
bluesabredid we ever get a rebuild today?02:05
bluesabrelooks like no02:07
bluesabreimma rebuild now then :)02:08
bluesabreanybody around to see the flames?02:08
bluesabreUnit193: ?02:08
bluesabrerequested a rebuild, not sure if it worked :)02:14
Unit193bluesabre: WHAT YOU WANT?02:35
Unit193bluesabre: Well, was waiting for ubiquity or casper, but oh well. :D02:36
Unit193bluesabre: [23:03:15] < jderose> is it expected that when doing a vivid encrypted home folder install (ecryptfs), grub should prompt you for a passphrase at boot?03:03
bluesabresounds like fun04:35
bluesabrebut for now04:36
Unit193Wow, you waz up late.05:09
Unit193elfy: It works now, live session.05:12
Unit193Power down, not so much.05:15
elfyUnit193: didn't get that 06:18
elfy32 and 64 bit vbox - boot, fail to shutdown06:24
elfy64 bit doesn't start to desktop06:25
elfy^^ kvm06:26
elfymmm 06:31
elfyin kvm - both start and shutdown if you start 'try' from the boot menu 06:31
ochosielfy: i got the same thing like Unit193 yesterday when i tried a 32bit image06:40
elfyochosi: ack06:41
elfyI 'think' all the fixes they were getting in yesterday before a global rebuild didn't happen06:42
ochosisounds quite probable06:46
elfyhard to tell from the backlog06:46
elfyhardware works at least 06:51
elfyI wonder if all the breakage would miraculously stop if the went back to upstart :D06:59
elfylooks like a hands in the air and wander off muttering response to vbox fails :D07:28
astraljavaYeah I need to do some reading up on why we went with systemd and abandoned upstart.07:36
elfybecause we follow Debian07:36
astraljavaRight, but by 'we' I mean the whole ecosystem. :p07:37
astraljavaI remember catching some heated convos about it on some mailing list, but the concrete details was left in the shadows, and instead it quickly deteriorated into the usual banter on why you suck because you support the different technical solution.07:39
astraljava*details were07:40
Unit193Good luck.07:46
astraljavaWhy, you don't think the agreement was easily reached? That's so hard to believe, when it comes to Debian. *blink* *blink*08:01
Unit193Months of 'further "discussion"', thread after thread after flamewar.08:10
astraljavaOk, I'll just look into stackexchange.com for a comparison, someone's bound to have done that. :p08:12
Unit193Meh, going in we all knew they were going to pick systemd anyway.  Kind of miss the stability of upstart though.08:13
astraljavaRight, I never did get that familiar with the core bits.08:13
elfyworld is rebuilding currently12:01
elfyalso as I intimated earlier - if there are vbox issues are going to remain 12:02
astraljava"elfy | world is rebuilding currently" - How fitting, on Earth Day even.13:52
elfyworld rebuilt15:44
elfyjust smokescreening everything right now15:44
elfyyep - trying desperately to cover everything in a cloud of black smoke so we can release regardless17:19
elfyobviously meant smoke testing17:19
elfyknome: you say yes - but the release team might pull back and say no :D17:34
knomeelfy, yes for what? :)18:10
elfyQuick question is Xubuntu 15.04 going to be released on April 23, 2015?18:15
knomethat's to the best of my knowledge atm..18:15
elfyjust about to pull together what I know 18:16
elfysent a sort of 'where we are' mail now19:36
elfyif pleia2 and knome and any other social media types could social mediay the last mail - that would be awesomey 19:59
pleia2yep, on it :)19:59
bluesabreelfy: exciting mail, that one21:33
elfybluesabre: the oh my word this is broken all over one? 21:35
bluesabreyeah, that one21:35
elfytried to make it positive - not very easy 21:36
elfybluesabre: did you catch my message re rebuilds? tick our boxes and then mark for rebuild - just rebuilds us21:37
knomei guess somebody should bring this up... where are we with the release notes and announcement?21:37
elfyyou should only be able to do that for something you're in -release for anyway21:37
elfyknome: same as always21:37
elfyI thought that we agreed announcement was website thing :D21:38
knomei guess so21:38
bluesabreelfy: I figured it out, and did a rebuild last night :)21:39
bluesabrebut thanks :D21:39
elfybluesabre: oh yea ... 21:39
knomeelfy, do we have a fairly up-to-date list of bugs?21:39
Unit193knome: Simple, "We now have Xfce 4.12!" :---D21:39
elfyI saw this morning 21:39
bluesabreUnit193: yep21:39
slickymasterlol Unit193 21:39
elfyknome: not very 21:39
knomebluesabre, did you say you were pulling together some notes of new stuff?21:39
bluesabreknome: yeah, will likely have a complete list a bit later21:40
knomethis is the point in the release when i wished all of the new features were documented in the blueprints...21:40
knomebluesabre, great, ping me then21:40
elfyknome: it's likely that release will be later than beta221:40
elfyus vs uk timezones21:41
knomethat's fine21:41
Unit193Not sure it counts, but upgrades for core users now works...21:41
knomebut it's "tomorrow", so better get something moving now..21:41
knomeUnit193, i guess i practically count as one21:41
elfyknome: the bugs on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing/ReleaseNoteBase are more or less current still from bp21:42
elfyonly one 'wrong' is the reboot bug21:42
knomeok, i have this bug with lightdm21:42
knomenow the layout is correct21:42
elfyand I think that needs some 'writing' not just a bug number21:42
knomebut then it starts "loading" something21:42
knomeor it might just as well just be flipping the mouse between the monitors21:43
knomedouble-click helped21:43
elfyI'll have to catch up on backlog - failing to sit up straight now 21:43
knomeit's likely something with my very dirty config.21:43
knomeand/or dualhead config21:43
knomeelfy, and thanks for the link21:44
knomebluesabre, feel free to add to the pad directly22:06
knomei'll take care of the final formatting so no need to worry about that22:06
bluesabreknome, cool, sounds good22:06
knomealso uploaded the release announcement artwork on the blog already ;)22:07
bluesabreadded a bit of contribution22:07
knomebluesabre, just checking... the new walllpaper is uploaded already? :P22:08
knomebluesabre, and used?22:08
bluesabreknome: trolling, or not? I quite like the vivid wallpaper :)22:13
knomei just didn't remember when/if we pulled the switch22:13
bluesabreyeah, probably forgot since it was before UIF22:14
bluesabrefor the first time in a long long while22:14
knomeyeah... so long time ago22:14
bluesabrepackage diffs that we care about http://paste.ubuntu.com/10868565/22:36
bluesabreI'll get the relevant things out of there and into the pad22:36
knomebluesabre, cheerio22:36
Unit193I'm rebuilding core ISOs now to test them and make sure they're all alright, will rebuild as close to final release as I can, make torrents, and everything.22:38
bluesabreUnit193: good sir22:38
krytarikTorrents \o/22:38
Unit193krytarik: Figured you'd like.22:42
bluesabreknome: added all the interesting things I could think of, and fixed the xfce 4.12 release date ;)23:05
knomeok, i'm off to bed23:12
knomesee you all later23:12
bluesabrenighty knome23:14

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