
wgrantcjwatson, blr: Oops, I remember seeing the notification on my phone, but apparently not enough to not fall asleep in the intervening ten minutes.06:22
cjwatsonwgrant: Could you have a quick look at https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/git-mail-fix-delta/+merge/257015 ?  I believe that will make it possible for me to clear the QA queue.10:38
cjwatson(There's a couple of BMP preparation branches too, which should be reasonably trivial)10:41
cjwatsonwgrant: Ah, thanks :)10:56
cjwatsonwgrant: Oh, how's the apparmor stuff coming?11:00
cjwatsonwgrant: Our "Work out branch vs repo UI and model considerations" is essentially done now, isn't it?16:38
wgrantcjwatson: Yep, I think so.16:39
* cjwatson tickyboxes16:39
cjwatsonI moved 'Make "Unmerged revisions" work' to later, and went through tasks adding dependency links in their descriptions16:41
cjwatsonNow that I've worked out how to do that16:41
wgrantoh you can do that?16:42
cjwatsonwgrant: type @ and then you can search for a task name (among other things)16:43
cjwatsonIt's only in prose, but a lot better than nothing16:43
wgrantoh fancy16:44
cjwatsonMost of the MP code is up for review now.  There are a bit over 1K lines remaining, consisting of GitRef.getMergeProposals, TargetGitRepositoryWidget, BMP browser code of various levels of hackiness (I suspect resubmit might still be broken), and the new GitRef views.16:54

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