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aisraellamont: I might be able to help00:56
lamontaisrael: I eventually figured it somewhat out01:53
aisraellamont: ok. It sounded like you might have been running into this issue: http://askubuntu.com/questions/602527/provide-data-doesnt-send-data-when-required-keys-not-satisfied-juju-charm-usin/602629#60262901:54
lamontthe big challenge is that I have a relation may or may not exist, so I cannot use required_keys for it.  If the other side does use required_keys, then when it finally does provide_data, juju decides that there is no need to run the hook, and we hate life01:55
lamontit might be that very issue01:55
lamontmy workaround was to stop using required_keys on the side that actually requires the relation to work01:55
lamontand yes, your explanation there puts it spot on01:57
aisraellamont: Excellent. Glad to hear you got it working!02:07
lamontaisrael: working is a relative term.. .I'm on to the next issues02:35
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gnuoyjamespage, if you get a sec https://pastebin.canonical.com/130192/07:59
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jamespagegnuoy, https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/charms/trusty/nova-compute/lxd/+merge/25710413:27
jamespagegnuoy, hey!13:27
mbruzekarosales: ping  (I know it is early for you)13:32
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arosalesmbruzek, omw13:35
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jamespagecoreycb, ok so git branches - where are we?13:44
coreycbjamespage, I'm trying to get around a few issues where python-six and python-netaddr are installed by apt and conflicting with pip dependencies13:45
coreycbjamespage, I think the problem we're going to continue running into is a mixed bag of apt installed and pip installed packages, and where to draw the line13:47
coreycbfor example, six gets force installed by c-h13:48
jamespagecoreycb, ok - so we need a minimal fix for release today for the impacted charms13:48
coreycbjamespage, I might have one13:48
jamespagecoreycb, and then we can review whether we use a venv or suchlike going forward13:48
jamespagecoreycb, the git-kilo ones just fixup git support right?13:51
jamespagefor kilo sorry13:51
coreycbjamespage, let me double check them13:51
coreycbjamespage, I need to refresh those13:54
jamespagecoreycb, ok lets prioritize this stuff13:54
jamespagecoreycb, nova-cc first13:54
jamespageand then the kilo-git stuff so long as its not to late - we have to release today and I don't want to compromise that13:54
jamespagewe can stable update a minimal fix if need be13:54
coreycbjamespage, ok, testing a change for nova-cc now13:55
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moqqcan someone please confirm for me that calling `relation-set -r <some-id-relation>` for a peer relationship from within a config-changed hook should cause all peer units to get a -relation-changed event18:28
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marcoceppi_moqq: it should so long as you actually change a key for your relation settings18:52
moqqyeah i just realized the realtion values are per-unit and not per-relation, explains the results i’m getting18:53
lazyPowerHello VijayT19:02
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mattraewhat's the best way to start container started by juju if the container has been shut down?22:43
lazyPowermattrae: which provider?23:05
lazyPoweris this local, or a cloud host? and is the container type kvm or lxc?23:05
mattraelazyPower: using the maas provider.. deployed the lxc container with --to lxc:1 for example. I think i have the command now though23:32
mattraelazyPower: looks like i can do lxc-start --daemon --name foo-bar --rcfile /var/lib/lxc/containers/foo-bar/lxc.conf23:33
lazyPowermattrae: ok, i was going to suggest looking at sudo lxc-ls --fancy, and starting the container with sudo lxc-start -n <name-of-container>23:33
lazyPowerwith -d so you dont lose your terminal23:33
lazyPowerbut yeah, that works as well :)23:33
mattraeoh ok, i actually want to start the container the same way that juju starts it23:33
lazyPowerthe config should specify the container to auto-restart however.23:33
mattraethe reason is only because i've changed the lxc config.. and to reload the config i need to stop and start the container afaik23:34
lazyPowerah - yes.23:34
lazyPowerglad you figured it out though :)23:34
mattraeyup thanks for your help :)23:34

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