
EtriaphOK, either I am totally misunderstanding this code, or I can find nothing wrong with it.00:37
* Etriaph makes tea.00:37
Sho_Etriaph: Which code?00:38
EtriaphCan't save a shortcut.00:38
EtriaphBut the code looks fine in source for the current package.00:38
=== alvesadrian is now known as adrian
EtriaphIt would have to be a problem with KBookmarkManager00:39
Sho_KBookmarkManager is really creaky old code00:42
EtriaphIt works every where else *but* dolphin00:42
EtriaphKate and Plasma Desktop are two apps I have detailed places setup in.00:43
EtriaphThose places are in ~/.local/share/user-places.xbel00:44
EtriaphAssuming it's all managed by KBookmarkManager, they should end up there.00:44
Etriaph(I've also read that's where Dolphin stores it's places)00:44
Sho_I think so, yes00:45
Sho_You might want to try and catch d_ed on IRC, he debugged a tricky problem where KDE 4 and KF5 apps ended up clobbering each other's places data a while back00:46
Sho_And probably still has the code on his head a bit00:46
EtriaphWould he be in kde-devel?00:47
Sho_Etriaph: Yes, but he's also in here even00:47
Sho_Just probably soundly sleeping at this hour00:47
Sho_As I should be, really :)00:47
EtriaphAh, OK.  Is there an email address I can get him at?00:47
Sho_i'll pass it to you in private00:48
ovidiu-floringood morning world06:37
ovidiu-florinhas anything bad happened since the release?06:37
ovidiu-florinI'll be leaving civilisation in a couple of hours and won't have electricity or signal (not even radio). I'm going in the mountains for  a couple of days. Not (only) to relax, but to work there.06:40
ovidiu-florinI should be back by sometime sunday evening06:40
ovidiu-florinjose: knows the status of the webisite migration06:41
ovidiu-florinif it's done by monday, I'll do my best to finish in one day the pre-release checks and make it live06:41
ovidiu-florinoh, and add the new articles, that weren't added, update the download page, etc..06:41
ovidiu-florinI'll stil lbe reachable by phone, for 2-4 hours, till I loose signal. If it's important, send me an SMS, and I'll reply when I get it.06:42
ovidiu-florinor call06:43
* ovidiu-florin is packing06:43
sitterRiddell: I now repaired kwallet CI because you didn't :'<06:52
sitterRiddell: I see you gave bluez-qt an epoch. I am not quite sure why though06:58
* valorie is off for the weekend too, but to linuxfest northwest07:25
valoriehave a good time, ovidiu-florin07:25
valorieI doubt connectivity will be good enough for irc07:26
viphi ho07:58
Riddellsitter: because nowrep said it was staying in plasma08:05
Riddellsitter: but indeed it's a risk, maybe I should remove it08:05
sitterwell now it is too late :P08:05
sitterRiddell: plase have a look at http://kci.pangea.pub/job/vivid_unstable_extra-cmake-modules/47/parsed_console/job/vivid_unstable_extra-cmake-modules/47/parsed_console/log_content.html#WARNING1 08:06
sitterit appears you add the patch but it never was actually in a series file08:06
sitterat the same time it also appears that we have no build failure to do with the patch making me wonder whether the patch actually was necessary at some point08:07
Riddellsitter: how can I see the warning?08:20
sitterRiddell: pardon?08:21
lordievaderGood morning.08:21
Riddelloh I see "KCI-W :: Patch kubuntu_qtwaylandscanner_binary.diff in VCS but not listed in debian/series file."08:23
Riddellsitter: I was searching for "warning" maybe relabel that?08:23
sitterqapt seems to suffer from misguided enum use Oo08:51
soeegood morning09:35
Riddellhttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/convergence-1505-snappy-desktop interesting10:01
Riddellso I guess they'll have a monolithic block of OS and anything else is a "snap" package10:02
Riddellwhich will make all the faff with backports and whatnot easier to separate the OS and the apps10:02
Riddellit also means we'll have trouble getting their software one day10:02
soeeRiddell: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/next-staging/+packages seems like all are fine ?10:07
Riddellsoee: http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/plasma-status/build_status_5.3.0_vivid.html still some issues10:10
soeeRiddell: why there are some 5.2.95 packages ?10:12
Riddellbreeze-qt4 and oxygen-qt4 need fixed, dunno why the scripts don't do that10:12
BluesKajHiyas all10:34
hyper_chhi there, I can't make bug reports at bugs.kde.org for plasma desktop10:43
Riddellhyper_ch: why not?10:45
hyper_chRiddell: because the bug reporter takes me here:  https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?format=guided&product=plasma&component=desktop&version=unknown  -->  Sorry, either the product plasma10:45
hyper_chSorry, either the product plasma does not exist or you aren't authorized to enter a bug into it.10:45
Riddellit's the plasmashell product10:46
Riddellwhich bug reporter?10:46
hyper_chdolphin -> control -> help -> bug report -> plasma/desktop10:46
hyper_chthen I get taken to that url10:47
Riddellhmm, that's interesting10:48
RiddellI've never used that dialog before, I wonder where it gets its list from10:49
hyper_chit uses automagic10:49
hyper_chno idea... but it works for just about everything else10:49
RiddellI did rename plasma product to plasma4 in kde bugzilla in order to stop people confusing it but that was weeks ago10:49
Riddelland here it has quite successfully stopped you from confusing it since else you'd have reported on the wrong product10:49
Riddellbut bit of a fail that it doesn't get you the right product10:50
hyper_chwell, 15.04 with kubuntu team 5.3 beta ppa10:50
hyper_chor maybe you can help10:50
Riddellwhat's up?10:50
hyper_chI have attached two external desktops to my notebook and turnd notebook screen off10:50
kubotuhyper_ch meant: "I have attached two external monitors to my notebook and turnd notebook screen off"10:50
Riddellsitter: did you have a friendly new way to make symbol files?10:50
hyper_chon the secondary monitor I set to use folder view which works fine10:51
hyper_chhowever on the primary monitor, with the kde taskbar, I did the same... but after reboot it gets resetted again10:51
Riddellhyper_ch: sounds like a plasma beastie indeed, report to https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?format=guided&product=plasmashell&version=unknown10:54
hyper_chRiddell: thx10:54
hyper_chdesktop dashboard component?10:54
Riddellthat'll do10:55
hyper_chalso there is a big big locale issue IMHO10:58
Riddellprobably lots10:59
Riddellthe locale stuff has changed quite a bit in plasma 510:59
Riddellwhat's up?10:59
hyper_chwell, I want language in english, in kde as well as shell terminal but the other stuff should be swiss german (currency, number formatting, date....)11:00
hyper_chI just can't achieve that11:00
Blizzzhyper_ch: had the same issue11:01
sitterRiddell: I do not know where11:02
Riddellum what other stuff?11:02
Blizzzhyper_ch: in regional settings, set Region to UK or US or whatever you want, but not German or Swiss11:02
Riddellyou either set the language to english or not, there's no magic way of it knowing you want 1 app in german 11:02
hyper_chBlizzz: why not?11:02
sitterRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10877722/11:02
hyper_chRiddell: I don't want the langauge in german11:03
hyper_chI want the way numbers are displayed in swiss german11:03
hyper_chor the currency11:03
Blizzzhyper_ch: then, activate "Detailed Settings" and switch everything to where you are/what you want11:03
hyper_chor default paper size11:03
hyper_chBlizzz: I can try that11:03
Blizzzhyper_ch: if you keep the region as DE|CH some LC settings, like "MESSAGES" will be set to german. and they are not controlled via the GUI11:04
hyper_chand where do I set it for the shell?11:05
hyper_chdpkg-reconfigure locales just regenerates stuff11:05
Blizzzhyper_ch: shell will be in english then11:05
hyper_chon debian I am prompted what locale I want to install and which one should be used as default11:05
KDDAis this chat only for 15.10 now?11:05
soeeill do series of short videos ~30 sec about Plasma 5.3 features11:05
Blizzzhyper_ch: this is more fine-grained11:06
hyper_chBlizzz: will try your suggestion11:06
hyper_ch(I got tons more issues...)11:06
hyper_ch(e.g. complaining something about diskfilter because of raid1,  not accepting bt keyboard to enter luks/dm-crypt password)11:08
Blizzzhyper_ch: these are my regional settings: http://ibin.co/1zQZGoiPwc8m resulting in thise locale settings http://ibin.co/1zQZM7nF5AA1 11:09
Blizzzyou see the lovely mixture of DE and EN11:09
hyper_chthx, will try that11:09
Blizzzhyper_ch: looks like LC_PAPER needs to be set in .profile though or so11:10
hyper_chif only I'd life 20km to the east, then I'd have sym gbps internet.... it takes way too long to upload a video with just 4mbit 11:12
sittergod I hate apt11:21
sitterpackage A has a new version, new version cannot be installed beacuse it is missing a dependency, A is not reported as held11:22
sitterin fact, deeeeeeeeeep down in the initial package cache apt considers this package held. once you tell the cache to upgrade though it simply looses its heldness11:23
sitterRiddell: it might be worth considering to sru http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=libqapt.git&a=commit&h=9b134aed5d09731f914195f4c04c34d53e4b4098 and http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=libqapt.git&a=commit&h=06fc79d435c3d906d651a60005f0a8f5572b696a they are save as they are only representational changes. as such they do however mark sure that the changesdialog in muon apps shows the right packages with the right states11:54
KDDAsitter: what font you using?11:57
sitterexcept the terminal anyway11:58
KDDAlooks good11:58
sittermy telepathy would like to disagree :P11:58
BluesKajyeah droid's quite nicew , still like dejavu-sans best , it seems to agree with my astigmatism 11:59
sitterRiddell: I think I need to rewrite merger soon :P13:19
Riddellsitter: what's merger?13:20
Riddellthe ci bit that does merges I guess13:20
sitterit's failing to submit to my standards of code quality13:24
Riddellcan't to rewrite kubuntu-automation scripts into ci soon too? :)13:24
sittereven though it is already the third attempt at writing the code properly -.-13:24
sitterRiddell: soon is all very relative13:24
sitterRiddell, shadeslayer: merging is now 8 to 22 times faster13:55
ScottKNot 23?13:55
ScottK22 is still pretty good.13:56
ScottKGenerally I'm impressed if something goes to 11.13:56
ScottK</spinal tap>13:56
=== soee_ is now known as soee
murthyCan anyone give me some info about kubuntu stand on snappy? 14:13
shadeslayermurthy: I'd like to investigate it in a few weeks14:13
murthyshadeslayer: Interesting enough?14:13
murthyshadeslayer: what about the teams stand?14:14
shadeslayermurthy: hasn't been discussed14:14
shadeslayerI think everyone's waiting for details14:14
murthyya I am one of them14:14
murthyOk you guys put a blog on that14:15
shadeslayermurthy: just attend the UOS sessions14:17
murthyok will do14:21
ScottKmurthy: My personal view is that one of the main Ubuntu project strengths is it's Debian heritage.  Once one goes snappy, that's not really true anymore.15:20
ScottKsoee: All four of his followers will be sad to read that.15:21
BluesKajsoee, kubuntu 15.04 can't make everyone happy :)15:22
BluesKajthe problem is he's right about the theme settings, miost of my choices didn't install at all or didn't work when applied15:23
shadeslayernot really a Plasma 5 issue is it15:24
shadeslayertalk to theme authors to get it fixed15:24
ScottKRight, 15.04 is a transitional KDE4 -> Plasma 5 release.15:24
ScottKIt's not surprising there are some unresolved integration issues.15:24
soeewell for me the breeze dark is cool enough :) no need for extra themes15:24
yuriyCongrats on another release guys!15:41
yuriyI haven't tried Plasma 5 yet so I'm really looking forward to trying it15:42
lordievaderIs it normal for an upgrade (14.10 -> 15.04 (amd64)) to not have plasma-desktop installed?15:54
Riddelllordievader: nope15:55
BluesKajit installed here with do-release-upgrade from 14.10 to 15.04 , lordievader15:55
lordievaderHmm, qua-non in #kubuntu didn't have it installed.15:55
EtriaphThere were some folks yesterday having issues with an upgrade path.15:56
BluesKajlordievader, he upgraded from a minimal install ,but that shouldn't have made a differnce16:00
lordievaderRiddell: Does ^ that matter?16:00
Riddelllordievader: probably, best install it16:09
soeeok time to migrate my parents to Vivid ~.~16:12
sgclarkshiny new 15.04 installed on my laptop to show off this weekend :)16:48
sgclarksee you tonight valorie16:48
ahoneybunRiddell: yofel sgclark http://www.webupd8.org/2015/04/ubuntu-desktop-to-eventually-switch-to.html19:14
yofelyeah, saw the news, won't comment on it though before I hear more about it at UOS19:17
geniiI'm not sure this is a Good Idea19:24
soeedoes it make our live harder or easier ?19:24
yofelwell, from what I know about it, it would be additional work for us - but might make life easier to users.19:26
yofelthe way we currently manage packages is fairly good, but breaking something is far too easy19:27
soeesome other distro uses this ot it is something new ?19:28
geniiI've been in #snappy since it was announced and I see nothing but problems they are having in there. But of course everything is difficult at the beginning.19:30
yofelsnappy is somewhat new, the idea not. Image based updates are pretty much standard on phones and application containers are becoming pretty common19:32
ScottKsoee_: It's an Ubuntu only thing, although I've seen a similar thing announced from Fedora.20:12
soee_ScottK: thanks20:40
mparilloIs anybody testing Plasma 5.2.95 in a VM (ideally VMPlayer). Upstream says it is likely our bug. https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34646721:18
ubottuKDE bug 346467 in general "Plasma 5.2.95 works on HW, but not in VMware Player" [Normal,Resolved: downstream]21:18
ahoneybunyofel: https://plus.google.com/105024692216404165455/posts/FVAq4oBDdNt22:03
ahoneybunlots of good info22:03
ahoneybunwhat are the system requirements?22:08
ahoneybunRiddell: do you know the scripts used to pull the the docs and upload to the docs.kubuntu site?22:10
ahoneybunthat is going to be my project for akademy22:11
ahoneybungetting http://docs.kubuntu.org/ looking good22:11
Riddellahoneybun: it's just static html as I remember22:24
Riddellso it's just a case of kioclient5 help:/kubuntu/foo22:24
Riddelland upload load22:24
ahoneybunyour speaking spanish to me man22:24
Riddellcould be22:25
ahoneybuncould css be loaded as well22:25
soeehmm i have created bootble usb with vivid but it wont start on my partents pc :|22:26
Riddellit'll need css added22:29
Riddellkioclient5 cp help:/kubuntu/index.html .22:30
ahoneybunwhich will do?22:37
Riddellinfact you can use meinproc directory on the .docbook file in the source22:41
ahoneybunspanish again lo22:41
ahoneybuntalking about /usr/share/doc/HTML/en/kubuntu/index.html right?22:43
Riddellthere is no /usr/share/doc/HTML/en/kubuntu/index.html not in the kubuntu-docs package22:47
Riddellit just includes a .docbook file22:47
* ahoneybun grabs source22:50
ahoneybunso the -docs package is the key to the docs site?22:51
Riddellyeah it's just the -docs package converted to html22:52
ahoneybunnot pulled right from the userbase site?22:52
ahoneybunuserbase site -> -docs -> docs site22:52
ahoneybunok 22:56
ahoneybunso make up a css and include it in the -docs package?22:58
Riddellnah run meinproc5 on the .docbook file that'll give .html files22:59
Riddellthen replace the help:/ urls in those .html files with urls to somewhere with the .css files22:59
Riddellwhich you can get from /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/common/23:00
ahoneybunoh boy23:10
ahoneybunnothing good23:11
ahoneybunwait kde/?23:12
ahoneybunthats a old dirc23:12
Riddellok then in /usr/share/doc/HTML/en/kdoctools5-common23:17
* Riddell snoozes23:17
darthanubisI can't get this notice to disappear23:18
darthanubiswith the package installed or without it23:18
darthanubisI install the package from cmdline accept all agreements, it downloads the files and installs without a hitch23:19
darthanubisyet the daemon keeps saying there are more packages to download23:19
darthanubisIt has to be something simple that can fix this?23:20
geniidarthanubis: After you manually installed it, have you logged out and back in again?23:21
darthanubisyes, that when the notice appears23:21
darthanubisabout 5 mins after relogin23:21
darthanubiswhere is the daemon getting it's erroneous information?23:22

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