
pleia2btw, sent another followup regarding the convoluted process new contributors need to go through to log into the help.u.c./community wiki, last update was in february where balloons said it would be made a priority but that "is not a quick fix."18:51
* balloons just looked at that RT again18:52
balloonsrecently to remind myself18:52
knomeand any other community service.18:52
pleia2we appreciate that18:52
pleia2yeah, loco.ubuntu.com suffers from this too18:52
balloonswell I wish I could actually fix it for you..18:52
* balloons ducks back out18:52
pleia2I have to tell people to contact me directly to RSVP to events if they can't log in to RSVP to the site, that's typically about half the attendees18:53
pmatulispleia2: i'm not up-to-date on this problem.  is it documented somewhere?19:01
pleia2pmatulis: pretty much the fact that we have to have this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiGuide/Registration19:05
pleia2pmatulis: very few users find it, or have the patience to go through it, so they just give up and leave without contributing19:05
pleia2some end up coming in here to ask, and it usually takes 20-30 minutes of debugging to finally get them logged in19:05
pleia2it all came about because IS merged Launchpad SSO with Ubuntu SSO without understanding the implications for our services19:06
pleia2it's been over a year since I submitted the ticket19:06
pmatulisit's the first time i hear of it but i do recall seeing some posts on ubuntu-doc about it19:07
* pleia2 nods19:07
pmatulispleia2: so no bug to track then, that's unfortunate19:07
pleia2pmatulis: the RT ticket is 2429719:08
pleia2I can dig up the doc team bug report, but IS only pays attention to tickets so there isn't any info there19:08
pmatulispleia2: i cannot access that RT.  maybe i'm not looking in the right place19:10
knomepmatulis, rt.ubuntu.com19:10
pleia2pmatulis: you should be able to log in with your Ubuntu SSO at rt.ubuntu.com19:10
pleia2from there, go to https://rt.ubuntu.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=2429719:10
pmatulisgot it19:11

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