making it bomb on devel-proposed images. I'll work on getting the patch upstream, but it might not before the release13:56
Saviqfginther, 'stood13:57
sil2100boiko: hm, is the request line 58 a critical fix requiring a OTA-3.5? I see the bug is only high13:57
sil2100boiko: was there a client's request to spin an rtm image for that?13:57
boikosil2100: so, bfiller asked me to get rtm silos and pmcgowan will evaluate the need for a hotfix13:57
sil2100boiko: ok then13:58
boikosil2100: same thing for the rtm silo 003 I already have13:58
sil2100Saviq: OTA-3.5, so a hotfix release ;)13:58
Saviqsil2100, should we think about targeting the scope update bug for this too?13:58
sil2100boiko: I thought so, but the severity of the bug got me confused13:58
sil2100Saviq: maybe, although I'm not sure if there are real plans for the hotfix release13:59
Saviqok ;)13:59
sil2100I'll know more after the RTM status meeting later today13:59
Saviqif there are, we should, if there are none, we shouldn't :)13:59
oSoMoNrvr, I’ve seen that you’re testing silo 7, thanks! I just added a corresponding manual test to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlan/webbrowser-app13:59
bfillerMirv: silo 27 (ubuntu) and silo 5 (rtm) are the silos we are testing14:00
oSoMoNrvr, note that most of the functionality is unit-tested already14:00
rvroSoMoN: Yeah, I'll begin soon, just had lunch14:00
bfillerMirv: for sycnevo14:00
bfillerMirv: not sure what the other lines are14:00
rvroSoMoN: Ack14:00
Mirvbfiller: yes, those are lines 54/55, you have also line 27 "Fix for lp:1438662 - Calendar sync not working" for vivid and line 33 for syncing to rtm :) I'll remove those14:01
bfillerMirv: ack, thanks14:01
Mirvsil2100: I've gone through the spreadsheet now again, finding many "already landed" and such, and now hitting the archive button14:05
sil2100Mirv: thanks for the clean up! :)14:05
dbartho/ line 44 for an oxide packages copy14:14
dbarthas a binary copy please, to minimize the build time and land in time for the image14:15
boikosil2100: can you please free vivid silo 004? we are done testing already, I will remove the row from the spreadsheet14:35
boikosil2100: actually quick question: can I just remove the row from the spreadsheet, or should I just clear its contents?14:36
sil2100boiko: hey!14:36
sil2100boiko: let me take care of that - we need to remove the silo as well :)14:36
boikosil2100: ok, thanks, it's silo 004 and row 2014:36
boikosil2100: maybe you can reuse that silo for line 45? ;)14:37
sil2100boiko: ;)14:37
sil2100boiko: assigning those in a moment, had to finish up a meeting14:37
boikosil2100: no hurry, take your time14:37
imgbot=== IMAGE 180 DONE (finished: 20150421-14:40) ===14:40
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/180.changes ===14:40
sil2100dbarth: regarding the oxide request - I suppose this is supposed to land to the main vivid archive, right?14:40
rsalvetiogra_: ^14:41
rsalvetijust hope that removing libdbusmenu-qt5 doesn't break anything14:41
sil2100rsalveti: it doesn't have any touch rdeps, so I think we're safe ;)14:42
dbarthsil2100: hmm, considering the final freeze, i would land in the overlay ppa14:42
ogra_yeah if it breaks something it needs a dep somewhere14:42
dbarthsil2100: it will be available in the security updates anyway14:43
rsalvetibut should be good14:43
rsalvetiogra_: how much did we save with such changes?14:43
ogra_down to 462M from 486M for the cdimage tarball :)14:43
ogra_i havent summed up the unpacked size ... but likely around 40-50M14:43
sil2100dbarth: so it will be released to vivid later after final-freeze then?14:44
dbarthyes, as an official security update14:45
dbarthsil2100: chris is copying 1.6.4 there as well anyway14:45
sil2100Ok then14:46
sil2100Oh, actually I thought the next security update will have 1.714:46
pmcgowandbarth, sil2100 if it lands in security pocket we pick it up from there14:47
pmcgowanand wouldnt need it in the ppa14:47
sil2100Right, that will be after final-freeze though14:48
sil2100dbarth: do you need to have it ASAP?14:48
sil2100That's why I didn't assign a silo yet, need to clear out all the doubts14:49
sil2100We have plenty of free vivid silos, but oxide is very storage exhaustive14:50
pmcgowansil2100, we do need it asap yes14:51
pmcgowanwe need it last week :)14:51
sil2100hah, you don't like the crashing T&C ;) ?14:51
pmcgowanoh right thats still in there14:53
sil2100I guess the earlier it's on our images the better, more dogfooding time - although it's faring pretty well on 14.0914:53
cjwatsonstorage> I'm tempted to set the size of all ci-train-ppa-service landing-* archives to 20480 across the board14:57
cjwatsonThey're a bit of a random mix right now14:58
dbarthsil2100: yes, please14:58
bfillersil2100: mind reconfiguring ubuntu silo 10? I added another project to the list of MR's14:58
cjwatsonThere are two in excess of that, but neither is using all that space right now, and I suspect that they're only set that large because of the lack of garbage collection we had a while back14:59
sil2100bfiller: done15:06
bfillersil2100: thanks15:06
pstolowskisil2100, can i have a silo for row #45?15:13
sil2100pstolowski: on it :)15:15
pstolowskiawesome, thanks :)15:15
rvroSoMoN: Approving silo 715:23
oSoMoNrvr, awesome, thanks!15:24
sil2100dbarth: oxide-qt copied to the oxide silo ;)15:31
sil2100jibel, robru, davmor2, popey, rvr, ogra_: do you want to discuss anything on the landing meeting today?15:32
jibelsil2100, no15:32
ogra_nope, i think the disaster recovery this morning was fine :)15:32
ogra_nothing to discuss15:32
rvrsil2100: Is the last episode of Games of Thrones a valid topic? ;)15:33
sil2100rvr: oh shit15:33
davmor2sil2100: it's okay you can say you hate us we won't take it personally :P15:33
sil2100davmor2: ;)15:33
=== sil2100 changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo or CI Train support? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: n/a
sil2100davmor2: I'm just a good listener, and robru mentioned multiple times he wants to have time to wake up properly in the mornings15:34
davmor2sil2100: pfffff15:34
* ogra_ hands dbarth bucket and mop for silo 2215:35
dbarthyes, let me check15:37
kalikianaping cihelp, the license check in Jenkins is rejecting https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/generatedApDocs/+merge/256913 the files in question are MIT licensed generated files; adding _build to the excluded folders as can be seen in the branch would resolve it, I don't know where that script is maintained, though16:23
oSoMoNtrainguards: silo 7 is landing, and I’m seeing that webbrowser-app is in the proposed pocket. I thought it would go directly into the overlay PPA, what’s up with that?16:27
sil2100oSoMoN: let me take a look16:27
sil2100oSoMoN: ouch, ok, someone set the column name but didn't reconfigure16:28
sil2100Ok, let me reconfigure and re-publish - thanks for noticing!16:28
oSoMoNsil2100, I did change the destination PPA column after reading slangasek’s announcement, sorry I didn’t know it required a reconfigure16:29
sil2100oSoMoN: no worries, I should have double checked when publishing, I usually do but it was probably published in a hurry ;p16:30
oSoMoNsil2100, alright. I guess the package can be easily rejected from proposed so as to not affect the archive, right?16:31
slangaseksil2100: can you copy the package from -proposed back to the overlay ppa?  then I can delete it from -proposed16:31
sil2100slangasek: sure thing, on it now16:32
sil2100slangasek: ok, package copied (should be in the overlay PPA)16:36
* sil2100 switches context back to UITK16:37
slangaseksil2100, oSoMoN: ok.  In thinking about it, I realize that removing the package means it won't be re-copiable back to w when it opens without a new upload; so I think I'm going to leave the package in -proposed for now, which is valid16:37
sil2100slangasek: makes sense, indeed16:38
oSoMoNslangasek, sil2100: thanks16:39
oSoMoNsil2100, can I merge and clean the silo now?16:39
sil2100oSoMoN: yes :)16:40
sil2100Just use the force flag if anything16:40
robrusil2100: don't forget the dashboard is authoritative; check for 'stable-phone-overlay' there before clicking publish16:48
sil2100robru: right'o! Forgot about that, was actually checking in the JSON configs16:50
robrusil2100: yeah, sorry I should have added that info to the dashboard sooner. Didn't think of it until yesterday morning.16:51
sil2100robru: I read that you added that, but somehow with all the stuff happening it just jumped out of my head16:51
plarskalikiana: Looking...16:52
rvrdbarth: Approving silo 616:58
robrumardy: dbarth: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-006-2-publish/88/console need some MPs approved17:01
robrusil2100: good evening!17:01
bzoltan_sil2100:  I think you need to fix the version of the gles17:06
sil2100bzoltan_: eek, will do that, maybe some typo17:07
sil2100In one moment, OTP now17:07
sil2100Ok, on it now17:10
sil2100bzoltan_: hmmm, the version looks fine to me, I can see it in the PPA17:13
sil2100Did I do something wrong?17:13
sil2100bzoltan_: argh, and I see another problem ;/17:13
sil2100bzoltan_: why do I see other changes in the PPA's changelog?17:15
sil2100Isn't trunk = what's in the archive?17:15
sil2100Ok, it's all ok17:16
sil2100It's in the overlay PPA and the diff is made against the archive17:16
sil2100bzoltan_: could you check the PPA and merge and tell me what I'm doing wrong? I see that CI Train builds the package correctly, so the versionin needs to be ok, but nothing gets uploaded to the PPA17:24
robrusil2100: ask an archive admin to check why the upload was rejected. I don't see any obvious reason for it (eg, that version doesn't already exist in the ppa as far as I can see...)17:30
sil2100robru: I poked cjwatson, but maybe I could poke slangasek as well17:31
sil2100slangasek: hey, you have a moment?17:32
cjwatsonslangasek: I handled sil2100's request on #ubuntu-touch17:34
cjwatsonsil2100: slangasek doesn't have LP log access AFAIK17:34
sil2100slangasek: ...unping17:34
sil2100cjwatson: thanks :)17:34
sil2100cjwatson: I think I'll try to fetch the source and re-upload myself with debuild -S -sa to make sure we upload the tarball17:34
sil2100I have no idea why it didn't include it in the upload17:34
kalikianaplars: any idea at all?17:37
plarskalikiana: we were discussing how to handle it, fginther has an MP for it in flight17:40
sil2100ogra_: btw. smoketesting is busted for 180...17:52
ogra_sil2100, thats your falt though ...17:54
ogra_package ubuntu-ui-toolkit, version 1.2.1485+15.04.20150417.1-0ubuntu1 not found in https://api.launchpad.net/devel/ubuntu/vivid17:54
sil2100Oh uh!17:54
ogra_i guess you want to re-roll the immage after that landed :)17:54
ogra_to have the versions match17:54
sil2100ogra_: not particulary my fault, more like 'our fault' and pointing at the LT ;p17:55
sil2100No no, it's because it's in the overlay PPA17:55
sil2100A re-spin won't fix it17:55
* sil2100 sighs ;)17:55
sil2100Actually, damn, I might need to change my commitlog generation scripts too ;/17:55
ogra_robru, will the citrain script take the overlay ppa into acocunt somehow ...17:55
ogra_(and does it need to ?)17:55
dbarthrobru: on it17:55
ogra_or do we just assume everything yu need for testin is actually in the image or silo17:56
robrudbarth: thanks17:56
robruogra_: it shouldn't need to, as those packages get rolled into image builds17:56
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ogra_robru, right, but if the image is a day behind and the silo got built against the overlay PPA your silo packages might be uninstallable17:57
ogra_until the image has the overlay packages available17:57
ogra_thats surely only a corner case though17:57
robruogra_: the silo ppas now depend on the overlay ppa so it should take care of itself shouldn't it?17:57
ogra_not with the citrain script where we /dev/null all sources.lis entries except the silo17:58
ogra_the overlay package would not be available ... but the silo has a dep against it17:59
ogra_as i said, likely just a corner case ... but it could happen17:59
robruogra_: i don't really understand how ski dependencies work17:59
* sil2100 really needs to go AFK now17:59
sil2100Be back later17:59
robruogra_: "silo dependencies". Anyway if it happens you'll just have to install the overlay ppa and dist upgrade18:00
ogra_robru, well, the image has foo-123 ... i upload foo-124 to the overlay ppa ... now you push package bar to a silo that depends on foo ... and gets a binary dep via shlibdeps against foo-124 ...18:00
ogra_bar will be uninstallable in the image unless i enable the overlay ppa or until the foo package hits the image18:01
ogra_right, if thats our answer that is fine18:01
ogra_(it might taint your image and the test might be moot though )18:02
robruogra_: well, I've seen in some cases already that necessary deps were copied from distro into a silo ppa, specifically because citrain tool doesn't add distro updates on purpose. So if such a case arose, people should just copy the dep from the overlay ppa back to the silo.18:03
ogra_cool, thats fine then18:04
robruogra_: i think it's a rare case. If it happens a lot we can consider changing the tool, but i believe qa specifically requested the tool only install silo contents, and nothing else.18:05
robrukalikiana: bzoltan_ ping? Need merges approved https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-021-2-publish/48/console18:20
robrudbarth: uh, so empathy was in your silo and that got copied into the overlay ppa, was that on purpose? should we delete that?18:59
robrudbarth: I mean it was in your silo PPA but not in your silo config, seems like a mistake.19:00
robruLaney: ^ you uploaded this empathy into silo 6 PPA, did you intend for that to wind up in the overlay PPA?19:01
robruLaney: I guess if you wanted that uploaded to distro you'll have to copy it from the overlay ppa yourself. https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/stable-phone-overlay19:03
bzoltan_robru:  do you still need my approval? As I see the MRs are landing19:50
robrubzoltan_: not sure where you see that? the link says "ERROR" and https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/generatedApDocs/+merge/256970 is still unapproved19:51
robru(I approved one because I could, I don't have permission on the other)19:51
bzoltan_robru:  ohh.. the main. I approved19:52
bzoltan_robru:  yes, the gles you could, thanks for that19:52
robrubzoltan_: great, thanks19:52
dbarthrobru: it does seem like a mistake indeed20:09
dbarthrobru: i wonder why it got pulled in, except that for qa purposes you needed to make sure that empathy was not listed in teh FB/MSN account settings20:10
om26erplars, Hi!20:48
om26erplars, the dashboard is showing multiple runs as 'Running' wonder whats causing that ?20:48
plarsom26er: it looks like phablet-click-test-setup blew up quite badly20:51
plarsit seems to be causing us all sorts of grief lately20:51
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
om26erplars, can you report bugs for phablet-click-test-setup, I can look into fixing those ?20:53
plarsom26er: fginther has a patch for the one we hit last week, not sure what this one is yet20:56
fgintherom26er, plars, that's an error I had not seen before20:59
plarsfginther: yeah, it seems to have started in the latest image20:59
om26erplars, can you share the stacktrace ?21:01
plarsom26er: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/vivid-touch-mako-smoke-daily/544/console21:02
plarspackage ubuntu-ui-toolkit, version 1.2.1485+15.04.20150417.1-0ubuntu1 not found in https://api.launchpad.net/devel/ubuntu/vivid21:03
plarsti seems something change in uitk?21:03
om26erthere is a new uitk uploaded today, yes.21:04
robruplars: om26er: the new one from today is version ...0421, and it's sitting in the UNAPPROVED queue (eg not in the archive at all). shouldn't have anything to do with this ...0417.1 issue you're seeing21:17
robruindeed, ...0417.1 doesn't exist: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+publishinghistory21:21
plarsrobru: om26er: this ought to be simple to reproduce locally by doing a fresh install and running phablet-click-test-setup21:23
robruplars: fresh install of what? you mean the latest image on a krillin?21:23
plarsrobru: yes, or even on mako21:24
robruplars: is it picking up 0417.1 from a ppa or something?21:25
fgintherplars, robru, om26er, indeed I can reproduce it locally.  The problem appears to be that 1.2.1485+15.04.20150417.1-0ubuntu1 is coming from a PPA and not the archvie21:25
fgintherphablet-click-test-setup does not know how to extract sources from PPAs21:26
plarsrobru: right21:26
plarsso I guess this is the overlay ppa because vivid is frozen21:26
robruoh duh, 0417.1 is in the overlay ppa21:26
robruplars: yeah21:26
robrufginther: plars: so I guess p-c-t-s needs to grow awareness of the overlay ppa21:27
plarsom26er: ^21:27
fgintherrobru, yep... trying to think of how this might be done21:27
robrufginther: catch that exception and fallback to downloading the package from the ppa?21:28
fgintherrobru, ideally it could just find the PPA from looking at the attached phone21:32
robrufginther: but the phone doesn't have the ppa enabled; the packages from the ppa are rolled right into the images.21:33
robruas far as I know21:33
fgintherrobru, my mako does indicate that uitk came from a PPA, is this correct?21:34
fginther$ apt-cache policy qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin21:34
fginther  Installed: 1.2.1485+15.04.20150417.1-0ubuntu121:34
fginther  Candidate: 1.2.1485+15.04.20150417.1-0ubuntu121:34
fginther  Version table:21:34
fginther *** 1.2.1485+15.04.20150417.1-0ubuntu1 021:34
fginther        500 http://ppa.launchpad.net/ci-train-ppa-service/stable-phone-overlay/ubuntu/ vivid/main armhf Packages21:34
robrufginther: oh, ok, great. I wasn't aware that it worked that way. looks right21:35
fgintherrobru, plars, I can find the uitk source urls with the follow two queries: https://api.launchpad.net/devel/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/stable-phone-overlay?ws.op=getPublishedSources&source_name=ubuntu-ui-toolkit&source_package_version=1.2.1485+15.04.20150417.1-0ubuntu121:55
fgintherthen https://api.launchpad.net/devel/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/stable-phone-overlay/+sourcepub/4955514?ws.op=sourceFileUrls21:55
rvrboiko: ping21:55
fgintherI'm trying to hack in some changes, but I'll have to jump offline for a few hours soon21:56
rvrboiko: You sent another silo to ubuntu-rtm21:56
fgintherplars, om26er, robru, this appears to work (it's a huge hack)22:13
* fginther -> away for a while22:13
om26erplars, can you please deploy that ?22:40
* om26er >> out22:43

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