
=== len is now known as Guest90905
=== StrvnMrvn is now known as Strvn|Away
=== len is now known as Guest18179
=== croppa_ is now known as croppa
=== Strvn|Away is now known as StrvnMrvn
StrvnMrvninstalled gcdemu in mythbuntu-14.04.2-lts via PPA and apt reported no problems however15:00
StrvnMrvnwhen launching from the menu, no GTK gui opens. just nada15:01
StrvnMrvnps -A | grep emu gives 'gcdemu' and cdemu-daemon' as running procs15:03
StrvnMrvni'm guessing the PPA build isn't taking into account an xfce environment15:03
StrvnMrvnnot sure what to check next15:04
tgm4883StrvnMrvn: what is gcdemu?15:04
StrvnMrvnVirtualCD for linux15:04
tgm4883why do you need a virtualcd for linux?15:05
StrvnMrvnsetting it up for a normal user15:05
StrvnMrvnerrr, non-linux user15:05
tgm4883for isos?15:05
StrvnMrvnand such15:05
tgm4883a normal user can't right click and mount?15:06
StrvnMrvnit handles a huge spectrum of formats15:06
StrvnMrvnvia libMirage15:07
StrvnMrvnlike the old CDRwin bin/cue, etc15:08
tgm4883StrvnMrvn: ok, but why are you asking for support for that in here? Do they not have support?15:09
StrvnMrvnhe's got a large collection of images from times past, coming from Win15:09
StrvnMrvnthere's a cdemu maillist, they support source builds only. not seeing a support channel for the PPA builder15:10
StrvnMrvnthought i'd check in here seeing as this knowledge pool for buntu/xfce would be higher15:11
tgm4883well that doesn't mean that we'll support it here. My suggestion would be to try running it from the command line and seeing if there are any errors. I doubt it's "not taking xfce into account"15:11
StrvnMrvntried that, no helpful output from the cli15:13
tgm4883try converting all of them to ISO?15:13
StrvnMrvnsome need to stay the way they are. bin/cues lose meta, etc15:14
StrvnMrvnbut thx for the input. i know i'm going off the reservation here. just thought i'd give it a shot15:14
StrvnMrvnfwiw, right-click brings 'open with gcdemu' as an option and mounts so he'll live with that15:37
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