
elfyimages rebuilding 06:40
micahgelfy: I don't see the package accepted06:40
elfypackage? 06:41
micahgstill in unapproved06:41
Unit193elfy: So did you want me to change the topic to something specific, btw?06:41
elfyUnit193: not atm 06:41
Unit193Oh, you can yourself, nevermind.06:42
elfyI think knome sorted that for me 06:42
elfymicahg: didn't catch all of the backlog obviously - I was rebuilding because ubiquity06:42
micahgwell, it's getting down to the wire :)06:43
micahgok, off to sleep for me06:43
elfyis there a link to the x-d package unapproved I can put in the channel 06:43
micahgthe link links you to the source changes file I think06:44
elfyor ochosi or bluesabre can ping that channel about it 06:44
Unit193micahg: G'night.06:44
micahgI think bluesabre said he'd ask in the morning06:44
micahgwas more of an FYI for your testing06:45
micahgUnit193: night06:45
elfymicahg: night :)06:45
Unit193elfy: We're likely doing nothing new and silly for core in Wombat, right?06:46
micahgelfy: morning :)06:46
astraljavaelfy: I checked the tracker, and I didn't encounter any other bugs than what were already filed. To my surprise, the system was fairly swift once running. It sort of troubles me why the HDD operations take that long during installation, but not really afterwards.06:47
elfyUnit193: not that I know of 06:47
astraljavaBut I'm not all that bothered. :p06:47
elfyastraljava: thanks for running it - and who knows :)06:47
elfyUnit193: tbh I think that what we have there is what is right for what it is :)06:50
elfyimho 06:51
Unit193Right, doesn't need more than what it has.  I guess I was wondering about ISOs, and them being a silly idea.06:51
elfyoh right06:52
Unit193Seems like a lot more to test and support, sooo.  Nope.06:52
elfyit'd likely get tested as much as core does now - regardless of what it was06:53
elfyalso - we could (if it was iso) make it optional 06:53
elfyonly time I'm particularly concerned about how much something is tested is when we need to mark ready06:54
Unit193Meh, core/mini is always a moving target, never "released" or "ready", so shouldn't hang on that.06:55
elfypersonally I quite like the idea of it being an iso - smoketest core - 2 hours, smoketest 8 iso's 2 hours06:55
Unit193(Though the mini itself isn't rebuilt, all packages are just downloaded.)06:55
Unit193Hah, well that. :P06:55
elfyand dailies are a moving target too :)06:56
Unit193Right, but eventually Xubuntu is released for 15.04.06:56
elfyso - any real reasons behind not doing a cyclical core? 07:00
elfyso - for future - request a rebuild to available ~45 minutes07:01
Unit193We'd be adding a new ISO.  I'm not even sure how to do that.  I wouldn't see any reason apart from the whole testing standpoint.07:05
elfyoh dear07:07
elfylive session doesn't start now07:07
Unit193(Downloading now.)07:10
elfypnged -release about that 07:14
elfyinstalls 07:15
elfyjust fails to reach desktop in live - both vm types I've got here07:15
Unit193elfy:32bit works in vbox.07:52
Unit193Hung on powering down, but still.07:55
Unit193Unapproved: accepted xubuntu-docs [source] (vivid-proposed) [15.04.2]08:17
elfyI've dashed in -dashing out, if someone can ping the right channel to get those -docs approved, we can rebuild - seems that pitti spotted the issue with the live08:50
elfyUnit193: thanks for looking at the 32 bit08:51
Unit193I may have managed to boot so I didn't see the issue.  I don't know.08:55
slickymasterWorkwhich -docs are you talking about elfy?08:57
Unit193slickymasterWork: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-docs/15.04.208:59
Unit193elfy: Next rebuild will catch it.08:59
slickymasterWorkoh, ok09:00
slickymasterWorkI think you're right Unit193 09:00
Unit193slickymasterWork: https://launchpad.net/~slickymaster-d09:00
Unit193I know I'm right. :P09:00
slickymasterWorklol 09:01
* slickymasterWork wasn't trying to insinuate otherwise09:01
bluesabrelooks like xubuntu-docs is published in release now10:09
slickymasterWorkyeaps bluesabre \o/10:11
bluesabreI've never requested a rebuild, does hitting the button rebuild for everyone or go to another screen?10:17
bluesabreknome, elfy, ochosi ^ ?10:18
knomei think it just rebuilds10:18
bluesabreso, I should poke -release before pressing in case they want to rebuild something in 5 minutes then10:19
knomei guess so10:22
knomeof course you don't need to rebuild for the WHOLE world10:22
knomeand i don't think i can ;)10:23
bluesabreyeah, the shiny button needs more descriptive text :)10:24
knomemention that in #ubuntu-quality and ping balloons :)10:26
knomeupgrading laptop to vivid10:38
bluesabrewatching ubuntu-quality10:39
bluesabreseems like there are still ubiquity issues being sorted out10:56
bluesabreI'll leave the rebuild for elfy later today if it doesn't happen before we tell it to10:56
bluesabrealways amazing how things come down to the last few days/hours10:57
knomeand otoh, not so amazing..10:58
ochosihi everyone11:09
knomeeven astraljava!11:11
knomeooh, slickymasterWork!11:11
slickymasterWorkyes, he's around11:12
astraljavaI don't seem to have Xubuntu meetings in the calendar. Is it because there aren't any scheduled, or am I a dummy?11:14
astraljavaRelease date is there, though.11:14
knomethose two aren't either/or though11:15
astraljavaAnd EOL for 12.04.11:15
astraljavaOh, that may be so.11:15
knomeastraljava, but, no meeting is scheduled11:15
knomewe have this cycling chair thing now, so it's not always on the same day or time11:16
astraljavaOh yeah, there's the Xubuntu Team, should I apply to join? I forget these things.11:17
knomebut otoh it means every team member can attend meetings at least now and then, and spreads the responsibilities11:17
knomenot yet11:17
astraljavaIf that's all you got, then I'm gonna keep asking.11:18
knomeno, when your contributions are sustained :)11:18
astraljavaOh ok, thanks. :)11:18
knomeyou'll likely get more slack since you're coming back11:18
astraljavaWell, I'm in no hurry.11:19
knomethe only way the team votes make a difference is that it isn't trivial to join it11:19
knomenot to keep it exclusive, but something that has some long-time value11:20
knomefor the decisions, mostly11:20
knome^ the stratgy document is much shorter and easier to read nowadays.11:21
astraljavaThanks, I need to do some reading to get back on track.11:21
knomesimply put:11:22
knomecontribute to a subteam first11:22
knomeafter sustained contribution, you will get team membership more or less "automatically"11:22
astraljavaGotcha, cheers!11:25
knomeok, booting, brb11:25
knomehmm. is it normal that the battery icon isn't symbolic in vivid? :P11:31
knomewell it's symbolic, but seems to be the wrong kind11:31
knomethe other indicator icons are white, the battery icon is dark11:32
astraljavaScreen shot?11:33
knomejust a sec11:33
bluesabreknome: not normal, and not seeing here11:33
knomealso my notes plugin was dropped from the panel layout during the upgrade11:34
bluesabreknome: just open notes and it should add itself back11:34
knomewell i already readded it11:35
knomeis there a bug for that?11:35
bluesabreprobably not11:35
bluesabrewhats your panel height?11:35
knomechanging that doesn't affect the power icon11:36
knomeit's the same for all sizes11:36
bluesabreochosi: pling11:36
ochosibluesabre: pong11:36
bluesabreochosi: see above ;)11:36
ochosia-ha, how did you get there?11:36
knomeochosi, upgraded utopic->vivid11:37
ochosii mean upgrade/clean install11:37
knomeochosi, bam.11:37
bluesabreknome drops the mic11:37
ochosisounds like it11:37
astraljavaOkay, that's odd indeed. Isn't it slightly darker gray when it's charging, but not that much.11:37
ochosiknome: is that the power manager plugin or indicator-power?11:37
ochosihmkay, possible we don't really support it that well anymore in our icon theme11:38
knomehow do i get the pm plugin, i don't have it in the applet list11:38
ochosimaybe it's not installed11:38
knomelikely not.11:39
ochosii *think* i see the culprit11:39
ochosiit's actually not entirely our fault, partly the indicators11:39
ochosiproblem is, they now want 24px icons whereas before they wanted 22px11:40
knomehe following packages have unmet dependencies: xfce4-power-manager-plugins : Depends: xfce4-power-manager (>= 0.8.0~) but it is not going to be installed11:40
ochosiso a few symlinks might be missing11:40
ochosibluesabre: ^11:40
ochosinot sure what the packaging problem is abou11:41
knomei wonder if there's something fishy with PPA's.11:41
bluesabreknome: do you have xfce4-power-manager pinned to an older version?11:41
knomeor sth..11:41
ochosiknome: wanna test a quick fix for the icon problem?11:41
knomeochosi, soon11:41
bluesabreif you upgraded, your PPAs should all be disabled11:41
knomebluesabre, should, yeah...11:41
knomeyeah, pinning11:42
bluesabreshould have 1.4.3-0ubuntu1 for xfce4-power-manager, -data, -plugins11:43
knomeochosi, ok, shoot11:43
knomebluesabre, unpinning fixes11:43
ochosiknome: go to /usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce-dark/panel/22 in the term11:43
ochosiknome: then run "cp battery* ../24/"11:43
knomebrb, phone11:43
ochosiknome: ideally that'll work because the symlinks are all relative, so they should adjust. then run "sudo gtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce-dark/" and then restart the panel (xfce4-panel -r)11:44
knomeyeah, nope11:46
ochosido the symlinks look ok?11:47
ochosii mean the ones in 2411:47
knomejust a sec..11:47
ochosiright, then i'm not sure11:47
ochosiyou could diff the -dark/panel folders with the -xfce/panel folder contents11:48
ochosimust be some icon name missing from dark11:48
knomeochosi, constructive criticism: the new frame "around selected windows" in greybird when cycling is a bit too obtrusive to my taste11:51
ochosiyou mean in the tabwin window or the frame that is indicating the window itself?11:54
knomethe window itself11:55
ochosithat's up to xfwm4 itself, can't theme that rly11:55
knomethen i guess i'll just turn that off11:55
ochosiyou can disable it specifically for tabwin if you don't like it11:55
knomei know11:55
knomei liked the border11:55
knomebut not the huge blue bloat11:56
ochosinah, that one was extremely hard to see imo11:56
knomejust enough11:56
ochosiespecially when moving and tiling a window, the blue rectangle is very nice11:56
knomedo you want a bug for this indicator icon issue?11:57
ochosii guess11:59
knomewhich package?11:59
ochosiit might be the fake symbolic icons actually11:59
ochosilemme quickly check one more thing11:59
ochosicould you please create these symlinks in 22 and 24 in -dark? http://dpaste.com/3N8B0HZ12:01
elfyare we ready for rebuild? 12:01
ochosiknome: then if that's the problem, i guess i need to re-add those icons, even though this is actually broken by design :(12:02
ochosiand finally with 15.10 this problem will resurface if ppl continue to use indicator-power and it doesn't get fixed12:02
knome(i cp'd)12:02
ochosicopied what?12:02
knomethe symlinks12:02
ochosiand you updated the cache?12:03
ochosiyou could also restart your session just to be sure12:03
knomeok, just a sec12:03
knomeno luck12:04
ochosino clue then tbh12:06
knomeso which package?12:06
ochosimaybe i can try that later @home12:06
ochosiassign it to xubuntu-artwork12:06
knomethe package or the team?12:07
elfyseemingly not 12:07
knomebug 144660512:11
ubottubug 1446605 in xubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "Power indicator icons are incorrect " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144660512:11
knomeelfy, two real hardware upgrades with unclean configuration reported :)12:12
elfyknome: \o/ thanks :)12:12
knomei still have that one old laptop there12:12
elfyworth more than a vbox smoketest for sure 12:12
knomehave to see if i have time to do install/upgrade tests with it12:12
elfywell 12:13
elfywaiting for rebuild now 12:13
knomeyeah, not doing that *now*12:13
elfynot sure what else is being fixed elsewhere - so not triggering it manually12:13
knomein the evening or tomorrow12:13
elfybluesabre: rebuilding - as long as you only select our stuff - that's all that gets rebuilt 12:14
knomeshower time, bbl12:15
astraljavaQuite abstract, that knome fella.12:15
ochosiknome: i can't reproduce your problem15:18
ochosii just installed indicator-power in vivid and the bright icon shows up just fine in my panel15:18
ochosii can't really think of a difference between my system here and an upgraded one15:18
ochosicould it be that you have a stuck xubuntu-artwork package too or something?15:23
drcQuick question:  How does one get a "indicator-power" installed in vivid, rather than just the pm-plugin?15:29
Unit193Upgrade from trusty, I think it was?15:30
ochosidrc: sudo apt-get install indicator-power --no-install-recommends15:31
drcThanks...I missed the old one :)15:32
ochosianyway, would be good to know if it's reproducible in a normal vivid install15:32
ochosiif it's solely an upgrade issue i'll dial down my attention to this bug15:32
drcJust added it, logged out and in...it's dark on my box...the only thing I really changed from install was upped the panel height to 32.15:35
drcnow, where's the config? :)15:35
ochosiwhat config?15:36
drcOne used to be able to config it olny show up when the battery was charging or discharging15:37
drcThat's what I missed about the new one15:37
ochosimaybe you can configure that in indicator-power, but i'm not sure anymore15:38
ochosiif so, you'd find it in dconf-editor15:38
drcyup...change "present" to "charge"15:42
drcworks as advertised..the discharging icon is light/empty batter, but the charging icon is dark.15:45
ochosia-ha, so only the charging icon15:45
ochosii only checked the discharging one15:45
drcI'm going to let the laptop run on battery for a while to make sure15:45
drcCan't say for sure, the icon was dark on install, but I haven't let the battery run down enough to tell for sure.15:47
ochosinope, charging looks ok for me too15:47
ochosi(left is indicator-power) http://i.imgur.com/gftUQQp.png15:48
drcinteresting...discharging = light/empty. charging = dark/full15:49
drcBut the initial icon show on installed was different from both of these.15:49
drcWhen the battery's fully charged, I'll change the config to "present" and see what that one is15:50
Unit193gmb git supports mpv backend now.15:58
drcochosi: This is what I get when on boot https://i.imgur.com/B11qpOz.png (see the dark icon)16:58
drcochosi: This is what I get when on battery (discharging) https://i.imgur.com/bc39Rns.png16:59
drcBoth those icons are when power indicator is "present" in the dconf-editor.17:05
drcthere is a third "dark icon" when present is changed to "charge" but I'm having trouble getting a screenie of it :(17:07
drcGoing to let the battery run for a while....17:08
drcochosi: and this is what I see with "charge" just after I plug the power cord back in...just before it gows away.  https://i.imgur.com/A4uvy8B.png17:14
drcI don't think I'm explaining it well...any questions just ask.17:15
drcochosi: https://i.imgur.com/A4uvy8B.png is when "battery is charging"17:27
drchttps://i.imgur.com/B11qpOz.png == Charged (present)17:50
drchttps://i.imgur.com/bc39Rns.png == Discharging (present)17:50
drcThe log doesn't have the last image I posted but it is Charging (present)17:51
elfylogs will have it - I can see it 17:52
drcI thought there was a difference in the "present" vs "charge" in the indicator-power config, but it looks like I was wrong, with "charge" the "charged" icon just goes away.17:52
drcelfy: sooner or later :)17:52
drcI was just trying to undo the confusion I wrought earlier.17:53
elfyfor what it's worth - I get the power indicator again for some reason on a desktop 17:54
elfyand also it looks different - completely - if you change panel size17:54
Unit193Not xfpm plugin?17:54
drcyes <26 one icon >26 another17:55
elfy24 here17:57
elfyUnit193: *shrug* whatever shows up in notification area, just added xfpm and that's blank 17:57
drcthe funny thing is, the icons aren't even close in appearence.18:01
knomeochosi, no, i cleared all pins18:57
knomeochosi, i can look at it again later18:57
Unit193knome: Any way to give the Xubuntu packageset uploaders bzr access to xubuntu-docs?18:58
knomeUnit193, good question. probably.18:59
Unit193knome: It could be done otherwise, but for example d/changelog (or other debian/* changes) or tags would be handy (micahg tagged the last upload, tags for 12.10.1 and 12.10.2 also existed.)19:00
knomeweird, the doc-committers team doesn't have any team as a subteam19:02
knomeand is owned by the CC19:02
Unit193(Also, fwiw LP 1299286 still exists. :P )19:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1299286 in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Display performance regression in Xubuntu 13.10 and 14.04 as VirtualBox guest" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129928619:08
elfyif anyone happens to notice rebuilds happening - would be good to see if it actually boots and shutsdown properly - thanks 19:59

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