
knightwisemorning diddledan06:34
knightwisehow are you doin06:35
diddledangood good here06:36
knightwisesame here , working on some lectures I'm gonna have to give next month06:36
knightwiseOne about the use of cloud solutions for the construction industy and one about the use of social media for small retail business.06:37
knightwisealways a challenge to make the presentations very 'practical'06:38
diddledansounds interesting06:38
diddledanthe social media one would intrigue me06:39
diddledanI have a bit of a soft spot for retail-related issues06:39
knightwiseI have a background in social studies so my approach to the social media stuff from the communications point of view.06:39
knightwiseyou only control the intention of your communication, never the interpretation06:40
knightwiseI always say : an IT guy telling you about social media is like a construction worker telling you about ballet06:40
knightwiseand retail ... Well that is a challenge :)06:40
knightwiseA lot of the freelance consulting I do has to do with retail (and the hard times they are having)06:41
knightwiseAnd its more then pure IT consulting . Sometimes its a mix between sociology, economics and IT ... :) Challenging stuff but oh-so-interesting06:42
knightwiseSo i'm using Freemind to map out the presentations06:47
knightwisethen I use post its to organise my slides06:48
knightwiseand then I make the slide presentation and look for images and examples06:48
knightwiseall cross platform .. except for keynote06:48
knightwisejust wish i had some command line tool to do some rough outlining06:54
knightwisei love the CLI for the pure pleasure that it is distraction free06:55
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
AzelphurAny openvpn wizards? I've followed this https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-an-openvpn-server-on-ubuntu-14-04 and got openvpn running, I can connect to it using network-manager, it connects successfully but I can't get any traffic through it, all traffic is dropped at the first hop and never makes it to the internet :(07:56
knightwiseI use sshuttle for my vpn :( Wish i could help you out08:07
diddledanAzelphur: there's a sysctl and you might need to tweak your nat firewall table08:17
diddledansomething like that08:18
davmor2Morning all08:18
diddledanthe sysctl is commented-out in /etc/sysctl.conf08:18
Azelphurdiddledan, pretty sure I did that,  it's in that document08:19
Azelphuryea, /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward is 108:20
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:21
diddledanwhat does iptables -tnat -L FORWARD say?08:21
Azelphurbrobostigon, afternoon :p08:21
brobostigonmorning Azelphur :)08:22
Azelphurdiddledan, no chain/target/match by that name08:22
Azelphurbrobostigon, well, 01:22 :P08:22
Azelphurdiddledan, I used ufw, does ufw modify iptables rules?08:22
diddledanyou don't have the relevant iptables module loaded then, mayhaps08:22
brobostigonAzelphur: good point, :)08:23
diddledanyes ufw is a front-end to iptables08:23
Azelphurwonder what module I would need08:23
Azelphurif that is even the problem08:23
diddledanyou want the nat module (I forget what it's called)08:23
diddledanipt_nat maybe?08:24
Azelphurhow would I load it?08:24
Azelphurdon't know my iptables foo :P08:24
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
Azelphurlooks like I already have iptable_nat loaded08:29
Azelphuryay, another massive long doc to read lol08:31
AzelphurI think I'll call it a night and attack it again tomorrow maybe08:31
foobarryscroll down to iptables rules08:33
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday and happy Teach Your Children to Save Day! :-D08:34
Azelphuryea, I'll wanna read through that first though since I really don't wanna loose access to this machine while I'm in LA :)08:34
diddledansave the world?08:34
diddledansave the whales?08:34
diddledansave the rainforests?08:34
diddledansave the last dance?08:34
AzelphurIn thanks for your assistance, I present to you a photo I took today of Americas hilarious attempt to do Fish and Chips. https://www.dropbox.com/s/nsyljlgcqwkr1om/2015-04-23%2021.15.58.jpg?dl=008:36
foobarryis that real08:36
Azelphuryes, it is real08:36
foobarryso so wrong08:36
diddledandid you request it or was it actually a menu item?08:36
Azelphurit was actually a menu item, my boss requested it08:37
diddledanthat's just .. no words!08:37
diddledanwhat flavour were the crisps?08:37
JamesTaitdiddledan, save the cheerleader!08:37
Azelphurdiddledan, not sure lol08:38
diddledanJamesTait: you, sir, deserve to win the internet with that response08:38
AzelphurThis was in Dave and Busters, Irvine Spectrum, CA, USA :P08:38
JamesTaitdiddledan, happy to be of service. :-P08:39
foobarrydid you educate them as to the error of teir ways?08:40
diddledanin related news, I hear they're doing a spinoff of heros?08:40
foobarryoh no08:41
foobarryis it called x-men?08:41
Azelphurfoobarry, no I just sat there giggling08:43
JamesTaitdiddledan, I didn't know that. Do you have details? I might start watching TV again for that.08:46
Azelphuranyway bedtime, adios folks08:46
diddledanJamesTait: last I heard they'd signed up the guy with the horn-rimmed specs (noah?)08:51
diddledanmini being 13 episodes08:52
foobarrythere is nothing new in US TV08:52
foobarrysame old churn08:52
JamesTaitdiddledan, right, Noah. Might be worth a watch.08:54
JamesTaitdiddledan, thanks for that.08:54
JamesTaitfoobarry, I wholeheartedly agree, but I think you can drop the US part - there's just nothing new in TV lately.08:55
foobarryi watched nathan barley yesterday for the first time08:56
foobarryi was off work unwell08:56
foobarryit didn't help08:56
foobarrysomething about it made me feel sick08:56
JamesTaitdiddledan, the 16-second trailer doesn't give anything away, does it? :-P08:57
foobarryhave you seen that game called after the rapture08:58
foobarrydone by the dear esther ppl08:58
knightwisecurrently watching Arrow and just finished elementary09:04
knightwiseits the only superhero thing I can stand09:05
diddledanI know lucy liu doubles as a secret agent in charlie's angels but I'm not sure even with that history qualifies as elementary being superhero09:08
knightwisemental superhero :)09:16
knightwiseI watched the first episode of daredevil09:22
knightwisenot impressed09:22
diploI didn't mind it09:29
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
knightwiseI never liked daredevill either so .. it might be that09:30
ujjainis there anything I can do to prevent mucus production? it seems just crazy right now, so much, i have a cold obviously, but have to clean my nose eveyr 5min09:57
popeythere's medications you can take to dry your nose09:59
davmor2ujjain: it might be hayfever10:03
ujjainI don't know, I think I was too opstimistic going outside10:03
ujjainnot dressed too much, seeing sun10:03
ujjainI get colds so easily10:03
davmor2ujjain: try some 1 a day antihistamine10:03
ujjaindo they sell that in a supermarket?10:04
davmor2ujjain: yeap just look for the hayfever tablets,  there are 2 types loza<something>10 mg and citrizine-<something> 10mg as the active ingredient they are pretty cheap so I would get a pack of each to figure out which is the one that works best for you.10:06
davmor2ujjain: just one a day though10:07
ujjainyeah sure,10:07
ujjainwe have a tesco near work I think, i'll search for it and try to get something like that, just 1 yeah10:08
davmor2ujjain: cetirizine and loratadine are the 2 chemicals10:09
davmor2I was close10:09
davmor2ujjain: you might want to look at this and see if it matches your symptoms though http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allergic_rhinitis10:09
davmor2ujjain: that the type yes10:10
ujjainI don't get outside much, I do have colds very often,10:10
davmor2ujjain: hayfever gives you the same kinda symptoms as a cold but it just keeps lasting and tends to be worse on dry days and windy days, rainy days will lower the pollen count,  It tends to kick in now and last till september-ish10:12
ujjainthanks by the way for thinking a long10:12
ujjainwell, it's just that I woke up today and yesterday at few times having to clean my nose, bit tricky sleeping again and now will spend 2-3 days traveling10:12
ujjainso if I could do anything to relief it, would be great10:13
ujjainthe volume of mucus is insane, clean nose, reproduction very high10:13
davmor2ujjain: try it, you'll know within an hour or so if it has worked10:13
ujjainhttp://www.tesco.com/groceries/product/details/?id=282027318 orhttp://www.tesco.com/groceries/Product/Details/?id=26273698410:14
ujjainLoratadine, the least potent, but dirt cheap. Cetirizine, almost as cheap, more potent, also good in colds etc., but more sedative. Fexofenadine, potent, least sedative, but the most expensive (for now).10:17
ujjainok, on my way to tesco for cetrizine10:19
ujjaincheers and thanks davmor210:19
knightwisegrrr .. finding a good cloud-based app to do mindmaps and that IS cross compatible with multiple operating systems is hard :)10:21
davmor2knightwise: https://www.mindmup.com/#m:new don't know if it any use10:24
davmor2knightwise: I think this is the one I was looking for though https://www.mindmeister.com/10:24
knightwiseyep took a look at mindmup . Its pretty ok :) I found out how to save the documents in google drive10:35
knightwisemindmeister has a good mobile client10:36
knightwisebut you can only make about 2 mindmaps with them10:36
knightwisei'm currently working on 4 different presentations/workshops so ...10:36
zmoylan-piwell you could have all 4 mind maps centred around you as a focal point in one BIG mind map :-)10:39
davmor2knightwise: mindmeister is the one I'd used previously I guess you have to pay for more than 2 then right?10:40
knightwisecorrect :) ... And i'm too much of a scrooge for that :p10:43
davmor2knightwise: well these guys have to keep their staff paid some how ;)10:49
zmoylan-pipost-its and close all the windows and turn off any fans for the cheap version...10:57
davmor2knightwise: imgurl is free, just take photos/screenshots of the mind maps and post them there ;)11:00
knightwisedavmor2: erm ... they are my intellectual copyright :)11:04
knightwisei can also just take screenshots and keep them on local storage .11:04
knightwisethe mind maps are the "scaffolding" for the eventual presentations11:04
davmor2knightwise: then pay and protect it damn it ;)11:04
knightwiseLOL :11:05
knightwiseI have figured out how to do it with mindmup11:05
knightwisei save them on my google drive and open them from there11:05
zmoylan-pibut that would be such a precedent. probably need to go and pay for winzip if you did that... :-)11:05
davmor2knightwise: fair enough :)11:05
davmor2zmoylan-pi: and then next the operating system that you use11:06
* zmoylan-pi stands up and says 'i'm a freeloading gobdaw and proud of it!!' :-)11:06
knightwiseThat WOULD shock the internets11:12
knightwisepaying for winzip !11:12
diddledanpkzip ftw!11:15
diddledanI wonder why nobody has released a zip program called "zippy zip zip"11:17
popeyi found an old cd backup I'd burned in 1997, which contained all collection of compression tools11:17
popeyarj, lharc, pkzip, pkarc etc11:17
diddledanarj and lharc, now those are esoteric11:17
zmoylan-pifirst one i used was pak11:18
davmor2popey: no cpio?11:18
diddledancpio is still useful for initrds11:19
popeyno, i didnt have cpio or tar back then11:20
davmor2popey: slacker ;)11:21
diddledanyey for issue reply - I wrote: "please test the kahunas out of this - while it seems to be working for me, I'm unconvinced due to the relative ease it seemed to be to get it to do <feature> - I'm perfectly willing to accept that I'm a genius though ;-)."11:25
zmoylan-pii suspect if i search this system i'll find pkzip 2.04g exe somewhere on it... :-)11:27
knightwiseWinrar ftw è11:28
awilkinsBah : lvmcache doesn't work on root partition (well, it does, but you can never boot it again...)  : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lvm2/+bug/142379611:36
lubotu3`Ubuntu bug 1423796 in lvm2 (Ubuntu) "Unable to mount lvmcache root device at boot time" [High,Confirmed]11:36
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
foobarryi thought chrome was sandboxed and never crashed the whole app? thats gubbins12:44
zmoylan-pihmm dropbox now seem to want me to sign in just to download a file from link sent.  that's... annoying12:45
foobarryalmost as bad as pinterest12:45
zmoylan-pienough to make me stop using the12:45
davmor2ujjain: how are you feeling now?12:56
ujjainmy nose is clearer, still high mocus production, but it's better12:56
ujjainhehe thanks12:56
diddledanyey, pay's gone-in13:48
diddledanI has money13:48
diddledany'all aren't getting any of it tho! :-p13:49
MartijnVdSdiddledan: aww pwease13:52
MartijnVdS*puppy-dog eyes*13:52
* diddledan sets aboutpaying bills13:53
zmoylan-piand taking MartijnVdS to vet?13:53
foobarryhello MartijnVdS don't hear from you much nowadays13:55
foobarrynew job?13:55
MartijnVdSlots of busy at work13:55
MartijnVdSyeah, new job since.. 1.5 years now 8-)13:55
diddledanphoo that's the accountancy stuff done14:23
diddledandoing the books is a pain14:23
daftykinsthat reminds me, i'm still in denial about doing last years tax return14:40
diddledando you get until january to file it?14:40
daftykinswell, they've not actually finalised 2013's yet =/14:43
daftykinsour gov is majorly behind14:43
daftykinsi think they usually say April odd14:44
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
diddledanon the mainland we have tax-year ending somewhen around the first week of april and then for self-assessment income tax you have until january 31st to file your return14:51
zmoylan-piyou couldn't expect accountants to do paperwork with christmas party hangover and photocopiers still broken from same party :-)14:52
diddledanzmoylan-pi: yeah photocopier breakage is commonplace I hear, due to bottom-scanning14:53
zmoylan-piand people are getting bigger14:53
zmoylan-piand booze is getting cheaper14:53
daftykinssurely it isn't...14:54
diddledantories just reduce beer tax14:55
zmoylan-piwell if you count the toilet duck knockoffs at aldi and lidl :-)14:55
daftykinsheh, those shops don't exist down here14:55
daftykinsi was really blown away stepping into one in Portsmouth though, feels like you're walking into somewhere in Europe14:56
davmor2daftykins: wash your mouth out ;)14:56
diddledanI visited spain back around 1999 and one shop had straw on the floor14:57
diddledanI think they decided against normal flooring14:57
zmoylan-piyou walk in for some cornflakes and leave with a cheap arc welder as well :-)14:57
diddledanzmoylan-pi: I'm not sure that's what it's meant for14:58
zmoylan-piyeah, i don't like their knock off cornflakes either :-D14:58
diddledanI mean yes technically the extension cord can be used to weld things due to it's shoddy craftmanship but it's not actually a real arc0welder14:58
awilkinsOk : trying to set up a VM with both  i) LUKS and ii) lvmcache16:05
awilkinsHave a feeling I'm layering it the wrong way16:05
awilkinsWhat I'm doing at present is installing Vivid with encryption on, then applying lvmcache16:06
awilkinsIt refuses to boot16:06
awilkinsForming a plan16:10
bashrcupgraded to 15.04 final release, but wifi now seems to be dropping out at random16:26
bashrcthe driver is rt61pci16:26
awilkinsInstalled Synaptic in 15.04. The quick filter box has gone.16:34
* awilkins has a big strop16:35
awilkinsOh, ok, an apt-get update and a restart has fixed it16:36
elfyI remember thinking that a couple of cycles ago16:37
awilkinsI was thinking "WHat have those crazy GNOME devs done now?"16:37
awilkinsSIMPLIFIED UI16:37
awilkinsIT'S FOR YOUR OWN GOOD16:37
awilkinsOk, so trying to do lvmcache / dm-cache on no-encryption Ubuntu didn't work either16:41
awilkinsSo I'm doing something wrong16:41
awilkinsFollowing the instructions for Debian Jessie that people helpfully posted like this one : http://www.bradfordembedded.com/2015/03/lvmcache/16:41
awilkinsOh, ok16:42
awilkins"Incompatible libdevmapper and kernel driver"16:43
bashrctrying a different wifi adaptor, rt73usb, otherwise it's annoying to have the network drop out every few minues16:51
bashrconly seems to happen on 15.0416:52
davmor2awilkins: you are following a debian plan and expecting it to just work on Ubuntu how crazy are you ;)16:54
bashrcwell ubuntu is just debian with some fancy UI :)16:56
bashrcheh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1m71msel2Q17:02
bashrcit's not rolling release afaik17:04
diddledanbashrc: I really despise those videos17:15
daftykinsdiddledan: you're gonna love this, hostpapa got back to my mate about the cookie.js file17:17
diddledanoh yeah?17:17
daftykinsthey're asking for... *drumroll* his home IP to unblock via mod_security or some such 0o17:17
diddledanhow will that help for random visitors?17:18
daftykinsindeed. plus we're on dynamic IPs over here17:18
daftykinsi'm starting to think he should move to a competent host / VPS17:18
diddledandoes everyone who wants to see his site have to know ahead of time to tell hostpapa that they're dropping-by?17:18
daftykinsonly if they want to log in and see the menu it seems :D17:19
diddledan_t'other pc is going down in a mo for yesterday evening's win10 build install17:25
bashrcwell the network is still up, I suspect there may be some kernel driver snafu with my other adaptor17:27
* bashrc resumes battle with emacs17:29
diddledanis it april the 1st? http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2015/04/nasa-may-have-accidentally-developed-a-warp-drive/17:31
ali1234why does "ubuntu-bug krita" report a bug against calligra?17:33
ali1234what even is calligra?17:33
diddledan_calligra is a drawing prog?17:34
elfykde office suite afaik17:34
diddledan_and we're in the reboot loop17:46
diddledan_(win10 install)17:46
diddledan_"your pc needs to restart several times.........."17:46
daftykinswith the circular %?17:48
diddledan_"sit back and relax"17:48
daftykinslul mates hosting co. came back again "please give us your IP to check and disable the rules"17:48
daftykinsthey won't even explain themselves 0o17:49
diddledan_they suck17:49
daftykinsi think he's understanding why he's paying so little now17:49
diddledan_it seems to be the sanest option to find a small outfit who'll admin a vps for you which is entirely dedicated to you17:49
ali1234what do you mean "explain themselves"17:50
ali1234it's a very simple request17:50
daftykinsas to why they're blocking a single .js file on my mates site17:50
daftykinsit 404s when you try to view it :)17:50
daftykinsyou not seen a 404 before? :P17:51
diddledan_it really is there17:53
diddledan_we've verified that the file exists (well, daftykins did)17:53
daftykinsso what i'm saying is his host does not explain why they block a single file17:53
ali1234they don't17:54
ali1234it's mod_security17:54
ali1234they told you that17:54
daftykinsi feel like you're just slicing hairs really17:54
daftykinsand oddly they're asking my mate for his home IP which isn't going to solve much for someone on dynamic17:54
diddledan_or random bypassers17:54
ali1234they want to whitelist him to see if it fixes the problem17:55
diddledan_it's a public file whose lack of oading breaks the site17:55
ali1234they want to whitelist him in mod_security which is part of drupal and therefore technically not their problem17:55
daftykinsi don't see why it's setup to be blocked at all17:55
diddledan_mod_security is NOT part of drupal17:55
diddledan_mod_security is an apache thing17:56
ali1234seems to me that they've gone above and beyond to try to solve the problem in the software that your mate chose, and all you can do is slag them off for it?17:56
ali1234diddledan so it is17:56
ali1234then i guess their site is just plain broken17:56
daftykinsnot sure why you're so quick to defend them17:56
ali1234same reason that you're quick to attack them?17:57
daftykinswell no because there's been a lengthy to and fro between him and the host already17:57
ali1234but probably because i have too much experience dealing with the mess caused by people installing CMS systems that they have no idea how to use17:57
daftykinsyou're attempting to judge on limited information which is a little strange to be honest17:57
daftykinsheh, well that's a given here because he is new to it and i did warn against this approach17:58
ali1234https://www.drupal.org/node/522646 lol17:59
ali1234get a better host18:00
daftykinsgiven it's a mates issue i hadn't even considered searching about it, in fact he'd already posted the issue to their support forum afaiui18:00
ali1234if you're feeling bored give them your IP and then complain it doesn't work on your friends computer18:02
ali1234repeat until you or they get fed up18:02
zmoylan-pithe people they hire on tech support these days aren't smart enough to get fed up.  otherwise they'd never show up to work :-P18:04
diddledan_so the upstream fixed it 4 years ago. wtf out-dated operating system and ruleset version are hostpapa running?!18:04
diddledan_I'm betting they're using Red Hat 7.318:06
daftykinsali1234: well, thanks for sharing that :D18:06
daftykinshmm i could ask him to ask on the next reply18:06
ali1234diddledan i doubt they paid for it. it will be centos18:06
diddledan_(7.3 is circa 1999)18:06
diddledan_ali1234: no, they're running pre-centos18:07
ali1234i kind of doubt that too18:07
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ali1234did upstream (mod_security) really fix it?18:08
ali1234drupal can't fix it, they can only provide a workaround18:08
diddledan_according to that thread18:08
ali1234i can't see where it says that18:09
ali1234every single offsite link in the thread is broken18:09
ali1234yeah that 404s18:10
daftykinstrust him to find an issue tbh :D18:11
diddledan_well 5 years is a long time to keep a url in-sync (though I'm a proponent of always ensuring urls point in the right place via redirects on obsolete addresses)18:11
diddledan_so I went ahead and plundered my piggy bank for 3 new 3TB drives18:13
diddledan_couldn't quite justify 4TB ones18:14
diddledan_plus. amazon were out of stock of 4TB REDs18:14
diddledan_gonna have a fun sunday afternoon replacing one drive at a time18:15
diddledan_(I went for the delivery tomorrow)18:15
diddledan_I accidentally matched them with a set of ECC rams, per m0nkey_'s insistence18:16
zmoylan-pinow you just need to set up the laser beams and bells attached to trip wires to prevent the 'while you were out cards' ninja deliveries...18:17
daftykinsthat's a good idea when there's no proper funky RAID setup18:17
daftykinsugh i dobbed in the postie at my parents place when one did that18:17
daftykinsring the doorbell and RUN!18:17
zmoylan-piwhy is the postman standing on the road 10foot from house with a long pointy stick...18:17
diddledan_zmoylan-pi: long pointy sticks ftw18:18
* diddledan_ waves his long pointy stick in all your faces18:18
daftykinsyou may mean the finglonger - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_P1bu4HUAMs18:18
zmoylan-pino the finglonger involves the deaths of too many, the long pointy stick is good enough :-P18:19
diddledan_should I put the lasers on sharks' heads (for the interception of delivery guys)18:20
zmoylan-pionly if you can arrange a trip wire that drops them on the delivery guy without voiding the warranty of the drives been delivered...18:21
diddledan_good point18:21
diddledan_now I'm stuck in a quandry18:21
zmoylan-pionce you add sharks it's hard to make the warranties survive g shock or moisture exposure...18:21
zmoylan-piand of course explosions of scube gear18:22
diddledan_yeah, but without the sharks the delivery guy gets away18:22
zmoylan-piperhaps squid are more grabby...18:22
diddledan_that's a good thought18:22
zmoylan-piand the massive tentacles wrapped around front door won't give the game away. a simple plant card saying it's squid ivy...18:23
m0nkey_diddledan_, motherboard and cpu support ECC I hope.18:24
diddledan_m0nkey_: according to the guaranteed compatibility on crucial's selector wizard18:25
diddledan_if not I'll ljust send it back and claim my refund18:25
davmor2diddledan: www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDW0ZnZxjn418:26
m0nkey_what CPU?18:28
m0nkey_ah, you'll be okay then18:29
m0nkey_a buddy of mine has one with ECC18:30
diddledan_first gen 8core thingy18:30
m0nkey_welcome to the ECC master race18:30
daftykinsooh they've disabled the mod_security rule18:31
diddledanand windows 10 is running18:40
zmoylan-pifor /levels/ of 'running' :-P18:40
diddledangotta install a firmware update by the looks - brb - this one will (should) be mucho quicker..o18:42
* zmoylan-pi starts betting pool on how long...18:42
* zmoylan-pi pays the winner18:44
* diddledan fires up spartan18:45
diddledanlooks like they fixed the favourites-bar misalignment18:45
zmoylan-piaroo!! \o/18:46
diddledanthere's two bugs filed18:49
diddledanand another19:01
daftykinsdiddledan: did y'see i mentioned they unblocked it now and all works \o/ so you win teh prize!20:11
daftykinsalso, no specific OS info exactly, but he screenshot me his cpanel which refers to a 2.6.32 kernel20:12
daftykinsand apache 2.2.2920:12
diddledanoh golly20:12
diddledanat least the kernel is in the .6 series and not the .4 :-p20:12
ali1234so centos 6 then20:13
daftykinsit did seem to have lv in the kernel name if that's any clue20:15
daftykinsoh lve20:15
daftykinscloudlinux? 0o20:16
foobarrypopey: http://support.lenovo.com/us/en/documents/hf00412220:30
foobarrybattery recall on lots of thinkpad20:30
foobarrysecond link not necessary, just lenovo20:31
directhex_10 has a usable music app20:32
directhex_8 does not20:32
directhex_i'm talking to scrollback ¬_¬20:32
diddledandirecthex_: oops20:35
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AzelphurAnyone know anything about running a virtual machine with either Ubuntu Touch or Android as the host?23:20
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