
amrlimahi, is there a way to add a share widget to a scope? Can the "actions" preview widget be used like that?00:09
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zsombit1mp: karni: I have the feeling the dialog is not shown due to its parent not being set/visible. Remember, the root Item is not yet known by the FW when the topmost component is completed. The QGuiApplication::topLevelWindows() will get the QQuickView listed only after the actual root item's onCompleted is emitted. The timer makes sure the call is after that, so the rootItem is detected and teh dialig sizing-positioning is doable05:18
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dholbachgood morning07:18
akiva-thinkpaddholbach, morning07:18
dholbachhey akiva-thinkpad07:20
justCarakasheey akiva-thinkpad :)07:34
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, oh hey hows it going?07:36
akiva-thinkpadhow goes the html5?07:36
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, are you going to attend the ubuntu online summit?07:36
justCarakasI'm working on a bible app with angular07:38
karnizsombi: t1mp: perhaps it would make sense to have a signal that lets developers know when the UI is actually ready? otherwise, we'll have dozens of timers around the code, and that's really ugly.07:38
justCarakasand my app BE Mobile works again :)07:38
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, ah thats cool !07:39
justCarakasI'm going to try to follow as much as I can from work, but I can't even follow the Q&A's anymore because then Im on my way home because of daylight saving07:39
akiva-thinkpadlol yah tell me about it07:39
akiva-thinkpadthe gang here starts work at 12am my time, and finishes 8 am my time07:39
akiva-thinkpadso if I am actually here, that is indicative of a very upside down sleep schedule :P07:40
akiva-thinkpadmmmm looks like I got a refresh button for autopilot :)07:41
justCarakasakiva-thinkpad: poor you07:41
justCarakasakiva-thinkpad: I was just wondering if I would scrap the new testament from showing could I dubble launch the app as Tanakh app ?07:42
akiva-thinkpadheh now your speaking my language ~07:43
akiva-thinkpadI wish more translations were public domain, as I don't think artscroll is07:43
justCarakastoo bad07:54
justCarakasI wouldn't mind adding a hebrew translation07:54
akiva-thinkpadTell me bout it~07:54
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t1mpzsombi: when we get the functionality that tracks changes in the parent maybe we can use that to show the popover when the root item is detected?08:07
justCarakasanyway akiva-thinkpad if you would find one I would include it :)08:18
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, will keep my open08:18
zsombit1mp: the problem is that we know that the topmost items is the root item only after we get the QQuickWindow. And thereĆ” sno signal which would tell us that now it is set08:33
zsombikarni: ^ also to you08:34
zsombikarni: so the problem si we don't know when that is happening :/08:34
karnizsombi: then we emit a signal down the tree once we get the qquickwindow? a new signal.08:35
zsombikarni: we don't know when we do get that, there's noone telling us, QGuiApplication has no signal which would say08:35
karniCan't believe what I'm hearing. I'm not saying you're right, but I consider these things so basic I'm puzzled we can't do such things propely.08:37
karnilol, I'm not saying you're wrong ;)08:37
karniI totally flipped that hehe08:37
zsombikarni: this is not teh first time this popped up, believe me08:38
karnioh I do believe you08:38
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davidcallebzoltan_, zbenjamin, hey, how can you update an existing qmlproject to a newer template?10:43
bzoltan_davidcalle:  there is no automatic migration tool... you do it manually10:43
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nik90bzoltan_: with the release of ubuntu 15.04, can we expect a 15.04 framework anytime soon with the new APIs?11:06
bzoltan_nik90:  the frameworks are available both from the SDK and on the device11:07
bzoltan_nik90:  and to be honest, the frameworks do not really define the APIs .. they are what is in the release11:07
nik90bzoltan_: true, but without the 15.04-framework, developers cant get to use U.C 1.2?11:10
nik90well glad to see it finally available11:10
bzoltan_nik90:  the framework is there for developers, all you need is a 15.04 device11:11
nik90bzoltan_: yeah now it is..previously there wasn't a 15.04 framework on a 15.04 device. well atleast I remember it complaining about such a framework not recognized11:12
bzoltan_nik90:  Yeps, since then it was fixed11:12
davidcallebzoltan_, so manually... ok, but how?11:14
bzoltan_davidcalle: I would make an empty app from the new template and copy to it the qml files and whatever it needs from the old project. I do not think it takes more than that.11:15
bzoltan_davidcalle:  obviously you will nedd to make the tests for example on your own. But there is no way to magically create tests for an app :)11:16
popeynik90: confirmed, my vivid device has ubuntu-sdk-15.04* frameworks11:16
nik90popey: yup, I just checked as well. Time to get the online docs updated to show all the new stuff finally so that app devs can prepare their apps to use the cool new stuff that landed in the sdk.11:17
* nik90 gets back to his blog post about the sdk11:18
davidcallebzoltan_, no of course, I was just looking for the right steps to migrate. So it would be somethin like : 1) rename you app folder to something else 2) create an app with the same name/appid/whatever with the new template 3) move your qml and .bzr files11:19
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zbenjamindavidcalle: probably it would be enough to move the Makefile over11:59
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karniIt seems QML Label is using font.weight: Font.Light instead of Font.Normal as default (although I'm not seeing that in the source). can someone confirm that? I would also add that font weight is not exposed via property - and if that's by design (for UI consistency), then we're trading that over flexibility, forcing the developer to use Label with font.pixelSize set manually with FontUtils.sizeToPixels(fontSize)12:22
nik90karni: well since QML Label is derived from Qt Text, you should be able to use all the properties that Qt Text offers as well, no?12:24
karnioh, it's actually not *wrapped* in something else, that large doc comment was confusing. nik90, true ;))12:25
karnianyhow, the question about the default holds. light is not very easy/convenient to read.12:26
nik90karni: I think this was a design change a couple of months..cant remember exactly when12:26
nik90I haven't paid too much attention to it because it doesn't affect the readability for me atleast12:28
karninik90: I admitted that user was right in our case https://bugs.launchpad.net/libqtelegram/+bug/143789212:28
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1437892 in libqtelegram "Font used in conversations is too thin" [Medium,In progress]12:28
nik90it seems to be a trend lately going for Font.Light12:28
karniFont.Normal is so much better12:28
karni(in this particular case, at least)12:28
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davidcallezbenjamin, I've tried to move a newer makefile (on several projects) and it consistently fails to build after that.12:58
m-b-opopey o/ Can't connect...13:03
m-b-opopey or no hangout now?13:04
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popeym-b-o: can we do irc?13:09
popey#ubuntu-touch-meeting ?13:09
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nik90aquarius: you about?13:32
aquariusI am13:32
nik90aquarius: one sec, let me share a link13:33
SturmFlutvan QGeoSatelliteInfoSource be used on the phone? Is the implementation connected to the actual GPS backend?14:32
parnstermiaHi, i want to learn how to do a graphical interface for my c++ application, I'd like to use it in linux enviroments, what language, or what should i look in order to do it?14:45
parnstermiai've never done anything like this before14:45
vitimitiI am working on this app: https://launchpad.net/youtube-dl-ubutouch | I need to ship the youtubedl binary I have in the backend folder in the click package and know where it is installed exactly (same place as qmldir) so as to be able to execute it with a QProcess. Can somebody help me with that?15:36
popeyvitimiti: nice16:04
popeyvitimiti: i think some other apps do this with a small c++ plugin16:04
vitimitipopey, thanks, but I can't properly create the package. I was expecting being able to set a dependency for youtube-dl, but click packages don't let me do that16:05
popeyyou need to ship your binary inside the click16:05
vitimitiThis is my problem, I don't seem to be able to handle that properly, it's already inside the project, and I don't know where I should install it in the system or how to do so, either16:07
popeyi dont know, maybe ask on the G+ community16:11
vitimitiI'll try that, popey, thanks16:12
vitimitipopey, can you tell me where this G+ community is? I can't find it, I don't use G+ that much16:35
DanChapmanvitimiti: https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/11135078027092554054916:40
vitimitiThank you, DanChapman16:40
renatucharles, what is the state of silo 8?17:06
vitimitiI want to install an i386 emulator to try my app, I see there are many versions for it, like devel, proposed, etc. What should I should if I'm using a qmake project?17:23
nik90vitimiti: ^^17:24
vitimitinik90, thank you17:24
rickspencer3anyone know what happened to the devices tab in 15.04?17:50
rickspencer3in QtCreator, I mean17:50
DanChapmanrickspencer3: i still have it on the left tab bar17:51
rickspencer3thanks DanChapman17:51
rickspencer3the PPA was probably uninstalled when I upgraded or something17:52
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juzzlinIs there anyone who would be able to fix this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtcreator-plugin-cmake/+bug/129944121:44
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1299441 in qtcreator-plugin-cmake (Ubuntu) "Regression: Qt Creator cannot run the executable" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:44
josharensonMy application is reporting NetworkingStatus.online as always true. Any reason that might be the case?21:46
josharensonSeems to work on mobile. There are several bad bugs that I only see on desktop though.21:49
vitimitiThe i386 devel proposed emulator is never telling the SDK if it's connected or not or if it has the developer mode enabled or not. Is this a known issue or is it that I have to wait even more? I've been waiting several hours already23:10

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