
GunnDawgif I dont format my /home partition when installing 15.04 I can retain all the data in there, correct?00:03
valorieof course you should still backup before installing00:08
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valorieas insurance00:09
GunnDawgvalorie: of course.00:09
valoriewell, I didn't do that last time00:09
valorieto my regret00:09
valorieStuff Happened00:09
GunnDawggotta hate when "stuff happens"00:10
valorieI had had too much good luck in the past I guess00:10
valoriesometimes Reality bops you on the head, just to wake you up00:10
GunnDawgI preach regular backups to my customers. I'm a shop tech here at a local repair shop00:11
GunnDawgthey usually blow my advice off then when their HDD crashes they act like its my fault that they lost all their precious photos, etc00:11
ygvtfc"starting verision 219" how to rid this?00:20
valorieygvtfc: does it eventually go away?00:20
valorieif not, alt+ctl+f2 or so, `systemctl restore sddm`00:21
valorieand then it may make you login again to start x00:21
valorieonce I even had to `startx`00:21
nfk|laptopit was permissions00:26
nfk|laptopdid chown -R me:me /home/me/ and it worked00:27
nfk|laptopthough only few/one places were affected00:27
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EtriaphWow, Breeze Dark is really dark.  :D01:50
valoriejust dark enough01:51
EtriaphI wish Konversation had a method of saving schemas.01:52
GunnDawgI prefer dark themes. I'll be installing tonight01:53
valoriekonvi will just use whatever you choose in KDE01:58
valoriemost KDE applications do that01:58
valorieyou can lighten the background01:58
valorieSettings > configure Konvi01:58
EtriaphKonversation has it's own dialog for colours.02:00
BassFacehow to i use a LiveCD of Precise if it stops when looking for B43 firmware02:33
BassFaceI'm on a PowerPC ibook g402:34
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is a currently-supported !LTS release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120402:36
valorieyep, still supported02:36
valorieseems so long ago02:36
EtriaphI've been running Linux and KDE since RedHat Manhattan02:53
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GunnDawgHas anyone had plasma not launch after reboot? after logging in it boots to a black screen, cant do anything05:26
GunnDawgno task bar, nothing05:27
valorieGunnDawg: did sddm etc start up as usual?05:27
GunnDawgvalorie: I'm not sure05:27
GunnDawgvalorie: I dont know what sddm is, and I have nothing but a black screen, not sure how to check05:28
valorieyou logged in05:28
GunnDawgyes I logged in05:28
valoriesorry, I missed that05:28
valoriewhat happens when you try to start plasma up?05:28
GunnDawghow do I do that?05:28
valoriejust `plasmashell &` I believe05:29
GunnDawgplasmashell &05:29
GunnDawg[1] 181305:29
GunnDawggunndawg@GunnDawgsPC:~$ kf5.kiconthemes: "Theme tree: (Breeze)"05:29
GunnDawgbut does nothing else05:29
valoriewell, I would ask for more expert help in #plasma05:30
mydoghaswormsI want to upgrade to 15.04, but want to start with a clean KDE setup. What files should I delete/copy?05:53
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valoriemaybe rename ~/.kde ?05:56
Unit193I'd think there'd be files in .cache and .config as well.05:57
valoriemost stuff will be in ~/.config or ~/.local now though05:57
valoriedoes .cache stick around through an upgrade though?05:57
valorieI would think that would be purged05:57
valoriebut what do I know05:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1434516 in appmenu-qt5 "KDE Applications Use Oxygen Widget style eventhough Breeze is selected (Plasma 5)" [Undecided,New]05:59
valoriestrange, anoop06:00
* valorie goes away to start backing up06:01
anoopvalorie: Yes of-course06:05
anoopAfter beta 1, I noticed it. And went back to normal after uninstalling "appmenu-qt5"06:07
anoopit re-appeared again now, "Breeze" is missing from qtconfig-qt406:07
mydoghaswormsvalorie: I have a separate /home partition, so it is not really an upgrade, but a clean install, but obviously I still have many config files in my home directory.06:13
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hyper_chhmmm, still can't set desktop to folder view permanently.... after reboot it's back to default one06:23
hyper_chbtw, 15.04 still has virt desktops, right?06:25
hyper_chcan't figure out where to enable that or rather set to two desktops06:26
jlotonah_configuration panel06:27
jlotonah_desktop behaviour/virtual desktops06:27
hyper_chwhich configuration panel?06:27
jlotonah_system preferences06:27
hyper_chah ok06:28
jlotonah_yes you can use virtual desktops06:28
hyper_chjlotonah_: thx :)06:28
hyper_ch5 annoying issues left06:29
hyper_chmy locales are a huge mess....06:34
hyper_chso, found another issue06:48
donniezazen<hyper_ch> so, found another issue. Someone who has used every version of Plasma 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 this sounds very familiar.06:52
donniezazenvalorie: Plasma 5 uses XDG standards. Renaming, removing ~/.kde won't do anything to Plamsa 5. Everything now goes in standard folders like ~/.cache, ~/config, etc.06:54
hyper_chdonniezazen: my current issues are:  error message due to raid when booting up - prolongs booting,  can't use attached wireless usb keyboard to enter dm-crypt password need to use notebook keyboard,  plasma desktop always reverts back to default instead of showing folder view after reboot, locale problems.... terminal for some reason is german instead of english and desktop uses US time/date instead of Swiss despite having that explicitely set...06:55
hyper_ch. when set desktop to folder view I can't shift-delete items on it anymore,  konsole freezes when resizing,  in the kmenu item editor you can't browse for custom icons06:55
hyper_chforgot one issue:  in kontact, the folder list has massive spacing between the items despite having changed to oxygen theme06:56
donniezazenhyper_ch: did you upgrade your system06:57
hyper_chdonniezazen: no, vanilla install06:57
donniezazenhyper_ch: I can tell you about Kontact. Initially the spacing was outrageous which they reduced a bit. This is now standards in Breeze theme. Lots of whitespace.06:58
PhilippePAfter dist-upgrading yesterday , i am once again shut out of graphical environment , it won't accept my password ... everything works fine in a tty ...06:58
hyper_chwell, krop's spacing:  https://i.imgur.com/6fMknNE.png  and my spacing: http://images.sjau.ch/img/0223aedb.png06:59
hyper_chdonniezazen: and as said, using oxygen theme and style06:59
donniezazenhyper_ch: about kontact let me pull some links for you where discussion happened a while ago.07:00
hyper_chbefore I had all folders visible07:00
hyper_chwhich is nice since I do server side filtering with sieve07:00
hyper_chno, I need to scroll to check if there's new mail somewhere07:01
ubottuKDE bug 340999 in QStyle "Listviews use too much vertical space" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]07:02
donniezazenIf you are using Oxygen style I would hope the spacing should not be too bad.07:03
hyper_chdonniezazen: the image I showed you uses oxygen07:03
donniezazenyes I can see that07:03
donniezazenyou are right.07:04
hyper_chhttps://i.imgur.com/6fMknNE.png and that's how it was also for me on 14.1007:04
hyper_chit uses 50% more space07:04
hyper_chwhy can't you configure the spacing :)07:04
donniezazenWhen you right click on the top of list you can set icon size. From looks of it you are already using the smallest icon possible.07:05
hyper_chand I reduced font from 10pt to 9pt which helped a bit07:05
hyper_chbut reducing font further doesn't alter anything07:06
donniezazenyou should make a comment on this thread https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=285&t=12371507:07
gunndawgany fixes for screen tearing with Nvidia using 346 drivers? The fix I used in 14.04 completely breaks my system.07:09
hyper_chdonniezazen: http://images.sjau.ch/img/1a21641c.png07:10
hyper_chthat should be the settings07:10
hyper_chor did I miss anything?07:11
hateballgunndawg: What sort of tearing do you get?07:13
gunndawghateball: screen tearing07:13
gunndawghad it worked out in 14.04 but the same fix in 15.04 does not work, infact it prevents Plasma from starting07:13
hateballgunndawg: Well yeah. But is it constant, or is it during fullscreen video or gaming?07:13
hateballgunndawg: Have you gone into "desktop effects" and tried changing from automatic to something else?07:14
donniezazenhyper_ch: my understanding is that you can't set spacing. It is hard coded. So while changing icons size or font of list items could help but won't be enough. I think Oxygen should not be affected which it is, in your case07:14
gunndawgif I run the screen tearing test on youtube it's obvious as it was in 14.04. I fixed it then ran the same test and it fixed it07:14
gunndawghateball: no I have not, shall i?07:14
hateballgunndawg: Yes. Under advanced07:14
hyper_chdonniezazen: where to report that the best?07:14
hateballgunndawg: There's a bug on this, I'll see if I can find it07:15
hateballgunndawg: Note that it may hurt performance a bit, but you can tick "disable effects for fullscreen" and if you game then they will handle vsync etc themselves. Seems to work for me at least07:15
gunndawghateball: I'm in Desktop Effects and I see no advanced menu07:15
hateballgunndawg: You should have a tab up top07:15
gunndawghateball: I'm in 15.04 and I see no tab07:16
donniezazenhyper_ch: maybe talk to Andrew Lake in this thread https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=285&t=123715 or file a bug.07:16
hateballgunndawg: Hmmm, well I am sitting on 14.04 right now. Search for "opengl" in krunner, maybe it changed places in 15.04 (I run it at home, just cant remember)07:17
hyper_chdonniezazen: well, I have set to oxygen and it shouldn't use that much space anymore... I still wonder why it does07:17
gunndawghateball: I ran 14.04 until tonight so I know what you're saying, but it's not there07:17
hateballgunndawg: Well it does exist in 15.04, since I had to change it myself :p07:18
gunndawghateball: not sure where its at. looking for it07:18
gunndawghateball: deff not in desktop effects07:18
gunndawghateball: when I search OpenGL it hilights Desktop Effects. But I dont see it. Can I provide a screenshot?07:20
hateballgunndawg: Sure, upload it to imgur or something. I still dont have access to a 15.04 machine so I can find it tho07:21
gunndawgwill do07:21
gunndawghateball: http://i.imgur.com/h2vnGID.jpg07:22
hateballgunndawg: when you search for desktop effects in krunner, dont you also get a standalone desktop effects?07:22
hateballnot this one that is "integrated" with the other options07:22
gunndawgwhat is krunner?07:23
hateballalt+f2 by default07:23
hateballaka the only way to find anything ;D07:23
gunndawghateball: gotcha. OpenGL settings open07:24
gunndawghateball: now what was it you wanted me to do from here?07:24
hateballgunndawg: right, you should have vsync options that probably are automatic now07:25
gunndawghateball: I'm not seeing vsync anywhere07:26
hyper_chdonniezazen: under what should I file the bug?07:26
hateballgunndawg: there should be a "prevent tearing" option07:26
gunndawghateball: I'm going to give you another screenshot07:27
hateballgunndawg: do so, I'll grab a 15.04 iso and make a bootable stick during ;p07:27
gunndawghateball: http://i.imgur.com/ptJlIL0.jpg07:28
hateballgunndawg: oh, no that's not it07:29
hateballthat just shows information07:30
gunndawghateball: I figured as much07:30
gunndawghateball: I know which OpenGL settings your talking about that were available in 14.04, Not finding them in 15.0407:30
hateballgunndawg: If you're not leaving just yet I'll have 15.04 bootable in a bit and I'll see where it is07:31
gunndawgI'll be here another few hours07:31
gunndawghateball: Infact I'll be here until this gets corrected :(07:32
hyper_chdonniezazen: made now a bug report07:32
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hyper_chdonniezazen: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34653307:37
ubottuKDE bug 346533 in general "Oxygen uses Breeze spacing" [Normal,Unconfirmed]07:37
zen_foosigh.. so I did an upgrade today from 14.10 to 15.04 and it's a bit buggy, then I noticed it says I'm on a development branch... how did that happen?07:37
zen_fooDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu Vivid Vervet (development branch)"07:38
hyper_chzen_foo: it's a bit buggy even on a vanilla install07:38
valoriezen_foo: what PPAs do you have enabled?07:39
valoriezen_foo: where are you finding that text?07:40
zen_foogrep DESCRIPTION /etc/lsb-release07:41
valorieI upgraded to day, and my About System looks fine07:41
valorieDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 15.04"07:41
valoriezen_foo: have you done updates and upgrades today?07:42
valoriethe description never has the code name after release07:42
valoriethere is no development branch yet07:42
zen_foojust the upgrade today from 14.1007:42
valorietry: `sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade`07:43
valorieI think you missed a couple of the final packages07:43
zen_foooy.. that seems ot have found a bunch07:43
* zen_foo scratches his head.... so odd07:44
valorieperhaps you hit a mirror not done updating07:44
zen_foothat could be... but it might be a good idea for the update script to check that it's trying to install the release version that it prompts for07:45
valorieyou did `do-release-upgrade`?07:47
valorieI dunno07:48
zen_foo(shrug) me neither07:48
valorieI used the beta this time around07:48
zen_foolooks like it might be sorted now07:48
hateballgunndawg: it's under "compositing"07:48
hateballgunndawg: which should show as an option if you search for opengl07:48
gunndawghateball: I'll look07:49
zen_fooI enjoy doing the beta's, just not on my main system that I need to actually do work on :D07:49
gunndawghateball: I see it. I'm in that menu now07:49
zen_fooKDE is so darn purrty now07:50
gunndawghateball: "Tearing prevention" is already set to Automatic07:50
hateballgunndawg: Yes. You don't want that07:51
gunndawgwhat do I want07:52
hateballyou can try either of them, I use the "reuse blah blah" with proprietary driver07:52
hateballyou can just switch, apply, test it out07:52
hateballand tick the box to disable effects for fullscreen07:53
hateballwell, you can try that option on/off... sometimes things misbehave07:53
gunndawghateball: oddly enough I changed OpenGL from 2.0 to 3.1 and it fixed it. didnt fuss with any other settings07:54
gunndawghateball: left it on automatic and changed to openGL 3.1, fixed07:54
hateballgunndawg: well then :)07:55
gunndawghateball: Thank you so very kindly for ur patience and help :)07:55
hateballgunndawg: No worries :)07:55
gunndawgsorry you had to boot up a 15.04 image just for that07:56
hateballHaha that's fine07:56
gunndawgbut it made a world of difference for me :)07:56
hateballI'm at work, what else am I supposed to do? Work?07:56
gunndawgno, dont do that07:56
gunndawghateball: The fix I used to correct the tearing in 14.04 completely breaks Plasma07:57
gunndawghateball: I installed 15.04 like 5 times tonight07:57
hateballI've never used anything other than the options in plasma to fix tearing07:57
hateballI'm assuming you tried various xorg.confs or setting __GL_Whatever env options?07:57
gunndawghateball: in 14.04 I had to do this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/137497607:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1374976 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Screen tearing Nvidia - since Kubuntu 14.04" [High,Confirmed]07:58
gunndawgcreate a Tearhing.sh file that I made executable with that line07:58
gunndawgdo that in plasma and it breaks07:58
gunndawghateball: yes the GL setting breaks plama apparently07:59
rohanhi. i upgraded from 14.10 to 15.04 today, and it was fine for some time.. but now my keyboard has stopped working at the login screen08:02
rohanso i can't login at all :( even ctrl-alt-f1 is not working, so i can't switch to a VT08:02
rohanonly the alt-sysrq combos work08:02
rohani've tried a few reboots and cold boots, but that didn't help08:02
gunndawgbrb need a reboot08:04
zen_foosomeone correct me if IO'm wrong butisn't Alt-F1 the new AlLT-F7? try ALT-F2 rohan08:04
rohanzen_foo: nope, no dice: doesn't work08:05
zen_foohave you unplugged and plugged you keyboard back in after you booted... I thought I heard something about a few people having an issue like that08:05
rohanzen_foo: it's a laptop08:06
zen_foolol... well then that would present some trouble trying to do that08:07
rohanzen_foo: yup :(08:07
gunndawghateball: my next goal in setting up 15.04 is getting my login screen fixed08:08
gunndawghateball: if you're wanting to dig in some more help I'll fill you in on the details08:08
hateballgunndawg: Well just state your problem so anyone can try and help :)08:09
gunndawgWhen the login screen comes up the password box is dead in the center of the gap between my 2 monitors as though it thinks its one monitor08:09
gunndawginstead of showing up in 1 monitor08:09
hateballAh. This is a clean install using SSDM is it?08:10
gunndawghateball: not sure what you mean. It's a clean 15.04 install08:10
hateballI don't have any dualmonitor setups on 15.04/SSDM so I cant say08:10
hateballgunndawg: Well the login manager is called SSDM08:10
hateballas opposed to KDM or LightDM of the past08:10
gunndawgI've heard the term SSDM more than once tonight. what is SSDM08:10
zen_foogunndawg: same thing here, I haven't gotten around to looking into it yet08:11
gunndawgzen_foo: so you have ur login box split between monitors?08:11
gunndawgzen_foo: annoying eh?08:11
zen_foomeh, compared to bugs that crash things, no... but not exactly estheticly pleasing that I can show off my desktop to people and try to convert them08:12
gunndawgzen_foo: exactly08:12
gunndawgNot game breaking but enough to bug ya08:13
zen_foobrb reboot08:14
rohanhateball: you mean SDDM08:14
rohannot SSDM08:14
hateballrohan: I do08:15
rohanwhich is being a PITA and not accepting my text input any more :(08:15
gunndawgWhat is SDDM?08:15
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zen_foohah, compositing crash bug still there :(08:18
gunndawgI sure do miss my Ghost Deco theme.08:20
lordievadergunndawg: SDDM is a display manager, like lightdm or gdm.08:21
lordievaderGood morning by the by.08:21
gunndawglordievader: hello, and thank you08:21
gunndawgby the way* ;)\08:21
zen_foogunndawg: might be an issue with the login theme  https://github.com/sddm/sddm/issues/26508:21
gunndawgzen_foo: an issue with the "DEFAULT" login theme?08:22
zen_fooyes... trying to find a different theme to try08:22
gunndawgzen_foo: please update me with your results08:22
gunndawghateball: all of a sudden having screen tearing again08:25
yossarianukgunndawg: my login is split between 2 monitors alos (nvidia)08:27
gunndawghateball: just applied your solution and i'm good again, heh08:27
gunndawgyossarianuk: aye, so Im not alone in that issue08:27
yossarianukgunndawg: nope - do you have Nvidia ?08:28
gunndawgyossarianuk: yes, with the 346 drivers08:28
uberdubthe update every other day or so are getting skightly annoying08:28
yossarianuk(p.s kde 5.3 seems to solve that - I installed the beta PPA)08:28
yossarianuk--> same here (driver version)08:29
zen_foogunndawg: yup that's the issue08:34
zen_fooapt-cache search sddm-theme08:35
zen_foo^^install one or more of those other ones and the login appears fine08:35
zen_fooso install then go to system settings  -> Starup and Shutdown  -> Loing Screen (SDDM)08:36
zen_fooand change it to something other than the breeze one08:36
gunndawgzen_foo: hang on let me look08:37
thor_Has anybody idea why in my 14.13 install Muon won't show the upgrade to 15.04 option?08:38
thor_At home with my (I think) 14.10 everything worked easy enough08:38
gunndawgzen_foo: which one did you install? which one looks good?08:38
zen_foomaldives and maui look good08:38
lordievaderthor_: 14.13?08:39
gunndawgzen_foo: so how do I install them? what's the command08:39
zen_fooCircles is kinda lame and elarun is meh08:39
ZverenhoffHello everybody.08:39
zen_foosudo apt-get install sddm-theme-maldives sddm-theme-maui08:39
ZverenhoffI have one question. It seems like in Kubuntu 15.04 there is no kwin oxygen style.08:40
thor_Yep, at least that's the version that's shown when I click "About KDE" in Kate08:40
ZverenhoffIs it a bug or should it be so?08:40
lordievaderthor_: Ah, what does 'lsb_release -a' say?08:40
gunndawgalright gonna test08:40
lordievaderZverenhoff: Plasma5 uses the breeze theme by default.08:41
lordievaderI thought there was some Oxygen theme available for Plasma5 though.08:41
thor_lordievader: No LSB modules are available.08:41
ZverenhoffThere is Oxygen theme for qt5,qt4,plasma itself, but not for KWin08:41
thor_Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description:    Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS Release:        14.04 Codename:       trusty08:41
thor_Ah sorry, stupid. It's KDE version 14.13.08:42
thor_Still, at home the upgrade came automatically. At work nothing shows08:42
lordievaderthor_: You need to set the upgrade settings to normal then upgrade to 14.10 and then to 15.04. Trusty looks for LTS releases by default.08:42
zen_fooyes, you can't jump releases, so you have to upgrade to 14.10 first then upgrade again to get 15.0408:43
gunndawgthat worked08:43
gunndawgbut still have a problem08:43
zen_foodon't we all :D08:43
thor_Where can I set the upgrade settings?08:43
gunndawgzen_foo: the login screen shows up on my 2nd monitor instead of the primary08:44
lordievaderthor_: Somewhere in Muon, I thing.08:44
thor_Looked and didn't find. Will Google and see.08:44
gunndawgzen_foo: yes, like you, 346 drivers08:44
lordievaderthor_: Or editing /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades08:44
zen_foowhat I did was set the primary in both the nvidia settings panel and in the kde system settings08:45
gunndawgzen_foo: I'll try08:46
thor_lordievader: Thanks a lot, this seems to work. Muon show new release now.08:46
gunndawgzen_foo: seems that's already the case08:47
zen_foogunndawg: do you have the system settings set to say "this one is left of (or right of) the other"?08:47
zen_foomy primary is on the right so I had to do that08:48
bart___hi guys, just upgraded to 15.04.... seems good, but where have the wacom settings gone to?08:48
gunndawgzen_foo: yes08:48
gunndawgzen_foo: http://i.imgur.com/FE8myuw.png08:51
gunndawgzen_foo: not sure how much info that provides08:52
lordievadergunndawg: Does the Nvidia driver still write an xorg.conf?08:55
zen_foogunndawg: that looks right.. hrm08:56
gunndawglordievader: I believe so. How can I check08:57
lordievaderls /etc/X1108:58
lordievaderWas just wondering, not helping ;)08:58
gunndawgI have an xorg.conf in /x1108:59
lordievaderPff.. nVidia...09:00
gunndawgan $800 video card that wont cook me breakfast I was fine with, but I hoped it would display things on the corrector monitor09:01
* lordievader mumbles something about nVidia and Nouveau09:01
zen_foowell, if you overclock it and play the right kinda game you could probably cook an egg09:02
gunndawgI tried "sudo please fucking put login screen on the left screen"09:03
gunndawgdidnt work09:04
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s_20http://www.phys.ncku.edu.tw/~htsu/humor/fry_egg.html - it never gets old09:04
lordievadergunndawg: Please watch your language.09:05
gunndawglordievader: I appologize09:05
gunndawgso changing the login screen theme corrected the centering, but what can correct the correct display?09:07
zen_fooyou know what it might be...09:07
zen_fooit might be that that new theme has that side hardcoded09:08
lordievadergunndawg: I wrote part of an xorg.conf to setup my three displays correctly for lightdm.09:09
gunndawgI cant imagine they'd hard code in "2nd display login"09:09
gunndawghateball: screen tearing is back :(09:24
hateballgunndawg: after reboots?09:24
gunndawghateball: yes09:25
hateballgo into options and re-apply09:25
hateballthere's a bug for it... somewhere09:25
gunndawghateball: is this something I'll have to do every restart?09:25
hateballso you can make a script that forces it on session start09:25
hateballgunndawg: iirc it works for me, but I know there is a bug for it09:25
gunndawghateball: weird thing is that it was still on the setting I put it at, changed it do a differnt one and it works09:27
soeegunndawg: screen tearing with nvidia driver >09:28
gunndawgso I'll have to boot up (I dont shut down often), and change it to a diff setting, and be good09:28
gunndawgsoee: yes09:28
soeegunndawg: you wont get rid of it completely :/09:28
hateballgunndawg: yeah, but there's a cli way to set it so you can automate it. I just dont recall the bug number etc09:29
hateballif I remember I'll check it when I get back home in a bunch of hours09:29
gunndawgin 14.04 it was easy09:29
gunndawgnew territory I guess09:29
soeegunndawg: first in System Settings  -> Dispay And MOntor -> Compositor: Tearing Prevention ('vsync') set "Full Screen Repaints"09:30
gunndawgsoee: I just did that. Everything is GOOD now. when I restart it might change09:31
soeegunndawg: i have also executable file called /etc/profile.d/tearing.sh09:31
soeewith a line: export __GL_YIELD="USLEEP"09:31
soeegunndawg: do ypu play games ?09:32
gunndawgsoee: I tried that tearing.sh fix and it broke my Plasma entirely. After I logged in I had black screen09:32
soeegunndawg: it shouldn't :)09:32
gunndawgsoee: It did, I reintalled and tried it again, it broke, so I reinstalled and didnt do it, now I boot fine09:33
gunndawgdont want to risk it again, it broke my Plasma09:33
soeegunndawg: anyway if you plan to play some games, be sure to check in this syste settings also: Suspend compositor for fullscreen windows09:33
gunndawgsoee: and I was only doing that to fix the tearing, the tearing is fixed now. I am dealing with a new issue.09:34
soeeotherwise you will expriance something like tearing + low fps feelig + ^$^%@09:34
gunndawgsoee: This is my gaming rig.09:34
yruss_Hi. Where can i adjust loading sequence after i log in? My problem - kubuntu is connecting WiFi and doing 1000 stupid things before actucally it loads plasma-desktop which is really annoying.09:44
soeeyruss_: like brings back apps from previous session befor panel is loaded etc ?09:45
Walexyruss_: not so easy, there are several loading sequences potentially09:46
yruss_soee: No it starts an empty one - but there are some apps that loading before desktop09:46
Walexyruss_: the two main loading sequences are in your '~/.xsession' scripts, in the global and per-user 'autostart' directories, and in your session manager saved state.09:47
yruss_Walex: i can see only .xsession-errors fie, autostart is empty09:50
Walexyruss_: there are both global and per user 'xsession' and 'autostart', and 'autostart' is also both KDE and XDG variants. Plus again the session manager list10:01
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memphistoI need help with my 3Gmodem  - Bus 003 Device 004: ID 19d2:0017 ZTE WCDMA Technologies MSM10:23
hateballmemphisto: In what way do you need help?10:23
memphistoalthough  i see it with lsub and in syslog as qmi_wwan 3-2:1.3: cdc-wdm1: USB WDM device10:23
memphistokde network manager cant see it10:24
memphistowhen i try to add new broadband device, it doesn't list it10:24
memphistohi hateball10:24
memphistothanks for answering10:24
memphistowhen you go to Connnection editor >>Add>> Mobile Broadband connection10:26
memphistoit asks you to choose your device10:26
hateballmemphisto: Just trying to some details for others to help, I know nothing of such dongles tho10:26
memphistobut instead of my ZTE  modem it states Any GSM device and  Any CMDA device10:27
memphistook. thanks anyway10:27
hyper_chIs it just me or is also the window properties detection fooled in 5.3? There seems to be a 56px offset10:29
BluesKajHiyas all10:34
hyper_chBluesKaj: why can I report plasma bugs?10:37
BluesKajhyper_ch, click on dolphin help, report bugs then choose the app in the dropdown10:40
hyper_chBluesKaj: then I get directed to the bugs site and get told I can't make a bug report for plasma10:41
hyper_chhttps://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?format=guided&product=plasma&component=desktop&version=unknown  -->  Sorry, either the product plasma does not exist or you aren't authorized to enter a bug into it.10:42
BluesKajhyper_ch, then report it in #kubuntu-devel10:42
* hyper_ch heard that normal users get eaten in -devel channels10:44
BluesKajnot this one10:44
BluesKajyou must have patience tho10:45
hyper_chwell, seems somebody isn't on lunch break in there10:46
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yossarianukok im confused ......10:48
yossarianukjust read - https://plus.google.com/u/0/+WillCooke/posts/AxfoU3N1Ezo10:48
yossarianukdoes this mean Ubuntu 15.10 is abandoning DEB based ?10:48
yossarianukand if it is how will this effect kubuntu?10:50
yossarianukor am I completely misunderstanding everything?10:51
memphistoregarding the issue with ZTE  GSP modem --- i've isntalled following usb-modeswitch modemmanager kppp and now it works.10:55
memphistoBest Regards10:55
BluesKajyossarianuk, the blogger mistates the issue, don't think he meant that deb was going away, just replaced by a new version, that's what I got from it10:58
yossarianukok - thanks10:59
yossarianukDEB based in one of the really good plus points  - although ill be interested to see snappy...11:07
mouwzecan kde 5 desktop be installed on kubuntu 14.0411:14
soeemouwze: no11:15
mouwzethank you11:15
BluesKajmouwze, you can install plsama 5/KF5 on kubuntu 14.10, however.11:17
BluesKajerr plasma11:18
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soeeBluesKaj: yes but since 14.10 is not LTS its better to jump to 15.04 i think11:20
soeethan you can be sure Plasma 5.3 will work just fine :)11:20
BluesKajsoee, is 5.3 default on 15.04? ...it worked ok on my upgrade from 14.10 , but the ppa didn't work on this clean install at all...had to dump my /home data because some conf files were configured wrong11:25
BluesKajin oerder to re-install 15.04 official release image'11:26
BluesKajX was totally mucked up11:26
soeeBluesKaj: it is not default11:27
BluesKajok soee, thanks11:27
soeei use unfnished 5.3 final packages and tey work pretty good11:27
BluesKajyeah i have it on the other HDD...works ok11:28
BluesKajbut not htis one ...it was weird11:28
BluesKajsame pc .. 2 different HDDS , 2 different results11:29
BluesKajsame ppa11:29
BluesKajI'm waiting for the 15.10 chainloader on this install ..I'll start testing on this one11:31
hyper_chBluesKaj: 15.10 chainloader?11:36
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BluesKajhyper_ch, it's a preliminary repos for 15.10 ..it usually doesn't contain a lot of new packages, just a few to get the testing started afaik11:49
TsterxerHi people11:49
hyper_chBluesKaj: I see11:49
TsterxerIs network mirror recommend?11:49
Riddellhyper_ch: could you report a bug on the bug dialog issue? I can work on a fix, product is frameworks-kxmlgui11:50
hyper_chRiddell: hmmm, I can I think :)11:50
hyper_chbut what package would that be11:51
BluesKajTsterxer, which mirror ?11:52
TsterxerIt's not related to Kubuntu but i struggle install ubuntu server for long time11:52
BluesKajTsterxer, you can ask for help with your issue in #ubuntu-server11:54
Riddellhyper_ch: frameworks-kxmlgui11:55
hyper_chRiddell: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34655911:57
ubottuKDE bug 346559 in general "Bug Report Wizard leads to inaccessible website" [Normal,Unconfirmed]11:57
Riddelllovely thanks hyper_ch11:58
hyper_chfor some reasons I don't get emails anymore for my bug reports11:58
TsterxerNot related but anyone know C programming/ Reverse engineering?11:58
TsterxerI feel like I don't know what I want to learn or it's because stress of school.12:00
TsterxerBut I want to know much.12:00
TsterxerWhen do you figured out what you want to learn>12:00
hyper_chno idea12:00
BluesKajTsterxer, depends what you find interesting12:01
hyper_chusually you figure out what you want to learn at the time you figure it out12:02
TsterxerIs it right to learn from books?12:02
Tsterxer_I know it's not related but why it doesn't work in ubuntu: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/remote-access/ssh/12:04
Tsterxer_enable ssh: not a shell builtin...12:04
hyper_chTsterxer_: sudo apt-get install openssh-server12:04
Tsterxer_I did that12:05
hyper_chthen it works12:05
Tsterxer_It mean it running?12:05
Tsterxer_I can't connect to it12:06
hyper_chTsterxer_: ps aux | grep sshd12:07
Tsterxer_I wrote it12:07
Tsterxer_it bold /usr/sbin/sshd - D and second with auto sshd12:07
hyper_chssh localhost12:08
Tsterxer_does it mean i connect to localhost?12:08
Tsterxer_I have ubuntu 64 bit server in VMware Player12:09
hyper_chwell, it will try to connect to the ssh server on your machine12:09
Tsterxer_From my machine I tried
hyper_chI guess you have some routing/port forwarding issues12:09
hyper_chno, from the server12:09
hyper_chdo ssh localhost12:09
Tsterxer_It's NAT. Do I need to change it?12:09
hyper_chI prefer bridged12:10
hyper_chotherwise you'd need to setup portforwading / routing12:10
Tsterxer_Replicate physical network connection state?12:10
hyper_chno idea, I don't use vmware12:10
Tsterxer_it 0% connecting to archieve.ubuntu.org12:15
Tsterxer_bridged changed to NAT12:16
Tsterxer_nvm.. Still not work12:17
Tsterxer_in raspberry pi it was easier ssh12:20
Tsterxer_Please help12:22
hyper_chbridge should work12:25
hyper_chof course you need to restart netowring in the guest12:25
hyper_chor reboot it12:25
hyper_chand your router needs to provide dhcp12:25
hyper_chotherwise you need to manually configure the network in the guest12:25
hyper_chand I just use virtualbox12:26
hyper_chlooking forward for v5 which gets updated 3d drivers and usb 3.0 support12:26
Tsterxer_Thansk i will check it after gcc will be installed12:26
Riddellhyper_ch: fixed! but it's a funny feature that, it won't update until there's a new kf5 release12:34
pawel_hi, I have problem with nvidia blob12:52
pawel_whenever I install it, I have black screen on boot12:53
Tsterxer_maybe driver?12:53
Tsterxer_I can't connect to my ssh12:53
pawel_tried 346 an 349 from xorg edgers12:53
pawel_in 14.10 some version has worked, with some others I had similar problem12:54
pawel_maybe there's something wrong with an installer?12:55
Tsterxer_What does it mean you have black screen?12:55
Tsterxer_You can't see anything from boot to till you shut up?12:55
Tsterxer_Is it dual boot?12:55
pawel_I see anything, but some line about systemd in the end12:55
pawel_yes, but it boots with nouveau12:56
Tsterxer_which laptop?12:56
pawel_however, when I use recovery mode and select resume12:56
pawel_it works12:56
pawel_it's not laptop, but PC12:56
pawel_maybe I need to black list something?12:57
hateballIf you use the GUI installer it should do that for you12:57
pawel_yes, I used the GUI12:58
pawel_but maybe I should check?12:58
Tsterxer_I struggle install ubuntu server13:01
Tsterxer_Try and don't give up13:01
BluesKajwhich gpu pawel_ ? ther 346 is for higer end models and even those are a bit unstable withthat driver, the 340 should be sufficient.13:01
pawel_660 TI13:01
Tsterxer__look at this: pawel_13:03
Tsterxer__it might help...13:03
Tsterxer__Look on his last comment13:03
pawel_thanks, I'll take a look13:05
Tsterxer__YES WORKED13:06
Tsterxer__thanks who offer bridged!!13:06
Tsterxer__access denied ;_;13:06
Tsterxer__it's the pass. Why it's denied..13:07
Tsterxer__YES ROOT13:09
pawel_I'll give it a try13:09
pawel_thanks! going to restart13:09
Tsterxer__I feel sad people traced.13:09
Tsterxer__For C programmers: What do you programming; desktop/app/ any.. I just want to know13:14
hyper_chRiddell: two commits already?13:27
Riddellhyper_ch: one for kdelibs4 and one for kf513:30
hyper_chRiddell: :)13:32
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alimanguys i see there a new version of kubuntu is available. if i upgrade i lose anything? cuz my entire hdd is only 1 part13:57
BluesKajaliman, you can upgrade over the internet13:58
BluesKajand not lose any data13:59
alimani opend software updater and i see there upgrade button13:59
BluesKajaliman, but first you must update and upgrade and dist-upgrade your existing OS which is 14.10 I assume14:00
alimanBluesKaj, not sure i understand what you mean14:00
BluesKajaliman, which kubuntu version are you using?14:01
murthyPlease upgrade from terminal and avoid the gui method14:02
alimansudo apt-get upgrade?14:02
murthyWait i will get the command14:03
BluesKajaliman, open a terminal and first do: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade, then sudo do-release-upgrade to upgrade to 15.0414:03
murthyThere is an issue that causes the gui setup process to hang in the middle of the upgrade process14:03
BluesKajnot usingthe gui14:04
murthyBluesKaj: that command  wont use the gui right?14:04
BluesKajnope it won't14:04
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murthyBluesKaj: dpkg is asking for permission to replace an rc file with the one from maintainers version, but gui doesnt ask for the input from the user and hence dpkg waits infinitly14:06
murthy^thats the cause of the hang during upgrade14:06
alimanwhen i did sudo do-release-upgrade i got some errors14:06
BluesKajmurthy, then just use the enter key14:07
alimanErr http://archive.canonical.com vivid/partner Translation-en14:07
aliman                                                                               14:07
alimanGet:12 http://security.ubuntu.com vivid-security/main Sources [2.947 B]14:07
alimanErr http://archive.canonical.com vivid/partner Translation-en14:07
alimanErr http://extras.ubuntu.com utopic/main Translation-en_US14:07
alimanand more like this14:07
murthyBluesKaj: no I think the gui is responding to the inputs and the process seems to be hung14:08
murthyaliman: did you run sudo apt-get update ?14:09
BluesKajaliman, do you have any ppas ?14:10
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge14:11
alimannot sure i have that14:11
BluesKajaliman, look in /etc/apt/sources.list.d  to see if there's anything in that file14:12
alimannothng there14:13
hyper_chmy PPAs are all in my sources.list14:16
freyacool clinet14:16
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BluesKajhyper_ch, that's because you added them manually14:16
Packjamwho knows a quakenet server14:17
hyper_chBluesKaj: well, I used my generator ;)14:18
BluesKajaliman, open /etc/apt/sources.list and copy and paste it here , http://pastebin.com/14:19
murthyaliman: you could try disabling the ubuntu extras and partners sources in the software sources and see if that solves the issue14:19
alimanwhich display manager to use lightdm or sddm14:20
BluesKajPackjam, https://www.quakenet.org/servers14:20
BluesKajaliman, sddm for kubuntu14:20
BluesKajguess installation didn't stall then , aliman14:21
alimanis it possible to create a windows bootable usb using kubuntu?14:23
Tsterxer__In what way?14:23
murthyaliman: why do you  want to do that?14:25
BluesKajaliman, dunno for sure , but you could try dd , it works for most bootable images14:25
alimanmurthy, for a friend. he needs a bootable usb14:25
Tsterxer__Can I ask about gdb stuff not related but no answer in gdb?14:26
badflifeHi. i want to install the neuwest kubuntu version. but i want to keep the windows bootloader. i dont want to install grub. how can i do this . thanks14:26
MoonUnit`does ubuntu still support wubi?14:26
Tsterxer__this is kubuntu14:27
BluesKajbadflife, you can't , you need to install grab14:27
BluesKajgrub will find windows and place it in the bootloader14:27
murthyaliman: Creating an usb for windows from linux is very hard. Particularly windows needs to load usb specific drivers to be before booting the install14:28
BluesKajif that's what you're worried about14:28
badflifei once couldnt insatll a windows update because of grub. thats why i am asking14:28
jcjordyn120hello people14:28
BluesKajbadflife, grub won't prevent windows update14:29
MoonUnit`i have done by adding linux boot via easybcd but's it's a pain to get it right you have to be ready for kernel updates.14:29
G__81is it possible to install kde plasma 5.x in Kubuntu 14.04 ?14:29
badflifeit did prevent an update. i asked in a forum. then i removed grub. and the windwos update was installed successfully14:29
alimanas i said before i have only 1 part on my hdd and i have many movies in there that i dont wnt to lose. if i reinstall kubuntu 15.04 from usb can i keep my files but wipe all the old kubuntu files?14:29
murthyWindows aware of grub's presence? that is strange14:29
G__81or should i only install the 15.04 version?14:30
BluesKajwindows update is a terrible apllicxationa nd windows reposn are to blame for most update problems ...the trick is not to update 60 updates atone shot14:30
badflifeit was only one update that couldnt be updated14:30
yossarianukThe trick is to never ever touch Windows #easy life14:30
MoonUnit`G__81:  they did have plasma 5 ppa for 14.10 but it was unsupported, best to go for 15.04.14:31
murthyG__81: I would recommend 15.04, but you should checkout the live cd before installing14:31
BluesKajmurthy, no grub is aware of windows14:31
badflifei have a ps4 now so i will slowly get rid of windows now . but not now yet14:31
murthyG__81: If you are going to upgrade from 14.10, do it via terminal14:32
hyper_chBluesKaj: I still wonder, why can't windows do all updates in one run and doesn't require hundreds of reboots inbetween?14:32
murthyBluesKaj: ya14:32
badflifehaha. well that is a secret microsoft wont reveal14:32
hyper_chaliman: always have backups14:32
BluesKajhyper_ch, it can be doen the windows cmd, but titakews a bit od fooling with the DLLs to get the cmd to work with windows updates14:33
murthyG__81: There is a possiblity that your upgrade process may hang in the middle when updating using the gui14:33
hyper_chaliman: since you only have one partition you could theoretically install from usb without losing the data.... you'd need to select manual partitioning and then chose to not format the partition..... however it's risky, so make backup first and I wouldn't recommend that way14:34
murthyG__81: So if you are upgrading, I would recommend you to upgrade via terminal14:34
BluesKajmurthy, i didn't have any problems yesterday with the ubiquity installer at all , all went smoothly14:35
hyper_chaliman: not sure how many movies or stuff you have14:35
murthyBluesKaj: not about the fresh installer, Its the upgrader gui14:35
hyper_chexternal usb 3.0 drives aren't that expensive naymore..... hook it up, backup data at about 80-100MB/s14:35
BluesKajmurthy, oh forget that thing , it's always been buggy14:36
hyper_chand then you can try it or wipe the installation and install a complete fresh system14:36
JesseDhammui just crashed my Kmail14:37
JesseDhammuhow do i get it working14:37
JesseDhammui updated from 14.10 to 15.0414:37
hyper_chkmail or kontact?14:37
yossarianukhyper_ch: Bad design is the cause.14:38
hyper_chyossarianuk: ?14:38
yossarianuk>  I still wonder, why can't windows do all updates in one run and doesn't require hundreds of reboots inbetween?14:38
JesseDhammuAkonadi Server Self-Test Report14:38
JesseDhammuTest 1:  SUCCESS14:39
JesseDhammuDatabase driver found.14:39
hyper_chyossarianuk: ah :)14:39
JesseDhammuDetails: The QtSQL driver 'QMYSQL' is required by your current Akonadi server configuration and was found on your system.14:39
unopasteJesseDhammu you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted14:39
BluesKajhyper_ch, since when can yiou upgrade to a single partition without formatting ?14:39
yossarianukI don't understand why it installs update when you shutdown14:39
BluesKajfrom usb14:39
hyper_chBluesKaj: if you select manual partitioning you can set format to no14:39
yossarianukor randomly in the middle of the working day...14:39
hyper_ch(or was that only in alternate/mini?)14:39
BluesKaj. it will over write / so you still lose all the data14:40
JesseDhammu2015-04-24 20:08:36 1759 [Note] InnoDB: Highest supported file format is Barracuda.14:40
JesseDhammu2015-04-24 20:08:36 1759 [Note] InnoDB: The log sequence numbers 1797281 and 1797281 in ibdata files do not match the log sequence number 3906313 in the ib_logfiles!14:40
JesseDhammu2015-04-24 20:08:36 1759 [Note] InnoDB: Database was not shutdown normally!14:40
JesseDhammu2015-04-24 20:08:36 1759 [Note] InnoDB: Starting crash recovery.14:40
JesseDhammu2015-04-24 20:08:36 1759 [Note] InnoDB: Reading tablespace information from the .ibd files...14:40
JesseDhammu2015-04-24 20:08:36 1759 [Note] InnoDB: Restoring possible half-written data pages14:40
unopasteJesseDhammu you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted14:40
hyper_chBluesKaj: well, what will it overwrite?14:40
BluesKajhyper_ch, the / partition14:40
hyper_chif I have a / partition and tell the installer to use the / partition and not format it14:41
JesseDhammuDetails: The default configuration for the MySQL server was found and is readable at <a href='/etc/akonadi/mysql-global.conf'>/etc/akonadi/mysql-global.conf</a>.14:41
JesseDhammuFile content of '/etc/akonadi/mysql-global.conf':14:41
JesseDhammu# Global Akonadi MySQL server settings,14:41
murthyJesseDhammu: wait14:41
JesseDhammu# These settings can be adjusted using $HOME/.config/akonadi/mysql-local.conf14:41
unopasteJesseDhammu you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted14:41
hyper_chthe data should still be intact there... so when I have some /home/user/Video/Movie.mkv file that should still be there afterwards... or am I mistaken?14:41
murthyJesseDhammu: use paste.kde.org to give lengthy info14:41
JesseDhammu# Size of each log file in a log group (default:5M) larger means less I/O but more time for recovery.14:42
JesseDhammu# # error log file name, relative to datadir (default:hostname.err)14:42
JesseDhammu# print warnings and connection errors (default:1)14:42
BluesKajhyper_ch, ubiquity will still overwrite the data on / whether you format it or not14:42
unopasteJesseDhammu you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted14:42
hyper_chBluesKaj: and when you use alternate / mini installer?14:42
JesseDhammu# strict query parsing/interpretation14:43
JesseDhammu# TODO: make Akonadi work with those settings enabled14:43
JesseDhammu# sql_mode=strict_trans_tables,strict_all_tables,strict_error_for_division_by_zero,no_auto_create_user,no_auto_value_on_zero,no_engine_substitution,no_zero_date,no_zero_in_date,only_full_group_by,pipes_as_concat14:43
JesseDhammu# sql_mode=strict_trans_tables14:43
unopasteJesseDhammu you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted14:43
BluesKajonly if you hava a separate /home partition that isn't formatted can save your data14:43
G__81Sorry i got disconnected. Is there a way to install KDE Plasma 5.3 in Kubuntu 14.04 ?14:43
hyper_chBluesKaj: so what is the format option then good for..... hmmm....14:44
G__81actually Plasma 5.x14:44
JesseDhammu# Maximum size of one packet or any generated/intermediate string. (default:1M)14:44
G__81or is 15.04 the only solution ?14:44
JesseDhammu# Maximum simultaneous connections allowed (default:100)14:44
JesseDhammu# The two options below make no sense with prepared statements and/or transactions14:44
unopasteJesseDhammu you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted14:44
BluesKajhyper_ch, for formatting / , otherwise you will keep getting prompted that / has data on it and needs to be formatted14:45
JesseDhammuDetails: No resource agents have been found, Akonadi is not usable without at least one. This usually means that no resource agents are installed or that there is a setup problem. The following paths have been searched: '/usr/share/akonadi/agents'. The XDG_DATA_DIRS environment variable is set to '/usr/share/plasma:/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/'; make sure this includes all paths where Akonadi agents are installed.14:45
hyper_chBluesKaj: I'll test it in a vm14:45
JesseDhammuDirectory listing of '/usr/share/akonadi/agents':14:45
hyper_chwell, time to go home now14:45
unopasteJesseDhammu you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted14:46
G__81Can some one let me know please?14:46
murthyG__81: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/plasma-5.214:46
JesseDhammuDetails: The Akonadi server reported errors during its current startup. The log can be found in <a href='/home/jesse/.local/share/akonadi/akonadiserver.error'>/home/jesse/.local/share/akonadi/akonadiserver.error</a>.14:47
JesseDhammuFile content of '/home/jesse/.local/share/akonadi/akonadiserver.error':14:47
JesseDhammuDatabase process exited unexpectedly during initial connection!14:47
JesseDhammuexecutable: "/usr/sbin/mysqld-akonadi"14:47
JesseDhammuarguments: ("--defaults-file=/home/jesse/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf", "--datadir=/home/jesse/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/", "--socket=/tmp/akonadi-jesse.tODXjG/mysql.socket")14:47
JesseDhammustdout: ""14:47
unopasteJesseDhammu you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted14:47
BluesKajhyper_ch, testing in vm isn't the same as areal partition14:47
murthyG__81: There is a message in the webpage "Note this page is obsolete, to install Plasma 5 now use Kubuntu Vivid/15.04 beta"14:47
BluesKajJesseDhammu, what are you doing???14:47
G__81murthy: so the only option is to use 15.04 right?14:47
murthyG__81: Its the best option14:48
JesseDhammuFile content of '/home/jesse/.local/share/akonadi/akonadiserver.error.old':14:48
JesseDhammuDatabase process exited unexpectedly during initial connection!14:48
JesseDhammuexecutable: "/usr/sbin/mysqld-akonadi"14:48
JesseDhammuarguments: ("--defaults-file=/home/jesse/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf", "--datadir=/home/jesse/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/", "--socket=/tmp/akonadi-jesse.tODXjG/mysql.socket")14:48
JesseDhammustdout: ""14:48
JesseDhammustderr: "2015-04-24 20:08:35 0 [Warning] TIMESTAMP with implicit DEFAULT value is deprecated. Please use --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp server option (see documentation for more details).14:48
unopasteJesseDhammu you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted14:48
murthyG__81: plasma in 14.10 was for preview purpose14:48
G__81murthy: oh ok i thought if there is a way to install the plasma 5.2 in 14.04 LTS14:48
BluesKajG__81, you can install plasma 5/KF5 on kubuntu 14.10 ..it will work , but not on 14.0414:49
JesseDhammuNo previous Akonadi control error log found.14:49
JesseDhammuDetails: The Akonadi control process did not report any errors during its previous startup.14:49
JesseDhammuwhat to do with akondai sever14:49
BluesKajsomebody kick this guy , JesseDhammu14:49
G__81oh ok BluesKaj and moving forward there is no option to have any PPAs for the 14.04 for plasma 5 ?14:49
BluesKajG__81, none that i know of14:50
MoonUnit`JesseDhammu: there is a bug report about it https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/akonadi/+bug/143784614:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1437846 in akonadi (Ubuntu) "akonadi mysql 5.6 crash with signal 11" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:51
murthyits a known bug right?14:51
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kidxhow do i disable bouncy icosn onKDE 5.2 also how can i make the menu faster?15:22
alvinI lost all bookmarks in konsole (in this case, quite a lot) :-(15:24
qua-nonhey guys have there been many reports of kubuntu 15.04 not working atall on virtualbox?15:24
qua-nonafter a update from 14.10. I can't seem to even get to the login screen using default boot parameters15:25
BluesKajkidx, swystem settings>applications>launch feedback15:25
qua-nonusing upstart seems to get me to the loginscreen but kde5 locks soon after15:25
BluesKajqua-non, how did you upgrade ?15:26
qua-nonmuon update manager15:26
kidxthanks guys15:27
BluesKajqua-non, ok drop to  tty/vt with ctl+alt+f1 to f6  then update and upgrade, after that reboot15:27
BluesKajat the login15:27
qua-nonBluesKaj, did that, does not help15:27
qua-nonBluesKaj, sry seems your instructions didn't complete15:28
BluesKajdid you dist-upgrade too?15:28
BluesKajwhcich DM did you choose , sddm or lightdm15:29
soeeswitch to sddm15:29
BluesKajok , best to install sddm15:29
qua-nonok, trying15:30
BluesKajbloody vms, what apita15:31
hyper_chBluesKaj: it's not that I don't believe you... but testing it myself is like I don't believe you ;)15:31
kidxhow can I make my menu faster?15:31
kidxjust wondering15:31
soeeswitch t kicker15:32
BluesKajhyper_ch, it's not the same on a vm as it is on a real partition15:32
hyper_chBluesKaj: why not?15:32
BluesKajbecause it's virtual15:32
soeekidx: right click on menu, choose Alternatives and select Application Launcher15:32
hyper_chBluesKaj: it behaves like a real partition and harddisk even in the vm15:33
BluesKajtry it on a real install that resides on a partition, hyper_ch15:33
kidxit was a desktop effect15:33
kidxthats not what i mean I wanan make the menu popup faster15:33
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BluesKajno it doesn't and if you're telling ppl to do what you did above, then they're gonna lose all their data unless thy're on a vm too, hyper_ch15:34
hyper_chBluesKaj: first thing I told was to make a backup15:34
hyper_chand I said they might lose data15:34
hyper_chhence the backup15:35
BluesKajno matter , most ppl won't15:35
hyper_chBluesKaj: if I attach a usb pendrive to the vm and make the test there, would that satisfy you?15:37
hyper_chwhy not?15:37
BluesKajyou need a real partition,VMs are no substitute for the real partion15:38
hyper_cha vm with an attached usb pen15:38
hyper_chso there's a real partition on the usb pen15:38
BluesKajthat's all i have to say hyper_ch15:38
hyper_chwhy isn't the usbpen a real partition?15:39
qua-nonBluesKaj, apparently I had sddm installed and used, removing lightdm and it's kde greeter made no difference15:40
BluesKajhyper_ch,  you don't get it , I'm talking about installing to a real partition, not from one.15:40
hyper_chBluesKaj: you can attach a usb pendrive to a vm15:40
hyper_chso what's not real there when I then install onto that attached pendrive?15:41
BluesKajhyper_ch, that's it that's all, no more15:41
hyper_chI'm not install from the pendrive but TO THE PENDRIVE... you misunderstand15:41
BluesKaja pendrive is meant for live media not a permannebnt installation15:42
hyper_chhow does a pendrive differ from a ssd? both is flash storage15:42
BluesKajread above15:42
hyper_chstill not getting what the problem is.... creating a vm in vbox.... load the installer iso into the virtual dvd drive.... have a usb pendrive attached to the vm.... install into the pendrive... that's no live media but a permanent installation15:44
qua-nonBluesKaj, I am assuming something might have gone wrong in the upgrade. My initial install was using ubuntu minimal install on top of which I did `sudo apt-get install kde-desktop`15:45
qua-nonis it possible some new packages were introduced that might not have been installed in my system?15:45
lordievaderqua-non: Is plasma-desktop installed?15:45
BluesKajqua-non, perhaps you need to install kubuntu-dektop15:45
BluesKajerr desktop15:46
qua-nonlordievader, Plasma-desktop might not be , checking15:46
lordievader!info plasma-desktop vivid15:46
ubottuplasma-desktop (source: plasma-desktop): Tools and widgets for the desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:5.2.2-0ubuntu4 (vivid), package size 1548 kB, installed size 7819 kB15:46
qua-nonBluesKaj, kubuntu-desktop is there and updated15:46
BluesKajok qua-non as lordievader suggested, plsama-desktop15:47
BluesKajerr plasma-desktop15:48
BluesKajaltho it did install by default when upgraded by internet from 14.1015:49
qua-noninstalled, rebooting to check, virtualbox is making me angry15:49
qua-nonvirtualbox has too many issues with 3d acceleration :/15:50
qua-nonI didn't get such issues with 14.1015:50
qua-nondon't know who to blame :P, system d likes to take 2 minutes to lookup network interfaces15:51
BluesKajdunno why users think vms are the same as a real installation when they have so many problems associated with them15:52
lordievaderqua-non: It wasn't installed before?15:52
EtriaphG'day folks.15:52
lordievaderEtriaph: o/15:52
qua-nonok, that seems to have done something, it seems to work, although the plasma desktop seems to have a greyish theme not the whitish one showed inscreenshots of 15.1015:53
Etriaph15.10 or 15.04?15:53
qua-nonlordievader, apparently not15:53
qua-non15.04, sry15:53
lordievaderqua-non: That is odd...15:53
lordievaderqua-non: Amd64 14.10 -> 15.04 upgrade?15:53
lordievader!info plasma5-desktop vivid15:54
ubottuPackage plasma5-desktop does not exist in vivid15:54
MoonUnit`!info plasma-desktop vivid15:55
ubottuplasma-desktop (source: plasma-desktop): Tools and widgets for the desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:5.2.2-0ubuntu4 (vivid), package size 1548 kB, installed size 7819 kB15:55
denixxHi! I have a problem using kubuntu 15.04: When I do "ssh -l user -p 44 -L 8090:localhost:8090 -L 1234:localhost:5900 -R 5700:localhost:5900 my.hostname.org -N" - it opens connection, but when I try to use 5700 at remote computer, it says in local console "WARNING: Server requests forwarding for unknown listen_port 5700".15:57
denixxI'll appreciate any help.15:57
denixxIt looks like some bug.15:58
denixxI have a brief look at sources of openssh-client, there is channels.c, method "channel_connect_by_listen_address(const char *listen_host, u_short listen_port, char *ctype, char *rname)" tries to do "if (open_listen_match_tcpip(&permitted_opens[i], listen_host, listen_port, 1)) {" and if nothing suits - do this error.16:01
stuqhow do I change the auto-logout timing in 15.04?16:01
MoonUnit`stuq: desktop behaviour in settings16:02
MoonUnit`screen locking16:02
qua-nonlordievader, I found the source of my issues it was not plasma-desktop, it's enabling 3d that leads to a lot of issues on the vm including kde getting stuck sometimes16:02
stuqMoonUnit`: ty16:02
qua-nondisabling 3d has fixed the issues16:03
qua-nonbut I need 3d :/16:03
lordievaderVB and graphics allways has been crap.16:03
lordievaderBut that might just be my opninion.16:03
denixxI am trying to understand is it a bug somewhere in openssh-client, but do not understand C-things, I am a Java programmer, unfortunately :(16:03
qua-nonlordievader, I agree but I don't really have a option, I need to develop using 3d/opengl. Maybe I can disable the usage of opengl in kde?16:04
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lordievaderqua-non: Dual-boot / a better hypervisor ain't an option?16:04
qua-nonlordievader, nope :/16:05
lordievaderHeh, too bad.16:06
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lordievaderKVM/Qemu can passthrough a gpu ;)16:08
qua-nonI need to provide this as a standalone vm to clents, is qemu friendly enough for that ? was not last I tried16:09
qua-non plus kvm is linux only no?16:09
lordievaderWith virt-manager to manage it, sure.16:11
denixxOk, maybe I  should try ubuntu's mailing lists?16:11
rbergBluesKaj: we were talking about lvm mirror vs raid 1 the other day. I came across this old article suggesting you may lose FS barriers using device mapper (DM) on multi disk configs.. https://deranfangvomende.wordpress.com/2011/04/04/linux-lvm-mirroring-comes-at-a-price/16:11
rbergI wonder if that have changed since16:12
lordievaderOehh, interesting.16:13
* lordievader reads16:13
rosco_yHow can I fix my GUI so that I can easily drag windows across panels?16:15
mstopHi. Is here anybody from english-speaking country? Better US16:17
lordievaderrberg: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/150644/raiding-with-lvm-vs-mdraid-pros-and-cons16:17
rosco_yHi mstop16:17
hyper_chthere are cons against mdadm?16:19
mstopI heard two times beatiful female name... it sounds like Mannis or Menniz, how it type on a right manner?16:20
lordievaderhyper_ch: Sure, it is not very flexible.16:21
hyper_chlordievader: from what I read is that lvm-raid use mdadm16:21
hyper_chsorry.. it uses mdraid... whatever that is16:21
rbergwhat flexibility is missing?16:22
lordievaderYes, but as a per lv based scheme. Not per disk scheme.16:22
lordievaderYou can have a mix of all raid flavours with lvm on the same couple of disks.16:22
rbergohh thats pretty cool..16:23
* rberg sticks with raid 616:23
BluesKajmstop, do you have a kubuntu support question?16:23
hyper_chyou can also have all raid flavours on the same couple of disks with mdadm... IIRC16:23
rbergyeah I suppose you can if you make different raid levels out of partitions on disk16:24
lordievaderYes, but than you likely have fixed partitions.16:24
azorHi everyone, just installed Kubuntu 15.04 on Asus UX305. Brightness control function keys don't work, although changing brightness using xbacklight works fine. Anyone have any ideas how to make fn keys working on 15.04? (or some hints/where to look for solution?)16:27
hyper_chdoes canonical still stick to mir?16:30
lordievaderBelieve so.16:33
hyper_chdamn, the locale are totally weird.... all is english that's good... but date is still in mm/dd/yy and clock 12h format but gimp runs in german16:43
hyper_chterminal is also german16:43
plasma_questionhello folks, i am using the new KUBUNTU 15.04 and i am very enthusiastic about it, so nice! just one question: desktop-symbols for staring programs have a white quadratic background, for me this is ugly, how could i switch this off, i cant find it how to do so?16:51
alimandamn i just install new version 15.04 and is awesome16:55
murthyaliman: nice16:57
alimanbut unfortunatly now i need to get all my movies back like 200 cuz i lost em16:58
murthyoh. Take care next time17:00
alimannaa i wanted to do it. i created 3 partitions now so next time i just format /17:01
BluesKajaliman, so / ,  /home and swap ?17:07
alimancan anybody tell me which is the best adds block for firefox?17:08
MoonUnit`ublock is pretty light on resources.17:10
BluesKajublock works well tho17:11
alimanBluesKaj, thx17:13
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jaloDid anyone successfully install kubuntu 32bit on PC?17:39
jaloFrom DVD?17:39
jaloAsking because I didn't. Runs well on VM but not on PC.17:43
M1C4HTRON13anyone know how to get xchat to show in the systray in 15.04?17:50
MoonUnit`M1C4HTRON13: http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2014/06/where-are-my-systray-icons/17:51
MoonUnit`until they fix it you'll have to use an app to see them17:52
M1C4HTRON13thanks MoonUnit`17:52
MoonUnit`martins blog suggests wmsystemtray, personally find trayer to be better.17:53
personalRunning kubuntu 14.04 lts x64 , fully updated . Finally figured out had to put a name in the get Jovie to talk, after an hour searching on the internet. Installed fesival from info on ubuntu help pages. Sounds nice enouth. I dont mind jovie voice but can't understend it half the time. Can't get jovie to use festival . Plently of BonJohn Jovie on google and can''t uderstand entire books of developer jargon .18:08
dtalmageIf I wanted to work on a Plasma 5.0 tablet user experience, who should I contact?18:09
personalI could of read the entire works of encyclopedia britanica trying to operate ubuntu18:11
lordievaderdtalmage: Probably somone in #kde-devel.18:11
dtalmageOh, not #kubuntu?  OK.  I'll try there.  Thanks!18:12
personalanybody know how to get jovie to notice festival ?18:15
donnieWill ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports recieve the stable release of Plasma 5.3?18:17
personalPlasma 5 keeps crashing18:17
personalNothing ever gets completed , nor stable.18:19
BrianH78hey everyone!  i ran into a weird issue and was wondering if someone in here had any insight...i upgraded kubuntu 14.10 to 15.04 last night.  when i went to log in this morning, it was telling me i was using the wrong password, and now i can't get in.  anyone have any ideas?  **sadface**18:20
MoonUnit`personal: found a post on kubuntu forums, might to too old to be useful though. https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?57248-The-festival-does-not-work-with-Speech-Dispatcher-and-Jovie-please-help!&p=286929&viewfull=1#post28692918:21
personal<moonunit> ok thanks, ill check it out18:22
personal<moonunit> yeah , i read that entire post 3 times already . Tryied it, but did not work18:23
martin-uI upgraded to the latest Kubuntu where they use KF5. Now all my personal settings are back to the default. How do I migrate them?18:23
personalwith the pass word thing , press control alt F4 , maybe that will get you in to a shell18:25
BrianH78personal: hopefully.  the question is, then, will it still tell me i have the wrong password?  ;-)18:26
fknuppercan anyone help me? i want to create a menü-entry18:27
personalI don't know but you can check. I dont know how to hack peoples accounts.18:27
BrianH78personal: LOL  i'm just hoping to not have to burn it down and rebuild it again.  =318:27
fknupperin folder are the icons?18:28
BrianH78thanks for the tip, personal!18:29
bOSKEi just upgraded and changed double click in setings and now i double click to open files18:29
bOSKEbut on desktop18:29
bOSKEwhen i double click it opens 2 times same app18:30
bOSKEdont know what to change now18:30
personal<BrainH78> Yeah i know what you mean . I'v being trying to remaster , so atleast i got the essentials , but have not manged to yet . 4 gb limit is a huge head ache.18:30
lordievaderBrianH78: You could allways bootup with init=/bin/bash or in single user mode and change your user password from there.18:31
MoonUnit`bOSKE: there is a double click setting in dolphin and also a setting in settings/input devices/mouse18:31
BrianH78lordievader: i will try that if personal's CTRL+ALT+F4 trick doesn't drop me somewhere I can fix this.  thanks!18:33
BrianH78i just wonder if the system hiccoughed while upgrading while i was asleep...LOL18:34
personal<BrainH78> i think any of the F's will do , and the orginal terminal is on F7 if i remeber ringt, but one of them any way, every F opens up a new terminal and the whole system runs in one of them . Pitty can't open seperate instances of it on all of them , seems to go bakc to same x sssion when type startx18:36
bOSKEMoonUnit`, i have changed it but only on desktop i have one click it gets me upset :)18:37
BrianH78personal: cool cool18:37
personal15.04 is unstable . It's like a complety new series , like when gnome and unity came out, as soon as they start getting good , they get dropped18:39
bOSKEi knew it i should not upgrade :/18:40
BrianH78personal: i think it's going to be cool once all the bugs get worked out (15.10, maybe?).18:41
personalThe bugs never get worked out , like pushing apimple down anouther one pops up some where eles.18:42
personalMost bugs are cuased by change or grammer and spelling mistakes, there like dozen of computer launguges floating around and they change on a minute by miunte basis18:43
personalI'm betting these not a single stable releast of debain and it's supposed to be well know for it. Best to accct realty and plan on these thing happenig alot18:44
lordievaderA tty still poses a login, the options I gave do not ;), personal, BrianH7818:45
personalYeah its a good idea, 2 idea's are better then none .18:46
BrianH78personal: true...but at least we aren't stuck under the thumb of the redmond jerks.  ;-)18:47
personalWho's redmond ?18:47
BrianH78lordievader: i wonder if, because i never logged out (just went to screensaver), it would require my password...haven't tried that yet18:47
BrianH78personal: redmond, Washington...microsoft's headquarters18:48
personalOh ok , nice to know .18:48
personalMicrosoft and google , are the reason i put up with so much. When i use windows , it crashes and burns ten times as much as linux18:50
BrianH78personal: same...i only use windows at work because i have to.18:50
personalSame .18:50
BrianH78hey lordievader: if i don't usually get boot options, is there a quick and easy way to force single user mode before it gets to the GUI?\18:51
lordievaderBrianH78: Hold shift after the bios screen.18:51
BrianH78lordievader: thanks...couldn't remember if it was shift or CTRL18:52
personalIf it dont work have a look at https://www.kali.org/ and ask if somebody knows how to crack it.18:54
personalWe all use weak passwords becuase we have to type it in so ofthen and rember so many of them.18:55
personalIf that fails, might have to read the works of Alan Turing , Lol.18:57
lordievaderpersonal: Heh, you maybe.18:57
lordievaderAnyhow the default Ubuntu setup is rather weak in terms of security if you don't do full disk encrytion and do have hardware access.18:58
BrianH78i dunno...my password is pretty strong...at least that's what ubuntu tells me.  ;-)18:58
personalAre you goign to tell me you have a pass word that 1 out of a million other people dont have ? . They have lists and we are animals , we have habbits, we have trits, we have an ubringing in very predictable  ways. Take baout an hour to run through a billion passwords.18:59
Ironic57Please help- Upgrade 14.10 to 15.10 hang at 61% anyway to refresh it, or do I reboot, and cross my fingers?19:00
lordievaderpersonal: I am going to tell you that the password I have NO ONE else has.19:00
lordievaderOnly by brute forcing it you may find out.19:01
personalI really dought that. Cia can be hacked in to, absoluty nothing can't19:01
Ironic57watherboarding should work19:01
personalEven all those truecryt has being hacked19:01
personalthat will do it, or just play barneys " I love you , you love me " , for a few weeks19:02
Ironic57Can anyone help- Upgrade 14.10 to 15.10 hang at 61% anyway to refresh it, or do I reboot, and cross my fingers?19:02
bazhang!ot | personal19:03
ubottupersonal: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!19:03
lordievaderIronic57: For how long has it been in that state?19:04
Ironic57@Lord- about 2 1/2 hours since it said 31 minutes remaining19:05
lordievaderHmm, does top show  any activity for dpkg or apt?19:06
Ironic57@Lord- any konsole comment I can use to kick it in the can?19:06
personal<ubottu> How do i get kovie working , with any speech-dispacher but its own - it sounds alwful19:06
geniiIronic57: Are you able to get to a different console if you do ctrl-alt-F2-6 ?19:06
lordievaderIronic57: top ;)19:06
bOSKEwhere i can submit bugs for kubuntu?19:06
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lordievaderpersonal: ubottu is a bot ;)19:06
lordievader!bugs | bOSKE19:07
ubottubOSKE: If you find a bug in Kubuntu, please follow the instructions at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Bugs/Reporting to report the issue to the developers.19:07
Ironic57@Lord- Window is now blank, but it said installing libsane-hpaio (386) at 61%19:07
personalLol , who isn't19:08
lordievaderIronic57: Open a terminal and run 'top' for a while, see if dpkg or apt is active.19:09
personalCan i look at the code , maybe i can get it to figure out problems19:09
personal<bOSKE> dmesg , might help . dmesg | more19:11
BrianH78lordievader, personal: thanks for your help!  gotta get back to the workday.  cheers!19:12
ubuntuerhi guys19:12
ubuntuerı want to learn something19:12
personal<BrainH78> No worries , better then nothing i hope. Have a good one .19:12
ubuntuerwith modern and normal hdd whats the startup time ?19:13
lordievaderI got 38 seconds on a luks -> lvm Gentoo install.19:14
personal<ubuntuer> Scritch my back and i'll scratch yours, is ruby a good lauguge to learn , will it help work on ubuntu and fix problems ?19:14
ubuntueri asked wrong19:14
Ironic57Total noob here, I have 141 task, no dpkg or apt in the command column19:14
ubuntueri miss something19:14
ubuntuerı mean kubuntu19:15
ubuntuerstartup time19:15
Ironic57How do I direct comments in here?19:15
lordievaderubuntuer: I know ;)19:15
lordievaderIronic57: The <- name thing? Type the first few letters then tab to autocomplete.19:15
lordievaderIronic57: Anyhow, 'ps aux|grep apt\|dpkg' doesn't return anything?19:16
geniiubuntuer: I have a dual SSD as RAID1, From powering on switch to login screen of lightdm on Kubuntu 14.10 is about 20 seconds. After login, about another 12-15 seconds until my session comes up with konsole, firefox, quassel, and  VLC running19:18
Ironic57<lord> that last command returns this: 1904  0.0  0.0   4532  2060 pts/9    S+   15:17   0:00 grep --color=auto apt|dpkg19:18
lordievaderIronic57: Hmm, you can kill the upgrade window. Looks pretty dead to me.19:19
lordievaderIronic57: After you've killed it run 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' in your terminal.19:19
Ironic57<lord>- so download 15.10 to usb, and overwrite partition?19:20
personal<Ironic57> Thats bit risky , maybe change the server and try again .19:21
bazhangno such thing19:21
lordievaderIronic57: 15.10 is not yet released ;) No do as I say ;)19:21
Ironic57@Lord- The window won't die- won't quit19:21
lordievaderIronic57: Run 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' in a terminal.19:21
lordievaderIronic57: Ctrl + alt + esc -> click window19:22
Ironic57@lord- will do19:22
jla2Is the calendar holidays feature gone in 15.04?19:22
Ironic57@Lord- Returns: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?19:23
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:23
Ironic57ok- No idea who's addressing who19:25
lordievaderIronic57: The ubottu thing was to you ;)19:26
geniiIronic57: If you used sudo with the command that was given and you're still getting the message about not locking the file, use the instructions provided by the bot19:27
Ironic57@Lord- It's dead- thx19:27
geniiIronic57: You can't get any other consoles with c trl-alt-(F2 key through F6 key)  ?19:28
Ironic57@Lord- this command?: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a19:28
Ironic57I have terminal open np tasks19:28
lordievaderIronic57: That's what ubottu says ;)19:28
Ironic57@Lord- Returns:  USER        PID ACCESS COMMAND /var/lib/dpkg/lock:  root      32505 F.... dpkg Kill process 32505 ? (y/N)19:30
personalsudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock19:32
lordievaderIronic57: Yes kill it, but do not remove it.19:33
Ironic57@Lord- is killing a ton of processes and requests restart19:34
lordievaderNot just that  32505 process?19:34
Ironic57@Lord- is setting up in terminal- thyvm19:34
Ironic57@Lord- going to leave terminal run, and when it's done will restart- tysvm19:35
lordievaderIronic57: What are you running exactly?19:36
Ironic57@Lord- I typed Y to kill the process as you said- and it's installing and setting up a ton of things19:37
lordievaderHmm, it is configuring things...19:37
lordievaderAfter it finishes run 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' again.19:38
jla2Nevermind, a Google tells me KDE PIM libraries haven't been ported yet.19:38
Ironic57@Lord- I appreciate your help- thx19:38
Ironic57@Lord- w/o restart?19:38
lordievaderIronic57: Yes, without restart.19:41
personal2 operators , a supected robot and 277 users , and not single person knows whats goign on with KDE text to speech19:43
Ironic57@Lord- It's updating everything so it'll be awhile, will do as you said before restart (sudo apt-get dist-upgrade) before restart- Thanks again19:43
lordievaderpersonal: Don't think it is a feature in high demand.19:45
lordievaderpersonal: You can allways try #kde.19:45
personal<lordievader> Really 100 million retards in the world trying to use computers . What about poor black hole guy ?19:46
personal<lordievader> Stephan hawkings . I'v lost how many times i'v seen people on t.v with the needy , saying computers are going to set them free of their hell19:48
bazhangpersonal, please stop that offtopic chat19:49
personalA main feature on KDE is off topic ?19:50
personalI thought ubuntu ment humanity . I'll check out the other channel mentioned.19:55
bazhangthis is a support channel personal , there are chat channels,19:56
personalTheres a bing bang singluarity, some where to. Do you mind shinning a torch , so i can find it20:00
lordievaderThis is what bazhang means, offtopic chatter. We got #kubuntu-offtopic for that.20:02
derloeweHi there. I'm using Kubuntu 15.04 and I have a problem with Kontact - it doesn't start.20:22
derloewethere could be an issue with the akonadi-server... hello, is there anybody out there?20:29
geniiderloewe: If you try to start it from inside Konsole, is there any informative output?20:29
derloewegenil: yeah. where can i paste the output?20:33
derloewesorry... your name is <genii>20:33
genii!pastebin | derloewe20:34
ubottuderloewe: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:34
derloewegenii: Okay, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10881126/ ... here is the output.20:36
geniiYeah looks like there's some akonadi messages in there, among other things20:39
derloeweSo ... what can I do?20:41
geniiderloewe: The problem looks to be beyond a simple fix which I could give you. I would report a bug for it.20:41
Chaser_Hi, on kubuntu 15.04 is there a way to set 24 hour time on digital clock ?20:44
derloeweOkay, thank you. Kubuntu 15.04 is quite "new", so there can be some issues? I can still view my mails using Firefox and the web-interface of GMail...20:44
geniiderloewe: Yes, on every new release there is always some kinks and growing pains for the first few months after it comes out. The best thing is look at launchpad for kmail bugs and see if that one is known already, if so add to that report. If no existing one same symptoms, start a new report.20:45
qdatamy very first attempt at looking at 15.04 in Vbox is a fail; I so wish they would revisit this 'must release on some deadline'  and reconsider 'release when ready'20:45
qdataif it can't pass some early tests in vbox I'm not going to format my hard drive and install....20:46
geniiqdata: I saw something of this earlier in another channel... one moment...20:47
lordievaderqdata: In KVM Vivid works fine.20:47
derloewegenii: thanks a lot for your help. i will take a look at launchpad for kmail.20:48
geniiqdata: Earlier in #xubuntu, a user could not install 15.04 into virtualbox which was running on a 14.04 host system. It was recommended to remove the repository version of virtualbox and install the Oracle version, which worked in that case.20:51
qdataI made the mistake of letting the driver manager thingy install the vbox guest extensions, now I have no mouse and the menu bar at bottom has crashed out and disappearred20:51
genii( after they also installed the latest guest additions after going to the Oracle version )20:52
qdataI'm going to do another fresh install and not do that on #220:52
qdatagenii: thanks20:52
qdataI have a little time to play but when it runs out and I have to go back to work I'm done20:53
qdataI do backup with Clonezilla images so I can do a hard drive install if I want and if I don't like it I can always roll back20:54
qdatabut right now I gotta have my workstation up for $real_life work, maybe over the weekend I'll try a real install and see20:55
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a5001HI - Trying to install Kubuntu via usb iso - but come up with error "stdin: not a typewriter" anyone know what this means?21:05
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mparilloChaser_: I opened https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34098221:13
ubottuKDE bug 340982 in kcm_formats "I cannot set my short date to YYYY-MM-DD, nor my time to HH:MM" [Wishlist,Confirmed]21:13
mparilloChaser_: The way I understand it (and I am not technical), basically in Plasma 5 these kind of configs are inherited from Qt, and if Qt does not support it for your locale, you can try a different one, but the kind of configuration you used to be able to do in System Settings in Plasma 4 is not available in Plasma 5. .21:15
mparilloChaser_: I think the developers would prefer Qt implement it directly, users consider it a functional regression.21:16
nfk|laptophow is color management supposed to be done with 15.04?21:28
soee_i dont think its ported yet21:28
soee_one moment21:28
nfk|laptopoyranos or that shitcolord?21:29
soee_hm im not usre21:31
lordievaderDoesn't oyranos work in Plasma5?21:32
nfk|laptopit's not shipped by default21:32
nfk|laptopkwin seems to have hooks for it, though21:32
nfk|laptopwhich is why i'm asking how it's supposed to be done so that i can enable it21:32
nfk|laptopup to 15.04 gnome's colord was used but that failure couldn't even manage to set edit much less proper color management21:33
nfk|laptop*edit profile21:33
nfk|laptop*set profile from edid21:33
nfk|laptopbtw, is anyone seeing bad performance with Intel(R) WiFi Link 5100 AGN?21:50
nfk|laptopssh as well as pure tcp are showing less than 20% of the former performance21:51
nfk|laptopactually, 20% turned out to be an overstatement, just more than 50% speed drop though jitter is really bad21:57
nfk|laptopi'm seeing seconds with like 0 kb/s21:57
PhilippePAfter dist-upgrading last night , I was stuck at logon screen ... after investigation , the problem was my user was not in nopasswdlogin group ... after adding myself to that group login worked ... Hurray !21:58
nfk|laptopaha, it's negotiated much higher rate than in the past, could that be causing issues?21:59
Chaser_mparillo: thanks a lot. will checkout the bug report.22:05
typhoon_2099Is anyone else having trouble after upgrading to 15.04? I'm booting into a blank screen (after a breif flash of "starting version 219"). I've checked the Googlewebs and tried to restart the sddm service but this has not had any effect. I can still boot in with startx.22:14
geniityphoon_2099: Are you using sddm or lightdm for login manager, and do you have multiple displays? A bug earlier today if lightdm and multiple monitors:  https://launchpad.net/bugs/141040622:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1410406 in lightdm-gtk-greeter (Ubuntu) "black screen after booting, 100% cpu usage" [Critical,Confirmed]22:16
geniityphoon_2099: The current workaround is in the 9th post there22:17
typhoon_2099I did have multiple displays but my first debuig step was to purge the nvidia drivers, so my HDMI port should not be functioning. I'm using SDDM as my login manager, I removed lightdm in case there was a conflict.22:18
geniityphoon_2099: Does lsmod show that nouveau is loaded?22:19
typhoon_2099lsmod | grep nouveau22:20
typhoon_2099nouveau 1400832 222:20
typhoon_2099mxm_wmi 16384 1 nouveau22:20
typhoon_2099ttm 98304 1 nouveau22:20
typhoon_2099i2c_algo_bit 16384 2 i915,nouveau22:20
typhoon_2099drm_kms_helper 122880 2 i915,nouveau22:20
unopastetyphoon_2099 you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted22:20
geniityphoon_2099: Perhaps I should have specified to use a pastebin :)22:21
typhoon_2099Haha, yeah I didn't consider I'd be muted, I'm not on IRC too often (just getting back into it). It does appear to be working though, i even managed to get DOTA 2 running.22:22
geniiHm, i915. So this looks like Optimus or similar nvidia/intel hybrid card22:23
genii( i915 is Intel driver)22:23
typhoon_2099It's a GT630M/Intel HD 5000.22:24
geniityphoon_2099: I would suggest to install again the nvidia drivers, first from official repositories and see if that helps. Also to put GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="nouveau.nomodeset=1"  into /etc/default/grub after that and sudo update-grub22:28
typhoon_2099I just tried running `sddm-greeter --test-mode` in the konsole and noticed the following error:file:///Main.qml: File not found22:33
typhoon_2099It looks like the issue may be related to the theme?22:34
geniityphoon_2099: You had left earlier just before I had a recommendetion... i will repost it22:35
typhoon_2099Sorry, rebooted to trya gain22:36
geniityphoon_2099: I would suggest to install again the nvidia drivers, first from official repositories and see if that helps. Also to put GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="nouveau.nomodeset=1" into /etc/default/grub after that and sudo update-grub22:36
typhoon_2099Okay, I'll give that a go and see what happens22:38
geniityphoon_2099: The next tactic would be to add the xorg-edgers PPA and use those drivers22:39
typhoon_2099I was using those before.22:39
typhoon_2099I'll try nvidia-346-updates22:39
typhoon_2099If this does not work then I may try `sddm --example-config > /etc/sddm.conf` and see what happens22:41
geniidarthanubis: For the first one - Have you tried in Konsole to install it? eg: sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer    ..and maybe get some additional info if it fails22:42
darthanubisIt installs and doesn't fail. It removes and doesn't fail. But this notice remains in either case22:42
geniidarthanubis: As for the Quassel, no immediate idea on it, sorry.22:45
darthanubisI really don't care if quassel gets fixed or not. I just want to sort this kde daemon notification aberration.22:45
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geniiI do know the Quassel devs were experiencing issues with porting it to the new framework. For now I'm staying on the 14.10 until such things are sorted.22:47
rosco_yJust now trying to setup my hp laserjet.  The test page printed.  I send it a small test job and it does nothing, but after a half-minute, it reports the job as "completed".  Does anyone have advice?22:50
darthanubisyou are missing some more hp packages, and there is a hp test to run from cmdline22:51
darthanubisrun hp-check from cmdline22:51
rosco_ydarthanubis: ty, I'll try google in that direction for a while :)22:52
rosco_ywow, that does give a lot of feedback....22:53
rosco_ydarthanubis: ty, I'll look at that too...22:58
rosco_yI like this hp-doctor--not only finds the trouble, it's fixing it too (fingers x'd)22:59
darthanubiscan anyone repoduce my first issue?23:06
rosco_yhp-check reported a lots of missing depencies and hp-doctor cleared up everything, so all the status' are OK now, test page printed, but not printing from gvim ('asdf')....maybe reboot?23:07
rosco_yWell, my think is that a reboot couldn't hurt anything, although I'm pretty sure that some linux gurus would reprimend me, saying "You should almost never need to reboot your linux."....23:12
Taggnostr4I just upgraded my computer to kubuntu 15.04 and now it's getting stuck on the loading screen just after the login23:29
Taggnostr4kwin_x11 is eating all the CPU and the loading bar doesn't seem to advance23:30
darthanubiswhat kind of computer??23:30
Taggnostr4Any idea how can I fix this?23:30
darthanubiswhat was running on it before23:30
darthanubiswhat kind of graphics card?23:30
Taggnostr4An old laptop, it was running 14.10, nvidia graphics23:31
darthanubisyou upgraded or fresh installed?23:31
darthanubishave you tried to get to tty and restart sddm?23:32
Taggnostr4During the upgrade I got a prompt that asked me to choose between lightdm and sddm iirc, and I pick lightdm23:33
Taggnostr4Maybe I should switch to sddm?23:33
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Taggnostr4Not sure how to switch/restart it though23:34
darthanubisJust install sddm and it will ask you to choose again23:36
darthanubisyou know how to get a fresh tty right23:36
Taggnostr4Should I just apt-get it?23:37
Taggnostr4It seems already installed23:37
darthanubisnow uninstall lightdm23:38
Taggnostr4Done. Should I reboot now?23:39
darthanubisbb in 10mins myself23:41
stormchaser3000um i am using kubuntu 15.04 and um.23:43
Taggnostr4Now it passed the loading screen but it's all black23:43
stormchaser3000how do i change the color of the orion gtk theme?23:43
stormchaser3000would be nice to not have to use oxygen-gtk to be able to change the gtk colors23:45
odmenhey ppl23:50
odmenis anybody uses kubuntu 15.04?23:50
odmenhow good is it?23:50
odmenis there any way to upgrade from 14.04 to 15.04, or only fresh install?23:51
Taggnostr4The login screen looks nice, haven't managed going last that yet :)23:51
DragnslcrI think you have to upgrade to 14.10 first, then you can upgrade to 15.0423:51
odmenarrgggh shame..23:52
odmenit looks very nice, but what about stability?23:52
Taggnostr4darthanubis, even with sddm as default desktop manager, kwin_x11 is eating all the CPU23:59

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