
cmaloneyGood morning13:10
jrwrenwhat is good about it?13:11
cmaloneyjrwren: one day closer to the heat-death of the universe?13:14
brouschI didn't even have to use my AK13:19
jrwreni'm bitchy because my home internet is wonky13:23
jrwrenanyone got a moto surfboard with comcast and can hit
jrwrenand tell me your Downstream Power Level bonding values ?13:23
cmaloneyjrwren: WOW, so no dice here.13:32
jrwrencmaloney: I'd take wow values if its a cable modem.13:37
jrwreni'd like to know Downstream Power Level for reference13:37
rick_h_jrwren: what's on there? I don't have a surfboard but on business device but can see if there's anything else that's equiv?13:38
cmaloneyjrwren: Sent screenshot.13:40
jrwrendBmV  values13:40
cmaloneyYeah, I have an ARRIS modem13:40
jrwrenoh, I called. known issue they are working on it and its a 1pm resolved time.13:40
jrwrenI guess I'm glad they called.13:41
jrwrenerr, glad I called.13:41
jrwrenso weird.13:41
jrwrenthis IRC is working13:41
jrwrenwork IRC is working.13:41
jrwrenI could do ssome things for work13:41
jrwrenbut, I can't open lean kit :(13:41
rick_h_ssh work?13:41
jrwrengmail is intermitent13:41
rick_h_e.g. can you tunnel through guimaas?13:41
jrwrenrick_h_: yes, I sshed to your house successfully :)13:41
jrwrenrick_h_: hrm. great question.13:42
* jrwren tries13:42
cmaloneyThat'd be hilarious / sad that it's not the connection but some bullshit they're doing on non-encrypted traffic.13:42
cmaloney(assuming IRC is using SASL)13:42
jrwrenWOW! that works.13:43
jrwrenwhich makes ZERO sense.13:43
rick_h_jrwren: :/13:43
cmaloneyAnd my bullshit theory suddenly got plausible.13:43
jrwrencmaloney: whoa, you may be right.13:45
jrwrencmaloney: work irc is definitely encrypted.13:45
jrwrencmaloney: but the weird part is that i couldn't establish new ssl connections13:45
jrwrenand it is somewhat localized. rick_h comcast odesn't have the problem :(13:46
cmaloneyWell, to be fair, I'm pretty sure rick_h_'s internet bits scare away any attempts to tamper with them13:47
Spongequick question: is this chat for any level ubuntu user?14:35
cmaloneySponge: Absolutely.14:46
greg-gcmaloney: http://diffuser.fm/u2-songs-of-innocence-tool-opiate-record-store-day/15:49
cmaloneyThat. Is... awesome. :)15:49
cmaloneyI can see why U2 fans feel shortchanged getting a Tool EP instead of their U2 album. They normally get four tools for the price of one .15:50
cmaloney— Jeremy Allen (@jeres) April 19, 201515:50
greg-g:) :)15:51
cmaloneyAnyone else have their Diskstations suddenly go incommunicado after a while?15:56
greg-gcmaloney: more details please :)16:32
jrwrenalright, this is really fucked. So I go to coffee shop, VPN home and my itunes playing from home server NAS is less choppy than it was at home. Maybe my wifi router is dying at home?16:33
jrwrenweirdest network issues I've ever had.16:35
brouschcmaloney: Actually my NAS has done that twice in the last year. I never did figure out why17:06
cscheibjrwren: change your wifi channel? ensure there're no sources of interference, like microwaves... you'll probably have to get a wifi analyzer (there're a few trials) to figure out what part of the spectrum is most unused17:31
jrwrencscheib: its 5Ghz shouldn't be interverence.17:32
rick_h_cscheib: and it works better with a tunnel so not likely to be the wifi side17:32
cscheibrick_h_: I mean his wifi at home.17:33
cscheibunless the choppiness is occurring on wired at home, which would be odd17:34
rick_h_my bad /me missed the update from the coffee shop17:34
jrwrenunsure about the choppiness in audio on wifi17:34
jrwrenbut the crazy internet issues do occur on wired and wifi17:34
cscheibjrwren: 5Ghz is still an unlicensed spectrum17:34
jrwrenand in my neighborhood where the houses are reasonably far appart, there should be no bleed over in teh 5Ghz range17:35
cscheibyou may also need to enable (or disable) the wider channels17:35
jrwrenthat said, I'll fire up a wlaninfo on my wifes windows laptop and see what I can see17:35
jrwrenthe thing is, its worked wonderfully for a year until yesterday17:35
jrwrenso unless that AP is dying, no setting changed17:36
jrwrenor a enighbor really did bring up some new 5Ghz and is fucking with my signal. :(17:36
mrgoodcat my new favorite link shortener http://www.shadyurl.com/20:37
mrgoodcatDon't just shorten your URL, make it suspicious and frightening.20:37
rick_h_ <3 my team http://writing.drab-makyo.com/posts/tech/2015/04/21/done-vs-finished/22:23

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