
Unit193jackson: Hello.03:26
jacksonhi Unit19303:26
Unit193Ooh, you're alive!03:27
jacksonhmm u203:27
jacksoni'm actually from western PA03:28
Unit193Oh cool, I'm not complaining.  Mind if I ask what brings you here though?03:29
cyberangerjackson: Whereabouts?03:29
jacksonbeen here before03:29
cyberangerOh, Butler03:29
Unit193cyberanger: Nice catch.03:29
jacksonmy father was born in New Concord too03:31
jacksonand I have lived in Dayton  for 4 years03:31
jacksonso I have a connection03:31
jacksonand butler is only 30 mins from Ohio03:32
jacksonsoooo whet the ell03:32
jacksonso where are youns from?03:33
Unit193Ohio, Mansfield area.  Born in Akron though.03:34
* jackson was born in Augsburg Germany03:35
cyberangerjackson: From Erie, PA, now live in Chattanooga, TN area03:35
* jackson is retired and was a Automated building systems Tech03:37
jacksonI installed a computer in the utility roon and interconnected the whole building to run on a computer and that was from 1978 to 199303:39
* jackson was an Energy Manger03:41
jacksonon nuf me tooting my horn03:41
jacksonand u guys?03:42
cyberangerTitle says System Administrator for one job, Stocker for another, really it's "Do the job, no matter the task"03:44
jacksoncool  got to start some where and do what one has to do03:46
* jackson served in the USAF for 20 years 2 mts 2 days then I retired from the military in 199303:48
* jackson is working with the Ardunio and Rasberry Pi too03:51
jacksonand u Unit19303:54
Unit193Me?  Just trying to get more in the sysadmin side of things, not a programmer (unless it gets late at night.)03:55
jacksonlol k03:55
jacksonI also mess with solar power and related stuff03:57
cyberangerThat's always fun03:57
jacksonenergy management for energy conservation03:57
cyberangerPassive radar, SDR03:57
jenni[ Passive RADAR With a Dual Coherent Channel RTL-SDR - rtl-sdr.com ] - https://j.mp/1bsBHFf04:05
jacksonI worked insupport of scope dopes operating a 50 Megwatt radar tower on the Calif coast for 3 years    interesting04:07
jacksonjenni: list04:08
jenniList all the things you know04:08
jacksonhaha got 5 years04:08
jacksonjenni version04:09
jennilike 1.0.204:09
jacksoncyberanger and Unit193 i have a chanel on ((Server: irc.spotchat.org  #living_green)) and you and others are invited to hangout. The chanel is about: Living more efficiently using a smaller Carbon footprint.04:23
jackson*channel 04:27
canthus13weird. I thought I was in any other channel BUT this one. there's activity.  Like... a full screen of it. o.O05:49
Unit193From PA, TN, and OH.05:51
Unit193Took 3 states to get this much.05:51
thafreaknow we just need markdude from CA to join in14:54
* dzho checking in from OH, far east division15:49
dzhojackson: I lived in Dayton for a bit, too.  It was all last century, so . . . 15:51
thafreaklast century...way to make yourself seem even older than you are :)15:51
dzhodude, the Internet, it ages us15:52
dzhoyou know how they talk about Internet time?  the kids, they have no idea.15:52
dzhocut your connections now, while there's still time15:52
thafreakdid you say get an lte connection to my brain?16:01
thafreakdzho: have you purchased a laptop recently? I'm in the market and struggling16:02
thafreakI'm wanting to want the system76 gallago because it has everything I want...16:02
thafreakbut worried about build quality a bit...16:03
thafreakthen there's the new dell xps, but it's basically more expensive than a mac, with similar limited options16:04
thafreakand no ethernet port, only 2 usb3 ports16:04
yanohttps://fi.google.com/ :o19:39
jenni[ Project Fi ] - https://j.mp/1DOEkua19:39
dzhothafreak: the thinkpad twist I have I still have problems with Ubuntu 12.04 going into a hard freeze on it, so I'm afraid I can't offer much advice there.20:01
yano.nws 4321020:06
jenniFrost Advisory issued April 22 at 3:45PM EDT until April 23 at 8:00AM EDT by NWS20:06
jenniComplete weather watches, warnings, and advisories for Columbus, OH, available here: http://alerts.weather.gov/cap/wwaatmget.php?x=OHC049 -- You may also PM the bot to get more details.20:06
Unit193Temp: 39 F (4 C) ~ Overcast ~ Windchill: 30 F (-1 C) ~ Humidity: 62% ~ Observed: Wed 22, 15:5220:06

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