
Kiloshelloooo africa05:05
Kiloselacheche  we have work soon06:25
elachecheKilos, can I get a scoop?08:14
Kilosa scoop of what elacheche08:14
Kilosoh there is a new applicant08:14
Kilosone of the lubuntu peeps i think08:15
elachecheNice :) :)08:20
elachechestickyboy, still fighting with tha xml?08:21
Kiloselacheche  look at this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StreamlineMembershipApproval10:18
Kilosso how do we go about doing this for africa10:19
elachecheKilos, that's a very very old wiki page.. We don't use that any more (as Ubuntu Membership Board :p You should knew that :p).. Otherwise, you want to make a membership like for #ubuntu-africa ? Yeah why not.. We ( #ubuntu-tn ) have done something like that from the beginning of our activities.. We called it Freedom Fighters Group.. In fact we have 2 groups, MC ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TunisianTeam/ComiteDirection ) and FF ( http10:25
elacheches://wiki.ubuntu.com/TunisianTeam/FreedomFightersGroup )10:25
Kilosso then can you approve members or must they still go to the membership board elacheche10:27
elachecheYou're talking about FF members?10:27
Kilosubuntu membership man10:28
Kiloswe have guys that think they havent contributed enough but they taught me every thing form when i started with ubuntu10:29
elachecheHold on! why we're talking about ubuntu membership? O_o I don't get it, you want to do something like that for this team, or you're just asking about the real ubuntu membership10:29
elachecheAh! You want to push those guys to be Ubuntu Members?10:30
Kilosi read that they are streamlining the process10:30
Kilosor is that also old10:30
Kilosi dont see everything , i have one old eye and one blind eye so rtfs frustrates me10:31
elachecheThe wiki page you shared is outdated ( 2008 ).. Do you have any other link?? Many years ago there was Membership boards based on TZ and continents10:32
elachecheNow we have only ONE board with just 2 TZ10:32
elachecheI mean with 2 meetings10:32
elachecheDo you get me?10:33
Kilosok ty10:33
Kilossee the new applicant10:33
Kilosworks on lubuntu10:34
elachecheAh now I can understand! Based on that old wiki you thought that we should get a board for africa too.. But the informations on that wiki are no more valid..10:34
Kilosif you dont remind me about the meeting ill steal all your dates and camel milk10:34
Kilosya i was hoping we could do an africa board but never mind if its old. ty for the help10:35
elachecheL00L.. You're mistaken Kilos I don't own palms of camel :D You should visit Tunisia once..10:36
elachecheKilos, you know what is the problem?10:36
elachecheThere is many old wikis.. And they are so many, so nobody update them or maintain them.. That's the same problem with my LoCo Team wiki.. My next loco project is to reduce the number of wiki pages in ubuntu-tn to 10% or less..10:38
elachecheWhen we are many we create many pages, when the guys aregone or busy no 1 or 2 persons can't manage all those wikis10:38
Kilosgood the main ubuntu peeps should do the same10:38
elachecheI agree, I'll start trying doing this with my loco, so I can figure out the best way to do it without losing time or informations, then will see about the rest ;)10:39
Kiloscool, good man10:40
Kilosmake neo do some work too10:40
elachechei'll try :)10:41
Kiloshi there melodie12:21
melodiehi Kilos how are you?12:21
Kilosim good ty and you?12:21
melodienot bad, thanks!12:21
melodiehow is the project going?12:21
Kilosgetting there slowly12:22
Kilosjust need to advertise the site more i think12:22
Kiloswill do that this weekend12:22
Kilosoh and looking for more translators12:24
melodieif your site would have a blog using Wordpress you could use the Publicize tool from the Jetpack plugin (provided by the devs of Wordpress) and have your posts forwarded to all the main social network12:24
Kilosbut into afrikan languages12:24
melodiefor that part, perhaps the Ubuntu forums would be a good place to announce to?12:24
Kilosill get one of our guys that use wordpress to do that for me12:25
melodieKilos on our side, for now we need testers. Could you advertise ?12:25
Kilosim hoping it will be in the next ubuntu weekly news letter12:25
melodiewell Wordpress can do wonderful things with all the gpl'ed plugins12:26
melodieI have posted little things about it on several of my blogs, but the best is to stick with the posts from their places, wordpress.org and wordpress.com12:26
melodiehave a "ubuntuafrica.wordpress.com", then from there get a askimet key, they you can do lots12:27
melodieaskimet key is the first protection against spam, then one more can be added12:27
Kiloswhew you really want to wear me out12:27
melodiethen with Jetpack come numerous tools for every kind of use12:27
melodieKilos "wear you out"? I don't know what it means12:28
melodiebut if it's too much info I stop! :D12:28
Kilosgive me too much to think about and do12:29
Kilosothers read here as well so its fine12:29
melodieI was just spreading crumbs, your Wordpress expert can consult mine if he wants to.12:29
melodieKilos look at the pic here? :D http://linuxvillage.org/blog/2015/04/24/sushi-trusty-a-tester/12:29
melodiethis is the i386 version12:30
melodiethe x86_64 has a different default background: http://linuxvillage.org/wp-content/uploads/images/sushi2-x86_64.png12:31
Kilosoh looks good12:31
melodieI'll do more pics in the coming days (some with the system started in English too)12:31
Kiloslike gnome212:31
melodiebut not desktop at all, just 3 main programs and config files easy to edit12:32
melodiewe have to write tutorials too12:32
melodieall people interest to join are welcome12:32
melodiejust Openbox means lighter, and the setting is first meant for non tech users, I have it installed at several people's places around my place12:33
melodieit's snappy, and they are happy ! :D12:33
Kilosthats good12:33
Kilosi need something light for old pc12:34
elachecheSalut melodie12:34
melodiehow old is that PC?12:34
melodiehello elacheche !12:34
Kilosbut no time to learn new stuff12:34
Kilosearly p412:34
melodieI'd like to discuss with you about something elacheche if you have a few minutes for me12:34
Kilos2g ddr ram12:35
melodieearly p4 with what graphics, cpu power and ram?12:35
Kilosvery slow12:35
melodievery good12:35
melodieway enough12:35
melodieand which p4 cpu?12:35
melodieyes Pentium is Intel12:35
melodiegreat! Bento should be very comfortable in there12:36
melodieyou can try one as is, or wait for the full blown version, as you like12:36
Kilosonly i have to download after midnight12:36
melodieI would like to have some feedback before I push other ones though12:36
melodiewill you be traveling and meeting a lot with the other African LoCo teams in the future? I might have an idea (not sure how good it is yet)12:37
melodieelacheche "<melodie> I'd like to discuss with you about something elacheche if you have a few minutes for me"12:38
Kilosill try stay up and doanload it melodie12:38
Kiloshe takes a while to answer12:38
melodieKilos do you know how to use wget in the console, to download and resume interrupted downloads?12:38
Kiloswget -c12:39
melodiewith the -c and eventually --limit-rate when needed12:39
Kilosand i supposee i can use at12:39
melodieyour P4 is 32bits right?12:39
melodieyou might be one of the first testers on that version, you don't mind?12:40
Kilosno i like helping12:40
melodieI mean apart from myself12:40
Kilosjust just expect technical feedback12:40
melodie<Kilos> he takes a while to answer a while to answer || he is probably at work12:41
Kilosyes he is12:41
melodieKilos you tell me if that works well for your machine, and if something does not work the way you want, and whatever question about how to configure this or that?12:41
melodieis that what you can do?12:41
Kilosyes i can do that12:42
melodieis the P4 a tower or a laptop?12:42
Kilosfirst it needs to identify 3g modem12:42
melodieI am not sure the drivers for wifi are already in it12:42
melodienot sure about 3g modem, I have to check12:42
melodiedo you know the package name for that?12:42
Kilosnetwork manager12:44
melodienever mind if you don't12:45
melodienetwork-manager isn't the driver, don't worry I'll find out12:45
Kilosand modeswitch must work12:46
melodiethere are usb-modeswitch 2.1.1+repack0-1ubuntu112:47
melodieusb-modeswitch-data 20140327-112:47
melodieand several packages from ppp to pppoe and others12:47
melodieI'll look what is needed for 3g modems on the wikis12:47
melodiewhat is the brand and model 3g modem of your's?12:49
melodiethat can help me find12:49
melodiethere are several options shown on that wiki page for 3g modems12:49
Kilosd-link 15612:50
melodieok, I can find with that12:51
melodieI think12:51
melodiethis one? http://www.materiel.net/connexion-wi-fi/d-link-dwm-156-60322.html12:52
Kilosyes thats it12:54
melodieis it DWM as this one, or DWL ? Both exist12:56
melodiewhich version of Ubuntu works well with it? If you are using it now, what about I get information from your system? (thinking of "lsmod" output)12:58
melodiethe official one?12:58
Kilos12.04 didnt see it i had to use hacks12:59
melodieKilos if you do "lsmod > lsmod.txt" you will get the list of drivers loaded in the lsmod.txt file13:03
melodiethen you can paste it?13:03
melodieif you have pastebinit installed, after you just need doing " pastebinit lsmod.txt" (without the quotes) and you get the url to your paste13:03
Kiloswhere does it save to13:04
melodiein the current directory13:04
melodiewhen you open a console from the menu, it's opened in /home/you13:05
melodieyou can check that with the command "pwd"13:05
melodiejust type pwd and you know where you are in the tree directory13:05
elachecheSorry melodie I didn't seen your message..13:08
melodieelacheche no problem, when you can13:08
elachechehow can I help13:08
melodieKilos I look13:08
melodieKilos here loot at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkManager/Hardware/3G#Provider_info13:09
melodiequoting : " Huawei E230 (HSUPA)13:09
melodieworks out of the box13:09
melodie3 Austria, MTN South Africa "13:09
elachechemelodie, If it's not an emergency I'll be on irc the night using ubuntiste-msakni :)13:10
melodieelacheche it's not urgent, and it does not take long either13:10
melodieKilos pptp-linux 1.7.2-7 is installed13:11
melodiefrom your paste:13:11
melodienf_nat_pptp            13115  013:11
melodieis not used13:11
melodieI have to check further13:11
Kilosi only see vodacom by south africa but the modem uses telkom mobile as well13:11
melodie Huawei E230 (HSUPA)  Austria, MTN South Africa13:13
melodieKilos there are several13:13
melodieI guess I'll have to make sure all bluetooth is installed too13:14
melodiebluetooth             391136  10 bnep,rfcomm13:14
melodiefrom your paste13:14
Kilosoh can you see from my paste what is needed13:14
Kilosyou too clever13:14
melodieit needs deeper research, but that can help13:15
melodieI don't know what the bnep module does and rfcomm has "com" in it.. so it's about it13:16
Kilosmelodie  i have a huawei e220 as well that 12.04 saw fine13:19
Kilosb ut it does random timeouts thats why i got the d-link13:19
melodiepoor Precise will be totally outdated before the end of it's LTS time I fear13:20
melodiehave you tried that huawei with your 14.04 install?13:20
Kiloslol i enjoyed precise13:21
Kilosthe huawei works on 14.04 but times out for no reason13:21
Kilosthe d-link stays online all the time13:21
melodiehave you used that huawei a long time? perhaps it's getting old age issues?13:24
melodieor was it hanging when new also?13:24
Kilosit is old. was given to me13:24
melodiedo you have devices to straighten the power in the house?13:25
Kilosi dont have an income so our community helped me where they could13:25
Kilosi have a ups yes13:25
Kiloswbb need to fetch sheep13:27
melodieI have to quit the computer for a moment13:31
melodieuntil this end of afternoon i think13:31
melodieI'll bbl13:31
Kilosi will be here tonight as well13:32
melodieok !13:33
Kilosim here about 16 hours a day15:05
Kilosotherwise i cant do usa west coast and australia east coast15:06
Kiloswhew elacheche  thats a long time to wait for a meeting15:44
Kilosoh melodie  does it have a network manager15:50
Kilosas long as the nm is easy to setup i can run it and connect via eth and share the network connection with this pc15:51
elachecheKilos, I know that's why I asked for confirmation (I got it) and I added the date to my calender.. Otherwise, do you know that if you have informations in /etc/network/interfaces then nm will not work, you need to have just lo config in that file so nm can manager eth and everything else16:34
Kilosyeah the most important part of a new distro is network manager16:35
Kilosmust be simple and have all the connections easy to set16:35
Kiloslinux needs the internet16:36
Kilosand distros must be made with the ex windows user in mind, not geek types16:39
Kiloseverything must just work16:39
elachecheI'll be online in few hours :) see you guys :)17:04
melodiejust here a few minutes18:15
Kiloswb melodie18:15
melodieKilos there is network-manager and nm-applet indeed!18:15
Kiloswe have time18:15
melodieand if anything is missing for the internet in this rc we will find out and add whatever is needed18:15
Kilosif those work simply ill get things going melodie18:15
Kilosand i can always get you here or the other channel for help18:16
melodieKilos there has been a long time since the people's hardware has not been listed anew in the ubuntu databases, I think it's time to resume doing so, and the coming together of Ubuntu Africa could help doing so!18:16
Kilosyeah lets hope so18:17
melodieKilos yes, chans and if I'm not there, there is the linuxvillage forum with sections in both English and French18:17
Kilosoh yes18:17
Kilosgive me the link again for the testing OS please18:18
Kilosi dont want to get the wrong one and waste data18:18
melodieof course18:20
melodiei686 ? not 64 bits?18:20
Kilos32 bit18:21
melodieand here is the file about your usb modem: http://www.dlink.com/-/media/Consumer_Products/DWM/DWM%20156/Datasheet/DWM%20156_Datasheet_EN_UK.pdf18:22
Kilosand update upgrade commands work right?18:22
melodiethere are other docs here too: http://www.dlink.com/fr/fr/support/product/dwm-156-3-75-hsupa-usb-adapter18:22
melodiedo you mean "do-release-upgrade" ?18:22
melodieor do you mean "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" ?18:23
Kilosapt-get update && upgrade18:23
melodiedon't ever do that18:23
melodiedist-upgrade takes care of the dependencies18:23
Kilosmust that dist-upgrade be used18:23
Kilosand aptitude works?18:24
melodieapt-get upgrade does not take care of the dependencies and it is use in rare circomstances by developers, when they know what they are doing.18:24
melodieI never use aptitude, never know when it's going to be a mess with apt-get18:24
melodiejust use Synaptic18:24
melodieand apt-get if needed18:24
Kilosi love aptitude18:25
Kilosnever messes up with ubuntu and ubuntu18:25
melodieI don't like what is complicated, but, while it's a test version, you can test aptitude18:25
Kilosok lol18:25
melodieyou can tell me if that works well for you but if it doesn't, you can't expect my support on this one as I don't use it18:25
melodienow you should know, that while Bento is a Remix, which means non-official18:26
melodieit is very close to the other Ubuntu versions18:26
Kilosi will first get it going and online before i experiment with aptitude18:27
melodiethere are some descriptions here, if you want to have a look http://linuxvillage.org/en/downloads/18:27
melodieand add programs, it's quite bare18:28
melodiedillo to browse... mousepad, and you can use mc and it's numerous features18:28
Kilosbut if its close to other ubuntus then aptitude should work well with installs and so on18:28
melodieuse mc with the F4 option to edit any file inside the system18:28
Kilosoh my more learning18:29
melodieyou can use it with "sudo mc" without any trouble and once you get used it's so easy you can't believe it18:29
Kiloswhat about nano18:29
melodiemc + F4 allows editing a file, and then it's the same method as in a graphical text editor18:29
melodiejust you use F2 to save, and F10 to quit18:30
melodienano isn't awesome as mcedit and mc is18:30
Kilosok ill look18:30
melodieI have to provide a tutorial to mc, with screenshots and so. I have to do it!18:30
melodieI will! (I don't know when yet :D )18:31
Kiloswhew good luck18:31
melodieI have put up a wiki some time ago18:31
melodienot much in it yet, but that's ready18:31
melodieI must quit now, have a fast dinner, I go to the movie. there is the #2 of "Divergente" out tonight!18:33
melodiea buddy who is in Africa most of the year and in France sometimes, and who participates a lot on the french ubuntu wiki : now knows about your chans and the new website. He is happy to know!18:35
Kilosgood ty18:35
inetproKilos: didn't you say you use 32bits?18:40
inetprois sushi-trusty-rc4-i686 32bits?18:41
Kilosi have that link too18:42
Kilosya didnt she say 64 bit or i68618:42
Kilosinetpro  thats the system they want to supply to schools in africa starting with mali18:51
Kilosso she wants help testing the latest release before thats made available18:52
Kilosor wants help testing before it is release18:53
Kilosinetpro  are you gonna try it?18:56
Kilossigh little old me on my own again19:03
* inetpro has enough to keep him occupied already19:10
stickyboyMe too.19:27
stickyboyBut I'm still meeting with the Ethiopian Linux Users Group tomorrow.19:27
Kiloshave you found tsega19:28
stickyboyKilos: Yah, I saw him today.19:28
Kilosdid you kick his butt19:30
Kilosyou forgot hey19:30
Kiloshow am i supposed to unite africa if you okes sleep all the time19:31
inetproKilos: like installing Kubuntu 15.0419:31
Kilosaw inetpro  now im jealous19:32
Kilosbut melodie needs help19:32
melodieKilos i686 is 32bits and x86_64 is 64bits21:18
Kilosim waiting for midnight to start the download21:18
melodieMalinux is the one ready for Mali (not my doing, a non for profit of my area produces it on a Xubuntu basis)21:19
melodieI am just hosting it so all can get it, the version is 12.04 and we might use something else next time21:19
melodienot sure if it would be Bento, or, maybe something built on Debian which is incredibly light and is starting to come out really, but really beautiful!21:19
Kilosso i just do wget -c http://phillw.net/isos/bento-ubuntu-remix/sushi-trusty-rc4-i686-3.13.0-49-2014.04.2.iso21:19
melodieyes sir, that's the one you want21:20
Kilosand some time i want to look at that light one21:20
melodieand it should use between 130 to 200 MB RAM max when idle after install ;)21:20
Kiloswas it antix21:21
melodieyes of course, if you have a machine with max 1 GB and a very rotten graphic card, that's what you will need21:21
melodieKilos yes! you are a winner!21:21
melodieexactly, antiX MX 14.4 :D21:21
melodiedo you want to see my feedback on that one on their forum?21:22
Kilosbnut ill do bento this month and maybe antix next month21:22
melodiehow many times have you the possibility to download in a month?21:22
Kilosi have 2 g ram21:22
melodieyes you told me, I haven't forgotten21:22
melodieand 2.8 Ghz P4 cpu21:23
melodiewhat for the graphics?21:23
Kilosonly 1g of data to download after midnight21:23
Kilosonboard intel21:23
Kilosoh no old nvidia but not a very good one21:24
melodiewhich one?21:24
melodieold nvidia is often better than old ati btw21:24
melodie"lspci | grep VGA" tells you21:25
Kiloslet me boot it21:26
Kiloshow was your movie21:26
Kilosnv11 geforce2 mx/mx 40021:30
Kilosbut the pc can run 14.04 just slow21:31
Kilosmelodie  ^^21:32
melodieKilos it was nice, thanks!21:34
melodiegeforce 2 isn't that bad21:34
Kilosgod so you smiling21:35
melodiewhich one is the embedded Intel?21:35
melodieI am answering to the buddy who is French/African and wiki documentalist21:35
Kilosi dunno the inetl one but the pc ran better with the nvidia in21:36
Kilostired now but want to start the download then sleep21:37
Kilosim not fit like you21:40
Kilosor young like you21:40
melodiedon't worry21:42
melodieI should be wise as you are, just I'm not and don't go sleep early enough. :D21:43
Kiloswhew im not wise man21:43
Kilosi need you clever peeps to guide me all the time21:43
Kiloswhat does your buddy have to say?21:44
melodiethat I have work waiting on the wiki. /o\ (among other things :D )21:46
Kiloshi ubuntiste-msakni21:46
melodiehi ubuntiste-msakni21:46
melodieKilos do you sometimes meditate at bed time just before sleeping?21:47
Kilosno i just crash21:47
ubuntiste-msaknihi Kilos melodie :D21:47
melodieI do have an idea of a meditation that you might like very much, do you want me to share?21:48
Kilosto meditate you need to be able to focus and concentrate, i battle to do that with this stupid head21:49
melodieKilos wrong21:49
melodieyou don't21:49
Kilosi used to do some yoga but even that doesnt work anymore21:49
Kilosok share21:49
melodieall you have to do is think about a single idea, preferably one which is unuasual to you, let it float gently...21:49
melodiethen you are sleeping21:49
melodiewell the idea is about us, us all FOSS and GNU/Linux and all Free OpenSource distributions from all around the world.21:50
Kiloslol i dont have to think, when i close my eyes im gone21:50
melodieWe can say we mostly all go along well, through all countries, whatever the politics and the borders, we do our best to have it bright and awesome.21:51
melodiethe idea is we should create our own virtual world nation. :D21:51
Kilosyes i agree. politics are bad news21:51
melodiethis is the idea to meditate about !21:51
Kilosok ill try21:52
melodieyes, try ! :-)21:52
Kilosi will, thats the idea of the site and this channel too21:52
melodiejust let the idea float once you are well installed for sleep21:53
Kilosat least the linux peeps will work together21:53
Kilosnight night melodie  sleep tight22:00
Kilosi start download then sleep22:00
Kilosnight all others22:00
ubuntiste-msakninight Kilos22:01
melodieI missed him22:07
melodieubuntiste-msakni lately you told me you need to get more insights about IPSec?22:11
melodieasking the question because I went to read the dsc file from a packages that has for name strongwan, to know what it does22:15
melodieand it's IPSec related22:15
melodie"strongSwan is an OpenSource IPsec solution for the Linux operating system22:16
melodieand currently supports the following features:..."22:16
melodiegood night22:25

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