
=== ara is now known as Guest22932
dholbachgood morning07:08
dpmmorning all o/07:23
dpmhi elfy07:27
popeydpm: mhall119 would it be possible / useful to have a Q&A today from the desktop sprint with maybe a couple of people for questions?09:55
popeyI'm sure we can drum up some questions from the internet09:55
mhall119popey: probably they would all be about Unity 8, inwhich case I don't think these guys woudl necessarily know the answers09:55
dpmpopey, I actually was going to suggest that :)10:08
dpmso I think it would definitely be useful. As for possible, you guys should have a better overview of who to coerce... err invite from the desktop team ;)10:09
mhall119will might be available10:12
mhall119I'll see if anyone else will be10:13
mhall119popey: do you want to ask any Unity8 devs too?10:13
popeymhall119: 17:00 UK time, right? 16:00 UTC? (that's what it is in my calendar)10:16
mhall119that's what mine says as well10:29
dpmrock on :)11:20
mhall119jose: please register for http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1505/ so I can promote you to a track lead11:22
mhall119popey: will says yes, we can do it in the sprint room and anyone who can answer can step in and do so11:24
mhall119I might put you up on the projector :)11:24
balloonsdholbach, any idea who might be willing to demo deb2snap? mterry can't do it, but I think it's still worthy of being shown off13:07
dholbachballoons, mterry is the expert13:09
dholbachI don't know who else worked on it13:09
balloonsdholbach, also, are you planning on finding folks for the snappy show and tell sessions?13:10
dholbachballoons, the doc I mentioned in the mail has all the session ideas I came up with13:12
dholbachas everyone is busy getting the release together I'm not at a point where everything is confirmed yet13:13
balloonsdholbach, no worries, just wanted to see what the status was13:14
mhall119dholbach: at least one of your proposes sessions matches one of mine, so I'll get that on the convergence track13:32
dpmmhall119, balloons, having spoken with asac this morning, it seems that the snappy sessions schedule will be done after release, i.e. on Friday. Everyone in the snappy team is busy with the release atm13:34
mhall119dpm: ack, thanks13:39
jcastromhall119, I have some "maybe" sessions I'm going to leave in the sidebar for now if that's ok14:17
jcastrojose, what do you think: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1505/cloud/14:18
mhall119jcastro: it's your track, whatever you want to do with it is okay by me14:20
* jcastro nods14:20
jcastromhall119, most of my descriptions are empty but I will fill those out in malta when I have everyoen together to describe their sessions14:23
jcastromhall119, other than that, we're basically done14:23
mhall119cloud guys rocking UOS as usual14:24
popeymhall119: are you able to setup the hangout?15:19
mhall119dammit, google changed the interface *again*15:35
mhall119popey: scheduled and updated ubuntuonair.com15:38
mhall119popey: can you start and host it? you've got more reliable internet than me today15:38
mhall119jcastro: did your juju office hours thing work last week? your youtube link was bad15:40
popeyeverything falling apart around me15:43
popeymhall119: i had to reset my browser so I am missing the credentials15:44
mhall119ok, I'll need to plug in15:46
popeymhall119: found it.. logging in15:46
popeyyou created the event?15:46
mhall119popey: https://plus.google.com/u/1/events/cqpiu545t421ov0j2bejrvjckio15:49
popeyok, so I'll start it then?15:49
popey(I found the credentials)15:49
mhall119sounds good, I'm getting my laptop ready15:50
mhall119popey: PM me the hangout link when you have it15:51

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