
dholbachgood morning07:18
davidcallemorning dholbach07:46
dholbachsalut davidcalle07:51
dpmmorning all!07:51
dholbachhey dpm07:51
davidcallehey dpm07:51
dpmhi guys07:51
dpmdavidcalle, dholbach, just a heads up if you see changes: I did some fixes to the webcam snappy guide last night after trying it on my bbb - it seems asac was using a locally-installed app rather than the one from the store, so the instructions didn't quite work07:53
dholbachdpm, good work - thanks a lot07:53
elfymorning everybods07:53
dpmwell, you guys did all the work!07:53
dpmmorning elfy07:53
davidcalledpm, yes, instructions were supposed to be updates once the package was available, thanks for taking care of it!07:54
dpmah, cool07:54
balloonsmhall119, what's up with the IS ticket to get AP docs onto d.u.c?15:01
mhall119balloons: is staging15:11
mhall119data is importing fine, the image uploading to swift failed due to missing proxy env vars which I've fixed in r107 and sent back to webops to update staging15:12
mhall119balloons: with luck that'll make staging 100% done and monday we can go to production15:12
balloonsmhall119, ack, keep me updated. fingers crossed15:19
balloonshave a good flight back, whenever that is :-)15:19
dholbachHave a fantastic weekend everyone and enjoy the release celebrations!15:37
dholbachI'll be back on Tuesday.15:37
* dholbach hugs everyone!15:37
mhall119balloons: I fly out tomorrow AM, will be back to work on Monday morning15:37
* belkinsa hugs dholbach back15:38
mhall119dholbach: have a good one15:38
balloonshugs dholbach !15:38
dpmwarming up the engines for UOS http://davidplanella.org/announcing-the-next-ubuntu-online-summit, help spreading the word appreciated!16:52
dpmhave a good weekend everyone, and safe flights mhall11917:45
silverliongood evening everybody18:31
silverlionI've got a question regarding upcoming UOS. Is there a chance to have a look behind the scenes to get a feeling how much work it is to get things done there?18:34
knomeelfy, hear here!19:43
knomei'm interested in the bottom of the page stuff...19:43
knomeregarding that, is https://rt.ubuntu.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=20596 still really a valid ticket, or can it be closed?19:43
elfythat can be closed19:45
knomeok, thanks19:45
knomeelfy, i'm basically marking the slowness stuff from 2011-2012 as "to be closed" too, since they are... old19:45
knomethey will need new correspondence anyway19:45
knomeor if you rather keep those open.. that's fine as well :)19:46
elfyforum ones's we'll be cc'd to - or should be, if I see one marked as this should be closed and it shouldn't I'll comment :)19:46
knomeelfy, ok, great ;)19:47
knomeelfy, what about 20761?19:47
knomeelfy, and 20776, which is supposed to be fixed?19:48
elfy20761 that's not done with19:48
elfyother's have taken precedence19:48
elfy761 should be ok19:49
knomehalfway through the general queue D:19:49
knomewait, that too? :)19:49
elfy19790 is not going to happen19:50
knomei'm updating the pad, feel free to fix the descriptions if you see fit19:51
silverlionevening elfy19:51
silverliono/ knome19:51
elfyhi silverlion19:51
pleia2thanks for your help, elfy19:51
elfypleia2: welcome :)19:52
knomeyep, thank you both elfy and pleia2 :)19:52
knomeelfy, is 21156 still something you wish to happen?19:53
elfynot sure off the top of my head19:53
elfyyes - we still get issues with that19:54
knomewell read it you silly :)19:54
knomeok, i'll not list that then19:54
pleia2any that are annoying to be outstanding we can add to the top of the doc19:54
elfyho ho ho ;)19:55
knomeyep too19:55
pleia2then we can prioritize them from there (the SSO one is actually causing us to lose contributors, so that's bad)19:55
knomepleia2, you mean any that aren't listed in the bottom of the wiki? :P19:55
elfy25642 is just being ignored19:56
* pleia2 goes to grab some lunch19:57
knomebon appetit19:57
silverlionpleia2: have a good one ;)19:57
knomeelfy, 22008 good or still open?19:58
elfycan't tell without logging into the control panel and trying - then I'd need to let it run ...19:59
elfyleave it open19:59
knomenot that there are many forums tickets...20:00
elfywell - if we could do stuff there wouldn't need to be ;)20:00
knomeelfy, 23300?20:01
elfyadd that to the this is really annoying pile20:02
elfyand 24227 should be added to the if SSO on the forum is about security - why do moderators have to have their passwords set by someone else pile20:02
elfyanything newer that's open - should be open20:04
knomejust figured out i'm not really interested at the loco queue...20:21

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