
nhainespleia2: I've only been to countries that grant automatic visas.  :)00:42
ianorlinhmm linux.conf.au seems interesting but I don't know how I would do in an airplane00:43
ianorlinand fosdem had lots of talks but not many good recordings :(00:51
nhainesianorlin: airplanes are boring.  They're like busses except faster.01:01
nhainesThe problem with going to Australia is that you're in the airplane for like 20 hours.01:01
ianorlinhmm manpages.ubuntu.com isn't up for 15.04 yet20:29
Roguehorsesent this to my boss https://youtu.be/f8Co37GO2Fc20:57
darthrobot[R: www.youtube.com] Title: [Enabling students in a digital age: Charlie Reisinger at TEDxLancaster - YouTube]20:57

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