
dreamcat4^hello! pls help. i would like to uninstall / reinstall bzr + bzr-svn on ubuntu 14.10.12:12
dreamcat4^it seems 'broken' on my system ATM (for want of a better word).12:12
dreamcat4^hmm. it seems due to the bzr-svn plugin. as when i remove that... then it works again.12:17
dreamcat4^so how do i unstall bzr-svn on 14.10 ?12:17
dreamcat4^i tried this method of installing bzr-svn as a ~/.bazaar/ plugin. but it cause many error msgs :(  ----> http://askubuntu.com/a/36287412:24
dreamcat4^what about this .spec file? ---> https://github.com/pld-linux/bzr-svn/blob/master/bzr-svn.spec12:32
dreamcat4^ah, thats for building a .rpm from...12:33
dreamcat4^$ bzr svn12:49
dreamcat4^Option "guessed-layout" is not allowed.12:49
dreamcat4^bzr: ERROR: unknown command "svn"12:49
maxbdreamcat4^: I believe bzr-svn is now unmaintained and has bitrotted sufficiently to be a pain to make work with latest bzr17:14
maxbIndeed bzr-svn isn't packaged in 14.1017:15
dreamcat4^maxb: yes. i am aware of this now. :(17:23

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