
Rastartbekks: nice,is there another way? :P00:00
bekksRastart: No.00:00
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/windows-networking.html00:01
AndroUser(AndroUser) (AndroUser) In okular, when using the drawing tool I cannot block the tool for making long handwriting Can you try if you can? I thing is somethinh wrong in my computer cause before i could, it started when changing the default stroke color00:03
Rastartwell.thank you for your help guys.bye ;)00:04
MrEikonothanks for the help guys00:05
user549p20hi i need help with github00:05
user549p20where can i be directed?00:05
somsipuser549p20: www.github.com00:06
AndroUser(AndroUser) (AndroUser) In okular, when using the drawing tool I cannot block the tool for making long handwriting Can you try if you can? I thing is somethinh wrong in my computer cause before i could, it started when changing the default stroke color00:12
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Rastarthello. how to see and manage all the autorun and boot programs and services please?i need both terminal and interface.00:20
Jordan_U!upstart | Rastart00:23
ubottuRastart: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/00:23
Jordan_URastart: Though honestly, since systemd is replacing upstart in the very soon to be released Ubuntu 15.04 you're probably better off learning how to use systemd.00:24
ubottusystemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers00:24
Rastartwhen the 15.04 will be released?00:24
Jordan_URastart: In two days.00:25
Rastartbtw is there some good tutorial on how to use upstart and maybe some advanced tricks on boot and autorun programs  and  services management?00:27
Rastarti think that my ubuntu got too many functions i don't really need.00:28
Rastarti'm sure about that and i don't want no more to have to deal with this.00:28
Rastartit's a problem for me and i'm searching for a solution.00:29
daftykinsso install from mini.iso and then just install desktop components instead of the full suite.00:29
Rastarti had some boot problems some months ago00:29
daftykinsor run a distribution which is more geared toward minimalists such as yourself00:29
Jordan_URastart: In my personal opinion, upstart is very unintuitive to use. Systemd make much more sense to me, and is much more well documented. Systemd also tries to start only what's needed, when it's needed, whereas Upstart's model is to try to start anything it can as soon as it can (needed or not). In that way, systemd sounds more like what you want, and you in 2 days you can upgrade and get it.00:30
Jordan_URastart: I also totally second daftykins' suggestion of starting with the minimal installer if you really want a minimal system. It will let you install exactly what you want, and nothing else. Note however that it does still default to installing the full Ubuntu desktop (if I recall correctly) so pay attention to the menus while installing.00:32
daftykinsyou'd have to ignore tasksel and just go via manual package installation, yeah00:32
Rastartdaftykins: truth is that i always found linux too complicated so i always feel like a newbie...it is always been difficult for me to find the correct path or a method to learn all things i need to know..i like computer stuffs yeah but linux is always really hard for me to understand even if i'm not bad at doing everything i need with windows with linux i feel really..dumb. :(00:33
daftykinswell i don't even run desktop and stick to servers :)00:34
Rastartbut i like minimalism...i'm a positive person and i only would like to feel safe cause i don't understand linux the same way i don't understand world.00:34
enigmaOQDniñas follando >> http://www.joserro1.5gbfree.com/?p=20500:35
Rastartbut i like to learn i really like to.but with linux i never found the how to for learning..except for ubuntu irc channel00:36
WugRastart: upstart is poorly documented, and also not finished00:36
Wugsome glorious day it will replace cron, but today is not that day00:37
daftykinsRastart: you often need a task to set for yourself for how to learn, there's a free intro course on edx.org though that i'd recommend going through.00:37
daftykinsit's called LFS101x00:37
daftykinsJordan_U: looks like we have a spammer needing ejecting ^00:37
Jordan_Udaftykins: Thanks.00:38
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daftykinsnp :)00:39
Rastartit's like linux is full of knowledge but doesn't want to let me in to allow me understand its secrets..and ignorance may turn you into someone else's bitch you know how world is i don't have to explain or to hide.00:39
DalekSecWug: Have you never seen http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/?00:39
Rastarti want this to be my computer and not someone else.00:39
gingermouseRastart: Try to keep the language clean, please. =)00:40
Rastartgingermouse: Sorry =)00:41
WugDalekSec: maybe, i dont know. I haven't had to do anything with it in a while00:41
WugDalekSec: the problem I have with linux utilities is they all expect me to read the entire 600 page manuscript detailing every little feature00:41
DalekSecWug: I wouldn't call that "poorly documented" exactly, and table of contents helps.00:42
Wugthere is no abbreviated "ok so you want to start a program at boot time, heres an example" section for people who don't want to spend 5 hours reading it all00:42
Wugit is poorly documented. not poorly documented as in insufficient content, but as in useless organization00:43
Wugthat said, i dont know if i saw the upstart cookbook. is it indexed by google? that's how i tend to find things00:44
RastartI like ubuntu cause it's a community that is meant to be made by users00:44
Wugit is certainly nice that when I find a problem with something, I can hop on freenode, join #[program name], and check if it's a bug00:45
Rastartthe ubuntu irc support is great. but irc need advanced knowledges about network too.00:45
daftykinsIRC networks?00:46
Bashing-omRastart: In addition to irc, there are 3 other venues of support for ubuntu specifically . ubuntuforums, askubuntu and Ubuntu Discourse .00:48
Rastartwell when you're in the net and you don't have a good net configuration you might not know or not care but if you do you can't feel really safe in irc.00:48
Wugim not too worried about it00:49
Wugthis isn't efnet. this is society, we have rules00:49
Rastartbut you can't believe all people are good it is statistically impossible. we don't live in a perfect world unluckily.00:50
ramrebolHi. I'm from America (and ubuntu user since several years), how can I get an ubuntu phone?00:51
Rastarti had my computer completely fucked in past.cause my knowledge was not good enough.00:52
xangua!language | Rastart00:52
ubottuRastart: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList00:52
Rastartoh sorry it is not my fault :( i talk like this in rl cause i'm cool00:52
daftykinsi think you'd best take the non-support queries of general chat to #ubuntu-offtopic now, Rastart00:52
Rastartwell not so cool. :P00:53
Rastartdaftykins: oh thank you.and sorry all guys i didn't want to bother here with non-tech speaking.00:54
Rastartand honestly i'm not the guy who break rules of a community he always tough it's good.00:57
Rastartthank you ubuntu support.00:58
EriC^!touch | Rastart might be useful00:59
ubottuRastart might be useful: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch00:59
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ryan_46ramrebol, Information about Ubuntu phone in /j #ubuntu-touch01:12
idobrtolá boa noite. Estou com um problema no wireless do unbutu 14.04 que fica caindo toda hora. Já tentei várias soluções na net e n obtive sucesso. Alguém ai sabe como resolver? uso um modem wireless usb01:13
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xangua!pt | idobrt01:15
ubottuidobrt: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.01:15
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azizLIGHTwhat does this message about upgrades mean: http://i.imgur.com/3heNvgV.png01:20
azizLIGHTim on 14.04 and dont want to upgrade until next lts01:20
azizLIGHTdoes partial upgrade mean go to 14.10 or 15.0401:20
ramrebolryan_46: thanks for the information !01:21
daftykinsazizLIGHT: could be your PPAs ruining things. run command line utilities for more info. updates != upgrades between versions01:21
xanguaazizLIGHT: have you actually read the message? do you use third party repositories?01:21
azizLIGHTyeah but it says "partial upgrade" and doesnt upgrade mean next ubuntu version01:23
kostkonazizLIGHT, try sudo apt-get update, give us the output01:23
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:23
ryan_46ramrebol,  You are welcome01:23
kostkonazizLIGHT, sorry, i meant   sudo apt-get upgrade01:23
daftykinsazizLIGHT: no, an upgrade is installing latest packages01:23
azizLIGHTi have some ppa xangua01:24
MannyLNJHelp. I had a dual boot Ubuntu, windows 8 system.  I shrunk Windows 8 so i can add windows 7 and then I lost Ubuntu. I followed an online guide and now I lost all 3 operating systems. I am running off a live usb and it does show 3 drives. how can I fix my problem?01:24
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com01:24
daftykinsMannyLNJ: so not even 8 boots right now?01:25
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MannyLNJdaftykins: correctr no OS is found when i power on the laptop01:26
daftykinsMannyLNJ: enter the EFI setup and check 'Windows Boot Manager' is the default boot choice, that should at least restore 8 if it's available.01:26
kostkonazizLIGHT, probably some of your packages come with new dependencies and as a result a partial upgrade is needed to install them01:26
jj3124Hi all, I'm struggling to find the correct drivers for my GPU. It is a Sapphire Radeon HD 3650 512MB. Anyone have any idea where I'd start to look?01:27
azizLIGHTkostkon: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10864202/01:27
MannyLNJdaftykins: If EFI is like the BIOS there is no option for Windows Boot Manager. This is an ideapad z56001:27
daftykinsjj3124: you can only use the 'radeon' open source driver that should be in use as default, your card is too old for anything else.01:27
jj3124daftykins: D'oh! Okay, thank you! I was told the proprietarys suck, but if there's no other options I guess I'm boned.01:28
daftykinsjj3124: yeah AMD dropped HD 4xxx and below01:28
jj3124Dang, well I appreciate the quick response01:28
kostkonazizLIGHT, probably you are using a ppa that has something to do with providing you with the multimedia stuff?01:28
daftykinsno problem :)01:28
jj3124In that case, where is a good place to find a cheap prebuilt computer capable of running Source games :P01:28
azizLIGHTi think i installed a ppa for ffmpeg01:28
Bashing-omjj3124: There are none, as AMD dropped support for that series of cards. - Release 12.04.1 ... emphasis on 1 - still has the xserver that AMD supported .01:29
MannyLNJdaftykins: I think I need to rebuild GRUB from the live usb but I'm not sure01:29
kostkonazizLIGHT, it's up to you now, either disable the ppa, purge it or go ahead anyway. It won't upgade your ubutnu, just those pacakges01:29
daftykinsMannyLNJ: mmm, show us a "sudo parted -l | pastebinit" (you'll need to install pastebinit)01:29
azizLIGHTkostkon: im not getting what the issue is01:29
azizLIGHTand what is a partial ugprade01:30
daftykinsazizLIGHT: i've said like 3 times, what is the problem D:01:30
MannyLNJdaftykins: alrady installed it when i joined the channel.  let me open a term and get the result01:30
daftykinsazizLIGHT: how about a "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" ?01:30
azizLIGHTi dont really understand it01:30
azizLIGHTi dont want to change from 14.0401:30
azizLIGHTjust yet01:31
MannyLNJdaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10864209/01:31
daftykinsdist-upgrade _DOES NOT_ upgrade version01:31
azizLIGHTso what does then?01:31
azizLIGHTim confused01:31
daftykinsazizLIGHT: run it and pastebin the output01:32
bazhang!dist-upgrade | azizLIGHT01:32
ubottuazizLIGHT: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.01:32
kostkonazizLIGHT, it's called a partial upgrade before it does more than updating your already installed pacakges01:32
daftykinsMannyLNJ: hrmm i don't see an ubuntu / partition at all, just a swap partition01:32
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade01:33
azizLIGHTso apt-get upgrade does what01:33
daftykinsinstalls new packages.01:33
MannyLNJdaftykins:  You are right but trust me I had Ubuntu on it.01:33
kostkonazizLIGHT, upgrade updates your pacakges, dist-upgrade performs partial upgrades, do-release-upgrade upgrades your ubuntu version01:34
daftykinsMannyLNJ: sure, i just thought you meant you lost the boot option. erk! i think you need to start from scratch really01:34
daftykinsMannyLNJ: looks like a non-EFI installation too01:34
azizLIGHTso the diff between upgrade and dist-upgrade, is that, upgrade puts new versions of already installed software, and dist-upgrade puts new versions of already installed software and removes something? what does it remvoe01:34
MannyLNJdaftykins:  I think somehow I installed Ubuntu onto one one the NTFS partitions. is that possible?01:34
azizLIGHTkostkon: ok i get release upgrade bit now01:35
kostkonazizLIGHT, either removes or adds(installs) new pacakges01:35
daftykinsMannyLNJ: nah, the file system doesn't support Linux distros01:35
MannyLNJdaftykins: Wait I bet the 200GB extended with no FS is where Ubunto lives and when io was trying to fix the booting issie I messed up the file system01:35
daftykinsMannyLNJ: yeah - 196GB / lurking there perhaps01:36
daftykinsMannyLNJ: if you don't have any data to recover i'd just start again i think01:36
azizLIGHTdaftykins: heres dist-upgrade: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10864224/01:36
kostkonazizLIGHT, ok it's gnna remove a pacakge that's why you got the partial upgrade prompt/window01:37
daftykinsazizLIGHT: seems good, you see libvlccore7 is being replaced with ...801:37
daftykinsyeah looks like VLC was trying to keep itself to a prior version01:37
azizLIGHThm ok. so why dont people just do dist-upgrade all the time?01:37
kostkonazizLIGHT, and as daftykins said replace it with a new pcakge01:37
MannyLNJdaftykins:  Here is my problem. this USB drive boots the live version with no problem but installs fail with errors. i have no other system to use for a week and would like to not have to rely on a live image until then. also I need to boot into win dows 8 for some software that doesn' exist in Linux01:37
daftykinsazizLIGHT: i do.01:37
azizLIGHTill do dist-upgrade now. thanks for advice01:38
azizLIGHTand also autoremove, right?01:38
azizLIGHTdoes it matter the order01:38
daftykinsMannyLNJ: ok, run gparted and try removing the boot flag from partition 3 (sda3) and adding it to sda101:38
daftykinsazizLIGHT: nope01:38
jj3124Hey thanks again for your help guys.01:39
jj3124Have a great night01:39
MannyLNJdaftykins: can i ignore Glib_CRITICAL errors?01:39
daftykinsMannyLNJ: what are prompting those?01:39
MannyLNJdaftykins: when I did sudo gparted01:39
MannyLNJdaftykins: Missing source id's01:40
daftykinsMannyLNJ: oh don't do that. you don't run GUI apps with sudo01:40
MannyLNJdaftykins: ok I figured out where to run it from01:41
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MannyLNJdaftykins: I see Win 8 is /dev/sda2 and win 7 is /dev/sda301:41
daftykinsMannyLNJ: yip01:42
daftykinsbut set the boot flag on sda101:42
MannyLNJdaftykins: setting /dev/sda1 as bootable01:42
MannyLNJdaftykins: Can i reboot now?01:43
daftykinsif you also removed it from sda3 yep01:43
daftykinsmight be safer powering off, remove the flash drive, then power on and see if anything boots01:44
MannyLNJdaftykins: It is remolved from sda3 which has a lock icon01:44
MannyLNJdaftykins: shutting dow.01:44
netametai am installing ubuntu on virtual box, now to fix the window size problem it seems i need virtualbox-guest-x11 but when i do apt-get install  virtualbox-guest-x11 i get this error: some packages could not be installed. this may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you .....01:51
daftykinswe await your pastebins describing the situation, netameta :)01:52
netametadaftykins waht ?01:52
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:52
daftykinsnetameta: show us :)01:53
netametadaftykins i dont have anything to show you01:53
netametai ren the command01:53
netametaand got that error01:53
netametai am not sure what you want me to pastbin01:53
daftykinsoy vey.01:54
daftykinsdo a "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" first off then01:54
netametaupdate done01:55
daftykinsnetameta: this might be better to follow - http://askubuntu.com/questions/451805/screen-resolution-problem-with-ubuntu-14-04-and-virtualbox01:56
netametadaftykins exactly what i am following01:58
netametautils and dkms worked fine01:58
netametax11 -- the rror01:58
daftykinsthey might well be sufficient?01:58
MannyLdaftykins:  That worked. Both windows os boot now01:59
daftykinsMannyL: huzzah \o/01:59
daftykins*smug mode*01:59
daftykinsMannyL: any data on the missing ubuntu you need?01:59
daftykinsnetameta: ah it looks like -utils and -x11 are options perhaps02:00
MannyLdaftykins: now can I install Ubuntu WITHOUT using the install image on the flash drive? I don't mind reinstalling from scratch. There is no essential data on that partition02:00
daftykinsMannyL: perhaps redownload an ISO, hash check it, then remake your flash drive to ensure it won't give errors?02:00
daftykinsmake sure you boot the flash drive in non-EFI mode too02:01
MannyLdaftykins: I don't have an option for EFI or non EFI. I guess I can boot back to windows and make a new USB image there.02:02
daftykinssounds like a plan02:02
daftykinsUniversal USB Installer from pendrivelinux.com gets my vote02:02
netametawell this is extremly weird02:04
netametait wont install it02:05
netametaWell i am going to restart it02:05
netametahow do you restart ubuntu safly ?02:05
daftykinscan you not see the normal GUI items for restart?02:06
daftykinssudo shutdown -r 0 is fine02:06
netametaSure can02:06
rgb-onenetameta: fix window problem? what do you mean?02:06
netametabut never used ubuntu before02:06
QwertieIs there a package for ffmpeg in the ubuntu repos?02:07
daftykinsi was under the impression avconv replaced ffmpeg ages ago02:07
rgb-onenetameta: If you mean you want the screen to auto resize when you adjust it then you need virtualbox guest additions.02:07
daftykinsrgb-one: if you read up, you'd see that's what the installation of is being discussed :)02:08
netametargb-one, i am trying to install them but not getting anything02:08
dant2So this is kinda a Windows question but I am not sure. I installed windows as a dual boot on my 2nd HD of my PC, and now I cant boot my backup partition (Or any partition) from windows. But the data is all there using ubuntu. Anybody have a clue what is up with that?02:08
netametais this the right command rgb-one ? sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms \ virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-x1102:09
daftykinsdant2: so Windows *after* Ubuntu, now Ubuntu doesn't boot?02:09
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daftykinsdant2: "boot my backup partition from Windows" sadly does not make any sense02:10
rgb-onenetameta: No. Install the guest additions from the virtualbox menu of the running vm02:10
dant2daftykins, Both Ubuntu and Windows boot, but my storage partition (1700GB of 2TB for storage, the rest is just ubuntu) no longer will mount under windows.02:10
daftykinsdant2: which OS are you in now?02:10
dant2dant2, Currently booted into Windows8 writing a school paper02:10
dant2daftykins, I mean not myself02:11
daftykinsdant2: if you run "diskmgmt.msc" by pressing super+R how does that partition appear? any issues?02:11
dant2daftykins, Yeah I ran that and I just see it as a huge raw partition02:12
daftykinsi had a feeling it would be so, raw is a very bad sign02:12
daftykinssomething has nuked that02:12
rgb-onenetameta: Look in the Device Menu and click "Insert Guest Additions CD Image..."02:12
netametadone that now it says press return to close this window02:13
dant2daftykins, now that I think about it every boot I get some weird errors, but it never stopped anything from working so I ignored it. What exactly does Raw mean here?02:13
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netametanot sure which key is return02:14
rgb-onenetameta: You clicked "Download" right02:14
rgb-onenetameta: Return is the Enter Key02:14
netametai clicked devices -> inset -> and followed from there02:14
daftykinsdant2: dead. no recognisable file system02:15
rgb-onenetameta: Alright click the enter key02:15
netametaand rebooting now02:15
dant2daftykins, But it still shows up in ubuntu, I havent tried reading anything from it but I assume it works.02:15
daftykinsi doubt it.02:15
daftykinsuntil you boot into ubuntu and can run some commands to confirm, we can't progress02:16
dant2Sure, saving my paper now and about to reboot02:16
netametargb-one. daftykins, thanks folks02:16
rgb-onenetameta: cool02:17
netametanow just need to learn how to use ubuntu :-)(02:17
Bashing-omnetameta: ^^ Time and effort will fix that , Hang in here .02:18
anonymous__hello boys02:18
daftykinsand girls02:19
dant2_2daftykins, Ok I am rebooting now. Had to get onto IRC on my laptop02:19
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/02:19
daftykinsdant2_2: once you get there, "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "sudo parted -l | pastebinit" and share the link here02:20
daftykinsbonus points for making it a clickable link02:20
netametawell i have about a year and half experiance through terminal use of ubunutu but never actually installed it02:20
netametayou're a girl ?02:21
netametaAnd you used oy vey02:21
daftykinsnah i just think it's not right to assume everyone's male :)02:21
somsip!girl | netameta02:22
ubottunetameta: Girls exist on the internet. See http://www.escapistmagazine.com/print/17/27 | http://www.xkcd.com/322/ | For more interesting reading: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/02:22
[n0mad]they've just thought of everything02:22
netametaYea i had some insident in node.js with same thing calling everyone guys02:22
daftykinsi like to think of 'guys' as gender neutral, so there's that02:24
daftykinsanywho back to topic02:24
netametawe had a topic ?02:25
dant2_2I was actually sitting here worrying about everything derailing, because god can gender derail a conversation anytime, anywhere02:25
netametaJust a little general question about ubuntu, the terminal  and gui are tied to eachother right ?02:25
daftykinserr, in what way?02:26
netametaso if i apt-get install something i could somehow get it to show in guy02:26
dant2_2daftykins, So that command seems to freeze up, I do get the error "Error: Can't have a partition outside the disk!"02:26
daftykinsthe GUI is just an application02:26
TiKI have java install but can't get mindcraft to see it02:26
netametaSay i want to install chrome, i assume i will have to apt-get chome..something02:26
dant2_2daftykins, Also the partition still boots in Ubuntu oddly enough02:26
daftykinsnetameta: it's actually not available in the repos since Google make it, so you need to download the .deb from them which... ironically installs a package repository then installs the browser.02:27
daftykinschrome is overrated though.02:27
TiKI like firefox02:27
daftykinsdant2_2: partitions do not boot, booting is solely the act of an OS starting up on a system :)02:27
daftykins'mount' is the word you're looking for here02:27
dant2_2daftykins, Oops, yeah.02:27
daftykinsdant2_2: is there any important data you need on this mythical partition?02:28
TiKcan anyone help me with minecraft?02:28
SchrodingersScatTiK: how did you install java?02:28
rgb-onenetameta: you can get chromium from the repos which is the testbed for googlechrome02:28
netametai see and i will have to do that though terminal right ?02:28
netametaafter i do it though terminal will it be avialble in guy ?02:29
rgb-onenetameta: you can use the software center02:29
netametathis terminal / gui kinda confuse me02:29
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daftykinswhat is "guy" ?02:29
SchrodingersScatpresumably gui02:29
dant2_2daftykins, Not really. Although this drive is also where Ubuntu is installed, but I am certain removing this partition shouldnt break Ubuntu02:29
dant2_2daftykins, Or at least I imagine02:29
daftykinsdant2_2: nah not unless it's set to automount in /etc/fstab02:29
netametadaftkins what you mean guy ?02:29
daftykins netameta> after i do it though terminal will it be avialble in guy ?02:30
daftykinsyeah, what do YOU mean 'guy' ? :D02:30
daftykinshehe np02:30
daftykinsharris: hi02:30
harrisdaftykins, !!!02:30
daftykinsoh-emm-gee daftyyyyy02:30
daftykinswait, wat02:30
harrishow do i make programs open at my mouse location02:31
dant2_2daftykins, So what exactly is the best way to fix this partition? Or should I just delete it.02:32
TiKSchrodingersScat: cool nick uh I installed the jre for openjdk but I think i need the SE02:32
daftykinsyou could fiddle with it in gparted, or just delete and recreate02:32
daftykinsdant2_2: i was hoping to get an incling as to what is wrong from parted though02:33
netameta./configure --prefix-/usr -just tell it to install in /user right ?02:33
rgb-onenetameta: With the terminal you are specifying instructions in the form of commands which are executed in order to perform a certain task. This is in contrast to a GUI where you click a button and the task gets performed automatically.02:33
netametargb-one, so basically they both do the same thing just in different form ?02:34
harrishow do i make programs open at my mouse location02:34
daftykinsthe GUI makes the hard stuff easy, the CLI makes the impossible possible02:34
dant2_2daftykins, paste.ubuntu.com/10864362/02:34
dant2_2daftykins, It also seems I never deleted OSX from when I was tribooting02:35
daftykinsaww non-clickable, bonus points lost02:35
SchrodingersScatTiK: thought jre should be enough, but also how did you install it?  nothing when you java -version #?02:35
daftykinsdant2_2: oh dear you're using intel fakeRAID?02:35
dant2_2daftykins, I guess? I set up raid using my motherboard and installed afterwards02:36
daftykinshrmm so which is the one we're talking about?02:37
dant2_2daftykins, UNTITLED 2 (Number 5)02:37
dant2_2On the 2TB disk02:37
TiKSchrodingersScat: i get 2 versions of java when i --version it02:37
daftykinsFAT32 1.5TB, yeah that's - not gonna work well02:37
rgb-onenetameta: With one (directly interfacing on the command line through the terminal), you have control over what instructions are being performed as you type them explicitly; with the other (the GUI) you are restricted in what you can do because the application you are using handles performing the task you would otherwise perform at the command line.02:38
dant2_2daftykins, Fat32 was the only FS that Windows, Linux, and OSX Yosemite all liked.02:38
netametargb-one, and daftkins again thanks very much for clarifying makes more sense now02:38
daftykinsyeah, exFAT would've been better02:38
daftykinsdant2_2: i think i'd open gparted and kill the HFS+ partitions then, and this one - then recreate a single exFAT02:39
dant2_2daftykins, For some reason exFAT wasnt working for me, no clue why. But it doesnt matter now I dont triboot anymore.02:39
dant2_2daftykins, Sure sounds good. I will just back up my few files first I guess. Will that get rid of my boot errors?02:40
dant2_2daftykins, Although I guess you dont even know what the errors are.02:40
daftykinsi had this recently, if you create it from Windows you have to use a 1024KB cluster size for macs to read it02:40
daftykinsheh, nah i do not :D02:40
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dant2_2daftykins, Any clue why macs need a 1024KB cluster size?02:43
rgb-onenetameta: To give an example `sudo apt-get install chromium` would be the command you type in the terminal to install the Chromium Web Browser. You could alternatively install it from the Sofware Centre (a GUI application) by searching for chromium and clicking install in which case the application would perform the `sudo apt-get install chromium` command. To be clear, the terminal is an interface to the command line. You know cmd prompt from Windows? The02:43
rgb-oneterminal is the equivalent.02:43
daftykinstheir implementation must just have issues with the Windows 7 default of 4,096KB02:43
daftykinsi recovered some data for someone and provided it on an exFAT drive, knowing they own Macs - but was surprised to hear it didn't mount02:44
daftykinsformat with 1,024KB... perfect02:44
dant2_2So weird. Also is the error when starting Gparted "Cant have a partition outside the disk" something I should worry about?02:45
daftykinsit indicates something is out of whack, but doesn't sound like it really points at what02:45
dant2_2Kinda feel like I should just reinstall, I had no clue how many old partitions and crap I had. And it seems like I screwed something up at some point.02:46
daftykinswhatever you do - copy that darn paper off onto an external of some kind first ;)02:46
daftykinsmaybe just live with it until your work is done02:47
daftykinsassuming you have deadlinse approaching02:47
daftykinsdeadlines too02:47
dant2_2Yeah will do, luckily Windows is on my Raid Ubuntu is on its own drive.02:47
TiKQuestion: how do i remove a package i couldn't install ? E: The package jre1.8.0-45 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.02:47
dant2_2daftykins, my boot error says something about the disk drive for /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 or something like that02:47
daftykinsoh that's normal when attempting an encrypted install i think02:48
daftykinsTiK: dpkg -r <package> ?02:48
TiKdaftykins: 1sec02:48
TiKcan I PM you?02:49
TiKgot a few lines of text here02:49
daftykinsno use the paste site02:49
TiKthats why i asked :P02:49
TiKdaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10864407/02:50
daftykinsTiK: "sudo dpkg -r --force-all <package>"02:51
cluelesspersonQuestion, I made a git user as a system account02:52
cluelesspersonthen deleted it02:52
cluelesspersonnow I'm trying to make a regular user, git, and it's telling me the account is locked02:52
cluelesspersonI tried   sudo passwd -l git  but it's still locked02:52
TiKdaftykins: nope 1 sec02:53
TiKdaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10864417/02:53
netametais there a way to check if i have JDK installed ?02:54
TiKdaftykins: it tried to reinstall02:54
cluelesspersonnetameta, java -version  ?02:54
TiKnetameta: java --version02:54
daftykins"javac" would run if you had a JDK :)02:55
TiKdaftykins: any ideas about this?02:55
daftykinsTiK: mmm, did you get this from a PPA originally? like from oracle02:55
netametajSo i have none installed02:55
TiKdaftykins: i downloaded the RPM and used alien to make it a deb then installed said deb but it failed and now i can't remove it02:55
netametalets see how i get one02:55
TiKnetameta: apt-cache search JRE02:56
TiKthere are 3 or 402:56
netametai need JDK not JRE02:56
daftykinsTiK: sweet mother of Tux, why on earth would you do such a thing O_O02:56
TiKdaftykins: cuz the stupid repo doesn't offer sun java anymore02:56
TiKoracle even02:56
netametaTiK i guess i shoud change it to search JDK02:56
daftykinsnever did, you have to add their repo for that02:56
TiKno you can download from their site02:57
TiKno repo02:57
daftykinsyeah but repos are better than debs02:57
TiKid love to have sun in the repos02:57
daftykinsanyway, that script errors as it says /usr/sbin/alternatives doesn't exist - so you could try creating it02:57
daftykinsto cheat it02:57
TiKdo what now?02:58
daftykinswell look at your paste, the error on line 7...02:58
TiKtik@tik-laptop:~$ whereis alternatives02:58
TiKalternatives: /etc/alternatives02:58
daftykinsso create /usr/sbin/alternatives so it has something to remove :D02:58
TiKwonder if it is trying to find that02:58
cluelesspersonI'm trying to create the regular user git   but it says the account is Locked? !02:58
cluelesspersonI tried unlocking it with sudo passwd -l git02:59
daftykinscluelessperson: scroll up to my link02:59
cluelesspersonbut no dice02:59
cluelesspersondaftykins, oh sorry02:59
daftykinsalso note it was a google result.02:59
daftykinsi think you need to try some self research in future :)03:00
TiKdaftykins: how do i make a sym link to /etc/alternatives03:00
cluelesspersondaftykins, another command  sudo passwd -l user   is supposed to the same thing supposedly03:00
cluelesspersonmaybe that just locks though03:00
daftykinsfollow the page :)03:01
cluelesspersondaftykins, regardless, thanks03:01
daftykinsTiK: i don't think that's a good idea because it's going to be removed, just put a file or directory in /usr/sbin/03:01
jmadero_hi all - I have a Lenovo Y530 that I'm trying to get to boot from USB and it just refuses03:01
daftykinstried all USB ports?03:01
daftykinsfully formatted the flash drive before loading up the ISO? how was it created?03:02
jmadero_daftykins: when in Windows it sees the USb drive03:02
jmadero_daftykins: fully formatted, two separate USB03:02
jmadero_one unetbootin, the other startup disk creator03:02
jmadero_both fail, but work in another system03:02
jmadero_daftykins: exactly, got my father in law all excited about Ubuntu03:02
daftykinsuniversal USB installer from pendrivelinux.com gets my vote, but yeah if it works elsewhere the drive must be ok03:02
jmadero_he installed on his main system now wants on his laptop03:03
daftykinsjmadero_: i take it the thing came with Windows 8?03:03
jmadero_daftykins: the USB port is an interesting idea03:03
jmadero_daftykins: no it's quite old03:03
daftykinsah ok03:03
jmadero_and a google search shows no obvious issues03:03
jmadero_many people say it runs Ubuntu without a hitch03:03
daftykinsthe one-time boot menu is F12 on some recent Lenovos i have here03:03
jmadero_daftykins: yeah I have that, it shows this hotplug option for USB03:04
jmadero_when I select it, nothing happens, goes to Vista03:04
daftykinscan you take a pic?03:04
jmadero_when I disabled the HDD from bios, and just had the USB drive plugged in, says can't boot03:04
daftykinsnothing in the BIOS that's potentially messing with this?03:04
jmadero_of what?03:04
daftykinsof the F12 menu03:04
jmadero_daftykins: sure, but now it's family dinner (sorry) will return shortly03:04
jmadero_with a picture03:04
jmadero_daftykins: hopefully you don't leave before, you've helped before03:04
jmadero_my father in law will be happy03:04
* jmadero_ waves03:05
daftykinsfeel free to do one of all the BIOS screens too03:05
jmadero_be back in a bit03:05
jmadero_will do03:05
daftykinsi'll be here i'm sure03:05
TiKdaftykins: now it's bitching that it's a directory03:06
TiKim just gonna reinstall my OS03:06
daftykinsthat's ridiculous03:06
daftykinsTiK: copy /etc/alternatives to it instead03:07
TiKdaftykins: thats what i Did03:07
daftykinssudo cp /etc/alternatives /usr/sbin/alternatives03:07
TiKdaftykins: I did but i used -a03:08
TiKim copying files now gonna do a complete reinstall03:08
TiKim stuck dude03:08
TiKthis is gonna take a while to backup files03:08
TiK42m on this move03:09
daftykinsgiving up :(03:09
TiKi don't see any other solution03:09
daftykinsread line 586 of /var/lib/dpkg/info/jre1.8.0-45.postrm03:09
daftykinslets see what it really wants to do03:09
daftykinsif you can satisfy the requirements of the remove script, it can be removed03:10
daftykinswe have the technology...03:10
TiKdaftykins: thats way to complex for me03:11
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daftykinsall you have to do is pastebin that file03:12
netametaIs it possible to make an icon do a certain action ?03:19
netametalike setting apth / and then addin icon that will perform a tsk03:19
daftykinsi don't follow.03:19
gingermousenetameta: you mean like make it so you double-click an icon and have it do a little task?03:20
netametaok for example to run php storm right now, i have to do something like cd homedirectory ./phpstorm.sh03:21
netametagingermouse, so instead of going through all of this i wiould just clicka  button on the left menu and it will do that for me03:22
gingermouseSo you want to run a program for which there isn't currently an icon in the dash, right?03:22
gingermouseGot it.03:22
netametayea i thinks so03:22
daftykinsexcept that's a script03:22
gingermouseSo you'll want to have a look at the files in /usr/share/applications03:22
netametadaftykins, yes its a script03:23
netametawhat ?03:24
vonsyd0wi think ~/.local/share/applications is a good location, doesn't require root03:24
gingermouseIf you copy one of them to ~/.local/share/applications, you can modify it so that the exec= line points to the script you want to run.03:24
netametai guess its a bit more complicated then i thought03:24
gingermouseThen just set a name (you only need to set it in English, or whatever language you have set) and point it to an icon.03:24
daftykinsyou might have to tell it to run "sh script.sh"03:24
gingermouseThe best location for user-defined .desktop files.03:25
netametawell i dont really know where to start03:25
netametaso i will for the time being skip that03:25
vonsyd0wlol, the internet is awesome. netameta try reading this: http://askubuntu.com/q/220512/85903:26
vonsyd0wbut i'd use ~/.local/share/applications instead of /usr/share/applications03:27
netametathanks very much03:28
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coolstar-pcHi, I installed gnome-music but it's unable to find music in my Music folder03:32
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coolstar-pcI'm on Ubuntu 14.0403:33
gingermousecoolstar-pc: when I installed it, for some reason I had to run "tracker-search --music-albums" and "tracker-search --music-artists" before it would see any songs.03:33
coolstar-pcgingermouse: hmm, when I run those commands it doesn't list any music albums :/03:34
gingermousecoolstar-pc: that said, Gnome Music didn't really work for me at all last time I tried it. Every time I pressed play or pause, it would pop up a dialog telling me, and on the queue screen the window behind the album art was transparent.03:35
coolstar-pcgingermouse:when I'm trying it it's saying "No Music found!" even though I have around 150 songs in my music folder03:35
gingermousecoolstar-pc: how did you install it in 14.04? From software center?03:36
coolstar-pcI installed it from synaptic03:36
coolstar-pcI don't really trust the software center much as it doesn't show technical details when installing packages03:36
coolstar-pcgingermouse: hmm, seems like tracker isn't indexing any files properly03:37
gingermouseNo, I see now that it is in the repository03:37
gingermousecoolstar-pc: that might actually be your problem. Personally I just use Rhythmbox03:38
cluelesspersonfor some reason this user I just created doesn't show up when I do03:38
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coolstar-pcgingermouse:I've tried making tracker clear and reindex but it doesn't seem to be indexing at all03:38
gingermousecluelessperson: how did you create the new user?03:38
cluelesspersongingermouse, nevermind, sorry for wasting your tmie03:39
cluelesspersonusers  shows you who's logged inapaprently03:39
gingermousecluelessperson: not at all! =)03:39
cluelesspersongingermouse, You'd think "user" would show current logged in user, not users. :P03:39
gingermousecoolstar-pc: unfortunately, that's all I know about Gnome Music. It just seems to not work in Ubuntu.03:39
gingermousecluelessperson: nothing particularly intuitive about that, no worries.03:40
icheryI'm currently running ubuntu 15.04 on my machine and want to keep updating it until the next LTS version is released. Will I be able to upgrade it - any neg impact? Thanks03:42
gingermouseichery: in theory that should work without any issues. Make sure you install all updates as soon as they come out or at least once a week.03:43
daftykinsichery: yes just keep installing updates and on release day it'll be final.03:43
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gingermouseichery: I would always back up your files and have an install disk handy whenever you do an upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu, just in case.03:47
icheryThanks gingermouse and daftykins.  How about if I'm using Nvidia drivers instead of Nouveau?03:47
gingermouseMurphy's law says having it will mean you won't need to use it. ;)03:47
daftykinsthen you better pray you didn't download them manually from nvidia's website03:47
[n0mad]oh, so what does 2 backups mean?!03:47
icheryMake sense. tks03:48
gingermouseYw! =)03:48
[n0mad]would it be normal to see a file in terminal and in another app but not in nautilus?03:51
[n0mad]it's an example.desktop file i believe that i downloaded03:52
[n0mad]it's in my home dir but i can't see it except in terminal and systemback03:52
Bashing-omn0fuq: A dot (.XXXX) file ?03:53
gingermouse[n0mad]: it doesn't have a . in the front of it, does it?03:53
[n0mad]no, it's not hidden03:53
[n0mad]i guess i could try moving it to a different dir in terminal03:54
gingermouse[n0mad]: can you pastebin the contents?03:55
[n0mad]weird, terminal tells me no file but list it03:56
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[n0mad]gingermouse: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10864537/03:57
gingermouse[n0mad]: what's in the .desktop file?03:58
[n0mad]i looked with root too in nautilus and don't see it there03:58
[n0mad]i don't know, let me see..when i tried to move it it said no file so doubt i can open it03:59
[n0mad]i know what it is04:01
[n0mad]it's that examples shortcut04:01
[n0mad]been confused about this for a while and it's dumb04:01
[n0mad]links to some folder with some sample .ogg files04:02
[n0mad]thanks anyway gingermouse and Bashing-om i'm deleting that04:03
gingermouseHah, no worries.04:03
[n0mad]it wouldn't move because i can't find "s" on my keyboard04:03
gingermouseThe thing about .desktop files is that they can look different in terminal and file browsers04:04
[n0mad]right, makes sense04:04
[n0mad]i tried opening in gedit and it did which made me start really wondering. I noticed it was type "Link" and then i moved it and saw it clear as day with the little shortcut arrow04:05
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Bashing-om[n0mad]: Ain't the terminal wonderful :)04:09
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:13
neopsycheare you just messing with me?04:17
lotuspsychjeneopsyche: you have joined an ubuntu support channel04:18
neopsycheginter mouse.. .desktop files are like.. launchers04:18
neopsychelol. dafty, this conversation just got dafty.04:18
neopsycheSorry all I had no sleep04:19
lotuspsychjeneopsyche: maybe re-ask your issue so others can help you?04:19
daftykinsneopsyche: or sleep04:20
neopsycheno i was referrring to your name04:20
thegrreatIs there any terminal command to search for package by name ?04:22
lotuspsychjethegrreat: apt-cache search packagename04:22
thegrreatI mean for example i want to find a package to download by name "test"04:22
thegrreatNot a package i have downloaded already04:23
lotuspsychjethegrreat: yes04:23
thegrreatok thanks04:24
greenapeI have a Lubuntu question04:29
greenapeanyone on?04:30
lotuspsychje!ask | greenape04:30
ubottugreenape: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:30
greenapeIve never used Lubuntu before and sometimes it shutsdown in about 3 seconds. Is this normal? Im not used to a PC turning off so quickly heh.04:33
lotuspsychjegreenape: ubuntu shuts down very fast on computers, this is normal mate04:35
lotuspsychjegreenape: especially if you have good hardware on lubuntu04:35
greenapeno its an old PC04:35
lotuspsychjegreenape: then its a good old pc, with a lightweight lubuntu working very smooth :p04:36
lotuspsychjegreenape: you are worried something was wrong?04:37
greenapeyes since Ive had trouble with it before although I switched the HDD and its cable04:37
greenapeseems like its fine now but wanted to be certain04:38
lotuspsychjegreenape: you can sleep on 2 ears04:38
greenapeIdk what you mean by that04:39
lotuspsychjegreenape: it means, dont worry its fine04:39
greenapeok thanks04:39
lotuspsychjeEric__: morning mate04:44
EriC^^lotuspsychje: morning04:45
nalle_I am trying to update ssh server 1.5.9 on ubuntu server version 12.0404:54
nalle_I want the openssh server version 1.6.1 or higher04:54
nalle_is there a way to do this without updating the OS04:55
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nalle_as precise repo only supports openssh server version 1.5.904:55
lotuspsychje!pinning | nalle_ maybe with this04:56
ubottunalle_ maybe with this: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto04:56
nalle_thanks ubottu I will try it04:57
ANJ7why does my IP keep on changing if I switch between ubuntu and windows05:05
daftykinswhich IP? internal LAN one?05:06
rking@ANJ7, because your router recognizes two different operating systems. It treats it as two separate computers.05:08
rkingand reserves the IP.05:08
ANJ7rking: oh, ok.05:09
rking@ANJ7 As you switch back and forth your router will pickup your mac address and reassign the IP used previously.05:09
rkingAt least, should. ha05:09
daftykinsthat'd be the opposite of what's being reported05:10
rking@daftykins, when it picks up the same mac address it will change it unless a static IP is set.05:10
rkingbecause it looks past the *nic05:11
daftykinsi disagree05:11
rkingMy cisco router assigns 3 different IP addresses to the same mac address because it knows the hostname is different.05:12
cfhowlett!ask | cluelessperson05:12
ubottucluelessperson: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:12
postmodernis there a good graphic mkv chapter editor?05:12
cluelesspersoncfhowlett, I'm trying to install git as another user, "git"05:12
Ademancluelessperson: what's your question though?05:19
penoshello guys05:19
cosmic_atheisthow is everyone this evening?05:45
penosim ok u05:47
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andrewjs18hi folks, I can't seem to clear this error from apache, even though there IS a servername defined in my apache conf:  apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using IP Address. Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message05:58
daftykinsyou need to configure your server with an FQDN05:58
daftykinsedit /etc/hosts and before "hostname" put "hostname.domain"05:58
andrewjs18let me give it a whirl05:59
daftykinsso e.g. "       hostname.domain        hostname"05:59
FlannelNo, that's not what you want.06:00
andrewjs18right now I just have the IP and hostname06:00
FlannelYou need to modify an apache config file: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Troubleshooting_Apache06:00
Flannel(well, you create it first)06:00
daftykinswell my method works fine :)06:01
BartisticCan anyone try to help me with sound problems on my laptop?06:01
andrewjs18thanks daftykins & Flannel06:02
andrewjs18I used the 2nd method06:02
andrewjs18worked fine, no more errors when restarting apache06:02
daftykinsBartistic: ask away with detail and if someone knows they'll answer06:02
Bartistic 1 down vote favorite   I am using HP Elitebook 8540w and Ubuntu 14.04 Stil problem with sound. Alsmost thought I found a solution:  alsactl -F restore  it enabled sound, still have only headphones in sound settings, but the sound is working. headphones are not. After rebooting, speakers are muted again, headphones are working.  How do I fix this, but I want headphones to be headphones that work when I plug the jack in, and I want06:03
dsmithHey morning everyone06:04
BartisticSpeakers are not working on my elitebook, not even in sound settings. Headphones are workin fine. How to fix it?06:05
BartisticSpeakers are not working on my elitebook, cannot see them even in sound settings. Headphones are workin fine. How to fix it?06:07
daftykinsplease stop repeating06:08
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:08
FriendsNonehelp, i can't find termit in synaptic.06:14
xanguaFriendsNone: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install termit06:16
BartisticCan I repeat my question now?06:19
FriendsNonexangua: couldn't find package termit06:19
xangua!info termit06:19
ubottutermit (source: termit): Simple terminal emulator based on vte library, embedded lua. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.10.0-2-gb8280ed-1 (utopic), package size 44 kB, installed size 250 kB06:19
qu4nt1n!s flash06:21
kostodoHaving trouble clearing space in /boot06:22
FriendsNonei think its the version of ubuntu that i'm using06:22
kostodoKeeps telling me to do apt-get -f install but when I do that it says there is no space to run it06:23
daftykinskostodo: "ls -al /boot | pastebinit"06:23
cfhowlettkostodo, time to clean out some kernels06:23
cfhowlettkostodo, sudo apt-get autoremove should do it06:23
kostodoBut when I try purge it says unmet dependencies and to do apt-get -f install06:23
kostodoAnd again space issue06:23
daftykinsyep return the above command then we can get cracking06:24
FriendsNoneterminal suggestion? any one.06:24
kostodoButt load of old kernels there06:25
daftykinsFriendsNone: what version?06:25
kostodouname -a shows that I'm running 3906:25
FriendsNonedaftykins: of ubuntu, because i'm trying to install termit06:25
daftykinskostodo: ugh. "sudo dpkg -r linux-image-3.13.0-32-generic linux-image-3.13.0-33-generic linux-image-3.13.0-34-generic linux-image-3.13.0-35-generic"06:26
daftykinsFriendsNone: yes which version of ubuntu?06:26
FriendsNonedaftykins: 10.04.406:26
daftykinsFriendsNone: server? your OS is dead in exactly 8 days.06:26
kostododaftykins, http://pastebin.com/7vCstDGR06:27
FriendsNonedaftykins: i downloaded desktop ver.06:27
daftykinsFriendsNone: 10.04 desktop is even more dead, you're using an end of life distro version - we can't help you with that06:28
daftykinsFriendsNone: install a supported version then we can talk :)06:28
kostododaftykins, see the dependency errors?06:29
daftykinskostodo: alright, "sudo dpkg -r linux-image-extra-3.13.0-32-generic" then "sudo dpkg -r linux-image-3.13.0-32-generic"06:29
daftykinsyes i tend to need a few seconds to type :)06:29
kostodoOld school eh?06:29
FriendsNonedaftykins: ok, can you suggest a terminal...06:29
daftykinsFriendsNone: no, i'm saying the OS you've installed is dead - you should not be using it :)06:30
kostododaftykins, ok that worked. Should I keep doing that for the lot of them bar 39 that Im using?06:30
FriendsNonedaftykins: oh *shocked*06:30
daftykinskostodo: kill all the linux-image-extra for 33, 34 and 35 - then their main images - then do "sudo apt-get -f install" to finish that it was doing. pretty sure all your kernels are out of date06:31
daftykins!info linux-image-generic trusty06:31
cfhowlettFriendsNone, current Long Term Support version is 14.04.2.  download it, install it06:31
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 29 kB06:31
daftykinskostodo: yeah see ^ 3.13.0-49 is current.06:31
cfhowlett!lts | FriendsNone06:32
ubottuFriendsNone: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)06:32
FriendsNonecfhowlett: i know what LTS means06:32
daftykinsi'd recommend 14.0406:33
BartisticFriendsNone, Limited Time Support (I think)06:33
daftykinsLong Term06:33
daftykinsyou know, like the above factoid says...06:33
Bartisticor that06:33
kostododaftykins, ok resuming apt-get -f install. But I see its again doing 40, 41, etc. Is that OK?06:33
daftykinskostodo: seems your machine is out of date! let it finish then do a "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" perhaps06:33
kostodoI'm gonna run out of space in /boot again aren't I?06:34
BartisticIs there anyone I can contact privately to help me with missing sound on laptop?06:34
daftykinsyou know what to do.06:34
kostododaftykins, but I can only delete up to 39 right?06:34
daftykinsyou could remove 32-37 and then 40 right now06:35
daftykinsplenty of free space after those :P06:35
kostodook either way it stopped on 4306:35
kostodoI guess now I should dist-upgrade06:36
kostodoThats gonna be a long process right?06:36
cfhowlettkostodo, dist-upgrade means you will still be on 10.0406:36
kostodoI'm using 14.0406:37
cfhowlettkostodo, doh!  sorry, my mistake.  14.04.2    is current06:37
kostodoI'm on 14.04.106:37
kostodoHow long does the update process take?06:38
cfhowlettkostodo, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade           speed depends on your ISP06:38
kostodo129MB of archives06:38
kostodoThanks for the help fellas06:39
cfhowlett!cn | tianzuo06:39
ubottutianzuo: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw06:39
Bartisticprica li neko srpsko hrvatsko slovenacki ovdje?06:43
indarhello everybody ^_^06:43
cfhowlettBartistic, english only in channel please.06:44
cfhowletttianzuo, english only in channel please.06:44
Bartisticcfhowlett, No problem. Just trying to check if anyone speaks my language :) sorry06:44
indarada yang dari Indonesia?06:45
cfhowlett!pl | bartistic there is a channel :)06:45
ubottubartistic there is a channel :): Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.06:45
cfhowlettindar, english in this channel, please.06:45
Bartisticcfhhowell, went there, I was the only one in it :D06:45
indarI'm sorry :)06:45
cfhowlettBartistic, yeah that happens sometimes06:46
cfhowlett!id | indar06:46
ubottuindar: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia06:46
indarubottu, terima kasih infonya. anda dari indonesia?06:48
ubottuindar: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:48
logan__ubottu, hello06:49
indarubottu. oh, i think your Indonesian :)06:49
ubottuindar: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:49
BartisticIs there a serbian channel?06:51
Bartisticor craotian?06:51
cfhowlettBartistic, what languages??06:51
BartisticSerbian, croatian06:51
daftykinsask ubottu06:51
cfhowlett!alis | Bartistic,06:52
ubottuBartistic,: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*06:52
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bookpageis the + in the version of a package name mean anything special?06:53
bookpagelike "5.5.42+maria-1~precise"06:53
logan__!iamfamous | #thevillage06:53
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cfhowlett!rs | bartistic06:54
ubottubartistic: Molimo udjite u #ubuntu-rs za pomoc u vezi sa Ubuntuom na srpskom jeziku.06:54
cfhowlett!hr | bartistic06:54
ubottubartistic: Odgovarajuci kanal za Hrvatski jezik je #ubuntu-hr, molimo Vas da se pridruzite tom kanalu ukoliko trebate pomoc za Ubuntu, hvala.  Croatian language support in #ubuntu-hr06:54
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=== FriendsNone is now known as PlayingMarioPain
quartersis there a way to actually learn how to use apt-get without going through either poring over manuals without much practical yield or through blindly going through the motions and using commands as they arise?07:02
quartersbecause it seems I'm doing one or the other but not quite developing an intuitive sense of how to use it07:02
somsipquarters: are you trying to do something unusual?07:02
iptablesaskHello im trying use iptables dns for only one user but i cant. All rest services works nice at user level, but dns restricted to one user not works :(07:03
quarterssomsip> I don't believe I am. I've just screwed up a couple installs of ubuntu through trying to compile a program by piecing together instructions and going through I believe it's called dependency hell and then took a year off and am thinking about trying to install ubuntu again and play with it07:04
somsipquarters: mixing compiled apps, official repos (and unoffical repos) can cause problems. It's not recommended07:04
kostodoDo I need to restart after dist-upgrade?07:05
daftykinskostodo: if it pulls in a newer kernel, yes - hopefully you get -49 now07:05
iptablesaskThere is a particular user at ubuntu wich controls dns and if not get dns port open rest of users not have access ?07:05
somsipkostodo: you probably have kernel changes, so yes. but maybe not.07:05
daftykinsquarters: there really aren't that many different commands to learn for apt-get, the best advice i can give is to use a notebook to make notes of commands you learn as a personal reference - and avoid GUI package managers to stick at the same CLI tools approach. and yeah... don't compile if you can avoid it.07:05
kostodoYep I see 49 there07:05
kostodoI'll restart07:05
cfhowlettquarters, issue the command in terminal:  apt=get07:06
__dan_is it possible to reinstall ubuntu without clearing my home dir07:06
cfhowlettand read the details07:06
cfhowlett!home | __dan_ if you have a dedicated /home, yes.  if you only avoid formatting /home, MAYBE07:07
ubottu__dan_ if you have a dedicated /home, yes.  if you only avoid formatting /home, MAYBE: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving07:07
__dan_i have everything on an encrypted LVM07:08
quarterssomsip> so compiling programs from source is probably not recommended as daftykins advised?07:09
indari need help07:10
quartersbecause doing so generally inevitably leads to mixing unofficial repos and officals ones07:10
somsipquarters: if it's something that has dependencies that are normally handled by apt-get, it can get ugly. Compiling simple, standalone packages with few deps can be fine07:10
daftykinsindar: step 1 is describing what in the form of a question07:11
quartersI thought that one of linux's biggest selling points was its openness, encouraging users to compile programs from source07:13
quartersat least that's what got my attention07:13
somsipquarters: you can do it. It doesn't mean it's easy07:13
daftykinswhen you're using a package management based distribution you should use packages primarily07:13
robninjadude1guys got a problem i can update my ubuntu install, keep saying 404 error, ip not found on all the repositories and i can down load any new packages from the net or by command line,,,, and i do have internet ecess07:14
robninjadude1i cant update07:14
daftykinsif you compile, you're doing it wrong - and you're gonna have a bad time.07:14
daftykinsrobninjadude1: sounds like your DNS or networking is misconfigured. check you can resolve domains via dig or nslookup07:14
robninjadude1could you give me a few terminal commands to do ill relay back the info..07:15
daftykins"nslookup archive.ubuntu.com"07:15
robninjadude1ok and what from here am i looking for i get the IP of each there..07:16
daftykinsalright, so now run "sudo apt-get update" and tell us what mirror is 404'ing07:17
robninjadude1one of many     [IP: 80]07:18
daftykinsi was more expecting an address than an IP07:18
daftykinsperhaps pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list07:18
robninjadude1Err http://security.ubuntu.com raring-security/restricted i386 Packages07:18
robninjadude1  404  Not Found [IP: 80]07:18
daftykinsright, raring is a very very dead ubuntu release07:19
daftykinscan you run "cat /etc/issue" ?07:19
robninjadude1ok how do i fix puter... lol07:19
robninjadude1ill try07:19
engblomIs there a way to get apt-get to automatically always install the *-dev packages. For example if libjpeg gets installed, I would it to automatically also install the libjpeg-dev package.07:20
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robninjadude1Ubuntu 13.04 \n \l07:21
ubottuUbuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 27, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/raring07:21
daftykinsso you're running an OS that's been dead for 15 months07:21
robninjadude1i get it bad bad... lol07:21
daftykinsyou'll need to upgrade to a supported release07:21
robninjadude1its been a bit of time07:21
robninjadude1how from this point07:21
robninjadude1i am using the buntu version of ubuntu studio,07:22
daftykinsto be quite honest with a version that old, backup and clean install.07:22
robninjadude1  hmmm... k07:22
daftykinsit'll save you a lot of hassle.07:23
robninjadude1well...could you point me in the direction of the ubuntu studio install ISO07:23
robninjadude1curren what ever07:23
daftykinsno i don't fetch links i'm afraid, you have a brain for that yourself :)07:24
robninjadude1ok ....07:24
robninjadude1got time for a few more questions07:24
robninjadude1simple ones07:24
daftykinsfire away, there are others besides me too07:24
robninjadude1what the hell happened to the window manager Awesome.....not avaliable anymore.... design?07:25
somsip!info awesomewm | robninjadude107:25
ubotturobninjadude1: Package awesomewm does not exist in utopic07:25
robninjadude1awww.... lame07:25
somsiphmm. I thought that was right07:26
somsip!info awesome07:26
ubottuawesome (source: awesome): highly configurable X window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.15-1ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 764 kB, installed size 2144 kB07:26
robninjadude1i was going o try and build a hacky and slim verstion linux....that was my goto WM07:26
somsiprobninjadude1: ah - maybe renamed without the wm07:26
somsiprobninjadude1: I would recommend installing the minimal ISO then installing your WM of choice on that and it'll pull in X, etc07:27
daftykinsthat'd bypass the desire for studio i suspect07:27
somsipdaftykins: it would be an entirely different kettle of fish07:27
robninjadude1i got the minimal iso, but the terminal commands for aweome i cant find07:27
somsiprobninjadude1: sudo apt-get install awesome07:28
robninjadude1dugh... lol07:28
daftykinsit is a good thing penguins like fish.07:28
robninjadude1and it still avaliable from its source?07:28
robninjadude1so a apt-get works?07:28
somsiprobninjadude1: it's source? Use the official repo when you can, though it is on an older minor version. There is a PPA but I wouldn't recommend it unless it's much more awesomer07:28
somsiprobninjadude1: Link with previous warning applying http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/06/install-latest-awesome-window-manager-ubuntu/07:29
robninjadude1one last question before i get spam warnings, is there ISO for minimal that can use the wifi, i dont have hard line07:30
robninjadude1more lamers07:30
daftykinswere i judging i would call someone without a network cable a tad lame *whistle*07:30
coolstar-pcrobninjadude1:don't have ethernet?07:31
robninjadude1lol.....i dont want to go down the hall and steal my Grandma's 360 cable07:31
daftykinsgrandma can stop playing call of duty for an hour07:31
robninjadude1i do, just07:31
robninjadude1exactly, exept she plays stupid RPG's07:31
robninjadude1seriously, 86 and a bigger gamer then me07:32
robninjadude1the stacks of game manuals we just had to toss cuase she is a horder threw my back out07:33
robninjadude1are you guys savy with bash?07:33
somsiprobninjadude1: ask, but if it's too technical it belongs in #bash07:33
daftykins#bash are even better, though i hear they eat stupid question askers for breakfast07:33
robninjadude1i tried honest, but a poop head in there is kinda making it difficult to get info,07:34
robninjadude1ill keep searching on googles for it07:34
somsiprobninjadude1: well ask, but we might not know07:34
robninjadude1 ok07:35
robninjadude1ill get a paste bin07:35
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somsiprobninjadude1: is there a question about this?07:37
robninjadude1ok thats what i am working with right now, i need to know how to basicaly loop back to the top of main interpritastion and restart the ask for user input07:37
robninjadude1right now i am opening another terminal and caling the scrip again...07:37
daftykinsyou don't even have a shebang07:37
robninjadude1but thats creates a infinate loop and floods my screen with terminal windows07:38
robninjadude1i just cut and pasted a section not the whole deal07:39
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robninjadude1is there a way to simply force a close of the sript and the terminal window, and start another07:39
robninjadude1or a more eligant way inside to loop07:40
robninjadude1this is a start of a way to get my linux to talk to me07:41
robninjadude1did i totaly blow minds?07:43
daftykinsmostly with how you're still on raring, really :)07:44
daftykinsgo sort that out.07:44
robninjadude1honestly i have been working in windows to do music production for a bit and now i am back on here to work on this project and some mucis stuff here...07:45
daftykinsyeah ok, it's strictly support in here though robninjadude1 - no life stories please :)07:45
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robninjadude1daftykins: in the minimal iso it goes through selecting Wm's process right? as additional software?07:46
somsiprobninjadude1: my fault for inviting the question about bash. Help cn be given for simple stuff, but you need #bash for that script07:47
robninjadude1thank you though07:47
iBurleyIs Lubuntu 15.04 shipping with LXQt?07:49
=== zz_Thelks is now known as Thelks
xyzwhateverwhen has ubuntu become so crappy08:17
jzp113some guys play proxmark3?08:19
nrdbdoes anyone know of a way to boot from ZFS that actually works for 14.04 the one writeup I found doesn't08:19
jzp113I find my download is too slow in github08:19
b00b00i installed vnc server on ubuntu, and when connecting and clicking a few chars like "s", it bringing menu, how can i get rid of that?08:19
lotuspsychje!zfs | nrdb08:19
ubottunrdb: For information concerning ZFS and Ubuntu, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS08:19
lotuspsychjeb00b00: be carefull with vnc for security reasons08:21
lotuspsychjexyzwhatever: your experience does not affect ubuntu08:22
nrdblotuspsychje, I tried this https://github.com/zfsonlinux/pkg-zfs/wiki/HOWTO-install-Ubuntu-to-a-Native-ZFS-Root-Filesystem but it desn't boot ... grub doesn't install.08:24
lotuspsychjenrdb: maybe the #zfs guys can help you more with it, never played with it myself08:25
nrdblotuspsychje, maybe I will give them a try.08:26
b00b00lotuspsychje: thanks, i dont care about security that case, what can i do with what i asked?08:32
lotuspsychje!vnc | b00b0008:33
ubottub00b00: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX08:33
__dan_so uhh08:33
__dan_i tried reinstalling 14.0408:33
__dan_it failed to partition my drive08:33
__dan_now it can't see it at all08:33
lotuspsychjeb00b00: can you tell us what your vnc purpose is?08:33
lotuspsychje__dan_: did you check if your hd is still healthy?08:34
__dan_partition table totally wiped08:34
lotuspsychje__dan_: in bios perhaps, see if drive still shows us08:34
lotuspsychje__dan_: ddi you have ubuntu before?08:35
__dan_yes it was working before08:36
__dan_bios not seeing the drive now08:36
lotuspsychje__dan_: what brand is your Hd, maybe you can use a testcdrom with hd test suite or something to check the hd08:37
lotuspsychje__dan_: some brands offer speciliazed software cdroms to test them08:37
lotuspsychje__dan_: ssd?08:38
lotuspsychje__dan_: doublecheck if your bios is set from IDE to AHCI08:39
__dan_its set to native ide08:40
__dan_should i try amd_ahci mode?08:40
lotuspsychje__dan_: ssd require to AHCI yes08:40
lotuspsychje__dan_: then retry your ubuntu install08:41
lotuspsychje__dan_: if your system is uefi and you want only ubuntu, disable fastboot and secureboot also08:42
__dan_disk still not detected in bios08:42
lotuspsychje__dan_: hmm your sata cables connected properly?08:43
jzp113hi  guys cmdhfmfu.c:12:25: fatal error: openssl/des.h how to solve that?08:43
__dan_didnt touch anything08:43
lotuspsychje__dan_: it would be unlikely your ssd is dead08:43
__dan_let me try hooking it up to a diff computer08:43
lotuspsychje__dan_: never seen an ssd die before :p08:43
k1lif its not recognized in bios there is nothing ubuntu can do afterwards.08:45
lotuspsychjejzp113: maybe the ##openssl guys might know that error?08:46
__dan_yep this computer sees the disk still08:47
jzp113lotuspsychje, thanks  I solve it which i forget install  libssl-dev08:47
lotuspsychje!yay | jzp11308:47
ubottujzp113: Glad you made it! :-)08:47
jzp113lotuspsychje, ubottu  thank google   and stackoverflow08:48
__dan_ok deleted all partitions from here08:48
__dan_will try again on server08:48
jzp113do you know proxmark3?08:48
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tr3ntonI'm trying run a command that redirects stdout to a file, redirects stderr to a file, (separate files) but also display both on the console.. Is this possible?08:53
muzytr3nton: try to see whether "tee" works for you08:54
b00b00lotuspsychje: ubuntu test desktop machine08:54
muzythis works at least for stdin08:54
__dan_it still doesn't show in bios setup screen08:54
__dan_it shows on POST though08:54
__dan_and now the installer finds it again08:55
tr3ntonmuzy: yeah saw that.. i think that will only work if putting all in one file. e.g. 2>&1 | tee fileout08:55
lotuspsychje__dan_: after set to AHCI you need a fresh install again08:55
__dan_installer complains that volume group name is already in use08:57
__dan_can't it just blow away the old stuff?08:57
muzytr3nton: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21465297/tee-stdout-and-stderr-to-separate-files-while-retaining-them-on-their-respective09:00
muzytr3nton: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/692000/how-do-i-write-stderr-to-a-file-while-using-tee-with-a-pipe09:01
muzythose two answers there look promising (and so obvious m))09:01
tr3ntonmuzy: good finds! Ty09:02
muzytr3nton: you're welcome09:02
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jzp113someone know hexedit?09:07
lotuspsychje!info hexedit | jzp11309:07
ubottujzp113: hexedit (source: hexedit): view and edit files in hexadecimal or in ASCII. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.13-1 (utopic), package size 25 kB, installed size 86 kB09:07
ZuZuuHello everybody, still have a problem on upstart Job with java (Could not reserve enough space for code cache)09:08
ZuZuuThe job work launch from a shell without any problems09:08
ZuZuuA simple upstart job with "java -version" give me the same error message09:09
ZuZuuAny idea ?09:09
lotuspsychjeZuZuu: can this help? http://askubuntu.com/questions/162768/starting-java-processes-with-upstart09:11
Sar_aLLhi, I'm using byobu in Debian jessie. to create a horizontal split I need to press shift + f2 but the shell returns a tilde (~). I'm using bash. does anyone have the same problem? In debian wheezy I don't have this problem09:25
ZuZuuNo its doesnt help but thanks !09:30
fuzzy_idi have an (unknown) script running on my server which deletes /dev/null every now and then09:32
fuzzy_idi do have a rough idea which script that could be09:32
fuzzy_idbut it consists of some obscure php code which i'm actually not willing to audit entirely09:32
fuzzy_idnow my idea was to put restrictions on the calling script via apparmor09:32
fuzzy_idbut i don't get the necessary profile right09:33
RtMFfuzzy_id: ...wow09:33
RtMFlike...that tops my server issues so far09:33
fuzzy_idvery annoying09:34
fuzzy_idi added ' deny /dev/foo w,' and '/dev/foo a,' to the profile but in the calling script i'm still able to touch and rm /dev/foo09:34
fuzzy_idshouldn't apparmor forbid this?09:35
xyrezicanybody know a good guide for setting up a pptpd on 14.10 ?09:43
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vieira_Hello, I am bit confused. I downloaded a daily build of the 15.04 server ISO but it looks like a netinstall although it has 600+MB10:02
vieira_I cannot install without internet for instance...10:02
vieira_and some kernel modules are missing, e.g. aacraid.ko10:02
vieira_the desktop daily build does not have this problem10:02
vieira_is this a known problem?10:03
DJonesvieira_: Its probably worth joining #ubuntu+1 and asking there, the people that have been testing should be able to advise you best10:03
__dan_setting up lvm partition keeps failing10:04
vieira_DJones: will do10:04
andreyhello, is it possible to use wayland?10:07
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bojanWhen i am trying to build a code in monodevelop on ubuntu it is saying error as "#include <stdio.h>  No such a file or directory...how to fix this issue??10:16
jpdsbojan: install libc6-dev.10:17
bojanjpds:let me install and check10:20
jpdsbojan: You might want to install 'build-essential' while you're at it.10:20
bojanjpds:Yes i have installed that build-essential already10:21
MonkeyDust!wayland | andrey10:21
ubottuandrey: Wayland is a display server protocol that is intended to replace X. More information can be found at http://wayland.freedesktop.org/ . Ubuntu is instead focusing on development of !Mir; see its factoid for more information.10:21
mcphailbojan: if you have build-essential you should already have the stdc header files10:21
bojanThmcphail:Then why it is saying that error10:22
mcphailbojan: I haven't used monodevelop. Presumably it isn't telling the preprocessor to look in the right place for header files10:23
k1landrey: wayland is not really "production ready". so dont expect a regular daily use desktop. but you can use it if you want10:23
mcphailbojan: although, that is pretty basic stuff and you'd think it would look in the standard locations by default10:24
mcphailbojan: you do have it set up for a C project rather than C#?10:25
momialguien me puede decir esto que es????10:26
momilo he visto ahora10:26
k1l!es  | momi10:26
ubottumomi: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.10:26
momidime kl10:27
momime puedes decir que es esto????10:27
k1lmomi: this is an english channel10:27
momisolo se habla en ingles????10:28
momipero para que se entra10:28
momios cuento10:28
momisoy la esposa de momi10:28
momiy he visto esto en el pc10:28
momiy me gustaría saber para que sirve esto10:28
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.10:29
emapaerewho is here10:29
emapaerenovice here. have no idea hw this works. help!!!!!10:31
hateball!ask | emapaere10:32
ubottuemapaere: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:32
chotaz`wemapaere, please start by stating your problem :)10:32
emapaerehave no idea how the whore irc works10:33
chotaz`wyou join channels by topics and then follow the guidelines provided by the topic and the server. Anyways this is an help channel, for offtopic we have #ubuntu-offtopic10:34
andreyk1l: ok thanks10:39
=== Tin_man is now known as Tin_man_driving
SomeTI have a dilemma, my college asked me to specifically install a 32 bit version of ubuntu, I did that, no problem. Now they are asking me to investigate the minimum specs, the minimum specs for ubuntu 14.04 trusty tahr is 64 bit? Does anyone know of more accurate website that can give me a more accurate representation of the minimum specs for this version of ubuntu please?10:54
=== croppa is now known as croppa_
ironhoofHello I tried moving the mbrola voice files into a sub directory called voices using mv folder /voices I didn't think about it , but where did they go?10:56
TheNumbSomeT: desktop? server?10:56
SomeTi mean you have10:57
TheNumbSomeT: with unity?10:57
est31hi I have a problem with apt-get update10:57
SomeTyou mean 14.04 bhy unity?10:57
est31its writing: http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/dists/trusty-security/restricted/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found10:57
SomeTinvestigate whether Ubuntu Linux 14.04 is a suitable replacement for Windows XP on older hardware.10:57
SomeTthats what they ask10:57
Arekshello guys, can u resize root patition "/" withou reinstall or booting from live cd?10:57
SomeTspecifically that version of ubuntu10:58
SomeTso would i be safe to just use: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements10:58
SomeTas a means of 14.04 desktop versiob?10:58
Ben64SomeT: windows xp is no longer supported, i'd wager any supported OS would be better10:58
est31Areks, see here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/24027/how-can-i-resize-an-ext-root-partition-at-runtime10:58
TheNumbSomeT: those requirements look a little bit dated.10:58
est31but shrinking is not supported Areks10:59
lord4163ironhoof: to /voices10:59
ironhooflord4163 the voices sub folder i made is empty10:59
Areksest31: mm what should i read?11:00
TheNumbSomeT: the requirements vary for various desktop environments.11:00
lord4163ironhoof: it should be in /voices directly in your root filesystem.11:00
Areksest31: there are few answers11:00
SomeThow do I pin it down to that version though TheNumb?11:00
SomeTthats what I need to do11:00
SomeTpreferbly 32 bit11:00
SomeTas what they are asking does not make sense for a 64 bit machine11:00
est31Areks, do you want to shrink or enlarge?11:01
Areksest31: enlarge11:01
Ben64SomeT: what is your actual question11:02
est31Areks, see this answer http://askubuntu.com/a/11945811:02
MonkeyDustSomeT  64bit software can be used on 64bit hardware... 32bit software can be used on both 32bit and 64bit hardware11:02
SomeTwell thhey want me to find requirements for a old 32 bit machine11:02
k1lAreks: its more safe and easy to just boot a live cd/usb11:02
Areksest31: The filesystem is already 5119744 blocks long.  Nothing to do!11:03
Areksif i tried  resize2fs /dev/sda111:03
ironhooflord4163: There doesn't seem to be a voices in /11:03
Areksk1l: i can't11:03
SomeTwould U be safe to use:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements#Ubuntu_Desktop_Edition11:03
SomeTfor version 14.04?11:03
SomeTtrust tahr version11:03
NimmsAreks, it's because you also need to enlarge the partition.11:03
est31Areks, why can'T you boot live cds?11:03
MonkeyDustSomeT  are you in ubuntu now?11:03
k1lAreks: dont mix partitions and filesystems.11:04
Areksest31: because it's hosting not mine PC11:05
lord4163ironhoof: what's the command you ran?11:05
est31Areks, see the answer I've sent you above, that contains what to do with fdisk11:06
k1lAreks: so you have a recovery or hosting-solution to boot? use that then11:06
ironhooflord4163: I ran first sudo mkdir voices in mbrola which worked, then I sudo mv en1 /voices11:06
Sohail-Ahmeda .deb package is the one which is included in the standard Debian distribution. Does the packages that are included in the repositories are also .deb packges? Would some body please help me?11:07
lord4163ironhoof: that should not work because there is no such folder on your system you said11:07
ironhooflord4163: There isnt but the folder vanished all the same11:08
k1lSohail-Ahmed: ubuntu used .deb packages too. what is your issue?11:08
lord4163ironhoof: lets say you create a folder in your home folder (/home/ironhoof) and you have a file there you want to move into your newly created folder you will execute `mv file newlyCreatedFolder`11:09
Areksk1l: hmm, recovery11:09
lord4163ironhoof: without the sudo, because you have permission to write inside your own home folder11:09
ironhooflord4163: Okay its not yours or my fault, apparently the file browser doesnt show this newly created folder until you close all instances of the file browser. I closed them all, and reopened there is NOW a /voices11:09
lord4163ironhoof: oh hm...11:10
ironhoofI should be able to safely move these back, and delete /voices11:10
Sohail-Ahmedk1l: Thanks for repsonding! I know .deb packages can be installed by dpkg and in dpkg my interest is its additional functionality of installing at your desired location, instead of the default one. In summary I want to know whetther octave is a .deb or not?11:11
lord4163ironhoof: then there is something wrong with your file manager, it should automatically update - nautilus at least.11:12
=== test is now known as Guest87392
bojanWhen i am trying to execute a code in mplabx_ide on ubuntu it is showing error as /bin/sh:5:exec:make not found...How to solve this issue??11:13
lord4163bojan: install make :)11:13
lord4163bojan: sudo apt-get install build-essential11:13
bojanlord4163:build-essential is installed already and how to install make??11:14
ironhooflord4163 yea its doing it now it must of been a glitch, but thanks for sending me in the right direction11:14
k1lSohail-Ahmed: i dont understand your issue. you have a octave.deb? or do you want one?11:14
lord4163bojan: hm, make is part of that meta-package, seems like your IDE just can't find it11:14
Sohail-Ahmedk1l: Yes I want one, if its available.11:14
lord4163bojan: what does `which make` say?11:14
k1l!info octave | Sohail-Ahmed11:15
ubottuSohail-Ahmed: octave (source: octave): GNU Octave language for numerical computations. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.8.1-1ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 829 kB, installed size 2946 kB11:15
k1lSohail-Ahmed: its in the repos. so you can use apt-get to install it11:15
lord4163ironhoof: sure no problem :-)11:16
Sohail-Ahmedk1l: thats my point. I don't want the octave from apt-get, since it does not allow me to install it at my desired location.11:16
k1lSohail-Ahmed: what is your "desired location" then?11:16
MonkeyDustSohail-Ahmed  you can apt-get download it and then move it to where you want11:16
Sohail-Ahmedk1l: not the default one.11:17
MonkeyDustSohail-Ahmed  or is it apt-download, i forget the exact syntax11:17
bojanlord4163:I dont have a package for that11:17
k1lMonkeyDust: afaik it will install to the paths given in the .deb. which is the standard paths11:17
bojanlord4163:How to search which make11:17
k1lSohail-Ahmed: details matter11:17
lord4163bojan: In your terminal execute: `which make`11:17
Sohail-AhmedMonkeyDust: so you mean sudo apt-get download octave or sudo apt-download would download the package but where??11:17
bojanlord4163:nothing happended11:18
Sohail-Ahmedk1l: let us say in my home directory11:18
lord4163Sohail-Ahmed: cache is stored inn /var?11:18
MonkeyDustSohail-Ahmed  in the folder where you're in, then you take it where you want11:18
lord4163Sohail-Ahmed: Why do you want to install it to your home?11:18
lord4163Sohail-Ahmed: what's the reason for that?11:18
k1lSohail-Ahmed: i dont understand the reason behind that. a regular install is the easiest way and works.11:18
hateballPerhaps one is trying to work around permissions11:19
MonkeyDustSohail-Ahmed  ok, it's sudo apt-get download [package] ... just tried it11:19
Sohail-Ahmedlord4163, k1l  I want it to be installed in home/sohail/anaconda. Since in this way I can make it available under anaconda installtion.11:19
sveinseI'm trying to debootrsap vivid from utopic (debootstrap --variant=minbase vivid), but it fails with "Invalid release signature (key id 40976EAF437D05B5)". Any ideas? debootstrapping jessie worked fine11:19
MonkeyDustSohail-Ahmed  i just explained how to do it11:20
Sohail-AhmedMonkeyDust: thanks I will try it. But to make sure before downloading it, would I be having any executatble file to let me specify the location???11:20
lord4163MonkeyDust: apt-get requires root permissions whatsoever right?11:21
MonkeyDustSohail-Ahmed  you can use cp or mv to place the deb somewhere else11:21
MonkeyDustlord4163  yes, apt-get required sudo, apt-cache does not11:21
EriC^^lord4163: apt-get download doens't need permissions i think11:21
hateballThere's no root needed to apt-get download and then perhaps dpkg --unpack. It's asking for trouble however11:21
k1lSohail-Ahmed: i would suggest to use symlinks or to get anaconda to be installed properly. but here are some workarounds to your way of setting that up: http://askubuntu.com/a/236149/3126011:22
Sohail-AhmedMonkeyDust: I understand that but the download is not enough, I want to install it too.11:22
MonkeyDustSohail-Ahmed  install it with dpkg or with the gui11:22
MonkeyDustSohail-Ahmed  or you want it *installed* somewhere else? don't know how to do that11:23
Sohail-AhmedMonkeyDust: So you are confirming that any package thats downloaded with sudo apt-download .. is a .deb package, since only then I can use dpkg. Correct???11:23
MonkeyDustSohail-Ahmed  just found out, "apt-get download" does not require sudo11:24
k1lSohail-Ahmed: why doesnt anaconda look into $PATH and use the official ubuntu octave?11:24
MonkeyDustSohail-Ahmed  yes, apt-get download downloaded the .deb11:24
Sohail-AhmedMonkeyDust: I dont know what is there mechnism to install. Though I can install python packges where ever I want using --prefix. and I also know that debian packges11:24
Sohail-AhmedMonkeyDust: debian package's installtion location is controlled by dpkg11:25
MonkeyDustSohail-Ahmed  yes11:25
lord4163Sohail-Ahmed: then dpkg-deb -x package.deb /home/sohail/anaconda11:25
MonkeyDustdpkg means debian package11:25
Sohail-Ahmedk1l: since anconda is not installed with sudo11:25
k1lSohail-Ahmed: that doesnt matter11:25
MonkeyDustSohail-Ahmed  you lost me, i no longer get waht you want or are trying to do11:26
k1lSohail-Ahmed: fix anaconda to us the right path instead of messing with the ubuntu system because anaconda makes a problem11:26
Sohail-AhmedJust please confirm that the packge downloaded by sudo apt-download would be a .deb packge correct?????????/11:27
MonkeyDustSohail-Ahmed  yes, it's a .deb file11:27
bojanlord4163:Sorry internet disconnected..Tell me now11:28
=== tnkhanh_ is now known as tnkhanh
theGhoul21I am having some problems with a ubuntu install11:33
theGhoul21Right after pressing Install now11:34
theGhoul21The system froze11:34
theGhoul21The mouse moves of few pixels every now and then11:34
theGhoul21I was trying to install a dual boot with windows 811:35
theGhoul21I don't want to lose all my win data11:35
theGhoul21Someone has suggestions?11:35
bojanhi i have installed mplab is IDE tool on ubuntu..Whn i am trying to build the program its saying error as :http://paste.ubuntu.com/10865598/"...Can anyone please help me to solve thisissue??11:35
bojansorry rthe link is http://paste.ubuntu.com/10865598/11:36
BluesKajHiyas all11:37
NimmstheGhoul21, "Install now" when you are in the boot menu or in the graphic installer?11:39
p34ktrolling is a art11:39
theGhoul21Graphic installer11:39
=== ubik is now known as Guest16755
NimmstheGhoul21, does it reach the "Preparing to install Ubuntu" stage at all?11:41
theGhoul21Nimms, nope11:41
MonkeyDusttheGhoul21  make a backup first, of your windows files, so you won't lose anything, if things go wrong11:41
theGhoul21It s a bit late:/11:42
__dan_ok i did a non lvm partition on the install menu this time11:42
__dan_now it's hung on creating ext4 file system11:42
NimmstheGhoul21, maybe the problem is in your network adapter.11:42
theGhoul21I have a WiFi card11:43
theGhoul21On my desktop11:43
NimmstheGhoul21, can you tell the model?11:45
theGhoul21Tp link something11:45
NimmstheGhoul21, OK, when it hangs, can you switch to another virtual console?11:46
theGhoul21Nimms is there a way to start the terminal to see what is going on? Keyboard and mouse are not responding btw11:46
theGhoul21Nimms nothing happens11:47
NimmsGive me a minute then.11:47
theGhoul21Nimms thank you sir, you deserve my esteem11:47
bojanhi i have installed mplab is IDE tool on ubuntu..Whn i am trying to build the program its saying error as :http://paste.ubuntu.com/10865598/  ...Can anyone please help me to solve thisissue??11:48
=== Tin_man_driving is now known as Tin_man
hateballbojan: sudo apt-get install build-essential11:51
bojanhateball:Its installed already11:52
yorwoshi all , so 15.05 coming tomorrow yes ? im excited11:53
Ben6415.04, and most likely11:53
ioriabojan, 32 or 64 bit ?11:53
hateballbojan: on their website it states it needs 32-bit libs11:54
bojanioria:b4 bit11:54
hateballusually there is a README included that tells you which libs you need, install the i386 versions of those11:54
ioriabojan, it's a problem....11:54
bojaniroria:can u tell me11:54
bojaniroria:what is the problem??11:55
ioriabojan, you need compatibility library11:55
jpdsbojan: sudo apt-get install make11:55
bojanjpds:make also showing installed11:56
ioriabojan  sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 ia32-libs what says ?11:58
Pandabobhey anyone around?12:04
EriC^^be vewy vewy quiet..12:04
EriC^^what's up?12:05
Pandabobi set up apache on ubuntu and everything was working but the power cord got unplugged12:05
Pandabobi restarted and now nothing works12:06
EriC^^what do you mean by nothing works?12:06
Pandabobit connects to the wifi but is unreachable now12:06
Pandabobdoesn't serve out webpages externally12:06
emapaerehow can i install java on ubuntu?12:06
OerHeks!java | emapaere12:07
ubottuemapaere: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.12:07
Pandabobi think maybe cos it didn't shut down properly12:07
Pandabobactually i have no idea12:07
Pandabobi just want to cry12:07
Pandaboband throw it out the window12:07
SchrodingersScatPandabob: it's possible, pull from backups or reinstall?12:07
Pandabobi didn't have time to backup12:07
Pandabobthis will be the third reinstall12:08
Pandabobi'm just over it12:08
Pandabobhow would you back it up anyway?12:09
Pandabobjust out of curiosity12:09
Pandaboban image?12:09
MonkeyDustPandabob  don't hit the enter key too often, it's getting a headache12:09
Pandabobyou think so12:10
Pandabobi'll take it into consideration12:10
Pandabobi guess12:10
EriC^^Pandabob: try to reinstall apache2, the config files will stay ( i think ) i just tried it12:10
ioriai see12:10
EriC^^sudo apt-get install --reinstall apache212:10
Pandabobok eric12:10
ioriaPandabob, but can you  ping anything else, like ?12:11
Pandabobyeah it's connected to the router but unreachable on lan12:11
Pandabobso yers12:11
ioriaPandabob, but can you  ping the router ?12:11
EriC^^do other stuff work? like can you ssh in or so?12:12
Pandabobno ftp12:12
Pandabobno ssh12:12
Pandabobno http12:12
EriC^^so it's not to do with apache12:12
Pandabobi suspect my network12:12
ioriaPandabob, try to ping www.google.com ... maybe it's resolv12:12
swifty14when ubuntu 15.04 released?12:12
Pandabobyeah it pings google12:13
=== sveinse_ is now known as sveinse
ioriaPandabob, browser is working ?12:14
MonkeyDustswifty14  tomorrow, time depends on your timezone12:14
Pandabobyeah internet is working12:14
ioriaPandabob, so it's apache12:14
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Utopic release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2919/12:15
Pandabobalright i'm going now to reinstall it12:15
=== MrElendig is now known as Mion
ioriaPandabob, it's not apache ,  imeant, sorry12:17
Pandabobi'm gonna try it anyway12:17
Pandabobit's easy enough to reinstall12:17
Pandabobwon't take too long12:18
ioriaPandabob, are you using some global configuring interface ... le ISPConfig ?12:18
Pandabobdon't think so12:19
swiftywhen newest ubuntu come out12:19
Ben64tomorrow probably12:19
Pandabobas i don't know what it is12:19
bazhangthe 23rd12:19
ioriaPandabob, check if sshd and the ftp server service are running12:20
Pandabobno sftp isn't12:20
ioriaPandabob,  and sshd   ? ps -A12:21
EriC^^Pandabob: is apache running?12:21
Pandabobyeah apache is running12:21
ioriaPandabob,  restart them all12:22
Pandabobi can't remember which ftp service i installed12:22
ioriaPandabob,  usually, sftp, or vsftp or pureftp....     depen ds12:22
MionPandabob: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FtpMustDie12:23
Pandabobyeah i use sftp12:23
Pandabobi can't remember12:23
Pandabobwhich one12:23
Pandabobi installed12:23
=== swifty is now known as swifty14
Mionsftp is not ftp12:23
Pandabobi don't want to argue with you12:23
Mionat all12:23
Mionit uses ssh12:23
ioriaPandabob,  check /etc/init.d/12:24
Mionand the most common ssh server is openssh12:24
Pandabobis there a way to find out what you've installed12:24
Pandabobwith regards to ftp or ssh or whatever12:25
geirhaif you have sshd installed, you have sftp12:25
Pandabobright ssh is running12:26
Pandabobapache is running12:26
Pandabobthey just aren't working12:26
ioriaPandabob,  sudo service ssh restart12:26
=== m1dnight1 is now known as m1dnight_
Pandabobi like ubuntu it just never works for me12:27
Miondefine "not working"12:28
Pandabobi set up apache and everything and get it working12:29
Pandabobthen when i restart the machine12:29
Pandabobnothing works anymore12:29
ioriaPandabob,  what the command above says  ?12:29
Pandabobrestart ssh is that what you're talking about?12:30
=== tnkhanh_ is now known as tnkhanh
Pandabobyeah it's still the same12:31
Pandabobnot working anymore12:31
ioriaPandabob,  try sudo service ssh start and tell us the output12:32
Pandabobstart: job is already running: ssh12:33
welsh1ladAfternoon all from Sunny UK Wales12:34
ioriaPandabob,  ps aux | grep ftp ?12:35
welsh1ladSo any one passed there LPI 101 looking for advice and tips12:35
Pandabobangie 7926 0.0 0.0 4692 2028 pts/1 S+ 22:35 0:00 grep --color=auto ftp12:36
heapc0remaybe you will have a problem with ne process itself just type "killall <..> " -> <process>12:36
ioriaPandabob,  dpkg -l | grep -i ftp | grep -i server ?12:37
Pandabobdnsmasq-base 2.68-1 dns proxy and dhcp/tftp server12:39
DammitJimcan you guys point me to good documentation for Ubuntu integration with AD and HOME folder on Ubuntu sharing with Windows Clients?12:40
Pandabob1:6..... secure shell12:40
DammitJimI've read stuff about SSSD, but I it was for RedHat712:40
DammitJimor is likewise-open what is recommended? I'm so confused12:41
MionDammitJim: official samba docs12:41
FuchsDammitJim: definitely sssd12:41
FuchsDammitJim: works so so so so so much better than samba/winbind, we use it in a professional / enterprise environment here12:42
DammitJimMion, I didn't see in the official samba docs anything about sssd12:42
DammitJimFuchs, do you have a link with documentation? I'm struggling 'cause I went the winbind route and I'm paying for it now12:42
welsh1ladDammitJim - sernet-samba 4.1 you need for AD connectivity12:43
FuchsDammitJim: the home folder is the tricky part, we opted for having an actual local home folder  (which is created via pam_mkdir on initial login), but technically you could mount the home folder via either nfs or cifs during login, given you'll have a valid kerberos ticket12:43
FuchsDammitJim: let me see if there is decent English one, we mainly used German documentation plus we have our own internal one12:43
DammitJimthank you thank you!!! Fuchs12:43
DammitJimwelsh1lad, sernet-samba???? where do I get that from? How does that relate to sssd?12:43
FuchsDammitJim: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Enterprise/Authentication/sssd  doesn't look too off but doesn't cover home mounting yet, let me see if I find more12:44
DammitJimthanks Fuchs I've read this before... trying to remember what my roadblock was when implementing it12:45
FuchsDammitJim: http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/iss/tsg/unix-ad/  looks slightly more complete but still lacks home directories  (as said, currently we don't mount these as well, on purpose. We don't want the full home on all servers, this doesn't make sense. But we are looking into it to have a home on the work client and the config files automatically mounted on servers)12:46
DammitJimyeah, my disconnect is with the samba integration... I think that's where I had nowhere to go12:47
FuchsWe are pondering using NFS instead, it's less of a pain12:47
DammitJimbut I wonder if I should stick to winbind since that is what Samba has documented?12:47
Fuchscurrently we do mount directories with kerberos, mind12:47
DammitJimNFS where?12:47
Fuchsjust not the home12:47
welsh1ladDammitJim - sernet-samba allows AD integration12:48
welsh1ladits the stable release12:48
Fuchsbut that should be as trivial as entries in the   //foo/bar /home/foo cifs users,rw,sec=krb5 0 0     form12:48
DammitJimwelsh1lad, can I apt-get install sernet-samba?12:48
welsh1ladyou will need to add there repo to your sources list12:49
DammitJimwelsh1lad, are you saying, to set up an nfs share?12:49
DammitJimis it free?12:49
DammitJimhave you done the home directory thing with sernet-samba?12:49
welsh1ladopen source yes ,12:49
DammitJimopen source doesn't mean free12:49
=== Pandabob_ is now known as Pandabob
welsh1ladI use it to join linux machines to AD , for user authentication and samba sharing with authentication from windows12:50
zambai want to clean up a home directory for all the clutter that comes from a user logging into X.. any suggestions?12:50
DammitJimwelsh1lad, I'm on that page12:51
DammitJimI got a lot of reading to do...12:51
FuchsDammitJim: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Identity_Management_Guide/configuring-automount.html    uses their IPA, but you can easily just extract the autofs and sssd parts to do it with ubuntu and $whatever as well12:51
welsh1ladalso install krb5-user12:51
welsh1ladas this handles username and password12:52
Fuchsnote that in all of these cases you have a cifs or nfs server somewhere with the homes on it. And I still wouldn't fully advise it12:52
welsh1ladfrom the AD12:52
DammitJimthanks guys12:52
DammitJimI guess I'm going to have to read a lot and get my hands dirty12:53
welsh1laddeb http://ftp.sernet.de/pub/samba/3.6/debian squeeze main12:53
welsh1ladadd this to your sources list12:53
DammitJimgotta get my bluetooth headphones working and close my door12:53
welsh1ladanyone completed there lpi 10112:55
welsh1ladany advice ?12:55
bazhangtry #ubuntu-offtopic welsh1lad12:55
MonkeyDustwelsh1lad  don't mix distro's, is my advice12:56
Guest95901Hi. I a using ubuntu 14.04 and for a few days now I am experiencing random freezes out of nowhere, the last time it happened when scrolling down in a browser window. When this happens I can only move my mouse but cannot click anything, nor enter the console12:56
OerHekswelsh1lad, best advise: do not mix debian and ubuntu sources.12:56
Guest95901is this issue known?12:56
OerHeksGuest95901, what browser? and what is running on that page, youtube ?12:57
Guest95901OerHeks: firefox, but it was just a regular text window in JIRA12:58
ioriaGuest95901, nvidia driver ?12:58
Guest95901the freeze happens in random places where you do not expect any high load or something...12:58
Guest95901ioria: yes12:58
Guest95901ioria: if you're asking for the version, how can I find out?12:59
ioriaGuest95901, maybe driver issue12:59
OerHeksi am waiting for firefox 37.0.2 update, should be out days ago..13:01
bazhang!info firefox13:01
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 37.0.1+build1-0ubuntu0.14.10.1 (utopic), package size 40068 kB, installed size 94637 kB13:01
ioriaGuest95901, try dpkg -l | grep nvidia13:01
OerHeksSo yes, known issues with freezes and memory13:01
OerHeksbazhang, it is out for Vivid, not for 12.04/14.04/14.1013:02
bazhangthanks OerHeks13:02
Guest95901ioria: dpkg tells me that I have nvidia-304, nvidia-common, nvidia-current,  nvidia-libopencl1-304, nvidia-opencl-icd-304 and nvidia-settings installed13:04
ioriaGuest95901, does the freeze happen only in FF ?13:04
deadmundIf I install ubuntu 15.04, can I choose to install KDE 4 or KDE 5?13:07
cq-auxit's #lshw and google me matey13:07
hateballdeadmund: Yes13:07
OerHeksdeadmund, install kubuntu 15.04 :-)13:08
deadmundhateball: How difficult is it? I'm assuming if I just install kubuntu-desktop (or just use a kubuntu 15.04 image) I'll get plasma 5 by default.  How can I switch to KDE 4 if I hate it / it's too buggy?13:08
Guest95901ioria: no, it also happens in other programs13:09
EriC^^!info kde vivid13:09
Guest95901ioria: like a java IDE13:09
hateballdeadmund: plasma 5 is indeed default13:09
cq-auxwe here like buggy13:09
ubottuPackage kde does not exist in vivid13:09
deadmund!info kubuntu-desktop vivid13:09
ubottukubuntu-desktop (source: kubuntu-meta): Kubuntu Plasma Desktop/Netbook system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.323 (vivid), package size 4 kB, installed size 58 kB13:09
deadmundEriC^^: What are you looking for in that?13:09
EriC^^!info kde-plasma-desktop vivid13:10
EriC^^the version13:10
ubottuPackage kde-plasma-desktop does not exist in vivid13:10
hateballdeadmund: I don't know how complicated it is to switch to a full KDE4 DE in 15.04. a bunch of stuff hasnt been ported to KF5 yet so I think most (all) of kde4 is still packaged for vivid as wel13:10
EriC^^!info kde-plasma-desktop13:11
deadmundhateball: Oh really?  Can you be more specific?  What parts are "5" and what parts are "4"13:11
ubottukde-plasma-desktop (source: meta-kde): KDE Plasma Desktop and minimal set of applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 5:84ubuntu4 (utopic), package size 3 kB, installed size 39 kB13:11
hateballdeadmund: that said, I have been running 15.04 some months, no issues what so ever compared kde413:11
Guest95901I don't find anything suspicious in my /var/log/kern.log when the freezes happen13:11
jeffreylevesquecan someone tell me why it's important to install guest additions?13:11
deadmundhateball: oh really?  Great news!13:11
ioriaGuest95901,  check in lspci or lshw your video card and change/update your driver13:11
cq-auxI like 4'z start button, but the rest can go to hell13:12
hateballdeadmund: silly things like chromium/other apps not having been ported to the new kwallet for instance, so you'll be running two versions of that...13:12
hateballbut it's transparent to the user mostly13:12
OerHeksjeffreylevesque, it is only important if you want full screen/usb handling or sharing a folder on your host13:12
deadmundjeffreylevesque: It just adds some features like easily moving the mouse in / out of the windows, sharing folders, better Graphics acceleration, etc13:12
k1l_cq-aux: stop that ramblings in here. this channel is support only.13:12
jeffreylevesquethank you :)13:12
deadmundhateball: I see.  Thanks for the information.13:12
cq-auxk1-killer: sori dud13:13
hateballdeadmund: the only bug I have stumbled on is one related to plasmashell and transmission-qt. but I mostly use a browser, steam, and a terminal so :)13:13
deadmundjeffreylevesque: You can even go so far as having application windows from the virtual machine floating around on the host OS desktop (looking like they're running in the native host OS).  Which is neat.13:13
jeffreylevesqueI'm just learning how to use vagrant13:13
jeffreylevesqueit's pretty trivial for the case of public base boxes13:14
jeffreylevesquebut, i forgot why guest additions were important other than the full screen13:14
jeffreylevesqueso, creating a mini wiki, for the future13:14
deadmundjeffreylevesque: There is nothing "important" about it as far as I know.  It only adds some features.13:15
Guest95901ioria: ok, I am switching from nvidia204 to nvidia331, let's see if that helps. Thanks for your help up to now13:22
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HorsemedsHi if im following these instructions: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MpichCluster Do I need to do step 1 on all nodes?13:43
MonkeyDustHorsemeds  is that a server? if yes, there's also #ubuntu-server13:44
GamodrHi everyone, how can I compile something for a LSB-release instead of ubuntu (e.g. LSB 4.0)?13:44
Gamodrit's ubuntu 14.04, 64 bit13:44
GamodrAnd preferably, I would also like to optimize for XEON processors13:45
HorsemedsMonkeyDust im trying to do this on some desktops with 14.0413:45
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ZuZuuI have a problem on upstart Job with java (Could not reserve enough space for code cache)13:47
ZuZuuA simple upstart job with "java -version" give me the same error message13:47
ZuZuuAnd i have enough free memory - the job without upstart work well13:48
ZuZuuAny idea guys ?13:48
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Horsemedsalso in step 4 of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MpichCluster    it says to alter fstab do i do this on all the nodes or just the master?13:54
aleks_ Hi, I have problem with Chromium and Pepper Flash13:56
aleks_if I check the version via Terminal, it says the latest version 1713:56
aleks_But if I check via chrome://plugins it says version 1113:56
aleks_If I check via www.whatismybrowser.com - it also says version 113:56
aleks_version 1113:57
aleks_how do I fix this - it used to show correctly ?13:57
heapc0retype sudo apt-get update13:57
aleks_I tried that already, it did not help :(13:58
aleks_re-install what ? Chromium ?13:58
aleks_or Pepper Flash ?13:58
heapc0rethat you want to update13:58
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MonkeyDustaleks_  try html5 instead of flash   youtube/com/html513:59
krabadoraleks_, update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree --install13:59
marcioolar bom dia !1!13:59
MonkeyDustaleks_  try html5 instead of flash   youtube.com/html513:59
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.13:59
aleks_@krabador I am trying now. let me check. 10x14:00
aleks_@krabador - it says I have which is the latest available. I tried to restart Chromium but chromium still thinks It is version 1114:01
aleks_Shockwave Flash 11.2 r99914:02
xanguaaleks_: sounds like you have installed both pepperflash and the netscape plugin14:03
aleks_Hi @xangua - yes, both are installed. The netscape is used for Firefox and the other one for Chromium. But I have Xubuntu installed for months and it used to work fine before - not sure what went wrong14:04
thmsI want to do a server to server transfer. One I am connected with with SSH, the other I just have FTP access (its a backup storage)14:07
thmsHow should I do this ?14:07
jpdsthms: rsync.14:08
thmsjpds: thanks14:09
heapc0reyou can install proftpd and use filezilla to manage your data which is a was more easyer ;)14:09
heapc0rethere are a lot of videos in youtube14:10
heapc0rehow to config14:10
jpdsheapc0re: I would take rsync over FTP, anyday.14:10
thmsheapc0re: I don't have a desktop on the SSH once14:12
thmsgonna use curlftpfs14:12
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heapc0reokay then it seems that there is a problem with using filezilla14:14
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thelongdarkis there any special sauce one needs to get a serial mouse to work in 14.04?  the one how-to i saw said run inputattach  but that just kind of sits there and hangs14:19
Guest1914hi, i have a question, but may not be the right chat group. I'm having an issue with provisioning with vagrant onto a windows 2008 server, the recipes are executes but it fails on the executing the role assigned, anyone able to direct me in the right direction?14:23
MonkeyDustGuest1914  why do you come to ubuntu support with a windows question?14:24
thegrreatGuys is it possible to use a 2,5 laptop hard drive on my pc ?14:24
cfhowlettGuest1914, ##windows is your channel14:24
MonkeyDustGuest1914  try ##windows14:24
Guest1914forgot to mention i'm running it from ubuntu desktop14:24
gingermousethegrreat: yes! Just need a mounting bracket14:25
thegrreatThe hard disk mounting in my pc is empty but the hard drive is smaller than the mounting thing but the connector fits perfectly14:25
OerHeksGuest1914, try #vagrant14:25
Guest1914basically will be provisioning both ubuntu and windows using vagrant in dev, with proxmox in pro14:26
thegrreatBecuse it's smaller it's going to move around inside the pc if i move the pc.14:26
gingermousethegrreat: try an SSD mounting bracket for a PC. It's the same size as a 3.5" HDD and the SD bolts into it.14:26
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rebornwhich i should install ubuntu mate lts or 14.10?14:34
cfhowlettreborn, depends on you.  bleeding edge is bloody.  your choice.14:35
MonkeyDustreborn  14.10 will soon be dead, better stick to LTS14:35
gingermouseWait till tomorrow and install 15.0414:35
reborntomorrow is released?14:36
rebornokay, i heard ubuntu mate have a lots of positive.14:37
MonkeyDustreborn  i'm using it, yes, it's cool14:37
rebornis ubuntu lts do have plank or only 15.04?14:38
gingermouseIsn't plank an elementary OS thing?14:39
xanguaI guess you need to add a third party repository then14:39
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MonkeyDustwhat's plank14:40
rebornsimilar to Docky14:41
xanguait's just a dock14:42
rebornokay, i am waiting until tomorrow, i hope everything is work out!14:43
lord4163reborn: Ubuntu MATE is awesome, from version 15.04 it will be an official member of the Ubuntu family14:43
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lord4163reborn: I use the 14.04 version tho14:44
rebornyeah, i was fall in love with gnome 2 it was really awesome but until ubuntu has to change too much unity, i was back to windows 7, but i decide to stick with xfce.14:45
elevhow do I chat with people?14:48
elevhow do I chat with people?14:48
rebornthis is for helping, or asking, or learning.14:49
petrvselev: you're doing it now14:49
xanguaelev you are chatting now, do you have an Ubuntu support question?14:49
elevI mena like private chat14:49
elevhow can I provate chat14:49
EriC^^elev: /query <nick>14:49
geniielev: We currently see what you type here, but the area you're in is for Ubuntu support and not for general chatting. For that you might want to go to the #ubuntu-offtopic channel.14:49
Jakey2how do i change my default browser to midori14:50
EriC^^Jakey2: in what de?14:50
Jakey2EriC^^, lubuntu14:50
MonkeyDustJakey2  is there no otion in the browser itself, that you can check?14:51
captainfantasticwhen will ubuntu 15.04 come out?14:51
Jakey2MonkeyDust, not that i saw14:52
petrvsJakey2: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXDE:Questions#Change_default_browser14:52
petrvscaptainfantastic: http://mirror.pnl.gov/releases/vivid/14:53
EriC^^Jakey2: update-alternatives --config x-www-browser14:53
Jakey2it seems chrome is in auto mode14:54
Jakey2and midori in manual mode14:54
captainfantasticpetrvs: I guess I'll just download when the official one comes out. thanks btw14:54
Jakey2i had checked modori in this setting but chrome still loades14:54
ioriaJakey2,  try with sudo before the command14:55
homeubuntu mate 15.0414:58
petrvscaptainfantastic: why wait14:58
PiciVEndix: Cat-like-typing detected15:01
thegrreatCant find anywhere my 2,5 hard drive will fit into my pc...15:02
thegrreatIs there any other way to put it in there ?15:02
thegrreatI only have a 2,5 hard drive but the mounting rack inside pc is at the size of a 3,5 hard drive15:02
MonkeyDustthegrreat  a crowbar?15:03
thegrreata crowbar ? XD15:03
zykotick9thegrreat: fyi, there are 2.5->3.5 adapters (some SSDs come with them) out there...  good luck.15:04
thegrreatThe 2,5 hard drive fits into the hard drive connector on the pc but it's to small for the mount rack wich makes it move around15:05
thegrreatI cant make it stand still inside the pc15:05
ChunkzZis it true ubuntu 15 is out?15:05
mcphailthegrreat: that isn't an Ubuntu support question, and you already had an answer 40 minutes ago. Please do not keep asking15:05
geniiChunkzZ: Tomorrow sometime after around 4pm GMT15:05
thegrreatWell i have ubuntu on the other hard drive15:06
MonkeyDustChunkzZ  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/ReleaseSchedule15:06
thegrreatInstalled ubuntu and it wont boot that's why i ask for help here with my hard drive.15:06
cfhowlettthegrreat, wrong channel.  you have a HARDWARE issue. This is OS (software) support.15:07
thegrreatok sorry15:07
ChunkzZMonkeyDust, I don't get it?15:07
mcphailthegrreat: getting help booting Ubuntu is on-topic here. Hardware questions are not, particularly when you don't listen to the answers. 2 people have already told you to get a 2.5 -- 3.5# adaptor bracket15:07
* mcphail is a bit hot in his office and is sorry for being grumpy15:08
ioriacrowbar != bar attended by crows15:09
thegrreatI understand you mcphail15:09
RoryChunkzZ: It is out tomorrow15:10
ChunkzZRory, has unity been improved?15:11
RoryChunkzZ: That's a subjective question. Here is an article from The Register about ubuntu 15.04 http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/03/02/ubuntu_15_04_flavours_vivid_vervet/15:12
petrvsnever had to use unity anyway15:12
polohemdHello. I got a problem with a wireless Keyboard/mouse system an USB mice generaly at my ubuntu. after starting up the mouse is operating normal but after 2 - 20 minutes it freezes and i can´t use it anymore. the keyboard which is connectet to the same receiver at the same port is working well and got no problem15:15
ChunkzZthanks Rory15:15
Rorypolohemd: Does the same problem occur when you use the wireless mouse on another computer?15:15
petrvspolohemd: change batteries15:15
RoryWell I didn't want to just SAY it, petrvs...15:16
petrvsRory: did it for you15:16
polohemdbatteries a new and the system is working now on my laptop with win8 for hours15:16
petrvsI wonder if usb power saving could break the mouse but not the keyboard15:16
polohemdthe system wich is running ubuntu now was a windows system with no problem all time15:17
prp-eHi guys, I have some questions about Dark Ambient vocals in Audacity. First, I like to make my sound like "Burzum", specially in Dunkelheit, How can I do it?15:17
prp-eActually, I wanna make Lo-Fi vocals.15:17
cfhowlettprp-e, #opensourcemusicans      would be a better place to ask15:18
polohemdbecause the keyboard is working fine I think its a ubuntu problem with usb mice :)15:18
tgm4883polohemd: any other USB devices plugged in?15:18
sharazamCan installing CUDA (without NVIDIA drivers) crash my system? I've made bad experiences with this in the past. Running 14.0415:18
polohemdnope. only the receiver is connected15:18
tgm4883polohemd: what mouse15:18
prp-ecfhowlett: The channel doesn't exist15:19
polohemdLogitech cordless canada 31015:19
tgm4883polohemd: I know this sounds odd, but have you tried fresh batteries? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=206701115:21
mcphailpolohemd: I have intermittent problems with a Logitech keyboard/mouse combo (but not with my older version). Haven't tracked down the cause yet despite doing a bit of kernel hacking15:22
polohemdthe batteries was my first suspicion. they are new15:23
mcphailpolohemd: switching the keyboard or mouse off then on sorts it for a while. Is that the same with you?15:23
polohemdno. the mouse freezes and is no more working after a short period of working15:24
sgo11hi, I am looking for a way to setup a video/voice chat server on ubuntu. People use different clients (mobile app/PCs/Browsers) to do video/voice call on that server. When I google this, google always show me solution about voip and Asterisk etc... I don't know much about asterisk, but it seems an asterisk server has to communicate with third-party trunk. this is not what I want. I don't want to connect any third-party services. any suggestions? thanks.15:24
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tgm4883polohemd: odd. I had a similar issue but it was due to a plantronics headset I had plugged in15:25
polohemdand at this moment my ubuntu is broken down?!?15:26
tgm4883polohemd: anything in the logs?15:26
tgm4883polohemd: /var/log/syslog ~/.xsession-errors15:27
polohemdjust a moment it´s restarting15:27
tgm4883polohemd: maybe /var/log/Xorg.0.log too15:27
tgm4883polohemd: ok, then you'll need to look at the old versions of those logs probably15:27
polohemdtgm4883 as I can see there was a chrash while updating the system15:31
SaireI use Ubuntu trusty on Nokia N900,and who can tell me how to set long-touch-screen as mouse-right-button?15:31
shudonhi all :) i have this mount: overlayfs on / type overlayfs (rw,lowerdir=/web-server,upperdir=/web-server-overlay)\15:33
shudonhow do i umount this?15:33
tgm4883polohemd: hmm, not sure. As someone else suggested, perhaps due to usb suspend. Have you tried disabling that?15:33
tgm4883polohemd: I've got to run to the data center for a bit, maybe try some of these http://superuser.com/questions/586411/debug-mouse-freezing-on-ubuntu15:34
escargotdu25hi I'm a new user for xubuntu and have a question15:35
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escargotdu25my question is : how can I update xubuntu so that I can donload and use VLC media player and oppenoffice ? thanks for your help15:37
petrvsescargotdu25: can't you use those now?15:38
k1l_escargotdu25: install it. either from softwarecenter or from terminal with apt-get install15:38
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ugniuslist elementary15:38
ugniussorry :P15:38
escargotdu25no I can't I have dowloaded VLC media player but I can't install it15:38
k1l_escargotdu25: like "sudo apt-get install vlc libreoffice"15:38
SchrodingersScatescargotdu25: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install vlc libreoffice15:39
k1l_escargotdu25: libreoffice is the new openoffice.15:39
petrvsescargotdu25: downloaded how?15:39
escargotdu25on 01.net15:39
k1l_escargotdu25: on ubuntu, you dont load stuff from websites. ubuntu offers already a lot of programs made working with ubuntu in the official repositories15:40
polohemdtgm4883 i´ve read the text in your link, but now the mouse is down and i don´t have a idea how to open a terminal to type in the text15:40
tgm4883polohemd: ctrl+alt+t15:40
polohemdtoo late, i try to start again :D15:41
ioriaescargotdu25, it's not like on windows, also for security reasons15:41
* tgm4883 sighs15:41
ioriaescargotdu25, you can browse Software Center or Synaptic Package Manager15:42
petrvsescargotdu25: yes on Unix systems in general, as k1l_ says, we have package managers, you don't need to acquire installers from random places15:42
rebornwhat's useful for bootable usb apps?15:43
escargotdu25ioria what does it mean ?15:43
ioriaescargotdu25, on windows we brows the Net  and install random software, righ ?15:44
k1l_escargotdu25: software center ist like the app store on your iphone. you can choose software there that gets installed.15:44
escargotdu25kll how can do this ?15:44
ioriaescargotdu25, on Ubuntu/Linux thare are 'Repositories',15:44
k1l_escargotdu25: open software center. the search for vlc. click install button15:44
petrvsreborn: for what?15:45
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=== eu is now known as Guest1969
rebornlive bootable15:48
polohemdwhen i try to start ...remove powernap... the system said it couldn´t be done because the was a fault. i should give in another sudo order15:48
polohemdnow its repairing the update crahs i think15:49
escargotdu25kll and ioria : when I try to install VLC mp it is sais : available ferom "universe" source and thenI nedd to authenticate with a password15:49
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SchrodingersScatescargotdu25: sounds right15:51
ioriaescargotdu25, go on it's normal,  authentication is required every time you install something15:51
escargotdu25ioria how can I authenticate ? what password should I type in ?15:52
ioriaescargotdu25, you set up it when you installed the system15:53
polohemdtgm4883 now i could do whats in the link but the terminal said the package powernap isn´t installed?15:53
sharazamWhich CUDA installation should I take? Online installer, .run or .deb? Do I have to switch off GUI for the installation? Instructions don't say anything about this.15:53
escargotdu25ioria what do you mean ? how can I refind this password ?15:54
ioriaescargotdu25, when did you install Xubuntu ?15:54
SchrodingersScatescargotdu25: your user password, if you have those privileges15:54
escargotdu25ioria a few months ago15:54
k1l_escargotdu25: type your password. the user password15:55
ioriaescargotdu25, did you choose automatic login ? i mean after boot you are already on Dsktop ?15:55
escargotdu25kll and schrondingerscat : my user password when i want toacceed to the desktop ?15:56
k1l_escargotdu25: yes15:56
escargotdu25ok I try again so15:57
peppelakappahello chan, I'm having a strange problem with kernel 3.1915:58
peppelakappasometimes the system completely locks up, I cannot even use a tty, anyone experiencing this problem?15:59
escargotdu25kll it said failed to download repository information, check your internet connection15:59
k1l_escargotdu25: open a terminal. then type in there "lsb_release -d" and schow the output here please16:00
OerHekspeppelakappa, on Vivid?16:00
escargotdu25kll what do you mean with open a terminal ?16:01
permanenthow to know that a certain16:01
petrvspermanent: I miss you16:02
k1l_escargotdu25: "open a terminal" is a very easy task. i dont know how to explain that in more easy way. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/images/terminalxfceprecise.jpg16:02
peppelakappaOerHeks, yes, currently on vivid16:02
ioriaescargotdu25, press Alt + F2 and type xterm16:02
polohemdis there a button like in windows where i can change my energy saving settings?16:03
polohemdsorry... i was blind16:03
OerHekspeppelakappa, join #ubuntu+1 until release, i know that will be tomorrow.16:05
demahumUsually, at what time (hour) new Ubuntu version is released? When we can expect that 15.04 will be out?16:05
peppelakappaOerHeks, okay thanks16:05
k1l_demahum: plan with afternoon. but i will not tell you what timezone ;p16:05
petrvsdemahum: beta's out already16:06
demahumk1l_: hahahha... That's a good one. :D16:06
demahumpetrvs: I know. :)16:06
escargotdu25kll ok I found it it is like an old DOS command line then what should I do ?16:06
demahumk1l_: If I guess for the first time, will you tell me if I guessed?16:06
demahumk1l_: I mean at first try. :D16:06
ioriaescargotdu25, type  lsb_release -d16:08
DarkSeedTomorrow 15.04 ???16:08
demahumDarkSeed: If that is a question, yes. :D16:08
petrvseither it will be tomorrow or it won't be16:08
petrvsthe only thing we can be sure of is that it doesn't matter16:08
escargotdu25ioria i did it it says Ubuntu 12.1016:09
DarkSeedthxs demahum :DDD16:09
petrvshi tile16:09
tilerenderingubuntu 14.04 desktop 32 bit not detecting hdmi display (yes, hdmi display was connected and running at the time of ubuntu boot)16:09
k1l_escargotdu25: ok. the problem is you installed a old version of ubuntu that is not working anymore.16:10
ioriaescargotdu25, you are not updated, repositories are no lon geravailable16:10
tilerenderingand yes, that laptop has an hdmi connection16:10
tilerenderingany ideas ?16:10
ioriaescargotdu25, it means that you cannot install nothing16:10
k1l_escargotdu25: since you would need to do 3 updates in a row with some manual editing and you installed just some months ago i think you better make a new install of 14.0416:10
escargotdu25kll and ioria what can I do so ?16:10
k1l_escargotdu25: with your limited knowledge its easier to make a new install of ubuntu 14.04.16:12
ioriaescargotdu25, yes, you 'could' do some, but it's better a fresh install of Ubuntu 14.416:12
ioriaescargotdu25, backup the data , download the .iso Ubuntu 14 , burn it, and install16:13
MonkeyDustescargotdu25  backup and fresh install would be the fastest, easiest, cleanest16:13
petrvstilerendering: what graphics driver?16:14
escargotdu25kll and ioria so I should type in google ubuntu 14.04 andf try to install it ? and will it uninstall the older version ?16:14
tilerenderingpetrvs: I just shut down the machine because no answers came in.16:14
ioriaescargotdu25, go to the Ubuntu website, ... the old will  be erased16:14
MonkeyDustescargotdu25  go to this place: ubuntu.com/download16:14
tilerenderingbut basically that´s not how a userfriendly OS should work16:14
tilerenderingis there no simple solution to the problem ?16:14
tilerenderingif not, I ll probably jsut buy a vga to hdmi adapter because frankly spending 3 hours in fixing the problem is more expensive than another display.16:15
escargotdu25ioria and monkeydust thanks I try it16:15
ioriaescargotdu25, just pay attention at you pc... 32    or 64,   Legacy bios, or uefi   stuff like that16:16
petrvstilerendering: well, not going to be able to help you at all if the machine is off16:16
mauro_Hello! I am running a lightweight ubuntu utopic version on a Virtual Machine. I can ping  and traceroute the internet (google.com) from the VM but apt-get update and wget won't work. This is what happens when i try them: http://pastebin.com/gUATfxRG. I checked apt sources and network ifaces, and everything seems ok. What could I do more?16:18
polohemdstep by step im going forward... now my system is running smooth again. some other ideas because my freezing mouse?16:18
tilerenderingpetrvs: basically I was hoping that there was a utility out there which would take off that kind of hassle or work from a user16:19
petrvstilerendering: no doubt there is16:20
tilerenderingif it turns out to be a “edit this config download that driver there etc. spend 4 hours in trying to fix it” thing, it´s not really what I need at the moment after a day full of work :D16:20
rypervenchemauro_: That pastebin no longer exists.16:20
rypervenchemauro_: Oops, nevermind.16:20
tilerenderingso, I ll just hope a vga to hdmi adapter will do it, and if not, I ll install windows and that´s it16:20
petrvstilerendering: there's a possibility of it being that way for any OS16:21
* petrvs shrugs16:21
reborndon't give up, tiler16:21
ChunkzZwhat kernel is being used for 15.04?16:21
petrvsChunkzZ: does it matter?16:21
petrvsChunkzZ: why?16:21
rypervenchemauro_: What is this light-weight distribution called?16:22
daftykinstilerendering: i think spending money on such an item would be unwise16:22
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OerHeksmauro_, why ports? and is your network bridged?16:22
tilerenderingdaftykins: why16:23
petrvsI think spending 3 hours on something then asking for more help, then turning off your computer, then saying you're just going to install another OS is unwise =)16:23
petrvsbut hey that's me16:23
rkingEverytime I reboot workspaces in unity-tweak-tool stops working and I have to go disable / re-enable it for it to active again. Is this a bug? I'm running 14.0416:24
daftykinstilerendering: because you're obfuscating the interconnect between card and display, VGA is inherently terrible and has issues communicating display capabilities, so you're no doubt just going to be down another rabbit hole there. your #1 query should have been "what graphics card do i have? do i need to install a proprietary driver because the manufacturer hates open source?"16:24
petrvsrking: what stops working?16:27
daftykinsvirtual desktops.16:27
rkingThe hotcorners. I apologize for not putting that.16:27
MonkeyDustChunkzZ  i'm in 15.04 right now, it uses 3.19.0-14-generic16:27
petrvsrking: they disappear?16:27
rking@daftykins @petrvs The virtual desktops still work if I manually click it on the unity bar. It's the hot corners that stop working.16:28
daftykinsok i don't know anything about that16:28
rkingA logout, or restart of X, or a reboot all do it.16:28
petrvsrking: oh for exposé and the like?16:30
rking@petrvs Yes16:30
petrvsrking: but you can still move windows around?16:31
polohemdthe problem with my freezing mouse is getting more funny. last turn it worked for 15 minutes, after freezing I did a restart and after this it was freezing after 2 minutes?!?16:31
xyzwhateveryeah ubuntu really fukked up this one, I also have one computer where the mouse cursor disappears over editor windows16:31
rking@petrvs Expose as a whole still is functional, so is my desktop. It's that the HOTCORNERS stop working everytime I restart X, the desktop, or logout.16:31
mauro_rypervenche: the distribution is an utopic version for armhf architectures.16:31
rkingI'm just trying to figure out why16:31
petrvsrking: but you can still move windows around?16:32
daftykins!language | xyzwhatever16:32
ubottuxyzwhatever: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList16:32
ChunkzZMonkeyDust, you on the beta?16:32
rking@petrvs, Yes, everything works except hotcorners until I go disable / re-enable.16:33
rking@petrvs then hotcorners works again16:33
petrvsI will take that as an answer of 'yes'16:33
mauro_OerHeks: because I am using an arch optimized distro and I found all the stuff from there. Anyway yes, it is a bridged network.16:33
petrvsrking: this happens whenever you startup?16:34
rking@petrvs "rking> @petrvs, Yes, everything works except hotcorners until I go disable / re-enable"16:34
petrvsit's just I didn't ask about everything =)16:34
rkingStartup, logout, reboot, restart X16:34
petrvssounds like a bug to me16:34
petrvsthe easy fix is to add a script to disable/re-enable in your auto start16:35
MonkeyDustChunkzZ  ubuntu-mate16:35
ChunkzZyeah but the beta?16:35
rking@petrvs, Yeah I have already done that for a fix. I just was curious if anyone knew what the hell was causing it.16:35
ChunkzZ@ MonkeyDust16:35
MonkeyDustChunkzZ  and make that 3.19.0-15-generic16:36
ChunkzZstill haven't said if it's the beta or not MonkeyDust ....16:36
MonkeyDustChunkzZ  no, i guess it's the RC, lsb_release no longer shows "develooment branch"16:36
ChunkzZoh, right. okay...16:37
RonWhoCaresI suddenly can't print.  Any one have a solution?16:39
escargotdu25ioria I just downloaded the ubuntu 14.04 version and burned a dvd with it16:41
petrvsRonWhoCares: what happens when you try16:42
RonWhoCaresThe computer acts the normal way.  The small window opens and then shows the job is completed16:42
RonWhoCaresThe printer doesn't do anything16:43
RonWhoCaresI've rebooted16:43
RonWhoCaresI've powered off and back on16:43
RonWhoCaresI've ran updates16:43
MonkeyDust!enter | RonWhoCares16:43
RonWhoCaresI've turned off and on both printers16:43
petrvsRonWhoCares: what type of printer/s?16:43
MonkeyDustRonWhoCares  don't abuse the enter key, it has rights too16:43
RonWhoCaresBrother MFC-J435W & HP LazerJet 101216:44
RonWhoCaresok MonkeyDust16:44
RonWhoCaresI have both "Print Status" windows open.  There is no reference to the new job being added.16:45
escargotdu25ioria should I now re-run the pc to acceed to the dos and change the starting session from the dvd ?16:45
c0mrad3well my collage uses a wpa/wpa2 enterprise wifi so i have to login each time in the browser, is there a way to script it so that I need not go through the whole process every day ??16:45
luxerminHow to install the patch in the new kernel linux 4.0?16:51
daftykins4.0 is not standard nor supported with any release technically16:52
faustalso define "the patch"16:52
luxerminHow to install a kernel patch to fix16:53
daftykinsand thus the circle goes on16:53
MonkeyDustluxermin  i guess your question is beyond the scope of this channel16:53
daftykinsluxermin: still unsupported - and without adding additional information to your query, providing an answer doesn't get any easier16:54
petrvsluxermin: same as any other patch16:54
petrvsluxermin: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel16:55
luxerminI use "patch -p0 patch-4.0" ??16:55
MonkeyDustluxermin  type /j #ubuntu-kernel16:56
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apawlIs there any way to see the name of the previous command run (from a bash script perspective) on ubuntu?17:07
deadmundapawl: press the up arrow key on your keyboard17:08
deadmundapawl: Assuming you haven't closed that terminal17:08
faustwhat does it mean "bash script perspective" ?17:08
apawlIf I see that $? is not 0, I'd like to say "hey, $PREVIOUS_COMMAND failed"17:08
apawldeadmund: faust as in no user interaction required -- done from a .sh17:08
deadmundapawl: Oh! That's interesting!17:08
faustapawl: fc17:08
faust!man fc17:09
deadmundWHOA, HOLY CRAP.  fc is the most useful thing I have seen in years.17:09
faustok I've invented man command17:09
apawlfaust: looks like that is perfect. thank you.17:10
faustapawl: 'welcome :(17:10
deadmundSo glad I randomly joined the channel just now.17:10
petrvshelp fc17:10
faust!help fc17:11
fausthelp fc17:11
petrvsapawl: but actually what people do is this: command || echo 'failed'17:11
petrvsyou can even do command && echo 'win' || echo 'fail'17:11
faustthis ^17:11
apawlpetrvs: That's pretty much what I want to do, but command || clean_up_and_die17:11
apawland in the clean_up_and_die, I want to actually show the command that failed17:12
JewFro298y makefile isn't appending to a text file in mint, but it does in another distro17:12
shudoni get ENXIO when i try to access /dev/urandom in overlayfs after doing a bind mount for my /dev into my overlayfs upper :C anyone have any idea what to do? ubuntu 14.04 herte17:12
petrvsclean_up_and_die() { while(true); do shred ...17:12
JewFro298./exec &>> results.txt is outputing to stdout instead of the text file. Any ideas?17:12
petrvsdidn't know about fc, wonder if I can find a use for it17:12
petrvs./exec > results.txt 2>&117:13
lotuspsychje!mint | JewFro29817:13
ubottuJewFro298: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org17:13
petrvserm, pardon17:13
petrvs./exec >> results.txt 2>&117:13
petrvssee if it's any different17:13
petrvsor ./exec 2>&1 | tee -a results.txt17:15
faustshudon: that should not happen, but I cannot help you without  more information, also I think that you are not using "stock" kernel so your problem is probably "unsupported"17:17
shudonfaust: then you shall have it! https://pastebin.mozilla.org/883104017:18
shudonshudon: i didn't build any custom kernel...17:18
shudonwhy do i keep referencing my own nick...17:18
shudonLinux don-OptiPlex-745 3.13.0-49-generic #83-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 10 20:11:33 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux17:19
faustshudon: ok I didn't know that trusty had overlayfs17:19
shudonfaust: neither did i, but apparently it does :o17:20
faustmaybe it is broken :P17:20
c0mrad3well my collage uses a wpa/wpa2 enterprise wifi so i have to login each time in the browser, is there a way to script it so that I need not go through the whole process every day ??17:20
shudonfaust: :C17:21
shudonmaybe if17:21
shudoninstead of doing a bind mount to upperdir for /dev17:21
shudonmaybe i should chroot and then mount -t proc etc.17:21
faustActually I do a similar thing (but on a different distro/kernel) and I have no problem bind mounting dev before chrooting17:22
JewFro298petrvs: Thanks, that worked! Any idea why the shorthand doesn't?17:24
petrvsJewFro298: help | head | grep dash17:24
petrvsJewFro298: rather, echo $SHELL17:25
petrvsdunno, ask #bash17:25
JewFro298lol okay17:26
petrvsthat is, after you're sure whatever you're running is being run by bash17:26
petrvsyou could still be talking about some cron job or something using dash <shrug>17:26
petrvsas cute as &> is, though17:26
petrvsit doesn't really save much time over 2>&1 at the end17:26
petrvsit does make the code quite bash specific, however17:26
faustshudon: try ask on #ubuntu-kernel it seems that trusty's generic kenrel backported an old patch for overlay fs. Maybe it is really broken.17:27
JewFro298petrvs: Oh, it's /bin/sh when echoed from the makefile17:27
shudonthanks faust17:27
petrvsJewFro298: =)17:28
shudonfaust: i have another idea of what to do, but, now i have a new problem17:28
JewFro298petrvs: Lol, so how do I have make use bash?17:28
shudonmy dev bind mount won't umount (EBUSY) https://pastebin.mozilla.org/8831043 it looks like kdevtmpfs is using it -- what is this process?17:28
EriC^^JewFro298: you don't, you write portable code :P17:29
petrvsJewFro298: #!/bin/bash17:29
petrvsyeah or you could just write portable code17:29
shudonbecause of /dev/pts bind mount17:29
petrvskinda depends on what you're making what the simplest course is17:29
petrvsif it's a make file, probably stick with posix compliance17:29
shudonyep that solved that small problem at least17:29
JewFro298It's just for a homework assignment, so setting the shell is easiest17:30
petrvsy'know what else is nicer about 2>&1 | tee17:30
petrvsno chance of accidentally doing one > instead of >>17:31
petrvstee -a17:31
robsewhere to go for vivid bugs ?17:32
petrvshi robs17:32
robseisn't there a channel ?17:32
robse(support channel)17:32
petrvs#ubuntu+1, that is17:33
ubottuUbuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at  http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/142517:33
robseoh thanks17:33
petrvsMonkeyDust: nothing like gratis spam17:33
kumalahi! I'm interested in platform as a service. Do you know a channel for that?17:34
lotuspsychje!alis | kumala17:34
ubottukumala: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*17:34
torsten__im new here17:36
kumalathanks lotuspsychje! If anyone has a recommendation I'll also take it17:36
petrvstorsten__: hi17:36
lotuspsychjetorsten__: you joined an ubuntu support channel to solve problems17:36
faustkumala: https://github.com/ripienaar/free-for-dev#paas17:37
faustmaybe it is interesting17:37
kumalahaha yes faust that's indeed interesting thanks. But as you can see the list is long and I am discovering more quite often, hence my need to talk to some experts for guidance. Because actually trying them all is time consuming although fun.17:39
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faustkumala: maybe you should try to ask in the channel of the software/platform you are willing to run17:40
faustI don't think we have a generic #paas17:40
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petrvspaas is inherently generic17:41
petrvscloud is meaningless17:41
petrvsif you want a hosting service, lists abound17:41
kumalayep, I don't want a service, I want to build a private one.17:42
petrvskumala: so build one, what's stopping you17:42
MarcGuayHi folks.  I've lowered TTL on a website, waited the period, updated the nameservers, and every whois site is telling me it's correctly updated, but when I visit the site I'm still seeing it at the old server.  Is there DNS cached by default on Ubuntu 14.04 that I can flush?17:44
ikoniaMarcGuay: dnsmasq17:45
petrvsMarcGuay: sure it's not just your isp?17:45
kumalapetrvs, I don't mean from scratch, the idea is to use one of the products for that purpose, but there are a lot now, most of them new, not all of them ready for prod... and comparing them all is time consuming. And I need to narrow down the options that make sense, because it's not a simple choice, and changing my mind later on would mean lots of work. So I need info. I'll keep looking, thanks for the advices!17:45
MarcGuaypetrvs: How can I tell?17:45
petrvskumala: #web?17:45
MarcGuayikonia: I'll google that thanks17:45
shudonfaust: hey17:45
petrvsMarcGuay: second party/isp opinion would satisfy me17:46
faustshudon: yay17:46
shudonfaust: so i umounted my dev, dev/pts, and proc bind mounts from my overlayfs upperdir, and re-bind-mounted them within the overlayfs mount point itself. now it works :)17:46
MarcGuaypetrvs: Another person on a different ISP has the same issue17:46
shudonfaust: just fyi in case someone else has the same problem :)17:46
petrvsMarcGuay: it can take a day or two17:47
petrvsMarcGuay: sad but true17:47
MarcGuaypetrvs: Even if I lowered the TTL and waited the intial period?17:47
faustshudon: good!17:47
petrvsMarcGuay: pretty sure17:47
petrvsMarcGuay: might ask #web yourself17:47
MarcGuaypetrvs: Thanks17:47
ikoniaMarcGuay: your TTL doesn't impact slaves cache17:49
petrvsI want to say wireless providers get you new stuff faster17:50
petrvsso check on your phone17:50
petrvsbut that just could be a misremembrance17:50
ikoniathats just not true17:51
ikoniawireless providers have the same dns rules as everyone else17:51
petrvswell, the same constraints17:52
petrvsdifferent isps do get things at different rates17:52
petrvsor at least, different end users of different isps17:52
petrvssizeoftank: pass17:52
ikoniapetrvs: no, the master sets the ttl and expire time17:52
ikoniaso that is outside of the control of ISP's17:52
petrvswasn't suggesting it was wholly under their control17:53
ikoniathen how can you suggest wirless ISP's get it "quicker"17:53
petrvslike I said, I remember it happening17:53
ikoniahow ?17:53
ikoniaif it's outside the control of the ISP17:54
petrvsbecause isp x is not isp y17:54
petrvsend point a is not end point b17:54
petrvsthings differ17:54
ikoniapetrvs: that makes no sense17:54
ikoniapetrvs: as the TTL and expire is set on the master, not the ISP17:54
petrvsI don't think it makes sense either17:54
petrvsbut it happens17:54
ikoniait doesn't17:54
petrvsit does17:54
ikoniathe only thing the ISP controls is the slave cache flush17:54
petrvsI haven't said anything about what isps control17:54
petrvsso that doesn't interest me17:54
ikoniathen don't make stuff up17:54
petrvsdon't make stuff up because I haven't made stuff up?17:55
petrvsokay, sure thing17:55
petrvsmy pleasure17:55
ioria"Your TTL value is certainly not responsible for your slow internet connection, so changing it will have no effect. –  Georg Schölly "17:55
ioriabut i don't  know  whois Georg Schölly   : P17:56
petrvsioria: that for me?17:57
RonWhoCaresI have my printing sorted out now.17:57
petrvsRonWhoCares: oh, what was it?17:57
petrvsioria: good :)17:57
petrvsMarcGuay: ^17:57
RonWhoCaresOne of the printers is wireless.  Not even a USB connection.  Somehow the network lost track of the printer17:58
petrvsah wireless17:58
petrvsand the other?17:58
RonWhoCaresWell it formed a 2 printer union.  When the one went on strike so did the other one.  Got the first printer working and all ofthe sudden the other printer works again   and it is wired17:59
petrvsoh, neat17:59
geniiRonWhoCares: Possibly they are both set to use the same IP18:02
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skinuxI'm trying to find installation directory for Scene Builder 2. I can launch it from Dash or application menu, but I cannot find it anywhere on disk, not even a launcher file.18:15
EriC^^skinux: how do you launch it from the dash?18:15
skinuxUnity Dash, type it in and click the icon.18:16
EriC^^type grep Scene /usr/share/applications/*18:16
EriC^^do you get a .desktop file?18:17
skinuxYes, but for Scene Builder 1.1, not Scene Builder 2.018:17
skinux1.1 was downloaded manually, 2.0 was installed via PPA18:18
EriC^^skinux: if you type Scene in the dash how many icons do you get?18:18
skinuxJust one.18:18
EriC^^it has to be in /usr/share/applications to show up in the dash18:18
EriC^^so that's it i guess18:19
EriC^^type grep Exec /file/that/showed/up18:19
ioria  /opt18:20
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aznableCould someone please give me an unaffiliated hostmask in here :)18:27
EriC^^aznable: #freenode18:27
aznablethank you EriC^^18:27
DeMiNe0When I # modprobe aes, I get the following error: modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'padlock_aes': No such device. I added an alias for aes aes_generic to my modprobe.d aliases, but still get that same error when I re-run mod probe. Any idea's? Ubuntu server 14.0418:29
ikoniaDeMiNe0: it's looking for a module thats not there18:30
ikoniais that module part of the kernel - or have you manually added it18:30
DeMiNe0It should be part of the kernel. Atleast it is for older versions. Lemme check18:31
DeMiNe0modprobe --resolve-alias aes shows the padlock_aes module18:33
DeMiNe0not seeing it in lsmod though18:33
ikoniathat wasn't what I asked18:34
DeMiNe0I only see aes_x86_6418:34
ikoniais it part of the stock kernel package18:34
ikoniaor is it provided either via an addon pacakge or an external process18:34
DeMiNe0I'm not sure how to check that18:34
DeMiNe0I'm trying to setup LUKS via the guide on the ubuntu support site18:34
ikoniaDeMiNe0: show me the guide you are following18:35
rypervencheDeMiNe0: You're using a live CD?18:35
DeMiNe0Nope, not live.18:36
ikoniaDeMiNe0: what version of ubuntu are you using18:37
ikoniaDeMiNe0: and what version does it say that guide is for18:37
DeMiNe0Also tried this one: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemsOnRemovableStorage18:37
ikoniaDeMiNe0: and what version does it say that guide is for18:37
ioriacool ubuntu 618:38
DeMiNe0I don't see version specifics on that page.18:38
ikoniait says at the top18:38
ikonia5.10 / 6.0618:38
ikoniait's in the title18:39
iorialibcrypto  a bit different then ?18:39
DeMiNe0I also referenced this one: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemsOnRemovableStorage Which outlines the problem I'm havng and supplies a fix. But the fix doesn't work.18:39
mantys89DeMiNe0: You should try https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/18:40
DeMiNe0I've considered it, but all of our boxes are allready using LUKS so management wants to stick with that18:41
newuserHey, my screen keeps switching around resolution when I for example log into the system, going into settings/display, etc. Sometimes it don't, it just goes black for a second, any solutions?18:41
ikoniaDeMiNe0: so that second guide suggests you are missing a hardware encryption device - but again that is for the 2.6.24 kernel - what kernel are you using18:41
ikoniaI suspect it will be a 3.0 kernel18:41
DeMiNe0way later18:41
ikoniaright - so again why are you using documentation that is way too old for your system18:42
DeMiNe0Because it's the only one I was able to find.18:42
DeMiNe0Figured ubuntu kept their documentation up to date.18:43
DeMiNe0Guess not.18:43
ikoniait's community docs18:43
ikonianot official docs18:43
Bray90820Can someone help me add my NAS to fstab so it can mount on boot every tutorial I have followed didn't work for me18:45
ikoniaBray90820: so whats the actual problem18:46
Bray90820ikonia: I want my NAS to be mounted on boot I have tried verious different things but non of them worked18:47
ikoniaso what does your current fstab line look like18:47
Bray90820ikonia: For the NAS I wanna mount?18:48
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Bray90820ikonia: As of right now there  there isn't one everything I tried failed so I removed18:49
Bray90820I can create one if you want18:49
ikoniaBray90820: what shared file system type is your nas offering ?18:50
avid_fanBray90820, well I think we're going to need more information to be of any help.18:50
DeMiNe0ikonia: It looks like the module I need is there. Not sure why the alias isn't working for it. http://slexy.org/view/s20V6bBlJI18:50
tehcereali just downloaded latest ubuntu 14.04 lts and installed it but got an unexpected error after the first reboot and the error is compiz related i used rufus to make a bootable usb i tried it twice and the same thing happened. i never got this problem before with any distro so i dont think its a hardware related issue :S18:51
Bray90820ikonia: the NAS is a QNAP partitioned with EX4 and being shared over SMB/CIFS18:51
ikoniaDeMiNe0: because you dont have a hardware crypto device18:51
ikoniaBray90820: ok, so you want a samba / cifgs client installed on your machine and you want an example mount line for samba cifs18:51
ikoniayou then want to test that mount manually18:51
DeMiNe0So padlock_aes is used for hardware crypto?18:51
ikoniaif it works - put it into the fstab18:52
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ikoniaDeMiNe0: thats what the first guide you showed me said18:52
DeMiNe0Any idea where I could find the aes_generic module then?18:53
ikoniageneric ?18:53
ikoniawhat are you on about18:53
DeMiNe0That guide tell's me to make an alias to aes_generic. But It doesn't exist on 14.0418:53
ikoniaDeMiNe0: probably because it's a VERY OLD guide18:54
ikoniathe whole kernel subsystem has changed18:54
rypervencheDeMiNe0: You shouldn't need to touch modprobe, it should all already be running in your current kernel by default.18:54
ikoniahence why you shouldn't be using a guide for 6.0.6/5.10 on 14.0418:54
rypervencheDeMiNe0: Is this for your root partition or a separate disk?18:55
zerguthello, what soft do you prefer to use as a graphic system monitors like lm_sensors but only with gui ?18:55
DeMiNe0a different disk18:55
Bray90820ikonia: I am sorry to do this but can you walk me through this18:56
Bray90820/servername/sharename  /media/windowsshare  cifs  username=msusername,password=mspassword,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm  0  018:56
rypervencheDeMiNe0: Then it's as simple as creating the partition (if you want), luksFormatting it, luksOpening it, putting your file system on it, and then configuring your fstab and dmtab/dmcrypt (forgot which on Ubuntu)18:57
avid_fanBray90820, that's very close to one that I have.18:57
rypervencheDeMiNe0: You may need to pick and choose what you see in the guides that you find. Let me see if I can find a simple one for you.18:57
DeMiNe0rypervenche: thanks!18:57
Bray90820avid_fan: I am not sure i need all that but what i found on the ubuntu wiki18:57
avid_fan/servername/sharename /mnt_point cifs username=USER,password=PASS,iocharset=utf8 0 218:58
ioriamaybe double //18:58
avid_fanthere we go18:58
avid_fanI don't have sec=ntlm but I'm connecting to a Win2k3 server18:58
mantys89DeMiNe0, you can encrypt partitions with gnome-disk...18:59
AleksaHello! I'm using Ubuntu Unity 14.4. I've recently installed Mate, but as I didn't like it, I removed it and installed xfce. Now I have a problem: I can't change the volume settings using the menu applet :(18:59
Aleksanor I can change the wallpaper18:59
AleksaI have a black screen18:59
Bray90820avid_fan: '/run/user/1000/gvfs/smb-share:server=qnap,share=backup'18:59
Bray90820the server name would be qnap and the share name would be backup right?18:59
rypervencheDeMiNe0: http://ryp.io/5t or http://ryp.io/5u will work for you, although the second uses yum, the commands are the same (except for installing cryptsetup)19:00
DeMiNe0gnome-disk needs a GUI doesn't it?19:00
DeMiNe0thanks rypervenche19:00
rypervencheDeMiNe0: The only thing not in either of those two guys is how to have it mount on boot, is that something you want or not?19:00
avid_fanBray90820, I guess that makes sense what you have there.19:00
DeMiNe0I just need to add it to fstab, don't I?19:00
avid_fanBray90820, make sure you can resolve the server name, otherwise subsitiute the IP address19:01
EightynineHi. I removed Transmission using Software Center and lost X.org. My system freezes during boot up. How to fix this,?19:01
ioriaBray90820, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=138058319:01
Bray90820avid_fan: now how would I find the mount point19:02
rypervencheDeMiNe0: You also need to add it to /etc/crypttab19:03
mantys89DeMiNe0, gnome-disk utility installed on ubuntu by default ...19:03
rypervencheDeMiNe0: The file has what you need to put in there, but you can also easily find guides if you just google "ubuntu crypttab" :)19:03
avid_fanBray90820, I'm not sure how you might "find" the share name. If it's your NAS then I'm assuming you created the CIFS/SMB share and part of that process would have asked for a name.19:03
Bray90820avid_fan: I asked about the mount point :P19:04
Bray90820Already have the name19:04
danbowera few days ago, i attempted to update ubuntu through the GUI but the update seemed to get stuck. stupidly i killed it and now when i run `apt-get upgrade`, it gets stuck on "Preconfiguring packages". any suggestions on how to resolve this?19:05
pavlosdanbower, try sudo apt-get install -f    (-f flag fixes things)19:06
EightynineHelp me please19:06
rypervencheEightynine: It sounds as though you may have uninstalled more than just transmission. You have physical access to the machine, yes?19:07
danbowerpavlos, unfortunately that didn't fix the issue19:07
EightynineI  have but it froze19:08
danboweri've also tried `apt-get clean`19:08
pavlosdanbower, try sudo apt-get autoremove to clean up then try a sudo apt-get update19:08
rypervencheEightynine: Press ctrl+alt+F1 (or F2) and try to get to a TTY. From there, log in as your user. Let me know when you have done that.19:09
EightyninePackage manager removed xorg and lubuntu-core19:09
rypervencheEightynine: Well there you go. Reinstall them from the command line.19:09
EightynineCan't do that. System is not responding19:09
rypervencheEightynine: What does "not responding" mean?19:10
avid_fanBray90820, my bad. You can mount it really anywhere you'd like. My personal preference is to mount it under the "/mnt" directory. Just create yourself another directory and use it as the local mount point.19:10
EightynineIt stucked on boot logo19:10
nuke_Hi. I am compiling something and i am using many Greek words. I am getting error: stray ‘\XXX’ in program  where XXX is 21119:10
pavlosdanbower, which release? 14.04?19:11
rypervencheEightynine: Press F11 or F12, I can't remember which, maybe it's F1. It's one of the F keys and it should show you the command prompt as you are booting up. See if you can see any text.19:11
danbowerpavlos, that's right19:11
danbowerpavlos, well it's downloaded some stuff but eventually got stuck at "Preconfiguring packages" again :/19:12
EightynineMonitor turns off19:12
nuke_Hi. I am compiling something and i am using many Greek words. I am getting error: stray ‘\XXX’ in program  where XXX is 211 317 201 316 277 20219:12
Bray90820avid_fan: How would I check what username I am logged into on my nas19:12
pavlosdanbower, some process is running and messing up update19:13
rypervencheEightynine: Try them all. The monitor is not turning off, it is going into a TTY.19:13
EightynineNothing helps19:13
danbowerpavlos: when googling for this, i did mysql come up a few times and this is indeed a dev box19:13
danbowerdid see*19:13
EightynineIf i press buttons during boot it freezes19:14
rypervencheEightynine: Ok, then I say let's specifically tell it to not use the splash when you boot up. One second.19:14
pavlosdanbower, you could kill those processess and try to update again19:14
avid_fanBray90820, I'm unsure. When I connect to my server via nautilus I'm prompted for a username and password.19:14
EightynineI know how tty looks like19:14
Bray90820I stored it a while ago stupidly19:14
rypervencheEightynine: http://askubuntu.com/questions/25022/how-to-enable-boot-messages-to-be-printed-on-screen-during-boot-up Read the first answer, steps 1 through 4.19:14
rgb-onerypervenche: click page down to toggle splash19:14
avid_fanBray90820, I would think that by default if left unspecified, it would use your current login name.19:15
rypervenchergb-one: Thank you :)19:15
danbowerpavlos: there's quite a few /usr/sbin/mysqld processes running. does that sound right?19:15
pavlosdanbower, I suggest you kill them19:15
avid_fanBray90820, I would think setting/resetting your password should be simple enough through the NAS' web interface.19:17
Bray90820avid_fan: I know the password I just don't know what username I stored19:17
avid_fanBray90820, again, sorry, I'm not sure where that might be stored locally.19:18
zerowaitstatedanbower: depending on what tool you use, you may be seeing particular threads of mysql rather that proceses. i know in htop you can choose to see either19:19
danbowerwell i've just killed the mysql server through the virtualmin GUI. it's still bloody getting stuck19:20
v3nd3tta``hello, i want to use my ubuntu 14.04 laptop as an wifi to ethernet bridge for my pc, is that possible?19:20
pavlosdanbower, are there dpkg processes running?19:20
Bray90820avid_fan: Now i need to know what iocharset=utf8 0 2 means19:21
danbowerpavlos: nope19:21
pavlosdanbower, so try again the update with -f19:22
rypervenchedanbower: You'll probably have to do it from the command line. I'm not 100% sure which kill signals are safe to use on mysql, but some in here may know.19:22
MonkeyDustv3nd3tta``  there's even a !factoid for that one, moment19:22
avid_fanBray90820, iocharset handles displaying special characters19:23
Bray90820avid_fan: 'Do I need to change anything there19:23
MonkeyDust!ics | v3nd3tta``19:23
ubottuv3nd3tta``: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing19:23
danbowerpavlos: so after killing the mysql server (i checked htop afterwards and i can't find a mysql process) i ran `apt-get install -f; apt-get update; apt-get upgrade` yet it still gets stuck19:25
mantys89danbower: http://askubuntu.com/questions/156650/apt-get-update-very-slow-stuck-at-waiting-for-headers, i think it might help19:25
avid_fanBray90820, the 0 and 2 are the 5th ans 6th fields in a fstab line. The 5th field tells the system if the filesystem specified should be dumped, which I've never used. The 6th field tells the system the order for fsck at reboot time. According to the fstab manpage, root should be 1 and all others 2.19:25
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danbowermantys89, i'm getting stuck at "Preconfiguring packages"19:26
avid_fanBray90820, No, I don't think you should need to change the iocharset option, or the last fields.19:26
danboweri also left it running overnight a couple days back and it never progressed19:27
Bray90820So I should leave them as 0 219:27
pavlosdanbower, you should try one command at a time and prefix with sudo ... "sudo apt-get update" should be w/o errors before doing other stuff.19:27
pavlosdanbower, can you do a "ps -ef | pastebinit" and post the result?19:28
v3nd3tta``MonkeyDust, i think that's the other way round, right? internet->wifi->laptop->ethernet->pc19:28
danbowerpavlos: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10867643/19:29
pavlosdanbower, thx ... no more ideas, maybe someone else can help19:32
Bray90820avid_fan: this is what my fstab looks like but nothing appers to be mounted19:32
Bray90820/qnap/backup /mnt/qnap/backup cifs username=admin,password=771774,iocharset=utf8 0 219:32
Bray90820"//qnap/backup /mnt/qnap/backup cifs username=admin,password=771774,iocharset=utf8 0 219:32
mantys89danbower: sudo apt-get install -f && sudo apt-get update19:32
danbowerwell thanks anyway pavlos, really appreciated19:33
danbowermantys89, i've tried that man19:33
pavlosdanbower, np19:33
pavlosv3nd3tta``, I think you can edit the wifi connection and set it to share with other systems19:34
danbowerthe only thing particularly different about this system is virtualmin which installs a plethora of stuff (some of which are part of this update). i may just try uninstalling that, which should hopefully remove the offending process, then trying an upgrade19:35
Bray90820avid_fan: got any ideas for me19:37
avid_fanBray90820, and "/mnt/qnap/backup" exists?19:37
Bray90820avid_fan: aaron@Server:/mnt/qnap/backup$19:38
avid_fanBray90820, so you've modified the fstab, just modified it?19:38
avid_fanBray90820, nothing more?19:38
mantys89danbower: sudo dpkg-reconfigure update-manager19:39
avid_fanBray90820, then "cd /" and then if you're root, "mount /mnt/qnap/backup", else "sudo mount /mnt/qnap/backup".19:39
v3nd3tta``i now have seen 5 different solution articles in the internet, all describing something completely different.19:41
mantys89danbower: sudo dpkg-reconfigure --force update-manager, it should fix broken packages....19:42
danbowermantys89: i'll give it a try, thanks19:44
WhitorHi all, Odd question I know.... I'd like to force an application to stay in the terminal it was invoked within. This application has both a CLI interface (I know that is redundant) and GUI..  When run in an Alt-F1 (real) terminal it runs in the cli just fine. If run from an xterm it invokes the GUI. How can I force it to stay in the CLI when invoked from an xterm?19:46
WhitorThe app in question is VLC... Once upon a time, I was given a string that would force it to stay in the xterm... It seemed generic and not specific to VLC.19:46
Whitorbut darned if I can recall the command19:47
avid_fanWhitor, cvlc?19:47
tgm4883Whitor: cvlc?19:47
Whitorheh.... wil try19:47
avid_fantgm4883, jinzx19:47
tgm4883ah, i owe you a coke19:47
avid_fantgm4883, lol19:47
mantys89danbower: http://galigio.org/2009/11/29/how-to-repair-a-bad-upgrade-on-ubuntu/19:47
zerowaitstateWhitor: I think you have to unset the DISPLAY environment variable for that process19:47
zerowaitstateWhitor: try DISPLAY= yourcommandname19:48
Whitorzerowaitstate, how do I unset the display variable19:48
Whitorok, thx19:48
zerowaitstateWhitor: for example to run emacs without X, type: DISPLAY= emacs19:49
zerowaitstateI'm assuming you're using bash, of course19:50
Whitorbtw, tgm4883 and avid_fan  cvlc did not work19:50
danbowerthanks mantys89. one of the commands in that link shows promise but i'll need to reboot19:50
avid_fanWhitor, good to know.19:51
Whitorneither did the display=  cmd       :(19:51
zerowaitstateWhitor: it does because I tested it19:51
zerowaitstateWhitor: DISPLAY= vlc19:51
zerowaitstateWhitor: all caps on DISPLAY19:51
Whitorworks if I invoke it from a real terminal (Alt-F1 or such) ... bit not if invoked form an xtermn19:52
Whitorzerowaitstate, is the WINNER !19:52
Whitorcool, thanks !19:52
Whitorzerowaitstate, thank you very much19:52
zerowaitstateWhitor: incidentally, that is the way you modify the environment variables for any process.19:53
zerowaitstateI just set DISPLAY to empty string19:53
zerowaitstatein that case19:53
Bray90820avid_fan: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/04bb902e172402196cfb19:54
tgm4883Bray90820: either specify IP or fix your DNS?19:55
Whitorzerowaitstate, I wanted to force vlc to play in Cool Retro Term ... nifty little xterm gui for old folks like me19:55
Bray90820so change '//qnap/backup' to the ip address19:55
WhitorBrings me back to my vt100 days  / ibm 327019:56
tgm4883Bray90820: well no, just qnap. And not in the command you posted, but in fstab19:56
tgm4883Bray90820: Also, that is assuming that you have a static or reserved IP address for your qnap19:56
Bray90820I do have it as static I believe19:57
v3nd3tta``okay thank you pavlos and MonkeyDust i managed it to work. i just had to use the network manager on eth0 to share eth0, get the ip configuration right on the pc and now it works like a charm19:57
pavlosv3nd3tta``, great!19:57
v3nd3tta``maybe this should be added in a simpler manner into the Internet/ConnectionSharing manual19:58
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kumalaI think I got a prob with my graphic drivers. When I switch to a console with ctrl-alt-F1 the screen remains black, but I can still login and type commands, just black screen. There is signal and the screen turns the lights on but remains black. Also when I boot, I have an encrypted partition and I need to type the password, at that point it is in graphical mode already but the keyboard input goes to another console and has no effect. I need t20:05
kumalao ctrl-alt-suppr to restart and then I get the same password prompt but in console mode and I can unlock the encrypted disk. Again, it looks lie a graphic driver issue. Is anyone familiar with that?20:05
kumalaThis is a fresh install20:05
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avid_fanBray90820, so it doesn't resolve the hostname. Do you know the IP address of the NAS?20:06
tgm4883avid_fan: yea he is puting that in20:06
tgm4883or supposed to be anyway20:06
avid_fantgm4883, yeah, sorry, I didn't read the rest of the dialog.20:07
tgm4883avid_fan: was he ever able to mount it?20:07
avid_fantgm4883, guess you can forget about that Coke.20:07
avid_fantgm4883, to my understanding not via command line.20:07
avid_fantgm4883, you raise an interesting point.20:08
tgm4883avid_fan: it's probably because he hasn't specified domain=20:08
delinquentmeIve got an error in my ec2 intances sudoers file /etc/sudoers ... and  Idont know the actual root password to my machine as I've aways used passwordless SSH ( its an ec2 instance )20:12
bruxChi, I'm trying to figure out what the best way to duplicate files from one fstab location to another in the fastest, safest, and most efficient manner. Could someone recommend to me what that method would be? I have tried SFTP via WinSCP but it timed out after the first five minutes. I'm trying to carry over terabytes of info.20:13
rgb-onebruxC: look into rsync20:14
bruxCrgb-one, perfect, thank you.20:14
petrvsbruxC: what does fstab have to do with it?20:15
bruxCpetrvs, I'm new, please take what verbiage I say as a grain of salt.20:16
Bray90820avdi: I do know the ip address20:16
OerHeksCan somebode help me out? because some key is missing, we wait 4 days for Firefox 37.0.2 https://launchpadlibrarian.net/203615172/buildlog_ubuntu-utopic-arm64.firefox_37.0.2%2Bbuild1-0ubuntu0.14.10.1_BUILDING.txt.gz20:16
lotuspsychje!info firefox20:17
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 37.0.1+build1-0ubuntu0.14.10.1 (utopic), package size 40068 kB, installed size 94637 kB20:17
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: apt-cache policy still shows 37.0.1 on me20:19
Tr3nTj'ai un soucis avec la mise a jour20:19
lotuspsychje!fr | Tr3nT20:19
ubottuTr3nT: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:19
Tr3nTquoi ?20:19
petrvsbruxC: okay =)20:20
petrvsbruxC: I'll second rsync, it resumes by default, and you can even use it via ssh if you need the transfer to be secure20:20
petrvsbruxC: though if you do it over ssh, I think you'll want to make it rsync -Pa -e ssh, rather than merely rsync -a20:21
petrvsrsync -Pav -e ssh foo/ bar@baz:qux/20:22
krunkpiratescp seems like it should be fine... If its dying mid transfer it sounds like you have network pains.20:22
petrvscp is nice, but it's no rsync20:23
petrvsI don't use cp for <1GB files I care about, nevermind terabytes =)20:24
krunkpiratehaven't used rsync enough to know the difference.20:24
petrvswell, if rsync is interrupted, it knows, and it can resume20:24
petrvsif you run the same rsync command over again, it merely confirms it's already done its job20:24
petrvsif you run cp again, it does it all over again (or tries to, again)20:24
pavlosbruxC, http://www.tecmint.com/rsync-local-remote-file-synchronization-commands/20:24
tgm4883Bray90820: so is it working now?20:25
Bray90820yes It is mounted but How would i add it to the unity launcher20:25
tgm4883Bray90820: that is a completely different question20:26
Bray90820Well that is my next question ;)20:27
link123Ubuntu 15.04 will to be released tomorrow?20:27
tgm4883link123: that is the idea20:28
k1l_link123: dont expect it in the morning time. more like afternoon.20:29
link123k1l_, thank you20:29
ig0r_Why is there no 15.04 Release Candidate??20:30
petrvsig0r_: there's a beta20:30
DANtheBEASTmanhow do i install/enable 32bit multiarch on trusty?20:31
k1l_ig0r_: there are daylies iirc20:31
ig0r_petrvs: the beta doesn't work in VirtualBox20:31
rgb-oneDANtheBEASTman: I think it is enabled by default20:31
k1l_DANtheBEASTman: its enabled by default. what is your issue?20:31
petrvsig0r_: how doesn't it?20:31
ig0r_petrvs: it doesn't boot20:31
k1l_ig0r_: well, talk about that in #ubuntu+1 or better file a bug20:31
tgm4883or dont' use virtualbox20:32
DANtheBEASTmantrying to install [nonFree] 3rd party package (called Guitar Pro) apt is giving me all kinds of weirdness20:32
ig0r_k1l_: huh?20:32
MonkeyDustig0r_  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/20:32
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petrvsig0r_: what happens?20:32
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petrvscribbageSTARSHIP: pass20:33
k1l_ig0r_: #ubuntu+1 is the not-final channel.20:33
MonkeyDustig0r_  type /j #ubuntu+120:33
k1l_DANtheBEASTman: pastebin it20:33
petrvsDANtheBEASTman: tried TuxGuitar?20:33
Sagittthe command dpkg-reconfigure -a what do?20:33
k1l_!paste | DANtheBEASTman20:33
ubottuDANtheBEASTman: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:33
petrvsDANtheBEASTman: or DGuitar20:33
cribbageSTARSHIPhello everyone! I just built my first server. Just making sure I'm doing the following correctly. I have a partition filled with files and folders mounted to /media/storage and want to copy just the contents of /media/storage to /media/bunker. so would the proper command be "cp -a /media/storage /media/bunker"?20:36
MonkeyDustcribbageSTARSHIP  there's also #ubuntu-server20:36
rgb-onecribbageSTARSHIP: cp -r /media/storage /media/bunker20:37
cribbageSTARSHIPMonkeyDust ok thanks. I should learn this just the same.20:37
rgb-oneman cp for more information about the cp command20:37
DANtheBEASTmank1l_: https://gist.github.com/14e8c179ff4bf36a384d20:37
cribbageSTARSHIPrgb-one thank you!20:37
DANtheBEASTmanpetrvs: sorry but tuxguitar and dguitar are absolutely disgusting20:38
MonkeyDustcribbageSTARSHIP  and books (like: paper books) are really handy and useful20:38
petrvscribbageSTARSHIP: rsync -av /media/storage/ /media/bunker/20:38
petrvscribbageSTARSHIP: or without v for faster, and again with -v to confirm after it's done20:38
petrvsDANtheBEASTman: fair enough =)20:38
cribbageSTARSHIPpetrvs what is the difference between rsync and cp?20:39
cribbageSTARSHIPpetrvs: what is the difference between rsync and cp?20:39
DANtheBEASTmancribbageSTARSHIP: you should `man rsync` and find out what makes rsync so cool20:39
petrvscribbageSTARSHIP: rsync is more reliable, it's what people who value their time use20:40
geniicribbageSTARSHIP: The difference between rsync and cp is like the difference between apples and moon rocks20:40
petrvscp is great for little files you can re-cp in an instant20:40
k1l_DANtheBEASTman: guitar 6 pro is the buy version. did you contact arobas music for support?20:40
petrvsrsync is for if you only want to do it once20:40
streulmatomorrow :)20:40
streulmathe great day !20:40
petrvscribbageSTARSHIP: primarily, rsync can resume, and cp cannot20:40
streulmabut no fixes for my pc :(20:40
cribbageSTARSHIPpetrvs: thank you20:40
DANtheBEASTmancribbageSTARSHIP: but to summarize, `cp` will copy all files you give it, period. rsync is smart enough to (if you tell it) figure out if some of the files don't neede copying (already there, maybe a newer version exists) and ignore those20:41
tgm4883: DANtheBEASTman have you tried installing gksu20:41
streulmaUbuntu 15.04 will be released tomorrow on 2015 04 2320:41
DANtheBEASTmanplus rsync has much more useful output, like it tells you what speed its copying, how much percentage of each file is left, etc20:41
petrvsit's pretty wonderful20:41
petrvsall the best backup solutions are based on it20:41
DANtheBEASTmantgm4883: yeah, L5520:42
DANtheBEASTmanrsync is easily one of my favorite utils20:42
k1l_DANtheBEASTman: see http://askubuntu.com/a/154490/3126020:43
cribbageSTARSHIPThanks everyone. I was thinking on using rsync as a nightly cron and just sharing /media/storage on samba20:43
DANtheBEASTmank1l_: ooo. thank you20:43
DANtheBEASTmancribbageSTARSHIP: i believe that's quite a common thing to do20:43
petrvscribbageSTARSHIP: yup20:43
petrvscribbageSTARSHIP: or you could try lsyncd (also based on rsync) if you want something more dynamic than once-daily20:44
Bashing-omSagitt_: What release are you on ? as the -a option is no longer supported. see: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=721329#15 .20:44
ubottuDebian bug 721329 in debconf "debconf: dpkg-reconfigure -a fails on fresh wheezy installation" [Important,Fixed]20:44
rgb-onecribbageSTARSHIP: Here are some rsync examples: http://www.tecmint.com/rsync-local-remote-file-synchronization-commands/20:45
petrvscribbageSTARSHIP: and there are other nice utils (usually also rsync based) that can do incremental deduplicated backups, which is great20:45
Bray90820tgm4883: I am trying to use rsync on my QNAP that I just mounted but I am getting a permission denied error but it looks like all my permissions are correct20:45
cribbageSTARSHIPpetrvs: I dont need anything more than once daily. I i have two 1TB hdd. Each has a 30gb and 900gb partition. the OS is on the 30, and storage is on the 900. I want to back up each to the other each night incase on nukes.20:46
cribbageSTARSHIPrgb-one: petrvs: thanks ill read up on it20:46
petrvssounds like a plan20:46
tgm4883Bray90820: are you just trying to rsync stuff to it?20:47
tgm4883Bray90820: because I think you can set it up as an rsync server rather than having to mount a cifs share20:47
streulmaBray90820 I do rsync on the qnap itself for backup.20:47
tgm4883Bray90820: I would just do that, no need for the extra step20:48
petrvsBray90820: uh, what's the error you get from rsync?20:48
tgm4883Bray90820: like we said, you should be going to the qnap with rsync and forget about mounting the cifs share first20:49
rgb-oneBray90820: use chown recursively20:49
rgb-oneand specify user and group20:50
tgm4883rgb-one: can't. It's a cifs mount20:50
tgm4883Bray90820: you need to specify uid and gid in your mount command20:50
tgm4883Bray90820: if you really insist on doing it that way, which I think is an unneeded step20:50
Bray90820tgm4883: Well I wanted to set it up on a schedule if I do it directly most of the time it will fail because the qnap won't be mounted20:51
tgm4883Bray90820: is this from a laptop or something?20:51
DANtheBEASTmanok so now that I have the deb unpacked into /opt.. I `ldd` on the binary and I'm missing some libs.. https://gist.github.com/DanielFGray/14e8c179ff4bf36a384d#file-gistfile1-txt any ideas how to go about installing the right versions/build of these libs?20:51
Bray90820tgm4883: It's from a desktop but if I were to restart or the power were to go out it wouldn't backup20:51
DANtheBEASTmanshould I add precise repos and install from that?20:52
tgm4883Bray90820: it would if you went directly to the qnap....20:52
cribbageSTARSHIPpetrvs: if my sda1 is my / and my sda2 is my storage mounted to /media/storage, if I cron rsync /dev/sda1 to /dev/sdb1 will it copy my /media/storage? or would that only happen if I set up rsync to copy / to /media/osbunker?20:53
DANtheBEASTmancribbageSTARSHIP: I think you can tell rsync to only stay on one disk. you'll have to `man rsync` to find the option20:53
DANtheBEASTmandon't be afraid of reading those man pages, they're a god send20:54
petrvscribbageSTARSHIP: did you want to omit /media/storage ?20:54
petrvsyou can use -x to avoid all other filesystems20:54
tgm4883Bray90820: you could use something like "rsync -rv --delete --exclude-from /var/www-sites/rsync-exclude.txt --chmod=Do=rx,Fo=r /var/www-sites/WEBSITE/ USER@FQDN:/var/www-sites/WEBSITE/"20:54
petrvsor --exclude for any number of custom exclusions20:54
Bray90820tgm4883: I ran it directly from the qnap  while it was unmounted and this is what i got20:54
streulmarsync -avrz /media/source /media/destination20:54
petrvscribbageSTARSHIP: use -n/--dry-run to see it work (or fail) to test20:54
DANtheBEASTman-x is probably the cleanest choice20:54
cribbageSTARSHIPhold on, im going to pastebin a better explanation20:55
petrvscribbageSTARSHIP: and be careful with omission of / trailing slashes until you're familiar with it20:55
DANtheBEASTmancribbageSTARSHIP: please avoid pastebin20:55
petrvsrsync foo bar/ and rsync foo/ bar/ and rsync foo/ bar are not necessarily equivalent20:55
DANtheBEASTmangist or sprunge are much better choices for pasting20:55
tgm4883Bray90820: no, you setup the qnap as an rsync server, then you run the rsync command on your desktop to push to the qnap20:55
zykotick9DANtheBEASTman: s/patebin/pastebin.com/20:56
DANtheBEASTmanpastebin has ads and has also been known to mangle raw output20:56
Bray90820tgm4883: If I understand you correctly that is what I have done20:56
tgm4883Bray90820: I don't believe so20:57
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tgm4883Bray90820: that error message you just posted, you didn't include the command you ran20:58
Bray90820Well i am using a gui app for this so i'll send a screenshot20:58
cribbageSTARSHIPIm just wondering if i tell rsync to read /dev/sda1 if it would take a snap shot to /dev/sdb120:58
vonsyd0wI dont think rsync works w/ block devices20:59
Bray90820tgm4883: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33402675/Backup.png20:59
Sagitt_Bashing-om 14.04 lts, i sent this command for wrong, closed the windows immediatly20:59
tgm4883Bray90820: I'm not even sure where to start. That destination address is so ****** up that we should just wipe the thing21:00
petrvsvonsyd0w: not sure one'd really need it to21:00
Bray90820tgm4883: the entire destination address is21:01
tgm4883Bray90820: that does explain your error though. "/run/user/1000/gvfs/smb-share:server=qnap.local,share=backup/data" is nothing21:01
Bray90820tgm4883: So where should I go from here21:02
Bashing-omSagitt_: If the package management system is stable, the command will have no effect .. as it tries to reconfigure 'bad' packages .21:04
tgm4883Bray90820: I don't have time to walk you through setting up rsync on your qnap and then fixing your desktop. But there should be some guides for setting up the qnap. Then your destination address is going to look similar to USER@QNAPIP:/DIRNAME/"21:04
Sagitt_Bashing-om if i'm running apt-get upgrade from ssh, and for wrong during the end i closed the windows, the process will be stopped or the machine finish all?21:05
phpcoderhello everybody21:06
phpcoderhow can i download 15.04 ?21:06
Bashing-omSagitt_: That is a tough call .. but yes, I would expect that the cpmmand would complete. you can check -> sudo apt-get update , sudo apt-get upgrade <- again and see what the package manager reports .21:07
Sagitt_no errore reported21:08
Bashing-omSagitt_: Double check -> sudo apt-get -f install , sudo dpkg -C <-. If these run clean you can safely assume that the system is stable .21:09
Sagitt_no report, good21:09
gregLphpcoder, join #ubuntu+1 and ask there or wait till tomorrow..21:09
Bashing-omSagitt_: :) .. Good to go .21:10
DANtheBEASTmanok, I"m down to two dependencies! libSM and libGL I've been using apt-file to find the others, but these two small-legthed name makes them more ambiguous.. any ideas where these libs came from21:10
DANtheBEASTmanBashing-om: you have the strangest way of sharing commands21:11
Bashing-omDANtheBEASTman: Yeah, but sure does accent the command , huh ?21:11
DANtheBEASTmanI think `this is more accented`21:12
DANtheBEASTmanbut, I mean about separating commands with , rather than ;21:13
DANtheBEASTmansudo apt-get -f install , sudo dpkg -C is not a valid command, but  sudo apt-get -f install && sudo dpkg -C would do what you're talking about21:14
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blastoffhey guys21:14
DANtheBEASTman; runs unconditionally of the last command, && will run if the previous command was successful.21:14
blastoffanyone here tonight?21:14
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Bashing-omDANtheBEASTman: If we all thought alike, would be no inventivnes . Change can be good .21:14
DANtheBEASTmanwhile I usually agree, I feel like presenting commands in a form that isn't actually valid syntax is a bad change21:15
Bashing-omDANtheBEASTman: Good point !21:15
DANtheBEASTmanif `,` was a valid command separator that would be totally cool, but (especially when giving commands to beginners) I think it might provide less confusion and more portability to provide comand syntax that's actually valid. y'know?21:17
petrvsBlaster: I'm here21:19
petrvsBlaster: whoops, you aren't blastoff at all21:19
Bashing-omDANtheBEASTman: Agreed, will comply .21:20
DANtheBEASTmanBashing-om: just my thoughts, I'm not trying to tell you how to live your life :)21:20
petrvsBashing-om: get a job!21:20
Bashing-omDANtheBEASTman: When you are correct, you are right . I will adjust to expedite transfer of information :)21:21
DANtheBEASTmannow if only I could figure out where the hell to get 'libSM' from...21:22
Bashing-omDANtheBEASTman: what rteturns ' dpkg -L libsm ' ?21:23
DANtheBEASTmanoh, how about libsm621:23
DANtheBEASTmanBashing-om: I use apt-file to find it21:24
jecte11hello. I installed a program to /opt/xxx and now i want to compile another program that is using the program already installed to /opt/xxx21:24
DANtheBEASTmanIINM dpkg -L would only tell about packages that are installed21:24
jecte11how to tell the second program to look for the first program in /opt/xxx21:24
jecte11should export LD_LIBRARY_PATH= be enough?21:25
JewFro297Hey guys, when I log out, my system hangs, but only with flgrx installed.21:25
DANtheBEASTmanBashing-om: what irc client do you use21:26
ikoniajecte11: ld is only for the linker21:26
Bashing-omDANtheBEASTman: I do with irssi .. why ?21:26
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jecte11ikonia: ok, so how to tell the program?21:26
ikoniajecte11: tell the program what ?21:27
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jecte11eg. i got two versions of gegl installed. one comes via ubuntu package management and one is installed to /opt/gegl. Now i want to tell gimp to use gegl in /opt/gegl. is there a way to set that?21:29
geniijecte11: If the second program has a path where it would be looking for the other in normally, then ./configure --help    should contain what all options for paths it can use21:29
DANtheBEASTmanBashing-om: did you know  you can make colors like this using control codes? irssi uses Control+C to start a color code21:29
ikoniajecte11: you don't tell them to use it - if it's linked against it, it's linked against it, if it's dynamic linking then you need to manage the run time path21:29
jecte11but if the second program does not have an option via ./configure?21:29
jecte11ok, so how to link to it?21:30
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DANtheBEASTmanjecte11: this really isn't an ubuntu problem21:30
Bashing-omDANtheBEASTman: Yeah .. lots one can do with irssi and in xterm and/or screen .21:30
ikoniajecte11: thats done at build time21:30
k1l_olfannaflo: hi21:31
geniijecte11: If you want your custom gegl to be the system default you can use update-alternatives21:31
thmsif I rsync my whole system to a NFS, reinstall and then rsync back everything.21:31
thmsWill it break packages I installed with dpkg or not ?21:31
thmsdpkg / apt-get.21:32
DANtheBEASTmanthms: shouldn't do21:32
thmsI want the dpkg -l to show ii on the new system even though I copied everything with rsync21:32
k1l_thms: why reinstall then?21:32
jecte11ok, thanks21:32
DANtheBEASTmanthms: you might be better using `dd`21:32
thmsk1l_: because partition table is fucked up and it's raid121:32
thmsDANtheBEASTman: I can't because it's a remote OVH system21:32
DANtheBEASTmanthms: ah.21:32
ikoniathms: tone down the language please, there is no need for it21:33
k1l_thms: why not make a list form dpkg, and reinstall afterwards with that package list21:33
thmsand dd won't solve my partition issues.21:33
Happy_Larryparted or fdisk21:33
thmsikonia: Sorry. I am french native and I use the f word far too often. I was told that many times, sorry, it's just an habit.21:33
ikoniathms: don't worry21:33
DANtheBEASTmanthms: rsync should do the trick then, make sure you preserve permissions21:33
ikoniaaccidents happen21:33
thmsk1l_: I thought about that. I will do that if rsync doens't do the trick.21:34
thmsSounds like a plan ? It's a $1200 server.21:35
thmsrsync -avPH21:35
TJ-thms: k1l_: debfoster might be what you need here, it can generate a list of the installed packages with the depency graph maintained21:35
thmsYes ?21:35
DANtheBEASTmanthms: I would add z but that should do the trick21:35
thmsIn what way does it differ from dpkg -l | grep ii21:35
EriC^^thms: it shows the dependencies of the installed packages (recursively)21:36
k1l_thms: "dpkg --get-selections | awk '!/deinstall|purge|hold/ {print $1}' > packages.list.save " on the old system21:36
thmsOK thanks everyone.21:36
DANtheBEASTmanthms: good luck21:36
k1l_thms: then "xargs -a "packages.list" sudo apt-get install "21:37
thmsk1l_: you're the man.21:38
TJ-thms: "debfoster --quiet --show-keepers" lists the packages "apt-get install" would need in order to re-install all the currently installed packages21:39
thmsTJ-: what would be the debfoster way to tell apt-get to reinstall all the packages.21:39
thmsI'm saving all solution in case anything goes wrong.21:40
thmsTJ-: The keeper list is empty.21:40
thmsis what debfoster tells me.21:40
thmsseems like k1l_ way of doing is better than the package himself :x21:41
k1l_thms: but still think of the config files in the users home and /etc21:41
thmsk1l_: sure did I :)21:42
thmsGonna do a NFS backup of the whole system anyway.21:42
EriC^^thms: sudo debfoster --quiet && debfoster --show-keepers21:42
TJ-thms: The keeper database needs generating first: "sudo debfoster --quiet" then you can do "debfoster --show-keepers --quiet"21:43
thmsTJ-: ho okay.21:44
EriC^^it doesn't list all the packages i have installed though :/21:44
thmsAnd then I can do xargs just like k1l_ solution and apt-get will take care of the depencies.21:44
EriC^^it lists gimp-help-en but not gimp for example21:44
thmssounds cleaner.21:44
EriC^^i'd go with good old dpkg21:45
TJ-Eric__: No, it lists all the packages which, when their dependencies are installed, will match the installed package list21:45
EriC^^TJ-: but gimp-help-en Depends: gimp-help-common (= 2.6.1-1), gimp-helpbrowser | www-browser21:46
EriC^^none of which pull in gimp21:46
TJ-Eric__: gimp will be installed by a task or other meta package; check it's rdepends21:46
EriC^^unless apt-cache show is wrong21:47
TJ-Eric__: e.g. xubuntu-desktop, gnome, multimedia-graphics21:48
TJ-Eric__: debfoster walks the dependency tree. The keepers list is all those packages at the top of a branch21:49
TJ-Long shot, but has anyone experience of using Java SwingWorker and passing data into the worker thread from the event dispatcher thread, rather than vice-versa21:50
EriC^^TJ-: don't know none of the packages look like they would pull gimp in, i ran them through apt-cache depends and none pull gimp in over 1 iteration21:52
TJ-Eric__: No, its only the packages at the top of the depency tree21:52
tonytanyone have any idea how to fix this or point to some place that has an aswer? i searched google and had no luck http://pastebin.com/zWtgYikk21:54
tonyti updated the video driver21:54
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EriC^^TJ-: is debfoster capable of finding all the packages a meta-package pulled in that aren't dependencies of other packages? like if someone installs lubuntu-desktop and then removes it, could it list pcmanfm and others which aren't dependencies of the de installed or weren't installed manually?21:56
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geniitonyt: How did you go about updating the video driver?21:57
tonytgenii just downloaded it from nvidia's website and ran the install script21:58
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Guest69288new to here looking for help21:58
tonytit apperrently uninstalls the old driver and installs the newer one21:59
geniitonyt: Did you add any PPAs ?21:59
geniiGuest69288: You should probably describe your problem to the channel first22:00
EriC^^TJ-: is that what deborphan does? i just installed it22:00
tonytgenii no22:00
TJ-EriC^^: I believe so. It reads all packages that are installed according to dpkg, then walks the depency graph until it reaches a node with no further leaves. Those are the packages it adds to the keepers list.22:00
TJ-EriC^^: deborphan finds packages no longer depended on by any other22:01
geniitonyt: The fast way to get around it is find the deb files in /var/cache/apt/archives for the ones it doesn't like the dependencies of. Then you can do sudo dpkg -i --force-depends /path/and/debname-here22:02
geniitonyt: The more proper way to fix it would be to investigate why it doesn't like those dependency packages22:05
EriC^^TJ-: is there a way to show the packages that a certain package depends on but are now orphans?22:05
EriC^^i guess i could pipe them and check if it's in the dependency list of that de22:07
EriC^^i wonder why apt-get doesn't have an elegant apt-get -r remove22:08
TJ-Eric^^: That sounds like a union of "apt-cache depends $PKG" and deborphan22:08
EriC^^yeah, i'll pipe them to debfoster -d so it's recursive too22:11
[TiZ]I'm trying to ssh with X forwarding on Xubuntu 14.04. Whenever I do ssh -v -X or ssh -v -Y, I don't get the line that says "Requesting X11 forwarding". Why isn't it requesting X11 forwarding?22:18
petrvs[TiZ]: what do you get?22:21
[TiZ]petrvs: Actually, I just figured it out. I was accidentally trying to ssh -X from another ssh session.22:23
[TiZ]My bad. :x Thank you though.22:23
petrvsheheh, nice22:23
VoyageI want to make my wired usb keyboard as wireless (for xyz reasons; dont ask the long story please). what is the cheapest way to do that?22:25
rkingCan anyone recommend a paid ( or free ) linux alternative to gotoassist?22:25
petrvsVoyage: buy another one22:26
ikoniarking: just any remote connection service, such as vnc would work just fine22:26
AustnealVoyage, perhaps the reason could better enable us to provide suggestions?22:26
petrvsrking: http://alternativeto.net/software/gotoassist/ kind of all annoying22:26
rking@ikonia, I need a real support alternative. Not something that requires end user work.22:27
tgm4883rking: teamviewer22:28
ikoniarking: you're going to have problems then - as all solutions will require a user interaction to make it work22:28
Tin_manVoyage,  I agree with petrvs, unless you just want the experience, a wireless usb is only around 10.00 at walmart22:28
ikoniateamviewer is not a solution22:28
tgm4883ikonia: how is it not a solution?22:28
AustnealVoyage still there?22:28
rking@ikonia neither is vnc. Having someone thats 60 years old expecting them to download an app and install it is problem some. Gotoassist is easy enough to get in and setup unattended access.22:29
petrvsI don't know about paid teamviewer, but free you have to already be communicating with the client22:29
ikoniait's a 3rd party package that the end user will need to install, as it has varying dependencies and also tries to be self contained, that is not a solution22:29
ikoniarking: no it's not, as it will depend on a security model that won't work with linux22:29
petrvsrking: you need both ends to work on Unix?22:29
VoyageAustneal,  pet Tin_man  hm22:29
rking@petrvs needs to be able to support all 3. Windows, Linux, OSX22:30
Windowsauriansanyone tryed calculate linux?22:30
AustnealVoyage, have you tried to find a wireless kvm switch of some sort?22:30
petrvsWindowsaurians: it's a Red Hat22:30
rking@ikonia, I know why you'r reccomending it but it won't work for what I need. Any other suggestions, and I agree teamviewer is ugh.22:30
Windowsauriansisnt it gentoo?22:30
Voyageso in $10 I can make it wireless? can you show me the image/ link/ of that brand? Austneal  Tin_man  petrvs22:30
petrvsWindowsaurians: oh sorry was thinking scientific, ha22:30
VoyageAustneal,  no22:31
petrvsWindowsaurians: not a big fan of derivative distros22:31
AustnealVoyage, i don't think this is going to be done for $1022:31
ikoniaWindowsaurians: it's nothing to do with ubuntu, so nothing to do with this channel22:31
VoyageAustneal,  <Tin_man> Voyage,  I agree with petrvs, unless you just want the experience, a wireless usb is only around 10.00 at walmart22:31
tgm4883rking: ikonia meh, teamviewer is the closest he is going to get to minimal user interaction and cross platform22:31
rking@tgm4883, hmm22:31
petrvsVoyage: if yo already had a looootttt of expertise to bring the time required for your labor down to almost nothing, you could potentially do it for $10... if you were willing to wait for things to ship, or bicycle to places to get parts22:31
ikoniaI don't believe it is a sane soution and will actually cause more problems than it fixes22:32
petrvsVoyage: he meant a whole keyboard22:32
AustnealYes voyage, for a whole keyboard22:32
petrvsrking: it wouldn't be that hard to create a dynamic executable you can link people to, that does any number of things, including vnc over ssh22:32
petrvsor {insert whatever}22:32
petrvsthe one thing they always have to do is follow a link, if you aren't already in control of their box22:33
tgm4883ikonia: I still don't see why it's that insane of a solution. Sure you will have edge cases, but I believe the client support part works OOTB on Ubuntu22:33
petrvsso determine OS > serve executable22:33
ikoniatgm4883: it works/breaks depending on the state of ubuntu22:33
petrvsor you could try using something web-based22:33
VoyageAustneal,  petrvs  Tin_man   no guys, I have a usb keyboard. I am looking for some wireless adapter type of thing.       pc-wireless usb-         wirelsssusb - keyboard22:34
petrvsVoyage: yeah, but you aren't going to find one I don't think22:34
tgm4883ikonia: if you say so22:34
VoyageAustneal,  petrvs  Tin_man   my keyboard give shocks when on ac22:34
petrvsVoyage: might ask #electronics, don't get your hopes up22:34
VoyageAustneal,  petrvs  Tin_man   my keyboard give shocks when laptop is on ac22:34
petrvsVoyage: then I'd replace it22:34
Voyagepetrvs,  i think its about laptops22:35
AustnealVoyage, what? xD22:35
Voyagethe laptop or ground wire22:35
AustnealCan you pm me?22:35
petrvsVoyage: http://www.amazon.com/Nulaxy-Bluetooth-Keyboard-Computers-Patented/dp/B00T5YXNL022:35
petrvscan probably find a smaller/cheaper one, seems like a waste of money22:36
Voyagepetrvs,  thanks22:36
Voyagepetrvs,  thanks22:38
petrvsVoyage: np man22:38
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epx998how do i check my ubuntu version?22:47
petrvsepx998: cat /etc/*version* /etc/*release*22:48
k1l_epx998: lsb_release -a22:49
thmsk1l_: Gonna launch this NFS rsync backup22:50
k1l_good luck then22:50
thmsHow can I list launched service so I shut them down ?22:50
thmsit's better to shut them down while I do it right ?22:50
thmsit's loads of rtmp streams22:51
nicomachushi guys, I upgraded from 14.04 to 14.10, and after the restart I can't log in. I put in password, hit enter, and it just reloads the same login screen.22:52
thmsDon't know if it's worth the downtime for the users.22:52
hidhow can i know my battery temperature?22:52
hidi tried with acpi -t but not working22:52
hidit seems that my battery is overheating22:52
thmsWas gonna say acpi -t too22:53
nicomachuslm-sensors doesn't give battery temp does it?22:53
k1l_nicomachus: log into the tty1 (ctrl+alt+f1) and then do a "ls -al" and see if stuff belongs to root:root instead of user:user22:53
nicomachusI can't even open a terminal.22:53
k1l_nicomachus: tty1. not terminal22:53
nicomachusctrl+alt+f1 gives no result either.22:53
hidnicomachus: it gives CPUs T°22:54
epx998can i asked a question with no flames, why do you think ubuntu is better than centos ?22:54
hida battery is normally at 20°C22:54
epx998new to doing admin work on ubuntu22:54
ruindhow do i go about preventing services from starting at boot?22:56
rkingepx998, Honestly, the only sever difference is the scalability with ISV's further up the chain with Redhat as you grow. After that, BOTH can run a LAMP stack or any other OPENSTACK just fine. When you get to clustering etc redhat wins with management services. But for <50 servers. Ubuntu will work just fine.22:56
ruind$ sudo update-rc.d -f rpcbind remove'  doesnt work22:56
bekks!upstart | ruind22:57
ubotturuind: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/22:57
epx998hmm ok22:57
rking@epx998, Other than working with the know stability of Redhat. Even though Ubuntu server is great. It's still an unknown with bigger corporations as how new it is to the market.22:57
nicomachusk1l_ I think F1 isn't working for me because I have to use a function key to get to the F keys.22:57
epx998never worked in an ubuntu shop before22:57
rking@epx998, It's really preference. I find apt-get a lot better than yum. And I know sysadmins that hate apt-get and love yum. Both are capable. Go with what you are comfortable with.22:58
rkingUnless there's some really strenuous requirements.22:58
ruindbekks, yea... and how do I use upstart to do that?22:59
epx998rking: yeah - hoping my current pain point with ubuntu is just related to whomever build these vm's23:00
rking@epx998, Ubuntu is quite capable with Virtualization licenses. Do you have a question from that vs centOS?23:01
bekksruind: like this: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#disabling-a-job-from-automatically-starting23:01
pavlosruind, http://askubuntu.com/questions/19320/how-to-enable-or-disable-services23:01
DANtheBEASTmananyone here familiar with minidlna? it's giving me permission errors, even though I explicitly tell it to run as root..23:01
k1l_DANtheBEASTman: dont explicitly tell things to run as root when its not needed23:02
DANtheBEASTmanerror I'm getting is [2015/04/22 17:59:53] minidlna.c:594: error: Media directory "A,/media/dan/205C-5FBD/music" not accessible [Permission denied]23:02
rking@danthebeastmean How are you explicitly telling it to run as root?23:02
DANtheBEASTmank1l_: I don't normally, but I wanted to at least test that running as root would do that23:03
rking@danthebeastmean You don't need root for a media server. You just the correct chmod permissions and network access.23:03
k1l_DANtheBEASTman: just get your file permissions right instead of making a huge security issue out of it23:03
DANtheBEASTmank1l_: how would you suggest I do that?23:03
rking@danthebeastman Set correct permissions on the media server for sharing. That will be ever evolving depending upon whether you want read or write access or no access.23:04
thmsk1l_: http://serverfault.com/questions/684781/resize-raid-partition-with-gpt-partition-layout-without-lvm/684839#68483923:04
thmsThe solution the guy provides, isn't that valid ?23:04
thmsInstead of reinstalling the system ?23:04
thmsI think I will try it before.23:04
k1l_thms: raid, lvm etc is not my business.23:05
K4k_altHow do you stop a runaway cronjob? I created a job with "* */6 * * *" when I meant to do "0 */6 * * *" and now I've got rsync spawning a processes every minute that emails me upon completion23:05
thmsk1l_: ho, okay :)23:05
K4k_altI've killed all the currently running processes, fixed the crontab file and restarted the cron daemon23:05
K4k_altactually... the cron service is not even running right now and they're still spawning23:06
rking@k4k_alt did you do ps -e to see the jobs23:06
petrvsK4k_alt: while(true); do killall rsync; done23:06
K4k_altrking: yes, I'm currently watching `watch "ps -e | grep rsync"`23:07
K4k_altI periodically run killall rsync but they come back after a second or two as new PIDs23:07
rking@k4k_alt weird, and you said you restarted the cdaemon?23:07
K4k_altare there any other cron daemons?23:07
K4k_alt`service cron restart`23:08
K4k_altand just now `service cron stop`... is there another daemon?23:08
K4k_altanacron is not running23:08
rkingsudo service cron stop23:08
K4k_altrking: I'm already root23:08
rkingthen take out sudo ha23:09
rkingsee if that 1min job stops23:09
K4k_altit has not yet, cron has been stopped for about 20 minutes23:09
K4k_alt...is it possible that it's just a backlog of queued jobs?23:09
rkingdo service cron start23:09
rkingand does it tell you waiting and it started?23:10
k1l_DANtheBEASTman: put the user the minidlna server runs as (like minidlna) into the group the files you want to read belong to and make sure the group file permissions are right23:10
rkingservice restart cron and see if that kills the hung job23:10
epx998rking: no - just tring to build some POC servers, i inherited a puppet 3.1.0 environment and ran into pkg dep's on these vm's when trying to deploy the latest and greatest23:10
k1l_DANtheBEASTman: make sure the /media/Dan.... thing is mounted with right options, too23:10
K4k_altOH! hang on, I haven't seen a new rsync job spawn in the last minute23:11
K4k_altdang... it just made another23:11
rking@epx998 oh deps issues :P23:11
K4k_altscrew it, I'm rebooting23:11
rking@k4k_alt well, why not figure it out23:11
* k1l_ goes afk now. so if there is anything you need to know just ask the channel 23:11
rking@k4k_alt it's better to learn now than later when you can't reboot.23:11
K4k_altrking: because it's blowing up my phone and I'm technically not at work right now so I'm doing this to save my own sanity, not pay23:11
rkingbecause it's a production server23:12
rking@k4k_alt alright man23:12
K4k_altyou're right, I should learn to figure it out, and I will... just not when it's blowing my phone up and I'm trying to have dinner :)23:12
petrvswhat's for dinner?23:12
rkingwhat petrvs said23:13
rkingI'm hungry23:13
K4k_altChicken Kiev23:13
rkingok I'm out for a bit. Laters23:13
petrvsyou know, dinner actually means lunch, and before that it just meant breakfast23:13
DANtheBEASTmank1l_: it's fat32 partition, mounted with umask=0000, that's about as good as permissions as I can get23:13
petrvswhereas supper... oh supper23:13
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DANtheBEASTmanoh he went afk.23:15
DANtheBEASTmananybody else familiar with minidlna?23:16
petrvsDANtheBEASTman: just explain your problem to the channel23:17
petrvsno need for polls23:17
DANtheBEASTmanerror I'm getting is [2015/04/22 17:59:53] minidlna.c:594: error: Media directory "A,/media/dan/205C-5FBD/music" not accessible [Permission denied]23:17
petrvswho owns it?23:18
Dumle29Hmm I'm getting sort of annoyed with gnome, and it's bugs. For example, all my qt4 based programs almost always have issues with their menubar (clicking it does nothing) and prompts (in sitiuations where a promt would popup, it doesn't, and leaves the progra unresponsive waiting for user input) What window manager should I look for, that would provide me with a quick overview of all my open windows, with the push of a button?23:18
ruzeklehave you checked out xfce?23:18
Dumle29I did just install xubuntu on my laptop, but I haven't had time with it. That also seems to lack the feature I love the most about gnome 3. I can just hit my super key, and I can instantly see all my open windows and choose one23:19
Dumle29or search for a program and launch it immediately23:19
ruzeklehm -- well xfce has panels and browses apps via the panel bar23:20
ruzekledo you use so many apps at once that you'd need gnome's feature?23:20
Dumle29Hmm I might just have to give it some time23:20
petrvsDumle29: if you use compiz with Xfce you can get that23:20
Dumle29ruzekle: I have 3 monitors, so after some time I'll have quite a few windows open, spread over the place23:21
pr0tlogicI just want into this bug, does anyone know a work around for the time being? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bcmwl/+bug/130774423:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1307744 in bcmwl (Ubuntu) "bcmwl-kernel-source bcmwl kernel module failed to build [error: too few arguments to function ‘cfg80211_ibss_joined’]" [High,Fix released]23:21
DANtheBEASTmanpetrvs: it's vfat/fat32 partition, there is no ownership23:21
petrvsand a few other things besides compiz23:21
bekksDANtheBEASTman: Can you pastebin your config file?23:21
Dumle29pr0tlogic: Have you looked at the link posted on that bug report? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2216779&page=223:22
ScuniziUser Manager in system settings of 14.04 kubuntu is pretty worthless.  How do I get to one where I can see all the users and groups?23:22
DANtheBEASTmanit's default, except I changed the user to root (just to see if that would get around permission errors) and I added the directory23:22
Dumle29pr0tlogic: Hmm that might be the way to go about it. Can I install xfce and just pick it as the system default?23:22
DANtheBEASTmanbekks: ^23:22
bekksDANtheBEASTman: Can you please pastebin your config file? :)23:23
bekksDANtheBEASTman: And whats the output of "mount | grep music"?23:24
petrvsDumle29: yup, simple process23:24
pr0tlogicDumle29: thanks saw that, but just tried disconnecting networking and then installed and it's no longer stuck where it was, thanks for the help though.23:25
petrvsDumle29: compiz, skippy-xd, brightside, take your pick23:25
petrvscompiz has a couple other nice features, though23:25
petrvslike zooming23:25
petrvsand per-window color inversion23:25
Dumle29petrvs: Will take a look :)23:25
petrvsand then a thousand other useless features23:25
Dumle29color inversion?23:25
petrvslike water effects and fire effects23:25
DANtheBEASTmanbekks: no output, music is a dir inside /media/dan/205C-5FBD/23:25
petrvswhite becomes black, black white23:25
petrvsblue becomes orange23:26
petrvsnice for late night contrast swapping23:26
Dumle29why would you use that? :o23:26
bekksDANtheBEASTman: Ah, so pastebin that line from mount please23:26
petrvsI use it, and xcalib -i -a to swap the entire session, too23:26
petrvsand also some other xcalib things to do what redshift and f.lux do23:26
DANtheBEASTmanbekks: /dev/sdb2 on /media/dan/205C-5FBD type vfat (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,noatime,umask=111,dmask=000,iocharset=utf8)23:27
bekksDANtheBEASTman: And can you pastebin ls -lha /media/dan/ too, please, I need to see the line containing /media/dan/205C-5FBD only23:28
nicomachusany tips on being unable to bring up TTY1?23:28
K4k_altAnyone else running 15.04 beta2 on a macbook pro and have the digital audio light in the headphone jack stuck on? I can't seem to get amixer to turn it off23:28
petrvsnicomachus: how're you trying?23:28
DANtheBEASTman_NiC: C-A-F123:28
DANtheBEASTmanoops, nicomachus ^23:28
nicomachuspetrvs: CTRL+Alt+F1 does not work. no response.23:29
nicomachusneither does Alt+F123:29
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petrvsnicomachus: chvt 1?23:29
nicomachusAs an update: I upgraded from 14.04 to 14.10, and upon restarting I cannot login. I type password, hit enter, and it just reloads the login screen23:30
nicomachuswhat is chvt?23:30
Dumle29petrvs: sudo apt-get install xfce4 ? That should do it?23:30
ptsmgood evening23:30
DANtheBEASTmanbekks: drwxrwxrwx   4 root root  32K Apr 22 18:29 205C-5FBD/23:31
ptsmlilo is giving me: Fatal: Trying to map files from unnamed device 0x0015 (NFS/RAID mirror down ?)23:31
ptsmafter a do-release-upgrade from lucid to precise23:31
ptsmcat /prod/mdstat looks ok23:31
ptsmany ideas?23:31
petrvsDumle29: ummm, on Ubuntu, I would probably go with xubuntu-desktop, and then fix the appearance prefs23:32
* petrvs prefers upstream's take on Xfce a little more than Xubuntu's23:32
petrvsDumle29: 'xfce4' should work, too, though23:32
petrvsDumle29: and compiz, if you want that23:33
Dumle29compiz fusion and emerald?23:33
bekksDANtheBEASTman: What about the permissions of music/ ?23:34
DANtheBEASTmanbekks: they're the same, all files and dirs on the partition are 777, vfat doesn't store permissions in the filesystem23:35
bekksDANtheBEASTman: But you are mounting them with mapped permissions, see you mount line.23:35
DANtheBEASTmanthe umask option I added23:36
bekksDANtheBEASTman: the umask line is for the permissions, not the ownership. Try mounting it for the group minidlna is running at.23:37
bruxChello, is there a good plex repo that anyone here uses? I've tried deb http://www.plexapp.com/repo lucid main23:37
bruxC -- but it errors out.23:37
bruxCp.s. asked in #plex but no one's avail atm.23:38
DANtheBEASTmanbekks: minidlna is running as root23:38
bekksDANtheBEASTman: Do not run it as root.23:38
DowzeebruxC, not sure where I found this but my plex server has the repo deb http://plex.r.worldssl.net/PlexMediaServer/ubuntu-repo lucid main23:42
bruxCI'll take it :323:43
bruxCThanks Dowzee23:43
DowzeebruxC, np but im not sure how often its updated, pretty sure ive installed the .deb from plex site because that repo was outdated23:43
bruxCAw, bummer. Well, it seems to work better than the one I had.23:44
bruxCAppreciate it.23:44
thmsk1l_: you dpkg --get-selections, I am RTFM'ing, how does it differ from dpkg -l ?23:45
thmsAnd why can it show deinstall purge or hold.23:45
bruxCYou just used RTFM'ing as a verb. Nice.23:46
EriC^thms: it shows the status of the package i guess, if it's marked as hold or whatnot23:46
nicomachus_So, any tips on bringing up TTY without using CTRL+ALT+F1?23:47
EriC^thms: dpkg lists all packages and says if its installed or just the configs are there or what ( the first column that says ii or rc etc. )23:47
thmsbruxC: thanks.23:47
nogoodnameslkeftFrom tomorrow we should have MATE, right? Does that require 3d acceleration? Is it fine for machines currently running Lubuntu due to having older hardware?23:47
EriC^nicomachus_: chvt 1 ?23:47
EriC^it needs sudo23:48
thmsEriC^: thanks, I know understood :)23:48
nicomachus_EriC^ what is chvt 1?23:48
EriC^nicomachus_: it's a command, sudo chvt 1 , it will take you to tty123:48
nicomachus_I don't have a command line. :/23:49
EriC^thms: no problem :)23:49
EriC^not sure i follow what's going on..23:49
EriC^you booted to a blank screen?23:49
nicomachus_I'm on the login screen after upgrading from 14.04 to 14.1023:49
nicomachus_I have a password box and a menu bar(ish)23:50
EriC^is it a vm?23:50
bbsexy ladys23:50
nicomachus_no. pc.23:50
nicomachus_going to try to ssh into it from my laptop real quick.23:50
EriC^nicomachus_: ok, what's the problem?23:50
nicomachus_EriC^: when I login, it just refreshes the login screen. Stuck here.23:51
EriC^ok, and ctrl+alt+f1 doesn't take you to tty1?23:51
nicomachus_no. I think because I have to hit Function to get to F1.23:52
EriC^ok, hit it23:52
nicomachus_I did23:52
nicomachus_doesn't work. none of the F# keys work.23:52
nicomachus_(when combined with Ctrl+Alt)23:52
EriC^nicomachus_: ok, boot in text mode, or recovery mode and drop to a root shell23:52
EriC^you probably have to own ~/.Xauthority23:52
EriC^nicomachus_: does the guest account work?23:53
nicomachus_no, guest account doesn't work either. ssh says connection refused.23:53
nicomachus_It takes my decryption password just fine.23:53
bbbobalot 4 sexy fun23:54
nicomachus_^this guy...23:54
bazhangbb wrong network23:55
nicomachus_ugh grub didn't come up. restarting again.23:55
nicomachus_EriC^ booted command line from grub. Is that what you were saying to do?23:57
EriC^no, boot in text mode23:57
EriC^add text to the kernel line23:57
nicomachus_how do I do that?23:57
EriC^linux vmlinuz ... quiet splash text23:58

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