
barrydkMorning everyone05:20
* pieter2627 o/ to all the early joiners05:20
Kiloshi barrydk  and everyone else05:20
Kiloshi pieter2627  05:20
Kilosohi Jacques_Stry  as well also too05:20
pieter2627Ooi oi Kilos05:20
Kilossorry i was distracted05:21
* Jacques_Stry waves05:21
Kilosbad greeter bot today05:21
barrydkKilos:  at our age we cant get distracted anymore05:40
Kiloswow 40 nicks and so early05:41
pieter2627was actually surprised about it yesterday - when i joined here last month top was 3105:42
Kilosive been trying for years to get 50 peeps here, most so far has been 47 at meeting night05:48
Kilosi always said when we get to 50 i can retire05:48
Kilosnow ive been told its not in my contract , the retirement option05:49
* pieter2627 is glad can != should05:49
* Jacques_Stry is glad can does not equal should05:50
pieter2627!= means is not the same (does not equal)05:50
Jacques_StryProgramming syntax05:50
Kilosoh ty05:50
* pieter2627 now knows why Kilos did not understand him yesterday05:51
Kiloslol i know nothing about programming05:51
pieter2627but you went through the lpi?05:52
Kilosonly first 100 pages mainly that is on hardware05:52
Kilosafter that i gave up05:53
pieter2627when you pick it up again, start from the back :P05:53
Kilosi tried python as well05:53
Kilosmanaged to do Hello World05:54
pieter2627and then the variables?05:54
Kilosi dont like vim05:54
Kiloseven this restructured text is too heavy05:55
Kilosi can learn but only while doing it then its forgotten05:55
* pieter2627 thinks that a debugger is the best help for a beginner - can remember trying to learn js without it05:56
pieter2627that is how you are suppose to learn05:56
Kiloswhen reading a book i often have to reread previous passages to pick up the story again05:57
Kilos'my ram is broken05:57
Kilosbut i love fiddling with hardware05:58
Kilosthen i can see what i am doing and dont have to remember what i have done05:58
* pieter2627 thinks about leaving before he has to help fixing something05:59
Kilosall you guys did a wonderful job on the site, ty so much06:04
* DalekSec ducks06:04
Kiloshi there DalekSec  06:05
Kiloshehe you sneaky hey06:05
Kiloshave you seen the site in question06:05
KilosDalekSec  ^06:05
DalekSecSame framework as -za, but a bit different.06:08
Kilosvery different06:09
Kiloshit refresh a few times and watch the pictures change06:09
* pieter2627 now has time to find out about Kilos's broken ram06:16
Kiloslol dont you know the story?06:16
pieter2627oh, just figured it out06:17
Kilosmy head was bust open by a windmill and my ram leaked out06:17
Kiloswhat did you figure out06:17
pieter2627that ram is a metaphor06:18
Kilosya that thing06:18
Kilosi arrived at hospital doa and was rebooted in icu06:19
Kilosso some things in head dont work like normal peeps06:20
pieter2627with regard to ram leakage in the topic above, the same applies in programming (at least you can leave comments in the code)06:20
pieter2627they should have flashed ubuntu rather that reboot :P06:21
SquirmMy Google Chome keeps crashing :/06:55
Kiloshi Squirm  06:55
Kiloshave you tried another browser Squirm  07:00
Kilosmight not be chrome thats sick07:01
Kiloseish power cut tomorrow from 0800 till 1600 for  maintenance on lines07:23
Kiloseish some more on second read 180007:26
SquirmKilos: But I like chrome :/07:34
SquirmSyncs all my devices07:34
Kilosit might be a deeper prob Squirm  07:34
Jacques_StryHow's your ram usage? Is your pc maybe runnung out of ram?07:35
SquirmMmmm, yeah, I think it's because my 8Gb of RAM can't handle my browsing needs07:35
Kilosso if other browser also crashes then find out why then go back to chrome07:35
SquirmJacques_Stry: I know it is07:35
SquirmChrome is a memory hog(I had a more colourful word in mind)07:35
Jacques_StryChrome is but how many tabs do you have to run out of ram on 8gb?07:36
Squirmwhen I open Chrome, 15 tabs open up, tabs I use very often.07:37
SquirmSo then... Due to work, many more tabs get opened07:37
Kilosai! opera open 20 + tabs here everyday and often gets to 40+ and dont crash07:38
Kilosand i got 4g ram07:39
Kilosbut i dont stream stuff07:39
Jacques_StryOn chrome you usually use +-250mb per tab so 15 tabs already equals about 4gb of ram used07:39
SquirmKilos: yeah... Firefox is also good. But I like Chrome :/07:39
SquirmJacques_Stry: indeed. Unless you've had mybroadband or Facebook open for a day or two, then they move up to ~500mb07:39
Kilosis chromium the same hog or a bit better07:40
Jacques_StryShould be a bit lighter i think07:40
Jacques_Strybut no built in flash07:40
Jacques_Stryso you have to install it separately07:41
SquirmI have 34 Chrome Helper Processes running07:42
SquirmI have so much open. I'm using SWAP07:42
SquirmBut thanks to my SSD, it's quite a usable machine07:43
SquirmI hardly notice the SWAP usage, unless I had to open my VM07:43
Jacques_Stry15.04 currently has a issue with the mediascanner service07:45
Jacques_Stryslow down recognition of new drives and uses 750mb+ ram07:45
=== MaNI2 is now known as MaNI
Jacques_StryJust letting you guys know if you upgrade07:47
Kilosthere are still tons of bugs that need fixing07:48
Kilosthey most likely last minute rush them07:48
Jacques_StryWell I usually disable the service anyway - no point in it for me anyway07:48
Kilosill stay on 14.04 i think07:48
pieter2627Squirm: firefox has an add-on called UnloadTab to unload tabs that have not been used for a while which i use (maybe chrome has similar)07:49
Squirmpieter2627: cool07:49
Squirmpieter2627: does the tab stay open? Just dead?07:49
SquirmI've started using evernote again, for article storage, so I don't leave tabs open for future use07:50
pieter2627I also disabled loading tabs on startup until needed...07:50
pieter2627yes stayes open is just unloaded from ram07:50
pieter2627for me this helps to have 150 tabs open (in groups) on 2Gb07:51
pieter2627pinned tabs just aren't unloaded07:52
Jacques_Strycan try this: https://www.google.co.za/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CBwQFjAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fchrome.google.com%2Fwebstore%2Fdetail%2Fthe-great-suspender%2Fklbibkeccnjlkjkiokjodocebajanakg%3Fhl%3Den&ei=GgI2VZKfL-TC7gaumoHADQ&usg=AFQjCNGRTAXowoxT0jhIpq-MClgBZGMVxw&sig2=8yL-xKr5fDmN3F3eDSH3gw&bvm=bv.91071109,d.bGQ07:54
Jacques_StrySorry for long link07:55
KilosJacques_Stry  use maaz in pm to shorten them07:56
Jacques_StryWill do07:56
Kiloscommand is maaz shorten link07:56
Kilosdoesnt worry me though07:56
Kilosa link is a link even if its hanging off the screen at times07:57
Kilospieter2627  youre plan didnt work08:35
Kilosdoesnt it disconnect when you are afk08:36
pieter2627konversation frooze when i clicked the link08:45
Kilosoh my08:47
Kilosyou on kde or konversation on unity08:48
pieter2627the plan didn't work, but a restart did09:01
pieter2627am testing kubuntu 15.0409:01
Kilosjust try sudo aptitude reinstall konversation and see if it wants to download anything09:05
Kilossjoe 15.04 kde with 2g ram09:06
Kilosyou are petient09:06
pieter2627i would expect it to download konversation since it is not in my cache09:08
pieter2627the plasmashell only uses about 150Mb?09:08
pieter2627with ff closed, using 1.3Gb09:09
Kilosim bang to upgrade because everything is so lekker stable on 14.0409:09
pieter2627nah, i love new toys :)09:10
* pieter2627 can confirm that it downloaded only konversation09:13
Kilosand you done an aptitude upgrade?09:14
Kiloswhy is youre cache empty09:15
pieter2627busy with that now (using apt-get)09:15
pieter2627because it is a fresh install09:16
Kilosoh you still installing09:16
pieter2627nope, checking for updates09:16
Kiloswhen youve done apt-get upgrade then do aptitude upgrade09:17
Kilosim a serious aptitude fan09:18
pieter2627yeah i've seen so09:18
Kilosi wonder if fly and pro are still aptitude peeps09:19
Kilosthey the ones that taught me to use it09:20
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  09:20
pieter2627you and pro talked about it with the africa build instructions09:20
pieter2627that's how "i've seen so"09:21
Kilospieter2627  comment from above10:03
KilosMooDoo> how about the learn more button in the ubuntu africa section lining up with the other two buttons so it doesn't look like it's out of place....like i said very trivial 10:03
Kilosthe top guys are looking at the site10:05
Kilosyou can go see comments on #ubuntu-locoteams10:06
pieter2627ok will check the logs... they want the learn more button to line up with the others?10:07
Kilosit was just a trivial suggestion10:07
pieter2627yea, i used wrong wording... it sounds good, will try and give a screenshot later10:08
Kiloscool ty10:09
Kilosno rush 10:09
Kilosits at the council for approval10:10
Kilosso even Mark will look at it10:10
Kiloswe might need to add some french greeting there too, i just need to find out how many countries use french as first language10:12
Kilosthe drc havent joined the irc channel so far because they are all french10:13
ThatGraemeGuyhi Kilos 10:17
pieter2627Kilos: http://pasteboard.co/2JePjRzI.png10:41
pieter2627that is a quick firebug tickering... there might be some issues; will need fly and pro's input10:41
Kiloslet me find the old one and see the diffs10:42
pieter2627Kilos: http://ubuntu-africa.info/10:42
pieter2627wbbl - gonna have lunch10:43
Kilosi have it open all the time just need to find which tab10:43
Padronihi all10:47
Kiloshi Padroni  you well?10:47
Kilosyes ty10:48
Padronitrying to get the guys from the Ubuntu-SA FB page to join here10:48
Kilosi just got the mail10:48
Kilosi saw the whats that hehe10:48
Padroniwhat mail?10:49
* Padroni just switched to Cinnamon10:49
Kilosi get mails everytime something im part of gets changed10:49
Kiloseven when strangers membership expires sigh10:50
Padroniwho's memberrship expired?10:50
Kilossome ubuntu member10:51
Kilosim bang if i unsubscribe then i miss important stuff10:52
Kilosso i take the good with the useless info10:52
Kilosand the fb mails keep me up to date with what happens with family and friends without me nneding to go to fb10:56
Jacques_StryHey Padroni10:58
Padroniyo Jacques_Stry10:58
Padronilong time...10:58
Jacques_StryLooks like everytime I log in your offline and visa-versa10:59
Jacques_StryYou on cinnamon? Mmmm...11:00
Jacques_StryYou on Mint now or Still normal ubuntu11:00
Padroniubuntu, but trying out Cinnamon11:01
PadroniI remember cinnamon from my days of using Mint11:01
Padroniit's pretty11:01
* Padroni is flying up to PTA on Thursday11:02
Jacques_Strywhat you doing in PTA11:04
Padronicourt on friday11:09
PadroniTaking my laptop and iPad11:09
Kiloswhat a schlep11:09
Padroniseries-binge thursday and friday11:09
Padronioh well11:10
PadroniI miss 2 days of work11:10
Padroniso there's that11:10
Kilosyeah but when you get back more to catch up11:10
Kilosso you dont miss much actually11:10
* Padroni waves at Squirm11:11
* Squirm eyes Padroni11:11
SquirmI thought it was you11:11
* Padroni be recruitin'11:12
PadroniHelp that simon guy to get in too11:12
Padronihe says he can't chat from the site11:12
qwebirc15858Hey Guys :) 11:16
Padronihey Simon-JHB11:16
* Jacques_Stry waves11:16
qwebirc15858lol it took me 10 hours to figure out how to send a text in this chatroom LOL11:16
Padronidamn son11:17
Padronihow come/11:17
Simon-JHBSo pals where do you all stay? I am in JHB as my name suggest11:18
Kiloshi qwebirc15858  11:18
Kilosohi Simon-JHB  too11:19
Simon-JHBPadroni my keyboard has many keys, so it' a struggle to find the right keys to construct a sentence in English HAHAHA 11:21
Squirmlunch time, chat later11:21
Simon-JHBOkay later Squirm!11:21
Kilosjy kan die taal praat ook11:22
Kilosnot too much Squirm  11:22
PadroniSimon is new11:22
Padronihe is from Facebook11:22
Padronion the interwebs11:22
Kilosnow teach him to install an irc client11:23
Padronishould have xchat by default?11:23
Kilosthere you go then11:23
Simon-JHB@Kilos haha YES please, will someone teach me how to install irc client...11:23
Kilosyou using unity?11:24
Simon-JHBNo I am using Gnome11:24
Kilosoi i dont know what gnome interface is like but anyway open a terminal11:24
Kilosthen type in xchat11:25
KilosPadroni  havent you used gnome?11:25
Simon-JHBcool thanks, let me do that, will update on how it goes..11:25
Padronii had Unity11:26
Padronithe ubuntu default one11:26
Kiloswhen it opens choose freenode and edit on the right11:26
* pieter2627 notes to kilos that ctrl+alt+t doesn't seem to be cross flavour default - it does not work in kubuntu 15.04 :(11:26
Kilos'no in kde you can set what you want11:27
Kilosi have ctrl+t as mine11:27
Kilospieter2627  that looks good to me11:27
pieter2627yeah, but default was nice11:27
Kiloswe need to shake inetpro  11:27
Kilosyou guys can decide because its all the same to me11:28
pieter2627oh hi Simon-JHB and qwebirc1585811:28
pieter2627Kilos: there is just two diff ways to implement it - will need to decide which to use11:30
Simon-JHBHi Pieter2627, will anyone please teach me Afrikaans, I forgot it the minute I left Free State to JHB :( 11:30
Kiloswhen Simon-JHB  has a client going pieter2627  then ill look for how11:30
Kilosin settings somewhere11:30
KilosSimon-JHB  wen jy met die xchat ding11:31
Jacques_StrySimon-JHB: sudo apt-get install xchat11:32
Simon-JHBKilos I am done installing it, I am now getting the settings okay11:32
Kilosi thought it was in already11:33
KilosJacques_Stry  will you take over?11:34
Kilospretty please11:34
Jacques_Strywill do11:34
Kilosim a kde and konversation man now11:34
Jacques_StrySimon-JHB: In the network list choose FreeNode11:35
simon__Hey guys, Thanks Jacques11:36
Jacques_StrySimon-JHB: Go to edit - in favorite channels add "#ubuntu-za,#ubuntu-africa,etc" without the " for all the channels you want to use11:36
Jacques_Stryhaha your here11:36
simon__lol haha yeah bud, this things are not pap and vleis11:37
Jacques_StryGlad nie11:37
Kilosonce you are used to it you cant live without your daily chat11:38
simon__hahaha now I can breath a sigh of relief #hhhmmm11:38
simon__I hope so @Kilos11:38
Kilosand you get free cyber coffee11:38
KilosMaaz  coffee on11:38
* Maaz puts the kettle on11:38
Jacques_StryMaaz: with milk11:39
MaazHaha Jacques_Stry You aren't one of those that needs to drink black coffee to be able to cast a shadow!11:39
simon__hahaha now you making me crave for real black coffee11:39
pieter2627Maaz: with 2 sugar please11:39
Maazpieter2627: What?11:39
* pieter2627 is gonna have bitter coffee11:40
Kilosmaaz with sugar11:40
MaazHelp yourself outa the sugar pot11:40
simon__Guys how long has this community been going?11:40
pieter2627Kilos: how do i tell maaz... oh11:40
Jacques_StryWell I have only been here about 2 Months11:40
pieter2627Maaz: coffee please11:40
Maazpieter2627: Done11:40
KilosMaaz  with cremora11:41
MaazAh! At last someone with taste11:41
KilosMaaz  and milk11:41
MaazNow you're talking11:41
simon__what is the main duty of the community? 11:42
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and pieter2627!11:42
Kiloswe help new guys sort problems they are having11:43
KilosMaaz  dankie man11:43
MaazGroot plesier my vriend11:43
pieter2627maaz grazie11:43
Maazpieter2627: Excuse me?11:43
pieter2627maaz thanks11:43
Maazpieter2627: No problem11:43
Kilosthe bot is a toy at times and other times does out monthly meeting minutes etc11:43
simon__okay cool!11:44
* pieter2627 needs to learn this thing - so will cont to push it11:44
KilosMaaz  help11:45
MaazKilos: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff.11:45
MaazAsk me "help me with ..." for more details.11:45
Kilospieter2627  better to pm the bot and then work your way through all it can do11:45
MaNIMaaz help me with do all my programming work for me11:46
MaazMaNI: I'm afraid I don't know what you are asking about. Ask "what can you do" to browse my features.11:46
pieter2627ok (msg or query?)11:46
simon__So guys what are typical professions of users in this group?11:47
Kilosall IT guys and me11:47
Kilosmechanic and farmer and greeter bot11:47
Kilosnews from the top11:48
KilosOn 21/04/2015 13:05, Michael Hall wrote:11:48
Kilos> I see no problems or concerns with this site, everything looks great to me.11:48
simon__Alright if by any chance there's anyone who does some work in python(Django/Cherrypy) and they have some to outsource they can do so to me, I just wanna keep my python skills active, there's inst much python going on in SA hence I settled for php11:52
* Padroni has been here 2 months and is widely considered an expert on nothing in particular11:55
Kilosoh simon__  you really want to wake up all python skills11:55
Kilosyou can rewrite our bot in python311:56
simon__Yeah Kilos I love python.11:56
simon__what is "bot"?11:56
Kilosgreat you will get on well with superfly  11:56
simon__oh lol11:56
Kilosthe coffee maker11:56
Kilosits in the repos 11:56
simon__what is it on currently?11:57
Kilospython 2 or 2.7 im not sure11:57
Kilosbut doesnt tork in 14.04 or later that want python 311:58
simon__lol but then if it's in 2.7 then why go python3? 2.7 has great matured fueatures11:58
Kilosif you are here tonight superfly  or inetpro  can explain11:58
simon__okay cool, what time?11:58
Kilosnormally when they get home and sometimes after supper and on the odd occasion during the day11:59
Kilosdepending on work of course12:00
simon__okie dokie, will pop in later then, I have to get back to work as well!12:00
Kiloscool nice to have you here12:01
Kiloswe are here all day12:01
simon__likewise 12:01
KilosPadroni  nice catch12:02
Kilosi love it when clever peeps join, i cant help them12:13
* Squirm looks around12:24
pieter2627hi theamoeba12:29
theamoebahey pieter2627 :)12:29
pieter2627Kilos: greeter bot seems broken12:29
Kiloshi theamoeba  welcome to ubuntu-za12:29
Kilosjust slow pieter2627  12:29
Kilosbut i have you guys too12:29
pieter2627yeah, but i don't know who is new and who is returning12:30
Kilosdoesnt matter as long as peeps are greeted12:31
Kilosty for standing in12:31
Kiloshaha if you greet and they welcome you then they are old peeps returning12:33
pieter2627haha, yeah makes sense12:33
Kilosbut wont be many old hands popping in i think12:34
Kilosmost are here now or you have met them already12:34
=== jacques_ is now known as Jacques_Stry
PadroniI am off to lunch with the wife.13:10
Padronilaters, folks.13:10
Kiloscheers Padroni  go safe tomorrow13:10
Kilosis your laters a tomorrow thing13:10
Kilosor tonight13:10
Jacques_StryCheers, enjoy13:11
Jacques_StryGoing home, chat later o/13:25
Kiloscheers Jacques_Stry  13:25
tailonlo all13:39
Kiloshi ta13:43
Kilosai! die domdonner darem15:06
Kiloshi drussell  15:39
drussellHeya Kilos 15:40
Kilosoh my he didnt even say anything but byebye15:56
melodieKilos therefore he did say something! Hello here btw! o/16:01
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za melodie  16:10
Kilosoh she gone for a walk16:11
Kiloshi pieter2627  17:00
pieter2627evening Kilos17:02
Kilospieter2627  hou bietjie daai comment en jou oplossing handig vir die pro asb17:17
Kilosek verloor en vergeet goet17:17
SquirmI'm the only one in the office17:27
Kiloshi rejerson69  welcome to ubuntu-za17:31
KilosSquirm  what time do you guys close shop for the day?17:32
Kilosi tyhought IT peeps go home at 4 pm17:33
SquirmGenerally 17h30ish17:33
magespawngood evening17:48
inetprohi magespawn17:53
inetprogood evening everyone else17:53
inetprooh and that includes oom Kilos17:53
Kiloshaha hi there inetpro  17:53
inetprowhat did i miss oom Kilos?17:54
Kilosohi superfly  17:54
Kilosonly me making mistooks inetpro  17:54
Kilosoh and a comment on the site17:55
inetproonly one comment?17:55
Kilossee pm man im shy to show here17:55
magespawninetpro did you get a ec2?17:55
Kiloscomment on improving the look17:55
Kiloshi my magespawn  17:55
magespawnhi Kilos17:56
Kilossay hi to melodie  guys17:56
magespawnjust because you are now a ubuntu larny, does not mean you can give up the greeter bot duties17:56
Kilosyes sorry magespawn  17:57
inetprooom Kilos tell sabdfl to come and visit us here man17:57
Kilosim sure he dont wanna visit dom donners17:57
magespawnhah Kilos, lol17:57
Kilosi havent found him on irc yet17:58
Kilosim also sure he is the only one on the council that understands my email addy17:58
inetproKilos: melodie is away at the moment17:58
Kilosshe is a skelm and sometimes chats in away mode17:59
Kilosmelodie  ping18:00
inetprowelcome to #ubuntu-za melodie18:00
Kilosoh inetpro  i posted the one reply i got from the committee18:01
KilosMooDoo> how about the learn more button in the ubuntu africa section lining up with the other two buttons so it doesn't look like it's out of place....like i said very trivial 18:02
Kilosai! im too old to have to scroll so far man18:02
Kiloswe also have a new python person that will look at rewriting ibid into python 318:03
Kilosi told him to speak to you guys18:04
Kiloshe asked why python 3 when 2.7 has all those features18:04
Kilosall i could say was we need three to make it work here18:05
magespawnthe fly would argue for the latest version i think18:05
magespawninetpro did you get a ec2?18:07
Kilosthats why i said ask him and pro for the reasons18:07
Kilosyes he did magespawn  18:07
Kiloseven offered to run QA there when he has time18:07
magespawndo you know what he has been using it for?18:08
Kilosoh to host hibana18:09
Kiloshibana ping18:09
hibanamagespawn: oh, I'm here18:12
inetprosomewhere in Ireland18:13
inetprohe is*18:13
Kilosinetpro  http://pasteboard.co/2JePjRzI.png18:13
Kilosthats what pieter2627  suggested after the moodoo comment18:14
inetpropieter2627: looks good, what do you need from us?18:16
inetproKilos: log a bug for us18:16
Kiloshe will be back at 8.3018:16
Kilosa bug for where?18:17
inetproany issues that people identify can be logged as bugs18:17
Kiloswe dont have bugs, only things to move around18:17
inetprofixing bugs is all part of the learning process 18:17
Kiloshi Simon-JHB  18:17
inetprowb SilverCode18:17
Simon-JHBhey Kilos, how are you doing?18:18
inetprooops... Simon-JHB18:18
Kilosinetpro  Simon-JHB  is the python man18:18
Simon-JHBhey inetpro haha18:18
inetprohmm... Kilos, who's SilverCode?18:18
Kilosim good ty and you?18:18
Simon-JHBI'm well thanks!18:18
inetproKilos: looks like your family is growing by the day?18:19
Kilosinetpro  can you point him to the source code please18:19
Kiloslol for ibid man18:19
inetproKilos: https://trello.com/c/od4hQ8XH18:20
Simon-JHBI think inetpro needs so strong black coffee to help him concentrate :)18:20
KilosSimon-JHB  https://github.com/ibid/ibid18:20
Kilosi hope thats it18:21
Simon-JHBokay will check it out, give me brief intro on the system you pointing me to?18:21
inetproSimon-JHB: please join us on Trello as well https://trello.com/b/GKXXiBxU/ubuntu-south-africa-loco18:21
Kilosit is the bot we have here written in python by our guys that silicon valley stole from us18:22
Simon-JHBwill do inetpro, thanks!18:22
Simon-JHBIsn't silicon valley based in America? if so then no surprise by that :)18:23
Kilosyeah our dev guys are there now18:24
inetproKilos: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-africa/+filebug18:26
Kilosdidnt you read the comment18:26
Kilosvery trivial18:26
Kiloshibana  cant you put the breaks on that guy18:28
Kiloshow can he file a bug on my beautiful site18:29
Kilosmagespawn  you supposed to support man18:29
hibanaKilos: a bug is a bug18:29
Kiloshibana  go back to ireland18:31
Kilosoh my18:31
inetpromagespawn: currently I'm not doing much with with my ec2 other than giving hibana his own home on the globe 18:33
* hibana goes back to sleep18:34
Simon-JHBOkay thanks for the links guys, I will go through the source code on github to familiarise myself with the system logic18:35
pieter2627inetpro: there are two ways to implement that...18:36
inetproSimon-JHB: I'm sure Kilos is very happy to see someone working on ibid again at long last18:36
pieter26271) using something that is considered a css hack thingy - does not work in ie7 or less18:37
Kilosyeah very very happy18:37
pieter26272) using a new css3 attribute that also has ie support issues - just have to confirm others18:37
Simon-JHBlol haha @inetpro I love python, so I badly needed something to help me communicate with this beauty, I am tired working with php but it pays the bills18:38
Simon-JHBwho are active members on the system beside you Kilos of-course?18:38
Kilosnot me18:39
Kilosthere is a channel18:39
Kilosbut i think they all in silicon valley now18:39
KilosMaaz  ibid.channel18:39
MaazKilos: Sorry...18:39
KilosMaaz  ibid channel18:40
Simon-JHBal-right  18:40
Kilostumbleweed  you here?18:40
pieter2627the support for option 2 (http://caniuse.com/#feat=flexbox)18:40
tumbleweedKilos: hi18:40
pieter2627inetpro: so don't know which to use18:41
Kilosohi tumbleweed  we have a guy that will look at rewriting ibid18:41
Kilosinto python 318:41
Kiloscan you just be stanby in case he needs some help please18:42
Kilosmaybe once a week or so18:42
Kilosor via email18:42
tumbleweedKilos: I'm around to help, yes18:42
tumbleweedthere's an ibid development IRC channel18:43
Kiloscool ty tumbleweed  18:43
Kilosthat one18:43
tumbleweedthat's just a server18:43
tumbleweed#ibid on atrum18:43
KilosSimon-JHB  are you watching18:43
tumbleweedif nobody replies (I forget to look at that channel), ping me or Vhata18:43
Simon-JHByeah I am watching Kilos..18:44
Kilostumbleweed  maintained ibid for years18:44
Simon-JHBhi tumbleweed nice to meet you!18:44
Kilosso i think do what you can then where you get stuck we can ping tumbleweed  18:44
tumbleweedSimon-JHB: you too18:45
Simon-JHByeah sounds great Kilos18:45
Kilosactually someone else did some work there too and gave up18:46
Simon-JHBwhat server are we rewriting it to again Kilos?18:46
Kilosi think he added a braai function18:46
inetpropieter2627: you really think we should care much about ie7 or less?18:46
KilosSimon-JHB  rewrite the whole thing then we install on our pcs for testing purposes first18:47
Simon-JHBhahaha maybe he got a kid/s and wife/husband then responsibilities started piling up, that's the possibility18:47
pieter2627no imo, but i don't know the feelings of you guys who are 'on top'18:48
Kilosthen if all runs well we ask the host of maaz to upgrade or we run it by inetpro  18:48
inetpropieter2627: feelings? haha18:48
Kilospieter2627  explain that please18:48
inetpropieter2627: we live in a do-ocracy here18:48
Simon-JHBokay Kilos18:48
Kilosdo you mean ie7 wont be able to see the site?18:49
inetproKilos: no man18:49
Kilosthats why i asked explain18:49
inetpromaybe if they couldn't see it, they shouldn't anyway18:49
pieter2627Kilos: i don't know if you might care about cross browser compatibility18:50
Kilosthat is something to think about18:50
Kilosbecause how will you attract new peeps to ubuntu if they cant open it18:51
Kilosoh wait18:51
Kilosif they using ie they have probs anyway18:51
inetproKilos: nou verstaan jy18:51
Kiloswe can fly over africa and drop flyers saying install firefox18:51
Kilosya pieter2627  forget ie18:52
pieter2627Kilos: at least the buttons won't line up in this case - site still functional18:52
Kilosi didnt understand the comment in the first place18:53
Kiloswerent things supposed to line up18:53
pieter2627Kilos: ok, will see to push a branch tommorow if it will fix a bug :)18:53
Kilosyay ty pieter2627  18:53
inetproKilos: did you get his message even?18:54
pieter2627Kilos: they don't currently18:54
inetpro"if it will fix a bug"18:54
inetproKilos: log a bug18:54
stickyboyAddis Addis...18:54
Kilosi ignored that on purpose18:54
Kilosmy dev team dont make mistakes18:54
pieter2627oh, should i also include that spelling bug :P in the branch18:55
Kilosyes please18:55
inetpropieter2627: go for it18:55
inetpropieter2627: and anything else you see, or think should be modified or added18:56
pieter2627inetpro: i am currently trying to figure out how to create a custom directive for reStructureedText in Nikola since some aren't native to bootstrap18:58
pieter2627inetpro: you wouldn't maybe know how to do this18:58
Kilosinetpro  loves  reStructureedText18:59
inetpropieter2627: sounds interesting but I'm afraid I'm still a newbie when it comes to reStructuredText, let alone Nikola19:00
* pieter2627 has the same issue19:00
Kilosif you dont try youll never learn19:00
inetpropieter2627: join #nikola and ask them for advice perhaps19:02
pieter2627inetpro: that will help ty19:03
magespawnpieter2627: is anyone still using ie7?19:13
inetpromagespawn: good question19:17
* inetpro hasn't looked at stats for a long time19:17
inetprovery interesting 19:17
pieter2627magespawn: i don't think one should count those that do as any one :P so no19:18
pieter2627but then again, maybe we should look at africa stats19:18
Kilosforget ie19:19
Kilosif the cant even guess that there are better browsers out there they wont guess there are better operating systems out there19:19
pieter2627just to confirm, it is option 2 (css3) that should be used right (just confused myself)?19:20
inetprowhere are the other webmasters around here?19:21
Kilosmoppie still away for 4 weeks more19:21
pieter2627me tired, night all19:23
Kilosnight pieter2627  ty19:23
Kilossleep tight19:23
inetprogood night pieter262719:23
inetprooh and thanks for  staying in there19:24
magespawni see they are doing a CSI Cyber19:44
Kilosoh yeah watch 2 so far i think19:44
Kilosnot bad19:46
Kilosbut ive heard more tech stuff in linux channels so far19:46
Kilosthe series i can almost understand19:47
Kilosbut they havent said sudo yet19:47
* Kilos thinks geeks arent proper geeks if they dont know what sudo is19:54
inetproKilos: you want to see geek stuff then you must read about clock stability19:56
Kilosno more rtfs19:56
Kilosinetpro  i notice you are missing your morning greetings lately19:58
Kilosarent you well?19:59
Kilosnight all . sleep tight20:04
smileHi :)20:14
magespawngood night all20:36
captineevening all20:37
smileGood night20:38
smileOh you meant to say hi, sorry :)20:41
smileHow are you captine 20:41
captinegood thanks20:46
captineand you?20:46
smileI am fine :-)20:48
smileJust having trouble with my computer20:48
smileHardware troubles20:48
captinedesktop or laptop20:54
smileDesktop. Laptop is doing ok20:55
smileProbably the power supply for my new ssd20:55
smileI can fix stuff :-P21:04
captinethats good21:07
captineesp if it is an ssd.  expensive thing to break21:08
smileYeah. :) I hope the power supply is still good21:08
smileSlaapwel :)21:13
melodiebonne nuit, good night23:44

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